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Employees will continue parking along College Grove Drive and in parts of the Chollas Lake Park Gloria's Mesa and North Chollas Community Park parking lots until the project is complete. The work is expected to take approximately nine months. The Chollas Operations Yard, located on Caminito Chollas in Oak Park, is the primary work location for the City's infrastructure crews responsible for water, wastewater, street and stormwater work across San Diego. The site also houses materials and heavy machinery, along with office space. Approximately 1,000 employees work on-site. Thank you for your patience." data-links="{}"> The employee parking lot has been closed since August 2024, resulting in temporary vehicle and bike lane closures on College Grove Drive near Caminito Chollas. Employees will continue parking along College Grove Drive and in parts of the Chollas Lake Park Gloria's Mesa and North Chollas Community Park parking lots until the project is complete. The work is expected to take approximately nine months.<br/> <br/> The Chollas Operations Yard, located on Caminito Chollas in Oak Park, is the primary work location for the City's infrastructure crews responsible for water, wastewater, street and stormwater work across San Diego. The site also houses materials and heavy machinery, along with office space. Approximately 1,000 employees work on-site.<br/> <br/> Thank you for your patience. <div class="metadata"> </div> </p> <div class="media-scope"> <span class="content-scope-line-date">2 days ago</span> <span class="content-scope-line-middot" aria-hidden="true">·</span> Subscribers of City of San Diego in <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-toggle="map-modal" data-target="#nearby-neighborhoods-map-modal" data-type="city-post" data-id="384056922">5 neighborhoods</a> <span id="topic_list_384056922"> <span data-class="topics-label"> in General</span> </span> </div> <div class="media-actions" id="bl_384056922"> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/neighborhood/choose_address/"> <span data-class="label">Thank</span> </a> </span> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/" > <span data-class="label">Reply</span> </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="media js-media-post" id="s_383995685" data-class="whole-story" data-story-id="383995685" data-nearby-post="false" data-topic-ids='[18492]' > <div class="media-object js-profile-menu-init"> <a data-class="linked-name" data-id="9289839" href="/profile/9289839/"> <img width="80" class="avatar circular" src="" alt="Picture of Los Pe帽asquitos Canyon Preserve Open Space" /> </a> </div> <span hidden class="post-share-id">Wtz7hncj7DBw"</span><div class="media-body" id="b_383995685"> <div class="js-post-main-content-area"> <div id="edit_383995685" data-attachments='{}'> <h4 class="media-heading" id="a_383995685"> <span id="subject_383995685" data-subject="Update: Los Pe帽asquitos Canyon Preserve Ranger District Trails Closed 2/14/25" class="subject"> <a href="/city/post/383995685/">Update: Los Pe帽asquitos Canyon Preserve Ranger District Trails Closed 2/14/25</a> </span> </h4> <h5 class="media-author"> <span class="user-name js-profile-menu-init"><a data-class="linked-name" data-id="9289839" href="/profile/9289839/">Los Pe帽asquitos Canyon Preserve Open Space</a></span> from <a href="/agency/748155/"> City of San Diego </a> <span class="timestamp"> <span class="timestamp_bookmark" data-utc="2025-02-14T17:13:34">· 3 days ago</span> <span id="bm_icon_383995685" class="hide ss-bookmark bookmark_icon bookmark_old"></span> </span> </h5> <p id="message_383995685" data-class="post-content" data-story="Heavy rains last night caused Penasquitos Creek to raise over 10 ft. (8 ft. height than it's normal flow). It will take a couple of days before ranger staff can safely access the trails to assess the damage. We ask for your continued patience to help ensure your safety on the trails. No doubt several of the pedestrians bridges have been washed out. It will take several weeks to get them all set back in place. Please do not put rocks, branches or makeshift bridges/dams in the creek, this just extends the time it takes our staff to replace the bridges and causes additional damage to the surrounding trails as the creek overflows or changes course. We will also be inspecting the vernal pools on the mesa tops of Carmel Mountain and Del Mar Mesa Preserves. Some trails may be subject to seasonal closure to protect this especially sensitive habitat. We look forward to seeing you on the trails when they are dried out sufficiently." data-links="{}"> Heavy rains last night caused Penasquitos Creek to raise over 10 ft. (8 ft. height than it's normal flow). It will take a couple of days before ranger staff can safely access the trails to assess the damage. We ask for your continued patience to help ensure your safety on the trails.