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Solution</span> <span class = "color-2">MarTech Solution <br>Provider Of the Year</span> <span class = "color-3">Enterprise MarTech<br> Vendor of the Year</span> <span class = "color-2">Achievement in<br> Product Innovation </span> </div> </h2> </div> </div> <div class = "rhs"> <div class="myslider"> <div class="item a"> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="slider"/> </div> <div class="item b"> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="slider"/> </div> <div class="item c"> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="slider"/> </div> <div class="item d"> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="slider"/> </div> <div class="item e"> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="slider"/> </div> <div class="item f"> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="slider"/> </div> </div> </div></section><style> /* slider with image and text css starts */ html .words-1 span.color-1 { color: rgba(52, 130, 183, 1) !important; } html .words-1 span.color-2 { color:rgba(195, 88, 49, 1); !important; } html .words-1 span.color-3 { color:rgba(182, 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"u-PT80 u-PB30"><img decoding="async" src="" alt="award-icon"/>CleverTap Winning Big<br> Together With the Customers! </h3> <div class="sld"> <div class="sld__images"> <div><img src='' alt=''></div> <div><img src='' alt=''></div> </div> <div class="sld__box"> <div class="sld__content"> <div> <h5>Stevie Awards </h5> <p>CleverTap won 14 prestigious awards at Stevie 2024, gaining global recognition for innovative campaigns with customers like Ooredoo Group, SonyLIV, Decathlon, and The Times of India, and for excellence in technology, product innovation, and strategic approach to customer service </p> <a class="c-btn c-btn-arrow regular-link" href="" data-faitracker-click-bind="true"> Learn more</a> </div> <div> <h5>App Growth Awards</h5> <p>CleverTap has won the &#8216;App Messaging Platform&#8217; award at the App Growth Awards, the annual benchmark for the global app growth and marketing ecosystem</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></section><style> /* card section with popup css starts */ .popup-link{ display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap; } .popup-link a { min-height: 418px; color: #000; padding: 20px; border-radius: 5px; font-size: 17px; cursor: pointer; margin: 20px; text-decoration: none; background: #fff; display: inline-block; width: 30%; } .popup-container { visibility: hidden; opacity: 0; transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out; transform: scale(1.3); position: fixed; z-index: 1; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: rgb(21 17 17 / 80%); display: flex; align-items: center; z-index: 9999; overflow: scroll; } .popup-content { background-color: #fefefe; margin: auto; padding: 40px; border: 1px solid #888; width: 50%; margin-top: 40px; border-radius: 8px; overflow: scroll; max-height: 90vh; } .popup-content p{ font-size: 17px; padding: 10px; line-height: 20px; color: #50596A; } .popup-content a.close { color: #aaaaaa; float: right; font-size: 43px; font-weight: bold; background: none; padding: 0; margin: 0; text-decoration: none; position: 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line-height: 25.3px; letter-spacing: -0.03em; text-align: left; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px; } .awards-cards p.card-desc { font-size: 16px; font-weight: 450; line-height: 24px; letter-spacing: -0.03em; text-align: left; color: rgba(133, 139, 151, 1); } .popup-container ul { margin-left: 20px; font-size: 16px; } .popup-container ul li { margin-bottom: 10px; } html .popup-content p { font-size: 16px; } .popup-link a:hover { box-shadow: 0px 1px 4px #0000001f; transform: scale(1.01, 1.01); } .popup-link a { transition: .3s; } .blur-img-wrap img { max-width: 49%; display: flex; flex-direction: row; flex-wrap: wrap; align-content: stretch; justify-content: space-around; align-items: center; align-items: stretch; margin: 5px; border-radius: 8px; } .blur-img-wrap { display: flex; } /* card section with popup css ends */</style><div class = "multipl-card-div u-MT40 u-PT40"> <div class = "wrapper"> <div class="popup-link"> <a href="#popup17"> <div class = "awards-cards"> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="Stevie Sales &#038; Customer Service Awards"/> <p class = "card-title"> Big Wins Again at ET MarTech+ Awards ‘24 </p> <p class = "card-desc"> At the ETMarTech+ Awards 2024, CleverTap made its mark once again, securing 14 prestigious accolades, including the MarTech Solution Provider of the Year for the second consecutive year. </p> </div> </a> <a href="#popup15"> <div class = "awards-cards"> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="Stevie Sales &#038; Customer Service Awards"/> <p class = "card-title"> Stevie Technology Excellence Awards 2024 </p> <p class = "card-desc"> CleverTap wins at the Stevie Awards for Technology Excellence 2024 with both Gold and Silver recognitions for its groundbreaking contributions to product innovation and technology. Recognized globally, the Stevie Awards celebrate the exceptional achievements of organizations and professionals, solidifying CleverTap&#8217;s status as a leader in innovative technology solutions. </p> </div> </a> <a href="#popup16"> <div class = "awards-cards"> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="Stevie Sales &#038; Customer Service Awards"/> <p class = "card-title"> MarTech Breakthrough Awards 2024 </p> <p class = "card-desc"> CleverTap has won the “Best Mobile Messaging-Based Marketing Solution” at the 2024 MarTech Breakthrough Awards. Now in its 7th year, the MarTech Breakthrough Awards honor the most innovative products, solutions, and companies in marketing, advertising, and sales technology. </p> </div> </a> <a href="#popup13"> <div class = "awards-cards"> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="Stevie Sales &#038; Customer Service Awards"/> <p class = "card-title"> Innovation in Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning &#038; App Marketing </p> <p class = "card-desc"> Stevie American Business Awards 2024 recognized CleverTap for Innovation in Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Solutions, Trebel and CleverTap received the Gold Stevie Award in the Innovation in Mobile Web &#038; App category. </p> </div> </a> <a href="#popup1"> <div class = "awards-cards"> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="Stevie Sales &#038; Customer Service Awards"/> <p class = "card-title"> Winning in Customer Service &#038; Customer Engagement Initiatives </p> <p class = "card-desc"> Stevie Sales &#038; Customer Service Awards 2024 recognized CleverTap for excellence in customer service, serving as a strategic growth partner and revolutionizing the customer experience for its customers </p> </div> </a> <a href="#popup14"> <div class = "awards-cards"> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="Stevie Sales &#038; Customer Service Awards"/> <p class = "card-title"> Winning with Customers, Excellence in Technology, Product, and Customer Service </p> <p class = "card-desc"> Stevie Asia Pacific Awards 2024 recognized CleverTap and its customers, Ooredoo Group, SonyLIV, Decathlon, and The Times of India, for various innovative campaigns in App Marketing and with several awards for product innovation, technology, and outstanding customer service. </p> </div> </a> <a href="#popup2"> <div class = "awards-cards"> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="Stevie Sales &#038; Customer Service Awards"/> <p class = "card-title"> BrandWagon Awards, Financial Express </p> <p class = "card-desc"> CleverTap won 3 awards at BrandWagon MarTech Awards by Financial Express alongside its customers including Aditya Birla Health Insurance, Motilal Oswal Financial Services Limited &#038; Chaayos for building innovative campaigns. </p> </div> </a> <a href="#popup3"> <div class = "awards-cards"> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="ET Martequity Awards"/> <p class = "card-title"> ET Martequity Awards </p> <p class = "card-desc"> CleverTap won 10 awards at ET Martequity Awards 2023, bags &#8216;MarTech Solution Provider of the Year&#8217; and 8+ Award wins with customers. </p> </div> </a> <a href="#popup4"> <div class = "awards-cards"> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="Stevie Sales &#038; Customer Service Awards"/> <p class = "card-title"> App Growth Awards </p> <p class = "card-desc"> CleverTap Secures &#8216;App Messaging Platform&#8217; award at App Growth Awards 2023 </p> </div> </a> <a href="#popup5"> <div class = "awards-cards"> <img decoding="async" src="" alt=" MarTech Breakthrough Awards"/> <p class = "card-title"> MarTech Breakthrough Awards </p> <p class = "card-desc"> CleverTap wins &#8216;Best Overall Marketing Automation Company&#8217; Award at MarTech Breakthrough Awards 2023 </p> </div> </a> <a href="#popup6"> <div class = "awards-cards"> <img decoding="async" src="" alt=" Entrepreneur Awards"/> <p class = "card-title"> Entrepreneur Awards </p> <p class = "card-desc"> CleverTap was awarded &#8216;Best Customer Service&#8217; at Entrepreneur Awards 2023 </p> </div> </a> <a href="#popup7"> <div class = "awards-cards"> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="Stevie Sales &#038; Customer Service Awards"/> <p class = "card-title"> Exchange4Media Awards </p> <p class = "card-desc"> CleverTap wins &#8216;Enterprise Martech Vendor of the Year&#8217; and 9 wins with customers at e4m MarTech Awards 2023. </p> </div> </a> <a href="#popup8"> <div class = "awards-cards"> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="Stevie Sales &#038; Customer Service Awards"/> <p class = "card-title"> International Business Magazine Awards </p> <p class = "card-desc"> CleverTap named &#8216;Best All-In-One Engagement Platform&#8217; and &#8216;Best Omnichannel &#038; Retention Platform&#8217; for UAE at International Business Magazine Awards 2023 </p> </div> </a> <a href="#popup9"> <div class = "awards-cards"> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="Stevie Sales &#038; Customer Service Awards"/> <p class = "card-title"> Forbes </p> <p class = "card-desc"> CleverTap was recognized as &#8216;Best Startup Employers 2020&#8217; by Forbes. </p> </div> </a> <a href="#popup10"> <div class = "awards-cards"> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="Stevie Sales &#038; Customer Service Awards"/> <p class = "card-title"> Tracxn </p> <p class = "card-desc"> CleverTap was recognized as ‘Emerging Startup Awards 2023’ by Tracxn </p> </div> </a> <a href="#popup11"> <div class = "awards-cards"> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="Stevie Sales &#038; Customer Service Awards"/> <p class = "card-title"> Great Place to work </p> <p class = "card-desc"> CleverTap was named one of India’s Great Places To Work for the second time in 2023. </p> </div> </a> <a href="#popup12"> <div class = "awards-cards"> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="Stevie Sales &#038; Customer Service Awards"/> <p class = "card-title"> SaaS Boomi </p> <p class = "card-desc"> CleverTap wins &#8216;Breakout SaaS Startup of the Year&#8217; at SaaS Boomi Awards 2022 </p> </div> </a> </div> <div id="popup1" class="popup-container"> <div class="popup-content"> <a href="#section2" class="close">&times;</a> <h3>CleverTap&#8217;s Wins at the 18th Annual Global Sales and Customer Service Stevie Awards</h3> <p>CleverTap recently clinched two awards at the prestigious 2024 Stevie Awards for Sales &#038; Customer Service for its excellence in enhancing customer experience. Held at the Bellagio in Las Vegas, this recognition underscores CleverTap’s commitment to excellence across all facets of customer interaction. The Stevie Awards are widely considered the world’s premier business achievement awards, recognizing outstanding programs for 22 years.<br><br> At Stevie Customer Service Awards: CleverTap bags silver in best customer engagement initiative category for building a holistic approach to customer engagement, from onboarding, support to success CleverTap wins silver for revolutionizing customer experience becoming a strategic partner in the customer journey in achievement in customer experience category <br><br> These wins highlight CleverTap’s comprehensive approach to customer engagement—from seamless onboarding processes and robust support systems to ensuring customer success. This holistic methodology not only revolutionized customer experiences but also established CleverTap as a strategic partner in their customers&#8217; journeys. CleverTap has crafted a customer service model that closely aligns with customers’ priorities, ensuring impactful and measurable outcomes. This strategic framework leverages cutting-edge tools and innovative strategies, demonstrating CleverTap’s unwavering dedication to pushing the boundaries of customer service and engagement.