Enada | 17-19 febbraio 2025, Fiera di Rimini

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Puoi accettare questi cookie premendo su accetta e continua, o cliccare su “impostare le mie preferenze sui cookie” per impostare le tue preferenze, oppure puoi premere su rifiuta e continuare.</br></br> Per maggiori informazioni sulla nostra cookie policy clicca sul seguente <a href="" target="blank">link</a>.</br></br> Puoi modificare in ogni momento le tue preferenze accedendo alla sezione “preferenze Cookie” che trovi in fondo alla pagina del sito.', primary_btn: { text: 'ACCETTA TUTTI I COOKIE E CONTINUA', role: 'accept_all' // 'accept_selected' or 'accept_all' }, secondary_btn: { text: 'RIFIUTA TUTTI I COOKIE', role: 'accept_necessary' // 'settings' or 'accept_necessary' }, secondary_settings_btn: { text: 'IMPOSTA LE TUE PREFERENZE SUI COOKIE' } }, settings_modal: { title: 'Centro preferenze sulla privacy', save_settings_btn: 'SALVA IMPOSTAZIONI E CHIUDI', accept_all_btn: 'ACCETTA TUTTI I COOKIE E CONTINUA', reject_all_btn: 'RIFIUTA TUTTI I COOKIE', close_btn_label: 'Chiudi', cookie_table_headers: [ {col1: 'Nome'}, {col2: 'Dominio'}, {col3: 'Durata'}, {col4: 'Descrizione'} ], blocks: [ { title: 'Gestisci preferenze consenso', description: 'Quando si visita qualsiasi sito Web, questo può memorizzare o recuperare informazioni sul tuo browser, in gran parte sotto forma di cookie. Queste informazioni potrebbero essere su di te, le tue preferenze o il tuo dispositivo e sono utilizzate, in gran parte, per far funzionare il sito secondo le tue aspettative. Le informazioni di solito non ti identificano direttamente, ma possono fornire una esperienza Web più personalizzata. Poiché rispettiamo il tuo diritto alla privacy, è possibile scegliere di non consentire alcuni tipi di cookie. Clicca sulle intestazioni delle diverse categorie per saperne di più e modificare le impostazioni predefinite. Tuttavia, il bloccaggio di alcuni tipi di cookie può avere impatto sulla tua esperienza del sito e dei servizi che siamo in grado di offrire. <a href="" target="blank">Ulteriori informazioni</a>' }, { title: 'COOKIE TECNICI O STRETTAMENTE NECESSARI', description: 'Questi cookie sono indispensabili per il corretto funzionamento del sito e non possono essere disattivati nei nostri sistemi perché potrebbe venire compromessa l&rsquo;esperienza d&rsquo;uso e di navigazione del sito web. Di solito vengono impostati solo in risposta alle azioni da te effettuate che costituiscono una richiesta di servizi, come l&rsquo;impostazione delle preferenze di privacy, l&rsquo;accesso o la compilazione di moduli. È possibile impostare il browser per bloccare o avere avvisi riguardo questi cookie, ma di conseguenza alcune parti del sito non funzioneranno. Questi cookie non archiviano informazioni personali. Tale categoria di cookie non può essere disabilitata.', toggle: { value: 'necessary', enabled: true, readonly: true // cookie categories with readonly=true are all treated as "necessary cookies" }, cookie_table: [ // list of all expected cookies { col1: 'AWSALB', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '7 days', col4: 'Amazon web services' }, { col1: 'AWSALBCORS', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '7 days', col4: 'Amazon web services' }, { col1: 'PHPSESSID', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: 'End of session', col4: 'PHP Session' } ] }, { title: 'COOKIE ANALITICI O DI PRESTAZIONE', description: 'Questi cookie raccolgono informazioni in forma aggregata sul numero di utenti e su come essi utilizzano il sito web. I Cookies analitici servono ad analizzare e monitorare il modo in cui il Sito viene visitato (ad es. n. accessi e pagine viste). Ci aiutano a sapere quali sono le pagine più e meno popolari e vedere come i visitatori si muovono intorno al sito. Tutte le informazioni raccolte dai cookie sono aggregate a fini statistici per permetterci di apportare modifiche migliorative al Sito in termini di funzionamento e navigazione. Se non consenti questi cookie, non sapremo quando hai visitato il nostro sito.', toggle: { value: 'analytics', // your cookie category enabled: false, readonly: false }, cookie_table: [ // list of all expected cookies { col1: '^_ga', // match all cookies starting with "_ga" col2:'www',''), col3: '2 years', col4: 'Google Analytics', is_regex: true }, { col1: '_gid', col2:'www',''), col3: '1 day', col4: 'Google Analytics' }, { col1: '__atuvc', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '2 years', col4: 'AddThis' }, { col1: '__atuvs', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '1 day', col4: 'AddThis' }, { col1: '__atssc', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '1 day', col4: 'AddThis' }, { col1: 'Vuid', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '1 day', col4: 'Vimeo' } ] }, { title: 'COOKIE PUBBLICITARI (detti anche di PROFILAZIONE) ', description: 'Questi cookie (che possono essere di prima o di terza parte) sono quelli utilizzati per profilare l&rsquo;utente in base al suo comportamento sul sito e quindi a creare profili specifici dell&rsquo;utente stesso mostrandogli annunci pertinenti alle preferenze manifestate in rete dall&rsquo;utente. Non memorizzano direttamente informazioni personali, ma sono basati unicamente sull&rsquo;individuazione del browser e del dispositivo internet dell&rsquo;utente.</br> Se non si accettano questi cookie si riceve una pubblicità meno mirata.', toggle: { value: 'marketing', enabled: false, readonly: false },cookie_table: [ { col1: 'VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'YSC', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt.innertube::nextId', col2: '', col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt.innertube::requests', col2: '', col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-cast-available', col2: '', col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-cast-installed', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-connected-devices', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: 'End of session', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-device-id', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-fast-check-period', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-session-app', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'hubyt-remote-session-name', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: '_gcl_au', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Google AdSense' }, { col1: '_fbp', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Facebook' }, { col1: '_pin_unauth', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Pinterest' } ] } ] } },en : { consent_modal: { title: 'We use cookies', description: 'Dear Visitor, this website uses profiling and advertising cookies, including "third parties" as independent data controllers, in order to send you promotions and offers of services in line with the preferences you expressed during your online browsing. You can accept these cookies by pressing accept and continue, or click "set my cookie preferences" to set your preferences, or you can press refuse and continue. For more information on our cookie policy click on the following <a href="" target="blank">link</a>.</br></br> You can change your preferences at any time by visiting the "Cookie preferences" section at the bottom of the site page.', primary_btn: { text: 'ACCEPT ALL COOKIES AND CONTINUE', role: 'accept_all' // 'accept_selected' or 'accept_all' }, secondary_btn: { text: 'REFUSES ALL COOKIES', role: 'accept_necessary' // 'settings' or 'accept_necessary' }, secondary_settings_btn: { text: 'SET YOUR PREFERENCES ON COOKIES' } }, settings_modal: { title: 'Privacy Preferences Center', save_settings_btn: 'SAVE SETTINGS AND CLOSE', accept_all_btn: 'ACCEPT ALL COOKIES AND CONTINUE', reject_all_btn: 'REFUSES ALL COOKIES', close_btn_label: 'Close', cookie_table_headers: [ {col1: 'Name'}, {col2: 'Domain'}, {col3: 'Expiration'}, {col4: 'Description'} ], blocks: [ { title: 'Manage consent preferences', description: 'When you visit any website, this may store or retrieve information about your browser, largely in the form of cookies. This information may be about you, your preferences or your device and is used to a large extent to operate the site according to your expectations. Information usually does not identify you directly, but can provide a more personalized Web experience. As we respect your right to privacy, you can choose not to allow certain types of cookies. Click on the headers of the different categories to learn more and change the default settings. However, blocking certain types of cookies may have an impact on your experience of the site and the services we can offer. <a href="" target="blank">More information</a>' }, { title: 'TECHNICAL OR STRICTLY NECESSARY COOKIES', description: 'These cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the site and cannot be deactivated in our systems because the experience of use and navigation of the website may be compromised. They are usually set only in response to actions you have taken that constitute a service request, such as setting privacy preferences, accessing or filling out forms. You can set your browser to block or have warnings about these cookies, but as a result some parts of the site will not work. These cookies do not store personal information. This category of