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17th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">A superb selection of photos from the past 15 years which celebrate Arabian horses in the UAE. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Competitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Competitions">The Underground Needs You! </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">1st Sep - 12th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Fancy winning a DJ residency in Dubai?</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Gastro</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Gastro">Choose Wisely – Sustainable Fish Dish Challenge </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">1st Sep - 15th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">The Emirates Wildlife Society is holding a recipe competition to raise awareness of the declining stocks of some varieties of fish in the UAE. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Fashion – The Story of a Lifetime </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">14th Sep - 17th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Elie Domit has succeeded in bringing together an exquisite collection of vintage and modern prints by celebrated fashion photographers. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Competitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Competitions">The Sheikha Manal Young Artist Award </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">15th Sep - 31st Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Artists aged 18-30 can enter this competition, which carries with it a series of Dh30,000 prizes. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The Jameel Prize Exhibition </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">15th Sep - 24th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">This is an exhibition of contemporary artists and designers, inspired by Islamic traditions of craft and design. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Angels in Combat </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">21st Sep - 20th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Angels in Combat Iranian-born Afruz Amighi uses light, shadows and plastic sheets to create a powerful collection of works. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Controlled Chaos </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">22nd Sep - 21st Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Golnaz Fathi’s fourth solo exhibition is a mixture of works on paper and lightboxes. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">RSTW</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">22nd Sep 2010 - 24th Jan 2011</p> <p class="lede">Larry Gagosian's collection of post-Second World War American art is a joy to behold.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Competitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Competitions">Abu Dhabi Through Your Eyes 2010 </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">23rd Sep - 31st Dec 2010</p> <p class="lede"></p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Talks</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Talks">The Best of Opera</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">26th Sep - 28th Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">The second season of David Lesser’s fine music appreciation evenings runs each Sunday until November 28.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Provocations</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">27th Sep - 20th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Jonathan Gent and Sami Al Karim have produced a couple of startling exhibitions which demand your attention. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Contemporary Romanian Art </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">27th Sep - 10th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">The works of five modern Romanian artists are on display in the capital. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The Bright Side of the Bones</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">28th Sep - 28th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Maisoon Al Saleh’s first solo exhibition is about everyday stories of Emirati life.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">An Exhibition by Anahita Ansaripour </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">2nd - 16th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">The female artist’s work is all about hafiz – the manifestation of the most sublime aspects of an Iranian person’s character.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Expressions</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">2nd - 12th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Lebanese artist Chantal Goraieb shows off a host of abstract pictures which are heavily influenced by the swirling use of Arabic script.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Fashion</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Fashion">Fashion Courses </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">3rd Oct - 15th Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">Esmod Dubai is offering one to four day courses for students who want to learn more about this most glamorous of industries. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The Art Of Sumayyah Al Suwaidi </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">3rd - 13th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">The first Emirati digital artist is back in her computer-created world, exploring the many facets of her personality.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Autumn Exhibition</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">3rd Oct - 1st Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">A collection of new paintings and sculptures by the resident artists at Art Sawa.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">In Decay</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">5th Oct - 22nd Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">This highly-anticipated exhibition features the work of Ralf Ziervogel, in what is the German’s first show in the Middle East.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The Social Seen </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">6th - 30th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Hatty Pedder’s whimsical observations on life and social situations are also extremely cutting.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Mezzo </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">6th Oct - 21st Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">Georges Bassil’s paintings of haunting faces come to Dubai. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Film</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Film">Eat Pray Love </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">7th - 13th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede"></p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Film</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Film">Legend of the Guardians</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">7th - 13th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">We all love monsters, toys and aliens..but owls? </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Film</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Film">Takers</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">7th - 13th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Heist drama starring Matt Dillon as one of two cops trying to track down an expert gang of bank robbers. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The Harper’s Bazaar Fortnight of Fashion </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">7th - 20th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Catwalk shows, illustrations by Andy Warhol, live music and home furnishings come together in this two week extravaganza.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Film</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Film">Devil</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">7th - 13th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">M Night Shyamalan once again comes short of replicating his success with the Sixth Sense in this first installment of a trilogy about the super natural and modern world colliding. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Film</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Film">The Boys Are Back</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">7th - 13th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Sadly not an ode to Thin Lizzy, but a rather poignant film about an English sports journalist living in Australia who has to care for his sons from two marriages after his second wife’s premature death. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Dubai International Jewellery Week </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">7th - 10th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Blingtastic event open to traders and the public, with several competitions to compliment the dazzling displays.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Talks</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Talks">The Future is Now: Making Art / Thinking Ecology </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">10th - 10th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Professor Marina Zurkow will present Crossing the Waters, a selection of animations based on climate change.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> </ul> <h3 class="period"> Mon: <abbr title="(29 events)">(29)</abbr></h3> <ul class="events-list-full"> <li class="first-child"> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The President of the UAE Cup Series Photography Gallery</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">21st Jul - 17th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">A superb selection of photos from the past 15 years which celebrate Arabian horses in the UAE. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Competitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Competitions">The Underground Needs You! </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">1st Sep - 12th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Fancy winning a DJ residency in Dubai?</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Gastro</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Gastro">Choose Wisely – Sustainable Fish Dish Challenge </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">1st Sep - 15th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">The Emirates Wildlife Society is holding a recipe competition to raise awareness of the declining stocks of some varieties of fish in the UAE. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Fashion – The Story of a Lifetime </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">14th Sep - 17th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Elie Domit has succeeded in bringing together an exquisite collection of vintage and modern prints by celebrated fashion photographers. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Competitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Competitions">The Sheikha Manal Young Artist Award </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">15th Sep - 31st Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Artists aged 18-30 can enter this competition, which carries with it a series of Dh30,000 prizes. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The Jameel Prize Exhibition </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">15th Sep - 24th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">This is an exhibition of contemporary artists and designers, inspired by Islamic traditions of craft and design. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Angels in Combat </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">21st Sep - 20th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Angels in Combat Iranian-born Afruz Amighi uses light, shadows and plastic sheets to create a powerful collection of works. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Controlled Chaos </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">22nd Sep - 21st Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Golnaz Fathi’s fourth solo exhibition is a mixture of works on paper and lightboxes. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">RSTW</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">22nd Sep 2010 - 24th Jan 2011</p> <p class="lede">Larry Gagosian's collection of post-Second World War American art is a joy to behold.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Competitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Competitions">Abu Dhabi Through Your Eyes 2010 </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">23rd Sep - 31st Dec 2010</p> <p class="lede"></p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Talks</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Talks">The Best of Opera</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">26th Sep - 28th Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">The second season of David Lesser’s fine music appreciation evenings runs each Sunday until November 28.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Provocations</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">27th Sep - 20th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Jonathan Gent and Sami Al Karim have produced a couple of startling exhibitions which demand your attention. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The Bright Side of the Bones</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">28th Sep - 28th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Maisoon Al Saleh’s first solo exhibition is about everyday stories of Emirati life.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">An Exhibition by Anahita Ansaripour </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">2nd - 16th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">The female artist’s work is all about hafiz – the manifestation of the most sublime aspects of an Iranian person’s character.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Expressions</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">2nd - 12th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Lebanese artist Chantal Goraieb shows off a host of abstract pictures which are heavily influenced by the swirling use of Arabic script.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Fashion</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Fashion">Fashion Courses </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">3rd Oct - 15th Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">Esmod Dubai is offering one to four day courses for students who want to learn more about this most glamorous of industries. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The Art Of Sumayyah Al Suwaidi </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">3rd - 13th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">The first Emirati digital artist is back in her computer-created world, exploring the many facets of her personality.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Autumn Exhibition</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">3rd Oct - 1st Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">A collection of new paintings and sculptures by the resident artists at Art Sawa.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">In Decay</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">5th Oct - 22nd Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">This highly-anticipated exhibition features the work of Ralf Ziervogel, in what is the German’s first show in the Middle East.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The Social Seen </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">6th - 30th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Hatty Pedder’s whimsical observations on life and social situations are also extremely cutting.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Mezzo </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">6th Oct - 21st Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">Georges Bassil’s paintings of haunting faces come to Dubai. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Film</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Film">Eat Pray Love </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">7th - 13th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede"></p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Film</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Film">Legend of the Guardians</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">7th - 13th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">We all love monsters, toys and aliens..but owls? </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Film</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Film">Takers</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">7th - 13th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Heist drama starring Matt Dillon as one of two cops trying to track down an expert gang of bank robbers. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The Harper’s Bazaar Fortnight of Fashion </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">7th - 20th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Catwalk shows, illustrations by Andy Warhol, live music and home furnishings come together in this two week extravaganza.