Surgical Pathology | 14th Emirates Pathology, Digital Pathology & Cancer Conference

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</div> </div> <div class="col-lg-12" > <figure class="singleServices-global mb-24 d-flex" > <div class="event-img imgEffect me-4" style="max-width: 20%;"> <img src="" alt="Track 1 Pathology"data-animation=""data-delay=""/> </div> <figcaption class="eventCaption flex-grow-1" style="padding: 10px;"> <h3><a href="" class="tittle">Track 1: Pathology</a></h3> <p class="pera" href=""><p><span style="font-weight:bolder;">Call for Abstract/ Research Paper:<br>Sub Tracks: Pathology, pathology lab, pathology diagnosis, pathology...</p> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="col-lg-12" > <figure class="singleServices-global mb-24 d-flex" > <div class="event-img imgEffect me-4" style="max-width: 20%;"> <img src="" alt="Track 2 Digital pathology"data-animation=""data-delay=""/> </div> <figcaption class="eventCaption flex-grow-1" style="padding: 10px;"> <h3><a href="" class="tittle">Track 2: Digital Pathology</a></h3> <p class="pera" href=""><p><b>Call for Abstract/ Research Paper:</b><br> <br> </p> <p><b>Sub Tracks: </b>Digital Pathology, Whole-Slide Imaging,...</p> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> <div class="widget-area-wrapper"> <div class="simplePresentCart mb-24"> <h4 class="title mb-3">Scientific Sessions</h4> <div class="popularServices-global"> <div class="itemsImg" style="background-image: url(;"></div> <div class="itemsCaption"> <h5><a href="" class="itemsTittle">Track 1: Pathology</a></h5> </div> </div> <div class="popularServices-global"> <div class="itemsImg" style="background-image: url(;"></div> <div class="itemsCaption"> <h5><a href="" class="itemsTittle">Track 2: Digital Pathology</a></h5> </div> </div> <div class="popularServices-global"> <div class="itemsImg" style="background-image: url(;"></div> <div class="itemsCaption"> <h5><a href="" class="itemsTittle">Track: 3 Cancer</a></h5> </div> </div> <div class="popularServices-global"> <div class="itemsImg" style="background-image: url(;"></div> <div class="itemsCaption"> <h5><a href="" class="itemsTittle">Track 4: Breast Pathology</a></h5> </div> </div> <div class="popularServices-global"> <div class="itemsImg" style="background-image: url(;"></div> <div class="itemsCaption"> <h5><a href="" class="itemsTittle">Track:5 Computational Pathology</a></h5> </div> </div> <div class="popularServices-global"> <div class="itemsImg" style="background-image: url(;"></div> <div class="itemsCaption"> <h5><a href="" class="itemsTittle">Track 6: Pathology with Technology</a></h5> </div> </div> <div class="popularServices-global"> <div class="itemsImg" style="background-image: url(;"></div> <div class="itemsCaption"> <h5><a href="" class="itemsTittle">Track: 7 Dermatopathology</a></h5> </div> </div> <div class="popularServices-global"> <div class="itemsImg" style="background-image: url(;"></div> <div class="itemsCaption"> <h5><a href="" class="itemsTittle">Track: 8 Diagnostic pathology</a></h5> </div> </div> <div class="popularServices-global"> <div class="itemsImg" style="background-image: url(;"></div> <div class="itemsCaption"> <h5><a href="" class="itemsTittle">Track: 9 Surgical Pathology</a></h5> </div> </div> <div class="popularServices-global"> <div class="itemsImg" style="background-image: url(;"></div> <div class="itemsCaption"> <h5><a href="" class="itemsTittle">Track: 10 Histopathology</a></h5> </div> </div> <div class="popularServices-global"> <div class="itemsImg" style="background-image: url(;"></div> <div class="itemsCaption"> <h5><a href="" class="itemsTittle">Track 11: Cancer Cytopathology</a></h5> </div> </div> <div class="popularServices-global"> <div class="itemsImg" style="background-image: url(;"></div> <div class="itemsCaption"> <h5><a href="" class="itemsTittle">Track 12: Soft Tissue And Bone Pathology</a></h5> </div> </div> <div class="popularServices-global"> <div class="itemsImg" style="background-image: url(;"></div> <div class="itemsCaption"> <h5><a href="" class="itemsTittle">Track 13: Immunopathology</a></h5> </div> </div> <div class="popularServices-global"> <div class="itemsImg" style="background-image: url(;"></div> <div class="itemsCaption"> <h5><a href="" class="itemsTittle">Track 14: Anatomical Pathology, Forensic Pathology, Autopsy Pathology</a></h5> </div> </div> <div class="popularServices-global"> <div class="itemsImg" style="background-image: url(;"></div> <div class="itemsCaption"> <h5><a href="" class="itemsTittle">Track 15: Cardiovascular Pathology</a></h5> </div> </div> <div class="popularServices-global"> <div class="itemsImg" style="background-image: url(;"></div> <div class="itemsCaption"> <h5><a href="" class="itemsTittle">Track 16: Digestive Diseases Pathology</a></h5> </div> </div> <div class="popularServices-global"> <div class="itemsImg" style="background-image: url(;"></div> <div class="itemsCaption"> <h5><a href="" class="itemsTittle">Track 17: Electron Microscopy</a></h5> </div> </div> <div class="popularServices-global"> <div