AmiGO 2: Term Details for "cellular anatomical structure" (GO:0110165)
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Note that cellular organisms exclude viruses. <em>Source:</em> <cite>GOC:kmv</cite> </dd> <!-- Comment. --> <dt>Comment</dt> <dd>None</dd> <!-- Optional GO history. --> <dt>History</dt> <dd>See term <a href="" title="See term history.">history for GO:0110165</a> at QuickGO</dd> <!-- Taxon constraints. --> <!-- <dt>Taxon info</dt> --> <!-- --> <!-- <dd>None</dd> --> <!-- --> <!-- Chemical reaction participants. --> <dt>Chem. react.</dt> <dd>None</dd> <!-- Subsets --> <dt>Subset</dt> <!-- <dd> --> <!-- <ul> --> <!-- <li><a href="" title="View details of the GO slim"></a></li> --> <!-- <li>Unavailable</li> --> <!-- <li>gocheck_do_not_annotate</li> --> <dd>gocheck_do_not_annotate</dd> <!-- <li><a href="" title="View details of the GO slim"></a></li> --> <!-- <li>Unavailable</li> --> <!-- <li>goslim_pir</li> --> <dd>goslim_pir</dd> <!-- </ul> --> <!-- </dd> --> <!-- JS dynamic links created by manager. --> <dt id="prob_related" class="hidden">Related</dt> <dd id="prob_bio" class="hidden"> <a id="prob_bio_href" href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs">Link</a> to all <strong>genes and gene products</strong> annotated to cellular anatomical structure (<strong>excluding "regulates"</strong>). </dd> <dd id="prob_ann" class="hidden"> <a id="prob_ann_href" href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs">Link</a> to all direct and indirect <strong>annotations</strong> to cellular anatomical structure (<strong>excluding "regulates"</strong>). </dd> <dd id="prob_ann_dl" class="hidden"> <a id="prob_ann_dl_href" href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs">Link</a> to all direct and indirect <strong>annotations download</strong> (limited to first 10,000) for cellular anatomical structure (<strong>excluding "regulates"</strong>). </dd> <!-- <\!-- -\-> --> <!-- <dt>Feedback</dt> --> <!-- <dd> --> <!-- Contact the --> <!-- <a href="" title="GO Helpdesk.">GO Helpdesk</a> --> <!-- if you find mistakes or have concerns --> <!-- about the data you find here. --> <!-- </dd> --> </dl> <div> <a href="/amigo/term/GO:0110165?relation=regulates" class="btn btn-primary"> Include "regulates"</a> <br />For more information, please see the <a href="">ontology relation documentation</a>. </div> </div> </div> <!-- END template: term_details_main.tmpl --> <!-- Hrm... --> <!-- Display tabbing. --> <ul id="display-tabs" class="nav nav-tabs"> <!-- NOTE: As of RC3, "active" did not work, so still tabbed from JS. --> <!-- <li class="active"> --> <li> <a href="#display-associations-tab" data-toggle="tab">Annotations</a> </li> <li> <a href="#display-graphics-tab" data-toggle="tab">Graph Views</a> </li> <li> <a href="#display-lineage-tab" data-toggle="tab">Inferred Tree View</a> </li> <li> <!-- <a href="#display-sentences-tab" data-toggle="tab">Ancestors and Children</a> --> <a href="#display-sentences-tab" data-toggle="tab">Neighborhood</a> </li> <li> <a href="#display-xref-tab" data-toggle="tab">Mappings</a> </li> <!-- <li> --> <!-- <a href="#display-out-tab" data-toggle="tab">Other 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amigo-detail-tab-spacer"> <div class="panel-body"> <!-- START template: term_details_graphics.tmpl --> <h5> View this term in <a href="" title="Go to the QuickGO term page for GO:0110165">QuickGO</a>. </h5> <p> <a href="" title="Go to the QuickGO term page for GO:0110165"> <img src="" alt="Graph of GO:0110165 from QuickGO" /> </a> </p> <h5>Additional external viewing options</h5> <ul class="list-unstyled"> <li><a href="" title="View the graph in the OLSVis viewer">OLSVis (interactive)</a></li> </ul> <h5>Additional internal viewing options</h5> <ul class="list-unstyled"> <!-- TODO: do this with breadcrumbsy string (taken from REST URL) --> <!-- <li>Last action: unknown</li> --> <li><a href="" title="View the graph as a static PNG image">Graphical view (PNG)</a></li> <li><a href="" title="View the graph as an interactive SVG+JS document">Graphical view (SVG)</a></li> <!-- One day this will be out of experimental. --> <!-- <li><a href="" --> <!-- title="Navigate the GO, using the current 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--> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[Inferred is_a relation]" title="Inferred is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to anatomical entity">CARO:0000000 anatomical entity</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71115db8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 2--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[Inferred is_a relation]" title="Inferred is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to anatomical entity">UBERON:0001062 anatomical entity</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71110528)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 2--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[Inferred is_a relation]" title="Inferred is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to material anatomical entity">CARO:0000006 material anatomical entity</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae711160d0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[Inferred is_a relation]" title="Inferred is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to connected anatomical structure">CARO:0000003 connected anatomical structure</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71110690)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[Inferred is_a relation]" title="Inferred is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to material anatomical entity">UBERON:0000465 material anatomical entity</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae711106d8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 4--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to anatomical structure">UBERON:0000061 anatomical structure</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae7110eb48)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 4--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cellular_component">GO:0005575 cellular_component</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image => <!-- override_title = Current term--> <!-- override_link = 1--> <!-- override_bold = 1--> <li> <img src="" alt="[Current term]" title="Current term" /> <span style="font-weight: bold;">GO:0110165 cellular anatomical structure</span> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed6ba0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to A band">GO:0031672 A band</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eddfb0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to acroblast">GO:0036063 acroblast</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ea96f8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to acrosomal matrix">GO:0043159 acrosomal matrix</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee5bf0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to actin body">GO:0099079 actin body</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eece40)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to actin cap">GO:0030478 actin cap</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef1580)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to actin filament branch point">GO:0061834 actin filament branch point</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee30a0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to actin filament bundle">GO:0032432 actin filament bundle</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eddb18)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to actin wave">GO:0062201 actin wave</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed2148)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to actomyosin">GO:0042641 actomyosin</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eecc00)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to alae of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix">GO:0060111 alae of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee66a0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to annular furrow extracellular matrix">GO:0060108 annular furrow extracellular matrix</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ecb930)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to annuli extracellular matrix">GO:0060107 annuli extracellular matrix</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee9408)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to apical complex">GO:0020007 apical complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ede388)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to apical cytoplasm">GO:0090651 apical cytoplasm</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ece8a8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to apical lamina of hyaline layer">GO:0032579 apical lamina of hyaline layer</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eda208)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to apical part of cell">GO:0045177 apical part of cell</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ede1f0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to ascus epiplasm">GO:0072324 ascus epiplasm</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef8328)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to axon collateral">GO:0044303 axon collateral</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71edd578)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to axon hillock">GO:0043203 axon hillock</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef88c8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to axon initial segment">GO:0043194 axon initial segment</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eda688)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to axonemal A tubule inner sheath">GO:0160111 axonemal A tubule inner sheath</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee9498)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to axonemal B tubule inner sheath">GO:0160112 axonemal B tubule inner sheath</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef7d88)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to axonemal basal plate">GO:0097541 axonemal basal plate</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef10e8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to axonemal central apparatus">GO:1990716 axonemal central apparatus</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee6970)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to axonemal central bridge">GO:1990717 axonemal central bridge</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ecef80)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to axonemal central pair">GO:0097540 axonemal central pair</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef8460)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to axonemal central pair projection">GO:1990718 axonemal central pair projection</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed6d38)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to axonemal doublet microtubule">GO:0097545 axonemal doublet microtubule</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed6b10)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to axonemal microtubule doublet inner junction">GO:0160113 axonemal microtubule doublet inner junction</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee3928)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to axonemal microtubule doublet inner sheath">GO:0160110 axonemal microtubule doublet inner sheath</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee6568)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to axonemal microtubule doublet outer junction">GO:0160114 axonemal microtubule doublet outer junction</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef4a40)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to axonemal microtubule doublet ribbon">GO:0160115 axonemal microtubule doublet ribbon</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71edaa60)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to axoneme">GO:0005930 axoneme</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee8dd8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to bacterial biofilm matrix surface">GO:0097313 bacterial biofilm matrix surface</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed2538)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to bacterial-type flagellum basal body">GO:0009425 bacterial-type flagellum basal body</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed2268)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to bacterial-type flagellum basal body, C ring">GO:0009433 bacterial-type flagellum basal body, C ring</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71efc268)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to bacterial-type flagellum basal body, distal rod">GO:0009426 bacterial-type flagellum basal body, distal rod</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee3e38)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to bacterial-type flagellum basal body, distal rod, L ring">GO:0009427 bacterial-type flagellum basal body, distal rod, L ring</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed9c50)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to bacterial-type flagellum basal body, distal rod, P ring">GO:0009428 bacterial-type flagellum basal body, distal rod, P ring</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef4788)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to bacterial-type flagellum basal body, MS ring">GO:0009431 bacterial-type flagellum basal body, MS ring</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef89e8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to bacterial-type flagellum basal body, proximal rod">GO:0009429 bacterial-type flagellum basal body, proximal rod</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eddaa0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to bacterial-type flagellum basal body, rod">GO:0030694 bacterial-type flagellum basal body, rod</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef1e68)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to bacterial-type flagellum filament">GO:0009420 bacterial-type flagellum filament</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed6cd8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to bacterial-type flagellum filament cap">GO:0009421 bacterial-type flagellum filament cap</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed7380)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to bacterial-type flagellum hook">GO:0009424 bacterial-type flagellum hook</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee2e78)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to bacterial-type flagellum hook-filament junction">GO:0009422 bacterial-type flagellum hook-filament junction</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee2f08)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to bacterial-type flagellum motor">GO:0120100 bacterial-type flagellum motor</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed7530)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to bacterial-type flagellum rotor complex">GO:0120107 bacterial-type flagellum rotor complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71dc6018)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to bacterial-type flagellum secretion apparatus">GO:0120102 bacterial-type flagellum secretion apparatus</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ecec20)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to basal body patch">GO:0120220 basal body patch</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef4800)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to basal labyrinth">GO:0033774 basal labyrinth</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eec498)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to basal layer of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix">GO:0060110 basal layer of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef7f20)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to basal part of cell">GO:0045178 basal part of cell</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eda058)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to basal ring of apical complex">GO:0020032 basal ring of apical complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eb4350)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to basolateral cytoplasm">GO:0090652 basolateral cytoplasm</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee5ec0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to basolateral part of cell">GO:1990794 basolateral part of cell</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee5f50)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to bilobe structure">GO:0120120 bilobe structure</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71edd7d0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to blood microparticle">GO:0072562 blood microparticle</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef41d0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to C zone">GO:0014705 C zone</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71dc6378)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to Casparian strip">GO:0048226 Casparian strip</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eda790)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cell body">GO:0044297 cell body</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ecb828)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cell body membrane">GO:0044298 cell body membrane</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed9cf8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cell division site">GO:0032153 cell division site</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee99a8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cell envelope">GO:0030313 cell envelope</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed6840)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cell junction">GO:0030054 cell junction</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed7260)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cell leading edge">GO:0031252 cell leading edge</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eb1388)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cell periphery">GO:0071944 cell periphery</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ecf490)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cell plate">GO:0009504 cell plate</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee35c8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cell pole">GO:0060187 cell pole</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ead090)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cell projection">GO:0042995 cell projection</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ecba68)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cell septum">GO:0030428 cell septum</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef7e18)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cell septum edging">GO:0043188 cell septum edging</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71dc3c90)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cell surface">GO:0009986 cell surface</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee9138)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cell surface furrow">GO:0097610 cell surface furrow</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ecbba0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cell trailing edge">GO:0031254 cell trailing edge</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef45c0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cell trailing edge membrane">GO:0031257 cell trailing edge membrane</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ea5bf0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cellular birth scar">GO:0071597 cellular birth scar</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef18b0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cellular bud">GO:0005933 cellular bud</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef49b0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cellular bud membrane">GO:0033101 cellular bud membrane</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee39b8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cellular bud neck septin structure">GO:0000399 cellular bud neck septin structure</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed2898)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cellular bud scar">GO:0005621 cellular bud scar</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eeced0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cellularization cleavage furrow invagination front">GO:0110071 cellularization cleavage furrow invagination front</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee67d8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cellulose microfibril">GO:0009549 cellulose microfibril</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef13b8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to central cylinder">GO:1990805 central cylinder</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee36e8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to central element">GO:0000801 central element</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef4410)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to central plaque of spindle pole body">GO:0005823 central plaque of spindle pole body</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71dc5f88)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to central region of growth cone">GO:0090724 central region of growth cone</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eecf78)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to centriolar satellite">GO:0034451 centriolar satellite</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eb15c8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to centrosomal core">GO:0140918 centrosomal core</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed21d8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to centrosomal corona">GO:0031592 centrosomal corona</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef4d88)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to chiasma">GO:0005712 chiasma</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eec9c0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to chitosan layer of spore wall">GO:0005631 chitosan layer of spore wall</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed2bf8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to chromatin">GO:0000785 chromatin</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71dc62e8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to