AHSN Impact Report 2015-16 | PDF
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title Title_root__svkHQ">AHSN Impact Report 2015-16</h1><div class="stats Stats_root__p_BoZ"><div class="Stats_leftContent__588PR"><time dateTime="2016-06-13 14:26:53 UTC"><span class="skeleton Skeleton_root__U4QqL Skeleton_rounded__BLBq2" style="width:75px;height:24px"></span></time><span class="Text_root__is73U Text_medium__rk8Tn text" style="-webkit-line-clamp:0">•</span></div><div class="Stats_rightContent__8d0AF"><span class="Text_root__is73U Text_weight-strong__yEO2S Text_secondary__EPWj0 Text_medium__rk8Tn Likes_root__WVQ1_ text" style="-webkit-line-clamp:0" tabindex="0">2 likes</span><span class="Text_root__is73U Text_medium__rk8Tn text" style="-webkit-line-clamp:0">•</span><span class="Text_root__is73U Text_weight-strong__yEO2S Text_secondary__EPWj0 Text_medium__rk8Tn Likes_root__WVQ1_ text" style="-webkit-line-clamp:0" tabindex="0">524<!-- --> <!-- -->views</span></div></div><div class="author Author_root___6Bx5"><div class="Avatar_root__GNWHY" 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Impact report 2016 " class="vertical-slide-image VerticalSlideImage_image__VtE4p" data-testid="vertical-slide-image" loading="eager" srcSet=" 320w, 638w, 2048w" src="" sizes="100vw"/></div><!--$--><!--/$--></div></div><div><div id="slide2" class="VerticalSlide_root__jU_9r slide-item" style="aspect-ratio:595 / 842" data-cy="slide-container"><div class="VerticalSlideImage_root__64KSA"><img id="slide-image-1" alt="2 | Overview Across England, there are 15 Academic Health Science Networks (AHSNs). We were established by NHS England in 2013 to spread innovation at pace and scale in order to improve health and generate economic growth. As the only bodies that connect NHS and academic organisations, local authorities, the third sector and industry, we are catalysts that create the right conditions to facilitate change across whole health and social care economies, with a clear focus on improving outcomes for patients. This means we are uniquely placed to identify and spread health innovation quickly and at serious levels, by driving the adoption and spread of innovative ideas and technologies across large populations. Contents Impact Report 2016 | 3 Foreword 4 What AHSNs do 4-5 Introduction from the Chair of The AHSN Network 5 Our collective impact 6-10 Addressing the NHS’s three biggest challenges: • The health and wellbeing gap • The care and quality gap • The finance and efficiency gap 11-14 15-18 19-20 Driving economic growth 21-25 Contact details and regional footprint 26-27 Acknowledgements 28 “ ” This is the story of what we are doing and how we are doing it. We hope you will find it useful, and use it often. The AHSN Network - collective impacts in numbers • £20 million support for businesses through the SBRI Healthcare programme • Enabling 33,000 patients to self-manage with Flo Simple Telehealth • 3 million patients benefiting from innovations via the NHS Innovation Accelerator • More than 800 jobs created or safeguarded • Running 15 Patient Safety Collaboratives, which are preventing avoidable harm • Supporting 7 test bed sites, which link industry into the NHS and improve outcomes for citizens • Supported over 500 new products or services to be co-developed and / or supported into the NHS • At least 365 strokes, one every day, prevented by our work, saving lives, reducing disability and saving almost £8.5m to the NHS and social care " class="vertical-slide-image VerticalSlideImage_image__VtE4p" data-testid="vertical-slide-image" loading="lazy" srcSet=" 320w, 638w, 2048w" src="" sizes="100vw"/></div><!--$--><!--/$--></div></div><div><div id="slide3" class="VerticalSlide_root__jU_9r slide-item" style="aspect-ratio:595 / 842" data-cy="slide-container"><div class="VerticalSlideImage_root__64KSA"><img id="slide-image-2" alt="Impact Report 2016 | 54 | Foreword Introduction from the Chair of The AHSN Network As our Academic Health Science Networks, or AHSNs across England enter the fourth year of operation, we are delighted to work together to present our second national impact report. This report demonstrates the depth and breadth of our work – not just within our own areas, but also our collaborations to address issues of national importance. I am often asked, ‘what role do AHSNs play in the health system?’ Our remit is clear: we connect NHS and academic organisations, local authorities, the third sector and industry. We do this to help create the right conditions to achieve change across whole health and social care economies, with a clear and consistent focus on citizens, service users and patients. Alongside transforming services through innovation, we play an important role in generating economic growth. As examples: we enable companies to grow and create jobs by supporting the NHS and industry to engage productively; and by meeting the health needs of our populations, we help people keep well and in work. Each AHSN works within its own area to develop projects that meet the diversity of their local populations and healthcare challenges. Crucially, AHSNs also work together on key areas which include promoting economic growth; diffusing innovation; medicines optimisation; improving quality and patient safety; putting research into practice; and national programmes, such as SBRI Healthcare and the NHS Innovation Accelerator. This report details our progress in these and other areas, where we are working closely together to explore opportunities around specific health challenges (such as the use of digital tools to enhance patient activation and atrial fibrillation). Across England, AHSNs are helping to implement the NHS Five Year Forward View. This impact report provides examples of where we have made progress under each of the Forward View themes, and where we are delivering on economic growth. Our message for this report? On our own, we are strong: delivering new innovations into the NHS, improving patient experience and enabling economic growth for our regions. Together, we are making a huge collective impact for the wider health system, united by the common goal of making care better for citizens, service users and patients. Delivering the Five Year Forward View requires radical care redesign within and across local systems. It involves changing the gearing between formal care and mobilising the potential of patients and their communities to stay healthy and well. It means realising the potential of technology and data to change care delivery models. It is also about engaging and organising the NHS workforce very differently, in new roles as part of new teams. This report illuminates how AHSNs are right in the thick of supporting these changes to create a more sustainable NHS. They are providing a safe and expert place in their geographies to unlock innovation. Uniquely, AHSNs connect industry partners, universities, local communities and the NHS to speed up the initial take up and subsequent spread of innovations. In doing this, their mission is not just to benefit the NHS but directly and demonstrably to support economic growth and create jobs. AHSNs will remain an important part of the health and care landscape. The opportunity and challenge for each individual network, as well as for all networks working as a collective, is to build on the progress they have made to date, by creating the greatest possible value for the patients, communities, NHS partners and the taxpayer. Dr Liz Mear, Chair of The AHSN Network and Chief Executive of the Innovation Agency (Academic Health Science Network for the North West Coast) Ian Dodge, National Director for Commissioning Strategy, NHS England What AHSNs do What AHSNs do AHSNs are flexible regional organisations. We have a small staff base but use our extended networks across regions to achieve great impacts for our partners. Our impact rests in our ability to bring people, resources and organisations together quickly, delivering benefits that could not be achieved without these connections. Each AHSN works within its own geographical area to develop projects and programmes which reflect the diversity of our local populations and healthcare challenges. However, we all share the following priorities: • Promoting economic growth: fostering opportunities for industry to work effectively with the NHS. • Diffusing innovation: creating the right environment, and supporting collaboration across boundaries, to adopt and spread innovation at pace and scale. • Improving patient safety: using our knowledge, expertise and networks to bring together patients, healthcare staff and partners to determine priorities and develop and implement solutions. • Optimising medicine use: ensuring that medication is used to its maximum benefit – improving safety and making efficient use of NHS resources. • Improving quality and reducing variation: by spreading best practice, we increase productivity and reduce variation, which should improve patient outcomes. • Putting research into practice: our strong links with academia mean we are uniquely placed to support the translation of research into clinical practice. • Collaborating on national programmes: our unified programmes focus on delivery of the SBRI Healthcare initiative supporting small-to-medium enterprises, the NHS Innovation Accelerator, Patient Safety Collaboratives and medicines optimisation. Our licence from NHS England sets our four broad objectives: • Focus on the needs of patients and local populations. • Build a culture of partnership and collaboration. • Speed up adoption of innovation into practice to improve clinical outcomes and patient experience. • Create wealth through co-development, testing, evaluation and early adoption. " class="vertical-slide-image VerticalSlideImage_image__VtE4p" data-testid="vertical-slide-image" loading="lazy" srcSet=" 320w, 638w, 2048w" src="" sizes="100vw"/></div><!--$--><!--/$--></div></div><div><div id="slide4" class="VerticalSlide_root__jU_9r slide-item" style="aspect-ratio:595 / 842" data-cy="slide-container"><div class="VerticalSlideImage_root__64KSA"><img id="slide-image-3" alt="Our collective impact Our collective impact • AliveCor - a highly effective mobile heart monitor that detects heart arrhythmias, including instantly highlighting AF in electrocardiograms. Being adopted by the Innovation Agency, Oxford, Imperial College Health Partners, UCLPartners and North East and North Cumbria AHSNs. • Increasing anticoagulation rates in London – following success in Camden in 2014, London AHSNs are working together with GP practices across London. Based on early results, 70-90 lives will be saved and almost £700,000 in added value will be delivered to the NHS (net health cost) each year. • The AF landscape tool - providing data to influence decision-makers and monitor the progress of improvement. Led by Greater Manchester AHSN and is supported by powerful infographics, provided by East Midlands AHSN. • Healthy Futures – a commissioning strategy leading to an additional 1,940 patients receiving anticoagulation in just seven months. Led by Yorkshire & Humber AHSN. Telehealth and digital technology New technologies can help the NHS in many ways, such as self-management, remote monitoring and access to interventions, therapies or GPs. People who feel empowered and confident to take an active role in their healthcare will have improved outcomes. One hugely successful example is Flo Simple Telehealth. This system is helping to support people and increase patient activation. The Flo system uses text messages to support people to manage their own health and wellbeing. Flo can help people in many different ways: to manage diabetes; to live with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; and even to breastfeed. Three AHSNs (East Midlands, North East and North Cumbria and West Midlands) have helped to secure funding for trials, evaluation and further investment. This system has now been widely adopted across the UK, reaching over 70 health and social care organisations with 33,000 patients registered for a wide range of conditions, using clinically-approved pathways: an increase from 11,000 registered patients in 2015. It is even in use in the USA as part of a healthcare programme for military veterans, and is being taken on as a national AHSN theme. Another example is Digital Health.London, a virtual digital institute to help provide a single way into London’s NHS for small-to-medium sized digital enterprises and to increase uptake of digital innovation in healthcare across the capital. This work is a collaboration between the Health Innovation Network, Imperial College Health Partners, UCLPartners, MedCity and the NHS England Digital team. National sharing on mental health We ran our first intra-AHSN learning event focused on mental health in March 2016. Examples of AHSN mental health projects include: • Bradford checklist toolkit – expanding the use of checklists to improve the quality of physical health checks for people with serious and enduring mental illness: Yorkshire & Humber AHSN. • iTHRIVE - a comprehensive new approach to child and adolescent mental health services, rolling out to 11 NHS Innovation Accelerator sites: UCLPartners. • DeAR GP and House of Memories - two approaches to improve training, screening and empathy in dementia care, particularly in care homes: Health Innovation Network and the Innovation Agency. • RAID - an effective whole system approach to prevention of mental health crisis: West Midlands AHSN. • MINDSet - a quality improvement toolkit for mental health: West of England AHSN. Impact Report 2016 | 76 | The system needs to network its best practice collaboratively across all health economies: AHSNs are a means to that end. “It is no secret that the NHS is under extreme pressure to deliver sustainable transformation over the next few years. Demand is increasing, and funding is tight. Against this backdrop, I remain strongly committed to the AHSNs, and to ensuring they help drive the uptake of innovation which is so critical to our future. Theirs is a unique offering, initiated by the NHS in the knowledge that this would be a new way to bring the benefits of innovation to patients and to population health more generally. I am encouraged by the individual and collective work of the AHSNs since their inception, and their achievements to date which this report clearly illustrates. I look forward to their continuing development and contribution to the priorities identified in the Forward View and successive NHS Business Plans over future years.” The Five Year Forward View, published in 2015 identified three gaps that must be closed in order to deliver health and care provision in England; health and wellbeing; care and quality; and finance and efficiency. AHSNs developed a range of projects that seek to better tackle these gaps. While these projects have started in individual regions, we have actively shared outcomes and methodologies among the AHSN Network to expand impact and help achieve spread. This includes work around stroke prevention and the use of digital technology. In this section, we show how AHSNs have enabled the work’s impact to extend well beyond a single region. Targeting illnesses - atrial fibrillation Atrial fibrillation, or AF causes irregular or abnormally fast heart rate and it affects around one million people in the UK. AF markedly increases the risk of having a stroke - a major cause of death and disability - and this can be reduced by using anticoagulation medication. If AF patients who needed it took the correct medication, almost 12,000 strokes could be avoided each year. Across the AHSN Network diagnosis and management of AF is a major focus and through our Improvement Directors Forum formed the AHSN Network AF Community to spread and adopt the work nationally. The AF Community aspires to prevent an additional 4,500 strokes in people over the next five years. Examples of work advancing in this area include: • Don’t Wait To Anticoagulate - quality improvement programme, which supports primary care to reduce the burden of AF- related stroke. This programme is increasing rates of anticoagulation, and optimises therapy for AF patients unstable on current medication. Led by West of England AHSN. Sir Malcolm Grant, Chairman, NHS England " class="vertical-slide-image VerticalSlideImage_image__VtE4p" data-testid="vertical-slide-image" loading="lazy" srcSet=" 320w, 638w, 2048w" src="" sizes="100vw"/></div><!--$--><!--/$--></div></div><div><div id="slide5" class="VerticalSlide_root__jU_9r slide-item" style="aspect-ratio:595 / 842" data-cy="slide-container"><div class="VerticalSlideImage_root__64KSA"><img id="slide-image-4" alt="Our collective impact Our collective impact Accelerated Access Review Collectively, AHSNs are supporting the government’s Accelerated Access Review which aims to speed up access to transformative health technology that can change the lives of NHS patients, service users and citizens. AHSNs have been identified as one of the factors which will drive and enable the review. We have helped the review take place, participated in a sub group working directly with the Office of Life Sciences and we have supported a wide range of events to gain comments on the review from a range of partners. Test beds AHSNs are supporting the test beds announced by Simon Stevens at the World Economic Forum in Davos in January 2016. Test beds are taking place across the UK to test the impact of “combinatorial innovation”. In these seven localities, frontline health and care workers are pioneering and evaluating the use of novel combinations of different technologies and innovations in service delivery. This might be a new model for people with dementia that combines wearable devices linked into mobile technology, implemented alongside tech- enabled housing with new roles helping support them stay well at home. Successful innovations will then be available for other parts of the country to adopt and adapt to the particular needs of their local populations. All of the test beds involve AHSNs. These are; 1. The Long Term Conditions Early Intervention Programme: Greater Manchester AHSN. 2. RAIDPlus integrated mental health urgent care test bed: West Midlands AHSN. 3. Diabetes Digital Coach: West of England AHSN. 4. Care City: a London-based project to enable implementation and evaluation of nine innovations that will improve care delivered to people with long-term conditions, improve the experience of people with dementia, and improve resilience of carers. 5. Lancashire and Cumbria Innovation Alliance - supporting the frail elderly and people with long term conditions to remain well: Innovation Agency. 6. Perfect Patient Pathway - improved care for people suffering from long term conditions: Yorkshire & Humber AHSN. 7. Technology Integrated Health Management for Dementia - using technology to improve the quality of life for people with dementia: Kent Surrey Sussex AHSN. The 5G centre in Guildford, which is part of the test bed consortium led by Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, was highlighted at the G7 Summit in Japan in April by the Information and Communication Technology Ministers, indicating the worldwide interest in its development. Place-based planning AHSNs are supporting change across the health and care landscape, driving innovation at a range of levels – local, regional and national. All parts of the country are currently engaged in creating collaborative Sustainability and Transformation Plans. AHSNs are playing an active role in supporting development of these plans and will be central to successful implementation. As neither commissioners nor providers, AHSNs have a unique role in systems as an honest broker. AHSNs are experts in implementation and have the knowledge, relationships and resources to operate credibly at a micro-level with regional partners to understand issues at a granular level, and importantly to help solve them. Vanguards NHS England has identified 50 vanguard sites for the new care models programme. AHSNs are collaborating with their local vanguards and the patients they serve in a wide range of ways to help support improvement and integration of services, and advance the introduction of new models of care. Impact Report 2016 | 98 | NHS Innovation Accelerator The role of the AHSNs in driving innovation is featured in the 2016/17 NHS England Business Plan: “During 2016/17 we will support our Academic Health Science Networks to help drive the uptake of innovation in the NHS at local and regional level” (p48). In 2015/16 UCLPartners, East Midlands, Yorkshire & Humber, the Innovation Agency and Imperial College Health Partners AHSNs were partners in delivering the NHS Innovation Accelerator (NIA) programme. To date, some of the NIA’s key achievements include: • Three million patients are benefiting from new innovations, including: apps, safety devices, online networks, and a host of other new technologies and services. • Supporting 17 fellows to scale their tried and tested innovations through the programme, which involves mentorship from seasoned healthcare innovators. • Generating almost £8 million in investment (primarily through the private sector and charities). • Signing contracts with 66 NHS organisations, representing 14% of the NHS. The role of AHSNs has been noted by the NIA programme: “The country’s 15 AHSNs have assisted in getting the innovations adopted into clinical practice.” In 2016/17 all AHSNs will continue to support the NIA. “There is a real need across the NHS to speed up the process of innovation, from initial invention right through to mass uptake of the most successful across the health and care system. Together with their mentors, who are some of the most high- profile leaders in England, the NIA fellows will provide models and lessons for us all in how to do that.” Professor Sir Bruce Keogh, Medical Director, NHS England “The support I am receiving from the Academic Health Science Networks is invaluable. I have been the only UK employee of AliveCor Ltd and for sole representatives it is extremely difficult to access NHS organisations. I’m not aware of any other organisations that work together nationally and use their individual local networks to help industry innovators open doors in this way.” Francis White, NIA Fellow and EU General Manager, AliveCor Ltd " class="vertical-slide-image VerticalSlideImage_image__VtE4p" data-testid="vertical-slide-image" loading="lazy" srcSet=" 320w, 638w, 2048w" src="" sizes="100vw"/></div><!--$--><!--/$--></div></div><div><div id="slide6" class="VerticalSlide_root__jU_9r slide-item" style="aspect-ratio:595 / 842" data-cy="slide-container"><div class="VerticalSlideImage_root__64KSA"><img id="slide-image-5" alt="Our collective impact The health and wellbeing gap Impact Report 2016 | 1110 | Since our inception, AHSNs have worked towards delivering improved clinical outcomes and patient experience by collaborating with multiple teams and organisations. We focus our efforts on significant health, care and wellbeing challenges in our regions, and can show successes in every area of England. The health and wellbeing gap described by NHS England highlights diabetes and mental health as areas of concern. Below is a selection of case studies which demonstrate how we are beginning to accelerate the closure of these gaps, and tackle other important challenges. Diabetes In the UK, it is expected that by 2030 4.6 million people will develop Type 2 diabetes, driven by increasing obesity. NHS England’s Annual Report 2014/15 estimates that £1 in every £10 of NHS funding is spent on diabetes. Hypoglycaemia care pathway for people living with diabetes A hypoglycaemia pathway developed by South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust in collaboration with Merck Sharp & Dohme Limited, is being implemented across the entire Kent, Surrey and Sussex region with the assistance of Kent Surrey Sussex AHSN and the South East Clinical Network. Patients were missing out on education and intervention to prevent further 999 call-outs, following episodes of severe hypoglycaemia. Impacts from two pilot Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) showed: • 15 fewer ambulance trips to hospital per month in North West Surrey and Surrey Downs CCGs. • Estimated savings in reduced admissions, emergency medicine costs and call-outs of £317,925 for the two CCGs in nine months. • Savings could exceed £650,000 through swift follow-ups and improved self-care. Kent Surrey Sussex AHSN is working with clinical leads and commissioning managers in CCGs to implement the new pathway to suit their locally commissioned services and to integrate it into future diabetes services. The South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust is now using new blood glucose meters, supplied by Nova Biomedical, to ensure accurate blood glucose readings, which are fed back to GPs and are improving communication. The project was shared with the Health Innovation Network, and following work with the London Ambulance Service NHS Trust a new hypoglycaemic pathway that meets the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence diabetes Quality Standard 15 is now being implemented. The Diabetes Improvement Collaborative The Health Innovation Network has undertaken work in South London which is improving outcomes for people with Type 1 diabetes. The national insulin pump audit showed that only 6% of people with Type 1 were using National Institute for Health and Care Excellence recommended pump therapy, even though evidence indicated that 15-20% of patients could benefit. In South London uptake of insulin pumps was between 3% and 15%. The Collaborative consists of ten secondary care diabetes teams and more than 60 healthcare professionals, pump manufacturers and people with Type 1 diabetes, focusing on improving access to technologies and patient education. Results: • 350 more patients gained access to pump therapy. • Insulin pump uptake increased by 30.8% thanks to the Collaborative. • Pump usage across South London in April 2016 was 11.9% (UK average 6%). • Sustainable plans are in place to reach at least 15% of Type 1 patients by 2018. Patient safety and medicines optimisation AHSNs lead a network of 15 Patient Safety Collaboratives to tackle the leading causes of avoidable harm to patients. These collaboratives are tasked with empowering local patients and healthcare staff to work together to identify safety priorities and develop solutions. These priorities are then implemented and tested within local healthcare organisations, before being shared nationally with the other collaboratives. South West AHSN developed the LIFE quality improvement project documentation and sharing platform, which is now in active use at six other AHSNs and their Patient Safety Collaboratives. For a full update on activity nationally visit and download the progress report. Using the collaboratives, AHSNs are working with NHS England and the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry to promote best practice that ensures patients get the best outcomes from medicines. Many AHSNs across the country are carrying out ‘transfers of care’ projects within the medicines optimisation programme. (See p15-16). 100,000 Genomes This ground breaking NHS England led project will sequence 100,000 genomes from around 70,000 people and will be used to help deliver personalised medicine and potentially deliver more effective treatments for cancer and rare diseases. To support this project, 13 NHS Genomic Medicine Centres have been established with a clear remit to: • Consent and recruit eligible patients. • Collect and process samples for extraction. • Collate data, validate and communicate whole genome sequencing results. AHSNs are actively supporting delivery of this project, including starting to build its legacy, helping to form international collaborations and having significant impact on its pace and achievements. AHSN support has been most valuable in building CEO awareness and engagement across the system and helping to drive inward investment and strategic insight in mainstreaming genomics for the future. AHSNs have also proved to be effective in communicating genomics to the public. For instance, West Midlands AHSN has spread the message across the region and supported collaboration across 18 acute trusts involved via three Genomics Medicine Ambassadors, as well as through co-ordinated public involvement and communications. The Health Innovation Network has brought Macmillan Cancer Support and Genetic Alliance UK into a partnership with acute trusts and university partners to shape the way patients and their families are supported and guided through the project. Imperial Health College Partners, the Innovation Agency and West Midlands AHSNs ran regional consultation workshops on behalf of NHS England to advise on the next stages of the project. “The UK is already a leader in genomic technologies and the world renowned structure of the NHS allows us to deliver these advances at scale and pace for patient benefit. I’m delighted that AHSNs have stepped up to the challenge and are providing a growing level of support to the project. I am sure they will make a highly valuable contribution to ensuring we achieve our goals.” Professor Sue Hill, Chief Scientific Officer for England Martyn Hicks Photography, courtesy of Yorkshire & Humber AHSN " class="vertical-slide-image VerticalSlideImage_image__VtE4p" data-testid="vertical-slide-image" loading="lazy" srcSet=" 320w, 638w, 2048w" src="" sizes="100vw"/></div><!--$--><!--/$--></div></div><div><div id="slide7" class="VerticalSlide_root__jU_9r slide-item" style="aspect-ratio:595 / 842" data-cy="slide-container"><div class="VerticalSlideImage_root__64KSA"><img id="slide-image-6" alt="The health and wellbeing gap The health and wellbeing gap Impact Report 2016 | 1312 | Individual placement and support - helping people into employment Individual placement and support is an evidence-based approach to supporting people with severe and enduring mental illness to get employment or to stay in education or training. It is consistently proving the most effective approach to helping people who want to work. A RAND Europe economic analysis indicated an overall £1.59 benefit to the UK Exchequer for every £1 spent on individual placement and support. The East Midlands AHSN works with four mental health providers to ensure a consistent approach. A study by NIHR Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care East Midlands to implement individual placement and support in Nottingham showed that 59% of service users were able to attain paid work or work-related opportunities. The project is reducing variation, assisting with navigating complex commissioning arrangements, and engaging the national Centre for Mental Health. Greater Manchester is now looking to develop a similar project. Early intervention in psychosis pathway Imperial College Health Partners worked with local teams and service users to co-design and deliver a pathway for early intervention in psychosis, adopted by all North West London mental health providers. The AHSN’s involvement was instrumental in supporting local teams to adhere with National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidance on waiting times for mental health patients, and to collect and share clinical data that enabled service user outcomes to be measured against targets for delivering evidence-based care. Imperial College Health Partners also supported the co-design process for a new portal, Patients Know Best, enabling service users to access their clinical records and share their information at the point of care. Results: • Provider oversight of patient care records and waiting time data across institutional boundaries. • Reduced referral time to assessment – average patient seen within 2.2 weeks, down from an average of 7.7. • Creation of a patient-based portal, enabling service users to access their medical records and manage their care. • Increased access to services for patients. The pathway has been adapted and adopted by Wessex AHSN (TRIumPH - Treatment and Recovery In PsycHosis), with interest from Yorkshire & Humber, West of England, South West and North East and North Cumbria AHSNs. “Congratulations on this great work. Type 1 is a really important area and I am hugely grateful for the focus you are bringing to the diabetes space.” Professor Jonathan Valabhji, National Clinical Director for Obesity and Diabetes, NHS England NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme The NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme was announced in 2015 and the first wave covers 26 million people in 11 of the 15 AHSN regions. Local health services will work with their chosen provider/s to deliver a service for their area. Two AHSNs, Health Innovation Network and East Midlands played an integral part in their local tendering processes supporting providers with their bids for the framework. “Thank you for your support. I can confidently say that we would have not secured this without the skill, expertise and perseverance from East Midlands AHSN. We are very fortunate to have this level of expertise to help us in the East Midlands.” Melanie J Davies CBE, MB ChB MD FRCP FRCGP, Professor of Diabetes Medicine and NIHR Senior Investigator Mental Health People with severe mental ill health have a reduced life expectancy of 15-20 years, with an estimated annual cost to the economy of £105 billion. People recovering from mental illness – using robust evidence to support change The Oxford AHSN Anxiety and Depression Clinical Network increased recovery rates by 10%. These improvements came from comprehensive data collection, accessing high- quality research; identifying patient outcome themes; and putting the right training in place. An independent return on investment assessment by the Office of Health Economics and Rand Europe concluded that: “The project has led to an estimated net saving of £750,000 of NHS money, mainly through reductions in physical healthcare needs, and has helped an estimated 384 additional people return to work. The Oxford AHSN has therefore added significant value in this area, by improving patient lives, cutting NHS costs, and contributing to the wider economy.” An additional 3,199 patients have been helped to recovery, with recovery rates consistently in the high end of the 50% range (the national average is approximately 45%). Oxford AHSN is running a series of ‘how we did it’ workshops for NHS England nationally. " class="vertical-slide-image VerticalSlideImage_image__VtE4p" data-testid="vertical-slide-image" loading="lazy" srcSet=" 320w, 638w, 2048w" src="" sizes="100vw"/></div><!--$--><!