Rosalia alpina (Linnaeus, 1758) - Rosalie des Alpes-Voir la taxonomie

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Aguinaldo, Turbeville, Linford, Rivera, Garey, Raff & Lake, 1997 <ul> <li id="908724" clickable="false"> <strong>Clade</strong> : Panarthropoda Nielsen, 1995 <ul> <li id="183818" clickable="false"> <strong>Phylum</strong> : <span class='jstree-orange'>Arthropoda Latreille, 1829</span> <ul> <li id="823794" clickable="false"> <strong>Sous-Phylum</strong> : Pancrustacea Zrzavý & Štys, 1997 <ul> <li id="823795" clickable="false"> <strong>Infra-Phylum</strong> : Altocrustacea Regier, Schultz, Zwick, Hussey, Ball, Wetzer, Martin & Cunningham, 2010 <ul> <li id="184569" clickable="false"> <strong>Super-Classe</strong> : Hexapoda Blainville, 1816 <ul> <li id="184611" clickable="false"> <strong>Classe</strong> : <span class='jstree-orange'>Insecta Linnaeus, 1758</span> <ul> <li id="778581" clickable="false"> <strong>Infra-Classe</strong> : Dicondylia Hennig, 1953 <ul> <li id="522893" clickable="false"> <strong>Infra-Classe</strong> : Pterygota Brauer, 1885 <ul> <li id="524576" clickable="false"> <strong>Clade</strong> : Neoptera Martynov, 1923 <ul> <li id="184612" clickable="false"> <strong>Ordre</strong> : <span class='jstree-orange'>Coleoptera Linnaeus, 1758</span> <ul> <li id="184631" clickable="false"> <strong>Sous-Ordre</strong> : Polyphaga <ul> <li id="184641" clickable="false"> <strong>Infra-Ordre</strong> : Cucujiformia <ul> <li id="184642" clickable="false"> <strong>Super-Famille</strong> : Chrysomeloidea Latreille, 1802 <ul> <li id="184643" clickable="false"> <strong>Famille</strong> : <span class='jstree-orange'>Cerambycidae Latreille, 1802</span> <ul> <li id="729101" clickable="false"> <strong>Sous-Famille</strong> : <span class='jstree-orange'>Cerambycinae Latreille, 1802</span> <ul> <li id="730328" clickable="false"> <strong>Tribu</strong> : <span class='jstree-orange'>Compsocerini Thomson, 1864</span> <ul> <li id="197265" clickable="false"> <strong>Genre</strong> : <span class='jstree-orange'><em>Rosalia</em> Audinet-Serville, 1834</span> <ul> <li id="12348" 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