chromosomal region">GO:0098687 chromosomal region</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71edd470)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to chrorion micropyle">GO:0070825 chrorion micropyle</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef4650)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to ciliary base">GO:0097546 ciliary base</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eceb00)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to ciliary cap">GO:0061822 ciliary cap</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee95b8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to ciliary inversin compartment">GO:0097543 ciliary inversin compartment</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eda730)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to ciliary microtubule quartet">GO:0120260 ciliary microtubule quartet</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee3d18)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to ciliary pocket">GO:0020016 ciliary pocket</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71dc3d20)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to ciliary pocket collar">GO:1990900 ciliary pocket collar</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee8cb8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to ciliary pro-basal body">GO:0120280 ciliary pro-basal body</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eec438)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to ciliary rootlet">GO:0035253 ciliary rootlet</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eb0a88)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to ciliary shaft">GO:0097544 ciliary shaft</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71dc5dd8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to ciliary tip">GO:0097542 ciliary tip</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71edd620)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to ciliary transition zone">GO:0035869 ciliary transition zone</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed24a8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cleavage apparatus septin structure">GO:0032161 cleavage apparatus septin structure</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eec390)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cleavage furrow leading edge">GO:0090689 cleavage furrow leading edge</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee8b98)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cleavage furrow rim">GO:0090688 cleavage furrow rim</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee9918)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cluster of actin-based cell projections">GO:0098862 cluster of actin-based cell projections</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eb4a10)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cnida">GO:0140022 cnida</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed2ad8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to columella">GO:0043674 columella</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee5ad0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to compact myelin">GO:0043218 compact myelin</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eda3b8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to concave side of sperm head">GO:0061830 concave side of sperm head</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef1688)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cone matrix sheath">GO:0090658 cone matrix sheath</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee3418)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to conoid">GO:0020010 conoid</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eb0f08)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to contractile ring">GO:0070938 contractile ring</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eddbc0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cortical dynamic polarity patch">GO:0090726 cortical dynamic polarity patch</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71dc3ff0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cortical layer of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix">GO:0060106 cortical layer of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eddf20)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to costamere">GO:0043034 costamere</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed2388)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cuticular plate">GO:0032437 cuticular plate</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee6610)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cytoplasm">GO:0005737 cytoplasm</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eda190)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cytoplasmic side of nuclear pore">GO:1990876 cytoplasmic side of nuclear pore</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed26e8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cytoproct">GO:0031911 cytoproct</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee97f8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cytoskeletal calyx">GO:0033150 cytoskeletal calyx</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed2d18)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cytosol">GO:0005829 cytosol</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eb7d18)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cytostome">GO:0031910 cytostome</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71dc5a78)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to deep fiber">GO:0032123 deep fiber</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee3808)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to dendrite terminus">GO:0044292 dendrite terminus</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71edab98)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to dendritic shaft">GO:0043198 dendritic shaft</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee3778)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to dendritic spine head">GO:0044327 dendritic spine head</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee3538)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to dendritic spine neck">GO:0044326 dendritic spine neck</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee6190)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to dendritic spine origin">GO:0150004 dendritic spine origin</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed2940)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to dense body">GO:0097433 dense body</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef4248)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to dense fibrillar component">GO:0001651 dense fibrillar component</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eecae0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to dense nuclear body">GO:0046818 dense nuclear body</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef44b8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to DIM/DIP cell wall layer">GO:0097735 DIM/DIP cell wall layer</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71dc6240)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to dinoflagellate antapex">GO:0097684 dinoflagellate antapex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71efc640)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to dinoflagellate apex">GO:0097683 dinoflagellate apex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef7fc8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to dinoflagellate epicone">GO:0097613 dinoflagellate epicone</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed2a48)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to dinoflagellate hypocone">GO:0097614 dinoflagellate hypocone</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef1448)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to distal axon">GO:0150034 distal axon</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eda298)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to distal portion of axoneme">GO:0120135 distal portion of axoneme</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef4f50)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to dityrosine layer of spore wall">GO:0005630 dityrosine layer of spore wall</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef1ef8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to DNA replication termination region">GO:0097047 DNA replication termination region</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eda568)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to ectexine">GO:0043669 ectexine</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed2418)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to eisosome">GO:0032126 eisosome</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eecdb0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to endexine">GO:0043671 endexine</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ece950)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to endocytic patch">GO:0061645 endocytic patch</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eb47d0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to endomembrane system">GO:0012505 endomembrane system</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee96d8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to endonuclear canal">GO:0035843 endonuclear canal</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ede160)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to endoplasmic reticulum exit site">GO:0070971 endoplasmic reticulum exit site</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef40b0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to endoplasmic reticulum quality control compartment">GO:0044322 endoplasmic reticulum quality control compartment</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed25c8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to endospore coat">GO:0043593 endospore coat</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71efc2c8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to endospore cortex">GO:0043595 endospore cortex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71dc5b98)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to ensheathing process">GO:1990015 ensheathing process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed7410)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to epicuticle of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix">GO:0060105 epicuticle of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef7ea8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to etioplast prolamellar body">GO:0009541 etioplast prolamellar body</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef1c28)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to exine">GO:0043668 exine</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef8190)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to exosporium">GO:0043592 exosporium</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ecf2e0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to external encapsulating structure">GO:0030312 external encapsulating structure</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed2c88)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to external side of cell wall">GO:0010339 external side of cell wall</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef8058)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to extracellular core region of desmosome">GO:0090635 extracellular core region of desmosome</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed7020)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to extracellular region">GO:0005576 extracellular region</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71efc400)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to extracellular space">GO:0005615 extracellular space</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ea94b8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to extrahaustorial matrix">GO:0085036 extrahaustorial matrix</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eceef0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to extraorganismal space">GO:0043245 extraorganismal space</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed6c30)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to extrinsic component of membrane">GO:0019898 extrinsic component of membrane</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef8568)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to female germline ring canal inner rim">GO:0035183 female germline ring canal inner rim</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef4b60)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to female germline ring canal outer rim">GO:0035182 female germline ring canal outer rim</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eddc50)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to fibrillar center">GO:0001650 fibrillar center</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef8790)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to filiform apparatus">GO:0043680 filiform apparatus</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee9018)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to filopodium tip">GO:0032433 filopodium tip</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eda0e8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to Flemming body">GO:0090543 Flemming body</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef4e30)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to foot layer">GO:0043670 foot layer</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71efc520)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to fusome">GO:0045169 fusome</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee9888)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to gas vesicle shell">GO:0033172 gas vesicle shell</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ececb0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to germ tube">GO:0032179 germ tube</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eb1148)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to glycogen granule">GO:0042587 glycogen granule</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef7cf8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to glycoprotein network">GO:0048222 glycoprotein network</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eda448)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to granular component">GO:0001652 granular component</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee5a28)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to granum">GO:0009542 granum</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee9378)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to growth cone membrane">GO:0032584 growth cone membrane</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71efbff8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to H zone">GO:0031673 H zone</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee5fc8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to half bridge of spindle pole body">GO:0005825 half bridge of spindle pole body</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eace50)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to Hechtian strand">GO:0120307 Hechtian strand</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eb50d0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to hemicellulose network">GO:0048223 hemicellulose network</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ecf250)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to host cellular component">GO:0018995 host cellular component</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ede310)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to hyaluranon cable">GO:0036117 hyaluranon cable</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef1958)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to I band">GO:0031674 I band</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee6070)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to immunological synapse">GO:0001772 immunological synapse</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee3c88)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to inner dense plaque of desmosome">GO:0090637 inner dense plaque of desmosome</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed72d8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to inner layer of spore wall">GO:0005632 inner layer of spore wall</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee31d8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to inner membrane pellicle complex">GO:0070258 inner membrane pellicle complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef19e8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to inner plaque of spindle pole body">GO:0005822 inner plaque of spindle pole body</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eecc90)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to intercellular bridge">GO:0045171 intercellular bridge</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ecbaf8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to intermediate layer of spindle pole body">GO:0005821 intermediate layer of spindle pole body</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ece9e0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to internode region of axon">GO:0033269 internode region of axon</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71dc3e28)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to intine">GO:0043678 intine</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee3148)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to intracellular anatomical structure">GO:0005622 intracellular anatomical structure</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71efc598)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to intracellular canaliculus">GO:0046691 intracellular canaliculus</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ecf520)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to intracellular immature spore">GO:0042763 intracellular immature spore</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed6a08)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to investment cone">GO:0070865 investment cone</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71efc130)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to Isp3 layer of spore wall">GO:1990916 Isp3 layer of spore wall</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee5c80)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to juxtaparanode region of axon">GO:0044224 juxtaparanode region of axon</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef1b80)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to keratohyalin granule">GO:0036457 keratohyalin granule</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71dc6648)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to kinetoplast">GO:0020023 kinetoplast</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee2f98)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to lateral element">GO:0000800 lateral element</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71dc3dc8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to lateral loop">GO:0043219 lateral loop</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed68d0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to lateral part of cell">GO:0097574 lateral part of cell</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee3a48)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to lateral plasma membrane">GO:0016328 lateral plasma membrane</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eb4c50)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to lateral shield">GO:0097569 lateral shield</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71dc3ed0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to leading edge membrane">GO:0031256 leading edge membrane</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ecedd0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to leaflet of membrane bilayer">GO:0097478 leaflet of membrane bilayer</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ea8bb8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to left lateral basal body pair">GO:0097562 left lateral basal body pair</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed9d88)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to left middle basal body pair">GO:0097563 left middle basal body pair</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee91e0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to left tetrad">GO:0097566 left tetrad</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eb1808)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to Lewy body core">GO:1990037 Lewy body core</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef1208)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to Lewy body corona">GO:1990038 Lewy body corona</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed71d0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to lignin network">GO:0048224 lignin network</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eddce0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to longitudinal sarcoplasmic reticulum">GO:0014801 longitudinal sarcoplasmic reticulum</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed67b0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to longitudinal side of cell surface">GO:0009930 longitudinal side of cell surface</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ea8978)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to lysosomal matrix">GO:1990836 lysosomal matrix</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee9780)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to M band">GO:0031430 M band</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71dc6510)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to macropinocytic cup cytoskeleton">GO:0070687 macropinocytic cup cytoskeleton</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eac790)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to main axon">GO:0044304 main axon</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ede280)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to manchette">GO:0002177 manchette</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eec930)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to mating projection actin fusion focus">GO:1990819 mating projection actin fusion focus</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee9240)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to mating projection base">GO:0001400 mating projection