class="itemsImg" style="background-image: url(;"></div> <div class="itemsCaption"> <h5><a href="" class="itemsTittle">Track 18: Gynecological Pathology and Uropathology</a></h5> </div> </div> <div class="popularServices-global"> <div class="itemsImg" style="background-image: url(;"></div> <div class="itemsCaption"> <h5><a href="" class="itemsTittle">Track 19: Hematopathology</a></h5> </div> </div> <div class="popularServices-global"> <div class="itemsImg" style="background-image: url(;"></div> <div class="itemsCaption"> <h5><a href="" class="itemsTittle">Track 20: Head And Neck Pathology</a></h5> </div> </div> <div class="popularServices-global"> <div class="itemsImg" style="background-image: url(;"></div> <div class="itemsCaption"> <h5><a href="" class="itemsTittle">Track 21: History of Pathology</a></h5> </div> </div> <div class="popularServices-global"> <div class="itemsImg" style="background-image: url(;"></div> <div class="itemsCaption"> <h5><a href="" class="itemsTittle">Track 22: Microbial Pathology and Infectious Disease Pathology</a></h5> </div> </div> <div class="popularServices-global"> <div class="itemsImg" style="background-image: url(;"></div> <div class="itemsCaption"> <h5><a href="" class="itemsTittle">Track 23: Clinical Pathology and Chemical Pathology</a></h5> </div> </div> <div class="popularServices-global"> <div class="itemsImg" style="background-image: url(;"></div> <div class="itemsCaption"> <h5><a href="" class="itemsTittle">Track 24: Molecular Pathology</a></h5> </div> </div> <div class="popularServices-global"> <div class="itemsImg" style="background-image: url(;"></div> <div class="itemsCaption"> <h5><a href="" class="itemsTittle">Track 25: Neuropathology</a></h5> </div> </div> <div class="popularServices-global"> <div class="itemsImg" style="background-image: url(;"></div> <div class="itemsCaption"> <h5><a href="" class="itemsTittle">Track 26: Nephropathology</a></h5> </div> </div> <div class="popularServices-global"> <div class="itemsImg" style="background-image: url(;"></div> <div class="itemsCaption"> <h5><a href="" class="itemsTittle">Track 27: Ophthalmic Pathology</a></h5> </div> </div> <div class="popularServices-global"> <div class="itemsImg" style="background-image: url(;"></div> <div class="itemsCaption"> <h5><a href="" class="itemsTittle">Track 28: Pediatric and Perinatal Pathology</a></h5> </div> </div> <div class="popularServices-global"> <div class="itemsImg" style="background-image: url(;"></div> <div class="itemsCaption"> <h5><a href="" class="itemsTittle">Track 29: Liver Pathology And Gastrointestinal Pathology</a></h5> </div> </div> <div class="popularServices-global"> <div class="itemsImg" style="background-image: url(;"></div> <div class="itemsCaption"> <h5><a href="" class="itemsTittle">Track 30: Coronavirus Pathogenesis</a></h5> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xxl-8 col-xl-8 col-lg-7 col-md-6"> <article class="servicesDiscription-global"> <div class="capImg imgEffect"> <img src="" alt=""data-animation=""data-delay=""/> </div> </article> <h3 class="tittle" style="margin-bottom: 20px;">Track: 9 Surgical Pathology</h3> <article class="serviceProvide mb-30"> <div><b>Sub-Tracks Preventive Medicine:</b></div><div>Surgery pathology, Neurosurgery,&nbsp; Pediatric Neurosurgery, diagnosis, tissue, surgical pathologists, diagnosis of cancer, microscopic slides, tumour, Digital photography, Biopsies, hematoxylin, pathology residents, diagnostic information, naked eye, microscope, New techniques, molecular diagnostics, infectious, cancerous, lymph, Neuro-oncology, Cerebrovascular Neurosurgery, Surgical Pathology Clinics, Gynecologic, Obstetric Pathology.</div><div><br></div><div>Surgical pathology is a branch of pathology that involves the examination of tissue specimens obtained from surgical procedures to make diagnoses. Pathologists who specialize in surgical pathology, known as surgical pathologists, analyze these tissue samples to identify any abnormalities, such as tumors, inflammatory conditions, infectious diseases, or structural abnormalities.<br><br></div><div><div><b>Surgical Pathologist:</b></div><div><br></div><div>The final authority on tumour diagnosis is with surgical pathologists. In the absence of a tissue diagnosis, the diagnosis of cancer cannot be reliably inferred, regardless of how high the index of clinical suspicion may be. With very few circumstances, definite cancer treatment shouldn’t begin before a tissue diagnosis has been made. Most hospitals have policies supporting this procedure spelled out in their bylaws, and hospital tissue committees and accrediting organisations keep a close eye on them.</div><div><br></div><div>The focus of surgical pathologists is structure. A thorough gross inspection of the removed tissue is done initially with the unaided eye, and then a more in-depth look is given to tissue sections under a compound light microscope. Frozen tissue sections may be used for intraoperative inspection, although pathologists typically rely on the better structural preservation provided by permanent tissue sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin.</div><div><br></div><div><b>Surgical pathology specimens:</b></div><div><br></div><div>Surgical pathology analysis is the main purpose of a biopsy, which is a small sample of tissue that is typically taken to make a definitive diagnosis. Core biopsies are taken using large-bore needles and, on occasion, radiological techniques like ultrasound, CT scans, or MRI, for that matter. Core biopsies preserve tissue architecture in contrast to fine-needle aspiration specimens, which are analysed using cytopathology techniques. Excisional biopsies are collected through diagnostic surgical procedures that remove a portion of a concerning lesion, whereas incisional biopsies are obtained through therapeutic surgical resections that remove the entire lesion. Excisional biopsies are routinely performed on gastrointestinal polyps and skin lesions.</div></div> </article> <!--Related Service --> <!--<div class="row">--> <!-- <div class="col-xl-12">--> <!-- <div class="section-tittle mb-30">--> <!-- <h3 class="tittle">Related Sessions</h3>--> <!-- </div>--> <!-- </div>--> <!-- --> <!-- <div class="col-lg-6">--> <!-- <figure class="singleServices-global mb-24">--> <!-- <figcaption class="eventCaption" style="padding: 10px 10px 0px 10px;">--> <!-- <h3><a href="" class="tittle" style="font-size: medium; font-weight:normal">Track 1: Pathology</a></h3>--> <!-- </figcaption>--> <!-- </figure>--> <!-- </div>--> <!-- --> <!-- <div class="col-lg-6">--> <!-- <figure class="singleServices-global mb-24">--> <!-- <figcaption class="eventCaption" style="padding: 10px 10px 0px 10px;">--> <!-- <h3><a href="" class="tittle" style="font-size: medium; font-weight:normal">Track 2: Digital Pathology</a></h3>--> <!-- </figcaption>--> <!-- </figure>--> <!-- </div>--> <!-- --> <!--</div>--> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div class="modal product-quick-view-bg-color" id="product_quick_view" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="productModal" aria-hidden="true"></div> <footer> <div class="footerWrapper sectionBg1 "> <div class="footer-area footer-padding" > <div class="container"> <div class="row justify-content-between"> <div class="col-xxl-3 col-xl-3 col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-8"><div class=" footer_event-widget widget"> <div class="footer-widget widget mb-24"> <div class="footer-tittle"> <div class="footer-logo mb-40"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt=""data-animation=""data-delay=""/> </a> </div> <div class="footer-pera"> <p class="pera wow fadeInUp" data-wow-delay="0.1s"> <b>Utilitarian Conferences Gathering </b><div>Companies House – GOV.UK Reg. 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let product_id = $(this).data("product_id"); let quantity = 1; let product_variant = null; $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'POST', data: { product_id: product_id, quantity: quantity, pid_id: pid_id, product_variant: product_variant, selected_size: null, selected_color: null, _token: 'NVOA9C5Nh9ZPwvge7Mch51XVHYnEeKiXZoOczFOY' }, beforeSend: function () { CustomLoader.start(); }, success: function (data) { if (data.quantity_msg) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.warning(data.quantity_msg); CustomLoader.end(); } else if(data.error_msg) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.error(data.error_msg); CustomLoader.end(); } else { CustomSweetAlertTwo.success(data.msg); CustomLoader.end(); load_topbar_cart_nad_wishlist(); } }, erorr: function (err) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.error(data.error_msg); CustomLoader.end(); } }); }); $(document).on('click', '.add-to-buy-now-btn', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); let pid_id = null; let product_id = $(this).data("product_id"); let quantity = 1; let product_variant = null; $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'POST', data: { product_id: product_id, quantity: quantity, pid_id: pid_id, product_variant: product_variant, selected_size: null, selected_color: null, _token: 'NVOA9C5Nh9ZPwvge7Mch51XVHYnEeKiXZoOczFOY' }, beforeSend: function () { CustomLoader.start(); }, success: function (data) { if (data.quantity_msg) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.warning(data.error_msg); CustomLoader.end(); } else if(data.error_msg) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.error(data.error_msg); CustomLoader.end(); } else { CustomSweetAlertTwo.success(data.msg); CustomLoader.end(); load_topbar_cart_nad_wishlist(); } setTimeout(()=>{ location.href = ""; }, 1000) }, erorr: function (err) { //toastr.error('An error occurred') CustomSweetAlertTwo.error(data.error_msg); CustomLoader.end(); } }); }); function storeIntoSession(product_id) { let arrItem = []; if(sessionStorage.length === 0) { sessionStorage.setItem('products', product_id); } else { arrItem.push(sessionStorage.getItem('products')); arrItem.push(product_id); sessionStorage.setItem('products', arrItem); } return sessionStorage.getItem('products'); } }); $(document).on('click', '.social_share_parent', function (e){ $('.social_share_wrapper_item').toggleClass('show'); }); $('body').on('click', '.quick-view-size-lists li', function (event) { let el = $(this); let value ='displayValue'); let parentWrap = el.parent().parent(); el.addClass('active'); el.siblings().removeClass('active'); parentWrap.find('input[type=text]').val(value); parentWrap.find('input[type=hidden]').val('value')); // selected attributes selectedAttributeSearch(this); }); function selectedAttributeSearch(selected_item) { /* * search based on all selected attributes * * 1. get all selected attributes in {key:value} format * 2. search in attribute_store for all available matches * 3. display available matches (keep available matches selectable, and rest as disabled) * */ let available_variant_types = []; let selected_options = {}; $('.quick-view-size-lists li').addClass('disabled'); // get all selected attributes in {key:value} format (k, option) { let selected_option = $(option).find(''); let type = selected_option.closest('.quick-view-size-lists').data('type'); let value ='displayValue'); if (type) { available_variant_types.push(type); } if (type && value) { selected_options[type] = value; } }); quickViewSyncImage(get_quick_view_selected_options()); quickViewSyncPrice(get_quick_view_selected_options()); quickViewSyncStock(get_quick_view_selected_options()); // search in attribute_store for all available matches let available_variants_selection = []; let selected_attributes_by_type = {}; (arr) { let matched = true; Object.keys(selected_options).map(function (type) { if (arr[type] !== selected_options[type]) { matched = false; } }) if (matched) { available_variants_selection.push(arr); // insert as {key: [value, value...]} Object.keys(arr).map(function (type) { // not array available for the given key if (!selected_attributes_by_type[type]) { selected_attributes_by_type[type] = [] } // insert value if not inserted yet if (selected_attributes_by_type[type].indexOf(arr[type]) <= -1) { selected_attributes_by_type[type].push(arr[type]); } }) } window.quick_view_selected_variant = selected_attributes_by_type; }); // selected item not contain product then de-select all selected option hare if (Object.keys(selected_attributes_by_type).length == 0) { $('.quick-view-size-lists').each(function () { let sizeItem = $(this).parent().parent(); sizeItem.find('input[type=hidden]').val(''); sizeItem.find('input[type=text]').val(''); }); $('.quick-view-size-lists').removeClass("active"); $('.quick-view-size-lists li.disabled').removeClass("disabled"); let el = $(selected_item); let value ='displayValue'); let parentWrap = el.parent().parent(); el.addClass("active"); el.siblings().removeClass('active'); selectedAttributeSearch(); parentWrap.find('input[type=text]').val(value); parentWrap.find('input[type=hidden]').val('value')); } // keep only available matches selectable Object.keys(selected_attributes_by_type).map(function (type) { // initially, disable all buttons $('.quick-view-size-lists[data-type="' + type + '"] li').addClass('disabled'); // make buttons selectable for the available options selected_attributes_by_type[type].map(function (value) { let available_buttons = $('.quick-view-size-lists[data-type="' + type + '"] li[data-display-value="' + value + '"]'); (key, el) { $(el).removeClass('disabled'); }) }) }); // todo check is empty object // selected_attributes_by_type } function quickViewSyncImage(selected_options) { //todo fire when attribute changed let hashed_key = getQuickViewSelectionHash(selected_options); let product_image_el = $('.quick-view-long-img img'); let img_original_src = product_image_el.parent().data('src'); // if selection has any image to it if (quick_view_additional_info_store[hashed_key]) { let attribute_image = quick_view_additional_info_store[hashed_key].image; if (attribute_image) { product_image_el.attr('src', attribute_image); } } else { product_image_el.attr('src', img_original_src); } } function quickViewSyncPrice(selected_options) { let hashed_key = getQuickViewSelectionHash(selected_options); let product_price_el = $('#quick-view-price'); let product_main_price = Number(String('mainPrice'))).toFixed(2); let site_currency_symbol ='currencySymbol'); // if selection has any additional price to it if (quick_view_additional_info_store[hashed_key]) { let attribute_price = quick_view_additional_info_store[hashed_key]['additional_price']; if (attribute_price) { let price = Number(product_main_price) + Number(attribute_price); product_price_el.text(site_currency_symbol + Number(price).toFixed(2)); } } else { product_price_el.text(site_currency_symbol + product_main_price); } } function quickViewSyncStock(selected_options) { let hashed_key = getQuickViewSelectionHash(selected_options); let product_stock_el = $('#quick_view_stock'); let product_item_left_el = $('#quick_view_item_left'); // if selection has any size and color to it if (quick_view_additional_info_store[hashed_key]) { let stock_count = quick_view_additional_info_store[hashed_key]['stock_count']; let stock_message = ''; if (Number(stock_count) > 0) { stock_message = `<span class="text-success">In Stock</span>`; product_item_left_el.text(`Only! ${stock_count} Item Left!