<strong>Paper Title</strong><br> Quantum Key Distribution in E-Governance using Novel Triple Des and QKD Simulator<br> <br> <strong>Abstract</strong><br> Rapid deployment of e-governance applications highlighting on need for security and authentication. Many emerging technologies are being developed to fulfil security requirements. Today there are wide range of technologies, products and solutions for securing the electronic infrastructure of any organization. The significance of E-Governance has been enlarged in most of the developing countries like India. E-Governance will result in enhanced rapid information, Governance transparency, higher organizational efficiency and improved public services in sectors including education, water, transportation, health, power, security, municipal services and the state administration. It is necessary to provide security while transmitting the information between the parties. Now a day鈥檚 E-Governance uses Cryptography to provide security. Cryptography uses classical channel to distribute the key by key exchange algorithms. Here some problems may arise. To overcome the key distribution problem in cryptography Quantum cryptography comes into existence. In Quantum Cryptography quantum channel is used to distribute the key. Quantum Key Distribution is used for providing secure transmission. It enables two parties to fabricate a shared arbitrary bit sequence known only to them, which can be used as a key to encode and decode the messages. An exclusive asset of Quantum Cryptography is the ability of the two communicating users to become aware of the existence of any third party trying to gain familiarity of the key. This quantum cryptography enables the transfer of data through qubits which have the special property that they change their states if they are copied. In this work to secure the E-Governance applications Quantum Key Distribution is used. Now a day鈥檚 in EGovernance banking is one of the biggest area where lot of transactions can be carried out per hour. There E- Transactions can be done through OTP. One time passwords (OTP) play a crucial role for endorsement in net-banking to make it more secure. Distribution of OTPs to concerned user is a major issue. At present this OTP can be distributed to user through classical channel this may causes to the trapping. To conquer this here Quantum Key Distribution is used to distribute the OTP. Here the simulation and analysis of BB84 protocol, which exhibits probabilistic behaviour, can be implemented using QKD Simulator. To encrypt the unicode text a novel triple DES algorithm is used. Keywords - BB84, E-Governance, Pairing , Quantum Key Distribution and Unicode.