<br/> <br/> No doubt several of the pedestrians bridges have been washed out. It will take several weeks to get them all set back in place. Please do not put rocks, branches or makeshift bridges/dams in the creek, this just extends the time it takes our staff to replace the bridges and causes additional damage to the surrounding trails as the creek overflows or changes course.<br/> <br/> We will also be inspecting the vernal pools on the mesa tops of Carmel Mountain and Del Mar Mesa Preserves. Some trails may be subject to seasonal closure to protect this especially sensitive habitat. <br/> <br/> We look forward to seeing you on the trails when they are dried out sufficiently. <div class="metadata"> </div> </p> <div class="media-scope"> <span class="content-scope-line-date">3 days ago</span> <span class="content-scope-line-middot" aria-hidden="true">·</span> Subscribers of City of San Diego in <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-toggle="map-modal" data-target="#nearby-neighborhoods-map-modal" data-type="city-area-post" data-id="383995685">3 areas</a> <span id="topic_list_383995685"> <span data-class="topics-label"> in General</span> </span> </div> <div class="media-actions" id="bl_383995685"> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/neighborhood/choose_address/"> <span data-class="label">Thank</span> <span data-class="count" class="count">4</span> </a> </span> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/" > <span data-class="label">Reply</span> <span data-class="count" class="count">1</span> </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="media js-media-post" id="s_383715886" data-class="whole-story" data-story-id="383715886" data-nearby-post="false" data-topic-ids='[18492]' > <div class="media-object js-profile-menu-init"> <a data-class="linked-name" data-id="9289839" href="/profile/9289839/"> <img width="80" class="avatar circular" src="" alt="Picture of Los Pe帽asquitos Canyon Preserve Open Space" /> </a> </div> <span hidden class="post-share-id">KqHbpnrM4QJZ"</span><div class="media-body" id="b_383715886"> <div class="js-post-main-content-area"> <div id="edit_383715886" data-attachments='{}'> <h4 class="media-heading" id="a_383715886"> <span id="subject_383715886" data-subject="Los Penasquitos Canyon Preserve Ranger District Trails Closed 2/12/25" class="subject"> <a href="/city/post/383715886/">Los Penasquitos Canyon Preserve Ranger District Trails Closed 2/12/25</a> </span> </h4> <h5 class="media-author"> <span class="user-name js-profile-menu-init"><a data-class="linked-name" data-id="9289839" href="/profile/9289839/">Los Pe帽asquitos Canyon Preserve Open Space</a></span> from <a href="/agency/748155/"> City of San Diego </a> <span class="timestamp"> <span class="timestamp_bookmark" data-utc="2025-02-12T21:31:50">· 5 days ago</span> <span id="bm_icon_383715886" class="hide ss-bookmark bookmark_icon bookmark_old"></span> </span> </h5> <p id="message_383715886" data-class="post-content" data-story="With the sustained local showers over the course of the day, and more projected to follow tonight and tomorrow, we鈥檝e decided to close the trails in Los Pe帽asquitos Ranger District. This includes trails in Los Pe帽asquitos Canyon, Carmel Mountain and Del Mar Mesa Preserves. Rangers will be out 24-48 hours after the last rain to assess the trails and determine if they have dried out enough to reopen our preserve areas. For your safety and others, please keep out of the preserve until the trails are dry. There is a risk of flash flooding in the canyon. Wet trails make it difficult for emergency responders to enter canyon. We also want to avoid damaging trails and habitat while they are saturated and vulnerable. This goes especially for Carmel Mountain and Del Mar Mesa Preserves with their endangered vernal pool species. Thank you for your patience and cooperation in protecting yourself and our preserves!" data-links="{}"> With the sustained local showers over the course of the day, and more projected to follow tonight and tomorrow, we鈥檝e decided to close the trails in Los Pe帽asquitos Ranger District. This includes trails in Los Pe帽asquitos Canyon, Carmel Mountain and Del Mar Mesa Preserves. <br/> <br/> Rangers will be out 24-48 hours after the last rain to assess the trails and determine if they have dried out enough to reopen our preserve areas. For your safety and others, please keep out of the preserve until the trails are dry. There is a risk of flash flooding in the canyon. Wet trails make it difficult for emergency responders to enter canyon. We also want to avoid damaging trails and habitat while they are saturated and vulnerable. This goes especially for Carmel Mountain and Del Mar Mesa Preserves with their endangered vernal pool species.