`); product_item_left_el.addClass('text-success'); product_item_left_el.removeClass('text-danger'); } else { stock_message = `<span class="text-danger">Our fo Stock</span>`; product_item_left_el.text(`No Item Left!`); product_item_left_el.addClass('text-danger'); product_item_left_el.removeClass('text-success'); } product_stock_el.html(stock_message); }else{ product_stock_el.html("stock-text")) product_item_left_el.html("stock-text")) } } function attributeSelected() { let total_options_count = $('.quick-view-size-lists').length; let selected_options_count = $('.quick-view-size-lists').length; return total_options_count === selected_options_count; } function addslashes(str) { return (str + '').replace(/[\\"']/g, '\\$&').replace(/\u0000/g, '\\0'); } function getQuickViewSelectionHash(selected_options) { return MD5(JSON.stringify(selected_options)); } function get_quick_view_selected_options() { let selected_options = {}; var quick_view_available_options = $('.quick-view-value-input-area'); // get all selected attributes in {key:value} format (k, option) { let selected_option = $(option).find(''); let type = selected_option.closest('.quick-view-size-lists').data('type'); let value ='displayValue'); if (type && value) { selected_options[type] = value; } }); let ordered_data = {}; let selected_options_keys = Object.keys(selected_options).sort(); (e) { ordered_data[e] = selected_options[e]; }); return ordered_data; } function getQuickViewAttributesForCart() { let selected_options = get_quick_view_selected_options(); let cart_selected_options = selected_options; let hashed_key = getQuickViewSelectionHash(selected_options); // if selected attribute set is available if (quick_view_additional_info_store[hashed_key]) { return quick_view_additional_info_store[hashed_key]['pid_id']; } // if selected attribute set is not available if (Object.keys(selected_options).length) { toastr.error('Attribute not available') } return ''; } function quickViewValidateSelectedAttributes() { let selected_options = get_quick_view_selected_options(); let hashed_key = getQuickViewSelectionHash(selected_options); // validate if product has any attribute if (quick_view_attribute_store.length) { if (!Object.keys(selected_options).length) { return false; } if (!quick_view_additional_info_store[hashed_key]) { return false; } return !!quick_view_additional_info_store[hashed_key]['pid_id']; } return true; } $(document).on('click', '.quick_view_add_to_cart', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); let quick_view_has_campaign = '0'; let quick_view_campaign_expired = '0'; if(quick_view_has_campaign === 1){ if (quick_view_campaign_expired === 0){ toastr.error('The campaign is over, Sorry! you can not cart this product'); return false; } } let selected_size = $('#selected_size').val(); let selected_color = $('#selected_color').val(); let pid_id = getQuickViewAttributesForCart(); let product_id = quick_view_product_id; let quantity = Number($('#quick-view-quantity').val().trim()); let price = $('#price').text().split(site_currency_symbol)[1]; let attributes = {}; let product_variant = pid_id; let productAttribute = quick_view_selected_variant; attributes['price'] = price; // if selected attribute is a valid product item if (quickViewValidateSelectedAttributes()) { $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'POST', data: { product_id: product_id, quantity: quantity, pid_id: pid_id, product_variant: product_variant, selected_size: selected_size, selected_color: selected_color, _token: 'NVOA9C5Nh9ZPwvge7Mch51XVHYnEeKiXZoOczFOY' }, beforeSend: function () { CustomLoader.start(); }, success: function (data) { CustomLoader.end(); if (data.quantity_msg) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.warning(data.quantity_msg); } else if(data.error_msg) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.error(data.error_msg); CustomLoader.end(); } else { CustomSweetAlertTwo.success(data.msg); SohanCustom.load_topbar_cart_nad_wishlist(); $('.track-icon-list').hide(); $('.track-icon-list').fadeIn(); } }, erorr: function (err) { toastr.error('An error occurred') } }); } else { toastr.error('Select all attribute to proceed') } }); $(document).on('click', '.quick_view_add_to_wishlist', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); let quick_view_has_campaign = '0'; let quick_view_campaign_expired = '0'; if(quick_view_has_campaign === 1){ if (quick_view_campaign_expired === 0){ toastr.error('The campaign is over, Sorry! you can not cart this product'); return false; } } let selected_size = $('#selected_size').val(); let selected_color = $('#selected_color').val(); let pid_id = getQuickViewAttributesForCart(); let product_id = quick_view_product_id; let quantity = Number($('#quick-view-quantity').val().trim()); let price = $('#price').text().split(site_currency_symbol)[1]; let attributes = {}; let product_variant = pid_id; let productAttribute = quick_view_selected_variant; attributes['price'] = price; // if selected