<br><br> CleverTap enhances personalized, high-touch customer onboarding, with a knowledge-centered, technology-driven approach to customer support, and focuses on strategic partnerships and a comprehensive growth journey for its customers.<br><br> </p> <div class = "blur-img-wrap"> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="award"/> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="awards"/> </div> </div> </div> <div id="popup2" class="popup-container"> <div class="popup-content"> <a href="#section2" class="close">&times;</a> <h3>CleverTap&#8217;s Distinguished Achievements at the BrandWagon MarTech Awards 2024 by Financial Express</h3> <p> CleverTap has been recognized with multiple honors at the BrandWagon MarTech Awards 2024, organized by Financial Express, a leading Indian business newspaper part of the Indian Express group since 1961. This prestigious event celebrates innovative achievements in the use of marketing technology by brands, agencies, and technology providers. <br><br> At the 2024 awards, CleverTap, in partnership with its customers, secured three significant awards, demonstrating its prowess in leveraging MarTech to enhance customer experiences across various sectors: <br><br> <strong>Motilal Oswal Financial Services Limited and CleverTap won Best Use of MarTech in BFSI</strong> award for their innovative approach to increasing investor lifetime value through comprehensive customer lifecycle engagement. This initiative has transformed how financial services engage and retain their clients, enhancing overall investor satisfaction and loyalty. <br><br> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="awards"/> <br><br> <strong>Chaayos and CleverTap won Best Use of MarTech in FMCG (F&#038;B) </strong>for creating a seamless omnichannel food experience, effectively unifying online and offline touchpoints. This strategy has revolutionized customer interactions with the brand, offering a consistent and personalized experience across all platforms. <br><br> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="awards"/> <br><br> <strong>Aditya Birla Health Insurance and CleverTap were awarded Excellence in Marketing Automation </strong>for their exceptional use of marketing automation to engage users throughout the health management journey. This partnership has enabled Aditya Birla Health Insurance to offer a holistic health management experience that resonates deeply with its customers. <br><br> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="awards"/> <br><br> These awards underscore CleverTap&#8217;s ability to effectively integrate marketing technologies to drive significant business outcomes and customer engagement. Each collaboration illustrates CleverTap’s commitment to innovation and its capability to enhance the marketing strategies of its partners, solidifying its position as a leader in the MarTech industry. </p> </div> </div> <div id="popup3" class="popup-container"> <div class="popup-content"> <a href="#section2" class="close">&times;</a> <h3>CleverTap Won 10 Awards and Named as Martech Solution Provider of the Year at ET Martequity Awards 2023 </h3> <p> At the 2023 Martequity Awards presented by ETBrandEquity, CleverTap was given a total of ten honors, including “Martech Solution Provider of the Year” and “Best Marketing Automation Platform.” <br><br> These awards were given for the role that the CleverTap platform played in building engagement strategies for amazing clients such as: Tata CLiQ Luxury, Zepto, Axis Bank, upGrad, Mobile Premier League (MPL), Practo, MX Player, and ixigo. <br><br> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="awards"/> <br><br> &#8220;I am honored that CleverTap has been recognized as the “Martech Solution Provider of the Year” and “Best Marketing Automation Platform” by the ETBrandEquity team and the esteemed jury. Thank you. My gratitude also goes to our customers and fellow CT’zens, who have consistently been the driving force behind our innovative strides in the customer engagement domain. Seeing so many of our customers here tonight, applauded for their relentless efforts and the dedication they&#8217;ve poured into their campaigns, stands as a genuine testament to the significance of these awards.&#8220; <br> <h6>-Sidharth Malik, CEO, CleverTap</h6> <br><br> <strong>Below is a list of the honors CleverTap won alongside our customers at Martequity Awards 2023:</strong> <br><br> <ul> <li>Martech Solution Provider of the Year: CleverTap</li> <li>Best Marketing Automation Platform: CleverTap, empowering businesses to orchestrate multi-channel experiences for customers across their lifetime.</li> <li>Best Multi-Channel Marketing Initiative: Tata Cliq &#038; CleverTap — Tata Cliq Luxury personalizes win-back campaigns to engage luxury shoppers with CleverTap.</li> <li>Best use of Marketing Automation: Zepto &#038; CleverTap — Zepto leverages CleverTap&#8217;s automation to build a unique real-time demand shaping capability.</li> <br> <strong>Best Use of MarTech Recognitions in:</strong> <br> <li>Travel &#038; Tourism: ixigo &#038; CleverTap — ixigo optimizes travelers&#8217; experiences using CleverTap&#8217;s real-time triggered campaigns and smart recommendation engine.</li> <li>Gaming: Mobile Premier League &#038; CleverTap — MPL builds personalized player journeys for &#8216;Zero se Hero&#8217; campaign using CleverTap.</li> <li>BFSI: Axis Bank &#038; CleverTap — Axis Bank boosts retention in credit card upgrade journeys using CleverTap&#8217;s real-time insights and automation.</li> <li>Media &#038; Entertainment (OTT streaming apps): MX Original &#038; CleverTap — MX Player enhances its reach with vernacular campaigns using CleverTap&#8217;s localized targeting and real-time insights.