<br/> <br/> Thank you for your patience and cooperation in protecting yourself and our preserves! <div class="metadata"> </div> </p> <div class="media-scope"> <span class="content-scope-line-date">5 days ago</span> <span class="content-scope-line-middot" aria-hidden="true">·</span> Subscribers of City of San Diego in <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-toggle="map-modal" data-target="#nearby-neighborhoods-map-modal" data-type="city-area-post" data-id="383715886">3 areas</a> <span id="topic_list_383715886"> <span data-class="topics-label"> in General</span> </span> </div> <div class="media-actions" id="bl_383715886"> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/neighborhood/choose_address/"> <span data-class="label">Thank</span> <span data-class="count" class="count">5</span> </a> </span> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/" > <span data-class="label">Reply</span> </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="media js-media-post" id="s_382909495" data-class="whole-story" data-story-id="382909495" data-nearby-post="false" data-topic-ids='[18492]' > <div class="media-object js-profile-menu-init"> <a data-class="linked-name" data-id="58912915" href="/profile/58912915/"> <img width="80" class="avatar circular" src="" alt="Picture of Environmental Services Department" /> </a> </div> <span hidden class="post-share-id">HC2t5sgQCmjL"</span><div class="media-body" id="b_382909495"> <div class="js-post-main-content-area"> <div id="edit_382909495" data-attachments='{"0": {"resource_id": "us1*post_photos/b7/34/b73453eae45023232d0e96ae878ff968.JPG", "url": ""}, "1": {"resource_id": "us1*post_photos/83/2b/832b72069ed28f8d1ef87bdb426ba412.JPG", "url": ""}, "2": {"resource_id": "us1*post_photos/83/0a/830ae9ec5e5f9e324f77c298033cdc63.jpg", "url": ""}, "3": {"resource_id": "us1*post_photos/21/23/2123df1192e12fbe5f496c65718219fc.jpg", "url": ""}}'> <h4 class="media-heading" id="a_382909495"> <span id="subject_382909495" data-subject="馃敡馃敤 Upcoming FixIt Clinic!" class="subject"> <a href="/city/post/382909495/">馃敡馃敤 Upcoming FixIt Clinic!</a> </span> </h4> <h5 class="media-author"> <span class="user-name js-profile-menu-init"><a data-class="linked-name" data-id="58912915" href="/profile/58912915/">Environmental Services Department</a></span> from <a href="/agency/748155/"> City of San Diego </a> <span class="timestamp"> <span class="timestamp_bookmark" data-utc="2025-02-07T21:30:19">· 7 Feb</span> <span id="bm_icon_382909495" class="hide ss-bookmark bookmark_icon bookmark_old"></span> </span> </h5> <div data-url="" data-photo-viewer-group="gallery-382909495" data-contentid="382909495" data-contenttype="post" class="js-photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-data media-thumbnail "> <div class="photo-viewer-thumbnail-info"> 4 <img id="photo-viewer-thumbnail-info-image" src=""> </div> <img src="" alt="Photo from Environmental Services D."/> </div> <div data-url="" data-photo-viewer-group="gallery-382909495" class="photo-viewer-data"> </div> <div data-url="" data-photo-viewer-group="gallery-382909495" class="photo-viewer-data"> </div> <div data-url="" data-photo-viewer-group="gallery-382909495" class="photo-viewer-data"> </div> <p id="message_382909495" data-class="post-content" data-story="馃敤馃敡 Got something broken around the house? Don't toss it--fix it!馃挕 Bring them to our FixIt Clinics, where skilled volunteers will help you repair your beloved but broken items for FREE! Date: Saturday, February 8th, 2025 Time: 12pm-3pm Location: Scripps Ranch Recreation Center (11454 Blue Cypress Dr, San Diego, CA 92131) What can you bring? -Small appliances (toasters, lamps, etc.) -Clothing and textiles -Electronics -Bicycles -And more! Volunteers with repair skills will be on-site to guide you through the process. No previous experience is necessary鈥攋ust bring your item and a willingness to learn! Important reminders: -Please bring any parts or accessories that might help with the repair. -Some repairs may not be possible if parts are unavailable. To register, visit:" data-links="{}"> 馃敤馃敡<br/> <br/> Got something broken around the house? Don't toss it--fix it!馃挕<br/> <br/> Bring them to our FixIt Clinics, where skilled volunteers will help you repair your beloved but broken items for FREE!<br/> <br/> Date: Saturday, February 8th, 2025<br/> <br/> Time: 12pm-3pm<br/> <br/> Location: Scripps Ranch Recreation Center (11454 Blue Cypress Dr, San Diego, CA 92131)<br/> <br/> What can you bring?<br/> -Small appliances (toasters, lamps, etc.)<br/> -Clothing and textiles<br/> -Electronics<br/> -Bicycles<br/> -And more!<br/> <br/> Volunteers with repair skills will be on-site to guide you through the process. No previous experience is necessary鈥攋ust bring your item and a willingness to learn! <br/> <br/> Important reminders: <br/> -Please bring any parts or accessories that might help with the repair.<br/> -Some repairs may not be possible if parts are unavailable.