--/$--></div></div><div><div id="slide8" class="VerticalSlide_root__jU_9r slide-item" style="aspect-ratio:595 / 842" data-cy="slide-container"><div class="VerticalSlideImage_root__64KSA"><img id="slide-image-7" alt="The care and quality gap Impact Report 2016 | 1514 | The NHS is recognising the importance of reducing variation, delivering value, supporting new care models/vanguards and the use of digital technology in healthcare. The following examples reference these areas. Harnessing digital technology FARSITE – rapid searching web application Greater Manchester AHSN and the Greater Manchester Clinical Research Network (GMCRN) are accelerating health innovation through helping researchers and clinicians improve the way data is handled and studies are planned and conducted. FARSITE was developed by NorthWest EHealth, a partnership between the University of Manchester, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust and Salford Clinical Commissioning Group. The tool confidentially finds and contacts groups of patients in a population. It can be used to gauge the feasibility of and to recruit for clinical trials, medicines reviews, and also used for risk stratification. Results: • Operational across the four northern AHSNs, covering over 1.3 million patients. • Greater Manchester outperforms all other regions of the country for recruitment to life sciences trials as a consequence of FARSITE, for example, more than 4,500 people from 33 GP surgeries with were recruited to a care evaluation programme within 16 weeks with FARSITE. • Hitachi is building FARSITE into their large- scale diabetes prevention programme, as it can rapidly establish which patients should be targeted for preventative therapy. • Greater Manchester is currently reviewing whether FARSITE could be used to screen high-risk patients and help GPs target therapeutic interventions for stroke prevention. • In the last 12 months, the GMCRN has completed more than 250 feasibility searches for industry and academia studies in primary care. • After rolling out in Lancashire, FARSITE is also being extended across the Innovation Agency’s entire geography over the next two years. Transfers of care using e-referrals and medicines adherence – improving patient safety and outcomes We know that things can go wrong when patients need to move between settings, sometimes leading to readmissions, poorer outcomes and poor patient experience. Good referral of care regarding medicines from hospital to community pharmacy is helping to change this. Based on evaluation from Wessex AHSN in the Isle of Wight, an electronic referral template using PharmOutcomes is resulting in readmissions being halved, and on average four beds saved per medicines review. AHSNs collaborated to agree a common data set for referrals and data collection to support evaluation of these new pathways, which have now been endorsed by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society and are available for all AHSNs to use. The health and wellbeing gap Faecal Microbiota Transplantation - effective treatment of recurrent Clostridium Difficile Infections Wessex AHSN supported the creation of a Faecal Microbiota Transplantation bank in Portsmouth through their Innovation and Wealth Creation Accelerator Fund. Transplantation is the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence recommended provision of screened faecal matter via a nasal tube into the small intestine, restoring the balance of bacteria in patients. This is tackling Clostridium Difficile infections, which are a major cause of mortality. Each infection costs £5,000-10,000, with an average length of stay of 27 days and 22% chance of relapse. Around 2,500 people die from infections each year. Wessex AHSN helped overcome the many logistical issues involved in the process, which was previously a major barrier to diffusion and spread. The first 23 patients have now received a transplant and the service will reach 30 patients within a year, with an expected cure rate of 94%. It can be expected to have saved nine lives in a year. The bank serves the region, including places as far afield as Jersey. It is a centre of excellence, and work has started with the South West AHSN and Exeter Hospital to increase access for more patients. Workplace wellness Yorkshire & Humber AHSN has worked in partnership with Sheffield Hallam University and the National Centre for Sport and Exercise Medicine to roll out a highly effective workplace wellness programme to the NHS, public and private sectors. The ‘Working for a healthier tomorrow’ report stated that poor staff health and wellbeing is estimated to cost the UK economy £100 billion a year. Public sector organisations have historically lost over eight days of working time per employee due to sickness absence each year. The programme provides staff health and wellbeing benefits, reducing sickness absence and improving attendance. Results from the pilot: • For every £1 spent on the programme, the NHS as an employer saved £3 in costs. • 45% were identified as having one or more risk factors of cardiovascular disease (CVD), of which 42.9% improved their health by reducing at least one risk factor. • A health economics evaluation showed that reductions in CVD risk factors are linked to improved productivity and outcomes, with a potential return on investment of 302% - 571%. Two local authority, seven NHS and three private sector organisations deliver the programme which is now being rolled out regionally. Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, courtesy of East Midlands AHSN " class="vertical-slide-image VerticalSlideImage_image__VtE4p" data-testid="vertical-slide-image" loading="lazy" srcSet=" 320w, 638w, 2048w" src="" sizes="100vw"/></div><!--$--><!--/$--></div></div><div><div id="slide9" class="VerticalSlide_root__jU_9r slide-item" style="aspect-ratio:595 / 842" data-cy="slide-container"><div class="VerticalSlideImage_root__64KSA"><img id="slide-image-8" alt="The care and quality gap The care and quality gap Impact Report 2016 | 1716 | In the North East and North Cumbria AHSN, hospital pharmacy staff are using the system successfully to refer patients to their community pharmacist and the project is improving communication and assisting patients with their medicines. Results: • Six acute trusts are now making referrals to a potential 700 community pharmacies for follow up support with their medication after discharge from hospital. • More than 750 patients have now received follow-up support. • Community pharmacists reported that nearly 90% of patients had a better understanding of their medicines and would be therefore more likely to adhere to their prescribed medicine regimes. • The project team has won two prestigious HSJ Awards in 2015, in the categories for ‘Enhancing Care by Sharing Data and Information’ and ‘Most effective adoption and diffusion of best practice’. This work has been taken on and adapted by the South West AHSN, where existing services are being used in community pharmacy to support patients with their medicines following discharge from hospital. Improving these transfers of care is helping patients better understand their medicines, improve patient outcomes, increase adherence, and reduce readmissions and medicines waste. They are working with Yeovil Hospital and Somerset Local Pharmaceutical Committee on the implementation, funding them to help develop a package that can be shared across the South West and supporting The Royal Cornwall Hospital to move to electronic referrals instead of faxing. “Without your input, this service most definitely wouldn’t have been as dynamic as it now is, and goes far beyond what I had anticipated at the start of this journey so thank you.” Matt Harvey, Chief Officer, Somerset Local Pharmaceutical Committee Neurorehabilitation - e-referral pathway improving patient care and reducing variation Imperial College Health Partners has co- designed and implemented a new system to help overcome the fragmented rehabilitation care pathway for acquired brain injury patients. The previous pathway was difficult to navigate, as it relied on a complex system of referrals between multiple providers, delaying timely rehabilitation and overall negatively impacting on patient experience and outcomes. Imperial College Health Partners worked with commissioners, providers, academia and NHS England London to co-design the new system. Results: • More accurate patient assessments through standardised provision of information on referral. • Time between patient referral and admission to services reduced by almost half - 17.37 days to 9.78 days. • Reduced costs on average by £1,700 per patient and saved 482 acute bed days. • Staff satisfaction drastically improved, having previously been weighted towards 1-3 out of 5, staff now report exclusively 3-5. • As a result of the programme’s success, the eight referring Clinical Commissioning Groups have agreed to fund the initiative going forward, guaranteeing sustained improvement. Increasing patient access to innovative treatments and clinical trials UCLPartners has partnered with Quintiles, the world’s biggest clinical research organisation, to increase access to clinical trials and innovative treatments for over 4.2 million people in north central and east London and Essex. UCLPartners is now the highest performing Quintiles Prime Site in the world, with 619 patients recruited to trials in 2015/16. Through UCLPartners and the Clinical Research Network North Thames, hospital trusts in north central and east London harmonised the approvals process and reduced the average time taken to approve trials from 104 to 17 days. The success of this work led to UCLPartners becoming a Quintiles Prime Site, meaning they get first notification of all trials taking place in Europe. Prime Site has now been extended to Essex, increasing patient access to innovative treatment and supporting research capabilities. Results: • An additional one million people have access to clinical trials since its expansion to Essex. • For every 100 patients recruited, trusts receive an average of £1 million. • For every 100 patients recruited, trusts also save approximately £6 million in costs of treatment if those patients were not on trials and were accessing normal care. • UCLPartners is now replicating the model for other companies. “We are proud to be working with the team at UCLPartners to further enhance our ability to recruit patients and investigators, who are critical to an efficient and effective drug development process. We have gone from strength to strength since this relationship began, and we are proud of what we have achieved together, for the benefit of London as a whole.” Lindy Jones, Chair of the Quintiles Europe, Middle East and Africa Board Dementia memory clinics - thousands of patients are getting better care All memory clinics in Oxford have been brought up to the standard of the best in the region through a comprehensive national accreditation programme. Memory clinics provide valuable support to people with dementia and their carers. Having identified unwarranted variations, Oxford AHSN appointed a specialist nurse to work with six different memory clinic teams. The aim was to bring them up to the standard of the best through the Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCP) Memory Services National Accreditation Programme (MSNAP), which provides a structured means of working and embeds consistent high standards. Results: • By January 2016, all six memory clinics the Oxford AHSN worked with had been accredited by the RCP MSNAP, three of them receiving an excellent rating. • Improvements have been embedded into dementia services, with benefits felt by 8,500 patients and their carers, with lots of positive feedback. • Policies and procedures within memory clinics have been improved. • Multi-disciplinary and inter-agency working has improved. " class="vertical-slide-image VerticalSlideImage_image__VtE4p" data-testid="vertical-slide-image" loading="lazy" srcSet=" 320w, 638w, 2048w" src="" sizes="100vw"/></div><!--$--><!--/$--></div></div><div><div id="slide10" class="VerticalSlide_root__jU_9r slide-item" style="aspect-ratio:595 / 842" data-cy="slide-container"><div class="VerticalSlideImage_root__64KSA"><img id="slide-image-9" alt="The care and quality gap The finance and efficiency gap Impact Report 2016 | 1918 | “When we were first considering taking our memory service through the MSNAP review process, the prospect was somewhat daunting and overwhelming. We were extremely grateful that the Oxford AHSN was able to provide a very experienced clinician to act as an overall lead." Frances Finucane, Team Manager, North Buckinghamshire Memory Clinic Developing a strong Board to improve safety culture – AQuA Programme NHS Boards hold the ultimate responsibility for the quality and safety of care their organisation provides. The Advancing Quality Alliance (AQuA) programme brings together Boards to explore how their organisation currently measures and monitors safety, using a proactive systems approach. Their Board development programme is consistently extremely highly rated by delegates who include executive and non- executive directors coming together to learn how they can more effectively provide the top leadership for safety in their organisation. Eastern AHSN is developing a quality improvement infrastructure to support continued service improvement and innovation. The programme is based on the substantial experience of AQuA in delivering a similar programme in the North West funded by the Innovation Agency and Greater Manchester AHSNs throughout the lifespan of the networks. Using this experience existing programmes have been tailored to meet Eastern AHSN's needs based on virtual design testing with system leaders in the region. Five NHS trusts from across the East of England have participated in the programme, with more planning to do so. East Midlands AHSN also approached AQuA to work with them to deliver a similar programme. Eastern and East Midlands AHSNs have agreed a reciprocal approach, to allow trusts in either region to access the most convenient dates. So far in the East Midlands, the AHSN has enabled seven organisations to participate, with a total of 72 senior staff attending two- day board development sessions. The West Midlands AHSNs is also investigating the use of AQuA. AHSNs are assisting with closing the finance and efficiency gap in many ways. Whether by delivering direct savings through our programmes, supporting test bed sites, making better use of technology, leveraging non-NHS funding or supporting scientific research and innovation, AHSNs are at the forefront of delivering new ways of working and collaborations with diverse partners, with patients at the heart of our work. Patient safety - reducing falls, improving safety, saving money Falls are estimated to cost the NHS more than £2.3 billion per year. Inpatient falls can lead to hip fractures and other injuries, while even falls without harm can lead to loss of confidence and increased length of stay for patients. Yorkshire & Humber AHSN’s Improvement Academy is actively working with more than 66 frontline teams across 23 organisations to roll out the Huddle Up for Safety Healthcare (HUSH) programme. Results: • The average step change reduction in falls is 50%. • One ward moved from an average of one fall per week to repeatedly achieving 30 days between falls, and in some cases up to 60 days. • A preliminary health economics evaluation showed a return on investment of 388% - savings of £185,000. • £500,000 funding received from the Health Foundation’s Scaling Up initiative. • To date, 1,354 patients who would have fallen haven’t and £967,000 has been saved from direct care costs. • The programme is being extended to include pressure ulcers, care of deteriorating patients and reducing delayed discharges. • A Falls Summit held with three other AHSNs had over 200 delegates. • Kent Surrey Sussex AHSN’s Patient Safety Collaborative is adopting the HUSH approach in their implementation work. “Huddles are the best thing we’ve ever done.” Amy Hargreaves, Senior Sister, J46, Lincoln Wing, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust PolyPhotonix – light therapy mask improving patient experience and saving costs Current treatments for diabetic retinopathy are expensive and invasive, but sleep masks enhance patient experience as there is no need for expensive injections and the condition can be treated and monitored at home. It is estimated that savings of over £1 billion per year could be made if this new non-invasive technology were rolled out across the UK. The Noctura 400 mask is currently being sold privately, and is in the process of National Institute for Health and Care Excellence approval for use in the NHS. North East and North Cumbria AHSN supported local company PolyPhotonix, as it was new to working with the NHS. The AHSN assisted them with clinical trials and opening up routes to market. PolyPhotonix successfully bid for SBRI funding. Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, courtesy of East Midlands AHSN " class="vertical-slide-image VerticalSlideImage_image__VtE4p" data-testid="vertical-slide-image" loading="lazy" srcSet=" 320w, 638w, 2048w" src="" sizes="100vw"/></div><!--$--><!--/$--></div></div><div><div id="slide11" class="VerticalSlide_root__jU_9r slide-item" style="aspect-ratio:595 / 842" data-cy="slide-container"><div class="VerticalSlideImage_root__64KSA"><img id="slide-image-10" alt="Driving economic growthThe finance and efficiency gap Impact Report 2016 | 2120 | Following successful trials, the sleep mask is now commercially available with sales for 2015/16 estimated to be in excess of £3 million. PolyPhotonix’s workforce is expected to triple over the next two years to 60 employees: jobs directly created as a result of SBRI funding. The company has secured approximately £2 million of additional investment, and North East and North Cumbria AHSN has worked closely with Kent Surrey Sussex and South West AHSNs to extend the project’s reach through trials. In addition the Innovation Agency has provided procurement support to get the product into the NHS. “There is no contest that I would choose the mask over the laser treatment. It is easy to use, and removes any traumatic experience that occurred when having my eyes lasered. I still wear the mask at night and would encourage anyone with diabetes and suffering from retinopathy to do the same.” Anonymous, patient STarT Back – keeping patients well and at work Back pain is the most common reason why middle-aged people visit their GP and indirect economic costs to the UK are over £10 billion a year (Pain Journal). It is the second most common reason for sickness absence, and for persistent disability and work loss in people under 65. Some patients are over-treated, while others fail to get the right care. West Midlands AHSN supported the wider adoption of STarT Back, a stratified care tool for low back pain. Patients are screened for risk and placed into three risk groups, with matched pathways to target the right treatment to the right patient. STarT Back has now been adopted into several high quality clinical care pathways. Results: • Improved clinical outcomes and reduces back pain disability. • Reduced sickness absence, physiotherapy wait times, GP consultations, referrals to secondary care and referrals for imaging. • Cost-effective, saving £34 per patient and £675 in societal costs. • AHSN support has meant that an additional 18 community physiotherapy services nationally have adopted the STarT Back approach. • The Innovation Agency is rolling out the tool across their geography. More than 80 GP practices in Liverpool have adopted the tool so far. • At least eight CCGs across the UK are adopting the approach. • The STarT Back tool has been translated into 12 languages. • The programme team is working with services overseas, including Australia and the USA. • STarT Back has been included in the Allied Health Professional Musculoskeletal toolkit, Map of Medicine and the Royal College of General Practitioners’ e-learning module. “The STarT Back tool represents a high-value tool - this is what we need more of in the NHS.” Sir Muir Gray, Director of the National Knowledge Service and Chief Knowledge Officer, NHS England AHSNs bring together industry partners with the health and social care sectors, speeding up development of innovations and their uptake into practice. We help life sciences and healthcare technology companies navigate the complex NHS marketplace, driving economic growth by creating an environment more conducive to effective working between industry and the health and social care sectors. “AHSNs connect academics, NHS, researchers and industry to accelerate the adoption and diffusion of innovation helping to catalyse economic growth at the same time as driving improvements in the quality and efficiency of care. They are working with partners locally and nationally to develop innovation eco- systems right across the NHS, so that innovation is championed by all - from patients to CEOs. Nationally, they are core to the delivery of the Small Business Research Initiative, National Innovation Accelerator programme and test beds - three fundamental national delivery platforms for innovation.” George Freeman, MP, Minister for Life Sciences The Innovation Pathway – supporting businesses every step of the way AHSNs have developed the national Innovation Pathway framework. This pathway clarifies our offer to all potential industry and enterprise partners. It articulates the offering from AHSNs and showcases our services to industry and to NHS innovators. Benefits include: • A consistent approach across AHSNs. • A single contact point: helping companies navigate the complex health system. • Advice and access to expertise on issues such as evidence base, evaluation and market access. • Signposting to local partners and regional and national funding sources (such as the SBRI Healthcare programme) and support within the system for companies awarded funding. " class="vertical-slide-image VerticalSlideImage_image__VtE4p" data-testid="vertical-slide-image" loading="lazy" srcSet=" 320w, 638w, 2048w" src="" sizes="100vw"/></div><!--$--><!--/$--></div></div><div><div id="slide12" class="VerticalSlide_root__jU_9r slide-item" style="aspect-ratio:595 / 842" data-cy="slide-container"><div class="VerticalSlideImage_root__64KSA"><img id="slide-image-11" alt="Driving economic growthDriving economic growth Each AHSN will provide support along the Innovation Pathway for innovations of high potential in relation to local health needs and supporting economic growth. This might be in terms of: • Stimulating inward investment. • Supporting the export of UK products. • Keeping people well and in work. • Increasing productivity. Some examples of our impacts on behalf of companies follow in this section. This is just a small selection and further details can be found at and individual AHSN websites. Helping Zilico with adoption of their ZedScan technology to help detect cervical cancer The ZedScan system uses measurement of electrical resistance to help detect cervical cancer cells. It can identify patients who require treatment at first visit, reducing the number of cervical biopsies performed and pin-pointing the optimum site for biopsy. Impact Report 2016 | 2322 | AHSNs help companies and innovators navigate a fragmented landscape. BESPOKE SERVICES COVERING THE ENTIRE INNOVATION LIFE CYCLE FROM CONCEPTION OF AN IDEA THROUGH TO ITS EVENTUAL REALISATION OF COMMERCIAL SUCCESS. THE INNOVATION PATHWAY Greater Manchester AHSN helped the surgeon inventor win his first deal with an NHS trust. Following this, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence developed a Medtech Innovation Briefing to encourage its wider use. Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has procured a further contract and as of March 2016, more than 1,570 patient examinations had been completed in the first adopting hospital trust. Clinical results: • A greatly improved and far less distressing process for women with cervical cancer. • 40% reduction in the number of follow-up appointments in Sheffield. • Reduction in ‘over-treatment’ of patients as a result of improved diagnostic capability. • 11% drop in the number of biopsies undertaken over the last two years. • Reduction in patient waiting times and immediate results for patients. “The benefit to patients is that they will get an immediate and objective result. It will reduce the need for biopsies, sparing patients a painful process often associated with bleeding afterwards.” John Tidy, Professor of Gynaecological Oncology, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Clinical Founder, Zilico Ltd Leanvation – speeding up the adoption of innovative surgical gloves The Innovation Agency championed and assisted Leanvation, a manufacturer of innovative latex-free surgical gloves, to break through barriers and join the NHS Supply Chain (NSC). The AHSN helped the company overcome rigorous processes and secure three framework award contracts with Shared Business Services, Health Trust Europe and NSC. Leanvation surgical gloves are now available to all NHS trusts throughout the country. The company recently received £500,000 venture capital investment. Three jobs have been safeguarded and an additional six posts have been created in this St Helens-based start-up. “This is the breakthrough we have been waiting for. It is only as a result of the intervention of the AHSN’s commercial team that we were able to break through barriers to joining NHS frameworks, such as a requirement for a £1 million turnover.” Dr Jonathan Day, Managing Director, Leanvation Intellectual Property Health Economics Markets Culture Ideas Clinical Trials Finance Adoption Success Brokering Commercialisation Evaluation " class="vertical-slide-image VerticalSlideImage_image__VtE4p" data-testid="vertical-slide-image" loading="lazy" srcSet=" 320w, 638w, 2048w" src="" sizes="100vw"/></div><!--$--><!--/$--></div></div><div><div id="slide13" class="VerticalSlide_root__jU_9r slide-item" style="aspect-ratio:595 / 842" data-cy="slide-container"><div class="VerticalSlideImage_root__64KSA"><img id="slide-image-12" alt="Driving economic growthDriving economic growth Impact Report 2016 | 2524 | “The SBRI Healthcare competition process enabled us to make a real difference in the care of long-term respiratory disease. It has been more than just funding; without it, the novel products we are developing would never have been developed.” Kevin Auton, Managing Director, Aseptika Owlstone’s lung cancer breathalyser – helping develop a promising, early stage, technology Owlstone developed a handheld breathalyser which can detect early stage lung cancer. The low-cost, non-invasive test has the potential to be used in national screening programmes and primary care settings. It could diagnose cancer early, transforming survival rates and potentially saving the NHS £245 million within three years, saving 10,000 lives. Thanks to using SBRI funding, using microchip technology originally developed to ‘sniff out’ explosives, Owlstone reprogrammed the software to detect chemical biomarkers found in the breath of people who have lung cancer. They collaborated with researchers and designers from across Europe to design user-friendly breathalyser hardware. Eastern AHSN was able to connect the company to NHS organisations who wanted to trial and test their diagnostic. Results so far: • Laboratory testing showed that the chemical sensor can detect all 12 biomarkers, potentially detecting lung cancer at an early stage. • The breathalyser is simple to use, and produces a result in just 30 seconds. • If the test was used in a national screening programme, it could be used in around 1.3 million tests each year. “Owlstone’s technology has the potential to deliver a quick and easy-to-use breath test, and SBRI Healthcare funding is allowing us to turn that potential into a reality.” Billy Boyle, Co-Founder, Owlstone SBRI Healthcare SBRI Healthcare is both a funding initiative run by the AHSNs and the source of some of the clearest examples of the benefit to companies from interaction with the AHSNs. On behalf of NHS England, the AHSNs host this £20 million programme to develop innovative products that address unmet health needs while creating UK-based industry and jobs. SBRI run competitions inviting companies to come forward with their ideas and new technologies. It offers a fast track to funding for developing products matched to needs the NHS has specified. Critically, AHSNs provide support to companies by mobilising the expertise available in their localities, before, during and after the SBRI process. AHSNs are uniquely placed to assist with NHS evidence requirements, market insights and adoption and procurement challenges. This approach is really delivering impact. Last year’s highlights include: • Six new clinically-led competitions to attract businesses’ interest. • 44 Phase 1 and 2 contracts awarded, with a total value of £17.5 million. • 258 applications from industry assessed. Impact since NHS England funding began in 2012/13: • Approximately 250 jobs created or safeguarded. • Annual savings forecast for 2013-15 £723 million. • £56.7 million total funds awarded (Phases 1 and 2). • 181 contracts awarded (Phases 1, 2 and 3) and 20 products already on the market. “The biggest impact of SBRI funding has been in accelerating the commercial side of the business and considerably increasing the pace of activity with the NHS.” Richard Kirk, Chief Executive, PolyPhotonix Aseptika - home test for predicting lung infection flare-ups Aseptika developed the Activ8rlives self-care system and home-use sputum test to give patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) early warning of chest infections. This means that they can be treated effectively at home and reduce unplanned hospital admissions. Estimated savings to the NHS could exceed £50 million each year (SBRI Healthcare website). It has also secured a US patent. Results: • Reliably predicts exacerbations 7-21 days before the patient would typically seek help. • Patients find the self-monitoring tools and Activ8rlives website easy to use (more than 80,000 people have signed up), showing very high adherence rates. • Aseptika was involved in the Eastern AHSN COPD test bed bid, and has been selected as an innovation partner for the Sheffield test bed site, where it will be integrating the self-monitoring package into new respiratory disease care pathways. Advice from Eastern AHSN led to Aseptika gaining SBRI funding to develop its self-care system for people with COPD. Aseptika now funds five full-time staff and two researchers, with testing underway in Eastern and Wessex AHSNs. " class="vertical-slide-image VerticalSlideImage_image__VtE4p" data-testid="vertical-slide-image" loading="lazy" srcSet=" 320w, 638w, 2048w" src="" sizes="100vw"/></div><!--$--><!--/$--></div></div><div><div id="slide14" class="VerticalSlide_root__jU_9r slide-item" style="aspect-ratio:595 / 842" data-cy="slide-container"><div class="VerticalSlideImage_root__64KSA"><img id="slide-image-13" alt="Contact details and regional footprint Impact Report 2016 | 2726 | @EM_AHSN @TheEAHSN @GM_AHSN @HINSouthLondon @innovationnwc @Ldn_ICHP @KSS_AHSN @AHSN_NENC @OxfordAHSN @sw_ahsn @UCLPartners @WessexAHSN @wmahsn @WEAHSN @AHSN_YandH East Midlands Eastern UCL Partners Kent Surrey Sussex Imperial College Health Partners Wessex South West West of England Oxford Greater Manchester West Midlands Innovation Agency Health Innovation Network Yorkshire & Humber North East and North Cumbria Note: East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust sits with Greater Manchester AHSN " class="vertical-slide-image VerticalSlideImage_image__VtE4p" data-testid="vertical-slide-image" loading="lazy" srcSet=" 320w, 638w, 2048w" src="" sizes="100vw"/></div><!--$--><!--/$--></div></div><div><div id="slide15" class="VerticalSlide_root__jU_9r slide-item" style="aspect-ratio:595 / 842" data-cy="slide-container"><div class="VerticalSlideImage_root__64KSA"><img id="slide-image-14" alt="Author: Lucy Hose – East Midlands AHSN Editorial group: Cathy Young – South West AHSN Séamus O’Neill – North East and North Cumbria AHSN Tara Donnelly – Health Innovation Network Design: The Dairy – With many thanks for contributions from the communications teams in every AHSN. The header icons on pages 11 to 25 are created by Freepik at: © The AHSN Network " class="vertical-slide-image VerticalSlideImage_image__VtE4p" data-testid="vertical-slide-image" loading="lazy" srcSet=" 320w, 638w, 2048w" src="" sizes="100vw"/></div><!--$--><!--/$--></div></div></div></div></div><!--$--><div class="RelatedContent_root__29Np1"><div class="RelatedContent_wrapper__riU7l"><h2 class="Heading_heading__3MAvZ Heading_h2__f9yvs RelatedContent_title__QUhpL">More Related Content</h2><div></div><div></div><div id="between-recs-ad-1-container" class="freestar-ad-container FreestarAdContainer_root__qPPC_" style="--fallback-aspect-ratio:undefined / undefined"><div><div class="" id="between-recs-ad-1"></div></div></div><div></div><div id="between-recs-ad-2-container" class="freestar-ad-container FreestarAdContainer_root__qPPC_" style="--fallback-aspect-ratio:undefined / undefined"><div><div class="" id="between-recs-ad-2"></div></div></div><div></div><div></div></div></div><!--/$--><div class="Transcript_root__Vrf6Q"><h2 class="Transcript_title__YgAka"><span class="Icon_root__AjZyv" style="--size:24px"><span class="Icon_icon__4zzsG" style="mask-image:url(;background-color:currentColor"></span><span class="sr-only"></span></span>AHSN Impact Report 2015-16</h2><div><ul class="Transcript_list__faItj"><div><li>1. <a class="Transcript_link__MLbGS" href="">Improving health and promoting economic </a> growth Academic Health Science Networks: Impact report 2016 </li></div><div><li>2. <a class="Transcript_link__MLbGS" href="">2 | Overview Across England, </a> there are 15 Academic Health Science Networks (AHSNs). We were established by NHS England in 2013 to spread innovation at pace and scale in order to improve health and generate economic growth. As the only bodies that connect NHS and academic organisations, local authorities, the third sector and industry, we are catalysts that create the right conditions to facilitate change across whole health and social care economies, with a clear focus on improving outcomes for patients. This means we are uniquely placed to identify and spread health innovation quickly and at serious levels, by driving the adoption and spread of innovative ideas and technologies across large populations. Contents Impact Report 2016 | 3 Foreword 4 What AHSNs do 4-5 Introduction from the Chair of The AHSN Network 5 Our collective impact 6-10 Addressing the NHS’s three biggest challenges: • The health and wellbeing gap • The care and quality gap • The finance and efficiency gap 11-14 15-18 19-20 Driving economic growth 21-25 Contact details and regional footprint 26-27 Acknowledgements 28 “ ” This is the story of what we are doing and how we are doing it. We hope you will find it useful, and use it often. The AHSN Network - collective impacts in numbers • £20 million support for businesses through the SBRI Healthcare programme • Enabling 33,000 patients to self-manage with Flo Simple Telehealth • 3 million patients benefiting from innovations via the NHS Innovation Accelerator • More than 800 jobs created or safeguarded • Running 15 Patient Safety Collaboratives, which are preventing avoidable harm • Supporting 7 test bed sites, which link industry into the NHS and improve outcomes for citizens • Supported over 500 new products or services to be co-developed and / or supported into the NHS • At least 365 strokes, one every day, prevented by our work, saving lives, reducing disability and saving almost £8.5m to the NHS and social care </li></div><div><li>3. <a class="Transcript_link__MLbGS" href="">Impact Report 2016 </a> | 54 | Foreword Introduction from the Chair of The AHSN Network As our Academic Health Science Networks, or AHSNs across England enter the fourth year of operation, we are delighted to work together to present our second national impact report. This report demonstrates the depth and breadth of our work – not just within our own areas, but also our collaborations to address issues of national importance. I am often asked, ‘what role do AHSNs play in the health system?’ Our remit is clear: we connect NHS and academic organisations, local authorities, the third sector and industry. We do this to help create the right conditions to achieve change across whole health and social care economies, with a clear and consistent focus on citizens, service users and patients. Alongside transforming services through innovation, we play an important role in generating economic growth. As examples: we enable companies to grow and create jobs by supporting the NHS and industry to engage productively; and by meeting the health needs of our populations, we help people keep well and in work. Each AHSN works within its own area to develop projects that meet the diversity of their local populations and healthcare challenges. Crucially, AHSNs also work together on key areas which include promoting economic growth; diffusing innovation; medicines optimisation; improving quality and patient safety; putting research into practice; and national programmes, such as SBRI Healthcare and the NHS Innovation Accelerator. This report details our progress in these and other areas, where we are working closely together to explore opportunities around specific health challenges (such as the use of digital tools to enhance patient activation and atrial fibrillation). Across England, AHSNs are helping to implement the NHS Five Year Forward View. This impact report provides examples of where we have made progress under each of the Forward View themes, and where we are delivering on economic growth. Our message for this report? On our own, we are strong: delivering new innovations into the NHS, improving patient experience and enabling economic growth for our regions. Together, we are making a huge collective impact for the wider health system, united by the common goal of making care better for citizens, service users and patients. Delivering the Five Year Forward View requires radical care redesign within and across local systems. It involves changing the gearing between formal care and mobilising the potential of patients and their communities to stay healthy and well. It means realising the potential of technology and data to change care delivery models. It is also about engaging and organising the NHS workforce very differently, in new roles as part of new teams. This report illuminates how AHSNs are right in the thick of supporting these changes to create a more sustainable NHS. They are providing a safe and expert place in their geographies to unlock innovation. Uniquely, AHSNs connect industry partners, universities, local communities and the NHS to speed up the initial take up and subsequent spread of innovations. In doing this, their mission is not just to benefit the NHS but directly and demonstrably to support economic growth and create jobs. AHSNs will remain an important part of the health and care landscape. The opportunity and challenge for each individual network, as well as for all networks working as a collective, is to build on the progress they have made to date, by creating the greatest possible value for the patients, communities, NHS partners and the taxpayer. Dr Liz Mear, Chair of The AHSN Network and Chief Executive of the Innovation Agency (Academic Health Science Network for the North West Coast) Ian Dodge, National Director for Commissioning Strategy, NHS England What AHSNs do What AHSNs do AHSNs are flexible regional organisations. We have a small staff base but use our extended networks across regions to achieve great impacts for our partners. Our impact rests in our ability to bring people, resources and organisations together quickly, delivering benefits that could not be achieved without these connections. Each AHSN works within its own geographical area to develop projects and programmes which reflect the diversity of our local populations and healthcare challenges. However, we all share the following priorities: • Promoting economic growth: fostering opportunities for industry to work effectively with the NHS. • Diffusing innovation: creating the right environment, and supporting collaboration across boundaries, to adopt and spread innovation at pace and scale. • Improving patient safety: using our knowledge, expertise and networks to bring together patients, healthcare staff and partners to determine priorities and develop and implement solutions. • Optimising medicine use: ensuring that medication is used to its maximum benefit – improving safety and making efficient use of NHS resources. • Improving quality and reducing variation: by spreading best practice, we increase productivity and reduce variation, which should improve patient outcomes. • Putting research into practice: our strong links with academia mean we are uniquely placed to support the translation of research into clinical practice. • Collaborating on national programmes: our unified programmes focus on delivery of the SBRI Healthcare initiative supporting small-to-medium enterprises, the NHS Innovation Accelerator, Patient Safety Collaboratives and medicines optimisation. Our licence from NHS England sets our four broad objectives: • Focus on the needs of patients and local populations. • Build a culture of partnership and collaboration. • Speed up adoption of innovation into practice to improve clinical outcomes and patient experience. • Create wealth through co-development, testing, evaluation and early adoption. </li></div><div><li>4. <a class="Transcript_link__MLbGS" href="">Our collective impact </a> Our collective impact • AliveCor - a highly effective mobile heart monitor that detects heart arrhythmias, including instantly highlighting AF in electrocardiograms. Being adopted by the Innovation Agency, Oxford, Imperial College Health Partners, UCLPartners and North East and North Cumbria AHSNs. • Increasing anticoagulation rates in London – following success in Camden in 2014, London AHSNs are working together with GP practices across London. Based on early results, 70-90 lives will be saved and almost £700,000 in added value will be delivered to the NHS (net health cost) each year. • The AF landscape tool - providing data to influence decision-makers and monitor the progress of improvement. Led by Greater Manchester AHSN and is supported by powerful infographics, provided by East Midlands AHSN. • Healthy Futures – a commissioning strategy leading to an additional 1,940 patients receiving anticoagulation in just seven months. Led by Yorkshire & Humber AHSN. Telehealth and digital technology New technologies can help the NHS in many ways, such as self-management, remote monitoring and access to interventions, therapies or GPs. People who feel empowered and confident to take an active role in their healthcare will have improved outcomes. One hugely successful example is Flo Simple Telehealth. This system is helping to support people and increase patient activation. The Flo system uses text messages to support people to manage their own health and wellbeing. Flo can help people in many different ways: to manage diabetes; to live with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; and even to breastfeed. Three AHSNs (East Midlands, North East and North Cumbria and West Midlands) have helped to secure funding for trials, evaluation and further investment. This system has now been widely adopted across the UK, reaching over 70 health and social care organisations with 33,000 patients registered for a wide range of conditions, using clinically-approved pathways: an increase from 11,000 registered patients in 2015. It is even in use in the USA as part of a healthcare programme for military veterans, and is being taken on as a national AHSN theme. Another example is Digital Health.London, a virtual digital institute to help provide a single way into London’s NHS for small-to-medium sized digital enterprises and to increase uptake of digital innovation in healthcare across the capital. This work is a collaboration between the Health Innovation Network, Imperial College Health Partners, UCLPartners, MedCity and the NHS England Digital team. National sharing on mental health We ran our first intra-AHSN learning event focused on mental health in March 2016. Examples of AHSN mental health projects include: • Bradford checklist toolkit – expanding the use of checklists to improve the quality of physical health checks for people with serious and enduring mental illness: Yorkshire & Humber AHSN. • iTHRIVE - a comprehensive new approach to child and adolescent mental health services, rolling out to 11 NHS Innovation Accelerator sites: UCLPartners. • DeAR GP and House of Memories - two approaches to improve training, screening and empathy in dementia care, particularly in care homes: Health Innovation Network and the Innovation Agency. • RAID - an effective whole system approach to prevention of mental health crisis: West Midlands AHSN. • MINDSet - a quality improvement toolkit for mental health: West of England AHSN. Impact Report 2016 | 76 | The system needs to network its best practice collaboratively across all health economies: AHSNs are a means to that end. “It is no secret that the NHS is under extreme pressure to deliver sustainable transformation over the next few years. Demand is increasing, and funding is tight. Against this backdrop, I remain strongly committed to the AHSNs, and to ensuring they help drive the uptake of innovation which is so critical to our future. Theirs is a unique offering, initiated by the NHS in the knowledge that this would be a new way to bring the benefits of innovation to patients and to population health more generally. I am encouraged by the individual and collective work of the AHSNs since their inception, and their achievements to date which this report clearly illustrates. I look forward to their continuing development and contribution to the priorities identified in the Forward View and successive NHS Business Plans over future years.” The Five Year Forward View, published in 2015 identified three gaps that must be closed in order to deliver health and care provision in England; health and wellbeing; care and quality; and finance and efficiency. AHSNs developed a range of projects that seek to better tackle these gaps. While these projects have started in individual regions, we have actively shared outcomes and methodologies among the AHSN Network to expand impact and help achieve spread. This includes work around stroke prevention and the use of digital technology. In this section, we show how AHSNs have enabled the work’s impact to extend well beyond a single region. Targeting illnesses - atrial fibrillation Atrial fibrillation, or AF causes irregular or abnormally fast heart rate and it affects around one million people in the UK. AF markedly increases the risk of having a stroke - a major cause of death and disability - and this can be reduced by using anticoagulation medication. If AF patients who needed it took the correct medication, almost 12,000 strokes could be avoided each year. Across the AHSN Network diagnosis and management of AF is a major focus and through our Improvement Directors Forum formed the AHSN Network AF Community to spread and adopt the work nationally. The AF Community aspires to prevent an additional 4,500 strokes in people over the next five years. Examples of work advancing in this area include: • Don’t Wait To Anticoagulate - quality improvement programme, which supports primary care to reduce the burden of AF- related stroke. This programme is increasing rates of anticoagulation, and optimises therapy for AF patients unstable on current medication. Led by West of England AHSN. Sir Malcolm Grant, Chairman, NHS England </li></div><div><li>5. <a class="Transcript_link__MLbGS" href="">Our collective impact </a> Our collective impact Accelerated Access Review Collectively, AHSNs are supporting the government’s Accelerated Access Review which aims to speed up access to transformative health technology that can change the lives of NHS patients, service users and citizens. AHSNs have been identified as one of the factors which will drive and enable the review. We have helped the review take place, participated in a sub group working directly with the Office of Life Sciences and we have supported a wide range of events to gain comments on the review from a range of partners. Test beds AHSNs are supporting the test beds announced by Simon Stevens at the World Economic Forum in Davos in January 2016. Test beds are taking place across the UK to test the impact of “combinatorial innovation”. In these seven localities, frontline health and care workers are pioneering and evaluating the use of novel combinations of different technologies and innovations in service delivery. This might be a new model for people with dementia that combines wearable devices linked into mobile technology, implemented alongside tech- enabled housing with new roles helping support them stay well at home. Successful innovations will then be available for other parts of the country to adopt and adapt to the particular needs of their local populations. All of the test beds involve AHSNs. These are; 1. The Long Term Conditions Early Intervention Programme: Greater Manchester AHSN. 2. RAIDPlus integrated mental health urgent care test bed: West Midlands AHSN. 3. Diabetes Digital Coach: West of England AHSN. 4. Care City: a London-based project to enable implementation and evaluation of nine innovations that will improve care delivered to people with long-term conditions, improve the experience of people with dementia, and improve resilience of carers. 5. Lancashire and Cumbria Innovation Alliance - supporting the frail elderly and people with long term conditions to remain well: Innovation Agency. 6. Perfect Patient Pathway - improved care for people suffering from long term conditions: Yorkshire & Humber AHSN. 7. Technology Integrated Health Management for Dementia - using technology to improve the quality of life for people with dementia: Kent Surrey Sussex AHSN. The 5G centre in Guildford, which is part of the test bed consortium led by Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, was highlighted at the G7 Summit in Japan in April by the Information and Communication Technology Ministers, indicating the worldwide interest in its development. Place-based planning AHSNs are supporting change across the health and care landscape, driving innovation at a range of levels – local, regional and national. All parts of the country are currently engaged in creating collaborative Sustainability and Transformation Plans. AHSNs are playing an active role in supporting development of these plans and will be central to successful implementation. As neither commissioners nor providers, AHSNs have a unique role in systems as an honest broker. AHSNs are experts in implementation and have the knowledge, relationships and resources to operate credibly at a micro-level with regional partners to understand issues at a granular level, and importantly to help solve them. Vanguards NHS England has identified 50 vanguard sites for the new care models programme. AHSNs are collaborating with their local vanguards and the patients they serve in a wide range of ways to help support improvement and integration of services, and advance the introduction of new models of care. Impact Report 2016 | 98 | NHS Innovation Accelerator The role of the AHSNs in driving innovation is featured in the 2016/17 NHS England Business Plan: “During 2016/17 we will support our Academic Health Science Networks to help drive the uptake of innovation in the NHS at local and regional level” (p48). In 2015/16 UCLPartners, East Midlands, Yorkshire & Humber, the Innovation Agency and Imperial College Health Partners AHSNs were partners in delivering the NHS Innovation Accelerator (NIA) programme. To date, some of the NIA’s key achievements include: • Three million patients are benefiting from new innovations, including: apps, safety devices, online networks, and a host of other new technologies and services. • Supporting 17 fellows to scale their tried and tested innovations through the programme, which involves mentorship from seasoned healthcare innovators. • Generating almost £8 million in investment (primarily through the private sector and charities). • Signing contracts with 66 NHS organisations, representing 14% of the NHS. The role of AHSNs has been noted by the NIA programme: “The country’s 15 AHSNs have assisted in getting the innovations adopted into clinical practice.” In 2016/17 all AHSNs will continue to support the NIA. “There is a real need across the NHS to speed up the process of innovation, from initial invention right through to mass uptake of the most successful across the health and care system. Together with their mentors, who are some of the most high- profile leaders in England, the NIA fellows will provide models and lessons for us all in how to do that.” Professor Sir Bruce Keogh, Medical Director, NHS England “The support I am receiving from the Academic Health Science Networks is invaluable. I have been the only UK employee of AliveCor Ltd and for sole representatives it is extremely difficult to access NHS organisations. I’m not aware of any other organisations that work together nationally and use their individual local networks to help industry innovators open doors in this way.” Francis White, NIA Fellow and EU General Manager, AliveCor Ltd </li></div><div><li>6. <a class="Transcript_link__MLbGS" href="">Our collective impact </a> The health and wellbeing gap Impact Report 2016 | 1110 | Since our inception, AHSNs have worked towards delivering improved clinical outcomes and patient experience by collaborating with multiple teams and organisations. We focus our efforts on significant health, care and wellbeing challenges in our regions, and can show successes in every area of England. The health and wellbeing gap described by NHS England highlights diabetes and mental health as areas of concern. Below is a selection of case studies which demonstrate how we are beginning to accelerate the closure of these gaps, and tackle other important challenges. Diabetes In the UK, it is expected that by 2030 4.6 million people will develop Type 2 diabetes, driven by increasing obesity. NHS England’s Annual Report 2014/15 estimates that £1 in every £10 of NHS funding is spent on diabetes. Hypoglycaemia care pathway for people living with diabetes A hypoglycaemia pathway developed by South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust in collaboration with Merck Sharp & Dohme Limited, is being implemented across the entire Kent, Surrey and Sussex region with the assistance of Kent Surrey Sussex AHSN and the South East Clinical Network. Patients were missing out on education and intervention to prevent further 999 call-outs, following episodes of severe hypoglycaemia. Impacts from two pilot Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) showed: • 15 fewer ambulance trips to hospital per month in North West Surrey and Surrey Downs CCGs. • Estimated savings in reduced admissions, emergency medicine costs and call-outs of £317,925 for the two CCGs in nine months. • Savings could exceed £650,000 through swift follow-ups and improved self-care. Kent Surrey Sussex AHSN is working with clinical leads and commissioning managers in CCGs to implement the new pathway to suit their locally commissioned services and to integrate it into future diabetes services. The South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust is now using new blood glucose meters, supplied by Nova Biomedical, to ensure accurate blood glucose readings, which are fed back to GPs and are improving communication. The project was shared with the Health Innovation Network, and following work with the London Ambulance Service NHS Trust a new hypoglycaemic pathway that meets the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence diabetes Quality Standard 15 is now being implemented. The Diabetes Improvement Collaborative The Health Innovation Network has undertaken work in South London which is improving outcomes for people with Type 1 diabetes. The national insulin pump audit showed that only 6% of people with Type 1 were using National Institute for Health and Care Excellence recommended pump therapy, even though evidence indicated that 15-20% of patients could benefit. In South London uptake of insulin pumps was between 3% and 15%. The Collaborative consists of ten secondary care diabetes teams and more than 60 healthcare professionals, pump manufacturers and people with Type 1 diabetes, focusing on improving access to technologies and patient education. Results: • 350 more patients gained access to pump therapy. • Insulin pump uptake increased by 30.8% thanks to the Collaborative. • Pump usage across South London in April 2016 was 11.9% (UK average 6%). • Sustainable plans are in place to reach at least 15% of Type 1 patients by 2018. Patient safety and medicines optimisation AHSNs lead a network of 15 Patient Safety Collaboratives to tackle the leading causes of avoidable harm to patients. These collaboratives are tasked with empowering local patients and healthcare staff to work together to identify safety priorities and develop solutions. These priorities are then implemented and tested within local healthcare organisations, before being shared nationally with the other collaboratives. South West AHSN developed the LIFE quality improvement project documentation and sharing platform, which is now in active use at six other AHSNs and their Patient Safety Collaboratives. For a full update on activity nationally visit and download the progress report. Using the collaboratives, AHSNs are working with NHS England and the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry to promote best practice that ensures patients get the best outcomes from medicines. Many AHSNs across the country are carrying out ‘transfers of care’ projects within the medicines optimisation programme. (See p15-16). 100,000 Genomes This ground breaking NHS England led project will sequence 100,000 genomes from around 70,000 people and will be used to help deliver personalised medicine and potentially deliver more effective treatments for cancer and rare diseases. To support this project, 13 NHS Genomic Medicine Centres have been established with a clear remit to: • Consent and recruit eligible patients. • Collect and process samples for extraction. • Collate data, validate and communicate whole genome sequencing results. AHSNs are actively supporting delivery of this project, including starting to build its legacy, helping to form international collaborations and having significant impact on its pace and achievements. AHSN support has been most valuable in building CEO awareness and engagement across the system and helping to drive inward investment and strategic insight in mainstreaming genomics for the future. AHSNs have also proved to be effective in communicating genomics to the public. For instance, West Midlands AHSN has spread the message across the region and supported collaboration across 18 acute trusts involved via three Genomics Medicine Ambassadors, as well as through co-ordinated public involvement and communications. The Health Innovation Network has brought Macmillan Cancer Support and Genetic Alliance UK into a partnership with acute trusts and university partners to shape the way patients and their families are supported and guided through the project. Imperial Health College Partners, the Innovation Agency and West Midlands AHSNs ran regional consultation workshops on behalf of NHS England to advise on the next stages of the project. “The UK is already a leader in genomic technologies and the world renowned structure of the NHS allows us to deliver these advances at scale and pace for patient benefit. I’m delighted that AHSNs have stepped up to the challenge and are providing a growing level of support to the project. I am sure they will make a highly valuable contribution to ensuring we achieve our goals.” Professor Sue Hill, Chief Scientific Officer for England Martyn Hicks Photography, courtesy of Yorkshire & Humber AHSN </li></div><div><li>7. <a class="Transcript_link__MLbGS" href="">The health and </a> wellbeing gap The health and wellbeing gap Impact Report 2016 | 1312 | Individual placement and support - helping people into employment Individual placement and support is an evidence-based approach to supporting people with severe and enduring mental illness to get employment or to stay in education or training. It is consistently proving the most effective approach to helping people who want to work. A RAND Europe economic analysis indicated an overall £1.59 benefit to the UK Exchequer for every £1 spent on individual placement and support. The East Midlands AHSN works with four mental health providers to ensure a consistent approach. A study by NIHR Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care East Midlands to implement individual placement and support in Nottingham showed that 59% of service users were able to attain paid work or work-related opportunities. The project is reducing variation, assisting with navigating complex commissioning arrangements, and engaging the national Centre for Mental Health. Greater Manchester is now looking to develop a similar project. Early intervention in psychosis pathway Imperial College Health Partners worked with local teams and service users to co-design and deliver a pathway for early intervention in psychosis, adopted by all North West London mental health providers. The AHSN’s involvement was instrumental in supporting local teams to adhere with National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidance on waiting times for mental health patients, and to collect and share clinical data that enabled service user outcomes to be measured against targets for delivering evidence-based care. Imperial College Health Partners also supported the co-design process for a new portal, Patients Know Best, enabling service users to access their clinical records and share their information at the point of care. Results: • Provider oversight of patient care records and waiting time data across institutional boundaries. • Reduced referral time to assessment – average patient seen within 2.2 weeks, down from an average of 7.7. • Creation of a patient-based portal, enabling service users to access their medical records and manage their care. • Increased access to services for patients. The pathway has been adapted and adopted by Wessex AHSN (TRIumPH - Treatment and Recovery In PsycHosis), with interest from Yorkshire & Humber, West of England, South West and North East and North Cumbria AHSNs. “Congratulations on this great work. Type 1 is a really important area and I am hugely grateful for the focus you are bringing to the diabetes space.” Professor Jonathan Valabhji, National Clinical Director for Obesity and Diabetes, NHS England NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme The NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme was announced in 2015 and the first wave covers 26 million people in 11 of the 15 AHSN regions. Local health services will work with their chosen provider/s to deliver a service for their area. Two AHSNs, Health Innovation Network and East Midlands played an integral part in their local tendering processes supporting providers with their bids for the framework. “Thank you for your support. I can confidently say that we would have not secured this without the skill, expertise and perseverance from East Midlands AHSN. We are very fortunate to have this level of expertise to help us in the East Midlands.” Melanie J Davies CBE, MB ChB MD FRCP FRCGP, Professor of Diabetes Medicine and NIHR Senior Investigator Mental Health People with severe mental ill health have a reduced life expectancy of 15-20 years, with an estimated annual cost to the economy of £105 billion. People recovering from mental illness – using robust evidence to support change The Oxford AHSN Anxiety and Depression Clinical Network increased recovery rates by 10%. These improvements came from comprehensive data collection, accessing high- quality research; identifying patient outcome themes; and putting the right training in place. An independent return on investment assessment by the Office of Health Economics and Rand Europe concluded that: “The project has led to an estimated net saving of £750,000 of NHS money, mainly through reductions in physical healthcare needs, and has helped an estimated 384 additional people return to work. The Oxford AHSN has therefore added significant value in this area, by improving patient lives, cutting NHS costs, and contributing to the wider economy.” An additional 3,199 patients have been helped to recovery, with recovery rates consistently in the high end of the 50% range (the national average is approximately 45%). Oxford AHSN is running a series of ‘how we did it’ workshops for NHS England nationally. </li></div><div><li>8. <a class="Transcript_link__MLbGS" href="">The care and </a> quality gap Impact Report 2016 | 1514 | The NHS is recognising the importance of reducing variation, delivering value, supporting new care models/vanguards and the use of digital technology in healthcare. The following examples reference these areas. Harnessing digital technology FARSITE – rapid searching web application Greater Manchester AHSN and the Greater Manchester Clinical Research Network (GMCRN) are accelerating health innovation through helping researchers and clinicians improve the way data is handled and studies are planned and conducted. FARSITE was developed by NorthWest EHealth, a partnership between the University of Manchester, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust and Salford Clinical Commissioning Group. The tool confidentially finds and contacts groups of patients in a population. It can be used to gauge the feasibility of and to recruit for clinical trials, medicines reviews, and also used for risk stratification. Results: • Operational across the four northern AHSNs, covering over 1.3 million patients. • Greater Manchester outperforms all other regions of the country for recruitment to life sciences trials as a consequence of FARSITE, for example, more than 4,500 people from 33 GP surgeries with were recruited to a care evaluation programme within 16 weeks with FARSITE. • Hitachi is building FARSITE into their large- scale diabetes prevention programme, as it can rapidly establish which patients should be targeted for preventative therapy. • Greater Manchester is currently reviewing whether FARSITE could be used to screen high-risk patients and help GPs target therapeutic interventions for stroke prevention. • In the last 12 months, the GMCRN has completed more than 250 feasibility searches for industry and academia studies in primary care. • After rolling out in Lancashire, FARSITE is also being extended across the Innovation Agency’s entire geography over the next two years. Transfers of care using e-referrals and medicines adherence – improving patient safety and outcomes We know that things can go wrong when patients need to move between settings, sometimes leading to readmissions, poorer outcomes and poor patient experience. Good referral of care regarding medicines from hospital to community pharmacy is helping to change this. Based on evaluation from Wessex AHSN in the Isle of Wight, an electronic referral template using PharmOutcomes is resulting in readmissions being halved, and on average four beds saved per medicines review. AHSNs collaborated to agree a common data set for referrals and data collection to support evaluation of these new pathways, which have now been endorsed by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society and are available for all AHSNs to use. The health and wellbeing gap Faecal Microbiota Transplantation - effective treatment of recurrent Clostridium Difficile Infections Wessex AHSN supported the creation of a Faecal Microbiota Transplantation bank in Portsmouth through their Innovation and Wealth Creation Accelerator Fund. Transplantation is the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence recommended provision of screened faecal matter via a nasal tube into the small intestine, restoring the balance of bacteria in patients. This is tackling Clostridium Difficile infections, which are a major cause of mortality. Each infection costs £5,000-10,000, with an average length of stay of 27 days and 22% chance of relapse. Around 2,500 people die from infections each year. Wessex AHSN helped overcome the many logistical issues involved in the process, which was previously a major barrier to diffusion and spread. The first 23 patients have now received a transplant and the service will reach 30 patients within a year, with an expected cure rate of 94%. It can be expected to have saved nine lives in a year. The bank serves the region, including places as far afield as Jersey. It is a centre of excellence, and work has started with the South West AHSN and Exeter Hospital to increase access for more patients. Workplace wellness Yorkshire & Humber AHSN has worked in partnership with Sheffield Hallam University and the National Centre for Sport and Exercise Medicine to roll out a highly effective workplace wellness programme to the NHS, public and private sectors. The ‘Working for a healthier tomorrow’ report stated that poor staff health and wellbeing is estimated to cost the UK economy £100 billion a year. Public sector organisations have historically lost over eight days of working time per employee due to sickness absence each year. The programme provides staff health and wellbeing benefits, reducing sickness absence and improving attendance. Results from the pilot: • For every £1 spent on the programme, the NHS as an employer saved £3 in costs. • 45% were identified as having one or more risk factors of cardiovascular disease (CVD), of which 42.9% improved their health by reducing at least one risk factor. • A health economics evaluation showed that reductions in CVD risk factors are linked to improved productivity and outcomes, with a potential return on investment of 302% - 571%. Two local authority, seven NHS and three private sector organisations deliver the programme which is now being rolled out regionally. Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, courtesy of East Midlands AHSN </li></div><div><li>9. <a class="Transcript_link__MLbGS" href="">The care and </a> quality gap The care and quality gap Impact Report 2016 | 1716 | In the North East and North Cumbria AHSN, hospital pharmacy staff are using the system successfully to refer patients to their community pharmacist and the project is improving communication and assisting patients with their medicines. Results: • Six acute trusts are now making referrals to a potential 700 community pharmacies for follow up support with their medication after discharge from hospital. • More than 750 patients have now received follow-up support. • Community pharmacists reported that nearly 90% of patients had a better understanding of their medicines and would be therefore more likely to adhere to their prescribed medicine regimes. • The project team has won two prestigious HSJ Awards in 2015, in the categories for ‘Enhancing Care by Sharing Data and Information’ and ‘Most effective adoption and diffusion of best practice’. This work has been taken on and adapted by the South West AHSN, where existing services are being used in community pharmacy to support patients with their medicines following discharge from hospital. Improving these transfers of care is helping patients better understand their medicines, improve patient outcomes, increase adherence, and reduce readmissions and medicines waste. They are working with Yeovil Hospital and Somerset Local Pharmaceutical Committee on the implementation, funding them to help develop a package that can be shared across the South West and supporting The Royal Cornwall Hospital to move to electronic referrals instead of faxing. “Without your input, this service most definitely wouldn’t have been as dynamic as it now is, and goes far beyond what I had anticipated at the start of this journey so thank you.” Matt Harvey, Chief Officer, Somerset Local Pharmaceutical Committee Neurorehabilitation - e-referral pathway improving patient care and reducing variation Imperial College Health Partners has co- designed and implemented a new system to help overcome the fragmented rehabilitation care pathway for acquired brain injury patients. The previous pathway was difficult to navigate, as it relied on a complex system of referrals between multiple providers, delaying timely rehabilitation and overall negatively impacting on patient experience and outcomes. Imperial College Health Partners worked with commissioners, providers, academia and NHS England London to co-design the new system. Results: • More accurate patient assessments through standardised provision of information on referral. • Time between patient referral and admission to services reduced by almost half - 17.37 days to 9.78 days. • Reduced costs on average by £1,700 per patient and saved 482 acute bed days. • Staff satisfaction drastically improved, having previously been weighted towards 1-3 out of 5, staff now report exclusively 3-5. • As a result of the programme’s success, the eight referring Clinical Commissioning Groups have agreed to fund the initiative going forward, guaranteeing sustained improvement. Increasing patient access to innovative treatments and clinical trials UCLPartners has partnered with Quintiles, the world’s biggest clinical research organisation, to increase access to clinical trials and innovative treatments for over 4.2 million people in north central and east London and Essex. UCLPartners is now the highest performing Quintiles Prime Site in the world, with 619 patients recruited to trials in 2015/16. Through UCLPartners and the Clinical Research Network North Thames, hospital trusts in north central and east London harmonised the approvals process and reduced the average time taken to approve trials from 104 to 17 days. The success of this work led to UCLPartners becoming a Quintiles Prime Site, meaning they get first notification of all trials taking place in Europe. Prime Site has now been extended to Essex, increasing patient access to innovative treatment and supporting research capabilities. Results: • An additional one million people have access to clinical trials since its expansion to Essex. • For every 100 patients recruited, trusts receive an average of £1 million. • For every 100 patients recruited, trusts also save approximately £6 million in costs of treatment if those patients were not on trials and were accessing normal care. • UCLPartners is now replicating the model for other companies. “We are proud to be working with the team at UCLPartners to further enhance our ability to recruit patients and investigators, who are critical to an efficient and effective drug development process. We have gone from strength to strength since this relationship began, and we are proud of what we have achieved together, for the benefit of London as a whole.” Lindy Jones, Chair of the Quintiles Europe, Middle East and Africa Board Dementia memory clinics - thousands of patients are getting better care All memory clinics in Oxford have been brought up to the standard of the best in the region through a comprehensive national accreditation programme. Memory clinics provide valuable support to people with dementia and their carers. Having identified unwarranted variations, Oxford AHSN appointed a specialist nurse to work with six different memory clinic teams. The aim was to bring them up to the standard of the best through the Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCP) Memory Services National Accreditation Programme (MSNAP), which provides a structured means of working and embeds consistent high standards. Results: • By January 2016, all six memory clinics the Oxford AHSN worked with had been accredited by the RCP MSNAP, three of them receiving an excellent rating. • Improvements have been embedded into dementia services, with benefits felt by 8,500 patients and their carers, with lots of positive feedback. • Policies and procedures within memory clinics have been improved. • Multi-disciplinary and inter-agency working has improved. </li></div><div><li>10. <a class="Transcript_link__MLbGS" href="">The care and </a> quality gap The finance and efficiency gap Impact Report 2016 | 1918 | “When we were first considering taking our memory service through the MSNAP review process, the prospect was somewhat daunting and overwhelming. We were extremely grateful that the Oxford AHSN was able to provide a very experienced clinician to act as an overall lead." Frances Finucane, Team Manager, North Buckinghamshire Memory Clinic Developing a strong Board to improve safety culture – AQuA Programme NHS Boards hold the ultimate responsibility for the quality and safety of care their organisation provides. The Advancing Quality Alliance (AQuA) programme brings together Boards to explore how their organisation currently measures and monitors safety, using a proactive systems approach. Their Board development programme is consistently extremely highly rated by delegates who include executive and non- executive directors coming together to learn how they can more effectively provide the top leadership for safety in their organisation. Eastern AHSN is developing a quality improvement infrastructure to support continued service improvement and innovation. The programme is based on the substantial experience of AQuA in delivering a similar programme in the North West funded by the Innovation Agency and Greater Manchester AHSNs throughout the lifespan of the networks. Using this experience existing programmes have been tailored to meet Eastern AHSN's needs based on virtual design testing with system leaders in the region. Five NHS trusts from across the East of England have participated in the programme, with more planning to do so. East Midlands AHSN also approached AQuA to work with them to deliver a similar programme. Eastern and East Midlands AHSNs have agreed a reciprocal approach, to allow trusts in either region to access the most convenient dates. So far in the East Midlands, the AHSN has enabled seven organisations to participate, with a total of 72 senior staff attending two- day board development sessions. The West Midlands AHSNs is also investigating the use of AQuA. AHSNs are assisting with closing the finance and efficiency gap in many ways. Whether by delivering direct savings through our programmes, supporting test bed sites, making better use of technology, leveraging non-NHS funding or supporting scientific research and innovation, AHSNs are at the forefront of delivering new ways of working and collaborations with diverse partners, with patients at the heart of our work. Patient safety - reducing falls, improving safety, saving money Falls are estimated to cost the NHS more than £2.3 billion per year. Inpatient falls can lead to hip fractures and other injuries, while even falls without harm can lead to loss of confidence and increased length of stay for patients. Yorkshire & Humber AHSN’s Improvement Academy is actively working with more than 66 frontline teams across 23 organisations to roll out the Huddle Up for Safety Healthcare (HUSH) programme. Results: • The average step change reduction in falls is 50%. • One ward moved from an average of one fall per week to repeatedly achieving 30 days between falls, and in some cases up to 60 days. • A preliminary health economics evaluation showed a return on investment of 388% - savings of £185,000. • £500,000 funding received from the Health Foundation’s Scaling Up initiative. • To date, 1,354 patients who would have fallen haven’t and £967,000 has been saved from direct care costs. • The programme is being extended to include pressure ulcers, care of deteriorating patients and reducing delayed discharges. • A Falls Summit held with three other AHSNs had over 200 delegates. • Kent Surrey Sussex AHSN’s Patient Safety Collaborative is adopting the HUSH approach in their implementation work. “Huddles are the best thing we’ve ever done.” Amy Hargreaves, Senior Sister, J46, Lincoln Wing, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust PolyPhotonix – light therapy mask improving patient experience and saving costs Current treatments for diabetic retinopathy are expensive and invasive, but sleep masks enhance patient experience as there is no need for expensive injections and the condition can be treated and monitored at home. It is estimated that savings of over £1 billion per year could be made if this new non-invasive technology were rolled out across the UK. The Noctura 400 mask is currently being sold privately, and is in the process of National Institute for Health and Care Excellence approval for use in the NHS. North East and North Cumbria AHSN supported local company PolyPhotonix, as it was new to working with the NHS. The AHSN assisted them with clinical trials and opening up routes to market. PolyPhotonix successfully bid for SBRI funding. Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, courtesy of East Midlands AHSN </li></div><div><li>11. <a class="Transcript_link__MLbGS" href="">Driving economic growthThe </a> finance and efficiency gap Impact Report 2016 | 2120 | Following successful trials, the sleep mask is now commercially available with sales for 2015/16 estimated to be in excess of £3 million. PolyPhotonix’s workforce is expected to triple over the next two years to 60 employees: jobs directly created as a result of SBRI funding. The company has secured approximately £2 million of additional investment, and North East and North Cumbria AHSN has worked closely with Kent Surrey Sussex and South West AHSNs to extend the project’s reach through trials. In addition the Innovation Agency has provided procurement support to get the product into the NHS. “There is no contest that I would choose the mask over the laser treatment. It is easy to use, and removes any traumatic experience that occurred when having my eyes lasered. I still wear the mask at night and would encourage anyone with diabetes and suffering from retinopathy to do the same.” Anonymous, patient STarT Back – keeping patients well and at work Back pain is the most common reason why middle-aged people visit their GP and indirect economic costs to the UK are over £10 billion a year (Pain Journal). It is the second most common reason for sickness absence, and for persistent disability and work loss in people under 65. Some patients are over-treated, while others fail to get the right care. West Midlands AHSN supported the wider adoption of STarT Back, a stratified care tool for low back pain. Patients are screened for risk and placed into three risk groups, with matched pathways to target the right treatment to the right patient. STarT Back has now been adopted into several high quality clinical care pathways. Results: • Improved clinical outcomes and reduces back pain disability. • Reduced sickness absence, physiotherapy wait times, GP consultations, referrals to secondary care and referrals for imaging. • Cost-effective, saving £34 per patient and £675 in societal costs. • AHSN support has meant that an additional 18 community physiotherapy services nationally have adopted the STarT Back approach. • The Innovation Agency is rolling out the tool across their geography. More than 80 GP practices in Liverpool have adopted the tool so far. • At least eight CCGs across the UK are adopting the approach. • The STarT Back tool has been translated into 12 languages. • The programme team is working with services overseas, including Australia and the USA. • STarT Back has been included in the Allied Health Professional Musculoskeletal toolkit, Map of Medicine and the Royal College of General Practitioners’ e-learning module. “The STarT Back tool represents a high-value tool - this is what we need more of in the NHS.” Sir Muir Gray, Director of the National Knowledge Service and Chief Knowledge Officer, NHS England AHSNs bring together industry partners with the health and social care sectors, speeding up development of innovations and their uptake into practice. We help life sciences and healthcare technology companies navigate the complex NHS marketplace, driving economic growth by creating an environment more conducive to effective working between industry and the health and social care sectors. “AHSNs connect academics, NHS, researchers and industry to accelerate the adoption and diffusion of innovation helping to catalyse economic growth at the same time as driving improvements in the quality and efficiency of care. They are working with partners locally and nationally to develop innovation eco- systems right across the NHS, so that innovation is championed by all - from patients to CEOs. Nationally, they are core to the delivery of the Small Business Research Initiative, National Innovation Accelerator programme and test beds - three fundamental national delivery platforms for innovation.” George Freeman, MP, Minister for Life Sciences The Innovation Pathway – supporting businesses every step of the way AHSNs have developed the national Innovation Pathway framework. This pathway clarifies our offer to all potential industry and enterprise partners. It articulates the offering from AHSNs and showcases our services to industry and to NHS innovators. Benefits include: • A consistent approach across AHSNs. • A single contact point: helping companies navigate the complex health system. • Advice and access to expertise on issues such as evidence base, evaluation and market access. • Signposting to local partners and regional and national funding sources (such as the SBRI Healthcare programme) and support within the system for companies awarded funding. </li></div><div><li>12. <a class="Transcript_link__MLbGS" href="">Driving economic growthDriving </a> economic growth Each AHSN will provide support along the Innovation Pathway for innovations of high potential in relation to local health needs and supporting economic growth. This might be in terms of: • Stimulating inward investment. • Supporting the export of UK products. • Keeping people well and in work. • Increasing productivity. Some examples of our impacts on behalf of companies follow in this section. This is just a small selection and further details can be found at and individual AHSN websites. Helping Zilico with adoption of their ZedScan technology to help detect cervical cancer The ZedScan system uses measurement of electrical resistance to help detect cervical cancer cells. It can identify patients who require treatment at first visit, reducing the number of cervical biopsies performed and pin-pointing the optimum site for biopsy. Impact Report 2016 | 2322 | AHSNs help companies and innovators navigate a fragmented landscape. BESPOKE SERVICES COVERING THE ENTIRE INNOVATION LIFE CYCLE FROM CONCEPTION OF AN IDEA THROUGH TO ITS EVENTUAL REALISATION OF COMMERCIAL SUCCESS. THE INNOVATION PATHWAY Greater Manchester AHSN helped the surgeon inventor win his first deal with an NHS trust. Following this, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence developed a Medtech Innovation Briefing to encourage its wider use. Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has procured a further contract and as of March 2016, more than 1,570 patient examinations had been completed in the first adopting hospital trust. Clinical results: • A greatly improved and far less distressing process for women with cervical cancer. • 40% reduction in the number of follow-up appointments in Sheffield. • Reduction in ‘over-treatment’ of patients as a result of improved diagnostic capability. • 11% drop in the number of biopsies undertaken over the last two years. • Reduction in patient waiting times and immediate results for patients. “The benefit to patients is that they will get an immediate and objective result. It will reduce the need for biopsies, sparing patients a painful process often associated with bleeding afterwards.” John Tidy, Professor of Gynaecological Oncology, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Clinical Founder, Zilico Ltd Leanvation – speeding up the adoption of innovative surgical gloves The Innovation Agency championed and assisted Leanvation, a manufacturer of innovative latex-free surgical gloves, to break through barriers and join the NHS Supply Chain (NSC). The AHSN helped the company overcome rigorous processes and secure three framework award contracts with Shared Business Services, Health Trust Europe and NSC. Leanvation surgical gloves are now available to all NHS trusts throughout the country. The company recently received £500,000 venture capital investment. Three jobs have been safeguarded and an additional six posts have been created in this St Helens-based start-up. “This is the breakthrough we have been waiting for. It is only as a result of the intervention of the AHSN’s commercial team that we were able to break through barriers to joining NHS frameworks, such as a requirement for a £1 million turnover.” Dr Jonathan Day, Managing Director, Leanvation Intellectual Property Health Economics Markets Culture Ideas Clinical Trials Finance Adoption Success Brokering Commercialisation Evaluation </li></div><div><li>13. <a class="Transcript_link__MLbGS" href="">Driving economic growthDriving </a> economic growth Impact Report 2016 | 2524 | “The SBRI Healthcare competition process enabled us to make a real difference in the care of long-term respiratory disease. It has been more than just funding; without it, the novel products we are developing would never have been developed.” Kevin Auton, Managing Director, Aseptika Owlstone’s lung cancer breathalyser – helping develop a promising, early stage, technology Owlstone developed a handheld breathalyser which can detect early stage lung cancer. The low-cost, non-invasive test has the potential to be used in national screening programmes and primary care settings. It could diagnose cancer early, transforming survival rates and potentially saving the NHS £245 million within three years, saving 10,000 lives. Thanks to using SBRI funding, using microchip technology originally developed to ‘sniff out’ explosives, Owlstone reprogrammed the software to detect chemical biomarkers found in the breath of people who have lung cancer. They collaborated with researchers and designers from across Europe to design user-friendly breathalyser hardware. Eastern AHSN was able to connect the company to NHS organisations who wanted to trial and test their diagnostic. Results so far: • Laboratory testing showed that the chemical sensor can detect all 12 biomarkers, potentially detecting lung cancer at an early stage. • The breathalyser is simple to use, and produces a result in just 30 seconds. • If the test was used in a national screening programme, it could be used in around 1.3 million tests each year. “Owlstone’s technology has the potential to deliver a quick and easy-to-use breath test, and SBRI Healthcare funding is allowing us to turn that potential into a reality.” Billy Boyle, Co-Founder, Owlstone SBRI Healthcare SBRI Healthcare is both a funding initiative run by the AHSNs and the source of some of the clearest examples of the benefit to companies from interaction with the AHSNs. On behalf of NHS England, the AHSNs host this £20 million programme to develop innovative products that address unmet health needs while creating UK-based industry and jobs. SBRI run competitions inviting companies to come forward with their ideas and new technologies. It offers a fast track to funding for developing products matched to needs the NHS has specified. Critically, AHSNs provide support to companies by mobilising the expertise available in their localities, before, during and after the SBRI process. AHSNs are uniquely placed to assist with NHS evidence requirements, market insights and adoption and procurement challenges. This approach is really delivering impact. Last year’s highlights include: • Six new clinically-led competitions to attract businesses’ interest. • 44 Phase 1 and 2 contracts awarded, with a total value of £17.5 million. • 258 applications from industry assessed. Impact since NHS England funding began in 2012/13: • Approximately 250 jobs created or safeguarded. • Annual savings forecast for 2013-15 £723 million. • £56.7 million total funds awarded (Phases 1 and 2). • 181 contracts awarded (Phases 1, 2 and 3) and 20 products already on the market. “The biggest impact of SBRI funding has been in accelerating the commercial side of the business and considerably increasing the pace of activity with the NHS.” Richard Kirk, Chief Executive, PolyPhotonix Aseptika - home test for predicting lung infection flare-ups Aseptika developed the Activ8rlives self-care system and home-use sputum test to give patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) early warning of chest infections. This means that they can be treated effectively at home and reduce unplanned hospital admissions. Estimated savings to the NHS could exceed £50 million each year (SBRI Healthcare website). It has also secured a US patent. Results: • Reliably predicts exacerbations 7-21 days before the patient would typically seek help. • Patients find the self-monitoring tools and Activ8rlives website easy to use (more than 80,000 people have signed up), showing very high adherence rates. • Aseptika was involved in the Eastern AHSN COPD test bed bid, and has been selected as an innovation partner for the Sheffield test bed site, where it will be integrating the self-monitoring package into new respiratory disease care pathways. Advice from Eastern AHSN led to Aseptika gaining SBRI funding to develop its self-care system for people with COPD. Aseptika now funds five full-time staff and two researchers, with testing underway in Eastern and Wessex AHSNs. </li></div><div><li>14. <a class="Transcript_link__MLbGS" href="">Contact details and </a> regional footprint Impact Report 2016 | 2726 | @EM_AHSN @TheEAHSN @GM_AHSN @HINSouthLondon @innovationnwc @Ldn_ICHP @KSS_AHSN @AHSN_NENC @OxfordAHSN @sw_ahsn @UCLPartners @WessexAHSN @wmahsn @WEAHSN @AHSN_YandH East Midlands Eastern UCL Partners Kent Surrey Sussex Imperial College Health Partners Wessex South West West of England Oxford Greater Manchester West Midlands Innovation Agency Health Innovation Network Yorkshire & Humber North East and North Cumbria Note: East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust sits with Greater Manchester AHSN </li></div><div><li>15. <a class="Transcript_link__MLbGS" href="">Author: Lucy Hose </a> – East Midlands AHSN Editorial group: Cathy Young – South West AHSN Séamus O’Neill – North East and North Cumbria AHSN Tara Donnelly – Health Innovation Network Design: The Dairy – With many thanks for contributions from the communications teams in every AHSN. The header icons on pages 11 to 25 are created by Freepik at: © The AHSN Network </li></div></ul></div></div><div class="actions-menu-container ActionsMenu_root__4k507" data-cy="actions-menu-mobile"><div class="Tooltip_triggerWrapper___S2HG"><button type="button" class="Button_root__i1yp0 Button_secondary__hHiHI Button_text__ZT_3O Button_small__sqsEx Button_icon__1C4qi save-button" data-testid="button" aria-label="" data-saved="false" data-cy="loggedout-save-slideshow-button"><span class="Icon_root__AjZyv SaveLoggedOut_icon__ny9X2" style="--size:24px"><span class="Icon_icon__4zzsG" style="mask-image:url(;background-color:currentColor"></span><span class="sr-only"></span></span></button></div><button type="button" class="unstyled-button more-button MoreDropdownButton_trigger__x7wGs" aria-label="More options" data-cy="more-options-icon" data-testid="ellipsis"><div class="Tooltip_triggerWrapper___S2HG"><span class="Icon_root__AjZyv MoreDropdownButton_moreOptionsIcon__TpJLA" 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\u0026 Medicine","url":"health-medicine"}],"createdAt":"2016-06-13 14:26:53 UTC","description":"The 2016 Impact Report – Improving Health and Promoting Economic Growth has been published today (13 June 2016) by the national Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) and outlines the work done by its 15 members over the last 12 months. The report outlines achievements by individual AHSNs , and where the different organisations have worked in partnership. ","downloadKey":"9bed07758c1f2ac6b35a3c3a48a73283e838efc137f99f6c4d8d13337008d388","editorsNotes":[],"emailShareUrl":"mailto:?subject=Check out this SlideShare document\u0026body=","extension":"pdf","facebookShareUrl":"\u0026t=AHSN+Impact+Report+2015-16","genaiDescriptionCreatedAt":null,"genaiTest":"control","id":"63010256","iframeEmbed":{"url":"","height":715,"width":670},"isIndexable":true,"isLikedByCurrentUser":false,"isPrivate":false,"isViewable":true,"language":"en","likes":2,"linkedinShareUrl":"\u0026trk=SLIDESHARE","downloadCount":4,"recommendationsByLocation":{"rightRail":[{"algorithmId":"2","displayTitle":"AHSN-2015 Impact Report-web-EM","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":24,"score":0.4163,"slideshowId":"54166182","sourceName":"ss_similarity","strippedTitle":"ahsn2015-impact-reportwebem","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"The document summarizes the work of Academic Health Science Networks (AHSNs) in the UK. It discusses how AHSNs connect the NHS, academics, researchers and industry to spread innovation, improve health, and generate economic growth. Specifically, it provides examples of how AHSNs are:\n1) Supporting innovation and enterprise by connecting small businesses with the NHS to drive economic growth and improve patient care. \n2) Spreading best practice by connecting clinicians to share innovations and drive improvement across health systems.\n3) Creating an infrastructure to enable the development, adoption, and diffusion of innovations by establishing partnerships and funding facilities.","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"HilaryRowell","userName":"Hilary Rowell","viewCount":283},{"algorithmId":"2","displayTitle":"Excel in Health webinar series: The NHS landscape","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":32,"score":0.378,"slideshowId":"241293878","sourceName":"ss_similarity","strippedTitle":"excel-in-health-webinar-series-the-nhs-landscape","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"Master slide deck from the Excel in Health webinar series: The NHS landscape presentation.\r\n\r\nThis webinar identifies the structure of the NHS and its national priorities.\r\n\r\nThe session will cover the following topics:\r\n\r\nUnderstand the structure of the NHS\r\nUnderstand the national priorities of the NHS\r\nRecognise the barriers to sale","tags":["ahsn","nhs","innovation agency"],"url":"","userLogin":"InnovationNWC","userName":"Innovation Agency","viewCount":569},{"algorithmId":"2","displayTitle":"The Forward View into action: planning for 2015/16","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":11,"score":0.3677,"slideshowId":"42875789","sourceName":"ss_similarity","strippedTitle":"planning-guidance-2015-16-near-final","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"This document provides an overview and summary of the planning guidance for the NHS in England for 2015/16. It outlines the key priorities and requirements for the coming year which include maintaining performance standards, implementing new models of care, improving prevention, workforce development, digital transformation, and driving efficiency. Local areas are encouraged to develop plans that align commissioner and provider budgets and activity in line with the priorities of the Five Year Forward View.","tags":["mental health","nhs confederation","five year forward view"],"url":"","userLogin":"nhsconfed","userName":"NHS Confederation ","viewCount":2225},{"algorithmId":"2","displayTitle":"NHS 5 Year Forward View","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":9,"score":0.3646,"slideshowId":"43512952","sourceName":"ss_similarity","strippedTitle":"nhs-5-year-forward-view","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"The document summarizes the key themes of the NHS 5 Year Forward View plan. It outlines the plan's vision for new models of integrated care focused on populations of 50,000 people. The plan acknowledges an estimated annual funding gap of £30 billion by 2020/21 for the NHS and the need for efficiency savings and increased funding. It also emphasizes the importance of prevention, personalization, technology, and social determinants of health for a sustainable healthcare system.","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"hwbpolicyleeds","userName":"HWBPolicy Leeds","viewCount":1677},{"algorithmId":"2","displayTitle":"Halton borough council social care and Innovation","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":44,"score":0.3547,"slideshowId":"65932067","sourceName":"ss_similarity","strippedTitle":"halton-borough-council-social-care-and-innovation","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"The document discusses using technology and innovation to improve health and social care. It outlines several initiatives across the North West Coast region of England aimed at enabling adoption of new care models, creating innovation hubs, driving digital and economic growth. Examples include funding pilots of new technologies, an accelerator to support antibiotic research, and a precision medicine network. The document envisions using sensors, artificial intelligence and other connected devices to monitor individuals at home and detect anomalies, while also increasing independence, social interaction and reducing staff workloads through technology.","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"RichardHarding13","userName":"Richard Harding","viewCount":479},{"algorithmId":"2","displayTitle":"Excel in Health: Understanding the NHS","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":70,"score":0.335,"slideshowId":"188980252","sourceName":"ss_similarity","strippedTitle":"excel-in-health-understanding-the-nhs","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"Master presentation from the Excel in Health: Understanding the NHS workshop on Thursday 31 October at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Liverpool","tags":["ahsn","sme","nhs"],"url":"","userLogin":"InnovationNWC","userName":"Innovation Agency","viewCount":832},{"algorithmId":"2","displayTitle":"Commercial update May 2016 final","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":51,"score":0.3302,"slideshowId":"61616444","sourceName":"ss_similarity","strippedTitle":"commercial-update-may-2016-final","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"The document provides a commercial update for May 2016, including:\n- STPs will require local health systems to collaborate on 5-year plans to improve quality, finances, and population health. \n- Vanguards are sharing learning through podcasts on integrated care models.\n- The Better Care Fund is being implemented for 2016/17 to further integrate health and social care.\n- Capitation payments may be implemented in 2017 to support new care models.\n- Emerging digital technologies may transform health and care delivery.","tags":["health ccg primary care consultancy nhse"],"url":"","userLogin":"RODSKINNERMBAMScBEng","userName":"ROD SKINNER MBA, MSc, B.Eng, MCIPS","viewCount":112},{"algorithmId":"2","displayTitle":"HSCIC Annual Report and Accounts 2013/14","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":81,"score":0.3187,"slideshowId":"37126303","sourceName":"ss_similarity","strippedTitle":"hscic-annual-reportandaccounts201314","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"Read the HSCIC Annual Report and Accounts 2013/14 which was presented to Parliament pursuant to Paragraphs 12 (2) (a) of the Health and Social Care Act 2012.\r\n\r\nOrdered by the House of Commons to be printed on 16 July 2014.\r\n\r\n2100 staff\r\n19 locations\r\nAnnual budget £210m\r\nOversee £1bn spend\r\n\r\n\"Secure, safe and accurate data is fundamental to the delivery and development of modern care services and the continued willingness of citizens to share their data with us\"","tags":["the health and social care information centre","hscic","annual report"],"url":"","userLogin":"HSCIC","userName":"The Health and Social Care Information Centre","viewCount":915}],"whatsHot":[{"algorithmId":"2","displayTitle":"Sarah khan-for-web-improving-mhcc-conference-15 1209.10.15","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":12,"score":0.3139,"slideshowId":"54142472","sourceName":"ss_similarity","strippedTitle":"sarah-khanforwebimprovingmhccconference15-12091015","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"NHS England is committed to transforming mental health crisis care services in England. There are several policy drivers to improve crisis care, including the Crisis Care Concordat agreement. NHS England will invest in liaison psychiatry services in acute hospitals and plans to reduce the use of police cells as places of safety. The organization also aims to ensure mental health crisis care is integrated into the Urgent and Emergency Care Review. Additionally, NHS England will develop access and waiting time standards for crisis services through national quality improvement efforts.","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"3GDR","userName":"3GDR","viewCount":519},{"algorithmId":"2","displayTitle":"Innovation Agency Annual Report 2015/16","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":85,"score":0.3107,"slideshowId":"62611284","sourceName":"ss_similarity","strippedTitle":"innovation-agency-annual-report-201516","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"Let us share with you our successes, impacts and performance over the past year. The Innovation Agency is proud to bring you our Annual Report for 2015/16.","tags":["impacts","digital health","innovation"],"url":"","userLogin":"LouiseRoocroft","userName":"Louise Roocroft","viewCount":638},{"algorithmId":"2","displayTitle":"Lancashire Health Matters: networking and knowledge event","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":25,"score":0.3064,"slideshowId":"250381724","sourceName":"ss_similarity","strippedTitle":"lancashire-health-matters-networking-and-knowledge-event","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"Master slide deck from the Lancashire Health MATTERS networking and knowledge event on Thursday 30 September 2021 at MacDonalds Tickled Trout Hotel. ","tags":["ahsn","nhs","innovation agency"],"url":"","userLogin":"InnovationNWC","userName":"Innovation Agency","viewCount":181},{"algorithmId":"2","displayTitle":"Excel in Health: Understanding the NHS","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":63,"score":0.2999,"slideshowId":"229798990","sourceName":"ss_similarity","strippedTitle":"excel-in-health-understanding-the-nhs-229798990","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"This document provides an overview of a three day programme on understanding the NHS. Day one focuses on understanding the structure and system of the NHS. Day two covers relevant knowledge and skills for success working with the NHS. Day three is about applying the learning and pitching innovations. The document discusses the NHS landscape including its history, structures, priorities and statistics. It also covers integrated care systems, clinical commissioning groups, primary care networks and their roles. Opportunities for procurement within the NHS are discussed including frameworks and portals.","tags":["ahsn","nhs","innovation agency"],"url":"","userLogin":"InnovationNWC","userName":"Innovation Agency","viewCount":252},{"algorithmId":"2","displayTitle":"Awaaz","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":10,"score":0.2972,"slideshowId":"25949395","sourceName":"ss_similarity","strippedTitle":"awaaz-25949395","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"The document proposes solutions to improve universal access to quality primary healthcare in India. It identifies problems such as a shortage of public health centers and healthcare workers. The solutions proposed include developing an efficient healthcare workforce by training local workers, establishing a hierarchical system from sub-centers to community health centers, procuring modern facilities like internet and transportation, and ensuring communities understand available services. Funding models from countries like Australia and the UK that fund healthcare through general tax revenue are referenced. Risks like implementation timelines, management challenges, and budget constraints are also discussed.","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"Indian-CAG","userName":"Citizens for Accountable Governance","viewCount":3075},{"algorithmId":"2","displayTitle":"Phronesis","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":13,"score":0.291,"slideshowId":"25920100","sourceName":"ss_similarity","strippedTitle":"phronesis-25920100","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"The document proposes a policy to establish universal primary healthcare in India through a decentralized community-based model. Key aspects include:\n\n1) Developing area-specific 2-year health plans at the sub-district level to address priority health issues like malaria, with involvement from medical officers, staff, and community stakeholders. \n\n2) Establishing incentives for community participation in health as well as career growth for medical professionals involved in implementing plans. \n\n3) Mobilizing resources from various sources including government budgets, private partnerships, and financing institutions to strengthen infrastructure and ensure accessibility of healthcare for all.