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Film</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Film">Devil</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">7th - 13th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">M Night Shyamalan once again comes short of replicating his success with the Sixth Sense in this first installment of a trilogy about the super natural and modern world colliding. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Film</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Film">The Boys Are Back</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">7th - 13th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Sadly not an ode to Thin Lizzy, but a rather poignant film about an English sports journalist living in Australia who has to care for his sons from two marriages after his second wife’s premature death. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Children</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Children">Cool Collage </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">11th - 11th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Children aged six to 11 can learn how to make basic works with paper and other materials.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Nightlife</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Nightlife">Canadian Thanksgiving </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">11th - 11th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede"></p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> </ul> <h3 class="period"> Tue: <abbr title="(31 events)">(31)</abbr></h3> <ul class="events-list-full"> <li class="first-child"> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The President of the UAE Cup Series Photography Gallery</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">21st Jul - 17th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">A superb selection of photos from the past 15 years which celebrate Arabian horses in the UAE. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Competitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Competitions">The Underground Needs You! </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">1st Sep - 12th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Fancy winning a DJ residency in Dubai?</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Gastro</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Gastro">Choose Wisely – Sustainable Fish Dish Challenge </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">1st Sep - 15th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">The Emirates Wildlife Society is holding a recipe competition to raise awareness of the declining stocks of some varieties of fish in the UAE. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Fashion – The Story of a Lifetime </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">14th Sep - 17th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Elie Domit has succeeded in bringing together an exquisite collection of vintage and modern prints by celebrated fashion photographers. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Competitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Competitions">The Sheikha Manal Young Artist Award </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">15th Sep - 31st Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Artists aged 18-30 can enter this competition, which carries with it a series of Dh30,000 prizes. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The Jameel Prize Exhibition </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">15th Sep - 24th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">This is an exhibition of contemporary artists and designers, inspired by Islamic traditions of craft and design. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Angels in Combat </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">21st Sep - 20th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Angels in Combat Iranian-born Afruz Amighi uses light, shadows and plastic sheets to create a powerful collection of works. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Controlled Chaos </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">22nd Sep - 21st Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Golnaz Fathi’s fourth solo exhibition is a mixture of works on paper and lightboxes. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">RSTW</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">22nd Sep 2010 - 24th Jan 2011</p> <p class="lede">Larry Gagosian's collection of post-Second World War American art is a joy to behold.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Competitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Competitions">Abu Dhabi Through Your Eyes 2010 </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">23rd Sep - 31st Dec 2010</p> <p class="lede"></p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Talks</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Talks">The Best of Opera</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">26th Sep - 28th Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">The second season of David Lesser’s fine music appreciation evenings runs each Sunday until November 28.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Provocations</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">27th Sep - 20th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Jonathan Gent and Sami Al Karim have produced a couple of startling exhibitions which demand your attention. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The Bright Side of the Bones</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">28th Sep - 28th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Maisoon Al Saleh’s first solo exhibition is about everyday stories of Emirati life.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">An Exhibition by Anahita Ansaripour </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">2nd - 16th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">The female artist’s work is all about hafiz – the manifestation of the most sublime aspects of an Iranian person’s character.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Expressions</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">2nd - 12th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Lebanese artist Chantal Goraieb shows off a host of abstract pictures which are heavily influenced by the swirling use of Arabic script.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Fashion</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Fashion">Fashion Courses </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">3rd Oct - 15th Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">Esmod Dubai is offering one to four day courses for students who want to learn more about this most glamorous of industries. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The Art Of Sumayyah Al Suwaidi </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">3rd - 13th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">The first Emirati digital artist is back in her computer-created world, exploring the many facets of her personality.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Autumn Exhibition</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">3rd Oct - 1st Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">A collection of new paintings and sculptures by the resident artists at Art Sawa.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">In Decay</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">5th Oct - 22nd Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">This highly-anticipated exhibition features the work of Ralf Ziervogel, in what is the German’s first show in the Middle East.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The Social Seen </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">6th - 30th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Hatty Pedder’s whimsical observations on life and social situations are also extremely cutting.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Mezzo </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">6th Oct - 21st Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">Georges Bassil’s paintings of haunting faces come to Dubai. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Film</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Film">Eat Pray Love </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">7th - 13th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede"></p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Film</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Film">Legend of the Guardians</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">7th - 13th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">We all love monsters, toys and aliens..but owls? </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Film</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Film">Takers</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">7th - 13th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Heist drama starring Matt Dillon as one of two cops trying to track down an expert gang of bank robbers. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Fashion</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Fashion">The Harper’s Bazaar Fortnight of Fashion </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">7th - 20th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Catwalk shows, illustrations by Andy Warhol, live music and home furnishings come together in this two week extravaganza.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Film</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Film">Devil</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">7th - 13th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">M Night Shyamalan once again comes short of replicating his success with the Sixth Sense in this first installment of a trilogy about the super natural and modern world colliding. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Film</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Film">The Boys Are Back</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">7th - 13th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Sadly not an ode to Thin Lizzy, but a rather poignant film about an English sports journalist living in Australia who has to care for his sons from two marriages after his second wife’s premature death. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Classes &amp; workshops</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Classes :and: workshops">Mastering Motorsport</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">12th - 13th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Students have the chance to learn about the business of Formula One from the professionals.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Art in Iraq Today: Part I </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">12th Oct - 11th Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">Works by of Modhir Ahmed, Nedim Kufi and Hanaa Malallah are on display in what is the first of a four part exhibition.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Performance</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Performance">Dubai Concert Committee concert</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">12th - 12th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Pianist Moema Rodrigues, cellist Ana Helena Surgik and violinist Janos Ecseghy come together as one to play pieces by Franz Joseph Haydn, Frank Martin and Bedrich Smetana.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Performance</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Performance">The Laughter Factory</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">12th - 21st Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">The Laughter Factory British stand-up comedian Michael Fabbri headlines this month’s tour. He’s supported by Gordon Southern and Tim Clark.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> </ul> <h3 class="period"> Wed: <abbr title="(30 events)">(30)</abbr></h3> <ul class="events-list-full"> <li class="first-child"> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The President of the UAE Cup Series Photography Gallery</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">21st Jul - 17th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">A superb selection of photos from the past 15 years which celebrate Arabian horses in the UAE. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Gastro</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Gastro">Choose Wisely – Sustainable Fish Dish Challenge </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">1st Sep - 15th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">The Emirates Wildlife Society is holding a recipe competition to raise awareness of the declining stocks of some varieties of fish in the UAE. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Fashion – The Story of a Lifetime </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">14th Sep - 17th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Elie Domit has succeeded in bringing together an exquisite collection of vintage and modern prints by celebrated fashion photographers. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Competitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Competitions">The Sheikha Manal Young Artist Award </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">15th Sep - 31st Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Artists aged 18-30 can enter this competition, which carries with it a series of Dh30,000 prizes. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The Jameel Prize Exhibition </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">15th Sep - 24th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">This is an exhibition of contemporary artists and designers, inspired by Islamic traditions of craft and design. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Angels in Combat </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">21st Sep - 20th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Angels in Combat Iranian-born Afruz Amighi uses light, shadows and plastic sheets to create a powerful collection of works. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Controlled Chaos </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">22nd Sep - 21st Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Golnaz Fathi’s fourth solo exhibition is a mixture of works on paper and lightboxes. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">RSTW</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">22nd Sep 2010 - 24th Jan 2011</p> <p class="lede">Larry Gagosian's collection of post-Second World War American art is a joy to behold.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Competitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Competitions">Abu Dhabi Through Your Eyes 2010 </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">23rd Sep - 31st Dec 2010</p> <p class="lede"></p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Talks</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Talks">The Best of Opera</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">26th Sep - 28th Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">The second season of David Lesser’s fine music appreciation evenings runs each Sunday until November 28.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Provocations</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">27th Sep - 20th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Jonathan Gent and Sami Al Karim have produced a couple of startling exhibitions which demand your attention. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The Bright Side of the Bones</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">28th Sep - 28th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Maisoon Al Saleh’s first solo exhibition is about everyday stories of Emirati life.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">An Exhibition by Anahita Ansaripour </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">2nd - 16th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">The female artist’s work is all about hafiz – the manifestation of the most sublime aspects of an Iranian person’s character.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Fashion</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Fashion">Fashion Courses </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">3rd Oct - 15th Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">Esmod Dubai is offering one to four day courses for students who want to learn more about this most glamorous of industries. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The Art Of Sumayyah Al Suwaidi </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">3rd - 13th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">The first Emirati digital artist is back in her computer-created world, exploring the many facets of her personality.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Autumn Exhibition</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">3rd Oct - 1st Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">A collection of new paintings and sculptures by the resident artists at Art Sawa.