Do you want to receive surveys?
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Blame duplicated code. // eventually, when time permits this should be // simplified and the separate mobile menu // html should be removed in favor of ONE menu // it's entirely doable, just not feasible atm if (this.hasMobileMenu()) { this.mobileMenu.addEventListener('click', this.handleClick.bind(this), false); this.mobileBtn.addEventListener('click', this.handleMobileClick.bind(this), false); this.mobileOverlay.addEventListener('click', this._toggleMobileMenu.bind(this), false); } } }, classListPolyfill = function() { /* eslint-disable no-bitwise, no-unused-expressions */ if (!('classList' in document.documentElement) && Object.defineProperty && typeof HTMLElement !== 'undefined') { Object.defineProperty(HTMLElement.prototype, 'classList', { get: function() { var self = this, ret = {}; function update(fn) { return function(value) { var classes = self.className.split(/\s+/), index = classes.indexOf(value); fn(classes, index, value); self.className = classes.join(' '); }; } ret = { add: update(function(classes, index, value) { ~index || classes.push(value); }), remove: update(function(classes, index) { ~index && classes.splice(index, 1); }), toggle: update(function(classes, index, value) { ~index ? classes.splice(index, 1) : classes.push(value); }), contains: function(value) { return !!~self.className.split(/\s+/).indexOf(value); }, item: function(i) { return self.className.split(/\s+/)[i] || null; } }; Object.defineProperty(ret, 'length', { get: function() { return self.className.split(/\s+/).length; } }); return ret; } }); } /* eslint-enable no-bitwise, no-unused-expressions */ }; document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { // _classList_polyfill.js is not being accessed from here, in IE9. Hence duplicating the code if (!('classList' in document.createElement('a'))) { classListPolyfill(); } headerNavigation.init(); }); /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ var surveyHeader = { init: function() { var self = this; this.toggled = false; // cache elements this.permissionButton = $('.survey-header-tools').find('a.tool-btn.text-only'); this.permissionDialog = $('.survey-header-permission-dialog').first(); this.permissionDialogTriangle = this.permissionDialog.find('.triangle-pointer'); this.requestButtons = this.permissionDialog.length > 0 ? this.permissionDialog.find('.request-access') : []; $(window).resize(function() { self.repositionDialog(self); }); if (this.permissionButton.length > 0) { this.permissionButton.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); self.onAccessClicked(self); }); } if (this.requestButtons.length > 0) { this.requestButtons.on('click', function(e) { self.onRequestClicked(self, $(; }); } // Used to close the dialog window when you click out, perhaps there is a better way? $(document).click(function(e) { var $target = $(; if ($target.closest('.survey-header-permission-dialog').length === 0 && $target.closest('.request-access-btn').length === 0) { self.onAccessClicked(self, false); } }); }, onAccessClicked: function(cls, open) { cls.toggled = open !== undefined ? open : !cls.toggled; cls.permissionButton.toggleClass('toggled', cls.toggled); cls.permissionDialog.toggleClass('hidden', !cls.toggled); if (cls.toggled) { cls.repositionDialog(cls); } }, onRequestClicked: function(cls, $target) { var section = $'section'), inCreate = location.pathname.indexOf('/create/') === 0, sendMethod = 'POST', shareUrl, data, params = { 'survey_section': section, 'permissions': SM.survey_permissions }; if ($target.hasClass('disabled')) { return; } if (inCreate) { // Createweb share URL shareUrl = '/create/survey/share/' +; } else if (location.pathname.indexOf('/analyze/') === 0) { // Anweb share URL shareUrl = '/analyze/ajax/share/' + location.href.split('/').pop(); sendMethod = 'GET'; } else if (location.pathname.indexOf('/collect/') === 0) { // Collectweb share URL shareUrl = '/collect/share' +; } else { return; } $target .removeClass('request-access') .data('section', null) .closest('.actions') .removeClass('request') .addClass('pending'); data = { url: shareUrl, type: sendMethod, contentType: 'application/json', dataType: 'json', processData: false, cache: false }; // TODO: Spinner? Error handling? if (inCreate) { = params; window.CREATE.Ajax.ajax('survey/share/', data); } else { if (sendMethod === 'GET') { = $.param(params); } else { = JSON.stringify(params); } $.ajax(data); } }, repositionDialog: function(cls) { var buttonOffset = cls.permissionButton.length > 0 ? cls.permissionButton.offset() : null, dialogOffset = cls.permissionDialog.length > 0 ? cls.permissionDialog.offset() : null, dialogPosition = cls.permissionDialog.length > 0 ? cls.permissionDialog.position() : null, y, x; if (buttonOffset && dialogOffset && dialogPosition && cls.toggled) { y = + cls.permissionButton.height() - + + 10; x = buttonOffset.left - cls.permissionDialog.width() + cls.permissionButton.width() + 20; cls.permissionDialog.css({ 'top': y + 'px', 'left': x + 'px' }); cls.permissionDialogTriangle.css({ 'left': cls.permissionDialog.width() - (cls.permissionButton.width() + 6) / 2 - 30 + 'px' }); } } }; document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { surveyHeader.init(); }); </script> <div class="bd"> <div class="container clearfix"> <div class="account"> <div class="col-1-4 email-opt-out-nav-menu"> <ul> <li><a href="/mp/policy/terms-of-use/?ut_source=email_opt_in" target="_blank">Terms of Use</a></li> <li><a href="/mp/legal/privacy/?ut_source=email_opt_in" target="_blank">Privacy Notice</a></li> <li><a href="/mp/policy/anti-spam/?ut_source=email_opt_in" target="_blank">Anti-Spam</a></li> <li><a href="/mp/policy/security/?ut_source=email_opt_in" target="_blank">Security Statement</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-3-4"> <h1 class="wds-type--page-title"> Do you want to receive surveys? </h1> <div class="account-module"> <div class="email-opt-out-module"> <form name="email-opt-in-form" id="email-opt-in-form" action="/user/email-opt-in/" method="POST" novalidate> <div class="input-list"> <div class="input-list-item"> <label class="sm-label">Enter your email address</label> <input id='email-opt-in-input' class="sm-input sm-input--stretch email-opt-in-input" name="email" type="email" placeholder=""/> <span id='email-opt-in-error' class='error'></span> </div> <div class="input-list-item"> <button class="wds-button">UNBLOCK EMAIL ADDRESS</button> </div> </div> </form> <p>Start receiving and surveys from anyone.</p> <p><span class="smf-icon">(</span> SurveyMonkey respects your privacy. 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