cookies cannot be disabled', toggle: { value: 'necessary', enabled: true, readonly: true // cookie categories with readonly=true are all treated as "necessary cookies" }, cookie_table: [ // list of all expected cookies { col1: 'AWSALB', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '7 days', col4: 'Amazon web services' }, { col1: 'AWSALBCORS', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '7 days', col4: 'Amazon web services' }, { col1: 'PHPSESSID', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: 'End of session', col4: 'PHP Session' } ] }, { title: 'ANALYTICAL OR PERFORMANCE COOKIES', description: 'These cookies collect information in aggregate form on the number of users and on how they use the website. Analytical cookies are used to analyze and monitor the way in which the Site is visited (e.g. number of accesses and pages viewed). They help us know which pages are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around the site. All information collected by cookies is aggregated for statistical purposes to allow us to make improvements to the Site in terms of operation and navigation. If you do not allow these cookies, we will not know when you have visited our site.', toggle: { value: 'analytics', // your cookie category enabled: false, readonly: false }, cookie_table: [ // list of all expected cookies { col1: '^_ga', // match all cookies starting with "_ga" col2:'www',''), col3: '2 years', col4: 'Google Analytics', is_regex: true }, { col1: '_gid', col2:'www',''), col3: '1 day', col4: 'Google Analytics' }, { col1: '__atuvc', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '2 years', col4: 'AddThis' }, { col1: '__atuvs', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '1 day', col4: 'AddThis' }, { col1: '__atssc', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '1 day', col4: 'AddThis' }, { col1: 'Vuid', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '1 day', col4: 'Vimeo' } ] }, { title: 'ADVERTISING COOKIES', description: 'These cookies (which can be first or third party) are those used to profile the user based on his behavior on the site and therefore to create specific profiles of the user by showing him advertisements relevant to the preferences shown on the network by the user. They do not directly store personal information, but are based solely on the identification of your browser and your internet device. If you do not accept these cookies, you will receive less targeted advertising.', toggle: { value: 'marketing', enabled: false, readonly: false },cookie_table: [ { col1: 'VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'YSC', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt.innertube::nextId', col2: '', col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt.innertube::requests', col2: '', col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-cast-available', col2: '', col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-cast-installed', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-connected-devices', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: 'End of session', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-device-id', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-fast-check-period', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-session-app', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'hubyt-remote-session-name', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: '_gcl_au', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Google AdSense' }, { col1: '_fbp', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Facebook' }, { col1: '_pin_unauth', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Pinterest' } ] } ] } },fr : { consent_modal: { title: 'We use cookies', description: 'Dear Visitor, this website uses profiling and advertising cookies, including "third parties" as independent data controllers, in order to send you promotions and offers of services in line with the preferences you expressed during your online browsing. You can accept these cookies by pressing accept and continue, or click "set my cookie preferences" to set your preferences, or you can press refuse and continue. For more information on our cookie policy click on the following <a href="" target="blank">link</a>.</br></br> You can change your preferences at any time by visiting the "Cookie preferences" section at the bottom of the site page.', primary_btn: { text: 'ACCEPT ALL COOKIES AND CONTINUE', role: 'accept_all' // 'accept_selected' or 'accept_all' }, secondary_btn: { text: 'REFUSES ALL COOKIES', role: 'accept_necessary' // 'settings' or 'accept_necessary' }, secondary_settings_btn: { text: 'SET YOUR PREFERENCES ON COOKIES' } }, settings_modal: { title: 'Privacy Preferences Center', save_settings_btn: 'SAVE SETTINGS AND CLOSE', accept_all_btn: 'ACCEPT ALL COOKIES AND CONTINUE', reject_all_btn: 'REFUSES ALL COOKIES', close_btn_label: 'Close', cookie_table_headers: [ {col1: 'Name'}, {col2: 'Domain'}, {col3: 'Expiration'}, {col4: 'Description'} ], blocks: [ { title: 'Manage consent preferences', description: 'When you visit any website, this may store or retrieve information about your browser, largely in the form of cookies. This information may be about you, your preferences or your device and is used to a large extent to operate the site according to your expectations. Information usually does not identify you directly, but can provide a more personalized Web experience. As we respect your right to privacy, you can choose not to allow certain types of cookies. Click on the headers of the different categories to learn more and change the default settings. However, blocking certain types of cookies may have an impact on your experience of the site and the services we can offer. <a href="" target="blank">More information</a>' }, { title: 'TECHNICAL OR STRICTLY NECESSARY COOKIES', description: 'These cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the site and cannot be deactivated in our systems because the experience of use and navigation of the website may be compromised. They are usually set only in response to actions you have taken that constitute a service request, such as setting privacy preferences, accessing or filling out forms. You can set your browser to block or have warnings about these cookies, but as a result some parts of the site will not work. These cookies do not store personal information. This category of cookies cannot be disabled', toggle: { value: 'necessary', enabled: true, readonly: true // cookie categories with readonly=true are all treated as "necessary cookies" }, cookie_table: [ // list of all expected cookies { col1: 'AWSALB', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '7 days', col4: 'Amazon web services' }, { col1: 'AWSALBCORS', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '7 days', col4: 'Amazon web services' }, { col1: 'PHPSESSID', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: 'End of session', col4: 'PHP Session' } ] }, { title: 'ANALYTICAL OR PERFORMANCE COOKIES', description: 'These cookies collect information in aggregate form on the number of users and on how they use the website. Analytical cookies are used to analyze and monitor the way in which the Site is visited (e.g. number of accesses and pages viewed). They help us know which pages are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around the site. All information collected by cookies is aggregated for statistical purposes to allow us to make improvements to the Site in terms of operation and navigation. If you do not allow these cookies, we will not know when you have visited our site.', toggle: { value: 'analytics', // your cookie category enabled: false, readonly: false }, cookie_table: [ // list of all expected cookies { col1: '^_ga', // match all cookies starting with "_ga" col2:'www',''), col3: '2 years', col4: 'Google Analytics', is_regex: true }, { col1: '_gid', col2:'www',''), col3: '1 day', col4: 'Google Analytics' }, { col1: '__atuvc', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '2 years', col4: 'AddThis' }, { col1: '__atuvs', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '1 day', col4: 'AddThis' }, { col1: '__atssc', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '1 day', col4: 'AddThis' }, { col1: 'Vuid', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '1 day', col4: 'Vimeo' } ] }, { title: 'ADVERTISING COOKIES', description: 'These cookies (which can be first or third party) are those used to profile the user based on his behavior on the site and therefore to create specific profiles of the user by showing him advertisements relevant to the preferences shown on the network by the user. They do not directly store personal information, but are based solely on the identification of your browser and your internet device. If you do not accept these cookies, you will receive less targeted advertising.', toggle: { value: 'marketing', enabled: false, readonly: false },cookie_table: [ { col1: 'VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'YSC', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt.innertube::nextId', col2: '', col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt.innertube::requests', col2: '', col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-cast-available', col2: '', col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-cast-installed', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-connected-devices', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: 'End of session', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-device-id', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-fast-check-period', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-session-app', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'hubyt-remote-session-name', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: '_gcl_au', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Google AdSense' }, { col1: '_fbp', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Facebook' }, { col1: '_pin_unauth', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Pinterest' } ] } ] } },es : { consent_modal: { title: 'We use cookies', description: 'Dear Visitor, this website uses profiling and advertising cookies, including "third parties" as independent data controllers, in order to send you promotions and offers of services in line with the preferences you expressed during your online browsing. You can accept these cookies by pressing accept and continue, or click "set my cookie preferences" to set your preferences, or you can press refuse and continue. For more information on our cookie policy click on the following <a href="" target="blank">link</a>.