<br/> <br/> To register, visit: <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a> <div class="metadata"> </div> </p> <div class="media-scope"> <span class="content-scope-line-date">7 Feb</span> <span class="content-scope-line-middot" aria-hidden="true">·</span> Subscribers of <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-toggle="map-modal" data-target="#nearby-neighborhoods-map-modal" data-type="city-agency-post" data-id="382909495">City of San Diego</a> <span id="topic_list_382909495"> <span data-class="topics-label"> in General</span> </span> </div> <div class="media-actions" id="bl_382909495"> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/neighborhood/choose_address/"> <span data-class="label">Thank</span> <span data-class="count" class="count">36</span> </a> </span> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/" > <span data-class="label">Reply</span> <span data-class="count" class="count">3</span> </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="media js-media-post" id="s_382908769" data-class="whole-story" data-story-id="382908769" data-nearby-post="false" data-topic-ids='[18492]' > <div class="media-object js-profile-menu-init"> <a data-class="linked-name" data-id="58912915" href="/profile/58912915/"> <img width="80" class="avatar circular" src="" alt="Picture of Environmental Services Department" /> </a> </div> <span hidden class="post-share-id">Lt7S862QPbnn"</span><div class="media-body" id="b_382908769"> <div class="js-post-main-content-area"> <div id="edit_382908769" data-attachments='{"0": {"resource_id": "us1*post_photos/00/a2/00a2b0c12328f2c31f83c31ce6bb1927.JPG", "url": ""}}'> <h4 class="media-heading" id="a_382908769"> <span id="subject_382908769" data-subject="The City of San Diego's Environmental Services Department is making it easy for residents to get their hands on FREE, nutrient-rich compost, thanks to new Compost Giveaway Events being held in various communities in partnership with I Love A Clean" class="subject"> <a href="/city/post/382908769/">The City of San Diego's Environmental Services Department is making it easy for residents to get their hands on FREE, nutrient-rich compost, thanks to new Compost Giveaway Events being held in various communities in partnership with I Love A Clean</a> </span> </h4> <h5 class="media-author"> <span class="user-name js-profile-menu-init"><a data-class="linked-name" data-id="58912915" href="/profile/58912915/">Environmental Services Department</a></span> from <a href="/agency/748155/"> City of San Diego </a> <span class="timestamp"> <span class="timestamp_bookmark" data-utc="2025-02-07T21:25:41">· 7 Feb</span> <span id="bm_icon_382908769" class="hide ss-bookmark bookmark_icon bookmark_old"></span> </span> </h5> <div data-url="" data-photo-viewer-group="gallery-382908769" data-contentid="382908769" data-contenttype="post" class="js-photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-data media-thumbnail "> <img src="" alt="Photo from Environmental Services D."/> </div> <p id="message_382908769" data-class="post-content" data-story="San Diego. City of San Diego residents are invited to self-load compost on Saturday, February 8, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Montgomery Waller Community Park (corner of Palm Ave and Hawaii Ave). Compost has many benefits, including reducing erosion, saving water, providing energy to plants, keeping carbon out of the atmosphere, and reducing climate change's effects. Whether you鈥檙e a seasoned gardener or just starting out, compost can boost your plants and help your garden thrive. Register in advance (not required but helps us prepare):" data-links="{}"> San Diego. <br/> <br/> City of San Diego residents are invited to self-load compost on Saturday, February 8, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Montgomery Waller Community Park (corner of Palm Ave and Hawaii Ave).<br/> <br/> Compost has many benefits, including reducing erosion, saving water, providing energy to plants, keeping carbon out of the atmosphere, and reducing climate change's effects. <br/> <br/> Whether you鈥檙e a seasoned gardener or just starting out, compost can boost your plants and help your garden thrive.