\n\nThe model aims to improve health outcomes through inter-sectoral coordination and making primary healthcare systems proactive and sustainable.","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"Indian-CAG","userName":"Citizens for Accountable Governance","viewCount":1483},{"algorithmId":"2","displayTitle":"David Buck on improving the allocation of health resources in England ","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":12,"score":0.2896,"slideshowId":"18554435","sourceName":"ss_similarity","strippedTitle":"resource-allocationkingsfundapr13","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"David Buck, Senior Fellow in Public Health and Inequalities at The King’s Fund, explains how health resources are allocated in the English NHS, and how improvements to the process could be made to support a more coherent health and care system.","tags":["clinical commissioning groups","nhs resource allocation","health and wellbeing boards"],"url":"","userLogin":"kingsfund","userName":"The King's Fund","viewCount":4128},{"algorithmId":"2","displayTitle":"Tim Briggs","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":89,"score":0.2872,"slideshowId":"62937361","sourceName":"ss_similarity","strippedTitle":"tim-briggs","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"The document discusses improving clinical quality in orthopaedic care within the NHS in England. It notes significant increases in joint replacement procedures and revisions in recent years. There is huge variation between trusts in outcomes like infection rates, readmission rates, and litigation costs. The GIRFT program aims to address this variation by collecting comprehensive data on trusts, identifying best practices, and supporting implementation of quality improvements to achieve better outcomes and cost savings. The document advocates for more centralized specialty services and clinical networks to improve quality and training.","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"LuciaGarcia71","userName":"Lucia Garcia","viewCount":1187},{"algorithmId":"2","displayTitle":"What does Public Health do for Hertfordshire?","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":30,"score":0.2838,"slideshowId":"191661970","sourceName":"ss_similarity","strippedTitle":"what-does-public-health-do-for-hertfordshire","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"This is a presentation for an elected member development day on what Public Health does for Hertfordshire","tags":["public health","hertfordshire","local government"],"url":"","userLogin":"jamesgmcmanus","userName":"Professor Jim McManus AFBPsS,FFPH,CSci, FRSB, CPsychol","viewCount":611},{"algorithmId":"2","displayTitle":"Case study on establishing low cost hospitals in 4 states with low health ind...","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":25,"score":0.2797,"slideshowId":"39037230","sourceName":"ss_similarity","strippedTitle":"case-study-on-establishing-low-cost-hospitals-in-4-states-with-low-health-indicators","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"This Case Study was created for a specific purpose of exploring a model to establish and clarify operational details of Low Cost Healthcare Hospitals in the States of Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh. The name of the Hospital and the base presumptions are fictitious. However, all data used in the Case Study and the Models are genuine and referred from various sources.","tags":["case study","healthcare","establishing hospitals"],"url":"","userLogin":"Shubhenduchakravorty","userName":"Shubhenduchakravorty","viewCount":708},{"algorithmId":"2","displayTitle":" - ECO 19: Care closer to home","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":6,"score":0.2737,"slideshowId":"154703935","sourceName":"ss_similarity","strippedTitle":"healthyio-eco-19-care-closer-to-home","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"The document discusses smartphone-enabled home testing of albumin levels using a kit from to screen for chronic kidney disease (CKD). Over 1 million people in the UK have undiagnosed CKD. Home testing can reduce health inequalities by enabling more accessible screening, especially in hard-to-reach populations who often miss clinic-based screening. A pilot program using's home testing with 499 patients found 11% had previously undiagnosed albuminuria, 72% completed the home test, and 96% preferred home testing over clinic visits. An economic model found that testing just 30% of previously untested high-risk patients over 5 years could save over £209 million","tags":["ahsn","nhs","echalliance"],"url":"","userLogin":"InnovationNWC","userName":"Innovation Agency","viewCount":266},{"algorithmId":"2","displayTitle":"WebinarPresentationOMA","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":27,"score":0.2737,"slideshowId":"54325358","sourceName":"ss_similarity","strippedTitle":"webinarpresentationoma-54325358","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"The document describes the Navigator Project Talent Integration Process exploratory study by the Chief Executive Officer of the Ontario Medical Association. It discusses (1) strengthening healthcare as a priority in Canada and Ontario, (2) background on health human resources planning in Canada, Ontario, and Ontario hospitals, and (3) the CAPE Talent Integration Process which uses an advanced online technology to collaboratively match healthcare professionals' competencies with requirements in real-time through evidence-based practices.","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"SergyKasyanov","userName":"Sergy Kasyanov","viewCount":263},{"algorithmId":"2","displayTitle":"HFG Botswana Final Country Report","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":12,"score":0.2733,"slideshowId":"115825907","sourceName":"ss_similarity","strippedTitle":"hfg-botswana-final-country-report","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"The USAID Health Finance and Governance project, led by Abt Associates, works with developing countries to expand access to healthcare. It helps countries increase domestic health funding, manage resources effectively, and make wise purchasing decisions. The project provides technical assistance to improve financing, governance, management systems, and universal health coverage monitoring. In Botswana specifically, the project worked with the Ministry of Health and Wellness to develop a new health financing strategy, update the universal health benefits package, create a blueprint for national health insurance, increase hospital outsourcing efficiencies, analyze HIV treatment costs, and design a framework for setting healthcare service prices.","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"HFGProject","userName":"HFG Project","viewCount":463},{"algorithmId":"2","displayTitle":"Tecs final draft_0901","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":124,"score":0.2715,"slideshowId":"51266205","sourceName":"ss_similarity","strippedTitle":"tecs-final-draft0901","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"This document provides an overview of the policy context relevant to technology enabled care services (TECS). It discusses key frameworks and initiatives that aim to improve health and social care outcomes through greater integration and personalization of services. TECS can help achieve the goals of these policies by supporting self-care, coordinating services, and empowering patients. The document outlines how TECS relates to priorities around long-term conditions, new models of primary care, integrated health and social care, and personal health budgets.","tags":["nhs"],"url":"","userLogin":"chenxueqin","userName":"Xueqin Chen","viewCount":298},{"algorithmId":"2","displayTitle":"Commissioning Integrated models of care 160211 slides","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":55,"score":0.2704,"slideshowId":"58713316","sourceName":"ss_similarity","strippedTitle":"commissioning-integrated-models-of-care-160211-slides","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"Commissioning Integrated models of care \r\nKent LTC Year of Care Commissioning Early Implementer Site\r\nAlison Davis, Integration Programme Health and Social Care, Working on behalf of Kent County Council and South Kent Coast and Thanet CCG's","tags":["integrated models of care","ltc year of care commissioning"],"url":"","userLogin":"NHSIQ","userName":"NHS Improving Quality","viewCount":1836},{"algorithmId":"2","displayTitle":"Advancing Healthcare With the BoP Series","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":60,"score":0.2702,"slideshowId":"7258911","sourceName":"ss_similarity","strippedTitle":"advancing-healthcare-with-the-bop-series","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"The following 14-part series, Advancing Healthcare With the BoP, presents both established and unfolding innovations, models and technology leaps that are making a real and lasting impact in market-based solutions to healthcare delivery. Anything from mobile technologies - to new patient financing schemes - to re-considered business models from major pharmaceutical companies - to overhauls in medical staffing that reach rural patients - are just a few examples presented in the following pages. ","tags":["next billion","healthcare","nextbillion"],"url":"","userLogin":"nextbillion","userName":"nextbillion","viewCount":1857},{"algorithmId":"2","displayTitle":"MoH MYR 2014-2015 Hospital Reforms","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":30,"score":0.2681,"slideshowId":"47454315","sourceName":"ss_similarity","strippedTitle":"mo-h-myr-2014-2015-hospital-reforms","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"Central hospitals in Malawi face challenges including inadequate staffing, especially specialists, and poor quality of care. Reforms are proposed to address this, including establishing public trust hospitals with autonomous governance boards. This would give hospitals more control over management and finances while still remaining publicly owned. The objectives are to improve quality, access, and efficiency as well as strengthening support for districts and urban health services. A roadmap outlines steps for implementation over several years.","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"mohmalawi","userName":"mohmalawi","viewCount":943},{"algorithmId":"2","displayTitle":"Mohalla clinics_Initiative to Universal Health Coverage","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":22,"score":0.2674,"slideshowId":"73087365","sourceName":"ss_similarity","strippedTitle":"mohalla-clinicsinitiative-to-universal-health-coverage","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"The document summarizes Delhi's Mohalla Clinics initiative, which aims to expand access to primary healthcare services. It established over 100 neighborhood clinics staffed by doctors, nurses, and technicians that provide free consultation, medicines, and diagnostic tests. The goal is to establish 1,000 clinics and 150 polyclinics to reduce overcrowding in hospitals and provide basic healthcare near communities. It has increased access to services but faces challenges in scaling up due to land and bureaucratic issues. International leaders have praised the innovative model's low costs and potential to improve healthcare access.","tags":["mohalla clinic"],"url":"","userLogin":"ImOryshan","userName":"Dip Narayan Thakur","viewCount":1637},{"algorithmId":"2","displayTitle":"Malawi Mid-Year Review 2014-2015 Health Sector Overview","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":23,"score":0.2622,"slideshowId":"47453775","sourceName":"ss_similarity","strippedTitle":"mo-h-myr-2014-2015-drcharles-mwansambo","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"The document summarizes the mid-year review of Malawi's health sector for the period of July-December 2014. It outlines key highlights including a continued focus on maternal, neonatal and child health as well as responding to emergencies like floods, cholera outbreaks, and the Ebola threat. It provides details on health sector financing, performance of health systems and service delivery, and reforms being pursued to improve quality and efficiency. Overall resources for the 2014/15 fiscal year were mapped at MK278.8 billion, with the government contributing 92% of the required funding for the health sector pool.","tags":["health","midyear","moh"],"url":"","userLogin":"mohmalawi","userName":"mohmalawi","viewCount":1105}],"alsoLiked":[{"algorithmId":"21","displayTitle":"SVEF 2015 Annual Impact Report","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":21,"score":0,"slideshowId":"62984090","sourceName":"li_interact","strippedTitle":"svef-2015-annual-impact-report","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"SVEF has had a successful year in 2015, with its flagship Elevate [Math] program validated as effective by an independent study. Elevate [Math] nearly doubled the number of students ready for algebra and plans to triple the number served next year. SVEF's 49ers STEM Leadership Institute welcomed its second class of 60 students and plans to open a high school campus in 2016. The Learning Innovation Hub connected education startups to classrooms, impacting an estimated 3,000 students across 16 districts.","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"VeronicaGonzales12","userName":"Veronica Gonzales","viewCount":645},{"algorithmId":"21","displayTitle":"G20 Foundation - Annual Report 2013","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":33,"score":0,"slideshowId":"31226225","sourceName":"li_interact","strippedTitle":"g20-foundation-annual-report-2013","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"The G20 Foundation is an independent platform \u000bformed to help develop a framework for better global governance.\r\n\r\nAs an intermediary platform, the G20 Foundation positions itself as process enabler and a facilitator between governments, business, and academia within the G20 process.\r\n\r\nWe add value through encouraging broader public consensus and understanding of the G20 commitments which leads to higher accountability and raises effectiveness of a governance process. \r\n\r\nAs a non-partisan think tank, we stimulate constructive and effective discussions within “Outreach Dialogue” in order to support the implementation of the G20 commitments on a national level. \r\n\r\nThereby we foster the development of innovative solutions to global challenges, such as economic stability and sustainable growth. \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n","tags":["annual report 2013","g20","g20 foundation"],"url":"","userLogin":"G20_Foundation","userName":"G20_Foundation","viewCount":18493},{"algorithmId":"21","displayTitle":"Unicef Innovation Unit Annual Report July 2012-July 2013 ","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":39,"score":0,"slideshowId":"24741355","sourceName":"li_interact","strippedTitle":"unicef-innovation-unit-annual-report-2012-13","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"The report summarizes UNICEF's innovation initiatives from July 2012 to July 2013. It focuses on three main areas: models for accelerating innovation which includes guides, frameworks and partnerships; systems and tools to address needs of vulnerable communities; and research on key issues. Some highlights include the Community Health Worker Backpack, 1000 Days project, UNICEF Ventures and the Innovation Fund under models. Initiatives under systems and tools are RapidSMS for health services in Rwanda, Results160 for patient tracing, and RemindMi and Anthrowatch for health information and nutrition monitoring.","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"optimalignorance","userName":"Christopher Fabian","viewCount":6526},{"algorithmId":"21","displayTitle":"WHEFA Annual Report 2015","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":64,"score":0,"slideshowId":"71666688","sourceName":"li_interact","strippedTitle":"whefa-annual-report-2015-71666688","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"WHEFA completed 37 bond financings totaling over $1.47 billion in fiscal year 2015, helping provide an estimated 829 new jobs and $59 million in interest savings. Over its 36-year history, WHEFA has completed 790 financings totaling more than $22.1 billion supporting over 5,300 jobs annually in Wisconsin. Looking ahead, WHEFA aims to continue providing low-cost financing to non-profit organizations in Wisconsin to support projects that create jobs and economic opportunities.","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"AprilTrickel1","userName":"April Trickel","viewCount":293},{"algorithmId":"21","displayTitle":"University of Utah Health Exceptional Value Annual Report 2013","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":56,"score":0,"slideshowId":"70966237","sourceName":"li_interact","strippedTitle":"university-of-utah-health-exceptional-value-annual-report-2013","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"Every year the Exceptional Value Annual Report documents the performance of University of Utah Health on all 45 of the key initiatives identified in the organization's Operational Plan. Focused on value-driven outcomes (quality, service and cost), our successes are celebrated and failures are reviewed for learning opportunities.","tags":["accelerate","healthcare value","healthcare"],"url":"","userLogin":"kmahoneyutah","userName":"University of Utah","viewCount":1574},{"algorithmId":"21","displayTitle":"Maersk Oil Annual Results Report Presentation - 2016","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":115,"score":0,"slideshowId":"73437627","sourceName":"li_interact","strippedTitle":"maersk-oil-annual-results-report-presentation-2016","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"A.P. Moller - Maersk delivered an unsatisfactory loss of USD 1.9 billion (proft of USD 925 million) negatively impacted by post-tax impairments of USD 2.8 billion (USD 2.6 billion) primarily relating to Maersk Drilling of USD 1.4 billion (USD 27 million) and Maersk Supply Service of USD 1.2 billion (USD 0 million). In line with the latest guidance provided in November, the underlying profit came at USD 711 million (USD 3.1 billion). The return on invested capital (ROIC) was negative 2.7% (positive 2.9%). The free cash flow was negative USD 29 million (positive USD 6.6 billion including the sale of shares in Danske Bank of USD 4.9 billion)","tags":["oil","oilwire",""],"url":"","userLogin":"OilWire","userName":"OILWIRE","viewCount":1363},{"algorithmId":"21","displayTitle":"Annual Reports","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":16,"score":0,"slideshowId":"7806901","sourceName":"li_interact","strippedTitle":"annual-reports","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"Powerpoint presentation on Annual Reports in libraries by LIS 2830 students Nicole Brothers, Amiya Hutson, Kelly Morris, Jason Vey (Spring 2011).","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"jds112","userName":"Jessica Danielle Smith","viewCount":14781},{"algorithmId":"21","displayTitle":"2011 Customer Experience Impact Report","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":6,"score":0,"slideshowId":"10947124","sourceName":"li_interact","strippedTitle":"2011-customer-experience-impact-report","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"Based on a survey commissioned by RightNow and conducted by Harris Interactive, this report explores the relationship between consumers and brands. It reveals facts about what consumers are looking for and identifies concrete actions brands can take to keep the connection with consumers alive and well.","tags":["customer experience management","customer experience","ten secrets for delighting customers"],"url":"","userLogin":"RightNow","userName":"RightNow Technologies","viewCount":161547},{"algorithmId":"21","displayTitle":"Fauna y Flora en la Selva ","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":30,"score":0,"slideshowId":"8845086","sourceName":"li_interact","strippedTitle":"fauna-y-flora-en-la-selva","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"Este documento describe diversas plantas y animales peligrosos que se encuentran en América Latina, incluyendo plantas venenosas como la mala mujer y la cortadera, arañas como la viuda negra y la especie Mygalarachne communis, abejas africanizadas, ranas venenosas de la familia Dendrobatidae, y varias serpientes venenosas como las corales y las víboras terciopelo, pestañas y verrugosa. También menciona cocodrilos como el cocodrilo aguja y el babil","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"maicol1383","userName":"Michael Castillo","viewCount":76167},{"algorithmId":"21","displayTitle":"Wilson workbook 2015","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":45,"score":0,"slideshowId":"54884773","sourceName":"li_interact","strippedTitle":"wilson-workbook-2015","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"This document provides information about NCAA conference adoptions of Wilson soccer balls and gear. It lists the conferences that have adopted Wilson balls, as well as Wilson soccer balls, including the NCAA Forte ball, accessories like shin guards, and goals. It also includes advertisements for Wilson soccer products and their technologies.","tags":["wilson","big4pro"],"url":"","userLogin":"Big4Pro","userName":"Big4Pro (Wholesale Catalogs)","viewCount":3123},{"algorithmId":"21","displayTitle":"Ampiire Derrick Intern Report 2015 with Alliance Consultants Ltd","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":80,"score":0,"slideshowId":"55354330","sourceName":"li_interact","strippedTitle":"ampiire-derrick-intern-report-2015-with-alliance-consultants-ltd","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"The document is an industrial training report submitted by Ampiiire Derrick from Kyambogo University detailing his three month internship with Alliance Consultants Ltd in Nebbi district, Uganda. The report provides background on the company and the Alwi Dry Corridor Water Supply System project. It describes the major components of the project which included an intake on the Nyarwodho River, a 4.8km raw water main, a 4,000m3/d water treatment plant, and distribution networks. The report documents Ampiiire's involvement in construction activities such as gabion installation, fencing, pipe laying, tank assembly, formwork, concrete works, and water treatment processes.","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"DerrickAmpiire","userName":"Derrick Ampiire","viewCount":2132},{"algorithmId":"21","displayTitle":"Odiun understanding oracle data integrator","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":28,"score":0,"slideshowId":"54806739","sourceName":"li_interact","strippedTitle":"odiun-understanding-oracle-data-integrator","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"This document provides an overview of Oracle Data Integrator (ODI):\n- ODI is a data integration tool that can be used to integrate data across different systems through declarative mappings and knowledge modules. \n- It uses repositories to store integration metadata, has a run-time agent to execute integration tasks, and a console to manage and monitor integrations. \n- Typical integration projects involve design-time activities like modeling data, batch integrations, handling real-time/event data, and ensuring data quality.","tags":["odi"],"url":"","userLogin":"gutiejun","userName":"gutiejun","viewCount":1044},{"algorithmId":"21","displayTitle":"Pasos e Instalación del Software Libre Timetrex.","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":29,"score":0,"slideshowId":"70117091","sourceName":"li_interact","strippedTitle":"pasos-e-instalacin-del-software-libre-timetrex","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"Este documento proporciona instrucciones para instalar el software de gestión de tiempo y nómina Timetrex. Explica cómo descargar e instalar el software, configurar la base de datos con información de la compañía, y crear una cuenta de usuario. Una vez instalado, el software permite rastrear el tiempo de los empleados, calcular automáticamente cálculos de nómina y costos laborales, e identificar costos atribuidos a proyectos, departamentos y empleados.","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"Jennifer1512","userName":"Jennifer1512","viewCount":392},{"algorithmId":"21","displayTitle":"Salsa QA CV","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":4,"score":0,"slideshowId":"55404039","sourceName":"li_interact","strippedTitle":"salsa-qa-cv","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"Salsa Devina Menova L is applying for a quality assurance position and has over 5 years of experience in quality assurance. She graduated from BINA SARANA INFORMATIKA in 2011 with a GPA of 3.69 and has been working in quality assurance at PT. Aprisma Indonesia for the past 2 years. She has experience in testing methodologies, learning new technologies, and documenting test cases and procedures. She is looking to expand her experience and believes her skills would benefit the company.","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"SalsaDevinaMenova","userName":"Salsa Devina Menova","viewCount":572},{"algorithmId":"21","displayTitle":"Mk0018 international marketing","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":3,"score":0,"slideshowId":"65684904","sourceName":"li_interact","strippedTitle":"mk0018-international-marketing-65684904","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"This document provides information about assignments available for purchase for the MBA Semester 4 International Marketing course. It includes 6 questions related to international marketing topics like GATT vs. WTO, international franchising, stages of international market screening and analysis, counter-trade, the role of sales promotion and personal selling in international markets, and definitions of various international trade documents like bills of exchange and certificates of origin. Assignments can be purchased for Rs. 125 each by emailing or calling the provided contact information.","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"consult4solutions","userName":"consult4solutions","viewCount":75},{"algorithmId":"21","displayTitle":"Asignación n°4","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":6,"score":0,"slideshowId":"65898128","sourceName":"li_interact","strippedTitle":"asignacin-n4-65898128","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"Este documento presenta dos ejercicios de termodinámica. El primero involucra el cálculo de propiedades de salida como entalpía, temperatura y área para vapor que sale de una tobera. El segundo calcula flujo másico, flujo de calor y área de salida para un refrigerante que pasa por una turbina, dadas las condiciones de entrada y salida y la potencia desarrollada. Ambos ejercicios aplican las leyes de la termodinámica y tablas de propiedades para resolver cada parte.","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"cesarherrera1212","userName":"cesarherrera1212","viewCount":118},{"algorithmId":"21","displayTitle":"Литература россии. Какая и почему?","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":9,"score":0,"slideshowId":"55278364","sourceName":"li_interact","strippedTitle":"ss-55278364","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"Медиатравелок МКУК \"ЦБС\" по литературе","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"Andjanchik","userName":"Andjanchik","viewCount":329},{"algorithmId":"21","displayTitle":"UofM Adult Bariatric Presentation","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":38,"score":0,"slideshowId":"55321143","sourceName":"li_interact","strippedTitle":"uofm-adult-bariatric-presentation","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"This document provides an overview of exercise and its benefits. It discusses that approximately 80% of Americans do not meet physical activity recommendations. Exercise is defined as planned physical activity to improve fitness. Daily activities alone are not enough. The benefits of exercise include improvements to the cardiovascular, oxidative capacity, blood pressure, glucose metabolism, bone density, and depression. Cardiovascular exercise improves heart health while resistance training builds muscle. The document provides exercise recommendations and discusses the importance of warmups, cooldowns, and mental conditioning to maximize the benefits of exercise.","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"MollyMacDonald1","userName":"Molly MacDonald","viewCount":265},{"algorithmId":"21","displayTitle":"Redes","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":14,"score":0,"slideshowId":"55394040","sourceName":"li_interact","strippedTitle":"redes-55394040","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"Este documento describe los componentes fundamentales de una red informática, incluyendo dispositivos, software, protocolos de comunicación, capas del modelo OSI y tecnologías inalámbricas. Explica cómo los datos se transmiten a través de ondas electromagnéticas entre un emisor y receptor usando diferentes medios y niveles de red, y cómo se han desarrollado conceptos clave como Internet, la web y Wi-Fi a lo largo del tiempo.","tags":["redes computer router modem"],"url":"","userLogin":"wascar07","userName":"Wascar Rodriguez","viewCount":182},{"algorithmId":"21","displayTitle":"Ib0013 export import management","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":3,"score":0,"slideshowId":"59788760","sourceName":"li_interact","strippedTitle":"ib0013-export-import-management-59788760","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"This document provides information about an assignment for an Export Import Management course. It includes 6 questions related to export procedures and documentation. The questions cover topics like the different types of exports, the purpose and process of obtaining an RCMC certificate, the stages of processing an export order, notes on transport and credit risks, the significance and types of bills of lading, and the different types of custom duties levied on imported goods. Students are instructed to answer all 6 questions in 300-400 words each. Contact information is provided to obtain solved assignments for Rs. 125 per assignment.","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"consult4solutions","userName":"consult4solutions","viewCount":141}],"similarTo":[{"algorithmId":"3","displayTitle":"The NHS England annual review","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":28,"score":0.6768,"slideshowId":"39230297","sourceName":"cm_text","strippedTitle":"the-nhs-england-annual-review","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"This review takes a look at some of the NHS England highlights over the last year, and includes real life case studies which show how the NHS put patients first.\r\n\r\nFully established on 1 April 2013, NHS England is an Executive Non-Departmental Public Body responsible for overseeing the running of the NHS. It aims to improve the health of people in England by working in an open, evidence-based and inclusive way, keeping patients at the heart of everything it does. ","tags":["paramedic","nhs","england"],"url":"","userLogin":"Emergency-Live","userName":"Emergency Live","viewCount":750},{"algorithmId":"3","displayTitle":"NHS' role in growing local economies","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":28,"score":0.6132,"slideshowId":"76977094","sourceName":"cm_text","strippedTitle":"nhs-role-in-growing-local-economies","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"The document summarizes the role and activities of Academic Health Science Networks (AHSNs) in the UK. It discusses how AHSNs act as catalysts and connectors to spread healthcare innovations, improve health outcomes, and generate economic growth. It provides examples of innovations that have benefited from AHSN support and been adopted in the NHS. It also outlines goals and initiatives around building partnerships across health and social care systems and supporting life sciences industry and innovation infrastructure.","tags":["local economy","innovation agency","ahsn"],"url":"","userLogin":"InnovationNWC","userName":"Innovation Agency","viewCount":134},{"algorithmId":"3","displayTitle":"West of England Academic Health Science Network annual report 2014 / 2015","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":16,"score":0.6083,"slideshowId":"52718155","sourceName":"cm_text","strippedTitle":"west-of-england-academic-health-science-network-annual-report-2014-2015","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"We've produced an annual report for the West of England Academic Health Science Network to showcase how the organisation is helping to enhance healthcare delivery.","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"JBP2015","userName":"JBP PR, stakeholder and public affairs ","viewCount":389},{"algorithmId":"3","displayTitle":"Andrew Cooper - Escape pain celebration event ","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":11,"score":0.6078,"slideshowId":"194769569","sourceName":"cm_text","strippedTitle":"andrew-cooper-escape-pain-celebration-event","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"Presentation by Andrew Cooper, Innovation Agency: Welcome and introduction at the Escape pain celebration event on Thursday 14th November at Haydock Park Racecourse.","tags":["ahsn","nhs","innovation agency"],"url":"","userLogin":"InnovationNWC","userName":"Innovation Agency","viewCount":44},{"algorithmId":"3","displayTitle":"Andrew Cooper - Welcome and Introduction","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":13,"score":0.605,"slideshowId":"139225944","sourceName":"cm_text","strippedTitle":"andrew-cooper-welcome-and-introduction","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"Presentation by Andrew Cooper, Associate Director - Patient Safety, Innovation Agency at the Serenity Integrated Mentoring (SIM) and the High Intensity Network workshop at Daresbury Park Hotel and Spa on Tuesday 26 March.","tags":["nhs","sim","innovation agency"],"url":"","userLogin":"InnovationNWC","userName":"Innovation Agency","viewCount":175},{"algorithmId":"3","displayTitle":"Dr Phil Jennings - Serenity Integrated Mentoring (SIM) and the High Intensity...","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":10,"score":0.6047,"slideshowId":"150609130","sourceName":"cm_text","strippedTitle":"dr-phil-jennings-serenity-integrated-mentoring-sim-and-the-high-intensity-network-workshop","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"Presentation by Dr Phil Jennings, Medical Director, Innovation Agency at the Serenity Integrated Mentoring (SIM) and the High Intensity Network workshop event on Tuesday 18 June at the Macdonald Tickled Trout Hotel. ","tags":["innovation agency","ahsn","nhs"],"url":"","userLogin":"InnovationNWC","userName":"Innovation Agency","viewCount":128},{"algorithmId":"3","displayTitle":"EMRAN Launch Event - Rachel Munton","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":12,"score":0.6046,"slideshowId":"45171385","sourceName":"cm_text","strippedTitle":"emran-launch-event-rachel-munton","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"The document discusses how the East Midlands Academic Health Science Network (EMAHSN) can support ageing research. EMAHSN aims to accelerate innovation and spread proven ideas across large populations. It focuses on improving clinical outcomes, patient experience, and health equality. EMAHSN will complement other research organizations by focusing on adopting and spreading innovative clinical practices that are proven to be cost-effective across healthcare systems.","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"CCraig138","userName":"CCraig138","viewCount":1692},{"algorithmId":"3","displayTitle":"Wessex AHSN Business Plan 2017-18","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":39,"score":0.5987,"slideshowId":"77102140","sourceName":"cm_text","strippedTitle":"wessex-ahsn-business-plan-201718","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"This is our Business Plan for the next year; 2017-18.\r\n\r\nIn health, as in other sectors, innovation and adoption at scale is increasingly driven by interdisciplinary research, synergies between industries, and a step-change in end-user (citizen, consumer, patient) engagement in the process. Seeing the wood from the trees, making connections, spotting opportunities, and understanding how to get traction requires a breadth of perspective and strong roots into, and across, that landscape.\r\n\r\nAcademic Health Science Networks (AHSNs) connect horizontally across research, industries, commissioners, providers and users; and network vertically between policy formulation, system design, operational coal-face and end-user experience. That role takes us across all parts of the NHS, into industry, local government and other public agencies, into universities, charities, start-ups, and into funders. And up and down the system; from the role of the GP receptionist in improvement and innovation; to dialogue with policy makers and regulators about refining system design to support adoption and spread of innovation.\r\n\r\nNetworks which are open to, and embrace, the diverse perspectives of these stakeholders will, in turn, help the systems and members which they support be open to the adoption and spread of innovation.