</br></br> You can change your preferences at any time by visiting the "Cookie preferences" section at the bottom of the site page.', primary_btn: { text: 'ACCEPT ALL COOKIES AND CONTINUE', role: 'accept_all' // 'accept_selected' or 'accept_all' }, secondary_btn: { text: 'REFUSES ALL COOKIES', role: 'accept_necessary' // 'settings' or 'accept_necessary' }, secondary_settings_btn: { text: 'SET YOUR PREFERENCES ON COOKIES' } }, settings_modal: { title: 'Privacy Preferences Center', save_settings_btn: 'SAVE SETTINGS AND CLOSE', accept_all_btn: 'ACCEPT ALL COOKIES AND CONTINUE', reject_all_btn: 'REFUSES ALL COOKIES', close_btn_label: 'Close', cookie_table_headers: [ {col1: 'Name'}, {col2: 'Domain'}, {col3: 'Expiration'}, {col4: 'Description'} ], blocks: [ { title: 'Manage consent preferences', description: 'When you visit any website, this may store or retrieve information about your browser, largely in the form of cookies. This information may be about you, your preferences or your device and is used to a large extent to operate the site according to your expectations. Information usually does not identify you directly, but can provide a more personalized Web experience. As we respect your right to privacy, you can choose not to allow certain types of cookies. Click on the headers of the different categories to learn more and change the default settings. However, blocking certain types of cookies may have an impact on your experience of the site and the services we can offer. <a href="" target="blank">More information</a>' }, { title: 'TECHNICAL OR STRICTLY NECESSARY COOKIES', description: 'These cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the site and cannot be deactivated in our systems because the experience of use and navigation of the website may be compromised. They are usually set only in response to actions you have taken that constitute a service request, such as setting privacy preferences, accessing or filling out forms. You can set your browser to block or have warnings about these cookies, but as a result some parts of the site will not work. These cookies do not store personal information. This category of cookies cannot be disabled', toggle: { value: 'necessary', enabled: true, readonly: true // cookie categories with readonly=true are all treated as "necessary cookies" }, cookie_table: [ // list of all expected cookies { col1: 'AWSALB', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '7 days', col4: 'Amazon web services' }, { col1: 'AWSALBCORS', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '7 days', col4: 'Amazon web services' }, { col1: 'PHPSESSID', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: 'End of session', col4: 'PHP Session' } ] }, { title: 'ANALYTICAL OR PERFORMANCE COOKIES', description: 'These cookies collect information in aggregate form on the number of users and on how they use the website. Analytical cookies are used to analyze and monitor the way in which the Site is visited (e.g. number of accesses and pages viewed). They help us know which pages are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around the site. All information collected by cookies is aggregated for statistical purposes to allow us to make improvements to the Site in terms of operation and navigation. If you do not allow these cookies, we will not know when you have visited our site.', toggle: { value: 'analytics', // your cookie category enabled: false, readonly: false }, cookie_table: [ // list of all expected cookies { col1: '^_ga', // match all cookies starting with "_ga" col2:'www',''), col3: '2 years', col4: 'Google Analytics', is_regex: true }, { col1: '_gid', col2:'www',''), col3: '1 day', col4: 'Google Analytics' }, { col1: '__atuvc', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '2 years', col4: 'AddThis' }, { col1: '__atuvs', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '1 day', col4: 'AddThis' }, { col1: '__atssc', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '1 day', col4: 'AddThis' }, { col1: 'Vuid', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '1 day', col4: 'Vimeo' } ] }, { title: 'ADVERTISING COOKIES', description: 'These cookies (which can be first or third party) are those used to profile the user based on his behavior on the site and therefore to create specific profiles of the user by showing him advertisements relevant to the preferences shown on the network by the user. They do not directly store personal information, but are based solely on the identification of your browser and your internet device. If you do not accept these cookies, you will receive less targeted advertising.', toggle: { value: 'marketing', enabled: false, readonly: false },cookie_table: [ { col1: 'VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'YSC', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt.innertube::nextId', col2: '', col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt.innertube::requests', col2: '', col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-cast-available', col2: '', col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-cast-installed', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-connected-devices', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: 'End of session', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-device-id', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-fast-check-period', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-session-app', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'hubyt-remote-session-name', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: '_gcl_au', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Google AdSense' }, { col1: '_fbp', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Facebook' }, { col1: '_pin_unauth', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Pinterest' } ] } ] } },de : { consent_modal: { title: 'We use cookies', description: 'Dear Visitor, this website uses profiling and advertising cookies, including "third parties" as independent data controllers, in order to send you promotions and offers of services in line with the preferences you expressed during your online browsing. You can accept these cookies by pressing accept and continue, or click "set my cookie preferences" to set your preferences, or you can press refuse and continue. For more information on our cookie policy click on the following <a href="" target="blank">link</a>.</br></br> You can change your preferences at any time by visiting the "Cookie preferences" section at the bottom of the site page.', primary_btn: { text: 'ACCEPT ALL COOKIES AND CONTINUE', role: 'accept_all' // 'accept_selected' or 'accept_all' }, secondary_btn: { text: 'REFUSES ALL COOKIES', role: 'accept_necessary' // 'settings' or 'accept_necessary' }, secondary_settings_btn: { text: 'SET YOUR PREFERENCES ON COOKIES' } }, settings_modal: { title: 'Privacy Preferences Center', save_settings_btn: 'SAVE SETTINGS AND CLOSE', accept_all_btn: 'ACCEPT ALL COOKIES AND CONTINUE', reject_all_btn: 'REFUSES ALL COOKIES', close_btn_label: 'Close', cookie_table_headers: [ {col1: 'Name'}, {col2: 'Domain'}, {col3: 'Expiration'}, {col4: 'Description'} ], blocks: [ { title: 'Manage consent preferences', description: 'When you visit any website, this may store or retrieve information about your browser, largely in the form of cookies. This information may be about you, your preferences or your device and is used to a large extent to operate the site according to your expectations. Information usually does not identify you directly, but can provide a more personalized Web experience. As we respect your right to privacy, you can choose not to allow certain types of cookies. Click on the headers of the different categories to learn more and change the default settings. However, blocking certain types of cookies may have an impact on your experience of the site and the services we can offer. <a href="" target="blank">More information</a>' }, { title: 'TECHNICAL OR STRICTLY NECESSARY COOKIES', description: 'These cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the