base</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71efc490)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to medial cortical node">GO:0071341 medial cortical node</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eb8618)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to medial layer of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix">GO:0060109 medial layer of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef4920)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to medial membrane band">GO:0032178 medial membrane band</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71dc65b8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to median body">GO:0097568 median body</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef1838)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to meisosome">GO:0160132 meisosome</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee8ef8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to membrane">GO:0016020 membrane</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed1f98)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to membrane-enclosed lumen">GO:0031974 membrane-enclosed lumen</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ecb9d8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to mesosome">GO:0046868 mesosome</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eecfd8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to microsporidian-type endospore">GO:0090641 microsporidian-type endospore</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef8838)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to microsporidian-type exospore">GO:0090642 microsporidian-type exospore</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ecf0a0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to microtubule bundle">GO:0097427 microtubule bundle</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71da8d60)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to microtubule end">GO:1990752 microtubule end</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ecea70)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to microtubule organizing center">GO:0005815 microtubule organizing center</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef46e0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to microtubule organizing center attachment site">GO:0034992 microtubule organizing center attachment site</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eec810)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to midbody">GO:0030496 midbody</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee64f0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to mitochondrial crista">GO:0030061 mitochondrial crista</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eb0cc8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to mitochondrial inner boundary membrane">GO:0097002 mitochondrial inner boundary membrane</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71efbf80)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to mitochondrial intracristal space">GO:0044290 mitochondrial intracristal space</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71dc5c28)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to mitochondrial membrane scission site">GO:0090692 mitochondrial membrane scission site</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eac550)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to mitochondrion-associated adherens complex">GO:0097423 mitochondrion-associated adherens complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed2b68)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to mitotic actomyosin contractile ring, distal actin filament layer">GO:0120106 mitotic actomyosin contractile ring, distal actin filament layer</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed6f00)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to mitotic actomyosin contractile ring, intermediate layer">GO:0120105 mitotic actomyosin contractile ring, intermediate layer</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ea9038)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to mitotic actomyosin contractile ring, proximal layer">GO:0120104 mitotic actomyosin contractile ring, proximal layer</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ecf5b0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to mitotic nuclear bridge">GO:0140510 mitotic nuclear bridge</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed74a0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to mitotic nuclear bridge midzone">GO:0140512 mitotic nuclear bridge midzone</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eddde8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to mitotic nuclear bridge midzone membrane domain">GO:0140599 mitotic nuclear bridge midzone membrane domain</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ece680)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to mitotic nuclear bridge stalk">GO:0140511 mitotic nuclear bridge stalk</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ede0d0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to mucus layer">GO:0070701 mucus layer</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee3370)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to myelin sheath">GO:0043209 myelin sheath</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee3640)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to myelin sheath abaxonal region">GO:0035748 myelin sheath abaxonal region</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ede058)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to myelin sheath adaxonal region">GO:0035749 myelin sheath adaxonal region</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed1de8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to myofilament">GO:0036379 myofilament</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ea6070)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to neck portion of tanycyte">GO:1990016 neck portion of tanycyte</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed9f20)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to neuron projection branch point">GO:0061845 neuron projection branch point</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed20d0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to neuron projection terminus">GO:0044306 neuron projection terminus</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eda838)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to nexine">GO:0043672 nexine</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ea9278)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to node of Ranvier">GO:0033268 node of Ranvier</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef8b98)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to nuclear body">GO:0016604 nuclear body</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef1cb8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to nuclear envelope adjacent to nuclear pore complex">GO:0120321 nuclear envelope adjacent to nuclear pore complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef4fe0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to nuclear lamina">GO:0005652 nuclear lamina</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eda4d8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to nuclear matrix">GO:0016363 nuclear matrix</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed6690)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to nuclear periphery">GO:0034399 nuclear periphery</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed6a80)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to nucleoid">GO:0009295 nucleoid</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eb7f58)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to nucleoplasm">GO:0005654 nucleoplasm</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef5058)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to nucleoplasmic periphery of the nuclear pore complex">GO:1990826 nucleoplasmic periphery of the nuclear pore complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71edd6b0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to nucleoplasmic reticulum">GO:0044195 nucleoplasmic reticulum</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71dc66d8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to nucleoplasmic side of nuclear pore">GO:1990875 nucleoplasmic side of nuclear pore</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ea5e30)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to nucleus lagging edge">GO:0110093 nucleus lagging edge</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eeca38)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to nucleus leading edge">GO:0110092 nucleus leading edge</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef4140)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to oral apparatus">GO:0031912 oral apparatus</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed7140)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to organellar chromatophore intermembrane space">GO:0070115 organellar chromatophore intermembrane space</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee6340)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to organelle">GO:0043226 organelle</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee9ac8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to organelle envelope">GO:0031967 organelle envelope</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eda8c8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to organelle membrane contact site">GO:0044232 organelle membrane contact site</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef4890)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to organelle subcompartment">GO:0031984 organelle subcompartment</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef15e0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to organelle-enclosing lipid monolayer">GO:0034646 organelle-enclosing lipid monolayer</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71dc5b08)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to orthogonal array">GO:1990014 orthogonal array</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee5d10)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to other organism part">GO:0044217 other organism part</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef85f8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to outer dense plaque of desmosome">GO:0090636 outer dense plaque of desmosome</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee68e0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to outer plaque of spindle pole body">GO:0005824 outer plaque of spindle pole body</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eec5d0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to pairing center">GO:0036224 pairing center</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee90a8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to paranode region of axon">GO:0033270 paranode region of axon</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed2778)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to pectic matrix">GO:0048217 pectic matrix</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71efc370)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to pellicle">GO:0020039 pellicle</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef8a78)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to perforation plate">GO:1990073 perforation plate</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed2658)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to peribacteroid fluid">GO:0043662 peribacteroid fluid</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee6730)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to pericellular basket">GO:1990030 pericellular basket</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ece710)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to pericentriolar material">GO:0000242 pericentriolar material</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eacc10)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to perichromatin fibrils">GO:0005726 perichromatin fibrils</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef1dd8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to perikaryon">GO:0043204 perikaryon</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef1178)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum">GO:0097038 perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed6960)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to perinuclear region of cytoplasm">GO:0048471 perinuclear region of cytoplasm</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee3268)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to perinucleolar compartment">GO:0097356 perinucleolar compartment</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eec8a0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to periphagosomal region of cytoplasm">GO:1990783 periphagosomal region of cytoplasm</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ecf3e8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to peripheral region of growth cone">GO:0090725 peripheral region of growth cone</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71dc60a8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to periplasmic space">GO:0042597 periplasmic space</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef4380)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to phagocytic cup">GO:0001891 phagocytic cup</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef1a78)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to phagocytic cup base">GO:0097204 phagocytic cup base</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eed080)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to phagocytic cup lip">GO:0097203 phagocytic cup lip</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71dc5ef8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to phagophore">GO:0061908 phagophore</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eec270)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to phagophore assembly site">GO:0000407 phagophore assembly site</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed6738)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to photoreceptor distal connecting cilium">GO:0120206 photoreceptor distal connecting cilium</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef4ab8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to photoreceptor inner segment">GO:0001917 photoreceptor inner segment</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eda5f8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to photoreceptor outer segment">GO:0001750 photoreceptor outer segment</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71edd740)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to photoreceptor proximal connecting cilium">GO:0120205 photoreceptor proximal connecting cilium</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed2808)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to phragmoplast">GO:0009524 phragmoplast</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ecf388)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to phragmosome">GO:0009525 phragmosome</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ece7a0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to pilus shaft">GO:0009418 pilus shaft</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ea8df8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to pilus tip">GO:0009419 pilus tip</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71dc4080)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to pinceau fiber">GO:1990031 pinceau fiber</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef4ec0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to plasma membrane-derived chromatophore">GO:0042716 plasma membrane-derived chromatophore</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef8958)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to plasmodesmatal cytoplasmic sleeve">GO:0009546 plasmodesmatal cytoplasmic sleeve</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee8f88)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to plasmodesmatal desmotubule">GO:0009510 plasmodesmatal desmotubule</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef84c0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to plasmodesmatal plasma membrane">GO:0009548 plasmodesmatal plasma membrane</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee63d0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to plastid stroma">GO:0009532 plastid stroma</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eec780)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to plastoglobule">GO:0010287 plastoglobule</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71dc5e68)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to podosome core">GO:0061825 podosome core</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef17a8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to podosome ring">GO:0061826 podosome ring</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee9648)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to polar ring of apical complex">GO:0020031 polar ring of apical complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eda328)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to polar tube">GO:0044099 polar tube</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee32f8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to polar tube anchoring disc">GO:0160202 polar tube anchoring disc</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ecf118)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to pollen aperture">GO:0062074 pollen aperture</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eac9d0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to polytene chromosome ectopic fiber">GO:0005706 polytene chromosome ectopic fiber</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee6100)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to polytene chromosome weak point">GO:0005702 polytene chromosome weak point</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71dc6498)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to porosome">GO:0033012 porosome</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71efc1c0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to post-anaphase microtubule array">GO:1990295 post-anaphase microtubule array</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef8208)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to postsynapse">GO:0098794 postsynapse</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71dc5cb8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to postsynaptic endocytic zone">GO:0098843 postsynaptic endocytic zone</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed6600)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to preprophase band">GO:0009574 preprophase band</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef1298)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to presynapse">GO:0098793 presynapse</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71edab08)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to presynaptic active zone">GO:0048786 presynaptic active zone</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee6238)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to presynaptic active zone dense projection">GO:0097445 presynaptic active zone dense projection</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef1d48)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to presynaptic endocytic zone">GO:0098833 presynaptic endocytic zone</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ea59b0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to presynaptic grid">GO:1990013 presynaptic grid</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef4518)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to procentriole">GO:0120098 procentriole</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee5e30)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to prospore membrane spindle pole body attachment site">GO:0070057 prospore membrane spindle pole body attachment site</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71dc61c8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to proximal portion of axoneme">GO:0120134 proximal portion of axoneme</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eddd88)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to pyrenoid tubule">GO:0160223 pyrenoid tubule</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71dc59e8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to rDNA protrusion">GO:0030875 rDNA protrusion</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee9a50)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to recombination nodule">GO:0005713 recombination nodule</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71efc0a0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to replication fork">GO:0005657 replication fork</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed6f90)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to reservosome lumen">GO:0106124 reservosome lumen</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee6298)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to reservosome matrix">GO:0106125 reservosome matrix</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71edd500)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to reservosome membrane">GO:0106126 reservosome membrane</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed29a0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to retrotransposon nucleocapsid">GO:0000943 retrotransposon nucleocapsid</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee8c28)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to rhoptry">GO:0020008 rhoptry</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee6460)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to rhoptry neck">GO:1990225 rhoptry neck</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eb83d8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to right lateral basal body pair">GO:0097564 right lateral basal body pair</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee5b60)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to right middle basal body pair">GO:0097565 right middle basal body pair</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed2028)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to right tetrad">GO:0097567 right tetrad</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eda9e8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to ring centriole">GO:0061823 ring centriole</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef8718)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to