</li> <li>Healthcare: Practo &#038; CleverTap — Practo orchestrates patient experiences throughout their journey, drives cross-selling, and digitizes healthcare with CleverTap.</li> <li>Ed-tech: UpGrad &#038; CleverTap — upGrad builds multi-channel and personalized experiences for learners with CleverTap.</li> </ul> </p> </div> </div> <div id="popup4" class="popup-container"> <div class="popup-content"> <a href="#section2" class="close">&times;</a> <h3>CleverTap Secures Best &#8216;App Messaging Platform&#8217; Award at App Growth Awards 2023 </h3> <p> CleverTap has triumphed at the App Growth Awards 2023, securing the &#8216;App Messaging Platform&#8217; award, a testament to driving innovative app messaging strategies. As a provider of comprehensive communication solutions including push notifications, in-app messaging, and SMS messaging, CleverTap stands out in the global app growth and marketing ecosystem.<br><br> Since its inception in 2017 by the team behind the App Promotion Summit, the App Growth Awards have recognized pioneers and leaders in app marketing, attracting hundreds of submissions from around the globe each year. CleverTap&#8217;s win in this prestigious category highlights its exceptional ability to deliver effective and personalized messaging solutions that significantly enhance user engagement and retention for apps. <br><br> Additionally, CleverTap&#8217;s collaboration with Burger King, featuring the fast-food giant&#8217;s Loyalty Program, earned them a finalist position in the &#8216;App Marketing Campaign of the Year&#8217;. This nomination showcases the effective integration of CleverTap&#8217;s platform in enhancing Burger King’s customer engagement through personalized communications to build micro-loyalty moments for its customers. </p> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="awards"/> </div> </div> <div id="popup5" class="popup-container"> <div class="popup-content"> <a href="#section2" class="close">&times;</a> <h3>CleverTap wins &#8216;Best Overall Marketing Automation Company&#8217; Award at MarTech Breakthrough Awards 2023 </h3> <p>CleverTap was recognized as the 2023 Best Overall Marketing Automation Company at the 6th edition of the MarTech Breakthrough Awards. The award recognizes the most innovative companies, technologies, and products within global advertising, sales, and MarTech. Winning this award highlights CleverTap’s dedication towards innovation within the Marketing Automation space; enabling brands to drive customer engagement with its all-in-one engagement platform. CleverTap’s solutions help brands maximize customer lifetime value by creating real-time, personalized experiences at scale. <br><br> Meeting the demands of the modern MarTech industry requires a very high degree of automation. CleverTap sifts through vast datasets to drive targeted customer engagement through automated segments, advanced analytics, actionable insights, and omnichannel experiences. It helps brands scale experimentation and personalization to optimize campaigns at scale. Powered by TesseractDB – an innovative database enabling speed and scalability, the all-in-one platform enables over 2000 businesses to automate their marketing campaigns, and enhance product experiences through continuous granular experimentation and optimization.The product has demonstrated the ability to drive customer engagement and retention, leading to a positive impact on business growth by empowering brands to maximize customer lifetime value.<br><br> </p> </div> </div> <div id="popup6" class="popup-container"> <div class="popup-content"> <a href="#section2" class="close">&times;</a> <h3>CleverTap Wins ‘Best Customer Service Award’ by Entrepreneur Media 2023</h3> <p> CleverTap is honored to receive &#8216;Best Customer Service Award&#8217; at the 13th Annual Entrepreneur India Awards of 2023, organized by Entrepreneur India in media partnership with Entrepreneur magazine and These awards recognize the leading entrepreneurs who have not only excelled in their field but also helped the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Asia-Pacific. The awards represent entrepreneurial enthusiasm to excel and proliferate in a highly competitive start-up ecosystem. <br><br> At CleverTap, we take pride in being the all-in-one customer engagement platform that goes above and beyond to ensure our customers&#8217; success, and this recognition reaffirms our unwavering commitment. Our customer service model is strategically designed to become a strategic partner for our customers, aiming to deeply understand and align with each customer&#8217;s core priorities to deliver measurable outcomes. This commitment is the cornerstone of our customer service framework, which is anchored in three foundational pillars- Customer Onboarding, Customer Support, and Customer Success. Each pillar is infused with groundbreaking strategies and tools, demonstrating our relentless pursuit of excellence and partnership in customer service. <br><br> &#8220;We&#8217;re humbled and thrilled to accept the &#8216;Best Customer Service&#8217; award! Thank you to the Entrepreneur team for this recognition. At CleverTap, our customers are at the centre of everything we do. This accolade reflects our collective dedication and commitment towards making our customers successful. To our incredible team and cherished customers, thank you for making this journey possible.