IPEE 2025-Wuxi
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All publications need to provide impact factor, citation and major research contribution.</li> <li>Winners will receive certificates and prizes.</li> </ul><br> <h4><img src="style/images/logo/award-1.png" width="100"> Outstanding Organization Award 优秀组织奖</h4> <h5 class="con-title">To recognizes an individual/organization whose accomplishments have significantly contributed to IPEE conference. It will be selected by Organizing Committee before Conference.</h5> <ul> <li>Has registered and will be present at the IPEE 2025 conference.</li> <li>The names of award winners will be announced in conference website.</li> <li>Winners will receive certificates and prizes.</li> </ul><br> <h4><img src="style/images/logo/award-1.png" width="100"> Outstanding Reviewer Award 优秀审稿人奖</h4> <h5 class="con-title">To recognize excellence in reviewing, the Organizing Committee select the best reviewers based on the quality, quantity and timeliness of their reviews.</h5> <ul> <li>Delegate will be present at the IPEE 2025 conference.</li> <li>The names of award winners will be announced in conference website.</li> <li>Winners will receive certificates and prizes.</li> </ul><br> <h4><img src="style/images/logo/award-1.png" width="100"> Outstanding Student Paper Award 优秀学生论文奖</h4> <h5 class="con-title">To honor the student author(s) of an outstanding technical paper in the areas of interest and scope of IPEE 2025. </h5> <ul> <li>All accepted paper submissions authored by student as the first author.</li> <li>Has registered and will deliver oral presentation at the IPEE 2025 conference.</li> <li>Candidates will be included in Outstanding Student Paper Competitions, the winner will be selected by TPC.</li> </ul> <br> <h4><img src="style/images/logo/award-1.png" width="100"> Outstanding Industrial Paper Award 优秀行业论文奖</h4> <h5 class="con-title">The Outstanding Industrial Paper Award will be given to a registered practitioners who is judged to have presented the best industrial paper at the conference. This award is based on the marks given by the evaluation committee to every industrial presentation, and Conference Chair’s own reading of the papers. The Conference Chair and the evaluation committee makes the final determination on who receives this award.</h5> <ul> <li>The best industrial paper will be selected based on innovation, significance to the research community, scientific impact and technical excellence.</li> <li>Has registered and will deliver oral presentation at the IPEE 2025 conference.</li> <li>Candidates will be included in Outstanding Industrial Paper Competitions, the winner will be selected by TPC.</li> </ul> <br> <h4><img src="style/images/logo/award-1.png" width="100"> Outstanding Oral Presentation Paper Award 优秀口头报告奖</h4> <h5 class="con-title">To recognizes exceptional contributions to the field of Power and Electrical Engineering, representing the pinnacle of scientific inquiry</h5> <ul> <li>Registrants who submit abstracts for oral presentations are automatically in the running for the award.</li> <li>Recipients will be selected by our panel of experts who will conduct an evaluation, considering factors such as originality, applicability, technical merit, PPT design and English.</li> </ul><br> <h4><img src="style/images/logo/award-1.png" width="100"> Outstanding Poster Presentation Paper Award 优秀海报报告奖</h4> <h5 class="con-title">To recognizes exceptional contributions to the field of Power and Electrical Engineering, representing the pinnacle of scientific inquiry</h5> <ul> <li>Registrants who submit abstracts for oral presentations are automatically in the running for the award.</li> <li>Recipients will be selected by our panel of experts who will conduct an evaluation, considering factors such as originality, applicability, technical merit, poster design and English.</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!--about section end --> <!--footer start --> <footer> <div class="container"> <div class="row justify-content-left"> <div class="footer_header"> <div> <p class="STYLE2 STYLE1"> Contact<br> <strong>Cindy Lau</strong><br> E-mail:</p> <div class="STYLE3">© International Power and Electrical Engineering Conference. 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