Brightlands Chemelot Campus regelgeving | Brightlands
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points="34 41 35 41 35 40 34 40" id="Fill-254" style="fill: #FFFFFF" /><polygon points="36 41 37 41 37 40 36 40" id="Fill-281" style="fill: #FFFFFF" /><polygon points="30 41 31 41 31 40 30 40" id="Fill-254" style="fill: #FFFFFF" /><polygon points="32 41 33 41 33 40 32 40" id="Fill-281" style="fill: #FFFFFF" /><polygon points="24 8 25 8 25 7 24 7" id="Fill-145" style="fill: #FFFFFF" /><polygon points="22 8 23 8 23 7 22 7" id="Fill-157" style="fill: #FFFFFF" /><polygon points="28 8 29 8 29 7 28 7" id="Fill-161" style="fill: #FFFFFF" /><polygon points="26 8 27 8 27 7 26 7" id="Fill-173" style="fill: #FFFFFF" /><polygon points="16 8 17 8 17 7 16 7" id="Fill-196" style="fill: #FFFFFF" /><polygon points="20 8 21 8 21 7 20 7" id="Fill-201" style="fill: #FFFFFF" /><polygon points="18 8 19 8 19 7 18 7" id="Fill-202" style="fill: #FFFFFF" /> </g></svg> </div> <span class="text-establishment">Chemie & Materialen</span> </a> </li> <li class="" data-establishment="establishment-health"> <a 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id="Fill-281" style="fill: #FFFFFF" /><polygon points="30 41 31 41 31 40 30 40" id="Fill-254" style="fill: #FFFFFF" /><polygon points="32 41 33 41 33 40 32 40" id="Fill-281" style="fill: #FFFFFF" /><polygon points="24 8 25 8 25 7 24 7" id="Fill-145" style="fill: #FFFFFF" /><polygon points="22 8 23 8 23 7 22 7" id="Fill-157" style="fill: #FFFFFF" /><polygon points="28 8 29 8 29 7 28 7" id="Fill-161" style="fill: #FFFFFF" /><polygon points="26 8 27 8 27 7 26 7" id="Fill-173" style="fill: #FFFFFF" /><polygon points="16 8 17 8 17 7 16 7" id="Fill-196" style="fill: #FFFFFF" /><polygon points="20 8 21 8 21 7 20 7" id="Fill-201" style="fill: #FFFFFF" /><polygon points="18 8 19 8 19 7 18 7" id="Fill-202" style="fill: #FFFFFF" /> </g></svg> </div> <span class="text-establishment">Gezondheid</span> </a> </li> <li class="" data-establishment="establishment-smart-services"> <a href="/brightlands-smart-services-campus"> <div class="icon-establishment"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="48" 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