&#8221; <h6 style = "margin-left:10px">&#8211; Abhishek Gupta, Chief Customer Officer &#038; COO</h6> <br><br> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="awards"/> </p> </div></div><div id="popup7" class="popup-container"> <div class="popup-content"> <a href="#section2" class="close">&times;</a> <h3>CleverTap Sweeps the e4m MarTech Awards 2023 with 12 Top Honors</h3> <p>CleverTap achieved remarkable recognitions at the e4m MarTech Awards 2023, securing 12 prestigious awards. The awards, hosted by the exchange4media Group—India’s leading publisher on advertising, media, and marketing—celebrate transformative achievements in the MarTech sector. <br><br> <strong>At this year&#8217;s ceremony, CleverTap’s excellence in product was honored with accolades, including:</strong> <ul> <li> Gold: Enterprise Martech Vendor of the Year – Recognizing CleverTap’s ability to unlock customer lifetime value with its advanced engagement platform’s capabilities. </li> <li> Gold: Marketing Automation Vendor of the Year – Awarded for providing an all-in-one engagement platform for seamless &#038; automated customer interactions. </li> <li> Silver: Marketing Analytics or Reporting Vendor of the Year – For delivering actionable insights and advanced analytics to facilitate smarter decision-making. </li> </ul> <br> <p><strong> CleverTap&#8217;s partnerships showcased exceptional uses of MarTech across various industries and won recognitions:</strong></p> <ul> <li> Best use of Marketing Automation: Book My Show &#038; CleverTap — Automates lifecycle marketing for &#8216;Pathaan&#8217; movie-goers. </li> <li> Best use of Analytics / Best use of Predictive Analytics or Intent Technology: Playo &#038; CleverTap — Boosts conversion with Predictive Segmentation. </li> <li> Best Use of MarTech for Customer Engagement: Aditya Birla Health Insurance &#038; CleverTap — Builds a holistic health management customer experience. </li> <li> Best Use of MarTech for Omnichannel Initiatives: Lenskart &#038; CleverTap — Bridges online and offline experiences to build a 360-degree journey. </li> <li> Best Use of MarTech &#8211; Automobile: Beepkart &#038; CleverTap — Builds omnichannel experiences to bridge online to offline touchpoints. </li> <li> Best Use of MarTech &#8211; Media &#038; Entertainment &#8211; Including OTT Platforms: Sony LIV &#038; CleverTap — Boosted viewership and engagement with real-time marketing during Asian Games 2023. </li> <li> Best Use of MarTech &#8211; Gaming: Gameskraft &#038; CleverTap — Personalizes real-time Rewards and boosts lifetime value. </li> <li> Best Use of MarTech &#8211; E-Commerce: StarQuik &#038; CleverTap — Maximizes purchases for BachateRaho campaign. </li> <li> Best Use of MarTech &#8211; Health &#038; Wellness: Apollo 24/7 &#038; CleverTap — Builds a comprehensive and personalized &#8216;care&#8217; patient experience. </li> </ul> <br> <p> The e4m MarTech India 2023 Awards, open to a wide array of participants including technology companies, agencies, and marketers, aim to recognize those pushing the boundaries of what&#8217;s possible in marketing through technology. CleverTap&#8217;s sweeping success across various categories at this year&#8217;s awards underscores its pivotal role in shaping and enhancing the MarTech domain, demonstrating its leadership in leveraging technology to drive marketing success. </p> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="awards"/> </div></div><div id="popup8" class="popup-container"> <div class="popup-content"> <a href="#section2" class="close">&times;</a> <h3>CleverTap Awarded Best All-In-One Customer Engagement Platform UAE 2023 at International Business Magazine Awards </h3> <p> At the 2023 International Business Magazine Awards, CleverTap was proclaimed the winner in two categories in Customer Engagement &#038; Omnichannel Experiences and User Retention. CleverTap had the honor of receiving the following awards: <br><br> <ul> <li>Best All-In-One Customer Engagement Platform UAE 2023: CleverTap</li> <li>Best Omnichannel Customer Engagement and User Retention Platform UAE 2023: CleverTap</li> </ul> International Business Magazine is a United Arab Emirates-based online publishing company with a subscriber base of more than 50,000 readers that includes investors, C-suite employees, key stakeholders, policymakers, and government bureaucrats. They report on the latest news from the financial world and keenly promote innovative solutions in the industry.<br><br> The magazine is backed by young, dedicated subject matter experts and research analysts who extensively promote brands from across the globe and honor the creative work done by these global brands.<br><br> CleverTap stands at the forefront of customer engagement, offering a revolutionary all-in-one platform that has remarkably transformed how over 2000+ global brands interact with their customers. At the core of CleverTap’s groundbreaking approach is our proprietary TesseractDB™, a pioneering database specifically engineered for speed, scale, and depth in user data processing. This unique technology enables brands to attain an unparalleled depth and granularity in user analytics, offering a comprehensive 360-degree view of the customer. These insights dive deep into understanding customer preferences, behaviors, and interactions over the years, providing businesses with the key to unlock highly personalized and impactful engagement strategies. </p></div></div><div id="popup9" class="popup-container"> <div class="popup-content"> <a href="#section2" class="close">&times;</a> <h3>CleverTap recognized as &#8216;Best Startup Employers 2020&#8217; by Forbes</h3> <p>CleverTap Listed Among Forbes&#8217; Best Startup Employers for Second Consecutive Year In a significant acknowledgment, CleverTap has once again been recognized by the prestigious Forbes magazine as one of America’s Best Startup Employers for 2021. A collaboration between Forbes and Statista, Inc., this recognition is based on a rigorous evaluation of American startups. Being listed among the top 500 for two consecutive years is a testament to CleverTap&#8217;s unyielding dedication to fostering a vibrant, innovative, and employee-centric work culture. <br><br> For the second year in a row, CleverTap has been recognized by Forbes as one of America’s Best Startup Employers for 2021. Forbes and Statista, Inc., the world-leading statistics portal and industry ranking provider, conducted an independent evaluation of 10,000 qualified companies, CleverTap was chosen as one of 500 companies within the United States named as best startup employers. <br><br> At CleverTap, we take pride in cultivating a workplace culture of positivity, innovation, and trust, motivating people to grow alongside the company. <br><br> The process of compiling America’s Best Startup Employers 2023 was done by evaluating 2,500 U.S.