site and cannot be deactivated in our systems because the experience of use and navigation of the website may be compromised. They are usually set only in response to actions you have taken that constitute a service request, such as setting privacy preferences, accessing or filling out forms. You can set your browser to block or have warnings about these cookies, but as a result some parts of the site will not work. These cookies do not store personal information. This category of cookies cannot be disabled', toggle: { value: 'necessary', enabled: true, readonly: true // cookie categories with readonly=true are all treated as "necessary cookies" }, cookie_table: [ // list of all expected cookies { col1: 'AWSALB', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '7 days', col4: 'Amazon web services' }, { col1: 'AWSALBCORS', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '7 days', col4: 'Amazon web services' }, { col1: 'PHPSESSID', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: 'End of session', col4: 'PHP Session' } ] }, { title: 'ANALYTICAL OR PERFORMANCE COOKIES', description: 'These cookies collect information in aggregate form on the number of users and on how they use the website. Analytical cookies are used to analyze and monitor the way in which the Site is visited (e.g. number of accesses and pages viewed). They help us know which pages are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around the site. All information collected by cookies is aggregated for statistical purposes to allow us to make improvements to the Site in terms of operation and navigation. If you do not allow these cookies, we will not know when you have visited our site.', toggle: { value: 'analytics', // your cookie category enabled: false, readonly: false }, cookie_table: [ // list of all expected cookies { col1: '^_ga', // match all cookies starting with "_ga" col2:'www',''), col3: '2 years', col4: 'Google Analytics', is_regex: true }, { col1: '_gid', col2:'www',''), col3: '1 day', col4: 'Google Analytics' }, { col1: '__atuvc', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '2 years', col4: 'AddThis' }, { col1: '__atuvs', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '1 day', col4: 'AddThis' }, { col1: '__atssc', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '1 day', col4: 'AddThis' }, { col1: 'Vuid', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '1 day', col4: 'Vimeo' } ] }, { title: 'ADVERTISING COOKIES', description: 'These cookies (which can be first or third party) are those used to profile the user based on his behavior on the site and therefore to create specific profiles of the user by showing him advertisements relevant to the preferences shown on the network by the user. They do not directly store personal information, but are based solely on the identification of your browser and your internet device. If you do not accept these cookies, you will receive less targeted advertising.', toggle: { value: 'marketing', enabled: false, readonly: false },cookie_table: [ { col1: 'VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'YSC', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt.innertube::nextId', col2: '', col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt.innertube::requests', col2: '', col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-cast-available', col2: '', col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-cast-installed', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-connected-devices', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: 'End of session', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-device-id', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-fast-check-period', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-session-app', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'hubyt-remote-session-name', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: '_gcl_au', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Google AdSense' }, { col1: '_fbp', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Facebook' }, { col1: '_pin_unauth', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Pinterest' } ] } ] } },ru : { consent_modal: { title: 'We use cookies', description: 'Dear Visitor, this website uses profiling and advertising cookies, including "third parties" as independent data controllers, in order to send you promotions and offers of services in line with the preferences you expressed during your online browsing. You can accept these cookies by pressing accept and continue, or click "set my cookie preferences" to set your preferences, or you can press refuse and continue. For more information on our cookie policy click on the following <a href="" target="blank">link</a>.</br></br> You can change your preferences at any time by visiting the "Cookie preferences" section at the bottom of the site page.', primary_btn: { text: 'ACCEPT ALL COOKIES AND CONTINUE', role: 'accept_all' // 'accept_selected' or 'accept_all' }, secondary_btn: { text: 'REFUSES ALL COOKIES', role: 'accept_necessary' // 'settings' or 'accept_necessary' }, secondary_settings_btn: { text: 'SET YOUR PREFERENCES ON COOKIES' } }, settings_modal: { title: 'Privacy Preferences Center', save_settings_btn: 'SAVE SETTINGS AND CLOSE', accept_all_btn: 'ACCEPT ALL COOKIES AND CONTINUE', reject_all_btn: 'REFUSES ALL COOKIES', close_btn_label: 'Close', cookie_table_headers: [ {col1: 'Name'}, {col2: 'Domain'}, {col3: 'Expiration'}, {col4: 'Description'} ], blocks: [ { title: 'Manage consent preferences', description: 'When you visit any website, this may store or retrieve information about your browser, largely in the form of cookies. This information may be about you, your preferences or your device and is used to a large extent to operate the site according to your expectations. Information usually does not identify you directly, but can provide a more personalized Web experience. As we respect your right to privacy, you can choose not to allow certain types of cookies. Click on the headers of the different categories to learn more and change the default settings. However, blocking certain types of cookies may have an impact on your experience of the site and the services we can offer. <a href="" target="blank">More information</a>' }, { title: 'TECHNICAL OR STRICTLY NECESSARY COOKIES', description: 'These cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the site and cannot be deactivated in our systems because the experience of use and navigation of the website may be compromised. They are usually set only in response to actions you have taken that constitute a service request, such as setting privacy preferences, accessing or filling out forms. You can set your browser to block or have warnings about these cookies, but as a result some parts of the site will not work. These cookies do not store personal information. This category of cookies cannot be disabled', toggle: { value: 'necessary', enabled: true, readonly: true // cookie categories with readonly=true are all treated as "necessary cookies" }, cookie_table: [ // list of all expected cookies { col1: 'AWSALB', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '7 days', col4: 'Amazon web services' }, { col1: 'AWSALBCORS', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '7 days', col4: 'Amazon web services' }, { col1: 'PHPSESSID', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: 'End of session', col4: 'PHP Session' } ] }, { title: 'ANALYTICAL OR PERFORMANCE COOKIES', description: 'These cookies collect information in aggregate form on the number of users and on how they use the website. Analytical cookies are used to analyze and monitor the way in which the Site is visited (e.g. number of accesses and pages viewed). They help us know which pages are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around the site. All information collected by cookies is aggregated for statistical purposes to allow us to make improvements to the Site in terms of operation and navigation. If you do not allow these cookies, we will not know when you have visited our site.', toggle: { value: 'analytics', // your cookie category enabled: false, readonly: false }, cookie_table: [ // list of all expected cookies { col1: '^_ga', // match all cookies starting with "_ga" col2:'www',''), col3: '2 years', col4: 'Google Analytics', is_regex: true }, { col1: '_gid', col2:'www',''), col3: '1 day', col4: 'Google Analytics' }, { col1: '__atuvc', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '2 years', col4: 'AddThis' }, { col1: '__atuvs', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '1 day', col4: 'AddThis' }, { col1: '__atssc', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '1 day', col4: 'AddThis' }, { col1: 'Vuid', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '1 day', col4: 'Vimeo' } ] }, { title: 'ADVERTISING COOKIES', description: 'These cookies (which can be first or third party) are those used to profile the user based on his behavior on the site and therefore to create specific profiles of the user by showing him advertisements relevant to the preferences shown on the network by the user. They do not directly store personal information, but are based solely on the identification of your browser and your internet device. If you do not accept these cookies, you will receive less targeted