attribute is a valid product item if (quickViewValidateSelectedAttributes()) { $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'POST', data: { product_id: product_id, quantity: quantity, pid_id: pid_id, product_variant: product_variant, selected_size: selected_size, selected_color: selected_color, _token: 'NVOA9C5Nh9ZPwvge7Mch51XVHYnEeKiXZoOczFOY' }, beforeSend: function () { CustomLoader.start(); }, success: function (data) { CustomLoader.end(); if (data.quantity_msg) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.warning(data.quantity_msg) } else if(data.error_msg) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.error(data.error_msg) CustomLoader.end(); } else { CustomSweetAlertTwo.success(data.msg) SohanCustom.load_topbar_cart_nad_wishlist(); } }, erorr: function (err) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.error('An error occurred') } }); } else { CustomSweetAlertTwo.error('Select all attribute to proceed') } }); $(document).on('click', '.quick_view_but_now', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); let quick_view_has_campaign = '0'; let quick_view_campaign_expired = '0'; if(quick_view_has_campaign === 1){ if (quick_view_campaign_expired === 0){ toastr.error('The campaign is over, Sorry! you can not cart this product'); return false; } } let selected_size = $('#selected_size').val(); let selected_color = $('#selected_color').val(); let pid_id = getQuickViewAttributesForCart(); let product_id = quick_view_product_id; let quantity = Number($('#quick-view-quantity').val().trim()); let price = $('#price').text().split(site_currency_symbol)[1]; let attributes = {}; let product_variant = pid_id; let productAttribute = quick_view_selected_variant; attributes['price'] = price; // if selected attribute is a valid product item if (quickViewValidateSelectedAttributes()) { $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'POST', data: { product_id: product_id, quantity: quantity, pid_id: pid_id, product_variant: product_variant, selected_size: selected_size, selected_color: selected_color, _token: 'NVOA9C5Nh9ZPwvge7Mch51XVHYnEeKiXZoOczFOY' }, beforeSend: function () { CustomLoader.start(); }, success: function (data) { if (data.quantity_msg) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.warning(data.quantity_msg); } else if(data.error_msg) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.error(data.error_msg); CustomLoader.end(); } else { CustomSweetAlertTwo.success(data.msg); SohanCustom.load_topbar_cart_nad_wishlist(); } setTimeout(()=>{ location.href = ""; }, 2000) }, erorr: function (err) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.error('An error occurred'); } }); } else { CustomSweetAlertTwo.error('Select all attribute to proceed'); } }); /* ======================================== Product Quantity JS ========================================*/ $(document).on('click', '.quick-view-plus', function () { var selectedInput = $(this).prev('.quick-view-quantity-input'); if (selectedInput.val()) { selectedInput[0].stepUp(1); } }); $(document).on('click', '.quick-view-substract', function () { var selectedInput = $(this).next('.quick-view-quantity-input'); if (selectedInput.val() > 1) { selectedInput[0].stepDown(1); } }); $(document).on('click', '.top_right_close_table_cart', function (e){ let el = $(this); let product_hash_id ='product_hash_id'); console.log(product_hash_id) $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'GET', data: { 'product_hash_id': product_hash_id, }, beforeSend: function (){ CustomLoader.start(); }, success: function (data){ CustomLoader.end(); if (data.msg) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.success(data.msg) SohanCustom.load_topbar_cart_nad_wishlist(); if (data.empty_cart !== '') { $('.cart-main-wrapper').html(data.empty_cart).hide(); $('.cart-main-wrapper').fadeIn(); } $('.coupon-contents').parent().load(location.href + " .coupon-contents"); $('.track-icon-list').load(location.href + " .track-icon-list"); $('.custom--table.table-border.radius-10').parent().load(location.href + " .custom--table.table-border.radius-10"); $('.close-overlay').removeClass('show'); } }, error: function (data){ CustomSweetAlertTwo.error(data.msg) } }) }); $(document).on('click', '.top_right_close_table_wishlist', function (e){ let el = $(this); let product_hash_id ='product_hash_id'); $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'GET', data: { 'product_hash_id': product_hash_id, }, beforeSend: function (){ CustomLoader.start(); }, success: function (data){ if (data.msg) { SohanCustom.load_topbar_cart_nad_wishlist(); CustomSweetAlertTwo.success(data.msg) CustomLoader.end(); if (data.empty_cart !