-based businesses with at least 50 employees. These companies were judged based on three criteria: employer reputation, employee satisfaction, and growth. The final list of winners ranks 500 organizations. </p> </div></div><div id="popup10" class="popup-container"> <div class="popup-content"> <a href="#section2" class="close">&times;</a> <h3>CleverTap recognized as &#8216;Emerging Startup Awards 2023&#8217; by Tracxn</h3> <p> CleverTap was awarded Emerging Startups of Customer Success Management by Tracxn in 2023. This award recognizes startups that are providing innovative solutions in the Customer Success Management (CSM) domain. <br><br> CleverTap&#8217;s Customer Success team is dedicated to helping its customers succeed by becoming their strategic growth partners. The team provides a wide range of services, including onboarding, training, and support. CleverTap also uses its platform to help customers track their progress and identify areas where they can improve. <br><br> The Tracxn Emerging Awards is a significant initiative that publicly acknowledges top global companies across various sectors. These awards recognize companies which provide exemplary solutions that cover customer metrics, customer on-boarding, customer engagement, product feedback solutions. <br><br> Tracxn also recognizes companies that have achieved Unicorn status, along with Soonicorns and those on a trajectory toward unicorn status (Minicorns). These ratings are the result of a comprehensive analysis conducted by Tracxn&#8217;s expert teams, taking into account factors such as market size, investment from prominent investors, exceptional execution, and future growth prospects. </p> </div></div><div id="popup11" class="popup-container"> <div class="popup-content"> <a href="#section2" class="close">&times;</a> <h3>CleverTap Recognized by Great Place to Work<sup>®</sup> Among India’s Great Mid-size Workplaces </h3> <p>CleverTap has been recognized by Great Place to Work® India as one of India’s Great Mid-size Workplaces 2022. CleverTap is recognized for creating and sustaining a high-trust, high performance work culture.<br><br> In its 6th edition this year for India, the list has grown to include the top 75 companies, up from the top 50 until last year. The rigorous methodology to assess workplace culture and identify India’s Great Mid-size Workplaces 2022 is considered the gold standard globally.<br><br> In the Great Place to Work® India study, they have observed that the Great Mid-size Workplaces have gone above and beyond to create and sustain aspirational organizations. Effective leadership is visible in these workplaces that are fostering a culture of fairness and originality, while offering flexibility to their employees in the current hybrid work environment. Organizations that succeed in establishing high-trust, high-performance cultures, and maximizing human potential by bridging experience gaps, will be Great Places to Work For All in the future.<br><br> “We’re very excited to be recognized by Great Place to Work® India as one of India’s Great Mid-size Workplaces. Even before the pandemic hit, we believed that an empathetic and flexible work culture is the essence of an organization’s growth,” says Sidharth Malik, Chief Executive Officer, CleverTap. “Our employees and their holistic well-being have always been the top priority for us. The recognition by Great Place to Work® India is a testament to our commitment of building a workplace that is inclusive and driven, and one that provides its people an environment to thrive and succeed in everything they do. </p> </div></div><div id="popup12" class="popup-container"> <div class="popup-content"> <a href="#section2" class="close">&times;</a> <h3>CleverTap wins &#8216;Breakout SaaS Startup of the Year&#8217; at SaaS Boomi Awards 2022 </h3> <p> CleverTap was awarded the Breakout SaaS Startup of the Year at the SaaSBOOMi Awards 2021. These awards recognize exemplary SaaS startups in India. CleverTap was chosen for this award based on its rapid growth, innovative platform, and commitment to customer success. <br><br> CleverTap&#8217;s customer engagement platform helps businesses to create personalized and engaging experiences for their customers across all channels, including mobile, web, and email. The platform offers a wide range of features, including segmentation, personalization, messaging, and analytics. <br><br> CleverTap is used by over 10,000 apps across industries and geographies. In 2021, CleverTap helped customers send over one trillion messages and create about 9 million campaigns. The company has also been recognized for its excellent customer service and its commitment to innovation. </p> </div></div><div id="popup13" class="popup-container"> <div class="popup-content"> <a href="#section2" class="close">&times;</a> <h3>CleverTap&#8217;s Triumph at the 22<sup>nd</sup> Annual Stevie American Business Awards</h3> <p>CleverTap proudly secured distinguished accolades at the 22<sup>nd</sup> Annual American Business Awards, marking its excellence in AI/ML solutions and innovative app marketing collaborations with Trebel. The awards ceremony showcased a competitive field with over 3,700 nominations from a diverse range of industries, all evaluated by a global panel of 300 experts. <br> <br> The American Business Awards, known as the premier business accolade in the USA, celebrated CleverTap&#8217;s innovative achievements with a Gold Stevie Award in the Mobile Web &#038; App category for Music, in partnership with Trebel, and a Silver Stevie Award in the Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Solution category. These awards reflect CleverTap&#8217;s pivotal role in advancing technology and marketing solutions that dramatically enhance user engagement and business outcomes. <br> <br> CleverTap&#8217;s winning AI/ML solution, Clever.AI, epitomizes technological advancement in customer interaction. Built on the foundational pillars of Predictive, Generative, and Prescriptive AI, Clever.AI utilizes the groundbreaking Tesseract DB to deliver real-time, data-driven customer insights. This robust tool enables precise forecasting and segmentation, greatly enhancing the predictability of customer behaviors and business results. <br> <br> CleverTap&#8217;s collaboration with Trebel revolutionized app marketing through the &#8220;Moodlist&#8221; feature, utilizing the Tesseract DB to deliver automated and dynamic content to millions of users instantaneously. This integration of AI-driven strategies not only increases customer lifetime value and loyalty but also promotes sustainable growth through enhanced user engagement and retention. <br> <br> </p> <div class = "blur-img-wrap"> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="award"/> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="awards"/> </div> </div></div><div id="popup14" class="popup-container"> <div class="popup-content"> <a href="#section2" class="close">&times;</a> <h3>CleverTap Receives 8 Prestigious Honors at the 11<sup>th</sup> Annual Stevie Asia-Pacific Awards</h3> <p> CleverTap has achieved a landmark victory at the 2024 Stevie Asia-Pacific Awards, clinching 8 prestigious awards for its outstanding contributions to technology development, customer service, and partnership with leading global brands. This global recognition at the world&#8217;s premier business awards platform underscores CleverTap&#8217;s role as a leader in crafting innovative solutions and strategies across diverse industries.