rough endoplasmic reticulum cisterna">GO:0120083 rough endoplasmic reticulum cisterna</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef83b8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to sarcomere">GO:0030017 sarcomere</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eac310)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to satellite fibril">GO:0071808 satellite fibril</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eecb70)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to Schmidt-Lanterman incisure">GO:0043220 Schmidt-Lanterman incisure</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee8d48)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to scintillon">GO:0036007 scintillon</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eec300)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to sculpture element">GO:0043675 sculpture element</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eb4e90)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to septin band">GO:0032158 septin band</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee6850)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to sexine">GO:0043673 sexine</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef80e8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to side of membrane">GO:0098552 side of membrane</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eec540)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to sieve area">GO:0097217 sieve area</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef1718)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to sieve plate">GO:0097218 sieve plate</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef1328)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to site of DNA damage">GO:0090734 site of DNA damage</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eceb78)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to site of polarized growth">GO:0030427 site of polarized growth</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef8b08)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to smooth endoplasmic reticulum cisterna">GO:0120082 smooth endoplasmic reticulum cisterna</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee34a8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to smooth muscle dense body">GO:0030486 smooth muscle dense body</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef4c80)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to somatodendritic compartment">GO:0036477 somatodendritic compartment</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71edd860)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to sperm annulus">GO:0097227 sperm annulus</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed9e18)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to sperm end piece">GO:0097229 sperm end piece</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eec6f0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to sperm fibrous sheath">GO:0035686 sperm fibrous sheath</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71edd8f0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to sperm head">GO:0061827 sperm head</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef14d8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to sperm head-tail coupling apparatus">GO:0120212 sperm head-tail coupling apparatus</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eb8198)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to sperm individualization complex">GO:0070864 sperm individualization complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef0fe0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to sperm midpiece">GO:0097225 sperm midpiece</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ecb798)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to sperm mitochondrial sheath">GO:0097226 sperm mitochondrial sheath</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee9528)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to sperm principal piece">GO:0097228 sperm principal piece</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71dc6408)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to spindle matrix">GO:1990047 spindle matrix</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee3be0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to spindle midzone">GO:0051233 spindle midzone</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eced40)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to spindle pole">GO:0000922 spindle pole</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef4bf0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to spine mat">GO:0097448 spine mat</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef1058)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to spongiome">GO:0062160 spongiome</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eda958)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to starch grain">GO:0043036 starch grain</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef8298)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to stereocilia coupling link">GO:0002139 stereocilia coupling link</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71edda10)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to stereocilia tip-link density">GO:1990427 stereocilia tip-link density</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef42f0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to stereocilium base">GO:0120044 stereocilium base</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ecb8b8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to stereocilium shaft">GO:0120043 stereocilium shaft</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee3ad8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to stereocilium tip">GO:0032426 stereocilium tip</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71dc6768)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to striated muscle dense body">GO:0055120 striated muscle dense body</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed70b0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to stromule">GO:0010319 stromule</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee38b0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to subapical part of cell">GO:0120219 subapical part of cell</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed6e70)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to suberin network">GO:0048225 suberin network</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eed110)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to subpellicular network">GO:0020038 subpellicular network</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed6de0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to subplasmalemmal coating">GO:0044280 subplasmalemmal coating</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eecd08)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to supramolecular complex">GO:0099080 supramolecular complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71dc6138)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to surface coat of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix">GO:0060104 surface coat of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ece848)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to symplast">GO:0055044 symplast</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee8e68)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to synaptonemal structure">GO:0099086 synaptonemal structure</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ecee60)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to T-tubule">GO:0030315 T-tubule</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee3da8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to tail portion of tanycyte">GO:1990018 tail portion of tanycyte</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef1b08)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to tectum">GO:0043676 tectum</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef4d10)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to tetraspanin-enriched microdomain">GO:0097197 tetraspanin-enriched microdomain</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71edd980)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to thylakoid lumen">GO:0031977 thylakoid lumen</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef8c28)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to transverse filament">GO:0000802 transverse filament</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ea5770)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to tripartite attachment complex">GO:0120121 tripartite attachment complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eb4590)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to tubular endosome">GO:0097422 tubular endosome</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eed1a0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to Ubisch body">GO:0070645 Ubisch body</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee92e8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to unencapsulated part of cell">GO:0097653 unencapsulated part of cell</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed22f8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to unicellular trichome apex">GO:0090552 unicellular trichome apex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ecf010)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to unicellular trichome branch">GO:0090405 unicellular trichome branch</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71dc3f60)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to unicellular trichome tip">GO:0090553 unicellular trichome tip</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ef8688)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to varicosity">GO:0043196 varicosity</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed9ec0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to ventral disc crossbridge">GO:0097595 ventral disc crossbridge</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71dc5d48)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to ventral disc dorsal microribbon">GO:0097594 ventral disc dorsal microribbon</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee5da0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to ventral disc lateral crest">GO:0097591 ventral disc lateral crest</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed9fc8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to ventral disc microtubule array">GO:0097593 ventral disc microtubule array</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ecbc18)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to ventral disc overlap zone">GO:0097592 ventral disc overlap zone</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed1f08)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to ventral disc supernumerary microtubule array">GO:0097596 ventral disc supernumerary microtubule array</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71eec660)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to ventral surface of cell">GO:0061835 ventral surface of cell</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ecf1c0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to virus-like capsid">GO:0170047 virus-like capsid</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee3b80)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to yolk">GO:0060417 yolk</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71edde90)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to yolk granule">GO:0042718 yolk granule</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ee3028)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to yolk plasma">GO:0060418 yolk plasma</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55ae71ed1e60)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to Z disc">GO:0030018 Z disc</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> </ul> <!-- END template: term_details_lineage.tmpl --> </div> </div> </div> <div id="display-sentences-tab" class="tab-pane"> <div class="panel panel-default amigo-detail-tab-spacer"> <div class="panel-body"> <!-- START template: term_details_sentences.tmpl --> <h5 class="text-center"> Parents of cellular anatomical structure (GO:0110165) </h5> <table id="all-table-above" class="table table-striped table-hover"> <!-- START template: term_details_neighborhood_head.tmpl --> <thead> <tr> <th style="width: 42%">subject<img style="border: 0px;" src="" title="Reorder by subject" alt="[Reorder by subject]" /></th> <th style="width: 16%">relation<img style="border: 0px;" src="" title="Reorder by relation" alt="[Reorder by relation]" /></th> <th style="width: 42%">object<img style="border: 0px;" src="" title="Reorder by object" alt="[Reorder by object]" /></th> </tr> </thead> <!-- END template: term_details_neighborhood_head.tmpl --> <tbody> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b63fc8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 0 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = object --> <tr class=""> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> <a href="" title="Go to anatomical structure">anatomical structure (UBERON:0000061)</a> </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae711191e0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 1 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = object --> <tr class=""> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cellular_component">cellular_component (GO:0005575)</a> </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> </tbody> </table> <h5 class="text-center"> Children of cellular anatomical structure (GO:0110165) </h5> <table id="all-table-below" class="table table-striped table-hover"> <!-- START template: term_details_neighborhood_head.tmpl --> <thead> <tr> <th style="width: 42%">subject<img style="border: 0px;" src="" title="Reorder by subject" alt="[Reorder by subject]" /></th> <th style="width: 16%">relation<img style="border: 0px;" src="" title="Reorder by relation" alt="[Reorder by relation]" /></th> <th style="width: 42%">object<img style="border: 0px;" src="" title="Reorder by object" alt="[Reorder by object]" /></th> </tr> </thead> <!-- END template: term_details_neighborhood_head.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71116700) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 2 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to sieve plate">sieve plate (GO:0097218)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71110cf0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 3 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to podosome ring">podosome ring (GO:0061826)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71110f90) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 4 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cone matrix sheath">cone matrix sheath (GO:0090658)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71116100) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 5 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to phagocytic cup base">phagocytic cup base (GO:0097204)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71bcb2e0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 6 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to meisosome">meisosome (GO:0160132)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae7110e920) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 7 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cellular bud">cellular bud (GO:0005933)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71bb51d0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 8 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to I band">I band (GO:0031674)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b58b38) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 9 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to inner plaque of spindle pole body">inner plaque of spindle pole body (GO:0005822)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71110db0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 10 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to distal axon">distal axon (GO:0150034)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71115cf8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 11 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to sperm head-tail coupling apparatus">sperm head-tail coupling apparatus (GO:0120212)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71bc6420) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 12 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to actin filament branch point">actin filament branch point (GO:0061834)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae711103a8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 13 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to organelle-enclosing lipid monolayer">organelle-enclosing lipid monolayer (GO:0034646)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71110438) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 14 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to DNA replication termination region">DNA replication termination region (GO:0097047)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71110a08) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 15 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to bacterial-type flagellum filament">bacterial-type flagellum filament (GO:0009420)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71111158) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 16 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to endoplasmic reticulum quality control compartment">endoplasmic reticulum quality control compartment (GO:0044322)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b591e0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 17 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to oral apparatus">oral apparatus (GO:0031912)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71116088) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 18 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to C zone">C zone (GO:0014705)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71111008) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 19 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to perikaryon">perikaryon (GO:0043204)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd5d70) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 20 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to central plaque of spindle pole body">central plaque of spindle pole body (GO:0005823)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae711165f8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 21 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to dense fibrillar component">dense fibrillar component (GO:0001651)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae711163e8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 22 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to phagocytic cup">phagocytic cup (GO:0001891)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae711105e8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 23 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to stereocilium base">stereocilium base (GO:0120044)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71110b28) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 24 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to tectum">tectum (GO:0043676)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71110e40) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 25 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to keratohyalin granule">keratohyalin granule (GO:0036457)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dc67e0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 26 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to presynaptic endocytic zone">presynaptic endocytic zone (GO:0098833)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71110f48) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 27 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to nuclear envelope adjacent to nuclear pore complex">nuclear envelope adjacent to nuclear pore complex (GO:0120321)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71bb6798) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 28 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to exine">exine (GO:0043668)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71110be8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 29 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to nucleus leading edge">nucleus leading edge (GO:0110092)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71bb68b8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 30 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to dense nuclear body">dense nuclear body (GO:0046818)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71115ae8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 31 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to intercellular bridge">intercellular bridge (GO:0045171)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71110348) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 32 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to alae of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix">alae of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix (GO:0060111)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fc6070) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 33 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to endexine">endexine (GO:0043671)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71bb54d0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 34 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to supramolecular complex">supramolecular complex (GO:0099080)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71115fb0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 35 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to Schmidt-Lanterman incisure">Schmidt-Lanterman incisure (GO:0043220)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71bc6b40) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 36 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to pairing center">pairing center (GO:0036224)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b59090) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 37 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to sieve area">sieve area (GO:0097217)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71c1ad18) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 38 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to basal layer of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix">basal