Most Frequently Reported Bugs

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this data?</a> <br> <a href="#params">Change parameters</a> </p> <table id="duplicates_table"> <thead> <tr> <th class="id"> <a href="duplicates.cgi?sortby=id&amp;maxrows=20&amp;changedsince=7" >Bug #</a> </th> <th class="count"> <a href="duplicates.cgi?sortby=count&amp;reverse=0&amp;maxrows=20&amp;changedsince=7" >Dupe<br>Count</a> </th> <th class="delta"> <a href="duplicates.cgi?sortby=delta&amp;maxrows=20&amp;changedsince=7" >Change in last<br>7 day(s)</a> </th> <th class="component"> <a href="duplicates.cgi?sortby=component&amp;maxrows=20&amp;changedsince=7" >Component</a> </th> <th class="bug_severity"> <a href="duplicates.cgi?sortby=bug_severity&amp;maxrows=20&amp;changedsince=7" >Severity</a> </th> <th class="priority"> <a href="duplicates.cgi?sortby=priority&amp;maxrows=20&amp;changedsince=7" >Priority</a> </th> <th class="target_milestone"> <a href="duplicates.cgi?sortby=target_milestone&amp;maxrows=20&amp;changedsince=7" >Target Milestone</a> </th> <th class="short_desc"> <a href="duplicates.cgi?sortby=short_desc&amp;maxrows=20&amp;changedsince=7" >Summary</a> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr > <td class="id"><a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_NEW " title="NEW - Preinstalled 3000px theme graphics not extending full width of UI elements, affects 2K, 4K, 5K and multi-head systems" href="show_bug.cgi?id=131023">131023</a> </td> <td class="count">35</td> <td class="delta">0</td> <td class="component">UI</td> <td class="bug_severity">minor </td> <td class="priority">medium </td> <td class="target_milestone">--- </td> <td class="short_desc">Preinstalled 3000px theme graphics not extending full width of UI elements, affects 2K, 4K, 5K and multi-head systems</td> </tr> <tr class='resolved'> <td class="id"><a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_RESOLVED bz_closed" title="RESOLVED FIXED - OpenSymbol font is not retained after an upgrade (work around in comment 16, 32, .. install log in comment 50 )" href="show_bug.cgi?id=76239">76239</a> </td> <td class="count">34</td> <td class="delta">0</td> <td class="component">Installation</td> <td class="bug_severity">major </td> <td class="priority">highest </td> <td class="target_milestone">--- </td> <td class="short_desc">OpenSymbol font is not retained after an upgrade (work around in comment 16, 32, .. install log in comment 50 )</td> </tr> <tr class='resolved'> <td class="id"><a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_RESOLVED bz_closed" title="RESOLVED FIXED - FILEOPEN: No Recent Documents..." href="show_bug.cgi?id=46074">46074</a> </td> <td class="count">33</td> <td class="delta">0</td> <td class="component">UI</td> <td class="bug_severity">normal </td> <td class="priority">medium </td> <td class="target_milestone">--- </td> <td class="short_desc">FILEOPEN: No Recent Documents...</td> </tr> <tr > <td class="id"><a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_NEW " title="NEW - TABLES STYLES: Inserting or removing a row/column changes entire table's formatting (see comment 5)" href="show_bug.cgi?id=126008">126008</a> </td> <td class="count">31</td> <td class="delta">0</td> <td class="component">Writer</td> <td class="bug_severity">major </td> <td class="priority">highest </td> <td class="target_milestone">--- </td> <td class="short_desc">TABLES STYLES: Inserting or removing a row/column changes entire table's formatting (see comment 5)</td> </tr> <tr class='resolved'> <td class="id"><a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_RESOLVED bz_closed" title="RESOLVED FIXED - FILEOPEN: FORMATTING of value-related color, localized decimal separator and Currency VIEWING need Complete Recalculation" href="show_bug.cgi?id=60215">60215</a> </td> <td class="count">31</td> <td class="delta">0</td> <td class="component">Calc</td> <td class="bug_severity">major </td> <td class="priority">high </td> <td class="target_milestone">--- </td> <td class="short_desc">FILEOPEN: FORMATTING of value-related color, localized decimal separator and Currency VIEWING need Complete Recalculation</td> </tr> <tr class='resolved'> <td class="id"><a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_RESOLVED bz_closed" title="RESOLVED FIXED - Crash in: SkRect::round()" href="show_bug.cgi?id=144598">144598</a> </td> <td class="count">30</td> <td class="delta">0</td> <td class="component">Calc</td> <td class="bug_severity">critical </td> <td class="priority">highest </td> <td