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">In Decay</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">5th Oct - 22nd Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">This highly-anticipated exhibition features the work of Ralf Ziervogel, in what is the German’s first show in the Middle East.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The Social Seen </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">6th - 30th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Hatty Pedder’s whimsical observations on life and social situations are also extremely cutting.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Mezzo </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">6th Oct - 21st Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">Georges Bassil’s paintings of haunting faces come to Dubai. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Film</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Film">Eat Pray Love </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">7th - 13th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede"></p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Film</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Film">Legend of the Guardians</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">7th - 13th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">We all love monsters, toys and aliens..but owls? </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Film</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Film">Takers</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">7th - 13th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Heist drama starring Matt Dillon as one of two cops trying to track down an expert gang of bank robbers. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Fashion</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Fashion">The Harper’s Bazaar Fortnight of Fashion </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">7th - 20th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Catwalk shows, illustrations by Andy Warhol, live music and home furnishings come together in this two week extravaganza.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Film</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Film">Devil</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">7th - 13th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">M Night Shyamalan once again comes short of replicating his success with the Sixth Sense in this first installment of a trilogy about the super natural and modern world colliding. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Film</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Film">The Boys Are Back</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">7th - 13th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Sadly not an ode to Thin Lizzy, but a rather poignant film about an English sports journalist living in Australia who has to care for his sons from two marriages after his second wife’s premature death. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Classes &amp; workshops</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Classes :and: workshops">Mastering Motorsport</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">12th - 13th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Students have the chance to learn about the business of Formula One from the professionals.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Art in Iraq Today: Part I </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">12th Oct - 11th Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">Works by of Modhir Ahmed, Nedim Kufi and Hanaa Malallah are on display in what is the first of a four part exhibition.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Performance</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Performance">The Laughter Factory</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">12th - 21st Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">The Laughter Factory British stand-up comedian Michael Fabbri headlines this month’s tour. He’s supported by Gordon Southern and Tim Clark.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Muqtanayati: One Hundred Treasures</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">13th Oct - 15th Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">Named after the Arabic word for “my possessions”, this exhibition is made up of 100 artifacts submitted by the public to tell the history of the UAE.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Classes &amp; workshops</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Classes :and: workshops">Layered Imagery: Collage, Photomontage and Image Transfer </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">13th - 13th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">A family workshop where you can learn how to be creative with your photos.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> </ul> <h3 class="period"> Thu: <abbr title="(24 events)">(24)</abbr></h3> <ul class="events-list-full"> <li class="first-child"> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The President of the UAE Cup Series Photography Gallery</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">21st Jul - 17th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">A superb selection of photos from the past 15 years which celebrate Arabian horses in the UAE. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Gastro</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Gastro">Choose Wisely – Sustainable Fish Dish Challenge </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">1st Sep - 15th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">The Emirates Wildlife Society is holding a recipe competition to raise awareness of the declining stocks of some varieties of fish in the UAE. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Fashion – The Story of a Lifetime </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">14th Sep - 17th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Elie Domit has succeeded in bringing together an exquisite collection of vintage and modern prints by celebrated fashion photographers. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Competitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Competitions">The Sheikha Manal Young Artist Award </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">15th Sep - 31st Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Artists aged 18-30 can enter this competition, which carries with it a series of Dh30,000 prizes. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The Jameel Prize Exhibition </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">15th Sep - 24th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">This is an exhibition of contemporary artists and designers, inspired by Islamic traditions of craft and design. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Angels in Combat </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">21st Sep - 20th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Angels in Combat Iranian-born Afruz Amighi uses light, shadows and plastic sheets to create a powerful collection of works. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Controlled Chaos </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">22nd Sep - 21st Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Golnaz Fathi’s fourth solo exhibition is a mixture of works on paper and lightboxes. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">RSTW</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">22nd Sep 2010 - 24th Jan 2011</p> <p class="lede">Larry Gagosian's collection of post-Second World War American art is a joy to behold.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Competitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Competitions">Abu Dhabi Through Your Eyes 2010 </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">23rd Sep - 31st Dec 2010</p> <p class="lede"></p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Talks</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Talks">The Best of Opera</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">26th Sep - 28th Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">The second season of David Lesser’s fine music appreciation evenings runs each Sunday until November 28.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Provocations</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">27th Sep - 20th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Jonathan Gent and Sami Al Karim have produced a couple of startling exhibitions which demand your attention. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The Bright Side of the Bones</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">28th Sep - 28th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Maisoon Al Saleh’s first solo exhibition is about everyday stories of Emirati life.