layer of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix (GO:0060110)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b674c8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 39 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to ventral surface of cell">ventral surface of cell (GO:0061835)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dc6810) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 40 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to periphagosomal region of cytoplasm">periphagosomal region of cytoplasm (GO:1990783)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71da5868) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 41 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to mating projection actin fusion focus">mating projection actin fusion focus (GO:1990819)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd2190) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 42 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to chitosan layer of spore wall">chitosan layer of spore wall (GO:0005631)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dcca60) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 43 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to sperm fibrous sheath">sperm fibrous sheath (GO:0035686)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5f470) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 44 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to plastoglobule">plastoglobule (GO:0010287)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd8f50) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 45 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to midbody">midbody (GO:0030496)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd2820) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 46 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum">perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0097038)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd8e78) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 47 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to site of DNA damage">site of DNA damage (GO:0090734)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd2958) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 48 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to central cylinder">central cylinder (GO:1990805)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dcd4c8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 49 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to Lewy body corona">Lewy body corona (GO:1990038)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd1ea8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 50 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to presynapse">presynapse (GO:0098793)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b54c40) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 51 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to microsporidian-type endospore">microsporidian-type endospore (GO:0090641)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71c1caa0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 52 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to phagocytic cup lip">phagocytic cup lip (GO:0097203)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b7e7a8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 53 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cellularization cleavage furrow invagination front">cellularization cleavage furrow invagination front (GO:0110071)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b552e8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 54 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to actin cap">actin cap (GO:0030478)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dca520) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 55 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to centriolar satellite">centriolar satellite (GO:0034451)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd1ed8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 56 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to sperm midpiece">sperm midpiece (GO:0097225)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd2130) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 57 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to axonemal central apparatus">axonemal central apparatus (GO:1990716)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd5b00) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 58 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to spongiome">spongiome (GO:0062160)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b64af0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 59 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to subpellicular network">subpellicular network (GO:0020038)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b7f348) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 60 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to Ubisch body">Ubisch body (GO:0070645)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b72060) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 61 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to left tetrad">left tetrad (GO:0097566)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b7b2a0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 62 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cell surface furrow">cell surface furrow (GO:0097610)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71c1ab38) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 63 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to paranode region of axon">paranode region of axon (GO:0033270)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b678e8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 64 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to filopodium tip">filopodium tip (GO:0032433)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd5d10) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 65 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to mating projection base">mating projection base (GO:0001400)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b682a8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 66 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to unencapsulated part of cell">unencapsulated part of cell (GO:0097653)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b6e068) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 67 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to rhoptry">rhoptry (GO:0020008)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dcd120) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 68 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to ciliary pro-basal body">ciliary pro-basal body (GO:0120280)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71be49e0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 69 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to axonemal central bridge">axonemal central bridge (GO:1990717)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b64fd0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 70 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cleavage furrow rim">cleavage furrow rim (GO:0090688)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b64550) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 71 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to membrane">membrane (GO:0016020)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71bc62a0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 72 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to plasmodesmatal desmotubule">plasmodesmatal desmotubule (GO:0009510)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71c1af58) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 73 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to bacterial biofilm matrix surface">bacterial biofilm matrix surface (GO:0097313)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd9280) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 74 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to scintillon">scintillon (GO:0036007)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd8d88) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 75 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to synaptonemal structure">synaptonemal structure (GO:0099086)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dc6900) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 76 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cell envelope">cell envelope (GO:0030313)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71bb74b8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 77 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to recombination nodule">recombination nodule (GO:0005713)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b7b9c0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 78 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cleavage furrow leading edge">cleavage furrow leading edge (GO:0090689)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71bc6720) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 79 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to sculpture element">sculpture element (GO:0043675)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd2280) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 80 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to ciliary rootlet">ciliary rootlet (GO:0035253)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd63e8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 81 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to organelle envelope">organelle envelope (GO:0031967)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71c1ce00) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 82 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to phagophore assembly site">phagophore assembly site (GO:0000407)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dcd150) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 83 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to apical complex">apical complex (GO:0020007)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b651b0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 84 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to sperm principal piece">sperm principal piece (GO:0097228)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dcabb0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 85 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to axonemal B tubule inner sheath">axonemal B tubule inner sheath (GO:0160112)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b677c8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 86 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to ciliary inversin compartment">ciliary inversin compartment (GO:0097543)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd22b0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 87 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to endonuclear canal">endonuclear canal (GO:0035843)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b7b4e0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 88 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to polar ring of apical complex">polar ring of apical complex (GO:0020031)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71be4620) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 89 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to growth cone membrane">growth cone membrane (GO:0032584)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71c1d5e0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 90 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cluster of actin-based cell projections">cluster of actin-based cell projections (GO:0098862)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b64610) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 91 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to gas vesicle shell">gas vesicle shell (GO:0033172)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b64d90) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 92 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cytoskeletal calyx">cytoskeletal calyx (GO:0033150)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b65210) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 93 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to M band">M band (GO:0031430)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd5a40) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 94 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to bilobe structure">bilobe structure (GO:0120120)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd94a8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 95 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to half bridge of spindle pole body">half bridge of spindle pole body (GO:0005825)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b7ee08) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 96 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to basolateral part of cell">basolateral part of cell (GO:1990794)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71da5748) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 97 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to dendritic spine origin">dendritic spine origin (GO:0150004)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd22c8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 98 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to polytene chromosome weak point">polytene chromosome weak point (GO:0005702)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dca880) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 99 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to immunological synapse">immunological synapse (GO:0001772)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71c1d460) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 100 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to ciliary pocket">ciliary pocket (GO:0020016)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd5a88) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 101 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to tail portion of tanycyte">tail portion of tanycyte (GO:1990018)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71c1a6b8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 102 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to bacterial-type flagellum basal body, distal rod, L ring">bacterial-type flagellum basal body, distal rod, L ring (GO:0009427)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd5ba8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 103 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to granum">granum (GO:0009542)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd23b8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 104 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to yolk">yolk (GO:0060417)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71bc6540) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 105 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to spindle midzone">spindle midzone (GO:0051233)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dcd138) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 106 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to inner dense plaque of desmosome">inner dense plaque of desmosome (GO:0090637)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd64f0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 107 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to actin body">actin body (GO:0099079)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd8f80) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 108 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to ventral disc lateral crest">ventral disc lateral crest (GO:0097591)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b67be8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 109 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to prospore membrane spindle pole body attachment site">prospore membrane spindle pole body attachment site (GO:0070057)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd2af0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 110 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to other organism part">other organism part (GO:0044217)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b64430) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 111 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to juxtaparanode region of axon">juxtaparanode region of axon (GO:0044224)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd9460) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 112 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to compact myelin">compact myelin (GO:0043218)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd21a8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 113 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to right middle basal body pair">right middle basal body pair (GO:0097565)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b55000) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 114 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to pericellular basket">pericellular basket (GO:1990030)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b7b240) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 115 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to annular furrow extracellular matrix">annular furrow extracellular matrix (GO:0060108)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd9550) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 116 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to sexine">sexine (GO:0043673)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae710fe2c8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 117 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to outer plaque of spindle pole body">outer plaque of spindle pole body (GO:0005824)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b6d888) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 118 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cellulose microfibril">cellulose microfibril (GO:0009549)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b58fb8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 119 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to organelle">organelle (GO:0043226)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd9610) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 120 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to presynaptic active zone dense projection">presynaptic active zone dense projection (GO:0097445)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd9778) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 121 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to reservosome matrix">reservosome matrix (GO:0106125)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71be3c60) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 122 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to axonemal microtubule doublet outer junction">axonemal microtubule doublet outer junction (GO:0160114)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71c1a598) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 123 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cytoplasm">cytoplasm (GO:0005737)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71bc6960) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 124 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to plastid stroma">plastid stroma (GO:0009532)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd96d0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 125 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to rhoptry neck">rhoptry neck (GO:1990225)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b67468) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 126 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to mitochondrial crista">mitochondrial crista (GO:0030061)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b65330) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 127 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to mitochondrion-associated adherens complex">mitochondrion-associated adherens complex (GO:0097423)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dcd558) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 128 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to main axon">main axon (GO:0044304)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5ebe8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 129 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to Hechtian strand">Hechtian strand (GO:0120307)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd8ff8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 130 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to polytene chromosome ectopic fiber">polytene chromosome ectopic fiber (GO:0005706)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71bc5dc0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 131 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to perichromatin fibrils">perichromatin fibrils (GO:0005726)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dcd288) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 132 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to node of Ranvier">node of Ranvier (GO:0033268)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd9088) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 133 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to extrahaustorial matrix">extrahaustorial matrix (GO:0085036)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b65150) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 134 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to acrosomal matrix">acrosomal matrix (GO:0043159)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b64bb0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 135 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to satellite fibril">satellite fibril (GO:0071808)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71be9098) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 136 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to mitotic actomyosin contractile ring, proximal layer">mitotic actomyosin contractile ring, proximal layer (GO:0120104)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dca130) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 137 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to septin band">septin band (GO:0032158)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd5bf0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 138 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to lateral shield">lateral shield (GO:0097569)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dca418) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 139 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to hemicellulose network">hemicellulose network (GO:0048223)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd97a8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 140 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cytostome">cytostome (GO:0031910)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b555a0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 141 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cnida">cnida (GO:0140022)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dca730) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 142 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to sperm individualization complex">sperm individualization complex (GO:0070864)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71be4020) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 143 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to medial layer of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix">medial layer of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix (GO:0060109)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71be8af8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 144 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to right lateral basal body pair">right lateral basal body pair (GO:0097564)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71c1ce60) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 145 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to nucleoplasm">nucleoplasm (GO:0005654)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71c1a358) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 146 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to contractile ring">contractile ring (GO:0070938)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae710fe8e0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 147 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to glycogen granule">glycogen granule (GO:0042587)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b67648) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 148 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cell periphery">cell periphery (GO:0071944)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b7b960) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 149 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cell projection">cell projection (GO:0042995)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b6dfa8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 150 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to mitochondrial inner boundary membrane">mitochondrial inner boundary membrane (GO:0097002)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b64eb0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 151 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to ciliary shaft">ciliary shaft (GO:0097544)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b58dd8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 152 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to tubular endosome">tubular endosome (GO:0097422)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b7f228) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 153 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to endomembrane system">endomembrane system (GO:0012505)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b7b1e0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 154 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to centrosomal core">centrosomal core (GO:0140918)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b6e2a8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 155 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to basolateral cytoplasm">basolateral cytoplasm (GO:0090652)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71c1ca40) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 156 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to Lewy body core">Lewy body core (GO:1990037)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b7b180) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 157 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to Isp3 layer of spore wall">Isp3 layer of spore wall (GO:1990916)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b59000) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 158 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to post-anaphase microtubule array">post-anaphase microtubule array (GO:1990295)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b7ee68) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 159 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to H zone">H zone (GO:0031673)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b67ac8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 160 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to replication fork">replication fork (GO:0005657)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71c1acb8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 161 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to nuclear body">nuclear body (GO:0016604)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae710fe9a0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 162 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to transverse filament">transverse filament (GO:0000802)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae710fec28) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 163 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to mitochondrial intracristal space">mitochondrial intracristal space (GO:0044290)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd2a60) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 164 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to nucleus lagging edge">nucleus lagging edge (GO:0110093)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b58c58) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 165 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to tripartite attachment complex">tripartite attachment complex (GO:0120121)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd90a0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 166 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cellular birth scar">cellular birth scar (GO:0071597)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b54e20) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 167 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to presynaptic grid">presynaptic grid (GO:1990013)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71101770) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 168 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to neck portion of tanycyte">neck portion of tanycyte (GO:1990016)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71c1a658) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 169 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to dinoflagellate apex">dinoflagellate apex (GO:0097683)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd9130) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 170 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to intracellular canaliculus">intracellular canaliculus (GO:0046691)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd1f08) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 171 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to pilus tip">pilus tip (GO:0009419)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71dd5e90) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 172 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to left lateral basal body pair">left lateral basal body pair (GO:0097562)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71101818) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 173 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to lysosomal matrix">lysosomal matrix (GO:1990836)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71101aa0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 174 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to pellicle">pellicle (GO:0020039)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71101cf8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 175 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to bacterial-type flagellum basal body, distal rod">bacterial-type flagellum basal body, distal rod (GO:0009426)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71101d58) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 176 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to endospore cortex">endospore cortex (GO:0043595)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae711021d8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 177 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to medial cortical node">medial cortical node (GO:0071341)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae711023b8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 178 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to fusome">fusome (GO:0045169)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae711025e0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 179 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to extracellular space">extracellular space (GO:0005615)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71107130) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 180 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to extracellular core region of desmosome">extracellular core region of desmosome (GO:0090635)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71107190) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 181 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cell septum edging">cell septum edging (GO:0043188)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae711075b0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 182 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to etioplast prolamellar body">etioplast prolamellar body (GO:0009541)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71107790) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 183 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to dinoflagellate epicone">dinoflagellate epicone (GO:0097613)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71107a30) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 184 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to basal part of cell">basal part of cell (GO:0045178)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71107c70) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 185 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to sarcomere">sarcomere (GO:0030017)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71107cd0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 186 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to exosporium">exosporium (GO:0043592)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae711095f8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 187 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to side of membrane">side of membrane (GO:0098552)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae711097d8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 188 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to stereocilia coupling link">stereocilia coupling link (GO:0002139)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71109a60) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 189 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to postsynapse">postsynapse (GO:0098794)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71109cd0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 190 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to axon collateral">axon collateral (GO:0044303)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71109d18) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 191 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to axonemal basal plate">axonemal basal plate (GO:0097541)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae7110a198) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 192 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to axon initial segment">axon initial segment (GO:0043194)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae7110a378) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 193 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to rough endoplasmic reticulum cisterna">rough endoplasmic reticulum cisterna (GO:0120083)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae7110dd08) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 194 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to filiform apparatus">filiform apparatus (GO:0043680)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae7110df78) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 195 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to microsporidian-type exospore">microsporidian-type exospore (GO:0090642)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae7110dfc0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 196 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to bacterial-type flagellum basal body, proximal rod">bacterial-type flagellum basal body, proximal rod (GO:0009429)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae7110e440) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 197 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to smooth endoplasmic reticulum cisterna">smooth endoplasmic reticulum cisterna (GO:0120082)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ecb630) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 198 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to perforation plate">perforation plate (GO:1990073)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ecb6d8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 199 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to plasmodesmatal cytoplasmic sleeve">plasmodesmatal cytoplasmic sleeve (GO:0009546)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ecb768) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 200 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to axonemal central pair projection">axonemal central pair projection (GO:1990718)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ecb540) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 201 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to varicosity">varicosity (GO:0043196)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fc6148) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 202 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to female germline ring canal inner rim">female germline ring canal inner rim (GO:0035183)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fc61d8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 203 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to outer dense plaque of desmosome">outer dense plaque of desmosome (GO:0090636)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fc6268) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 204 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to plasmodesmatal plasma membrane">plasmodesmatal plasma membrane (GO:0009548)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe5ab0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 205 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to basal labyrinth">basal labyrinth (GO:0033774)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe5b40) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 206 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to bacterial-type flagellum basal body, MS ring">bacterial-type flagellum basal body, MS ring (GO:0009431)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe5bd0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 207 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to photoreceptor inner segment">photoreceptor inner segment (GO:0001917)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe5c60) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 208 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to organelle subcompartment">organelle subcompartment (GO:0031984)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe5cf0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 209 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to medial membrane band">medial membrane band (GO:0032178)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe5d80) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 210 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to axonemal microtubule doublet ribbon">axonemal microtubule doublet ribbon (GO:0160115)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe5e10) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 211 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cellular bud membrane">cellular bud membrane (GO:0033101)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe5ea0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 212 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cell trailing edge membrane">cell trailing edge membrane (GO:0031257)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe5f30) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 213 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to procentriole">procentriole (GO:0120098)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe5fc0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 214 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to DIM/DIP cell wall layer">DIM/DIP cell wall layer (GO:0097735)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe6050) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 215 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to ciliary base">ciliary base (GO:0097546)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe60e0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 216 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to microtubule organizing center attachment site">microtubule organizing center attachment site (GO:0034992)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe6170) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 217 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to dityrosine layer of spore wall">dityrosine layer of spore wall (GO:0005630)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe6200) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 218 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to chiasma">chiasma (GO:0005712)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe6290) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 219 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to foot layer">foot layer (GO:0043670)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe6320) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 220 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to plasma membrane-derived chromatophore">plasma membrane-derived chromatophore (GO:0042716)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe63b0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 221 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to glycoprotein network">glycoprotein network (GO:0048222)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe6440) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 222 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to nucleoplasmic periphery of the nuclear pore complex">nucleoplasmic periphery of the nuclear pore complex (GO:1990826)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe64d0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 223 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to nuclear lamina">nuclear lamina (GO:0005652)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe6560) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 224 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to spine mat">spine mat (GO:0097448)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe65f0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 225 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to somatodendritic compartment">somatodendritic compartment (GO:0036477)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe6680) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 226 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to female germline ring canal outer rim">female germline ring canal outer rim (GO:0035182)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe6710) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 227 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to tetraspanin-enriched microdomain">tetraspanin-enriched microdomain (GO:0097197)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe67a0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 228 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to endospore coat">endospore coat (GO:0043593)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe6830) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 229 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to bacterial-type flagellum basal body">bacterial-type flagellum basal body (GO:0009425)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe68c0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 230 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cleavage apparatus septin structure">cleavage apparatus septin structure (GO:0032161)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe6950) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 231 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to peribacteroid fluid">peribacteroid fluid (GO:0043662)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe69e0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 232 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to unicellular trichome apex">unicellular trichome apex (GO:0090552)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe7148) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 233 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cuticular plate">cuticular plate (GO:0032437)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe71d8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 234 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to eisosome">eisosome (GO:0032126)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe7268) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 235 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to pectic matrix">pectic matrix (GO:0048217)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe72f8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 236 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cellular bud scar">cellular bud scar (GO:0005621)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe7388) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 237 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to phragmoplast">phragmoplast (GO:0009524)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe7418) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 238 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cytoproct">cytoproct (GO:0031911)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe74a8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 239 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to membrane-enclosed lumen">membrane-enclosed lumen (GO:0031974)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe7538) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 240 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to neuron projection terminus">neuron projection terminus (GO:0044306)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe75c8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 241 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to right tetrad">right tetrad (GO:0097567)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe7658) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 242 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to Z disc">Z disc (GO:0030018)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe76e8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 243 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to ventral disc supernumerary microtubule array">ventral disc supernumerary microtubule array (GO:0097596)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe7778) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 244 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to myofilament">myofilament (GO:0036379)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe7808) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 245 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to bacterial-type flagellum basal body, C ring">bacterial-type flagellum basal body, C ring (GO:0009433)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe7898) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 246 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to centrosomal corona">centrosomal corona (GO:0031592)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe7928) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 247 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to actomyosin">actomyosin (GO:0042641)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe79b8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 248 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to photoreceptor distal connecting cilium">photoreceptor distal connecting cilium (GO:0120206)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe7a48) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 249 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to nuclear periphery">nuclear periphery (GO:0034399)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe7ad8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 250 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to lateral part of cell">lateral part of cell (GO:0097574)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe7b68) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 251 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cell junction">cell junction (GO:0030054)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe7bf8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 252 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to perinuclear region of cytoplasm">perinuclear region of cytoplasm (GO:0048471)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe7c88) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 253 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to longitudinal side of cell surface">longitudinal side of cell surface (GO:0009930)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe7d18) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 254 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to chromatin">chromatin (GO:0000785)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe7da8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 255 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to mitotic actomyosin contractile ring, distal actin filament layer">mitotic actomyosin contractile ring, distal actin filament layer (GO:0120106)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe7e38) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 256 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to columella">columella (GO:0043674)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe7ec8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 257 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to dense body">dense body (GO:0097433)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe7f58) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 258 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to dinoflagellate hypocone">dinoflagellate hypocone (GO:0097614)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe7fe8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 259 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to retrotransposon nucleocapsid">retrotransposon nucleocapsid (GO:0000943)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe8078) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 260 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cytosol">cytosol (GO:0005829)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe8cd0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 261 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to preprophase band">preprophase band (GO:0009574)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe8d60) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 262 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to external side of cell wall">external side of cell wall (GO:0010339)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe8df0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 263 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to spindle pole">spindle pole (GO:0000922)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe8e80) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 264 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to leaflet of membrane bilayer">leaflet of membrane bilayer (GO:0097478)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe8f10) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 265 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to T-tubule">T-tubule (GO:0030315)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe8fa0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 266 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to extraorganismal space">extraorganismal space (GO:0043245)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe9030) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 267 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to site of polarized growth">site of polarized growth (GO:0030427)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe90c0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 268 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to ciliary cap">ciliary cap (GO:0061822)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe9150) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 269 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to basal body patch">basal body patch (GO:0120220)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe91e0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 270 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to germ tube">germ tube (GO:0032179)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe9270) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 271 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to peripheral region of growth cone">peripheral region of growth cone (GO:0090725)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe9300) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 272 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to phragmosome">phragmosome (GO:0009525)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe93c0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 273 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to external encapsulating structure">external encapsulating structure (GO:0030312)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe9450) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 274 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cell plate">cell plate (GO:0009504)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe94e0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 275 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to intracellular immature spore">intracellular immature spore (GO:0042763)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe9570) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 276 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to virus-like capsid">virus-like capsid (GO:0170047)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe9600) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 277 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to host cellular component">host cellular component (GO:0018995)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe9690) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 278 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to mitotic nuclear bridge">mitotic nuclear bridge (GO:0140510)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe9720) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 279 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to unicellular trichome branch">unicellular trichome branch (GO:0090405)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe97b0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 280 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to axonemal central pair">axonemal central pair (GO:0097540)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe9840) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 281 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to microtubule bundle">microtubule bundle (GO:0097427)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe98d0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 282 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to pollen aperture">pollen aperture (GO:0062074)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe9960) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 283 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to annuli extracellular matrix">annuli extracellular matrix (GO:0060107)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe99f0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 284 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cell septum">cell septum (GO:0030428)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe9a80) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 285 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to mesosome">mesosome (GO:0046868)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe9b10) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 286 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to macropinocytic cup cytoskeleton">macropinocytic cup cytoskeleton (GO:0070687)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe9ba0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 287 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to median body">median body (GO:0097568)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fe9c30) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 288 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to kinetoplast">kinetoplast (GO:0020023)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffa618) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 289 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to porosome">porosome (GO:0033012)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffa6a8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 290 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to stereocilium shaft">stereocilium shaft (GO:0120043)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffa738) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 291 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to sperm mitochondrial sheath">sperm mitochondrial sheath (GO:0097226)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffa7c8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 292 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cell body membrane">cell body membrane (GO:0044298)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffa858) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 293 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to nucleoplasmic side of nuclear pore">nucleoplasmic side of nuclear pore (GO:1990875)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffa8e8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 294 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to striated muscle dense body">striated muscle dense body (GO:0055120)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffa978) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 295 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to internode region of axon">internode region of axon (GO:0033269)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffaa08) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 296 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to microtubule organizing center">microtubule organizing center (GO:0005815)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffaa98) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 297 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to apical lamina of hyaline layer">apical lamina of hyaline layer (GO:0032579)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffab28) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 298 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to endocytic patch">endocytic patch (GO:0061645)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffabb8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 299 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to mitotic nuclear bridge stalk">mitotic nuclear bridge stalk (GO:0140511)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffac48) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 300 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to pericentriolar material">pericentriolar material (GO:0000242)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffacd8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 301 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to intermediate layer of spindle pole body">intermediate layer of spindle pole body (GO:0005821)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffad68) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 302 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cell trailing edge">cell trailing edge (GO:0031254)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffadf8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 303 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to ventral disc overlap zone">ventral disc overlap zone (GO:0097592)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffae88) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 304 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to pilus shaft">pilus shaft (GO:0009418)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffaf18) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 305 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to symplast">symplast (GO:0055044)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffafa8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 306 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to unicellular trichome tip">unicellular trichome tip (GO:0090553)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffb038) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 307 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to leading edge membrane">leading edge membrane (GO:0031256)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffb0c8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 308 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to ensheathing process">ensheathing process (GO:1990015)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffb158) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 309 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to mitochondrial membrane scission site">mitochondrial membrane scission site (GO:0090692)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffb1e8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 310 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to pinceau fiber">pinceau fiber (GO:1990031)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffb278) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 311 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cortical layer of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix">cortical layer of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix (GO:0060106)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffb308) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 312 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to deep fiber">deep fiber (GO:0032123)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffb398) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 313 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to rDNA protrusion">rDNA protrusion (GO:0030875)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffb428) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 314 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to orthogonal array">orthogonal array (GO:1990014)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffb4b8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 315 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to ciliary pocket collar">ciliary pocket collar (GO:1990900)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffb548) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 316 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to microtubule end">microtubule end (GO:1990752)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffc800) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 317 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cell surface">cell surface (GO:0009986)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffc890) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 318 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to lateral loop">lateral loop (GO:0043219)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffc920) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 319 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to intine">intine (GO:0043678)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffc9b0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 320 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to surface coat of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix">surface coat of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix (GO:0060104)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffca40) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 321 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to central region of growth cone">central region of growth cone (GO:0090724)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffcad0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 322 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to periplasmic space">periplasmic space (GO:0042597)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffcb60) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 323 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to bacterial-type flagellum secretion apparatus">bacterial-type flagellum secretion apparatus (GO:0120102)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffcbf0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 324 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to chromosomal region">chromosomal region (GO:0098687)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffcc80) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 325 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to Casparian strip">Casparian strip (GO:0048226)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffcd10) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 326 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to spindle matrix">spindle matrix (GO:1990047)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffcda0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 327 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to proximal portion of axoneme">proximal portion of axoneme (GO:0120134)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffce30) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 328 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to dinoflagellate antapex">dinoflagellate antapex (GO:0097684)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffcec0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 329 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to ventral disc dorsal microribbon">ventral disc dorsal microribbon (GO:0097594)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffcf50) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 330 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to postsynaptic endocytic zone">postsynaptic endocytic zone (GO:0098843)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffcfe0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 331 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to podosome core">podosome core (GO:0061825)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffd070) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 332 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to phagophore">phagophore (GO:0061908)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffd100) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 333 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to ciliary tip">ciliary tip (GO:0097542)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffd190) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 334 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to perinucleolar compartment">perinucleolar compartment (GO:0097356)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffd220) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 335 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to polar tube anchoring disc">polar tube anchoring disc (GO:0160202)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffd2b0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 336 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to bacterial-type flagellum hook-filament junction">bacterial-type flagellum hook-filament junction (GO:0009422)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffd340) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 337 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to bacterial-type flagellum