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var clipboard = new ClipboardJS('.clipboard-btn'); // Evaluation License Generation Actions // End Evaluation License Generation Actions $(function () { const thisUrl = window.location; const baseUrl = thisUrl .protocol + "//" +; // OIDC wrapper for API Key authentication var authClient = new AuthClient(wwwApiKey); var session = authClient.getDefaultSession(); // OPAL interface, params: OIDC client var, backend host & port, callbacks for incoming message and error callback // if callbacks not given behaviour is not defined var opal = new Opal(authClient, '', receiveMessage, errorHandler, { model: 'gpt-4o', // next three are to calibrate model, look at OpenAI docs. //model: 'gpt-4-turbo', top_p: 0.5, temperature: 0.2, //module: 'chat-help', // fine-tune module to init session, e.g. data-twingler-config, chat-help et.c see docs. module: 'www-support-assistant-config', functions: ['Demo.demo.execute_spasql_query'], // backend registered functions, can be added unless not given otherwise via module }); $('.stop').on ('click', function () { opal.stop(); $('#stop').hide(); $('#send').show(); }); var $currentMessage = undefined; // keep DOM element of the receiving message as it coming on chunks var currentText = undefined; var $messages = $('.messages'); // the messages list, shortcut function receiveMessage(role, chunk) { if (role === 'function' || role === 'tool' || role === 'function_response') { return; } if (role === 'notice'){ alert(chunk); return; } if (chunk === '[DONE]' || chunk === '[LENGTH]') { $currentMessage = undefined; currentText = undefined; $messages.find('.cursor').remove(); // <<< remove indicator $('.stop').toggleClass('d-none', true); // <<< enable stop button $('.stop').hide(); $('.send').show(); $messages.animate({ scrollTop: $messages.prop('scrollHeight') }, 0); $('.prompt').on ('click', sendPredefinedPrompt); $('#progress.agent-message').appendTo('.messages').hide(); } else if (!$currentMessage) { // this is first chunk of the answer currentText = chunk; $currentMessage = $('<div class="agent-message"></div>'); $currentMessage.html(md.render(currentText)); $messages.append($currentMessage); $messages.animate({ scrollTop: $messages.prop('scrollHeight') }, 0); $('<span class="cursor"></span>').insertAfter($currentMessage); /// <<< add indicator $('.stop').toggleClass('d-none', false); /// <<< disable stop button $('#progress.agent-message').hide(); // <<< enable progress text bubble $('.stop').show(); $('#clipboard-text').val($('#clipboard-text').val() + '\nassistant: ' + chunk); } else { // next chunk currentText = currentText + chunk; $currentMessage.html(md.render(currentText)); $messages.animate({ scrollTop: $messages.prop('scrollHeight') }, 0); $('#clipboard-text').val($('#clipboard-text').val()+chunk); } } function errorHandler (error) { // error handler, called by Opal() if something f goes wrong let $message = $('<div class="agent-message">'+error+'</div>'); $messages.append($message); } $('.open-btn').on('click', function(e) { // to open chat popup $('.open-btn').hide(); $('#opal-form').fadeIn(); 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// open a WebSocket and init session // however bind() the onOpen can't be detected synchronously, so we need to wait on timeout await waitConnect(); } if (text.length) { $('#send').hide(); $('#stop').show(); $messages.append ($(`<div class="user-message"><p>${text}</p></div>`)); $messages.animate({ scrollTop: $messages.prop('scrollHeight') }, 0); $('.prompt').off(); opal.send (text); $('#message_input').val(''); $('#clipboard-text').val($('#clipboard-text').val() + '\nuser: ' + text); $('#progress.agent-message').appendTo('.messages').show(); // <<< enable progress text bubble $messages.animate({ scrollTop: $messages.prop('scrollHeight') }, 0); } } // wrapper to handle predefined prompts async function sendPredefinedPrompt(e) { let text =; $('.questions').hide(); if ($('.open-btn:visible').length > 0) { $('.open-btn').hide(); $('#opal-form').fadeIn(); } // disable the predefined promps, can enable once this one complete console.log(text); sendPrompt (text); } $('.prompt').on ('click', sendPredefinedPrompt); $('.share-btn').on ('click', function () { opal.share('clipboard-link'); }); // the below is code to login/logout with OIDC client, can see more examples of it in SPA, OPAL etc. // the only specific thing is call to Opal().connect after login see vvv $('#loginID').click(authLogin); $('#logoutID').click(authLogout); async function authLogout() { let url = new URL(window.location.href); = ''; await authClient.logout(); location.replace(url.toString()); } async function authLogin() { let url = new URL(window.location.href).toString(); authClient.login({ oidcIssuer: baseUrl, redirectUrl: url, tokenType: 'DPoP', clientName: 'OpenLink OPAL Demo' }); } }); </script> <!--End body content--> <div class="footer-clean"> <footer> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-4 item"> <h3>General</h3> <ul> <li> <a href="">Corporate Homepage</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Shop</a> </li> <li> <a href="">News</a> </li> <li> <a href="/faq">FAQs</a> </li> <li> <a href="">How Do I?</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Download (Virtuoso)</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Download (UDA)</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Documentation</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Contact</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-4 item"> <h3>Follow</h3> <ul> <li role="presentation"> <a href=""><i class="fa fa-linkedin" style="margin: 0 0.1em 0 0; 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Enables five (5) concurrent JDBC data access sessions to be shared by up to five (5) concurrent generic (ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE-DB) driver client host installations. ", "Transferable Server-class JDBC Database Agent (Release 6.x) for Oracle 12.x and Request Broker licenses for one (1) server host installation running Generic Linux (Workstation) with up to 16 logical processor cores without additional charges. Enables five (5) concurrent JDBC data access sessions to be shared by up to five (5) concurrent generic (ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE-DB) driver client host installations. 