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">An Exhibition by Anahita Ansaripour </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">2nd - 16th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">The female artist’s work is all about hafiz – the manifestation of the most sublime aspects of an Iranian person’s character.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Fashion</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Fashion">Fashion Courses </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">3rd Oct - 15th Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">Esmod Dubai is offering one to four day courses for students who want to learn more about this most glamorous of industries. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Autumn Exhibition</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">3rd Oct - 1st Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">A collection of new paintings and sculptures by the resident artists at Art Sawa.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">In Decay</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">5th Oct - 22nd Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">This highly-anticipated exhibition features the work of Ralf Ziervogel, in what is the German’s first show in the Middle East.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The Social Seen </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">6th - 30th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Hatty Pedder’s whimsical observations on life and social situations are also extremely cutting.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Mezzo </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">6th Oct - 21st Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">Georges Bassil’s paintings of haunting faces come to Dubai. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The Harper’s Bazaar Fortnight of Fashion </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">7th - 20th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Catwalk shows, illustrations by Andy Warhol, live music and home furnishings come together in this two week extravaganza.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Art in Iraq Today: Part I </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">12th Oct - 11th Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">Works by of Modhir Ahmed, Nedim Kufi and Hanaa Malallah are on display in what is the first of a four part exhibition.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Performance</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Performance">The Laughter Factory</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">12th - 21st Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">The Laughter Factory British stand-up comedian Michael Fabbri headlines this month’s tour. He’s supported by Gordon Southern and Tim Clark.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Muqtanayati: One Hundred Treasures</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">13th Oct - 15th Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">Named after the Arabic word for “my possessions”, this exhibition is made up of 100 artifacts submitted by the public to tell the history of the UAE.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Film</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Film">Abu Dhabi Film Festival</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">14th - 23rd Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">This newly rebranded event features a mix of premieres, parties and pizzazz.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Chic Lady Show </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">14th - 18th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Chic Lady Show There’s plenty of feminine fun to be had here, with jewellery, clothing and fashion shows for all ages and tastes.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> </ul> <h3 class="period"> Fri: <abbr title="(24 events)">(24)</abbr></h3> <ul class="events-list-full"> <li class="first-child"> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The President of the UAE Cup Series Photography Gallery</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">21st Jul - 17th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">A superb selection of photos from the past 15 years which celebrate Arabian horses in the UAE. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Gastro</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Gastro">Choose Wisely – Sustainable Fish Dish Challenge </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">1st Sep - 15th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">The Emirates Wildlife Society is holding a recipe competition to raise awareness of the declining stocks of some varieties of fish in the UAE. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Fashion – The Story of a Lifetime </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">14th Sep - 17th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Elie Domit has succeeded in bringing together an exquisite collection of vintage and modern prints by celebrated fashion photographers. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Competitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Competitions">The Sheikha Manal Young Artist Award </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">15th Sep - 31st Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Artists aged 18-30 can enter this competition, which carries with it a series of Dh30,000 prizes. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The Jameel Prize Exhibition </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">15th Sep - 24th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">This is an exhibition of contemporary artists and designers, inspired by Islamic traditions of craft and design. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Angels in Combat </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">21st Sep - 20th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Angels in Combat Iranian-born Afruz Amighi uses light, shadows and plastic sheets to create a powerful collection of works. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Controlled Chaos </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">22nd Sep - 21st Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Golnaz Fathi’s fourth solo exhibition is a mixture of works on paper and lightboxes. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">RSTW</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">22nd Sep 2010 - 24th Jan 2011</p> <p class="lede">Larry Gagosian's collection of post-Second World War American art is a joy to behold.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Competitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Competitions">Abu Dhabi Through Your Eyes 2010 </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">23rd Sep - 31st Dec 2010</p> <p class="lede"></p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Talks</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Talks">The Best of Opera</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">26th Sep - 28th Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">The second season of David Lesser’s fine music appreciation evenings runs each Sunday until November 28.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Provocations</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">27th Sep - 20th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Jonathan Gent and Sami Al Karim have produced a couple of startling exhibitions which demand your attention. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The Bright Side of the Bones</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">28th Sep - 28th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Maisoon Al Saleh’s first solo exhibition is about everyday stories of Emirati life.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">An Exhibition by Anahita Ansaripour </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">2nd - 16th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">The female artist’s work is all about hafiz – the manifestation of the most sublime aspects of an Iranian person’s character.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Fashion</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Fashion">Fashion Courses </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">3rd Oct - 15th Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">Esmod Dubai is offering one to four day courses for students who want to learn more about this most glamorous of industries. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Autumn Exhibition</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">3rd Oct - 1st Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">A collection of new paintings and sculptures by the resident artists at Art Sawa.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">In Decay</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">5th Oct - 22nd Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">This highly-anticipated exhibition features the work of Ralf Ziervogel, in what is the German’s first show in the Middle East.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The Social Seen </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">6th - 30th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Hatty Pedder’s whimsical observations on life and social situations are also extremely cutting.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Mezzo </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">6th Oct - 21st Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">Georges Bassil’s paintings of haunting faces come to Dubai. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The Harper’s Bazaar Fortnight of Fashion </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">7th - 20th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Catwalk shows, illustrations by Andy Warhol, live music and home furnishings come together in this two week extravaganza.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Art in Iraq Today: Part I </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">12th Oct - 11th Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">Works by of Modhir Ahmed, Nedim Kufi and Hanaa Malallah are on display in what is the first of a four part exhibition.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Performance</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Performance">The Laughter Factory</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">12th - 21st Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">The Laughter Factory British stand-up comedian Michael Fabbri headlines this month’s tour. He’s supported by Gordon Southern and Tim Clark.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Muqtanayati: One Hundred Treasures</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">13th Oct - 15th Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">Named after the Arabic word for “my possessions”, this exhibition is made up of 100 artifacts submitted by the public to tell the history of the UAE.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Film</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Film">Abu Dhabi Film Festival</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">14th - 23rd Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">This newly rebranded event features a mix of premieres, parties and pizzazz.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Chic Lady Show </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">14th - 18th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Chic Lady Show There’s plenty of feminine fun to be had here, with jewellery, clothing and fashion shows for all ages and tastes.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> </ul> <h3 class="period"> Sat: <abbr title="(23 events)">(23)</abbr></h3> <ul class="events-list-full"> <li class="first-child"> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The President of the UAE Cup Series Photography Gallery</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">21st Jul - 17th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">A superb selection of photos from the past 15 years which celebrate Arabian horses in the UAE. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Fashion – The Story of a Lifetime </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">14th Sep - 17th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Elie Domit has succeeded in bringing together an exquisite collection of vintage and modern prints by celebrated fashion photographers. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Competitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Competitions">The Sheikha Manal Young Artist Award </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">15th Sep - 31st Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Artists aged 18-30 can enter this competition, which carries with it a series of Dh30,000 prizes. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The Jameel Prize Exhibition </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">15th Sep - 24th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">This is an exhibition of contemporary artists and designers, inspired by Islamic traditions of craft and design. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Angels in Combat </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">21st Sep - 20th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Angels in Combat Iranian-born Afruz Amighi uses light, shadows and plastic sheets to create a powerful collection of works. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Controlled Chaos </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">22nd Sep - 21st Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Golnaz Fathi’s fourth solo exhibition is a mixture of works on paper and lightboxes. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">RSTW</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">22nd Sep 2010 - 24th Jan 2011</p> <p class="lede">Larry Gagosian's collection of post-Second World War American art is a joy to behold.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Competitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Competitions">Abu Dhabi Through Your Eyes 2010 </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">23rd Sep - 31st Dec 2010</p> <p class="lede"></p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Talks</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Talks">The Best of Opera</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">26th Sep - 28th Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">The second season of David Lesser’s fine music appreciation evenings runs each Sunday until November 28.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Provocations</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">27th Sep - 20th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Jonathan Gent and Sami Al Karim have produced a couple of startling exhibitions which demand your attention. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The Bright Side of the Bones</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">28th Sep - 28th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Maisoon Al Saleh’s first solo exhibition is about everyday stories of Emirati life.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">An Exhibition by Anahita Ansaripour </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">2nd - 16th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">The female artist’s work is all about hafiz – the manifestation of the most sublime aspects of an Iranian person’s character.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Classes &amp; workshops</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Classes :and: workshops">Fashion Courses </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">3rd Oct - 15th Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">Esmod Dubai is offering one to four day courses for students who want to learn more about this most glamorous of industries. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Autumn Exhibition</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">3rd Oct - 1st Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">A collection of new paintings and sculptures by the resident artists at Art Sawa.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">In Decay</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">5th Oct - 22nd Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">This highly-anticipated exhibition features the work of Ralf Ziervogel, in what is the German’s first show in the Middle East.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The Social Seen </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">6th - 30th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Hatty Pedder’s whimsical observations on life and social situations are also extremely cutting.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Mezzo </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">6th Oct - 21st Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">Georges Bassil’s paintings of haunting faces come to Dubai. </p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">The Harper’s Bazaar Fortnight of Fashion </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">7th - 20th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Catwalk shows, illustrations by Andy Warhol, live music and home furnishings come together in this two week extravaganza.