motor">bacterial-type flagellum motor (GO:0120100)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffd3d0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 338 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to actin filament bundle">actin filament bundle (GO:0032432)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffd460) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 339 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to intracellular anatomical structure">intracellular anatomical structure (GO:0005622)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffd4f0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 340 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to yolk plasma">yolk plasma (GO:0060418)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffd580) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 341 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to lateral element">lateral element (GO:0000800)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffd610) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 342 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to apical cytoplasm">apical cytoplasm (GO:0090651)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffd6a0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 343 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to inner membrane pellicle complex">inner membrane pellicle complex (GO:0070258)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffd730) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 344 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to subapical part of cell">subapical part of cell (GO:0120219)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fff3b8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 345 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to axonemal microtubule doublet inner sheath">axonemal microtubule doublet inner sheath (GO:0160110)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fff448) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 346 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cell pole">cell pole (GO:0060187)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fff4d8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 347 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to myelin sheath abaxonal region">myelin sheath abaxonal region (GO:0035748)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fff568) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 348 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to central element">central element (GO:0000801)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fff5f8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 349 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to dendritic spine head">dendritic spine head (GO:0044327)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fff688) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 350 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to dendrite terminus">dendrite terminus (GO:0044292)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fff718) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 351 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to stereocilium tip">stereocilium tip (GO:0032426)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fff7a8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 352 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cellular bud neck septin structure">cellular bud neck septin structure (GO:0000399)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fff838) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 353 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to lateral plasma membrane">lateral plasma membrane (GO:0016328)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fff8c8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 354 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to conoid">conoid (GO:0020010)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fff958) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 355 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to myelin sheath">myelin sheath (GO:0043209)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fff9e8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 356 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to smooth muscle dense body">smooth muscle dense body (GO:0030486)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fffa78) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 357 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to dendritic spine neck">dendritic spine neck (GO:0044326)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fffb08) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 358 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to sperm head">sperm head (GO:0061827)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fffb98) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 359 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to thylakoid lumen">thylakoid lumen (GO:0031977)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fffc28) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 360 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to blood microparticle">blood microparticle (GO:0072562)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fffcb8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 361 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to sperm annulus">sperm annulus (GO:0097227)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fffd48) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 362 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to bacterial-type flagellum basal body, rod">bacterial-type flagellum basal body, rod (GO:0030694)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fffdd8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 363 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to stereocilia tip-link density">stereocilia tip-link density (GO:1990427)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fffe68) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 364 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to photoreceptor proximal connecting cilium">photoreceptor proximal connecting cilium (GO:0120205)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71fffef8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 365 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to nucleoplasmic reticulum">nucleoplasmic reticulum (GO:0044195)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71ffff88) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 366 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to axon hillock">axon hillock (GO:0043203)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72000018) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 367 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to ciliary transition zone">ciliary transition zone (GO:0035869)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae720000a8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 368 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to acroblast">acroblast (GO:0036063)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72000138) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 369 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to yolk granule">yolk granule (GO:0042718)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae720001c8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 370 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to costamere">costamere (GO:0043034)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72000258) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 371 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to endoplasmic reticulum exit site">endoplasmic reticulum exit site (GO:0070971)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae720002e8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 372 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to manchette">manchette (GO:0002177)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72001210) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 373 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to ascus epiplasm">ascus epiplasm (GO:0072324)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae720012a0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 374 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to mucus layer">mucus layer (GO:0070701)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72001330) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 375 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to hyaluranon cable">hyaluranon cable (GO:0036117)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae720013c0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 376 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to myelin sheath adaxonal region">myelin sheath adaxonal region (GO:0035749)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72001450) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 377 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to fibrillar center">fibrillar center (GO:0001650)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae720014e0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 378 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cortical dynamic polarity patch">cortical dynamic polarity patch (GO:0090726)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72001570) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 379 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to actin wave">actin wave (GO:0062201)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72001600) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 380 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to mitotic nuclear bridge midzone membrane domain">mitotic nuclear bridge midzone membrane domain (GO:0140599)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72001690) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 381 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to pyrenoid tubule">pyrenoid tubule (GO:0160223)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72001720) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 382 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to longitudinal sarcoplasmic reticulum">longitudinal sarcoplasmic reticulum (GO:0014801)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae720017b0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 383 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to apical part of cell">apical part of cell (GO:0045177)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72001840) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 384 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cytoplasmic side of nuclear pore">cytoplasmic side of nuclear pore (GO:1990876)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae720018d0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 385 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to distal portion of axoneme">distal portion of axoneme (GO:0120135)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72001960) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 386 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to polar tube">polar tube (GO:0044099)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae720019f0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 387 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to granular component">granular component (GO:0001652)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72001a80) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 388 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to concave side of sperm head">concave side of sperm head (GO:0061830)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72001b10) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 389 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to neuron projection branch point">neuron projection branch point (GO:0061845)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72001ba0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 390 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to ventral disc crossbridge">ventral disc crossbridge (GO:0097595)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72001c30) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 391 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to Flemming body">Flemming body (GO:0090543)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72001cc0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 392 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to basal ring of apical complex">basal ring of apical complex (GO:0020032)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72001d50) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 393 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to ventral disc microtubule array">ventral disc microtubule array (GO:0097593)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72001de0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 394 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to axoneme">axoneme (GO:0005930)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72001e70) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 395 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to presynaptic active zone">presynaptic active zone (GO:0048786)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72001f00) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 396 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to dendritic shaft">dendritic shaft (GO:0043198)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72001f90) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 397 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to chrorion micropyle">chrorion micropyle (GO:0070825)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72002020) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 398 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to reservosome membrane">reservosome membrane (GO:0106126)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae720020b0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 399 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to ectexine">ectexine (GO:0043669)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72002140) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 400 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to axonemal A tubule inner sheath">axonemal A tubule inner sheath (GO:0160111)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae720045b8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 401 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cell body">cell body (GO:0044297)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72004648) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 402 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to photoreceptor outer segment">photoreceptor outer segment (GO:0001750)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae720046d8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 403 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to ciliary microtubule quartet">ciliary microtubule quartet (GO:0120260)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72004768) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 404 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to nuclear matrix">nuclear matrix (GO:0016363)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae720047f8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 405 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to ring centriole">ring centriole (GO:0061823)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72004888) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 406 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to organelle membrane contact site">organelle membrane contact site (GO:0044232)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72004918) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 407 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to nexine">nexine (GO:0043672)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae720049a8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 408 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to starch grain">starch grain (GO:0043036)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72004a38) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 409 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to bacterial-type flagellum filament cap">bacterial-type flagellum filament cap (GO:0009421)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72004ac8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 410 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to A band">A band (GO:0031672)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72004b58) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 411 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to extrinsic component of membrane">extrinsic component of membrane (GO:0019898)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72004be8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 412 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to subplasmalemmal coating">subplasmalemmal coating (GO:0044280)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72004c78) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 413 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to suberin network">suberin network (GO:0048225)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72004d08) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 414 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to axonemal doublet microtubule">axonemal doublet microtubule (GO:0097545)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72004d98) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 415 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to investment cone">investment cone (GO:0070865)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72004e28) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 416 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to axonemal microtubule doublet inner junction">axonemal microtubule doublet inner junction (GO:0160113)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72004eb8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 417 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to nucleoid">nucleoid (GO:0009295)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72004f48) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 418 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cell division site">cell division site (GO:0032153)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72004fd8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 419 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to bacterial-type flagellum basal body, distal rod, P ring">bacterial-type flagellum basal body, distal rod, P ring (GO:0009428)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72005068) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 420 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to bacterial-type flagellum rotor complex">bacterial-type flagellum rotor complex (GO:0120107)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae720050f8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 421 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to sperm end piece">sperm end piece (GO:0097229)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72005188) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 422 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to left middle basal body pair">left middle basal body pair (GO:0097563)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72005218) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 423 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to organellar chromatophore intermembrane space">organellar chromatophore intermembrane space (GO:0070115)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae720052a8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 424 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to stromule">stromule (GO:0010319)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72005338) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 425 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to lignin network">lignin network (GO:0048224)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae720053c8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 426 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to reservosome lumen">reservosome lumen (GO:0106124)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72005458) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 427 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to mitotic actomyosin contractile ring, intermediate layer">mitotic actomyosin contractile ring, intermediate layer (GO:0120105)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae720054e8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 428 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to extracellular region">extracellular region (GO:0005576)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72005578) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 429 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to inner layer of spore wall">inner layer of spore wall (GO:0005632)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72006520) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 430 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to bacterial-type flagellum hook">bacterial-type flagellum hook (GO:0009424)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae720065b0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 431 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to mitotic nuclear bridge midzone">mitotic nuclear bridge midzone (GO:0140512)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae72006640) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 432 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to epicuticle of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix">epicuticle of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix (GO:0060105)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55ae720066d0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55ae71b5eb70) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 433 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cell leading edge">cell leading edge (GO:0031252)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cellular anatomical structure </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <tbody> </tbody> </table> <!-- END template: term_details_sentences.tmpl --> </div> </div> </div> <div id="display-xref-tab" class="tab-pane"> <div class="panel panel-default amigo-detail-tab-spacer"> <div class="panel-body"> <!-- START template: term_details_xrefs.tmpl --> 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