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Enables five (5) concurrent JDBC data access sessions to be shared by up to five (5) concurrent generic (ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE-DB) driver client host installations. </span> <span itemprop="">Transferable Server-class JDBC Database Agent (Release 6.x) for Oracle 12.x and Request Broker licenses for one (1) server host installation running Generic Linux (Workstation) with up to 16 logical processor cores without additional charges. Enables five (5) concurrent JDBC data access sessions to be shared by up to five (5) concurrent generic (ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE-DB) driver client host installations. </span> <span itemprop="">OpenLink Software</span> <span itemprop="">Generic Linux (Workstation) Enterprise Edition JDBC Database Agent (Release 6.x) for Oracle 9.x License Offer Web Page</span> <a itemprop="" href="">n23:jdbcoraclemt.gif</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n34:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n36:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n37:this</a> <span itemprop="">Transferable Server-class JDBC Database Agent (Release 6.x) for PostgreSQL 6.x, 7.x, 8.x and Request Broker licenses for one (1) server host installation running Generic Linux (Workstation) with up to 16 logical processor cores without additional charges. Enables five (5) concurrent JDBC data access sessions to be shared by up to five (5) concurrent generic (ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE-DB) driver client host installations. </span> <a itemprop="" href="">n38:this</a> </dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">rdfs:Class</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n5:</dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n11:glossary</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n27:offers</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n30:webs</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n16:seo</a> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">OpenLink Contact Web Page</span> </dd> <dt>schema:image</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n6:oplogostd160.png</a> </dd> <dt>schema:fileFormat</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">text/html</span> </dd> <dt>schema:author</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n2:this</a> </dd> <dt>schema:headline</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">OpenLink Contact Web Page</span> </dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:WebPage</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n2:this</dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n16:seo</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n27:offers</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n30:webs</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n11:glossary</a> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">OpenLink Software</span> </dd> <dt>schema:image</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n6:openlink_128x128.png</a> </dd> <dt>rdfs:label</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">OpenLink Software</span> </dd> <dt>schema:publisher</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n12:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n17:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n29:product</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n31:service</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n32:product</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n33:this</a> </dd> <dt>schema:sameAs</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n4:100570109519069333827</a> <a itemprop="" href="">dbpedia:OpenLink_Software</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n24:</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n26:</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n28:</a> </dd> <dt>schema:address</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n14:Address</a> </dd> <dt>schema:faxNumber</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">+1 781 229 8030</span> </dd> <dt>schema:founder</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n9:this</a> </dd> <dt>schema:foundingDate</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">1992-01-05T00:00:00</span> </dd> <dt>schema:legalName</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">OpenLink Software</span> </dd> <dt>schema:logo</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n35:openlink_128x128.png</a> </dd> <dt>schema:telephone</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="">+1 781 273 0900</span> </dd> <dt>owl:sameAs</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n21:this</a> </dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:Organization</a> </dd> <dt>schema:mainEntityOfPage</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n25:openlink.ttl</a> </dd> <dt>schema:foundingLocation</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">dbpedia:London</a> </dd> </dl> </div> </div><!--OSDI structured data (HTML5-MD) injection end--> <!--OSDI structured data injection end--> <script src="//"></script><script src="/skin/bootstrap-2022/js/jquery-ods-shopcart/jquery.ods-shopcart.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="/skin/bootstrap-2022/js/jquery-ods-shopcart/jquery.hoverIntent.minified.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="/odsui/js/ods-auth.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript"> // function inIframe () { try { return window.self !==; 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