class="target_milestone">--- </td> <td class="short_desc">Crash in: SkRect::round()</td> </tr> <tr > <td class="id"><a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_NEW " title="NEW - Existing pinned icon on Win7/8/10/11's taskbar is invalid after re-installation/update and start menu icons are swapped (W10/W11)" href="show_bug.cgi?id=76131">76131</a> </td> <td class="count">29</td> <td class="delta">0</td> <td class="component">Installation</td> <td class="bug_severity">minor </td> <td class="priority">highest </td> <td class="target_milestone">--- </td> <td class="short_desc">Existing pinned icon on Win7/8/10/11's taskbar is invalid after re-installation/update and start menu icons are swapped (W10/W11)</td> </tr> <tr class='resolved'> <td class="id"><a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_RESOLVED bz_closed" title="RESOLVED FIXED - PRINTING of TABLE borders, borders around paragraphs and footer, some graphic elements suppressed by OLE objects in document" href="show_bug.cgi?id=60280">60280</a> </td> <td class="count">27</td> <td class="delta">0</td> <td class="component">Writer</td> <td class="bug_severity">critical </td> <td class="priority">medium </td> <td class="target_milestone">--- </td> <td class="short_desc">PRINTING of TABLE borders, borders around paragraphs and footer, some graphic elements suppressed by OLE objects in document</td> </tr> <tr class='resolved'> <td class="id"><a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_RESOLVED bz_closed" title="RESOLVED FIXED - Persistent &quot;Restore Windows&quot; dialog won't disappear, disables key functionality" href="show_bug.cgi?id=39007">39007</a> </td> <td class="count">27</td> <td class="delta">0</td> <td class="component">LibreOffice</td> <td class="bug_severity">normal </td> <td class="priority">high </td> <td class="target_milestone">--- </td> <td class="short_desc">Persistent &quot;Restore Windows&quot; dialog won't disappear, disables key functionality</td> </tr> <tr class='resolved'> <td class="id"><a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_RESOLVED bz_closed" title="RESOLVED FIXED - LibreOffice text blurry on Retina displays on macOS 11" href="show_bug.cgi?id=138122">138122</a> </td> <td class="count">26</td> <td class="delta">0</td> <td class="component">Writer</td> <td class="bug_severity">critical </td> <td class="priority">highest </td> <td class="target_milestone">--- </td> <td class="short_desc">LibreOffice text blurry on Retina displays on macOS 11</td> </tr> <tr class='resolved'> <td class="id"><a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_RESOLVED bz_closed" title="RESOLVED WORKSFORME - macOS: Can't save or open files using Finder dialog on Standard accounts (see comment 9)" href="show_bug.cgi?id=128233">128233</a> </td> <td class="count">26</td> <td class="delta">0</td> <td class="component">LibreOffice</td> <td class="bug_severity">critical </td> <td class="priority">highest </td> <td class="target_milestone">--- </td> <td class="short_desc">macOS: Can't save or open files using Finder dialog on Standard accounts (see comment 9)</td> </tr> <tr class='resolved'> <td class="id"><a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_RESOLVED bz_closed" title="RESOLVED FIXED - Crash in: SwDrawTextShell::Execute(SfxRequest &amp;)" href="show_bug.cgi?id=130286">130286</a> </td> <td class="count">25</td> <td class="delta">0</td> <td class="component">Writer</td> <td class="bug_severity">critical </td> <td class="priority">highest </td> <td class="target_milestone">--- </td> <td class="short_desc">Crash in: SwDrawTextShell::Execute(SfxRequest &amp;)</td> </tr> <tr class='resolved'> <td class="id"><a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_RESOLVED bz_closed" title="RESOLVED FIXED - Autocorrection TWo INitial CApitals does not work because of bundled extensions problem" href="show_bug.cgi?id=53006">53006</a> </td> <td class="count">25</td> <td class="delta">0</td> <td class="component">Linguistic</td> <td class="bug_severity">normal </td> <td class="priority">medium </td> <td class="target_milestone">--- </td> <td class="short_desc">Autocorrection TWo INitial CApitals does not work because of bundled extensions problem</td> </tr> <tr class='resolved'> <td class="id"><a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_RESOLVED bz_closed" title="RESOLVED FIXED - All pages are empty/white when printing (skia, macOS only)" href="show_bug.cgi?id=146842">146842</a> </td> <td class="count">24</td> <td class="delta">0</td> <td