== '') { $('.cart-main-wrapper').html(data.empty_cart).hide(); $('.cart-main-wrapper').fadeIn(); } $('.track-icon-list').load(location.href + " .track-icon-list"); $('.custom--table.table-border.radius-10').parent().load(location.href + " .custom--table.table-border.radius-10"); $('.close-overlay').removeClass('show'); } }, error: function (data){ CustomLoader.end(); } }) }); </script> <script> (function ($) { 'use strict' $("#product_quick_view .modal-content.p-5").niceScroll(); let site_currency_symbol = '£'; $('body').on('click', '.quick-view-size-lists li', function (event) { let el = $(this); let value = el.attr('data-display-value'); let parentWrap = el.parent().parent(); el.addClass('active'); el.siblings().removeClass('active'); // selected attributes selectedAttributeSearch(this); }); function selectedAttributeSearch(selected_item) { /* * search based on all selected attributes * * 1. get all selected attributes in {key:value} format * 2. search in attribute_store for all available matches * 3. display available matches (keep available matches selectable, and rest as disabled) * */ let available_variant_types = []; let selected_options = {}; // get all selected attributes in {key:value} format (k, option) { let selected_option = $(option).find(''); let type = selected_option.closest('.quick-view-size-lists').data('type'); let value ='displayValue'); if (type) { available_variant_types.push(type); } if (type && value) { selected_options[type] = value; } }); quickViewSyncImage(get_quick_view_selected_options()); quickViewSyncPrice(get_quick_view_selected_options()); // search in attribute_store for all available matches let available_variants_selection = []; let selected_attributes_by_type = {}; (arr) { let matched = true; Object.keys(selected_options).map(function (type) { if (arr[type] !== selected_options[type]) { matched = false; } }) if (matched) { available_variants_selection.push(arr); // insert as {key: [value, value...]} Object.keys(arr).map(function (type) { // not array available for the given key if (!selected_attributes_by_type[type]) { selected_attributes_by_type[type] = [] } // insert value if not inserted yet if (selected_attributes_by_type[type].indexOf(arr[type]) <= -1) { selected_attributes_by_type[type].push(arr[type]); } }) } }); // selected item not contain product then de-select all selected option hare if (Object.keys(selected_attributes_by_type).length == 0) { $('.quick-view-size-lists').each(function () { let sizeItem = $(this).parent().parent(); sizeItem.find('input[type=hidden]').val(''); sizeItem.find('input[type=text]').val(''); }); $('.quick-view-size-lists').removeClass("active"); $('.quick-view-size-lists li.disabled-option').removeClass("disabled-option"); let el = $(selected_item); let value ='displayValue'); el.addClass("active"); $(this).find('input[type=hidden]').val(value); $(this).find('input[type=text]').val('value')); selectedAttributeSearch(); } // keep only available matches selectable Object.keys(selected_attributes_by_type).map(function (type) { // initially, disable all buttons $('.quick-view-size-lists[data-type="' + type + '"] li').addClass('disabled-option'); // make buttons selectable for the available options selected_attributes_by_type[type].map(function (value) { let available_buttons = $('.quick-view-size-lists[data-type="' + type + '"] li[data-display-value="' + value + '"]'); (key, el) { $(el).removeClass('disabled-option'); }) }) }); // todo check is empty object // selected_attributes_by_type } function quickViewSyncImage(selected_options) { //todo fire when attribute changed let hashed_key = getQuickViewSelectionHash(selected_options); let product_image_el = $('.quick-view-long-img img'); let img_original_src = product_image_el.parent().data('src'); // if selection has any image to it if (quick_view_additional_info_store[hashed_key]) { let attribute_image = quick_view_additional_info_store[hashed_key].image; if (attribute_image) { product_image_el.attr('src', attribute_image); } } else { product_image_el.attr('src', img_original_src); } } function quickViewSyncPrice(selected_options) { let hashed_key = getQuickViewSelectionHash(selected_options); let product_price_el = $('#quick-view-price'); let product_main_price = Number(String('mainPrice'))).toFixed(2); let site_currency_symbol ='currencySymbol'); // if selection has any additional price to it if (quick_view_additional_info_store[hashed_key]) { let attribute_price = quick_view_additional_info_store[hashed_key]['additional_price']; if (attribute_price) { let price = Number(product_main_price) + Number(attribute_price); product_price_el.text(site_currency_symbol + Number(price).toFixed(2)); } } else { product_price_el.text(site_currency_symbol + product_main_price); } } $('body').on('click', '.add_to_cart_single_page_quick_view',function (e) { e.preventDefault(); let selected_size = $('#quick_view_selected_size').val(); let selected_color = $('#quick_view_selected_color').val(); $("") let pid_id = getQuickViewAttributesForCart(); let product_id = $(this).data('id'); let quantity = Number($('#quick-view-quantity').val().trim()); let price = $('#quick-view-price').text().split(site_currency_symbol)[1]; let attributes = {}; let product_variant = pid_id; attributes['price'] = price; // if selected attribute is a valid product item if (quickViewValidateSelectedAttributes()) { $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'POST', data: { product_id: product_id, quantity: quantity, pid_id: pid_id, product_variant: product_variant, selected_size: selected_size, selected_color: selected_color, attributes: attributes, _token: 'NVOA9C5Nh9ZPwvge7Mch51XVHYnEeKiXZoOczFOY' }, success: function (data) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.success(data.msg) if (data.quantity_msg) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.warning(data.quantity_msg) } refreshShippingDropdown(); }, erorr: function (err) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.error('An error occurred') } }); } else { CustomSweetAlertTwo.error('Select all attribute to proceed') } }); let productQuickViewModel = document.getElementById("product_quick_view"); let defaultQuickViewModel = document.getElementById("quick_view"); window.onclick = function (event){ if(productQuickViewModel =={ $("#product_quick_view").fadeOut(); setTimeout(function (){ $("#product_quick_view").empty(); },200); }else if(defaultQuickViewModel =={ $("#quick_view").fadeOut(); $("#quick_view").removeClass('show'); $(".modal-backdrop").fadeOut(); } $("html body").removeClass("stop-scroll") } $(document).on('click','.add_to_cart_ajax', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); let product_id = $(this).data('id'); let quickViewQty = $("#quantity_single_quick_view_btn").val(); quickViewQty = quickViewQty != undefined ? quickViewQty.trim() : 1; let quantity = Number(quickViewQty); $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'POST', data: { product_id: product_id, quantity: quantity, product_attributes: null, _token: 'NVOA9C5Nh9ZPwvge7Mch51XVHYnEeKiXZoOczFOY' }, success: function (data) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.success(data.msg) if (data.quantity_msg) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.warning(data.quantity_msg) } refreshShippingDropdown(); }, erorr: function (err) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.error('Something went wrong') } }); }); // open modal with product quick view $(document).on("click",".product-quick-view-ajax",function (){ let action_route = $(this).data('action-route'); // let product_id = $(this).data('id'); // get_campaign_product_end_date_show_timer(product_id); let icon = $(this).find("i"); let oldIconClass = icon.attr("class"); icon.attr("class","las la-spinner icon la-spin"); $.ajax({ url: action_route, type: 'GET', success: function (data) { icon.attr("class",oldIconClass); $("#product_quick_view").html(data); $("#product_quick_view").fadeIn(); $("html body").addClass("stop-scroll") $('.global-timer').syotimer({ year: year, month: month, day: day, }); }, erorr: function (err) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.error('Something went wrong') } }); }); // close quick view details model and make empty $(document).on("click","#product_quick_view .quick-view-close-btn",function (){ $("#product_quick_view").fadeOut(); setTimeout(function (){ $("#product_quick_view").empty(); },200); }); $(document).on("click","#quick_view .quick-view-close-btn",function (){ $("#quick_view").fadeOut(); $("#quick_view").removeClass('show'); $(".modal-backdrop").fadeOut(); }); $(document).on('click','.quick-view', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); //todo: work on showing campaign date countdown let data = $(this).data(); let rating = $(this).data('rating'); let stock_msg = "Item is not available in stock"; let stock_msg_type = "text-danger"; let quick_view = $('#quick_view'); quick_view.find('.flash-countdown-wrapper').hide(); if(data.iscampaign){ quick_view.find('.flash-countdown-title').text(data.campaigntitle); quick_view.find('.flash-countdown-product-2').attr('data-date',data.campaigndate); let coundClass = quick_view.find('.flash-countdown-product-2'); let oldId = quick_view.find('.flash-countdown-product-2').attr('id'); coundClass.removeClass(oldId); oldId = oldId.substr(35); let newClassGen = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15) + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15) + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15); coundClass.addClass(oldId+newClassGen); coundClass.attr('id',oldId+newClassGen); loopcounter(quick_view.find('.flash-countdown-product-2').attr('id')); quick_view.find('.flash-countdown-wrapper').show(); } quick_view.find('a.add-to-cart').data('id', data['id']); quick_view.find('.title').text(data['title']); quick_view.find('.info').text(data['summary']); quick_view.find('.del_price').text(data['price']); quick_view.find('.sale_price').text(data['salePrice']); quick_view.find('.product_category').text(data['category']); quick_view.find('.product_category').attr('href', data['categoryUrl']); quick_view.find('.product-img img').attr('src', data['image']); quick_view.find('.sku_wrapper .sku').text(data['inventory']); quick_view.find('.badge-tag').text(data['badge']); if(data['campaignPercentage']){ quick_view.find('.discount-tag').text(data['campaignPercentage']); }else{ quick_view.find('.discount-tag').text(''); } quick_view.find('#unit').text(data['unit']); quick_view.find('#uom').text(data['uom']); 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