<br/> <br/> Register in advance (not required but helps us prepare): <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a> <div class="metadata"> </div> </p> <div class="media-scope"> <span class="content-scope-line-date">7 Feb</span> <span class="content-scope-line-middot" aria-hidden="true">·</span> Subscribers of <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-toggle="map-modal" data-target="#nearby-neighborhoods-map-modal" data-type="city-agency-post" data-id="382908769">City of San Diego</a> <span id="topic_list_382908769"> <span data-class="topics-label"> in General</span> </span> </div> <div class="media-actions" id="bl_382908769"> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/neighborhood/choose_address/"> <span data-class="label">Thank</span> <span data-class="count" class="count">15</span> </a> </span> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/" > <span data-class="label">Reply</span> <span data-class="count" class="count">2</span> </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="media js-media-post" id="s_382562202" data-class="whole-story" data-story-id="382562202" data-nearby-post="false" data-topic-ids='[18492]' > <div class="media-object js-profile-menu-init"> <a data-class="linked-name" data-id="58912915" href="/profile/58912915/"> <img width="80" class="avatar circular" src="" alt="Picture of Environmental Services Department" /> </a> </div> <span hidden class="post-share-id">s-FkHhptQxm8"</span><div class="media-body" id="b_382562202"> <div class="js-post-main-content-area"> <div id="edit_382562202" data-attachments='{}'> <h4 class="media-heading" id="a_382562202"> <span id="subject_382562202" data-subject="馃敡馃敤 Upcoming FixIt Clinic!" class="subject"> <a href="/city/post/382562202/">馃敡馃敤 Upcoming FixIt Clinic!</a> </span> </h4> <h5 class="media-author"> <span class="user-name js-profile-menu-init"><a data-class="linked-name" data-id="58912915" href="/profile/58912915/">Environmental Services Department</a></span> from <a href="/agency/748155/"> City of San Diego </a> <span class="timestamp"> <span class="timestamp_bookmark" data-utc="2025-02-05T20:15:21">· 5 Feb</span> <span id="bm_icon_382562202" class="hide ss-bookmark bookmark_icon bookmark_old"></span> </span> </h5> <p id="message_382562202" data-class="post-content" data-story="馃敤馃敡 Got something broken around the house? Don't toss it--fix it!馃挕 Bring them to our FixIt Clinics, where skilled volunteers will help you repair your beloved but broken items for FREE! Date: Saturday, February 8th, 2025 Time: 12pm-3pm Location: Scripps Ranch Recreation Center (11454 Blue Cypress Dr, San Diego, CA 92131) What can you bring? -Small appliances (toasters, lamps, etc.) -Clothing and textiles -Electronics -Bicycles -And more! Volunteers with repair skills will be on-site to guide you through the process. No previous experience is necessary鈥攋ust bring your item and a willingness to learn! Important reminders: -Please bring any parts or accessories that might help with the repair. -Some repairs may not be possible if parts are unavailable. To register, visit:" data-links="{}"> 馃敤馃敡<br/> <br/> Got something broken around the house? Don't toss it--fix it!馃挕<br/> <br/> Bring them to our FixIt Clinics, where skilled volunteers will help you repair your beloved but broken items for FREE!<br/> <br/> Date: Saturday, February 8th, 2025<br/> <br/> Time: 12pm-3pm<br/> <br/> Location: Scripps Ranch Recreation Center (11454 Blue Cypress Dr, San Diego, CA 92131)<br/> <br/> What can you bring?<br/> -Small appliances (toasters, lamps, etc.)<br/> -Clothing and textiles<br/> -Electronics<br/> -Bicycles<br/> -And more!<br/> <br/> Volunteers with repair skills will be on-site to guide you through the process. No previous experience is necessary鈥攋ust bring your item and a willingness to learn! <br/> <br/> Important reminders: <br/> -Please bring any parts or accessories that might help with the repair.<br/> -Some repairs may not be possible if parts are unavailable.<br/> <br/> To register, visit: <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a> <div class="metadata"> </div> </p> <div class="media-scope"> <span class="content-scope-line-date">5 Feb</span> <span class="content-scope-line-middot" aria-hidden="true">·</span> Subscribers of <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-toggle="map-modal" data-target="#nearby-neighborhoods-map-modal" data-type="city-agency-post" data-id="382562202">City of San Diego</a> <span id="topic_list_382562202"> <span data-class="topics-label"> in General</span> </span> </div> <div class="media-actions" id="bl_382562202"> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/neighborhood/choose_address/"> <span data-class="label">Thank</span> <span data-class="count" class="count">9</span> </a> </span> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/" > <span data-class="label">Reply</span> <span data-class="count" class="count">5</span> </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="media js-media-post" id="s_382300518" data-class="whole-story" data-story-id="382300518" data-nearby-post="false" data-topic-ids='[18156]' > <div class="media-object js-profile-menu-init"> <a data-class="linked-name" data-id="5328707" href="/profile/5328707/"> <img width="80" class="avatar circular" src="" alt="Picture of Communications Department" /> </a> </div> <span hidden class="post-share-id">sYyFtSkgPspm"</span><div class="media-body" id="b_382300518"> <div class="js-post-main-content-area"> <div id="edit_382300518" data-attachments='{}'> <h4 