\r\n\r\nThat is what we, Wessex AHSN, aspire to. We hope you find this spirit reflected in our business plan.","tags":["digital health","dementia friendly","university of southampton"],"url":"","userLogin":"WessexAHSN","userName":"Health Innovation Wessex","viewCount":614},{"algorithmId":"3","displayTitle":"Wessex AHSN Business Plan: 2016-18","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":44,"score":0.5983,"slideshowId":"60610790","sourceName":"cm_text","strippedTitle":"wessex-ahsn-business-plan-201618","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"This document provides a business plan for the Wessex Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) for 2016-2018. It outlines the AHSN's strategic focus on healthy aging, insights from data, and personalized medicine/genomics. The plan discusses how these themes align with Wessex' population health needs, research strengths, and industry sectors. It also summarizes the AHSN's impact to date and principles for collaborating across health/social care, research, patients, and industry to improve innovation adoption.","tags":["wessex ahsn","business plan","technology"],"url":"","userLogin":"WessexAHSN","userName":"Health Innovation Wessex","viewCount":1664},{"algorithmId":"3","displayTitle":"Better care together plan public summary","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":11,"score":0.5943,"slideshowId":"36624365","sourceName":"cm_text","strippedTitle":"better-care-together-plan-public-summary","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"The document outlines a plan called Better Care Together, which aims to transform health and social care services across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland over the next 5 years. It was produced through collaboration between local NHS organizations and councils to address issues like a growing and aging population, workforce challenges, quality of care concerns, and financial pressures. The plan proposes moving more services into the community, improving access to primary care, integrating health and social care, reducing unnecessary hospital admissions, and specializing acute hospital services across fewer sites. Local residents are invited to provide input to help shape the detailed options that will be developed and formally consulted on in the future.","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"valonline","userName":"Voluntary Action LeicesterShire","viewCount":269},{"algorithmId":"3","displayTitle":"Dr Raymond Jankowski","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":29,"score":0.5901,"slideshowId":"69520827","sourceName":"cm_text","strippedTitle":"dr-raymond-jankowski","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"The strategic plan outlines Public Health England's vision for the next four years to improve health outcomes and reduce health inequalities by 2020. Key priorities include tackling non-communicable diseases through prevention efforts like reducing tobacco and alcohol use, improving nutrition, and increasing physical activity. Public Health England also aims to address the wider social determinants of health and take a holistic, place-based approach through partnerships across sectors.","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"LuciaGarcia71","userName":"Lucia Garcia","viewCount":443},{"algorithmId":"3","displayTitle":"Wessex AHSN Annual Review 2015-16","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":32,"score":0.5868,"slideshowId":"64399105","sourceName":"cm_text","strippedTitle":"wessex-ahsn-annual-review-201516","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"Wessex Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) is a member organization that connects NHS, academic, local government, third sector, and industry organizations in Wessex. The AHSN works to improve health and create economic growth through supporting innovation, research, and collaboration across sectors. In 2015/2016, the AHSN made progress on quality improvement programs, innovations, and economic initiatives. It also collaborated with other AHSNs on various programs of national importance.","tags":["healthcare","nhs england","mental health"],"url":"","userLogin":"WessexAHSN","userName":"Health Innovation Wessex","viewCount":952},{"algorithmId":"3","displayTitle":"Jo Ward - Health, wellbeing and the environment","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":29,"score":0.5863,"slideshowId":"129835646","sourceName":"cm_text","strippedTitle":"jo-ward-health-wellbeing-and-the-environment","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"Presentation by Jo Ward, North West Social Prescribing Network Co-Chair: Social Prescribing Network and creative health agenda at the Health, wellbeing and the environment event on Monday 28 January 2019 at The Isla Gladstone Conservatory, Liverpool","tags":["ahsn","nhs","innovation agency"],"url":"","userLogin":"InnovationNWC","userName":"Innovation Agency","viewCount":374},{"algorithmId":"3","displayTitle":"Wessex AHSN Annual Review 2016-17","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":32,"score":0.5767,"slideshowId":"76523879","sourceName":"cm_text","strippedTitle":"wessex-ahsn-annual-review-201617","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"Wessex Academic Health Science Network's (AHSN) Annual Review of 2016-17.\r\n \r\nThe report outlines the full breadth of the work the AHSN undertakes, and its impact, including:\r\n\r\nHelping 82% of people who need treatment for psychosis, in Wessex, see a healthcare professional with 14 days \r\n\r\nTraining 1,000 staff across 174 GP surgeries to become Dementia Friendly\r\n\r\nSupporting 25 start-up healthcare innovation companies with a three-day support programme\r\n\r\nHelp start-up companies access £1.9m in business development grants, and enable 10 companies exhibit to over 10,000 people\r\n\r\nScreened 2,000 people for undernutrition and trained 250 members of staff in tackling undernutrition in older people \r\n\r\nSupported Wessex Genomics Medicine Centre in recruiting 1,800 local people to the 100K Genomes Project","tags":["ahsn","nhs england","innovation"],"url":"","userLogin":"WessexAHSN","userName":"Health Innovation Wessex","viewCount":636},{"algorithmId":"3","displayTitle":"Information to support: public health specialists","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":4,"score":0.5723,"slideshowId":"35172493","sourceName":"cm_text","strippedTitle":"80340-hscic-publichealtha44pp0314singles","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"Brochure to promote HSCIC work in public health, screening, data services and data linkage, to show how to support better care for lifestyle choices, such as diet, smoking and drinking.","tags":["the health and social care information centre","hscic","health"],"url":"","userLogin":"HSCIC","userName":"The Health and Social Care Information Centre","viewCount":517},{"algorithmId":"3","displayTitle":"Information to Support: Public Health Specialists","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":4,"score":0.5723,"slideshowId":"36505738","sourceName":"cm_text","strippedTitle":"80340-hscic-publichealtha44pp0314singles-36505738","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"This leaflet discusses who we are and what we do. \r\n\r\nRead to find out more about:\r\n\r\n- Health and Lifestyles Knowledge\r\n- Indicators\r\n- Data Services","tags":["hscic","the health and social care information centre","data linkage and extract service"],"url":"","userLogin":"HSCIC","userName":"The Health and Social Care Information Centre","viewCount":585},{"algorithmId":"3","displayTitle":"Wessex AHSN Annual Review 2017-18","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":36,"score":0.5721,"slideshowId":"103603109","sourceName":"cm_text","strippedTitle":"wessex-ahsn-annual-review-201718","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"This is the AHSN's annual review for the year of 2017-18. This review covers all major programmes, five years of the AHSN in numbers and looks to the next five years under the new license (from 2018 onwards). ","tags":["wessex ahsn","wessex","wessex cis"],"url":"","userLogin":"WessexAHSN","userName":"Health Innovation Wessex","viewCount":433},{"algorithmId":"3","displayTitle":"NIB report","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":66,"score":0.5716,"slideshowId":"42878794","sourceName":"cm_text","strippedTitle":"nib-report","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"This document presents a framework for using data and technology to transform health and care outcomes in England by 2020. It identifies challenges facing the current system and proposes 12 actions to enable citizens to make healthy choices, give care professionals access to real-time patient data, make care quality transparent, build public trust in data sharing, support innovation, ensure staff can use technology, and get best value for taxpayers. The National Information Board will oversee implementing the framework through national support, local support, and development principles to help the health and care system meet its challenges.","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"patientsco","userName":"Patients Know Best","viewCount":1424},{"algorithmId":"3","displayTitle":"ABPI big data road map","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":19,"score":0.5702,"slideshowId":"47164887","sourceName":"cm_text","strippedTitle":"abpi-big-data-road-map-47164887","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"The document outlines the opportunities and challenges presented by big data in healthcare. It notes that vast amounts of data are now being generated from sources like genome sequencing, electronic health records, social media, and patient websites. However, simply having large datasets does not guarantee value; the data needs to be analyzed and linked together to generate insights. The document discusses four levels of big data applications from processing large volumes of data to complex modeling. It also examines challenges like developing robust governance, embracing new data uses, overcoming data fragmentation, ensuring data quality and standards, developing innovative analytic methods, addressing skills shortages, and achieving returns on investment. The goal is to improve patient outcomes and healthcare cost-effectiveness through big data.","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"HassanChaudhury","userName":"Hassan Chaudhury","viewCount":618},{"algorithmId":"3","displayTitle":"Warrington_innovation_presentation.pptx","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":18,"score":0.5702,"slideshowId":"254466171","sourceName":"cm_text","strippedTitle":"warringtoninnovationpresentationpptx","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"1) The Innovation Agency North West Coast connects regional networks of NHS, academic, local authority, third sector, business, and public organizations to improve health, drive down care costs, and stimulate economic growth through partnership and collaboration. \n2) It simplifies access to tools, practices, and innovations by grouping them into eight solution themes and supports the adoption and spread of innovations.\n3) Barriers to innovation adoption include a lack of entrepreneurship, complex transfer between places, and a need for on-the-ground support teams, as well as local selection of high-value innovations and leadership championing innovation.","tags":["healthcare innovation"],"url":"","userLogin":"pontpont15","userName":"pontpont15","viewCount":3}],"moreFromUser":[{"algorithmId":"","displayTitle":"Data, Digital and AI strategic event slides","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":226,"score":0,"slideshowId":"273781325","sourceName":"MORE_FROM_USER","strippedTitle":"data-digital-and-ai-strategic-event-slides","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"Health Innovation Wessex Data, Digital and AI strategic event slides from November 19, 2024","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"WessexAHSN","userName":"Health Innovation Wessex","viewCount":12},{"algorithmId":"","displayTitle":"Strategic Event slides - Data, Digital and AI","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":225,"score":0,"slideshowId":"273774963","sourceName":"MORE_FROM_USER","strippedTitle":"strategic-event-slides-data-digital-and-ai","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"A set of the slides from presenters sharing their innovations at our strategic event held on 18 November 2024.","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"WessexAHSN","userName":"Health Innovation Wessex","viewCount":47},{"algorithmId":"","displayTitle":"Reducing opioid prescribing (in general practice)","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":1,"score":0,"slideshowId":"266273916","sourceName":"MORE_FROM_USER","strippedTitle":"reducing-opioid-prescribing-in-general-practice","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"The Health Innovation Network Polypharmacy Programme is working with healthcare professionals to address problematic polypharmacy by supporting easier identification of patients at potential risk from harm from multiple medications. \n\nOur evidence-based polypharmacy Action Learning Sets (ALS) are being rolled out across England to support GPs, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals who undertake prescribing or medication reviews to understand the complex issues around stopping inappropriate medicines safely. \n\nTo drive and accelerate changes in practice, delegates complete a quality improvement project to address problematic polypharmacy in their workplace. This poster summary, Reducing opioid prescribing, can be viewed here.\n\nFor more information about the polypharmacy programme, please visit","tags":["action learning sets","health innovation wessex","health innovation network"],"url":"","userLogin":"WessexAHSN","userName":"Health Innovation Wessex","viewCount":50},{"algorithmId":"","displayTitle":"Pharmacist Interventions and Medication Reviews at Care Homes - Improving Med...","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":1,"score":0,"slideshowId":"266273574","sourceName":"MORE_FROM_USER","strippedTitle":"pharmacist-interventions-and-medication-reviews-at-care-homes-improving-medication-safety-and-patient-outcomes","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"The Health Innovation Network Polypharmacy Programme is working with healthcare professionals to address problematic polypharmacy by supporting easier identification of patients at potential risk from harm from multiple medications. \n\nOur evidence-based polypharmacy Action Learning Sets (ALS) are being rolled out across England to support GPs, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals who undertake prescribing or medication reviews to understand the complex issues around stopping inappropriate medicines safely. \n\nTo drive and accelerate changes in practice, delegates complete a quality improvement project to address problematic polypharmacy in their workplace. This poster summary, Pharmacist Interventions and Medication Reviews at Care Homes - Improving Medication Safety and Patient Outcomes, can be viewed here.\n\nFor more information about the polypharmacy programme, please visit","tags":["action learning sets","health innovation wessex","health innovation network"],"url":"","userLogin":"WessexAHSN","userName":"Health Innovation Wessex","viewCount":141},{"algorithmId":"","displayTitle":"The SBAR Patient Engagement Pathway Tool","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":1,"score":0,"slideshowId":"266273436","sourceName":"MORE_FROM_USER","strippedTitle":"the-sbar-patient-engagement-pathway-tool","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"The Health Innovation Network Polypharmacy Programme is working with healthcare professionals to address problematic polypharmacy by supporting easier identification of patients at potential risk from harm from multiple medications. \n\nOur evidence-based polypharmacy Action Learning Sets (ALS) are being rolled out across England to support GPs, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals who undertake prescribing or medication reviews to understand the complex issues around stopping inappropriate medicines safely. \n\nTo drive and accelerate changes in practice, delegates complete a quality improvement project to address problematic polypharmacy in their workplace. This poster summary, SBAR Patient Engagement Tool, can be viewed here.\n\nFor more information about the polypharmacy programme, please visit\n\n","tags":["action learning sets","quality improvement","medicines optimisation"],"url":"","userLogin":"WessexAHSN","userName":"Health Innovation Wessex","viewCount":40},{"algorithmId":"","displayTitle":"Reducing medication related falls risk in patients with severe frailty","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":1,"score":0,"slideshowId":"266273402","sourceName":"MORE_FROM_USER","strippedTitle":"reducing-medication-related-falls-risk-in-patients-with-severe-frailty","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"The Health Innovation Network Polypharmacy Programme is working with healthcare professionals to address problematic polypharmacy by supporting easier identification of patients at potential risk from harm from multiple medications. \n\nOur evidence-based polypharmacy Action Learning Sets (ALS) are being rolled out across England to support GPs, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals who undertake prescribing or medication reviews to understand the complex issues around stopping inappropriate medicines safely. \n\nTo drive and accelerate changes in practice, delegates complete a quality improvement project to address problematic polypharmacy in their workplace. This poster summary, Reducing medication related falls risk in patients with severe frailty, can be viewed here.\n\nFor more information about the polypharmacy programme, please visit","tags":["action learning sets","health innovation network","health innovation wessex"],"url":"","userLogin":"WessexAHSN","userName":"Health Innovation Wessex","viewCount":41},{"algorithmId":"","displayTitle":"Assessing the outcomes of structured medication reviews","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":1,"score":0,"slideshowId":"266273374","sourceName":"MORE_FROM_USER","strippedTitle":"assessing-the-outcomes-of-structured-medication-reviews","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"The Health Innovation Network Polypharmacy Programme is working with healthcare professionals to address problematic polypharmacy by supporting easier identification of patients at potential risk from harm from multiple medications. \n\nOur evidence-based polypharmacy Action Learning Sets (ALS) are being rolled out across England to support GPs, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals who undertake prescribing or medication reviews to understand the complex issues around stopping inappropriate medicines safely. \n\nTo drive and accelerate changes in practice, delegates complete a quality improvement project to address problematic polypharmacy in their workplace. This poster summary, Assessing the outcomes of structured medication reviews, can be viewed here.\n\nFor more information about the polypharmacy programme, please visit\n","tags":["action learning sets","health innovation wessex","health innovation network"],"url":"","userLogin":"WessexAHSN","userName":"Health Innovation Wessex","viewCount":40},{"algorithmId":"","displayTitle":"Polypharmacy SMR reviews in outpatient bone health clinics","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":1,"score":0,"slideshowId":"266273304","sourceName":"MORE_FROM_USER","strippedTitle":"polypharmacy-smr-reviews-in-outpatient-bone-health-clinics","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"The Health Innovation Network Polypharmacy Programme is working with healthcare professionals to address problematic polypharmacy by supporting easier identification of patients at potential risk from harm from multiple medications. \n\nOur evidence-based polypharmacy Action Learning Sets (ALS) are being rolled out across England to support GPs, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals who undertake prescribing or medication reviews to understand the complex issues around stopping inappropriate medicines safely. \n\nTo drive and accelerate changes in practice, delegates complete a quality improvement project to address problematic polypharmacy in their workplace. This poster summary, Polypharmacy SMR reviews in outpatient bone health clinics, can be viewed here.\n\nFor more information about the polypharmacy programme, please visit","tags":["action learning sets","health innovation network","health innovation wessex"],"url":"","userLogin":"WessexAHSN","userName":"Health Innovation Wessex","viewCount":27},{"algorithmId":"","displayTitle":"Polypharmacy reviews of asthma and COPD patients over 65 and 10 or more medic...","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":1,"score":0,"slideshowId":"266273286","sourceName":"MORE_FROM_USER","strippedTitle":"polypharmacy-reviews-of-asthma-and-copd-patients-over-65-and-10-or-more-medicines","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"The Health Innovation Network Polypharmacy Programme is working with healthcare professionals to address problematic polypharmacy by supporting easier identification of patients at potential risk from harm from multiple medications. \n\nOur evidence-based polypharmacy Action Learning Sets (ALS) are being rolled out across England to support GPs, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals who undertake prescribing or medication reviews to understand the complex issues around stopping inappropriate medicines safely. \n\nTo drive and accelerate changes in practice, delegates complete a quality improvement project to address problematic polypharmacy in their workplace. This poster summary, Polypharmacy reviews of asthma and COPD patients over 65 and 10 or more medicines, can be viewed here.\n\nFor more information about the polypharmacy programme, please visit","tags":["action learning sets","health innovation network","health innovation wessex"],"url":"","userLogin":"WessexAHSN","userName":"Health Innovation Wessex","viewCount":30},{"algorithmId":"","displayTitle":"Evaluating the impact of a specialist frailty multidisciplinary team pathway ...","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":1,"score":0,"slideshowId":"266272841","sourceName":"MORE_FROM_USER","strippedTitle":"evaluating-the-impact-of-a-specialist-frailty-multidisciplinary-team-pathway-with-clinical-pharmacist-involvement","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"The Health Innovation Network Polypharmacy Programme is working with healthcare professionals to address problematic polypharmacy by supporting easier identification of patients at potential risk from harm from multiple medications. \n\nOur evidence-based polypharmacy Action Learning Sets (ALS) are being rolled out across England to support GPs, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals who undertake prescribing or medication reviews to understand the complex issues around stopping inappropriate medicines safely. \n\nTo drive and accelerate changes in practice, delegates complete a quality improvement project to address problematic polypharmacy in their workplace. This poster summary, Evaluating the impact of a specialist frailty multidisciplinary team pathway with clinical pharmacist involvement, can be viewed here.\n\nFor more information about the polypharmacy programme, please visit","tags":["action learning sets","health innovation network","health innovation wessex"],"url":"","userLogin":"WessexAHSN","userName":"Health Innovation Wessex","viewCount":17},{"algorithmId":"","displayTitle":"Genomics strategy and implementation in the NHS in England","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":31,"score":0,"slideshowId":"265099645","sourceName":"MORE_FROM_USER","strippedTitle":"genomics-strategy-and-implementation-in-the-nhs-in-england","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"Genome UK – State of the nation by Professor Dame Sue Hill, Chief Scientific Officer for England and NHS Genomics Programme Senior Responsible Officer. 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This poster summary, To evaluate the benefits of Structured Medication Reviews in elderly Chinese patients, can be viewed here.\n\nFor more information about the polypharmacy programme, please visit","tags":["action learning sets","polypharmacy","health innovation wessex"],"url":"","userLogin":"WessexAHSN","userName":"Health Innovation Wessex","viewCount":18},{"algorithmId":"","displayTitle":"Review of patients on high dose opioids at Living Well PCN.pdf","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":1,"score":0,"slideshowId":"263726660","sourceName":"MORE_FROM_USER","strippedTitle":"review-of-patients-on-high-dose-opioids-at-living-well-pcnpdf","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"The Health Innovation Network Polypharmacy programme is working with healthcare professionals to address problematic polypharmacy by supporting easier identification of patients at potential risk from harm from multiple medications. \n\nOur evidence-based polypharmacy Action Learning Sets (ALS) are being rolled out across England to support GPs, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals who undertake prescribing or medication reviews to understand the complex issues around stopping inappropriate medicines safely. \n\nTo drive and accelerate changes in practice, delegates complete a quality improvement project to address problematic polypharmacy in their workplace. This poster summary, \nReview of patients on high dose opioids at Living Well PCN, can be viewed here.\n\nFor more information about the polypharmacy programme, please visit\n","tags":["action learning sets","health innovation network","health innovation wessex"],"url":"","userLogin":"WessexAHSN","userName":"Health Innovation Wessex","viewCount":49},{"algorithmId":"","displayTitle":"Re-establishing autonomy in elderly frail patients.pdf","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":1,"score":0,"slideshowId":"263726553","sourceName":"MORE_FROM_USER","strippedTitle":"reestablishing-autonomy-in-elderly-frail-patientspdf","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"The Health Innovation Network Polypharmacy programme is working with healthcare professionals to address problematic polypharmacy by supporting easier identification of patients at potential risk from harm from multiple medications. \n\nOur evidence-based polypharmacy Action Learning Sets (ALS) are being rolled out across England to support GPs, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals who undertake prescribing or medication reviews to understand the complex issues around stopping inappropriate medicines safely. \n\nTo drive and accelerate changes in practice, delegates complete a quality improvement project to address problematic polypharmacy in their workplace. This poster summary, Re-establishing autonomy in elderly frail patients, can be viewed here.\n\nFor more information about the polypharmacy programme, please visit","tags":["health innovation network","health innovation wessex","action learning sets"],"url":"","userLogin":"WessexAHSN","userName":"Health Innovation Wessex","viewCount":47},{"algorithmId":"","displayTitle":"Improving Medication Reviews using the NO TEARS Tool.pdf","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":1,"score":0,"slideshowId":"263726445","sourceName":"MORE_FROM_USER","strippedTitle":"improving-medication-reviews-using-the-no-tears-toolpdf","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"The Health Innovation Network Polypharmacy programme is working with healthcare professionals to address problematic polypharmacy by supporting easier identification of patients at potential risk from harm from multiple medications. \n\nOur evidence-based polypharmacy Action Learning Sets (ALS) are being rolled out across England to support GPs, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals who undertake prescribing or medication reviews to understand the complex issues around stopping inappropriate medicines safely. \n\nTo drive and accelerate changes in practice, delegates complete a quality improvement project to address problematic polypharmacy in their workplace. This poster summary, Improving Medication Reviews using the NO TEARS Tool, can be viewed here.\n\nFor more information about the polypharmacy programme, please visit","tags":["action learning sets","health innovation network","medicines optimisation"],"url":"","userLogin":"WessexAHSN","userName":"Health Innovation Wessex","viewCount":157},{"algorithmId":"","displayTitle":"Improving care in County Durham under the STOMP agenda - A 5 year review.pdf","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":1,"score":0,"slideshowId":"263726387","sourceName":"MORE_FROM_USER","strippedTitle":"improving-care-in-county-durham-under-the-stomp-agenda-a-5-year-reviewpdf","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"The Health Innovation Network Polypharmacy programme is working with healthcare professionals to address problematic polypharmacy by supporting easier identification of patients at potential risk from harm from multiple medications. \n\nOur evidence-based polypharmacy Action Learning Sets (ALS) are being rolled out across England to support GPs, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals who undertake prescribing or medication reviews to understand the complex issues around stopping inappropriate medicines safely. \n\nTo drive and accelerate changes in practice, delegates complete a quality improvement project to address problematic polypharmacy in their workplace. This poster summary, Improving care in County Durham under the STOMP agenda - A 5 year review, can be viewed here.\n\nFor more information about the polypharmacy programme, please visit","tags":["action learning sets","health innovation network","health innovation wessex"],"url":"","userLogin":"WessexAHSN","userName":"Health Innovation Wessex","viewCount":24}],"featured":null,"latest":[{"algorithmId":"4","displayTitle":"Skeletal Muscle Relaxants: A High-Yield Guide for NEET PG and MBBS Students","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":25,"score":0,"slideshowId":"273653040","sourceName":"LATEST","strippedTitle":"skeletal-muscle-relaxants-a-high-yield-guide-for-neet-pg-and-mbbs-students","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"This presentation offers a comprehensive overview of skeletal muscle relaxants, tailored for MBBS and NEET PG students. It includes their classification, mechanisms of action, clinical uses, pharmacokinetics, and adverse effects. The content is designed to highlight key differences between centrally acting and peripherally acting muscle relaxants, with a focus on non-depolarizing and depolarizing neuromuscular blockers. Perfect for understanding their role in surgery, spasticity management, and anesthesia.","tags":["pharmacology","skeletalmusclerelaxants","neetpg"],"url":"","userLogin":"DrShivankanKakkar","userName":"Shivankan Kakkar","viewCount":109},{"algorithmId":"4","displayTitle":"The Respiratory System: Anatomy, Functions, and Importance","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":63,"score":0,"slideshowId":"273563692","sourceName":"LATEST","strippedTitle":"the-respiratory-system-anatomy-functions-and-importance","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"Explore the fascinating world of the Respiratory System with this comprehensive presentation. The respiratory system plays a crucial role in sustaining life by facilitating the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, a process essential for cellular respiration and energy production.\n\nThis PPT provides an in-depth look into the anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system, highlighting how it works to deliver oxygen to the bloodstream and expel carbon dioxide. From the structure of the lungs and airways to the mechanisms of breathing and gas exchange, this presentation is ideal for students, educators, and healthcare professionals seeking to deepen their understanding of this vital system.\n\nKey Topics Covered:\n\nAnatomy of the respiratory system: nasal cavity, trachea, lungs, and alveoli\nThe mechanics of breathing: inspiration and expiration\nGas exchange and the role of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body\nRegulation of breathing by the brain and nervous system\nCommon respiratory disorders and diseases, such as asthma, COPD, and pneumonia\nGain valuable insights into how the respiratory system supports life and adapts to the body’s needs. Perfect for learners in anatomy, physiology, nursing, or anyone curious about the science of breathing!","tags":["#education","#science","#anatomy"],"url":"","userLogin":"SAGARPANDYA22","userName":"Nursing Mastery","viewCount":326},{"algorithmId":"4","displayTitle":"Presentation on Rearrangement Reactions.pptx","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":36,"score":0,"slideshowId":"273563315","sourceName":"LATEST","strippedTitle":"presentation-on-rearrangement-reactions-pptx","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"It is a broad class of Organic reactions where the carbon skeleton of a molecule is rearranged to give a structural isomer of the original molecule. Migration of an atom or group of atoms takes place from one atom to an adjacent atom within a molecule also known as 1,2-shift (1,2-alkyl, hydride or aryl shift) or from one molecule to another molecule. Mainly there are 2 types of rearrangements: Intermolecular Rearrangements and Intramolecular Rearrangements. Rearrangement reactions find a major use in medical sciences such as synthesizing steroids and analgesics through Beckmann rearrangement, Fries rearrangement to produce o-acylhydroxy[2.2]paracyclophanes, which have industrial importance, Claisen rearrangement in synthesizing prephenate from chorismate , an important key step in the shikimic acid pathway responsible for the biosynthesis of the essential amino acid's tryptophan, phenylalanine and tyrosine They play a central role in functional group transformations and in the state of the art in modern organic synthesis.","tags":["pharmaceutical chemistry","advanced organic chemistry","education"],"url":"","userLogin":"NithaNaveenDsouza","userName":"NithaNaveenDsouza","viewCount":159},{"algorithmId":"4","displayTitle":"Nitrogen metabolism and the urea cycle for MBBS, BDS, Lab. 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Once alpha amino group is removed it becomes unstable \u0026 very active, so its converted to energy","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"rajendrahere","userName":"Rajendra Dev Bhatt","viewCount":350},{"algorithmId":"4","displayTitle":"advanced Cardiac life support (ACLS), Shockable -non-shockable rhythm","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":37,"score":0,"slideshowId":"273617390","sourceName":"LATEST","strippedTitle":"advanced-cardiac-life-support-acls-shockable-non-shockable-rhythm","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"Mastering Life-Saving Skills: Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)\"\n\nUnlock the critical knowledge and skills required to save lives in emergency situations! This presentation dives into the core principles of ACLS, equipping you with expert techniques to recognize and manage cardiac emergencies effectively. Whether you're a seasoned healthcare professional or new to the field, this session will enhance your confidence in delivering high-quality care during life-threatening scenarios.