advertising.', toggle: { value: 'marketing', enabled: false, readonly: false },cookie_table: [ { col1: 'VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'YSC', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt.innertube::nextId', col2: '', col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt.innertube::requests', col2: '', col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-cast-available', col2: '', col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-cast-installed', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-connected-devices', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: 'End of session', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-device-id', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-fast-check-period', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-session-app', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'hubyt-remote-session-name', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: '_gcl_au', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Google AdSense' }, { col1: '_fbp', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Facebook' }, { col1: '_pin_unauth', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Pinterest' } ] } ] } },ja : { consent_modal: { title: 'We use cookies', description: 'Dear Visitor, this website uses profiling and advertising cookies, including "third parties" as independent data controllers, in order to send you promotions and offers of services in line with the preferences you expressed during your online browsing. You can accept these cookies by pressing accept and continue, or click "set my cookie preferences" to set your preferences, or you can press refuse and continue. For more information on our cookie policy click on the following <a href="" target="blank">link</a>.</br></br> You can change your preferences at any time by visiting the "Cookie preferences" section at the bottom of the site page.', primary_btn: { text: 'ACCEPT ALL COOKIES AND CONTINUE', role: 'accept_all' // 'accept_selected' or 'accept_all' }, secondary_btn: { text: 'REFUSES ALL COOKIES', role: 'accept_necessary' // 'settings' or 'accept_necessary' }, secondary_settings_btn: { text: 'SET YOUR PREFERENCES ON COOKIES' } }, settings_modal: { title: 'Privacy Preferences Center', save_settings_btn: 'SAVE SETTINGS AND CLOSE', accept_all_btn: 'ACCEPT ALL COOKIES AND CONTINUE', reject_all_btn: 'REFUSES ALL COOKIES', close_btn_label: 'Close', cookie_table_headers: [ {col1: 'Name'}, {col2: 'Domain'}, {col3: 'Expiration'}, {col4: 'Description'} ], blocks: [ { title: 'Manage consent preferences', description: 'When you visit any website, this may store or retrieve information about your browser, largely in the form of cookies. This information may be about you, your preferences or your device and is used to a large extent to operate the site according to your expectations. Information usually does not identify you directly, but can provide a more personalized Web experience. As we respect your right to privacy, you can choose not to allow certain types of cookies. Click on the headers of the different categories to learn more and change the default settings. However, blocking certain types of cookies may have an impact on your experience of the site and the services we can offer. <a href="" target="blank">More information</a>' }, { title: 'TECHNICAL OR STRICTLY NECESSARY COOKIES', description: 'These cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the site and cannot be deactivated in our systems because the experience of use and navigation of the website may be compromised. They are usually set only in response to actions you have taken that constitute a service request, such as setting privacy preferences, accessing or filling out forms. You can set your browser to block or have warnings about these cookies, but as a result some parts of the site will not work. These cookies do not store personal information. This category of cookies cannot be disabled', toggle: { value: 'necessary', enabled: true, readonly: true // cookie categories with readonly=true are all treated as "necessary cookies" }, cookie_table: [ // list of all expected cookies { col1: 'AWSALB', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '7 days', col4: 'Amazon web services' }, { col1: 'AWSALBCORS', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '7 days', col4: 'Amazon web services' }, { col1: 'PHPSESSID', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: 'End of session', col4: 'PHP Session' } ] }, { title: 'ANALYTICAL OR PERFORMANCE COOKIES', description: 'These cookies collect information in aggregate form on the number of users and on how they use the website. Analytical cookies are used to analyze and monitor the way in which the Site is visited (e.g. number of accesses and pages viewed). They help us know which pages are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around the site. All information collected by cookies is aggregated for statistical purposes to allow us to make improvements to the Site in terms of operation and navigation. If you do not allow these cookies, we will not know when you have visited our site.', toggle: { value: 'analytics', // your cookie category enabled: false, readonly: false }, cookie_table: [ // list of all expected cookies { col1: '^_ga', // match all cookies starting with "_ga" col2:'www',''), col3: '2 years', col4: 'Google Analytics', is_regex: true }, { col1: '_gid', col2:'www',''), col3: '1 day', col4: 'Google Analytics' }, { col1: '__atuvc', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '2 years', col4: 'AddThis' }, { col1: '__atuvs', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '1 day', col4: 'AddThis' }, { col1: '__atssc', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '1 day', col4: 'AddThis' }, { col1: 'Vuid', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '1 day', col4: 'Vimeo' } ] }, { title: 'ADVERTISING COOKIES', description: 'These cookies (which can be first or third party) are those used to profile the user based on his behavior on the site and therefore to create specific profiles of the user by showing him advertisements relevant to the preferences shown on the network by the user. They do not directly store personal information, but are based solely on the identification of your browser and your internet device. If you do not accept these cookies, you will receive less targeted advertising.', toggle: { value: 'marketing', enabled: false, readonly: false },cookie_table: [ { col1: 'VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'YSC', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt.innertube::nextId', col2: '', col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt.innertube::requests', col2: '', col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-cast-available', col2: '', col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-cast-installed', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-connected-devices', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: 'End of session', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-device-id', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-fast-check-period', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-session-app', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'hubyt-remote-session-name', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: '_gcl_au', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Google AdSense' }, { col1: '_fbp', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Facebook' }, { col1: '_pin_unauth', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Pinterest' } ] } ] } },zh : { consent_modal: { title: 'We use cookies', description: 'Dear Visitor, this website uses profiling and advertising cookies, including "third parties" as independent data controllers, in order to send you promotions and offers of services in line with the preferences you expressed during your online browsing. You can accept these cookies by pressing accept and continue, or click "set my cookie preferences" to set your preferences, or you can press refuse and continue. For more information on our cookie policy click on the following <a href="" target="blank">link</a>.