Oil & Gas – GE Grid Solutions
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HVDC systems utilize power electronics technology to convert AC and DC voltage and are ideal for supporting existing systems or building new power highways. </p> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb" id="orig-eb"> <h4>ELECTRIFICATION BUSINESSES</h4> <ul class="dd-side-list"> <li><a href="" target="_blank" title="Electrification Software (opens in a new window)">Electrification Software</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" title="Power Conversion (opens in a new window)">Power Conversion</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" title="Solar & Storage Solutions (opens in a new window)">Solar & Storage Solutions</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- FACTS --> <div class="hidden-content" id="sys-content2"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/facts.htm"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>GE Vernova provides solutions that offer grid operators the ability to provide reactive power support, enhance controllability, improve stability and increase power transfer capability of AC transmission systems.</p> </div> <div class="dd-cat-list"> <h4>Product Categories</h4> <ul class="cat-list-tt"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/powerd/catalog/series_comp.htm">Series Compensation System</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/powerd/catalog/static_var_comp.htm">Static Var Compensator</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/powerd/catalog/synch_cond.htm">Synchronous Condenser</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/powerd/catalog/factsflex/index.html"><span><span style="color:#212121">FACTS</span>FLEX STATCOM</span></a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- EBoP --> <div class="hidden-content" id="sys-content3"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/systems/ac-substation-solutions/"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>Substation and Electrical Infrastructure Projects for Utility and Industrial Customers. </p> </div> <div class="dd-cat-list"> <h4>Product Categories</h4> <ul class="cat-list-tt"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/gis.htm">Gas-Insulated Substations (GIS)</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/systems/ac-substation-solutions/#offerings">Air-Insulated Substations (AIS)</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/systems/ac-substation-solutions/#offerings">Modular Control Buildings</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/systems/ac-substation-solutions/#offerings">IEC 61850 Process Bus Solutions (Digital Substations)</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/powerd/catalog/modularsubstationautomation.htm">Modular Substation Automation Systems</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/services/alm-services/flexible-service-agreement.htm">Services & Substation Upgrade Programs</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- Sustation Solutions --> <div class="hidden-content" id="sys-content4"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/substation_projects.htm"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>GE Vernova offers solutions for a variety of substation projects and applications, including Modular Substation Automation Systems, utility and industrial substation projects, as well as DC substation solutions. </p> </div> <div class="dd-cat-list"> <h4>Product Categories</h4> <ul class="cat-list-tt"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/powerd/catalog/modularsubstationautomation.htm">Modular Substation Automation Systems </a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/powerd/substationprojects/">Utility & Industrial Substation Projects </a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- Microgrid DER --> <div class="hidden-content" id="sys-content5"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/powerd/catalog/microgrid_der_mgmt.htm"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>The energy landscape today is changing, this is being led by the current industry trends of Decarbonization, Digitization, Decentralization and Electrification. Discover how GE Vernova is working with utility, consumer and industrial customers to design and deploy tailored Microgrid and Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Management solutions. </p> </div> <div class="dd-cat-list"> <h4>Product Categories</h4> <ul class="cat-list-tt"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/powerd/catalog/gridnode-microgrid.htm">GridNode Microgrid Solutions</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/powerd/catalog/gridnode-der-management.htm">GridNode DER Management Solution</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- EQUIPMENT DD --> <div class="menu-container hidden" data-content="equipment" id="nav-equipment"> <div class="dd-drk menu-subc" data-target="content-display-equip"> <div class="dd-drk-item menu-item active" data-content="equip-content9"> <a class="-ittl"> <div class="m-cat">GRiDEA</div> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> </div> <div class="dd-drk-item menu-item active" data-content="equip-content1"> <a class="-ittl"> <div class="m-cat">Transformers</div> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> </div> <div class="dd-drk-item menu-item" data-content="equip-content2"> <a class="-ittl"> <div class="m-cat">Gas-Insulated Switchgear</div> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> </div> <div class="dd-drk-item menu-item" data-content="equip-content3"> <a class="-ittl"> <div class="m-cat">Air Insulated Switchgear & Circuit Breakers</div> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> </div> <div class="dd-drk-item menu-item" data-content="equip-content4"> <a class="-ittl"> <div class="m-cat">Disconnectors</div> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> </div> <div class="dd-drk-item menu-item" data-content="equip-content5"> <a class="-ittl"> <div class="m-cat">Instrument Transformers</div> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> </div> <div class="dd-drk-item menu-item" data-content="equip-content6"> <a class="-ittl"> <div class="m-cat">Capacitors & Reactors</div> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> </div> <div class="dd-drk-item menu-item" data-content="equip-content7"> <a class="-ittl"> <div class="m-cat">Bushings<!--, Post Insulators--> & Surge Arresters</div> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> </div> <div class="dd-drk-item menu-item" data-content="equip-content8"> <a class="-ittl"> <div class="m-cat">SF₆-Free Solutions </div> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="content-display" id="content-display-equip"> <!-- Initial content will be set by JavaScript --> </div> <div class="btm-eb"></div> </div> <!------- EQUIPMENT CONTENT ------> <!-- GRiDEA --> <div class="hidden-content" id="equip-content9"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/decarb/"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>Innovations to Decarbonize the Electrical Grid. GRiDEA is our portfolio of decarbonization solutions that empower grid operators to address their net-zero objectives.