<br><br> The Stevie Awards, renowned for celebrating business excellence for over two decades, honored CleverTap for its collaborative efforts with notable partners such as Ooredoo Group, SonyLIV, Decathlon, and The Times of India. These partnerships resulted in several gold and bronze awards in categories ranging from business and general information apps to entertainment and e-commerce apps, showcasing CleverTap&#8217;s prowess in leveraging AI-powered personalization and real-time engagement.<br><br> <strong>CleverTap winning together with customers:</strong> <ul> <li>Ooredoo and CleverTap win gold for innovation in business information apps, for revolutionizing app engagement with a holistic approach to customer engagement</li> <li>The Times of India and CleverTap win gold for innovation in general information apps, for pioneering AI-powered personalization behind the news headlines</li> <li>SonyLIV and CleverTap win bronze for innovation in entertainment apps, for revolutionizing real-time sports entertainment for the 19th asian games campaign</li> <li>Decathlon and CleverTap win bronze for innovation in shopping or e-commerce apps, for revolutionizing retail by crafting advanced personalized shopping experiences</li> </ul> <p> <strong>CleverTap recognized for its Product Innovation: </strong> <ul> <li> CleverTap bags gold for innovation in business-to-business products &#038; services as the all-in-one pioneer in customer engagement and retention solutions for businesses </li> <li> CleverTap wins silver for its achievement in product innovation category, for revolutionizing customer engagement with innovative solutions </li> <li> CleverTap bags silver for innovation in technology development </li> </ul> <p> CleverTap winning for excellence in Customer Service: <br><br> CleverTap wins gold for being a strategic partner in growth through customer-centric service innovation for its customers and gets recognised for innovation in customer service management, planning &#038; practice category <br><br> These awards not only celebrate CleverTap’s technological and customer-first oriented advancements but also affirm its leadership in driving customer engagement and business growth globally. </p> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="award"/> </div></div><div id="popup15" class="popup-container"> <div class="popup-content"> <a href="#section2" class="close">&times;</a> <h3>CleverTap Celebrates a Hat Trick of Wins at the Stevie Technology Excellence Awards 2024 </h3> <p> CleverTap has achieved remarkable recognition at the prestigious Stevie Awards for Technology Excellence, securing both Gold and Silver awards for its innovative contributions to customer engagement technology. The Stevie Awards, known as the world&#8217;s premier business awards, celebrate outstanding achievements and contributions of organizations and professionals globally, making them one of the most coveted honors in the industry.</p> <p> CleverTap&#8217;s No-Code Product Experience Builder won the Gold Stevie for its revolutionary Remote Config capability, which empowers businesses to customize, manage, and configure mobile applications with minimal development effort. This immersive, no-code solution allows brands to deliver tailored experiences without extensive coding, setting a new standard in product management.</p> <p> In addition, CleverTap&#8217;s TesseractDB™ and Clever.AI were honored with Silver Stevies. TesseractDB™, the world’s first purpose-built database for customer engagement and retention, showcases groundbreaking capabilities, including real-time AI model execution for predictions and recommendations. Clever.AI, another breakthrough, consolidates CleverTap&#8217;s AI capabilities, transforming customer engagement from simple task automation to a strategic tool for enhancing decision-making and personalizing customer journeys. These accolades affirm CleverTap’s leadership in driving technological innovation, solidifying its position as a frontrunner in the global customer engagement and retention landscape. </p> </div></div><div id="popup16" class="popup-container"> <div class="popup-content"> <a href="#section2" class="close">&times;</a> <h3>CleverTap wins the “Best Mobile Messaging-Based Marketing Solution” Award at the MarTech Breakthrough Awards 2024</h3> <p> CleverTap has been honored with the prestigious “Best Mobile Messaging-Based Marketing Solution” award at the 2024 MarTech Breakthrough Awards. This recognition marks another milestone for CleverTap, which continues to be a leader in the global app growth and marketing ecosystem. The MarTech Breakthrough Awards, now in its 7th year, celebrate the most innovative products, solutions, services, and companies in marketing, advertising, and sales technology. </p> <p> CleverTap&#8217;s comprehensive messaging suite, which includes push notifications, in-app messaging, SMS, and email, was key to earning this accolade. The platform empowers businesses to captivate and engage customers across mobile, web, and other platforms by delivering the right message at the right time. By providing an omnichannel customer experience, CleverTap enables brands to expand their reach and engage more effectively with a broader and deeper channel mix. </p> <p> This award is a testament to CleverTap’s commitment to driving innovative app