</br></br> You can change your preferences at any time by visiting the "Cookie preferences" section at the bottom of the site page.', primary_btn: { text: 'ACCEPT ALL COOKIES AND CONTINUE', role: 'accept_all' // 'accept_selected' or 'accept_all' }, secondary_btn: { text: 'REFUSES ALL COOKIES', role: 'accept_necessary' // 'settings' or 'accept_necessary' }, secondary_settings_btn: { text: 'SET YOUR PREFERENCES ON COOKIES' } }, settings_modal: { title: 'Privacy Preferences Center', save_settings_btn: 'SAVE SETTINGS AND CLOSE', accept_all_btn: 'ACCEPT ALL COOKIES AND CONTINUE', reject_all_btn: 'REFUSES ALL COOKIES', close_btn_label: 'Close', cookie_table_headers: [ {col1: 'Name'}, {col2: 'Domain'}, {col3: 'Expiration'}, {col4: 'Description'} ], blocks: [ { title: 'Manage consent preferences', description: 'When you visit any website, this may store or retrieve information about your browser, largely in the form of cookies. This information may be about you, your preferences or your device and is used to a large extent to operate the site according to your expectations. Information usually does not identify you directly, but can provide a more personalized Web experience. As we respect your right to privacy, you can choose not to allow certain types of cookies. Click on the headers of the different categories to learn more and change the default settings. However, blocking certain types of cookies may have an impact on your experience of the site and the services we can offer. <a href="" target="blank">More information</a>' }, { title: 'TECHNICAL OR STRICTLY NECESSARY COOKIES', description: 'These cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the site and cannot be deactivated in our systems because the experience of use and navigation of the website may be compromised. They are usually set only in response to actions you have taken that constitute a service request, such as setting privacy preferences, accessing or filling out forms. You can set your browser to block or have warnings about these cookies, but as a result some parts of the site will not work. These cookies do not store personal information. This category of cookies cannot be disabled', toggle: { value: 'necessary', enabled: true, readonly: true // cookie categories with readonly=true are all treated as "necessary cookies" }, cookie_table: [ // list of all expected cookies { col1: 'AWSALB', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '7 days', col4: 'Amazon web services' }, { col1: 'AWSALBCORS', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '7 days', col4: 'Amazon web services' }, { col1: 'PHPSESSID', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: 'End of session', col4: 'PHP Session' } ] }, { title: 'ANALYTICAL OR PERFORMANCE COOKIES', description: 'These cookies collect information in aggregate form on the number of users and on how they use the website. Analytical cookies are used to analyze and monitor the way in which the Site is visited (e.g. number of accesses and pages viewed). They help us know which pages are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around the site. All information collected by cookies is aggregated for statistical purposes to allow us to make improvements to the Site in terms of operation and navigation. If you do not allow these cookies, we will not know when you have visited our site.', toggle: { value: 'analytics', // your cookie category enabled: false, readonly: false }, cookie_table: [ // list of all expected cookies { col1: '^_ga', // match all cookies starting with "_ga" col2:'www',''), col3: '2 years', col4: 'Google Analytics', is_regex: true }, { col1: '_gid', col2:'www',''), col3: '1 day', col4: 'Google Analytics' }, { col1: '__atuvc', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '2 years', col4: 'AddThis' }, { col1: '__atuvs', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '1 day', col4: 'AddThis' }, { col1: '__atssc', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '1 day', col4: 'AddThis' }, { col1: 'Vuid', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '1 day', col4: 'Vimeo' } ] }, { title: 'ADVERTISING COOKIES', description: 'These cookies (which can be first or third party) are those used to profile the user based on his behavior on the site and therefore to create specific profiles of the user by showing him advertisements relevant to the preferences shown on the network by the user. They do not directly store personal information, but are based solely on the identification of your browser and your internet device. If you do not accept these cookies, you will receive less targeted advertising.', toggle: { value: 'marketing', enabled: false, readonly: false },cookie_table: [ { col1: 'VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'YSC', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt.innertube::nextId', col2: '', col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt.innertube::requests', col2: '', col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-cast-available', col2: '', col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-cast-installed', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-connected-devices', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: 'End of session', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-device-id', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-fast-check-period', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-session-app', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'hubyt-remote-session-name', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: '_gcl_au', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Google AdSense' }, { col1: '_fbp', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Facebook' }, { col1: '_pin_unauth', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Pinterest' } ] } ] } },tr : { consent_modal: { title: 'We use cookies', description: 'Dear Visitor, this website uses profiling and advertising cookies, including "third parties" as independent data controllers, in order to send you promotions and offers of services in line with the preferences you expressed during your online browsing. You can accept these cookies by pressing accept and continue, or click "set my cookie preferences" to set your preferences, or you can press refuse and continue. For more information on our cookie policy click on the following <a href="" target="blank">link</a>.</br></br> You can change your preferences at any time by visiting the "Cookie preferences" section at the bottom of the site page.', primary_btn: { text: 'ACCEPT ALL COOKIES AND CONTINUE', role: 'accept_all' // 'accept_selected' or 'accept_all' }, secondary_btn: { text: 'REFUSES ALL COOKIES', role: 'accept_necessary' // 'settings' or 'accept_necessary' }, secondary_settings_btn: { text: 'SET YOUR PREFERENCES ON COOKIES' } }, settings_modal: { title: 'Privacy Preferences Center', save_settings_btn: 'SAVE SETTINGS AND CLOSE', accept_all_btn: 'ACCEPT ALL COOKIES AND CONTINUE', reject_all_btn: 'REFUSES ALL COOKIES', close_btn_label: 'Close', cookie_table_headers: [ {col1: 'Name'}, {col2: 'Domain'}, {col3: 'Expiration'}, {col4: 'Description'} ], blocks: [ { title: 'Manage consent preferences', description: 'When you visit any website, this may store or retrieve information about your browser, largely in the form of cookies. This information may be about you, your preferences or your device and is used to a large extent to operate the site according to your expectations. Information usually does not identify you directly, but can provide a more personalized Web experience. As we respect your right to privacy, you can choose not to allow certain types of cookies. Click on the headers of the different categories to learn more and change the default settings. However, blocking certain types of cookies may have an impact on your experience of the site and the services we can offer. <a href="" target="blank">More information</a>' }, { title: 'TECHNICAL OR STRICTLY NECESSARY COOKIES', description: 'These cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the site and cannot be deactivated in our systems because the experience of use and navigation of the website may be compromised. They are usually set only in response to actions you have taken that constitute a service request, such as setting privacy preferences, accessing or filling out forms. You can set your browser to block or have warnings about these cookies, but as a result some parts of the site will not work. These cookies do not store personal information. This category of cookies cannot be disabled', toggle: { value: 'necessary', enabled: true, readonly: true // cookie categories with readonly=true are all treated as "necessary cookies" }, cookie_table: [ // list of all expected cookies { col1: 'AWSALB', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '7 days', col4: 'Amazon web services' }, { col1: 'AWSALBCORS', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '7 days', col4: 'Amazon web services' }, { col1: 'PHPSESSID', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: 'End of session', col4: 'PHP Session' } ] }, { title: 'ANALYTICAL OR PERFORMANCE COOKIES', description: 'These cookies collect information in aggregate form on the number of users and on how they use the website. Analytical cookies are used to analyze and monitor the way in which the Site is visited (e.g. number of accesses and pages viewed). They help us know which pages are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around the site. All information collected by cookies is aggregated for statistical purposes to allow us to make improvements to the Site in terms of operation and navigation. If you do not allow these cookies, we will not know when you have visited our site.', toggle: { value: 'analytics', // your cookie category enabled: false, readonly: false }, cookie_table: [ // list of all expected cookies { col1: '^_ga', // match all cookies starting with "_ga" col2:'www',''), col3: '2 years', col4: 'Google Analytics', is_regex: true }, { col1: '_gid', col2:'www',''), col3: '1 day', col4: 'Google Analytics' }, { col1: '__atuvc', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '2 years', col4: 'AddThis' }, { col1: '__atuvs', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '1 day', col4: 'AddThis' }, { col1: '__atssc', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '1 day', col4: 'AddThis' }, { col1: 'Vuid', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '1 day', col4: 'Vimeo' } ] }, { title: 'ADVERTISING