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Art in Iraq Today: Part I </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">12th Oct - 11th Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">Works by of Modhir Ahmed, Nedim Kufi and Hanaa Malallah are on display in what is the first of a four part exhibition.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Performance</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Performance">The Laughter Factory</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">12th - 21st Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">The Laughter Factory British stand-up comedian Michael Fabbri headlines this month’s tour. He’s supported by Gordon Southern and Tim Clark.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Muqtanayati: One Hundred Treasures</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">13th Oct - 15th Nov 2010</p> <p class="lede">Named after the Arabic word for “my possessions”, this exhibition is made up of 100 artifacts submitted by the public to tell the history of the UAE.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Film</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Film">Abu Dhabi Film Festival</a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">14th - 23rd Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">This newly rebranded event features a mix of premieres, parties and pizzazz.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> <li> <div class="event-teaser article-teaser clear"> <h4 class="headline"><strong>Exhibitions</strong><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Chic Lady Show </a></h4> <p class="venue"></p> <p class="date">14th - 18th Oct 2010</p> <p class="lede">Chic Lady Show There’s plenty of feminine fun to be had here, with jewellery, clothing and fashion shows for all ages and tastes.</p> </div><!-- end event-teaser --> </li> </ul> </div> </div><!-- end events-period-list --> <div class="grid-3 pull-9 grid-nested-last"> <div class="events-time-filter"> <h2>View events for:</h2> <ul> <input type="hidden" value="2" name="weekIndex"/> <li> <a href="/web/20101011033729/">Sunday <abbr title="(30 events)">(30)</abbr> </a> </li> <input type="hidden" value="2" name="weekIndex"/> <li> <a href="/web/20101011033729/">Monday <abbr title="(29 events)">(29)</abbr> </a> </li> <input type="hidden" value="2" name="weekIndex"/> <li> <a href="/web/20101011033729/">Tuesday <abbr title="(31 events)">(31)</abbr> </a> </li> <input type="hidden" value="2" name="weekIndex"/> <li> <a href="/web/20101011033729/">Wednesday <abbr title="(30 events)">(30)</abbr> </a> </li> <input type="hidden" value="2" name="weekIndex"/> <li> <a href="/web/20101011033729/">Thursday <abbr title="(24 events)">(24)</abbr> </a> </li> <input type="hidden" value="2" name="weekIndex"/> <li> <a href="/web/20101011033729/">Friday <abbr title="(24 events)">(24)</abbr> </a> </li> <input type="hidden" value="2" name="weekIndex"/> <li> <a href="/web/20101011033729/">Saturday <abbr title="(23 events)">(23)</abbr> </a> </li> <input type="hidden" value="2" name="weekIndex"/> <li> <a href="/web/20101011033729/">This week <abbr title="(41 events)">(41)</abbr> </a> </li> <input type="hidden" value="2" name="weekIndex"/> <li> <a href="/web/20101011033729/">This month <abbr title="(69 events)">(69)</abbr> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="events-other-filters"> <h2>Search by:</h2> <div class="events-other-filter-list"> <ul> </ul> <h3>Categories : </h3> <ul> <li><a href="/web/20101011033729/"> Classes &amp; workshops <abbr title="(8 events)">(8)</abbr> </a></li> <li><a href="/web/20101011033729/"> Exhibitions <abbr title="(37 events)">(37)</abbr> </a></li> <li><a href="/web/20101011033729/"> Performance <abbr title="(13 events)">(13)</abbr> </a></li> <li><a href="/web/20101011033729/"> Openings <abbr title="(2 events)">(2)</abbr> </a></li> <li><a href="/web/20101011033729/"> Fashion <abbr title="(2 events)">(2)</abbr> </a></li> <li><a href="/web/20101011033729/"> Film <abbr title="(15 events)">(15)</abbr> </a></li> <li><a href="/web/20101011033729/"> Hotels <abbr title="(1 events)">(1)</abbr> </a></li> <li><a href="/web/20101011033729/"> Family events <abbr title="(5 events)">(5)</abbr> </a></li> <li><a href="/web/20101011033729/"> Nightlife <abbr title="(7 events)">(7)</abbr> </a></li> <li><a href="/web/20101011033729/"> Gastro <abbr title="(5 events)">(5)</abbr> </a></li> <li><a href="/web/20101011033729/"> Shopping <abbr title="(2 events)">(2)</abbr> </a></li> <li><a href="/web/20101011033729/"> Sport <abbr title="(3 events)">(3)</abbr> </a></li> <li><a href="/web/20101011033729/"> Talks <abbr title="(5 events)">(5)</abbr> </a></li> <li><a href="/web/20101011033729/"> Charity Events <abbr title="(2 events)">(2)</abbr> </a></li> </ul> <ul> </ul> </div> </div> </div><!-- end grid-3 pull-9 grid-nested-last --> </div><!-- end events-results-filters clear --> </div> <!-- end of grid-12 --> <div class="grid-4"> <div class="latest-events"> <h2>Latest Events</h2> <div class="events-list"> <ul> <li> <h4 class="title"><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Charity Events"> Contemporary Middle Eastern &amp; South Asian Art Auction</a></h4> <p class="date">Oct 11 - 10 Oct 2010</p> </li> <li> <h4 class="title"><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Talks">The Future is Now: Making Art / Thinking Ecology </a></h4> <p class="date">Oct 10 - 10 Oct 2010</p> </li> <li> <h4 class="title"><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Openings">Moves &amp; Grooves</a></h4> <p class="date">Oct 9 - 9 Oct 2010</p> </li> <li> <h4 class="title"><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Sport">Abu Dhabi Dragon Boat Festival</a></h4> <p class="date">Oct 8 - 9 Oct 2010</p> </li> <li> <h4 class="title"><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Performance">Thomas Gandey </a></h4> <p class="date">Oct 8 - 8 Oct 2010</p> </li> </ul> </div><!-- end events-list --> </div> <!-- latest-events --> <!-- UpComing events module --> <div class="events-list"> <h2>Upcoming Events</h2> <ul> <li> <h4 class="title"><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Classes :and: workshops">Cool Collage </a></h4> <p class="date">Oct 11 - 11 Oct 2010</p> </li> <li> <h4 class="title"><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Art in Iraq Today: Part I </a></h4> <p class="date">Oct 12 - 11 Nov 2010</p> </li> <li> <h4 class="title"><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Classes :and: workshops">Mastering Motorsport</a></h4> <p class="date">Oct 12 - 13 Oct 2010</p> </li> <li> <h4 class="title"><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Performance">Dubai Concert Committee concert</a></h4> <p class="date">Oct 12 - 12 Oct 2010</p> </li> <li> <h4 class="title"><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Performance">The Laughter Factory</a></h4> <p class="date">Oct 12 - 21 Oct 2010</p> </li> </ul> </div> <!-- events-list --> <div class="events-list"> <h2>Most popular</h2> <ul> <li> <h4 class="title"><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Family events">Burglar Bill</a></h4> <p class="date">Oct 5 - 9 Oct 2010</p> </li> <li> <h4 class="title"><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Nightlife">The Underground Needs You! </a></h4> <p class="date">Sep 1 - 12 Oct 2010</p> </li> <li> <h4 class="title"><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Gastro">Canadian Thanksgiving </a></h4> <p class="date">Oct 11 - 11 Oct 2010</p> </li> <li> <h4 class="title"><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Competitions">Choose Wisely – Sustainable Fish Dish Challenge </a></h4> <p class="date">Sep 1 - 15 Oct 2010</p> </li> <li> <h4 class="title"><a href="/web/20101011033729/;associatedChannelID=Exhibitions">Dubai International Jewellery Week </a></h4> <p class="date">Oct 7 - 10 Oct 2010</p> </li> </ul> </div> <!-- <div class="ad-space-banner"> <img height="550" width="220" src="/thenational/images/portal/PLACEHOLDER-ad-space-banner.gif" alt=""> </div> --> <!--BEGIN Advert_Type5_MPU (SpaceBanner) --> <!-- advert_type: Advert_Type4_Spacebanner --> <!-- channelName: /thenational/Home/Events --> <!-- scriptval:;sz=220x550,120x600,160x600;tile=4;'+vars+';ord='+ord+';'+surroundTag+';ar='+article+';lan='+admcdfp_sitelang+';!c='+category+';'+demographics+'? --> <!-- noscript:;sz=220x550,120x600,160x600;tile=4;ord=123456789? --> <div class="ad-space-banner"> <center> <script type="text/javascript"> var scriptval = "tn.ae_events/events_homepage;sz=220x550,120x600,160x600;tile=4;'+vars+';ord='+ord+';'+surroundTag+';ar='+article+';lan='+admcdfp_sitelang+';!c='+category+';'+demographics+'?"; 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