\n\nJoin for an engaging and interactive exploration of evidence-based protocols, team dynamics, and the latest updates in ACLS guidelines. Because when seconds matter, preparation makes the difference!","tags":["health","healthcare","medicine"],"url":"","userLogin":"omkazr18","userName":"omkar kc","viewCount":114},{"algorithmId":"4","displayTitle":"Pengetahuan Dasar Luka Kronis - Seminar IDI Kupang 30 November 2024","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":33,"score":0,"slideshowId":"273720219","sourceName":"LATEST","strippedTitle":"pengetahuan-dasar-luka-kronis-seminar-idi-kupang-30-november-2024","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"Dokumen ini telah dipresentasikan pada seminar IDI Cab. Kupang: \"Update in Daily Practice for General Practitioner,\" Sabtu, 30 November 2024 dalam rangkat HUT IDI ke-74. \n\nLuka kronis adalah luka yang gagal sembuh melampaui waktu yang semestinya, atau sering dikeluhkan sebagai luka yang tidak kunjung sembuh atau luka yang gagal sembuh. Luka kronis merupakan masalah kesehatan perseorangan yang berpotensi menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat dengan semakin meningkatnya harapan hidup dan semakin banyaknya pasien dengan gangguan mobilisasi. Luka kronis juga menyebabkan tingginya biaya kesehatan secara global. Luka kronis masih kerap dianggap sepele sehingga para tenaga medis dan tenaga kesehatan tidak merasa perlu untuk memperbarui pengetahuannya mengenai luka kronis. Penelitian secara global juga membuktikan seringnya pasien dengan luka kronis gagal dirujuk ke spesialis untuk mendapatkan terapi yang lebih advanced. Presentasi ini membagikan beberapa prinsip dasar tata laksana luka kronis yang dapat menjadi pegangan bagi tenaga medis dan tenaga kesehatan di fasilitas kesehatan tingkat pertama (FKTP). Terima kasih IDI Cabang Kupang telah mengundang saya untuk berbicara mengenai luka kronis. ","tags":["luka","luka kronis","chronic wound"],"url":"","userLogin":"robertusarian","userName":"Robertus Arian Datusanantyo","viewCount":185},{"algorithmId":"4","displayTitle":"1. 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What Are ADCs?\nADCs are targeted cancer therapies combining:\nMonoclonal antibodies (mAbs): Specifically bind to cancer cell antigens.\nCytotoxic drugs: Highly potent agents to kill cancer cells.\nLinkers: Attach the cytotoxic drug to the antibody.\n2. Key Components\nAntibody:\nTargets specific tumor-associated antigens.\nMinimizes off-target effects.\nLinker:\nEnsures drug stability in circulation.\nReleases the drug at the target site.\nTypes: Cleavable (pH-sensitive, enzymatic) or non-cleavable.\nCytotoxic Payload:\nHighly potent drugs (e.g., microtubule inhibitors, DNA-damaging agents).\nEffective at killing even resistant cancer cells.\n3. Mechanism of Action\nADC binds to specific antigen on cancer cell.\nInternalization via endocytosis.\nCytotoxic drug released inside the cell (lysosomal degradation of linker).\nInduces cell death through apoptosis or other pathways.\n4. Advantages\nPrecision: Targets cancer cells while sparing healthy tissue.\nPotency: Delivers highly toxic drugs directly to cancer cells.\nReduced Side Effects: Minimizes systemic exposure to cytotoxic agents.\n5. Challenges\nAntigen Selection: High specificity and uniform expression on cancer cells.\nResistance Mechanisms: Tumor heterogeneity and drug efflux.\nToxicity: Off-target effects due to antigen expression on normal tissues.\nManufacturing Complexity: High precision in conjugation and stability.\n6. Clinical Applications\nApproved ADCs (examples):\nBrentuximab vedotin (Adcetris): Targets CD30 in Hodgkin lymphoma.\nTrastuzumab emtansine (Kadcyla): Targets HER2 in breast cancer.\nEnfortumab vedotin (Padcev): Targets Nectin-4 in urothelial cancer.\n7. Future Directions\nImproving linkers for better stability and drug release.\nDeveloping ADCs for non-cancer indications.\nExploring novel payloads and antibody formats.\n8. Summary\nADCs are an evolving class of targeted therapies, revolutionizing cancer treatment by combining the specificity of antibodies with the potency of chemotherapeutic drugs.","tags":["antibody drug conjugates","monoclonal antibodies (mabs","cytotoxic drugs"],"url":"","userLogin":"SumitKumar452","userName":"NEIGRIHMS, SHILLONG","viewCount":22},{"algorithmId":"4","displayTitle":"Lipid metabolism (Dr. Jagroop Sidhu).pdf","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":23,"score":0,"slideshowId":"273712373","sourceName":"LATEST","strippedTitle":"lipid-metabolism-dr-jagroop-sidhu-pdf","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"Lipid metabolism (Dr. Jagroop Sidhu).pdf","tags":["biochemistry"],"url":"","userLogin":"Jagroopsingh126500","userName":"Dr. Jagroop Singh","viewCount":137},{"algorithmId":"4","displayTitle":"Traffic medicine concept, particularly in urban settings","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":24,"score":0,"slideshowId":"273632413","sourceName":"LATEST","strippedTitle":"traffic-medicine-concept-particularly-in-urban-settings","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"Traffic medicine is a specialized field that focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of injuries and illnesses related to road traffic. Key principles of traffic medicine include: \n\n1.Understanding the causes of traffic accidents: Identifying risk factors such as human error, vehicle defects, and road hazards. \n2.Developing effective injury prevention strategies: Implementing measures to reduce the frequency and severity of traffic accidents.\n3.Providing timely and effective medical care: Ensuring that injured individuals receive appropriate treatment.\n4.Promoting road safety education: Educating the public about safe road behavior.\n5.Advocating for safer road infrastructure and policies: Working with policymakers to improve road design and traffic laws. Traffic medicine is a multidisciplinary field that requires collaboration between various professionals.","tags":["disease prevention","transportation","travel"],"url":"","userLogin":"PhathaiSingkhamThail","userName":"Phathai Singkham","viewCount":308},{"algorithmId":"4","displayTitle":"Introduction, History \u0026 Scope of Pharmacognosy.pptx","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":19,"score":0,"slideshowId":"273643349","sourceName":"LATEST","strippedTitle":"introduction-history-scope-of-pharmacognosy-pptx","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"First Year D. Pharm as Per ER 2020 ","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"ProfDattaprasadNavna","userName":"Dattaprasad N. 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It highlights physiotherapy as a holistic discipline that goes beyond physical therapies to encompass prevention, health promotion, and advocacy. By balancing **agency** (empowering individuals) and **patiency** (acknowledging vulnerability), physiotherapists foster resilience, capabilities, and meaningful participation. Through ethical reasoning, autonomy, and collaborative practice, physiotherapy bridges personal recovery with broader societal and ecological responsibilities, aligning with the principles of health equity, sustainability, and flourishing.","tags":[],"url":"","userLogin":"JoostvanWijchen","userName":"JoostvanWijchen","viewCount":73},{"algorithmId":"4","displayTitle":"Alzheimer’s Disease Case Conference: Acquiring New Skills \u0026 Visualizing Emerg...","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":114,"score":0,"slideshowId":"273593293","sourceName":"LATEST","strippedTitle":"alzheimer-s-disease-case-conference-acquiring-new-skills-visualizing-emerging-strategies-for-the-era-of-amyloid-targeting-therapies","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"Chair and Presenter, Prof. Dr. med. Alexander Drzezga, Satoshi Minoshima, MD, PhD, and Prof. Silvia Daniela Morbelli, MD, PhD, discuss Alzheimer’s disease in this EBAC/CME/AAPA/IPCE activity titled “Alzheimer’s Disease Case Conference: Acquiring New Skills \u0026 Visualizing Emerging Strategies for the Era of Amyloid-Targeting Therapies.” For the full presentation, downloadable Practice Aids, and complete EBAC/CME/AAPA/IPCE information, and to apply for credit, please visit us at EBAC/CME/AAPA/IPCE credit will be available until December 11, 2025.","tags":["ebac","cme","aapa"],"url":"","userLogin":"PeerView","userName":"PVI, PeerView Institute for Medical Education","viewCount":88},{"algorithmId":"4","displayTitle":"Coronary circulation - LAD, LCX and RCA.pptx","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":28,"score":0,"slideshowId":"273633449","sourceName":"LATEST","strippedTitle":"coronary-circulation-lad-lcx-and-rca-pptx","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"coronary arteries are the blood vessel that supplies blood to the heart. this presentation provide insight of the same ","tags":["heart","coronary circulation","left anterior descending arter"],"url":"","userLogin":"VarunMahajani","userName":"VarunMahajani","viewCount":181},{"algorithmId":"4","displayTitle":"Dr Ayman Seddik -Assessment of glomerular and tubular functions tips for prac...","isSavedByCurrentUser":false,"pageCount":33,"score":0,"slideshowId":"273730811","sourceName":"LATEST","strippedTitle":"dr-ayman-seddik-assessment-of-glomerular-and-tubular-functions-tips-for-practicing-nephrologist-pptx","thumbnail":"\u0026height=600\u0026fit=bounds","description":"Assessment of glomerular and tubular functions tips for practicing Nephrologist.","tags":["assessment of glomerular and t"],"url":"","userLogin":"aymanseddik1","userName":"Ayman Seddik","viewCount":60}]},"secretUrl":"ijnqoTStcqH5Bm","shouldShowAds":true,"slides":{"host":"","title":"AHSN-Impact-Report-2015-16","imageLocation":"ahsnimpactreport05-160613142654","imageSizes":[{"quality":85,"width":320,"format":"jpg"},{"quality":85,"width":638,"format":"jpg"},{"quality":75,"width":2048,"format":"webp"}]},"smsShareUrl":"sms:?body=Check out this SlideShare :","strippedTitle":"ahsn-impact-report-201516-63010256","thumbnail":"\u0026height=640\u0026fit=bounds","title":"AHSN Impact Report 2015-16","totalSlides":15,"transcript":["Improving health\nand promoting\neconomic growth\nAcademic Health Science Networks:\nImpact report 2016\n ","2 |\nOverview\nAcross England, there are 15 Academic Health Science Networks\n(AHSNs). We were established by NHS England in 2013 to spread\ninnovation at pace and scale in order to improve health and generate\neconomic growth.\nAs the only bodies that connect NHS and academic organisations, local\nauthorities, the third sector and industry, we are catalysts that create\nthe right conditions to facilitate change across whole health and social\ncare economies, with a clear focus on improving outcomes for patients.\nThis means we are uniquely placed to identify and spread health\ninnovation quickly and at serious levels, by driving the adoption and\nspread of innovative ideas and technologies across large populations.\nContents\nImpact Report 2016 | 3\nForeword 4\nWhat AHSNs do 4-5\nIntroduction from the Chair of The AHSN Network 5\nOur collective impact 6-10\nAddressing the NHS’s three biggest challenges:\n•\t The health and wellbeing gap\n•\t The care and quality gap\n•\t The finance and efficiency gap\n11-14\n15-18\n19-20\nDriving economic growth\t 21-25\nContact details and regional footprint\t 26-27\nAcknowledgements 28\n“\n”\nThis is the story of what we are doing\nand how we are doing it. We hope\nyou will find it useful, and use it often.\nThe AHSN Network - collective impacts\nin numbers\n•\t £20 million support for\nbusinesses through the SBRI\nHealthcare programme\n•\tEnabling 33,000 patients to\nself-manage with Flo Simple\nTelehealth\n•\t 3 million patients benefiting\nfrom innovations via the NHS\nInnovation Accelerator\n•\t More than 800 jobs created\nor safeguarded\n•\tRunning 15 Patient Safety\nCollaboratives, which are\npreventing avoidable harm\n•\tSupporting 7 test bed sites,\nwhich link industry into the\nNHS and improve outcomes\nfor citizens\n•\t Supported over 500 new\nproducts or services to\nbe co-developed and /\nor supported into the NHS\n•\t At least 365 strokes, one\nevery day, prevented by our\nwork, saving lives, reducing\ndisability and saving almost\n£8.5m to the NHS and social\ncare\n ","Impact Report 2016 | 54 |\nForeword\nIntroduction from the Chair\nof The AHSN Network\nAs our Academic Health Science Networks, or\nAHSNs across England enter the fourth year of\noperation, we are delighted to work together\nto present our second national impact report.\nThis report demonstrates the depth and\nbreadth of our work – not just within our own\nareas, but also our collaborations to address\nissues of national importance.\nI am often asked, ‘what role do AHSNs play\nin the health system?’ Our remit is clear: we\nconnect NHS and academic organisations, local\nauthorities, the third sector and industry. We\ndo this to help create the right conditions to\nachieve change across whole health and social\ncare economies, with a clear and consistent\nfocus on citizens, service users and patients.\nAlongside transforming services through\ninnovation, we play an important role in\ngenerating economic growth. As examples:\nwe enable companies to grow and create\njobs by supporting the NHS and industry to\nengage productively; and by meeting the\nhealth needs of our populations, we help\npeople keep well and in work.\nEach AHSN works within its own area to\ndevelop projects that meet the diversity of their\nlocal populations and healthcare challenges.\nCrucially, AHSNs also work together on key\nareas which include promoting economic\ngrowth; diffusing innovation; medicines\noptimisation; improving quality and patient\nsafety; putting research into practice; and\nnational programmes, such as SBRI Healthcare\nand the NHS Innovation Accelerator.\nThis report details our progress in these and\nother areas, where we are working closely\ntogether to explore opportunities around\nspecific health challenges (such as the use\nof digital tools to enhance patient activation\nand atrial fibrillation).\nAcross England, AHSNs are helping to implement\nthe NHS Five Year Forward View. This impact\nreport provides examples of where we have made\nprogress under each of the Forward View themes,\nand where we are delivering on economic growth.\nOur message for this report? On our own,\nwe are strong: delivering new innovations into\nthe NHS, improving patient experience and\nenabling economic growth for our regions.\nTogether, we are making a huge collective\nimpact for the wider health system, united by\nthe common goal of making care better for\ncitizens, service users and patients.\nDelivering the Five Year Forward View requires\nradical care redesign within and across local\nsystems. It involves changing the gearing\nbetween formal care and mobilising the\npotential of patients and their communities to\nstay healthy and well. It means realising the\npotential of technology and data to change\ncare delivery models. It is also about engaging\nand organising the NHS workforce very\ndifferently, in new roles as part of new teams.\nThis report illuminates how AHSNs are right\nin the thick of supporting these changes to\ncreate a more sustainable NHS. They are\nproviding a safe and expert place in their\ngeographies to unlock innovation.\nUniquely, AHSNs connect industry partners,\nuniversities, local communities and the\nNHS to speed up the initial take up and\nsubsequent spread of innovations. In doing\nthis, their mission is not just to benefit the\nNHS but directly and demonstrably to support\neconomic growth and create jobs.\nAHSNs will remain an important part of the\nhealth and care landscape. The opportunity\nand challenge for each individual network, as\nwell as for all networks working as a collective,\nis to build on the progress they have made to\ndate, by creating the greatest possible value\nfor the patients, communities, NHS partners\nand the taxpayer.\nDr Liz Mear, Chair of The\nAHSN Network and Chief\nExecutive of the Innovation\nAgency (Academic Health\nScience Network for the\nNorth West Coast)\nIan Dodge, National Director\nfor Commissioning Strategy,\nNHS England\nWhat AHSNs do What AHSNs do\nAHSNs are flexible regional organisations.\nWe have a small staff base but use our\nextended networks across regions to achieve\ngreat impacts for our partners. Our impact\nrests in our ability to bring people, resources\nand organisations together quickly, delivering\nbenefits that could not be achieved without\nthese connections.\nEach AHSN works within its own geographical\narea to develop projects and programmes\nwhich reflect the diversity of our local populations\nand healthcare challenges. However, we all share\nthe following priorities:\n•\t Promoting economic growth: fostering\nopportunities for industry to work effectively\nwith the NHS.\n•\t Diffusing innovation: creating the right\nenvironment, and supporting collaboration\nacross boundaries, to adopt and spread\ninnovation at pace and scale.\n•\t Improving patient safety: using our\nknowledge, expertise and networks to\nbring together patients, healthcare staff\nand partners to determine priorities and\ndevelop and implement solutions.\n•\t Optimising medicine use: ensuring that\nmedication is used to its maximum benefit\n– improving safety and making efficient\nuse of NHS resources.\n•\t Improving quality and reducing variation:\nby spreading best practice, we increase\nproductivity and reduce variation, which\nshould improve patient outcomes.\n•\t Putting research into practice: our strong\nlinks with academia mean we are uniquely\nplaced to support the translation of\nresearch into clinical practice.\n•\t Collaborating on national programmes:\nour unified programmes focus on delivery\nof the SBRI Healthcare initiative supporting\nsmall-to-medium enterprises, the NHS\nInnovation Accelerator, Patient Safety\nCollaboratives and medicines optimisation.\nOur licence from NHS England sets our four\nbroad objectives:\n•\t Focus on the needs of patients and\nlocal populations.\n•\t Build a culture of partnership and\ncollaboration.\n•\t Speed up adoption of innovation into\npractice to improve clinical outcomes\nand patient experience.\n•\t Create wealth through co-development,\ntesting, evaluation and early adoption.\n ","Our collective impact Our collective impact\n•\t AliveCor - a highly effective mobile heart\nmonitor that detects heart arrhythmias,\nincluding instantly highlighting AF in\nelectrocardiograms. Being adopted by\nthe Innovation Agency, Oxford, Imperial\nCollege Health Partners, UCLPartners and\nNorth East and North Cumbria AHSNs.\n•\t Increasing anticoagulation rates in\nLondon – following success in Camden in\n2014, London AHSNs are working together\nwith GP practices across London. Based\non early results, 70-90 lives will be saved\nand almost £700,000 in added value will\nbe delivered to the NHS (net health cost)\neach year.\n•\t The AF landscape tool - providing data\nto influence decision-makers and\nmonitor the progress of improvement.\nLed by Greater Manchester AHSN and\nis supported by powerful infographics,\nprovided by East Midlands AHSN.\n•\t Healthy Futures – a commissioning\nstrategy leading to an additional 1,940\npatients receiving anticoagulation in\njust seven months. Led by Yorkshire\n\u0026 Humber AHSN.\nTelehealth and digital\ntechnology\nNew technologies can help the NHS in many\nways, such as self-management, remote\nmonitoring and access to interventions,\ntherapies or GPs. People who feel empowered\nand confident to take an active role in their\nhealthcare will have improved outcomes.\nOne hugely successful example is Flo Simple\nTelehealth. This system is helping to support\npeople and increase patient activation.\nThe Flo system uses text messages to support\npeople to manage their own health and\nwellbeing. Flo can help people in many different\nways: to manage diabetes; to live with chronic\nobstructive pulmonary disease; and even to\nbreastfeed.\nThree AHSNs (East Midlands, North East and\nNorth Cumbria and West Midlands) have helped\nto secure funding for trials, evaluation and\nfurther investment.\nThis system has now been widely adopted\nacross the UK, reaching over 70 health and\nsocial care organisations with 33,000 patients\nregistered for a wide range of conditions, using\nclinically-approved pathways: an increase\nfrom 11,000 registered patients in 2015. It is\neven in use in the USA as part of a healthcare\nprogramme for military veterans, and is being\ntaken on as a national AHSN theme.\nAnother example is Digital Health.London, a\nvirtual digital institute to help provide a single\nway into London’s NHS for small-to-medium\nsized digital enterprises and to increase uptake\nof digital innovation in healthcare across the\ncapital. This work is a collaboration between\nthe Health Innovation Network, Imperial College\nHealth Partners, UCLPartners, MedCity and the\nNHS England Digital team.\nNational sharing on\nmental health\nWe ran our first intra-AHSN learning event\nfocused on mental health in March 2016.\nExamples of AHSN mental health projects\ninclude:\n•\t Bradford checklist toolkit – expanding\nthe use of checklists to improve the quality\nof physical health checks for people with\nserious and enduring mental illness:\nYorkshire \u0026 Humber AHSN.\n•\t iTHRIVE - a comprehensive new approach\nto child and adolescent mental health\nservices, rolling out to 11 NHS Innovation\nAccelerator sites: UCLPartners.\n•\t DeAR GP and House of Memories - two\napproaches to improve training, screening\nand empathy in dementia care, particularly\nin care homes: Health Innovation Network\nand the Innovation Agency.\n•\t RAID - an effective whole system approach\nto prevention of mental health crisis: West\nMidlands AHSN.\n•\t MINDSet - a quality improvement toolkit\nfor mental health: West of England AHSN.\nImpact Report 2016 | 76 |\nThe system needs to network its best practice collaboratively across\nall health economies: AHSNs are a means to that end.\n“It is no secret that the NHS\nis under extreme pressure\nto deliver sustainable\ntransformation over the\nnext few years. Demand is\nincreasing, and funding is\ntight. Against this backdrop,\nI remain strongly committed\nto the AHSNs, and to ensuring\nthey help drive the uptake of\ninnovation which is so critical\nto our future. Theirs is a unique\noffering, initiated by the NHS\nin the knowledge that this\nwould be a new way to bring\nthe benefits of innovation to\npatients and to population\nhealth more generally.\nI am encouraged by the\nindividual and collective work of\nthe AHSNs since their inception,\nand their achievements to\ndate which this report clearly\nillustrates. I look forward to their\ncontinuing development and\ncontribution to the priorities\nidentified in the Forward View\nand successive NHS Business\nPlans over future years.”\nThe Five Year Forward View, published in 2015\nidentified three gaps that must be closed\nin order to deliver health and care provision\nin England; health and wellbeing; care and\nquality; and finance and efficiency.\nAHSNs developed a range of projects that seek\nto better tackle these gaps. While these projects\nhave started in individual regions, we have actively\nshared outcomes and methodologies among\nthe AHSN Network to expand impact and help\nachieve spread. This includes work around stroke\nprevention and the use of digital technology.\nIn this section, we show how AHSNs have\nenabled the work’s impact to extend well\nbeyond a single region.\nTargeting illnesses -\natrial fibrillation\nAtrial fibrillation, or AF causes irregular or\nabnormally fast heart rate and it affects around\none million people in the UK. AF markedly\nincreases the risk of having a stroke - a major\ncause of death and disability - and this can be\nreduced by using anticoagulation medication.\nIf AF patients who needed it took the correct\nmedication, almost 12,000 strokes could be\navoided each year.\nAcross the AHSN Network diagnosis and\nmanagement of AF is a major focus and through\nour Improvement Directors Forum formed the\nAHSN Network AF Community to spread and\nadopt the work nationally. The AF Community\naspires to prevent an additional 4,500 strokes\nin people over the next five years.\nExamples of work advancing in this area include:\n•\t Don’t Wait To Anticoagulate - quality\nimprovement programme, which supports\nprimary care to reduce the burden of AF-\nrelated stroke. This programme is increasing\nrates of anticoagulation, and optimises\ntherapy for AF patients unstable on current\nmedication. Led by West of England AHSN.\nSir Malcolm Grant,\nChairman, NHS\nEngland\n ","Our collective impact Our collective impact\nAccelerated Access\nReview\nCollectively, AHSNs are supporting the\ngovernment’s Accelerated Access Review\nwhich aims to speed up access to transformative\nhealth technology that can change the lives of\nNHS patients, service users and citizens. AHSNs\nhave been identified as one of the factors which\nwill drive and enable the review. We have helped\nthe review take place, participated in a sub\ngroup working directly with the Office of Life\nSciences and we have supported a wide range\nof events to gain comments on the review from\na range of partners.\nTest beds\nAHSNs are supporting the test beds announced\nby Simon Stevens at the World Economic\nForum in Davos in January 2016. Test beds are\ntaking place across the UK to test the impact\nof “combinatorial innovation”. In these seven\nlocalities, frontline health and care workers\nare pioneering and evaluating the use of novel\ncombinations of different technologies and\ninnovations in service delivery. This might be\na new model for people with dementia that\ncombines wearable devices linked into mobile\ntechnology, implemented alongside tech-\nenabled housing with new roles helping support\nthem stay well at home. Successful innovations\nwill then be available for other parts of the\ncountry to adopt and adapt to the particular\nneeds of their local populations.\nAll of the test beds involve AHSNs. These are;\n1.\t The Long Term Conditions Early\nIntervention Programme: Greater\nManchester AHSN.\n2.\t RAIDPlus integrated mental health urgent\ncare test bed: West Midlands AHSN.\n3.\t Diabetes Digital Coach: West of England\nAHSN.\n4.\t Care City: a London-based project to\nenable implementation and evaluation\nof nine innovations that will improve\ncare delivered to people with long-term\nconditions, improve the experience of\npeople with dementia, and improve\nresilience of carers.\n5.\t Lancashire and Cumbria Innovation\nAlliance - supporting the frail elderly\nand people with long term conditions\nto remain well: Innovation Agency.\n6.\t Perfect Patient Pathway - improved\ncare for people suffering from long term\nconditions: Yorkshire \u0026 Humber AHSN.\n7.\t Technology Integrated Health\nManagement for Dementia - using\ntechnology to improve the quality of life\nfor people with dementia: Kent Surrey\nSussex AHSN. The 5G centre in Guildford,\nwhich is part of the test bed consortium\nled by Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS\nFoundation Trust, was highlighted at the G7\nSummit in Japan in April by the Information\nand Communication Technology Ministers,\nindicating the worldwide interest in its\ndevelopment.\nPlace-based planning\nAHSNs are supporting change across the health\nand care landscape, driving innovation at a\nrange of levels – local, regional and national.\nAll parts of the country are currently engaged\nin creating collaborative Sustainability and\nTransformation Plans. AHSNs are playing\nan active role in supporting development of\nthese plans and will be central to successful\nimplementation.\nAs neither commissioners nor providers,\nAHSNs have a unique role in systems as\nan honest broker. AHSNs are experts in\nimplementation and have the knowledge,\nrelationships and resources to operate credibly\nat a micro-level with regional partners to\nunderstand issues at a granular level, and\nimportantly to help solve them.\nVanguards\nNHS England has identified 50 vanguard sites\nfor the new care models programme. AHSNs\nare collaborating with their local vanguards and\nthe patients they serve in a wide range of ways\nto help support improvement and integration of\nservices, and advance the introduction of new\nmodels of care.\nImpact Report 2016 | 98 |\nNHS Innovation\nAccelerator\nThe role of the AHSNs in driving innovation is\nfeatured in the 2016/17 NHS England Business\nPlan: “During 2016/17 we will support our\nAcademic Health Science Networks to help\ndrive the uptake of innovation in the NHS at\nlocal and regional level” (p48).\nIn 2015/16 UCLPartners, East Midlands,\nYorkshire \u0026 Humber, the Innovation Agency\nand Imperial College Health Partners AHSNs\nwere partners in delivering the NHS Innovation\nAccelerator (NIA) programme. To date, some of\nthe NIA’s key achievements include:\n•\t Three million patients are benefiting\nfrom new innovations, including: apps,\nsafety devices, online networks, and a host\nof other new technologies and services.\n•\t Supporting 17 fellows to scale their\ntried and tested innovations through the\nprogramme, which involves mentorship\nfrom seasoned healthcare innovators.\n•\t Generating almost £8 million in\ninvestment (primarily through the private\nsector and charities).\n•\t Signing contracts with 66 NHS\norganisations, representing 14% of\nthe NHS.\nThe role of AHSNs has been noted by the NIA\nprogramme: “The country’s 15 AHSNs have\nassisted in getting the innovations adopted\ninto clinical practice.” In 2016/17 all AHSNs\nwill continue to support the NIA.\n“There is a real need across\nthe NHS to speed up the\nprocess of innovation, from\ninitial invention right through\nto mass uptake of the most\nsuccessful across the health\nand care system. Together\nwith their mentors, who\nare some of the most high-\nprofile leaders in England,\nthe NIA fellows will provide\nmodels and lessons for us\nall in how to do that.”\nProfessor Sir Bruce Keogh, Medical\nDirector, NHS England\n“The support I am receiving\nfrom the Academic\nHealth Science Networks\nis invaluable. I have been\nthe only UK employee\nof AliveCor Ltd and for\nsole representatives it\nis extremely difficult to\naccess NHS organisations.\nI’m not aware of any other\norganisations that work\ntogether nationally and use\ntheir individual local networks\nto help industry innovators\nopen doors in this way.”\nFrancis White, NIA Fellow and EU\nGeneral Manager, AliveCor Ltd\n ","Our collective impact The health and wellbeing gap\nImpact Report 2016 | 1110 |\nSince our inception, AHSNs\nhave worked towards delivering\nimproved clinical outcomes\nand patient experience by\ncollaborating with multiple teams\nand organisations. We focus our\nefforts on significant health, care\nand wellbeing challenges in our\nregions, and can show successes\nin every area of England.\nThe health and wellbeing gap described by\nNHS England highlights diabetes and mental\nhealth as areas of concern. Below is a selection\nof case studies which demonstrate how we are\nbeginning to accelerate the closure of these\ngaps, and tackle other important challenges.\nDiabetes\nIn the UK, it is expected that by 2030 4.6 million\npeople will develop Type 2 diabetes, driven\nby increasing obesity. NHS England’s Annual\nReport 2014/15 estimates that £1 in every £10\nof NHS funding is spent on diabetes.\nHypoglycaemia care pathway for\npeople living with diabetes\nA hypoglycaemia pathway developed by South\nEast Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation\nTrust in collaboration with Merck Sharp \u0026 Dohme\nLimited, is being implemented across the\nentire Kent, Surrey and Sussex region with the\nassistance of Kent Surrey Sussex AHSN and\nthe South East Clinical Network. Patients were\nmissing out on education and intervention to\nprevent further 999 call-outs, following episodes\nof severe hypoglycaemia. Impacts from two pilot\nClinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) showed:\n•\t 15 fewer ambulance trips to hospital per\nmonth in North West Surrey and Surrey\nDowns CCGs.\n•\t Estimated savings in reduced admissions,\nemergency medicine costs and call-outs of\n£317,925 for the two CCGs in nine months.\n•\t Savings could exceed £650,000 through\nswift follow-ups and improved self-care.\nKent Surrey Sussex AHSN is working with clinical\nleads and commissioning managers in CCGs to\nimplement the new pathway to suit their locally\ncommissioned services and to integrate it into\nfuture diabetes services. The South East Coast\nAmbulance Service NHS Foundation Trust is\nnow using new blood glucose meters, supplied\nby Nova Biomedical, to ensure accurate blood\nglucose readings, which are fed back to GPs\nand are improving communication.\nThe project was shared with the Health\nInnovation Network, and following work with the\nLondon Ambulance Service NHS Trust a new\nhypoglycaemic pathway that meets the National\nInstitute for Health and Care Excellence diabetes\nQuality Standard 15 is now being implemented.\nThe Diabetes Improvement\nCollaborative\nThe Health Innovation Network has undertaken\nwork in South London which is improving\noutcomes for people with Type 1 diabetes.\nThe national insulin pump audit showed\nthat only 6% of people with Type 1 were\nusing National Institute for Health and Care\nExcellence recommended pump therapy, even\nthough evidence indicated that 15-20% of\npatients could benefit. In South London uptake\nof insulin pumps was between 3% and 15%.\nThe Collaborative consists of ten secondary\ncare diabetes teams and more than 60\nhealthcare professionals, pump\nmanufacturers and people with\nType 1 diabetes, focusing\non improving access to\ntechnologies and patient\neducation. Results:\n•\t 350 more patients\ngained access to\npump therapy.\n•\t Insulin pump uptake\nincreased by\n30.8% thanks to the\nCollaborative.\n•\t Pump usage across\nSouth London in April\n2016 was 11.9% (UK\naverage 6%).\n•\t Sustainable plans are in place\nto reach at least 15% of Type 1\npatients by 2018.\nPatient safety and\nmedicines optimisation\nAHSNs lead a network of 15 Patient Safety\nCollaboratives to tackle the leading causes of\navoidable harm to patients. These collaboratives\nare tasked with empowering local patients and\nhealthcare staff to work together to identify\nsafety priorities and develop solutions.\nThese priorities are then implemented and\ntested within local healthcare organisations,\nbefore being shared nationally with the other\ncollaboratives. South West AHSN developed the\nLIFE quality improvement project documentation\nand sharing platform, which is now in active\nuse at six other AHSNs and their Patient Safety\nCollaboratives. For a full update on activity\nnationally visit and\ndownload the progress report.\nUsing the collaboratives, AHSNs are working\nwith NHS England and the Association of the\nBritish Pharmaceutical Industry to promote\nbest practice that ensures patients get the\nbest outcomes from medicines. Many AHSNs\nacross the country are carrying out ‘transfers\nof care’ projects within the medicines\noptimisation programme. (See p15-16).\n100,000 Genomes\nThis ground breaking NHS England led project\nwill sequence 100,000 genomes from around\n70,000 people and will be used to help deliver\npersonalised medicine and potentially deliver\nmore effective treatments for cancer and\nrare diseases. To support this project, 13\nNHS Genomic Medicine Centres have been\nestablished with a clear remit to:\n•\t Consent and recruit eligible patients.\n•\t Collect and process samples for extraction.\n•\t Collate data, validate and communicate\nwhole genome sequencing results.\nAHSNs are actively supporting delivery of this\nproject, including starting to build its legacy,\nhelping to form international collaborations\nand having significant impact on its pace\nand achievements. AHSN support has been \t\nmost valuable in building CEO awareness\nand engagement across the system and \t\nhelping to drive inward investment \t\t\nand strategic insight in mainstreaming\ngenomics for the future. AHSNs have also\nproved to be effective in communicating\ngenomics to the public. For instance, West\nMidlands AHSN has spread the message\nacross the region and supported collaboration\nacross 18 acute trusts involved via three\nGenomics Medicine Ambassadors, as well\nas through co-ordinated public involvement\nand communications. The Health Innovation\nNetwork has brought Macmillan Cancer Support\nand Genetic Alliance UK into a partnership with\nacute trusts and university partners to shape the\nway patients and their families are supported\nand guided through the project. Imperial Health\nCollege Partners, the Innovation Agency and\nWest Midlands AHSNs ran regional consultation\nworkshops on behalf of NHS England to advise\non the next stages of the project.