class="media-heading" id="a_382300518"> <span id="subject_382300518" data-subject="" class="subject"> <span class="urgent-alert">Urgent alert</span> </span> </h4> <h5 class="media-author"> <span class="user-name js-profile-menu-init"><a data-class="linked-name" data-id="5328707" href="/profile/5328707/">Communications Department</a></span> from <a href="/agency/748155/"> City of San Diego </a> <span class="timestamp"> <span class="timestamp_bookmark" data-utc="2025-02-04T04:44:56">· 3 Feb</span> <span id="bm_icon_382300518" class="hide ss-bookmark bookmark_icon bookmark_old"></span> </span> </h5> <p id="message_382300518" data-class="post-content" data-story="Due to building issues, the Development Services Center in the City Operations Building (1222 First Ave.) will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday, Feb. 4, and all in-person services will be temporarily suspended. Previously scheduled in-person appointments for cashiers and records have been rescheduled. All in-person services are expected to resume on Wednesday, Feb. 5. For online assistance, please see the department鈥檚 contact page:" data-links="{}"> Due to building issues, the Development Services Center in the City Operations Building (1222 First Ave.) will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday, Feb. 4, and all in-person services will be temporarily suspended. <br/> <br/> Previously scheduled in-person appointments for cashiers and records have been rescheduled. All in-person services are expected to resume on Wednesday, Feb. 5. <br/> <br/> For online assistance, please see the department鈥檚 contact page: <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a>. <div class="metadata"> </div> </p> <div class="media-scope"> <span class="content-scope-line-date">3 Feb</span> <span class="content-scope-line-middot" aria-hidden="true">·</span> Subscribers of <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-toggle="map-modal" data-target="#nearby-neighborhoods-map-modal" data-type="city-agency-post" data-id="382300518">City of San Diego</a> <span id="topic_list_382300518"> <span data-class="topics-label"> in Safety</span> </span> </div> <div class="media-actions" id="bl_382300518"> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/neighborhood/choose_address/"> <span data-class="label">Thank</span> <span data-class="count" class="count">30</span> </a> </span> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/" > <span data-class="label">Reply</span> <span data-class="count" class="count">27</span> </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="media js-media-post" id="s_382238042" data-class="whole-story" data-story-id="382238042" data-nearby-post="false" data-topic-ids='[18492]' > <div class="media-object js-profile-menu-init"> <a data-class="linked-name" data-id="5328707" href="/profile/5328707/"> <img width="80" class="avatar circular" src="" alt="Picture of Communications Department" /> </a> </div> <span hidden class="post-share-id">fTC63YFqkgDX"</span><div class="media-body" id="b_382238042"> <div class="js-post-main-content-area"> <div id="edit_382238042" data-attachments='{"0": {"resource_id": "us1*post_photos/3e/25/3e254d9532f5fd9d5208203aded7967d.png", "url": ""}, "1": {"resource_id": "us1*post_photos/1f/7c/1f7c191f58b188d65443c303b617375f.png", "url": ""}, "2": {"resource_id": "us1*post_photos/ee/e0/eee01dc82009663da9a4c031eaf911fa.png", "url": ""}}'> <h4 class="media-heading" id="a_382238042"> <span id="subject_382238042" data-subject="Beginning today, Feb." class="subject"> <a href="/city/post/382238042/">Beginning today, Feb.</a> </span> </h4> <h5 class="media-author"> <span class="user-name js-profile-menu-init"><a data-class="linked-name" data-id="5328707" href="/profile/5328707/">Communications Department</a></span> from <a href="/agency/748155/"> City of San Diego </a> <span class="timestamp"> <span class="timestamp_bookmark" data-utc="2025-02-03T22:19:56">· 3 Feb</span> <span id="bm_icon_382238042" class="hide ss-bookmark bookmark_icon bookmark_old"></span> </span> </h5> <div data-url="" data-photo-viewer-group="gallery-382238042" data-contentid="382238042" data-contenttype="post" class="js-photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-data media-thumbnail "> <div class="photo-viewer-thumbnail-info"> 3 <img id="photo-viewer-thumbnail-info-image" src=""> </div> <img src="" alt="Photo from Communications D."