COOKIES', description: 'These cookies (which can be first or third party) are those used to profile the user based on his behavior on the site and therefore to create specific profiles of the user by showing him advertisements relevant to the preferences shown on the network by the user. They do not directly store personal information, but are based solely on the identification of your browser and your internet device. If you do not accept these cookies, you will receive less targeted advertising.', toggle: { value: 'marketing', enabled: false, readonly: false },cookie_table: [ { col1: 'VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'YSC', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt.innertube::nextId', col2: '', col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt.innertube::requests', col2: '', col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-cast-available', col2: '', col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-cast-installed', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-connected-devices', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: 'End of session', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-device-id', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-fast-check-period', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-session-app', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'hubyt-remote-session-name', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: '_gcl_au', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Google AdSense' }, { col1: '_fbp', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Facebook' }, { col1: '_pin_unauth', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Pinterest' } ] } ] } },pt : { consent_modal: { title: 'We use cookies', description: 'Dear Visitor, this website uses profiling and advertising cookies, including "third parties" as independent data controllers, in order to send you promotions and offers of services in line with the preferences you expressed during your online browsing. You can accept these cookies by pressing accept and continue, or click "set my cookie preferences" to set your preferences, or you can press refuse and continue. For more information on our cookie policy click on the following <a href="" target="blank">link</a>.</br></br> You can change your preferences at any time by visiting the "Cookie preferences" section at the bottom of the site page.', primary_btn: { text: 'ACCEPT ALL COOKIES AND CONTINUE', role: 'accept_all' // 'accept_selected' or 'accept_all' }, secondary_btn: { text: 'REFUSES ALL COOKIES', role: 'accept_necessary' // 'settings' or 'accept_necessary' }, secondary_settings_btn: { text: 'SET YOUR PREFERENCES ON COOKIES' } }, settings_modal: { title: 'Privacy Preferences Center', save_settings_btn: 'SAVE SETTINGS AND CLOSE', accept_all_btn: 'ACCEPT ALL COOKIES AND CONTINUE', reject_all_btn: 'REFUSES ALL COOKIES', close_btn_label: 'Close', cookie_table_headers: [ {col1: 'Name'}, {col2: 'Domain'}, {col3: 'Expiration'}, {col4: 'Description'} ], blocks: [ { title: 'Manage consent preferences', description: 'When you visit any website, this may store or retrieve information about your browser, largely in the form of cookies. This information may be about you, your preferences or your device and is used to a large extent to operate the site according to your expectations. Information usually does not identify you directly, but can provide a more personalized Web experience. As we respect your right to privacy, you can choose not to allow certain types of cookies. Click on the headers of the different categories to learn more and change the default settings. However, blocking certain types of cookies may have an impact on your experience of the site and the services we can offer. <a href="" target="blank">More information</a>' }, { title: 'TECHNICAL OR STRICTLY NECESSARY COOKIES', description: 'These cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the site and cannot be deactivated in our systems because the experience of use and navigation of the website may be compromised. They are usually set only in response to actions you have taken that constitute a service request, such as setting privacy preferences, accessing or filling out forms. You can set your browser to block or have warnings about these cookies, but as a result some parts of the site will not work. These cookies do not store personal information. This category of cookies cannot be disabled', toggle: { value: 'necessary', enabled: true, readonly: true // cookie categories with readonly=true are all treated as "necessary cookies" }, cookie_table: [ // list of all expected cookies { col1: 'AWSALB', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '7 days', col4: 'Amazon web services' }, { col1: 'AWSALBCORS', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '7 days', col4: 'Amazon web services' }, { col1: 'PHPSESSID', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: 'End of session', col4: 'PHP Session' } ] }, { title: 'ANALYTICAL OR PERFORMANCE COOKIES', description: 'These cookies collect information in aggregate form on the number of users and on how they use the website. Analytical cookies are used to analyze and monitor the way in which the Site is visited (e.g. number of accesses and pages viewed). They help us know which pages are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around the site. All information collected by cookies is aggregated for statistical purposes to allow us to make improvements to the Site in terms of operation and navigation. If you do not allow these cookies, we will not know when you have visited our site.', toggle: { value: 'analytics', // your cookie category enabled: false, readonly: false }, cookie_table: [ // list of all expected cookies { col1: '^_ga', // match all cookies starting with "_ga" col2:'www',''), col3: '2 years', col4: 'Google Analytics', is_regex: true }, { col1: '_gid', col2:'www',''), col3: '1 day', col4: 'Google Analytics' }, { col1: '__atuvc', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '2 years', col4: 'AddThis' }, { col1: '__atuvs', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '1 day', col4: 'AddThis' }, { col1: '__atssc', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '1 day', col4: 'AddThis' }, { col1: 'Vuid', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '1 day', col4: 'Vimeo' } ] }, { title: 'ADVERTISING COOKIES', description: 'These cookies (which can be first or third party) are those used to profile the user based on his behavior on the site and therefore to create specific profiles of the user by showing him advertisements relevant to the preferences shown on the network by the user. They do not directly store personal information, but are based solely on the identification of your browser and your internet device. If you do not accept these cookies, you will receive less targeted advertising.', toggle: { value: 'marketing', enabled: false, readonly: false },cookie_table: [ { col1: 'VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'YSC', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt.innertube::nextId', col2: '', col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt.innertube::requests', col2: '', col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-cast-available', col2: '', col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-cast-installed', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-connected-devices', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: 'End of session', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-device-id', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-fast-check-period', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-session-app', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'hubyt-remote-session-name', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: '_gcl_au', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Google AdSense' }, { col1: '_fbp', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Facebook' }, { col1: '_pin_unauth', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Pinterest' } ] } ] } },ar : { consent_modal: { title: 'We use cookies', description: 'Dear Visitor, this website uses profiling and advertising cookies, including "third parties" as independent data controllers, in order to send you promotions and offers of services in line with the preferences you expressed during your online browsing. You can accept these cookies by pressing accept and continue, or click "set my cookie preferences" to set your preferences, or you can press refuse and continue. For more information on our cookie policy click on the following <a href="" target="blank">link</a>.