\n“The UK is already a leader in\ngenomic technologies and the\nworld renowned structure of\nthe NHS allows us to deliver\nthese advances at scale and\npace for patient benefit. I’m\ndelighted that AHSNs have\nstepped up to the challenge\nand are providing a growing\nlevel of support to the project.\nI am sure they will make a\nhighly valuable contribution\nto ensuring we achieve our\ngoals.”\nProfessor Sue Hill, Chief Scientific\nOfficer for England\nMartyn Hicks Photography, courtesy of Yorkshire \u0026 Humber AHSN\n ","The health and wellbeing gap The health and wellbeing gap\nImpact Report 2016 | 1312 |\nIndividual placement and\nsupport - helping people into\nemployment\nIndividual placement and support is an\nevidence-based approach to supporting people\nwith severe and enduring mental illness to get\nemployment or to stay in education or training.\nIt is consistently proving the most effective\napproach to helping people who want to work.\nA RAND Europe economic analysis indicated\nan overall £1.59 benefit to the UK Exchequer\nfor every £1 spent on individual placement\nand support.\nThe East Midlands AHSN works with four\nmental health providers to ensure a consistent\napproach. A study by NIHR Collaboration for\nLeadership in Applied Health Research and\nCare East Midlands to implement individual\nplacement and support in Nottingham showed\nthat 59% of service users were able to attain\npaid work or work-related opportunities.\nThe project is reducing variation, assisting\nwith navigating complex commissioning\narrangements, and engaging the national\nCentre for Mental Health. Greater Manchester\nis now looking to develop a similar project.\nEarly intervention in psychosis\npathway\nImperial College Health Partners worked with\nlocal teams and service users to co-design\nand deliver a pathway for early intervention\nin psychosis, adopted by all North West\nLondon mental health providers. The AHSN’s\ninvolvement was instrumental in supporting\nlocal teams to adhere with National Institute for\nHealth and Care Excellence guidance on waiting\ntimes for mental health patients, and to collect\nand share clinical data that enabled service\nuser outcomes to be measured against targets\nfor delivering evidence-based care. Imperial\nCollege Health Partners also supported the\nco-design process for a new portal, Patients\nKnow Best, enabling service users to access\ntheir clinical records and share their information\nat the point of care. Results:\n•\t Provider oversight of patient care records\nand waiting time data across institutional\nboundaries.\n•\t Reduced referral time to assessment –\naverage patient seen within 2.2 weeks,\ndown from an average of 7.7.\n•\t Creation of a patient-based portal,\nenabling service users to access their\nmedical records and manage their care.\n•\t Increased access to services for patients.\nThe pathway has been adapted and adopted\nby Wessex AHSN (TRIumPH - Treatment and\nRecovery In PsycHosis), with interest from\nYorkshire \u0026 Humber, West of England, South\nWest and North East and North Cumbria AHSNs.\n“Congratulations on this\ngreat work. Type 1 is a\nreally important area and\nI am hugely grateful for the\nfocus you are bringing to\nthe diabetes space.”\nProfessor Jonathan Valabhji, National\nClinical Director for Obesity and\nDiabetes, NHS England\nNHS Diabetes Prevention\nProgramme\nThe NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme was\nannounced in 2015 and the first wave covers\n26 million people in 11 of the 15 AHSN regions.\nLocal health services will work with their chosen\nprovider/s to deliver a service for their area.\nTwo AHSNs, Health Innovation Network and\nEast Midlands played an integral part in their\nlocal tendering processes supporting providers\nwith their bids for the framework.\n“Thank you for your support.\nI can confidently say that we\nwould have not secured this\nwithout the skill, expertise\nand perseverance from East\nMidlands AHSN. We are very\nfortunate to have this level\nof expertise to help us in the\nEast Midlands.”\nMelanie J Davies CBE, MB ChB MD\nFRCP FRCGP, Professor of Diabetes\nMedicine and NIHR Senior Investigator\nMental Health\nPeople with severe mental ill health have a\nreduced life expectancy of 15-20 years, with an\nestimated annual cost to the economy of £105\nbillion.\nPeople recovering from mental\nillness – using robust evidence to\nsupport change\nThe Oxford AHSN Anxiety and Depression\nClinical Network increased recovery rates\nby 10%. These improvements came from\ncomprehensive data collection, accessing high-\nquality research; identifying patient outcome\nthemes; and putting the right training in place.\nAn independent return on investment\nassessment by the Office of Health Economics\nand Rand Europe concluded that: “The project\nhas led to an estimated net saving of\n£750,000 of NHS money, mainly through\nreductions in physical healthcare needs,\nand has helped an estimated 384 additional\npeople return to work. The Oxford AHSN has\ntherefore added significant value in this area,\nby improving patient lives, cutting NHS costs,\nand contributing to the wider economy.”\nAn additional 3,199 patients have been helped\nto recovery, with recovery rates consistently\nin the high end of the 50% range\n(the national average is approximately\n45%). Oxford AHSN is running\na series of ‘how we did it’\nworkshops for NHS\nEngland nationally.\n ","The care and quality gap\nImpact Report 2016 | 1514 |\nThe NHS is recognising the\nimportance of reducing variation,\ndelivering value, supporting\nnew care models/vanguards and\nthe use of digital technology\nin healthcare. The following\nexamples reference these areas.\nHarnessing digital\ntechnology\nFARSITE – rapid searching web\napplication\nGreater Manchester AHSN and the Greater\nManchester Clinical Research Network (GMCRN)\nare accelerating health innovation through\nhelping researchers and clinicians improve the\nway data is handled and studies are planned\nand conducted. FARSITE was developed by\nNorthWest EHealth, a partnership between\nthe University of Manchester, Salford Royal\nNHS Foundation Trust and Salford Clinical\nCommissioning Group. The tool confidentially\nfinds and contacts groups of patients in\na population. It can be used to gauge the\nfeasibility of and to recruit for clinical trials,\nmedicines reviews, and also used for risk\nstratification. Results:\n•\t Operational across the four northern\nAHSNs, covering over 1.3 million patients.\n•\t Greater Manchester outperforms all other\nregions of the country for recruitment to life\nsciences trials as a consequence of FARSITE,\nfor example, more than 4,500 people from\n33 GP surgeries with were recruited to a\ncare evaluation programme within 16 weeks\nwith FARSITE.\n•\t Hitachi is building FARSITE into their large-\nscale diabetes prevention programme, as it\ncan rapidly establish which patients should\nbe targeted for preventative therapy.\n•\t Greater Manchester is currently reviewing\nwhether FARSITE could be used to screen\nhigh-risk patients and help GPs target\ntherapeutic interventions for stroke\nprevention.\n•\t In the last 12 months, the GMCRN has\ncompleted more than 250 feasibility\nsearches for industry and academia\nstudies in primary care.\n•\t After rolling out in Lancashire, FARSITE is\nalso being extended across the Innovation\nAgency’s entire geography over the next\ntwo years.\nTransfers of care using e-referrals\nand medicines adherence –\nimproving patient safety and\noutcomes\nWe know that things can go wrong when\npatients need to move between settings,\nsometimes leading to readmissions, poorer\noutcomes and poor patient experience. Good\nreferral of care regarding medicines from\nhospital to community pharmacy is helping\nto change this.\nBased on evaluation from Wessex AHSN\nin the Isle of Wight, an electronic referral\ntemplate using PharmOutcomes is resulting\nin readmissions being halved, and on average\nfour beds saved per medicines review.\nAHSNs collaborated to agree a common\ndata set for referrals and data collection to\nsupport evaluation of these new pathways,\nwhich have now been endorsed by the Royal\nPharmaceutical Society and are available for\nall AHSNs to use.\nThe health and wellbeing gap\nFaecal Microbiota Transplantation\n- effective treatment of recurrent\nClostridium Difficile Infections\nWessex AHSN supported the creation of a\nFaecal Microbiota Transplantation bank in\nPortsmouth through their Innovation and Wealth\nCreation Accelerator Fund. Transplantation is the\nNational Institute for Health and Care Excellence\nrecommended provision of screened faecal\nmatter via a nasal tube into the small intestine,\nrestoring the balance of bacteria in patients.\nThis is tackling Clostridium Difficile infections,\nwhich are a major cause of mortality. Each\ninfection costs £5,000-10,000, with an average\nlength of stay of 27 days and 22% chance of\nrelapse. Around 2,500 people die from infections\neach year.\nWessex AHSN helped overcome the many\nlogistical issues involved in the process, which\nwas previously a major barrier to diffusion and\nspread. The first 23 patients have now received\na transplant and the service will reach 30\npatients within a year, with an expected cure\nrate of 94%. It can be expected to have saved\nnine lives in a year. The bank serves the region,\nincluding places as far afield as Jersey. It is a\ncentre of excellence, and work has started with\nthe South West AHSN and Exeter Hospital to\nincrease access for more patients.\nWorkplace wellness\nYorkshire \u0026 Humber AHSN has worked in\npartnership with Sheffield Hallam University\nand the National Centre for Sport and Exercise\nMedicine to roll out a highly effective workplace\nwellness programme to the NHS, public and\nprivate sectors. The ‘Working for a healthier\ntomorrow’ report stated that poor staff health\nand wellbeing is estimated to cost the UK\neconomy £100 billion a year. Public sector\norganisations have historically lost over eight\ndays of working time per employee due to\nsickness absence each year.\nThe programme provides staff health and wellbeing\nbenefits, reducing sickness absence and\nimproving attendance. Results from the pilot:\n•\t For every £1 spent on the programme, the\nNHS as an employer saved £3 in costs.\n•\t 45% were identified as having one or more\nrisk factors of cardiovascular disease\n(CVD), of which 42.9% improved their\nhealth by reducing at least one risk factor.\n•\t A health economics evaluation showed\nthat reductions in CVD risk factors are\nlinked to improved productivity and\noutcomes, with a potential return on\ninvestment of 302% - 571%.\nTwo local authority, seven NHS and three private\nsector organisations deliver the programme\nwhich is now being rolled out regionally.\nNottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, courtesy of East Midlands AHSN\n ","The care and quality gap The care and quality gap\nImpact Report 2016 | 1716 |\nIn the North East and North Cumbria AHSN,\nhospital pharmacy staff are using the system\nsuccessfully to refer patients to their community\npharmacist and the project is improving\ncommunication and assisting patients with\ntheir medicines. Results:\n•\t Six acute trusts are now making referrals\nto a potential 700 community pharmacies\nfor follow up support with their medication\nafter discharge from hospital.\n•\t More than 750 patients have now\nreceived follow-up support.\n•\t Community pharmacists reported that\nnearly 90% of patients had a better\nunderstanding of their medicines and\nwould be therefore more likely to adhere\nto their prescribed medicine regimes.\n•\t The project team has won two prestigious\nHSJ Awards in 2015, in the categories\nfor ‘Enhancing Care by Sharing Data and\nInformation’ and ‘Most effective adoption\nand diffusion of best practice’.\nThis work has been taken on and adapted by the\nSouth West AHSN, where existing services are\nbeing used in community pharmacy to support\npatients with their medicines following discharge\nfrom hospital. Improving these transfers of\ncare is helping patients better understand their\nmedicines, improve patient outcomes, increase\nadherence, and reduce readmissions and\nmedicines waste. They are working with Yeovil\nHospital and Somerset Local Pharmaceutical\nCommittee on the implementation, funding them\nto help develop a package that can be shared\nacross the South West and supporting The Royal\nCornwall Hospital to move to electronic referrals\ninstead of faxing.\n“Without your input, this\nservice most definitely\nwouldn’t have been as\ndynamic as it now is, and\ngoes far beyond what I had\nanticipated at the start of\nthis journey so thank you.”\nMatt Harvey, Chief Officer, Somerset\nLocal Pharmaceutical Committee\nNeurorehabilitation - e-referral\npathway improving patient care\nand reducing variation\nImperial College Health Partners has co-\ndesigned and implemented a new system to\nhelp overcome the fragmented rehabilitation\ncare pathway for acquired brain injury patients.\nThe previous pathway was difficult to navigate,\nas it relied on a complex system of referrals\nbetween multiple providers, delaying timely\nrehabilitation and overall negatively impacting\non patient experience and outcomes.\nImperial College Health Partners worked with\ncommissioners, providers, academia and NHS\nEngland London to co-design the new system.\nResults:\n•\t More accurate patient assessments\nthrough standardised provision of\ninformation on referral.\n•\t Time between patient referral and\nadmission to services reduced by almost\nhalf - 17.37 days to 9.78 days.\n•\t Reduced costs on average by £1,700 per\npatient and saved 482 acute bed days.\n•\t Staff satisfaction drastically improved,\nhaving previously been weighted towards\n1-3 out of 5, staff now report exclusively 3-5.\n•\t As a result of the programme’s success,\nthe eight referring Clinical Commissioning\nGroups have agreed to fund the initiative\ngoing forward, guaranteeing sustained\nimprovement.\nIncreasing patient access to\ninnovative treatments and\nclinical trials\nUCLPartners has partnered with Quintiles, the\nworld’s biggest clinical research organisation, to\nincrease access to clinical trials and innovative\ntreatments for over 4.2 million people in\nnorth central and east London and Essex.\nUCLPartners is now the highest performing\nQuintiles Prime Site in the world, with 619\npatients recruited to trials in 2015/16.\nThrough UCLPartners and the Clinical Research\nNetwork North Thames, hospital trusts in\nnorth central and east London harmonised\nthe approvals process and reduced the\naverage time taken to approve trials from 104\nto 17 days. The success of this work led to\nUCLPartners becoming a Quintiles Prime Site,\nmeaning they get first notification of all trials\ntaking place in Europe.\nPrime Site has now been extended to Essex,\nincreasing patient access to innovative treatment\nand supporting research capabilities. Results:\n•\t An additional one million people have\naccess to clinical trials since its expansion\nto Essex.\n•\t For every 100 patients recruited, trusts\nreceive an average of £1 million.\n•\t For every 100 patients recruited, trusts\nalso save approximately £6 million in costs\nof treatment if those patients were not on\ntrials and were accessing normal care.\n•\t UCLPartners is now replicating the model\nfor other companies.\n“We are proud to be working\nwith the team at UCLPartners\nto further enhance our\nability to recruit patients\nand investigators, who are\ncritical to an efficient and\neffective drug development\nprocess. We have gone from\nstrength to strength since\nthis relationship began, and\nwe are proud of what we have\nachieved together, for the\nbenefit of London as a whole.”\nLindy Jones, Chair of the Quintiles\nEurope, Middle East and Africa Board\nDementia memory clinics -\nthousands of patients are getting\nbetter care\nAll memory clinics in Oxford have been brought\nup to the standard of the best in the region\nthrough a comprehensive national accreditation\nprogramme. Memory clinics provide valuable\nsupport to people with dementia and their\ncarers. Having identified unwarranted\nvariations, Oxford AHSN appointed a specialist\nnurse to work with six different memory clinic\nteams. The aim was to bring them up to the\nstandard of the best through the Royal College\nof Psychiatrists (RCP) Memory Services National\nAccreditation Programme (MSNAP), which\nprovides a structured means of working and\nembeds consistent high standards. Results:\n•\t By January 2016, all six memory clinics\nthe Oxford AHSN worked with had been\naccredited by the RCP MSNAP, three of\nthem receiving an excellent rating.\n•\t Improvements have been embedded into\ndementia services, with benefits felt by\n8,500 patients and their carers, with lots of\npositive feedback.\n•\t Policies and procedures within memory\nclinics have been improved.\n•\t Multi-disciplinary and inter-agency working\nhas improved.\n ","The care and quality gap The finance and efficiency gap\nImpact Report 2016 | 1918 |\n“When we were first\nconsidering taking our\nmemory service through\nthe MSNAP review process,\nthe prospect was somewhat\ndaunting and overwhelming.\nWe were extremely grateful\nthat the Oxford AHSN was\nable to provide a very\nexperienced clinician to\nact as an overall lead.\"\nFrances Finucane, Team Manager,\nNorth Buckinghamshire Memory Clinic\nDeveloping a strong Board\nto improve safety culture –\nAQuA Programme\nNHS Boards hold the ultimate responsibility\nfor the quality and safety of care their\norganisation provides.\nThe Advancing Quality Alliance (AQuA)\nprogramme brings together Boards to explore\nhow their organisation currently measures and\nmonitors safety, using a proactive systems\napproach. Their Board development\nprogramme is consistently extremely\nhighly rated by delegates who\ninclude executive and non-\nexecutive directors coming\ntogether to learn how they\ncan more effectively provide\nthe top leadership for\nsafety in their organisation.\nEastern AHSN is developing a quality\nimprovement infrastructure to support\ncontinued service improvement and innovation.\nThe programme is based on the substantial\nexperience of AQuA in delivering a similar\nprogramme in the North West funded by the\nInnovation Agency and Greater Manchester\nAHSNs throughout the lifespan of the networks.\nUsing this experience existing programmes\nhave been tailored to meet Eastern AHSN's\nneeds based on virtual design testing with\nsystem leaders in the region.\nFive NHS trusts from across the East of\nEngland have participated in the programme,\nwith more planning to do so. East Midlands\nAHSN also approached AQuA to work with them\nto deliver a similar programme. Eastern and\nEast Midlands AHSNs have agreed a reciprocal\napproach, to allow trusts in either region to\naccess the most convenient dates. So far in\nthe East Midlands, the AHSN has enabled\nseven organisations to participate, with\na total of 72 senior staff attending two-\nday board development sessions. The West\nMidlands AHSNs is also investigating the\nuse of AQuA.\nAHSNs are assisting with closing\nthe finance and efficiency gap\nin many ways. Whether by\ndelivering direct savings through\nour programmes, supporting\ntest bed sites, making better\nuse of technology, leveraging\nnon-NHS funding or supporting\nscientific research and innovation,\nAHSNs are at the forefront of\ndelivering new ways of working\nand collaborations with diverse\npartners, with patients at the\nheart of our work.\nPatient safety - reducing falls,\nimproving safety, saving money\nFalls are estimated to cost the NHS more than\n£2.3 billion per year. Inpatient falls can lead to\nhip fractures and other injuries, while even falls\nwithout harm can lead to loss of confidence and\nincreased length of stay for patients. Yorkshire\n\u0026 Humber AHSN’s Improvement Academy is\nactively working with more than 66 frontline\nteams across 23 organisations to roll out\nthe Huddle Up for Safety Healthcare (HUSH)\nprogramme. Results:\n•\t The average step change reduction in\nfalls is 50%.\n•\t One ward moved from an average of one\nfall per week to repeatedly achieving 30\ndays between falls, and in some cases\nup to 60 days.\n•\t A preliminary health economics evaluation\nshowed a return on investment of 388% -\nsavings of £185,000.\n•\t £500,000 funding received from the Health\nFoundation’s Scaling Up initiative.\n•\t To date, 1,354 patients who would have\nfallen haven’t and £967,000 has been\nsaved from direct care costs.\n•\t The programme is being extended\nto include pressure ulcers, care of\ndeteriorating patients and reducing\ndelayed discharges.\n•\t A Falls Summit held with three other\nAHSNs had over 200 delegates.\n•\t Kent Surrey Sussex AHSN’s Patient Safety\nCollaborative is adopting the HUSH\napproach in their implementation work.\n“Huddles are the best thing\nwe’ve ever done.”\nAmy Hargreaves, Senior Sister, J46,\nLincoln Wing, Leeds Teaching Hospitals\nNHS Trust\nPolyPhotonix – light therapy mask\nimproving patient experience and\nsaving costs\nCurrent treatments for diabetic retinopathy\nare expensive and invasive, but sleep masks\nenhance patient experience as there is no\nneed for expensive injections and the condition\ncan be treated and monitored at home. It is\nestimated that savings of over £1 billion per\nyear could be made if this new non-invasive\ntechnology were rolled out across the UK.\nThe Noctura 400 mask is currently being sold\nprivately, and is in the process of National\nInstitute for Health and Care Excellence\napproval for use in the NHS.\nNorth East and North Cumbria AHSN supported\nlocal company PolyPhotonix, as it was new to\nworking with the NHS. The AHSN assisted them\nwith clinical trials and opening up routes to\nmarket. PolyPhotonix successfully bid for\nSBRI funding.\nNottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, courtesy\nof East Midlands AHSN\n ","Driving economic growthThe finance and efficiency gap\nImpact Report 2016 | 2120 |\nFollowing successful trials, the sleep mask\nis now commercially available with sales for\n2015/16 estimated to be in excess of £3 million.\nPolyPhotonix’s workforce is expected to triple\nover the next two years to 60 employees: jobs\ndirectly created as a result of SBRI funding. The\ncompany has secured approximately £2 million\nof additional investment, and North East and\nNorth Cumbria AHSN has worked closely with\nKent Surrey Sussex and South West AHSNs\nto extend the project’s reach through trials.\nIn addition the Innovation Agency has provided\nprocurement support to get the product into\nthe NHS.\n“There is no contest that\nI would choose the mask\nover the laser treatment.\nIt is easy to use, and removes\nany traumatic experience\nthat occurred when having\nmy eyes lasered. I still wear\nthe mask at night and would\nencourage anyone with\ndiabetes and suffering\nfrom retinopathy to do\nthe same.”\nAnonymous, patient\nSTarT Back – keeping patients\nwell and at work\nBack pain is the most common reason why\nmiddle-aged people visit their GP and indirect\neconomic costs to the UK are over £10 billion\na year (Pain Journal). It is the second most\ncommon reason for sickness absence, and for\npersistent disability and work loss in people\nunder 65. Some patients are over-treated,\nwhile others fail to get the right care.\nWest Midlands AHSN supported the wider\nadoption of STarT Back, a stratified care tool\nfor low back pain. Patients are screened for risk\nand placed into three risk groups, with matched\npathways to target the right treatment to the\nright patient. STarT Back has now been adopted\ninto several high quality clinical care pathways.\nResults:\n•\t Improved clinical outcomes and reduces\nback pain disability.\n•\t Reduced sickness absence, physiotherapy\nwait times, GP consultations, referrals to\nsecondary care and referrals for imaging.\n•\t Cost-effective, saving £34 per patient and\n£675 in societal costs.\n•\t AHSN support has meant that an additional\n18 community physiotherapy services\nnationally have adopted the STarT Back\napproach.\n•\t The Innovation Agency is rolling out the\ntool across their geography. More than 80\nGP practices in Liverpool have adopted\nthe tool so far.\n•\t At least eight CCGs across the UK are\nadopting the approach.\n•\t The STarT Back tool has been translated\ninto 12 languages.\n•\t The programme team is working with\nservices overseas, including Australia\nand the USA.\n•\t STarT Back has been included in the\nAllied Health Professional Musculoskeletal\ntoolkit, Map of Medicine and the Royal\nCollege of General Practitioners’ e-learning\nmodule.\n“The STarT Back tool\nrepresents a high-value\ntool - this is what we need\nmore of in the NHS.”\nSir Muir Gray, Director of the National\nKnowledge Service and Chief Knowledge\nOfficer, NHS England\nAHSNs bring together industry\npartners with the health and\nsocial care sectors, speeding up\ndevelopment of innovations and\ntheir uptake into practice. We\nhelp life sciences and healthcare\ntechnology companies navigate\nthe complex NHS marketplace,\ndriving economic growth by\ncreating an environment more\nconducive to effective working\nbetween industry and the health\nand social care sectors.\n“AHSNs connect academics,\nNHS, researchers and\nindustry to accelerate the\nadoption and diffusion of\ninnovation helping to catalyse\neconomic growth at the same\ntime as driving improvements\nin the quality and efficiency of\ncare. They are working with\npartners locally and nationally\nto develop innovation eco-\nsystems right across the\nNHS, so that innovation is\nchampioned by all - from\npatients to CEOs. Nationally,\nthey are core to the delivery\nof the Small Business\nResearch Initiative, National\nInnovation Accelerator\nprogramme and test beds -\nthree fundamental national\ndelivery platforms for\ninnovation.”\nGeorge Freeman, MP, Minister for Life\nSciences\nThe Innovation Pathway\n– supporting businesses\nevery step of the way\nAHSNs have developed the national Innovation\nPathway framework. This pathway clarifies our\noffer to all potential industry and enterprise\npartners. It articulates the offering from\nAHSNs and showcases our services to industry\nand to NHS innovators. Benefits include:\n•\t A consistent approach across AHSNs.\n•\t A single contact point: helping companies\nnavigate the complex health system.\n•\t Advice and access to expertise on issues\nsuch as evidence base, evaluation and\nmarket access.\n•\t Signposting to local partners and regional\nand national funding sources (such as the\nSBRI Healthcare programme) and support\nwithin the system for companies awarded\nfunding.\n ","Driving economic growthDriving economic growth\nEach AHSN will provide support along the\nInnovation Pathway for innovations of high\npotential in relation to local health needs and\nsupporting economic growth. This might be in\nterms of:\n•\t Stimulating inward investment.\n•\t Supporting the export of UK products.\n•\t Keeping people well and in work.\n•\t Increasing productivity.\nSome examples of our impacts on behalf of\ncompanies follow in this section. This is just a\nsmall selection and further details can be found\nat and individual\nAHSN websites.\nHelping Zilico with adoption of\ntheir ZedScan technology to help\ndetect cervical cancer\nThe ZedScan system uses measurement of\nelectrical resistance to help detect cervical\ncancer cells. It can identify patients who require\ntreatment at first visit, reducing the number of\ncervical biopsies performed and pin-pointing\nthe optimum site for biopsy.\nImpact Report 2016 | 2322 |\nAHSNs help companies and innovators\nnavigate a fragmented landscape.\nBESPOKE SERVICES COVERING THE ENTIRE\nINNOVATION LIFE CYCLE FROM CONCEPTION\nOF AN IDEA THROUGH TO ITS EVENTUAL\nREALISATION OF COMMERCIAL SUCCESS.\nTHE\nINNOVATION\nPATHWAY\nGreater Manchester AHSN helped the surgeon\ninventor win his first deal with an NHS trust.\nFollowing this, the National Institute for Health\nand Care Excellence developed a Medtech\nInnovation Briefing to encourage its wider\nuse. Central Manchester University Hospitals\nNHS Foundation Trust has procured a further\ncontract and as of March 2016, more than 1,570\npatient examinations had been completed in\nthe first adopting hospital trust. Clinical results:\n•\t A greatly improved and far less\ndistressing process for women with\ncervical cancer.\n•\t 40% reduction in the number of follow-up\nappointments in Sheffield.\n•\t Reduction in ‘over-treatment’ of patients as\na result of improved diagnostic capability.\n•\t 11% drop in the number of biopsies\nundertaken over the last two years.\n•\t Reduction in patient waiting times and\nimmediate results for patients.\n“The benefit to patients is that\nthey will get an immediate\nand objective result. It will\nreduce the need for biopsies,\nsparing patients a painful\nprocess often associated\nwith bleeding afterwards.”\nJohn Tidy, Professor of Gynaecological\nOncology, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals\nNHS Foundation Trust and Clinical\nFounder, Zilico Ltd\nLeanvation – speeding up the\nadoption of innovative surgical\ngloves\nThe Innovation Agency championed and\nassisted Leanvation, a manufacturer of\ninnovative latex-free surgical gloves, to break\nthrough barriers and join the NHS Supply\nChain (NSC). The AHSN helped the company\novercome rigorous processes and secure\nthree framework award contracts with Shared\nBusiness Services, Health Trust Europe and\nNSC.\nLeanvation surgical gloves are now available\nto all NHS trusts throughout the country.\nThe company recently received £500,000\nventure capital investment. Three jobs have\nbeen safeguarded and an additional six posts\nhave been created in this St Helens-based\nstart-up.\n“This is the breakthrough\nwe have been waiting for.\nIt is only as a result of the\nintervention of the AHSN’s\ncommercial team that we\nwere able to break through\nbarriers to joining NHS\nframeworks, such as a\nrequirement for a £1 million\nturnover.”\nDr Jonathan Day, Managing Director,\nLeanvation\nIntellectual\nProperty\nHealth\nEconomics\nMarkets\nCulture\nIdeas\nClinical Trials\nFinance\nAdoption\nSuccess\nBrokering\nCommercialisation\nEvaluation\n ","Driving economic growthDriving economic growth\nImpact Report 2016 | 2524 |\n“The SBRI Healthcare\ncompetition process enabled\nus to make a real difference\nin the care of long-term\nrespiratory disease. It\nhas been more than just\nfunding; without it, the novel\nproducts we are developing\nwould never have been\ndeveloped.”\nKevin Auton, Managing Director,\nAseptika\nOwlstone’s lung cancer\nbreathalyser – helping develop\na promising, early stage,\ntechnology\nOwlstone developed a handheld breathalyser\nwhich can detect early stage lung cancer. The\nlow-cost, non-invasive test has the potential to\nbe used in national screening programmes and\nprimary care settings. It could diagnose cancer\nearly, transforming survival rates and potentially\nsaving the NHS £245 million within three years,\nsaving 10,000 lives.\nThanks to using SBRI funding, using microchip\ntechnology originally developed to ‘sniff\nout’ explosives, Owlstone reprogrammed\nthe software to detect chemical biomarkers\nfound in the breath of people who have lung\ncancer. They collaborated with researchers\nand designers from across Europe to design\nuser-friendly breathalyser hardware. Eastern\nAHSN was able to connect the company to NHS\norganisations who wanted to trial and test their\ndiagnostic. Results so far:\n•\t Laboratory testing showed that the\nchemical sensor can detect all 12\nbiomarkers, potentially detecting lung\ncancer at an early stage.\n•\t The breathalyser is simple to use, and\nproduces a result in just 30 seconds.\n•\t If the test was used in a national screening\nprogramme, it could be used in around\n1.3 million tests each year.\n“Owlstone’s technology\nhas the potential to deliver\na quick and easy-to-use\nbreath test, and SBRI\nHealthcare funding is\nallowing us to turn that\npotential into a reality.”\nBilly Boyle, Co-Founder, Owlstone\nSBRI Healthcare\nSBRI Healthcare is both a funding initiative run\nby the AHSNs and the source of some of the\nclearest examples of the benefit to companies\nfrom interaction with the AHSNs. On behalf of\nNHS England, the AHSNs host this £20 million\nprogramme to develop innovative products\nthat address unmet health needs while creating\nUK-based industry and jobs.\nSBRI run competitions inviting companies\nto come forward with their ideas and new\ntechnologies. It offers a fast track to funding\nfor developing products matched to needs the\nNHS has specified. Critically, AHSNs provide\nsupport to companies by mobilising the\nexpertise available in their localities, before,\nduring and after the SBRI process. AHSNs are\nuniquely placed to assist with NHS evidence\nrequirements, market insights and adoption\nand procurement challenges. This approach\nis really delivering impact.\nLast year’s highlights include:\n•\t Six new clinically-led competitions to\nattract businesses’ interest.\n•\t 44 Phase 1 and 2 contracts awarded,\nwith a total value of £17.5 million.\n•\t 258 applications from industry assessed.\nImpact since NHS England funding\nbegan in 2012/13:\n•\t Approximately 250 jobs created or\nsafeguarded.\n•\t Annual savings forecast for 2013-15\n£723 million.\n•\t £56.7 million total funds awarded\n(Phases 1 and 2).\n•\t 181 contracts awarded (Phases 1, 2\nand 3) and 20 products already on\nthe market.\n“The biggest impact of\nSBRI funding has been in\naccelerating the commercial\nside of the business and\nconsiderably increasing\nthe pace of activity with\nthe NHS.”\nRichard Kirk, Chief Executive,\nPolyPhotonix\nAseptika - home test for\npredicting lung infection flare-ups\nAseptika developed the Activ8rlives self-care\nsystem and home-use sputum test to give\npatients with chronic obstructive pulmonary\ndisease (COPD) early warning of chest infections.\nThis means that they can be treated effectively\nat home and reduce unplanned hospital\nadmissions. Estimated savings to the NHS\ncould exceed £50 million each year (SBRI\nHealthcare website). It has also secured a US\npatent. Results:\n•\t Reliably predicts exacerbations 7-21 days\nbefore the patient would typically seek\nhelp.\n•\t Patients find the self-monitoring tools and\nActiv8rlives website easy to use (more than\n80,000 people have signed up), showing\nvery high adherence rates.\n•\t Aseptika was involved in the Eastern AHSN\nCOPD test bed bid, and has been selected\nas an innovation partner for the Sheffield\ntest bed site, where it will be integrating\nthe self-monitoring package into new\nrespiratory disease care pathways.\nAdvice from Eastern AHSN led to Aseptika\ngaining SBRI funding to develop its self-care\nsystem for people with COPD. Aseptika now\nfunds five full-time staff and two researchers,\nwith testing underway in Eastern and Wessex\nAHSNs.\n ","Contact details and regional footprint\nImpact Report 2016 | 2726 |\n@EM_AHSN\\n@TheEAHSN\\n@GM_AHSN\\n@HINSouthLondon\\n@innovationnwc\\n@Ldn_ICHP\\n@KSS_AHSN\\n@AHSN_NENC\\n@OxfordAHSN\\n@sw_ahsn\\n@UCLPartners\\n@WessexAHSN\\n@wmahsn\\n@WEAHSN\\n@AHSN_YandH\\\nEast Midlands\nEastern\nUCL\nPartners\nKent Surrey\nSussex\nImperial College\nHealth Partners\nWessex\nSouth West\nWest of\nEngland\nOxford\nGreater\nManchester\nWest\nMidlands\nInnovation\nAgency\nHealth\nInnovation\nNetwork\nYorkshire \u0026 Humber\nNorth East\nand North\nCumbria\nNote: East Lancashire\nHospitals NHS Trust\nsits with Greater\nManchester AHSN\n ","Author:\t Lucy Hose – East Midlands AHSN\nEditorial group:\t Cathy Young – South West AHSN\nSéamus O’Neill – North East and North Cumbria AHSN\nTara Donnelly – Health Innovation Network\nDesign:\t The Dairy –\nWith many thanks for contributions from the communications teams in every AHSN.\nThe header icons on pages 11 to 25 are created by Freepik at:\n© The AHSN Network\n "],"twitterShareUrl":"\","type":"document","slideDimensions":{"height":842,"width":595},"topReadSlides":[],"user":{"id":"85279655","isFollowing":false,"login":"WessexAHSN","name":"Health Innovation Wessex","occupation":"","organization":"Health Innovation Wessex","photo":"","photoExists":true,"shortName":"Health Innovation Wessex"},"views":524},"_nextI18Next":{"initialI18nStore":{"en":{"common":{"ad":{"fallbackText":"Ad for Scribd subscription","label":"Ad","close":"Close Ad","dismiss_in":"Dismiss in","ad_info_title":"Why are you seeing this?","ad_info_description":"We use ads to keep content free and accessible for everyone. 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