messaging strategies and delivering exceptional communication solutions. As a provider of cutting-edge marketing technology, CleverTap continues to stand out, setting the standard for excellence in mobile messaging-based marketing solutions. </p> </div></div><div id="popup17" class="popup-container"> <div class="popup-content"> <a href="#section2" class="close">&times;</a> <h3>CleverTap Celebrates 14 Wins with its Customers, Including MarTech Solution Provider of the Year </h3> <p> <strong>At the ETMarTech+ Awards 2024</strong>, CleverTap made its mark once again, securing 14 prestigious accolades, including the MarTech Solution Provider of the Year for the second consecutive year. The collaboration with our awesome customers played a pivotal role in these wins. Together, we earned 10 awards across a range of categories, showcasing how partnership and cutting-edge solutions can drive real impact. </p> <p> Joint Wins with Customers In collaboration with industry leaders, CleverTap achieved the following joint wins: </p> <ul> <li><strong>AJIO (Festive Seasonal Campaign):</strong> Excelled in the ‘All Stars Sale’ with precision targeting through CleverTap’s solutions. </li> <li><strong>BookMyShow (Best Use of Personalization):</strong> Enhanced the Lollapalooza India 2024 ticketing process with hyper-personalized experiences, powered by CleverTap. </li> <li><strong>boAt (Retail): </strong>Boosted customer engagement by integrating gamification with CleverTap’s tools. </li> <li><strong>Cleartrip (Travel &#038; Tourism):</strong> Delivered real-time, personalized traveler experiences, driven by CleverTap’s technology. </li> <li><strong>Head Digital Works (Ace2Three) (Gaming):</strong> Successfully reactivated players using CleverTap’s innovative player engagement solutions. </li> <li><strong>Snitch (D2C):</strong> Fostered lasting customer relationships by leveraging CleverTap’s personalized engagement. </li> <li><strong>Swiggy (E-commerce &#038; Q-commerce):</strong> Improved engagement and conversions with timely, targeted messaging powered by CleverTap. </li> <li><strong>V! (Best Use of Marketing Automation): </strong>Streamlined super app customer journeys, thanks to CleverTap’s automation capabilities. </li> <li><strong>Zee5 (Media &#038; Entertainment &#8211; OTT):</strong> Personalized regional content to drive deeper customer engagement, utilizing CleverTap’s platform. </li> <li><strong>Zomato (Best Use of MarTech in B2C): </strong>Used CleverTap’s contextual engagement tools to drive customer lifetime value and loyalty. </li> </ul> <p> <strong>Product Innovation Wins for CleverTap</strong><br> In addition to our customer successes, CleverTap’s product innovations also garnered attention, winning in these key categories: </p> <ul> <li><strong>Best Marketing Automation Tool</strong> </li> <li><strong>Best Marketing Personalization Tool</strong> </li> <li><strong>Innovative Customer Experience Management Solution</strong> </li> </ul> <p> We are excited to continue pushing the boundaries of customer engagement technology. We extend our gratitude to all our partners and customers for their trust and collaboration and look forward to driving more success stories with them in the future. </p> <div class="blur-img-wrap img-g"> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="award"> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="awards"> <br> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="awards"> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="awards"> <br> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="awards"> <img decoding="async" src="" alt="awards"> </div> </div></div><section class = "awards-div u-TopBottomSpace text-center"> <h4 class = "headingh4 ct-blue-text ct-blue-text u-MB30">And Customers Love Us</h4> <ul class="g2-badges-wrap"> <li><img data-src="" width="115px" height="150px" alt="LEADER-FALL24" class="lazyload"/></li> <li><img data-src="" width="115px" height="150px" alt="MOM-LEADER-FALL24" class="lazyload"/></li> <li><img data-src="" width="115px" height="150px" alt="g2 badges ENTP-LEADER-FALL24" class="lazyload"/></li> <li><img data-src="" width="115px" height="150px" alt="g2 badges BEST-SUPP-ENTP-FALL24" class="lazyload"/></li> <li><img data-src="" width="115px" height="150px" alt="g2 badges BEST-RESU-ENTP-FALL24" class="lazyload"/></li> </ul> <ul class = "award-text u-MT20 star-div"> <li class = "mar-right15" style = "max-width:initial">Users give CleverTap</li> <li class = "mar-right15 review-str"><img data-src="/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/g2-stars.svg" alt="ge-reviews" width="115px" height="19px" class="lazyload"/></li> <li class = "mar-right10">for Forecasting on</li> <li><img data-src="/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/g2-small-logo.svg" width="21px" height="21px" alt="g2-badges" class="lazyload"/></li> </ul> <div class="awards-badges wrapper u-MT20"> <div class="element element-1"><img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" width="745" height="131" src="" alt="awards"/></div> <div class="element element-2"><img decoding="async" width="745" height="131" src="" alt="awards"/></div> </div> <a href="javascript:;" class="card__btn c-btn c-btn-reverse mauBelow100k selected-startup u-MT40 smallest-btn open-modal" id="startup_plan" role="button" data-modal="signUpP" style="padding: 6px 20px 6px 24px;">Talk to us</a> </section><section class="bs-cta u-TopBottomSpace"> <div class="inner-section"> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="custom-sec img-full-height footer-bg"> <div class="custom-row mobile-reverse align-item-center full-height"> <div class="c-60"> <div class="text-contain"> <h4 class="title">See how our award-winning platform unlocks value for your business. </h4> <a target="_blank" href="" class="c-btn large-btn no-arrow" data-factors-click-bind="true" rel="noopener">Talk to Us<span class="btn-overlay"></span ><span class="btn-overlay"></span ></a> </div> </div> <div class="c-40 full-img"> <div class="img-graphic"> <img decoding="async" class="img-fluid" src="" alt="graphic" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></section></div></div><style> .blur-img-wrap.img-g img { display: inline-block; 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