</br></br> You can change your preferences at any time by visiting the "Cookie preferences" section at the bottom of the site page.', primary_btn: { text: 'ACCEPT ALL COOKIES AND CONTINUE', role: 'accept_all' // 'accept_selected' or 'accept_all' }, secondary_btn: { text: 'REFUSES ALL COOKIES', role: 'accept_necessary' // 'settings' or 'accept_necessary' }, secondary_settings_btn: { text: 'SET YOUR PREFERENCES ON COOKIES' } }, settings_modal: { title: 'Privacy Preferences Center', save_settings_btn: 'SAVE SETTINGS AND CLOSE', accept_all_btn: 'ACCEPT ALL COOKIES AND CONTINUE', reject_all_btn: 'REFUSES ALL COOKIES', close_btn_label: 'Close', cookie_table_headers: [ {col1: 'Name'}, {col2: 'Domain'}, {col3: 'Expiration'}, {col4: 'Description'} ], blocks: [ { title: 'Manage consent preferences', description: 'When you visit any website, this may store or retrieve information about your browser, largely in the form of cookies. This information may be about you, your preferences or your device and is used to a large extent to operate the site according to your expectations. Information usually does not identify you directly, but can provide a more personalized Web experience. As we respect your right to privacy, you can choose not to allow certain types of cookies. Click on the headers of the different categories to learn more and change the default settings. However, blocking certain types of cookies may have an impact on your experience of the site and the services we can offer. <a href="" target="blank">More information</a>' }, { title: 'TECHNICAL OR STRICTLY NECESSARY COOKIES', description: 'These cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the site and cannot be deactivated in our systems because the experience of use and navigation of the website may be compromised. They are usually set only in response to actions you have taken that constitute a service request, such as setting privacy preferences, accessing or filling out forms. You can set your browser to block or have warnings about these cookies, but as a result some parts of the site will not work. These cookies do not store personal information. This category of cookies cannot be disabled', toggle: { value: 'necessary', enabled: true, readonly: true // cookie categories with readonly=true are all treated as "necessary cookies" }, cookie_table: [ // list of all expected cookies { col1: 'AWSALB', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '7 days', col4: 'Amazon web services' }, { col1: 'AWSALBCORS', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '7 days', col4: 'Amazon web services' }, { col1: 'PHPSESSID', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: 'End of session', col4: 'PHP Session' } ] }, { title: 'ANALYTICAL OR PERFORMANCE COOKIES', description: 'These cookies collect information in aggregate form on the number of users and on how they use the website. Analytical cookies are used to analyze and monitor the way in which the Site is visited (e.g. number of accesses and pages viewed). They help us know which pages are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around the site. All information collected by cookies is aggregated for statistical purposes to allow us to make improvements to the Site in terms of operation and navigation. If you do not allow these cookies, we will not know when you have visited our site.', toggle: { value: 'analytics', // your cookie category enabled: false, readonly: false }, cookie_table: [ // list of all expected cookies { col1: '^_ga', // match all cookies starting with "_ga" col2:'www',''), col3: '2 years', col4: 'Google Analytics', is_regex: true }, { col1: '_gid', col2:'www',''), col3: '1 day', col4: 'Google Analytics' }, { col1: '__atuvc', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '2 years', col4: 'AddThis' }, { col1: '__atuvs', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '1 day', col4: 'AddThis' }, { col1: '__atssc', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '1 day', col4: 'AddThis' }, { col1: 'Vuid', col2: 'window.location.hostname', col3: '1 day', col4: 'Vimeo' } ] }, { title: 'ADVERTISING COOKIES', description: 'These cookies (which can be first or third party) are those used to profile the user based on his behavior on the site and therefore to create specific profiles of the user by showing him advertisements relevant to the preferences shown on the network by the user. They do not directly store personal information, but are based solely on the identification of your browser and your internet device. If you do not accept these cookies, you will receive less targeted advertising.', toggle: { value: 'marketing', enabled: false, readonly: false },cookie_table: [ { col1: 'VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'YSC', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt.innertube::nextId', col2: '', col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt.innertube::requests', col2: '', col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-cast-available', col2: '', col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-cast-installed', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '1 day', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-connected-devices', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: 'End of session', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-device-id', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-fast-check-period', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'yt-remote-session-app', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: 'hubyt-remote-session-name', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Youtube' }, { col1: '_gcl_au', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Google AdSense' }, { col1: '_fbp', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Facebook' }, { col1: '_pin_unauth', col2: window.location.hostname, col3: '2 years', col4: 'Pinterest' } ] } ] } },pl : { consent_modal: { title: 'We use cookies', description: 'Dear Visitor, this website uses profiling and advertising cookies, including "third parties" as independent data controllers, in order to send you promotions and offers of services in line with the preferences you expressed during your online browsing. You can accept these cookies by pressing accept and continue, or click "set my cookie preferences" to set your preferences, or you can press refuse and continue. 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mediterranea.<br /> In collaborazione con&nbsp;SAPAR,&nbsp;Associazione Nazionale Servizi Apparecchi per Pubbliche Attrazioni Ricreative.</span></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">NUOVA DATA: 17-19&nbsp;febbraio&nbsp;2025, Fiera di Rimini</span></strong></p> <h2 style="text-align: center;"><strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><a class="btn btn-default" href="/enada/enada-primavera/presentazione"><span style="color:#FFFFFF;">SCOPRI DI PIÙ</span></a></span></strong></h2> </section></div></div> </div> </div><div class="pimcore_area_Extera3Columns pimcore_area_content personalized is-colored-grey"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-8"><div class="pimcore_area_wysiwyg pimcore_area_content"><section class="area-wysiwyg"> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-size:20px">Enada si svolge in contemporanea a <strong>RAS Rimini Amusement Show</strong>, l'appuntamento di riferimento per gli operatori del mondo dell'amusement,&nbsp;un evento per valorizzare le novità e le eccellenze del divertimento senza vincite in denaro per tutte le età.</span></p> </section></div></div> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-4"><div class="pimcore_area_wysiwyg pimcore_area_content"><section class="area-wysiwyg"> <p><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/website/var/tmp/image-thumbnails/1320000/1320724/thumb__auto_cc1e4ea161ac3e7ba6adf720a9f94966/ras.png" style="width: 200px; height: 157px;" /></a></p> </section></div></div> </div> </div><div class="pimcore_area_wysiwyg pimcore_area_content"><section class="area-wysiwyg"> <h1 style="text-align: center;"><span style="color:#b72d65;">INNOVATION DISTRICT</span></h1> </section></div><div class="pimcore_area_Extera3Columns pimcore_area_content personalized"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-8"><div class="pimcore_area_wysiwyg pimcore_area_content"><section class="area-wysiwyg"> <p><img src="/website/var/tmp/image-thumbnails/1320000/1320673/thumb__auto_75ee3b3818ac406bf721de4f3c783d5c/ena-ras25-1080x1920-innovation-district.jpeg" style="width: 800px;" /></p> </section></div></div> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-4"><div class="pimcore_area_wysiwyg pimcore_area_content"><section class="area-wysiwyg"> <p><span style="font-size:20px">Vieni a scoprire l'INNOVATION DISTRICT, l'area dedicata alle start-up innovative e alle giovani realtà imprenditoriali, che offrono tecnologie, servizi e soluzioni per l'industria del gamming e dell'amusement. L'Innovation District ti aspetta nel padiglione D3.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size:20px"><a class="btn btn-default" href="/enada/enada-primavera/innovation-district"><span style="color:#FFFFFF;">SCORPI DI PIÙ</span></a></span></p> </section></div></div> </div> </div><div class="pimcore_area_wysiwyg pimcore_area_content"><section class="area-wysiwyg"> <h1 style="text-align: center;"><span style="color:#b72d65;">I SETTORI ESPOSITIVI</span></h1> </section></div><div class="pimcore_area_Extera3Columns pimcore_area_content personalized"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-4"><div class="pimcore_area_wysiwyg pimcore_area_content"><section class="area-wysiwyg"> <p><span style="font-size:20px">In esposizione le principali aziende produttrici di slot machine, bingo, hardware e software, accessori e ricambi, servizi,&nbsp;i-gaming, sistemi di pagamento e di&nbsp;sicurezza, vending, articoli promozionali,&nbsp;arredamento e complementi.</span></p> <p><strong><a 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