/> </div> <div data-url="" data-photo-viewer-group="gallery-382238042" class="photo-viewer-data"> </div> <div data-url="" data-photo-viewer-group="gallery-382238042" class="photo-viewer-data"> </div> <p id="message_382238042" data-class="post-content" data-story="3, as part of the City's Pure Water program, crews will be paving Clairemont Drive during daytime hours between Erie Street and Iroquois Avenue. This work will be done in two stages and will last approximately one week. During the paving operation, one traffic lane in each direction will be maintained on Clairemont Drive. Access to driveways throughout the closure will remain open. For your safety, please follow posted signage and plan extra time to accommodate traffic delays. Access for emergency vehicles will be maintained. For more info about Pure Water, visit" data-links="{"description": "", "display_url": "", "image_key": "", "image_url": "", "original_url": "", "title": "Pure Water San Diego | City of San Diego Official Website", "url": ""}"> 3, as part of the City's Pure Water program, crews will be paving Clairemont Drive during daytime hours between Erie Street and Iroquois Avenue. This work will be done in two stages and will last approximately one week. During the paving operation, one traffic lane in each direction will be maintained on Clairemont Drive. Access to driveways throughout the closure will remain open. For your safety, please follow posted signage and plan extra time to accommodate traffic delays. Access for emergency vehicles will be maintained. For more info about Pure Water, visit <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a>. <div class="metadata"> <div class="linkbox-container"> <a href="" class="linkbox-link" data-story-id=382238042 target="_blank"> <div class="linkbox-content without-description"> <div class="linkbox-content-title">Pure Water San Diego | City of San Diego Official Website</div> <div class="linkbox-content-description"></div> <div class="linkbox-content-url"></div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </p> <div class="media-scope"> <span class="content-scope-line-date">3 Feb</span> <span class="content-scope-line-middot" aria-hidden="true">·</span> Subscribers of City of San Diego in <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-toggle="map-modal" data-target="#nearby-neighborhoods-map-modal" data-type="city-area-post" data-id="382238042">2 areas</a> <span id="topic_list_382238042"> <span data-class="topics-label"> in General</span> </span> </div> <div class="media-actions" id="bl_382238042"> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/neighborhood/choose_address/"> <span data-class="label">Thank</span> <span data-class="count" class="count">4</span> </a> </span> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/" > <span data-class="label">Reply</span> <span data-class="count" class="count">4</span> </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="media js-media-post" id="s_382227994" data-class="whole-story" data-story-id="382227994" data-nearby-post="false" data-topic-ids='[18492]' > <div class="media-object js-profile-menu-init"> <a data-class="linked-name" data-id="58912915" href="/profile/58912915/"> <img width="80" class="avatar circular" src="" alt="Picture of Environmental Services Department" /> </a> </div> <span hidden class="post-share-id">KLNGG4dLCm3L"</span><div class="media-body" id="b_382227994"> <div class="js-post-main-content-area"> <div id="edit_382227994" data-attachments='{}'> <h4 class="media-heading" id="a_382227994"> <span id="subject_382227994" data-subject="The City of San Diego's Environmental Services Department is making it easy for residents to get their hands on FREE, nutrient-rich compost, thanks to new Compost Giveaway Events being held in various communities, in partnership with I Love A Clean" class="subject"> <a href="/city/post/382227994/">The City of San Diego's Environmental Services Department is making it easy for residents to get their hands on FREE, nutrient-rich compost, thanks to new Compost Giveaway Events being held in various communities, in partnership with I Love A Clean</a> </span> </h4> <h5 class="media-author"> <span class="user-name js-profile-menu-init"><a data-class="linked-name" data-id="58912915" href="/profile/58912915/">Environmental Services Department</a></span> from <a href="/agency/748155/"> City of San Diego </a> <span class="timestamp"> <span class="timestamp_bookmark" data-utc="2025-02-03T21:21:35">· 3 Feb</span> <span id="bm_icon_382227994" class="hide ss-bookmark bookmark_icon bookmark_old"></span> </span> </h5> <p id="message_382227994" data-class="post-content" data-story="San Diego. City of San Diego residents are invited to self-load compost on Saturday, February 8, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Montgomery Waller Community Park (corner of Palm Ave and Hawaii Ave). Compost has many benefits, including reducing erosion, saving water, providing energy to plants, and keeping carbon out of the atmosphere, which in turn reduces the effects of climate change. Whether you鈥檙e a seasoned gardener or just starting out, compost can boost your plants and help your garden thrive. Register in advance (not required but helps us prepare):" data-links="{}"> San Diego. <br/> <br/> City of San Diego residents are invited to self-load compost on Saturday, February 8, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Montgomery Waller Community Park (corner of Palm Ave and Hawaii Ave).