class="component">Printing and PDF export</td> <td class="bug_severity">major </td> <td class="priority">high </td> <td class="target_milestone">--- </td> <td class="short_desc">All pages are empty/white when printing (skia, macOS only)</td> </tr> <tr class='resolved'> <td class="id"><a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_RESOLVED bz_closed" title="RESOLVED FIXED - Can no longer copy spreadsheet cells from libreoffice calc to another app like thunderbird and paste as html table." href="show_bug.cgi?id=74584">74584</a> </td> <td class="count">24</td> <td class="delta">0</td> <td class="component">framework</td> <td class="bug_severity">major </td> <td class="priority">highest </td> <td class="target_milestone">--- </td> <td class="short_desc">Can no longer copy spreadsheet cells from libreoffice calc to another app like thunderbird and paste as html table.</td> </tr> <tr > <td class="id"><a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_NEW " title="NEW - Allow custom locale settings for decimal separator, group separator, default date and time formats" href="show_bug.cgi?id=46448">46448</a> </td> <td class="count">24</td> <td class="delta">0</td> <td class="component">Localization</td> <td class="bug_severity">enhancement </td> <td class="priority">high </td> <td class="target_milestone">--- </td> <td class="short_desc">Allow custom locale settings for decimal separator, group separator, default date and time formats</td> </tr> <tr class='resolved'> <td class="id"><a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_RESOLVED bz_closed" title="RESOLVED WORKSFORME - Menu bar (File, Edit, View,...) missing with OpenGL rendering enabled on Intel(R) HD Graphics in Windows (workaround: disable OpenGL; fix: update Intel graphics drivers--a known good version is" href="show_bug.cgi?id=107764">107764</a> </td> <td class="count">23</td> <td class="delta">0</td> <td class="component">UI</td> <td class="bug_severity">major </td> <td class="priority">highest </td> <td class="target_milestone">--- </td> <td class="short_desc">Menu bar (File, Edit, View,...) missing with OpenGL rendering enabled on Intel(R) HD Graphics in Windows (workaround: disable OpenGL; fix: update Intel graphics drivers--a known good version is</td> </tr> <tr > <td class="id"><a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_NEW " title="NEW - Group selection does not work with raster images in Writer (Shift + Click nor rectangle selection)" href="show_bug.cgi?id=34438">34438</a> </td> <td class="count">23</td> <td class="delta">0</td> <td class="component">Writer</td> <td class="bug_severity">enhancement </td> <td class="priority">highest </td> <td class="target_milestone">--- </td> <td class="short_desc">Group selection does not work with raster images in Writer (Shift + Click nor rectangle selection)</td> </tr> <tr class='resolved'> <td class="id"><a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_RESOLVED bz_closed" title="RESOLVED NOTOURBUG - Java Crash on x86 in jfw_plugin_startJavaVirtualMachine w/ recent linux kernels" href="show_bug.cgi?id=108619">108619</a> </td> <td class="count">22</td> <td class="delta">0</td> <td class="component">LibreOffice</td> <td class="bug_severity">critical </td> <td class="priority">highest </td> <td class="target_milestone">--- </td> <td class="short_desc">Java Crash on x86 in jfw_plugin_startJavaVirtualMachine w/ recent linux kernels</td> </tr> <tr class='resolved'> <td class="id"><a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_RESOLVED bz_closed" title="RESOLVED FIXED - Change case -&gt; Sentence case doesn't honor selection; case of entire sentence changes (STR comment 20)" href="show_bug.cgi?id=49033">49033</a> </td> <td class="count">22</td> <td class="delta">0</td> <td class="component">Writer</td> <td class="bug_severity">normal </td> <td class="priority">high </td> <td class="target_milestone">--- </td> <td class="short_desc">Change case -&gt; Sentence case doesn't honor selection; case of entire sentence changes (STR comment 20)</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h3 id="params">Change Parameters</h3> <form method="get" action="duplicates.cgi"> <input type="hidden" name="sortby" value="count"> <input type="hidden" name="reverse" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="bug_id" value="131023,76239,46074,126008,60215,144598,76131,60280,39007,138122,128233,130286,53006,146842,74584,46448,107764,34438,108619,49033"> <table> <tr> <td>Restrict to 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