<br/> <br/> Compost has many benefits, including reducing erosion, saving water, providing energy to plants, and keeping carbon out of the atmosphere, which in turn reduces the effects of climate change. <br/> <br/> Whether you鈥檙e a seasoned gardener or just starting out, compost can boost your plants and help your garden thrive.<br/> <br/> Register in advance (not required but helps us prepare): <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a> <div class="metadata"> </div> </p> <div class="media-scope"> <span class="content-scope-line-date">3 Feb</span> <span class="content-scope-line-middot" aria-hidden="true">·</span> Subscribers of <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-toggle="map-modal" data-target="#nearby-neighborhoods-map-modal" data-type="city-agency-post" data-id="382227994">City of San Diego</a> <span id="topic_list_382227994"> <span data-class="topics-label"> in General</span> </span> </div> <div class="media-actions" id="bl_382227994"> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/neighborhood/choose_address/"> <span data-class="label">Thank</span> <span data-class="count" class="count">5</span> </a> </span> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/" > <span data-class="label">Reply</span> <span data-class="count" class="count">1</span> </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="media js-media-post" id="s_382025045" data-class="whole-story" data-story-id="382025045" data-nearby-post="false" data-topic-ids='[18492]' > <div class="media-object js-profile-menu-init"> <a data-class="linked-name" data-id="5328707" href="/profile/5328707/"> <img width="80" class="avatar circular" src="" alt="Picture of Communications Department" /> </a> </div> <span hidden class="post-share-id">g5qBDnQbQw4X"</span><div class="media-body" id="b_382025045"> <div class="js-post-main-content-area"> <div id="edit_382025045" data-attachments='{"0": {"resource_id": "us1*post_photos/40/55/40559e45618900a4a4163f85acb44ab5.png", "url": ""}}'> <h4 class="media-heading" id="a_382025045"> <span id="subject_382025045" data-subject="Due to an urgent matter regarding the ongoing construction activity at the intersection of Villa La Jolla Drive and La Jolla Village Drive, a parking lot to the southeast of the intersection has been temporarily closed." class="subject"> <a href="/city/post/382025045/">Due to an urgent matter regarding the ongoing construction activity at the intersection of Villa La Jolla Drive and La Jolla Village Drive, a parking lot to the southeast of the intersection has been temporarily closed.</a> </span> </h4> <h5 class="media-author"> <span class="user-name js-profile-menu-init"><a data-class="linked-name" data-id="5328707" href="/profile/5328707/">Communications Department</a></span> from <a href="/agency/748155/"> City of San Diego </a> <span class="timestamp"> <span class="timestamp_bookmark" data-utc="2025-02-02T18:00:56">· 2 Feb</span> <span id="bm_icon_382025045" class="hide ss-bookmark bookmark_icon bookmark_old"></span> </span> </h5> <div data-url="" data-photo-viewer-group="gallery-382025045" data-contentid="382025045" data-contenttype="post" class="js-photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-data media-thumbnail "> <img src="" alt="Photo from Communications D."/> </div> <p id="message_382025045" data-class="post-content" data-story="We will provide another update once more information is available. Thank you for your patience while we address this matter." data-links="{}"> We will provide another update once more information is available. Thank you for your patience while we address this matter. <div class="metadata"> </div> </p> <div class="media-scope"> <span class="content-scope-line-date">2 Feb</span> <span class="content-scope-line-middot" aria-hidden="true">·</span> Subscribers of City of San Diego in <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-toggle="map-modal" data-target="#nearby-neighborhoods-map-modal" data-type="city-area-post" data-id="382025045">1 area</a> <span id="topic_list_382025045"> <span data-class="topics-label"> in General</span> </span> </div> <div class="media-actions" id="bl_382025045"> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/neighborhood/choose_address/"> <span data-class="label">Thank</span> <span data-class="count" class="count">2</span> </a> </span> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/" > <span data-class="label">Reply</span> </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="feed-invite-prompt hide"> <div class="feed-invite-shadow"></div> <div class="feed-invite-container"> <div class="feed-invite-headline"> Want to see more? 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