</p> </div> <div class="dd-cat-list"> <h4>Product Categories</h4> <ul class="cat-list-tt"> <li>SF₆-free Solutions <ul class="cat-list-tt-it"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/sf6-free-hv-switchgear/">SF₆-free High Voltage Switchgear </a></li> </ul> </li> <li>Reduced Raw Material Impact <ul class="cat-list-tt-it"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/digitalnativeproducts.htm">Digital Native Products</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/services/support-hvmv.htm">Retrofitting & Modernization Services</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- Transformers --> <div class="hidden-content" id="equip-content1"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/transformers.htm"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>GE Vernova offers a wide range of transformer solutions for the utility, industrial, commercial, residential and energy markets. These solutions feature flexible, reliable and robust designs to support a wide range of applications. With units operating in some of the most demanding electrical environments around the world, We design and delivers transformer solutions that provide among the highest level of performance and reliability to meet rigorous operating requirements. </p> </div> <div class="dd-cat-list"> <h4>Product Categories</h4> <ul class="cat-list-tt"> <li>Power Transformers <ul class="cat-list-tt-it"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/power_transformers.htm#Ov2">Conventional Power Transformers</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/power_transformers.htm#Ov3">Special Power Transformers</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/power_transformers.htm#Ov4">Green Transformers</a></li> </ul> </li> <li>Distribution Transformers <ul class="cat-list-tt-it"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/distribution_transformers.htm#Ov2">Pole-mount & Pad-mount Transformers</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/distribution_transformers.htm#Ov3">Special Distribution Transformers</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/distribution_transformers.htm#Ov4">Network Transformers & Voltage Regulators</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- Gas-Insulated Solutions --> <div class="hidden-content" id="equip-content2"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/gis.htm"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>GE Vernova provides GIS solutions from 50 kV to 800 kV, along with secondary products to maximize switchgear and network operation. The portfolio includes a full range of SF6 GIS as well as g3 (SF6-free) GIS at 145 kV and 420 kV voltage levels for utilities and industries worldwide. </p> </div> <div class="dd-cat-list"> <h4>Product Categories</h4> <ul class="cat-list-tt"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/gis.htm">Gas-Insulated Substations</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/gil.htm">Gas-Insulated Lines</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/t155hgis.htm">Hybrid Gas-Insulated Switchgear</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/mobilesubstation.htm">Mobile GIS (Mobile Substations)</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/gisdigitalsolutions.htm">GIS Digital Solutions</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- Air Insulated Switchgrear & Circuit Breakers --> <div class="hidden-content" id="equip-content3"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/circuitbreakers.htm"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>GE Vernova is one of the top circuit breaker suppliers in the world. Our products include a range of live tank circuit breakers (up to 800 kV), dead tank circuit breakers (up to 550 kV), as well as hybrid and compact switchgear assemblies. We also provide solutions for power generation applications with our generator circuit breakers for installations up to 1,500 MW.</p> </div> <div class="dd-cat-list"> <h4>Product Categories</h4> <ul class="cat-list-tt"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/livetank_circuitbreakers.htm">Live Tank Circuit Breakers</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/hvdc-switches.htm">HVDC Switches</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/deadtank_circuitbreakers.htm">Dead Tank Circuit Breakers</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/generator_circuitbreakers.htm">Generator Circuit Breakers</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/hypact.htm">Hybrid Switchgear</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/caba.htm">Compact Switchgear</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/cbdigitalsolutions.htm">Circuit Breaker Digital Solutions</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/pow-switching.htm">Point-on-Wave Controllers </a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- Disconnectors --> <div class="hidden-content" id="equip-content4"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/disconnectors.htm"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>GE Vernova is a global market leader for disconnectors (disconnect switches) since 1960, with 8 product facilities in 7 countries and hundreds of thousands installations in more than 130 countries around the world. The portfolio includes disconnectors for AC applications (up to 1,200 kV), for DC applications (up to 1,000 kV) and for railway applications. We also offer power connectors to connect two or more conductors for a continuous electrical path.</p> </div> <div class="dd-cat-list"> <h4>Product Categories</h4> <ul class="cat-list-tt"> <li>AC Disconnectors <ul class="cat-list-tt-it"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/acdisconnectors.htm#vertical">Vertical Break Disconnectors</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/acdisconnectors.htm#center">Center Break Disconnectors</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/acdisconnectors.htm#doubleside">Double-Side Break Disconnectors</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/acdisconnectors.htm#pantograph">Pantograph and Semi-Pantograph Disconnectors</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/acdisconnectors.htm#kneetype">Knee Type Disconnectors</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/dcdisconnectors.htm">HVDC Disconnectors</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/railwaydisconnectors.htm">Railway Disconnectors and Load Switches</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/powerconnectors.htm">Power Connectors</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/dwatch.htm">Disconnectors Digital Solutions</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- Instrument Transformers --> <div class="hidden-content" id="equip-content5"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/instrument-transformers.htm"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>GE Vernova is an industry leader in the design and manufacturing of high, medium and low voltage instrument transformers. With more than 100 years of experience, We offer a broad array of standard and high accuracy models for revenue metering and system protection applications. The portfolio of instrument transformers ranges from low voltage at 600 V suitable for industrial and high accuracy revenue metering, all the way up to high voltage at 1,200 kV. The portfolio also includes line traps and digital instrument transformers.</p> </div> <div class="dd-cat-list"> <h4>Product Categories</h4> <ul class="cat-list-tt"> <li>High Voltage Instrument Transformers <ul class="cat-list-tt-it"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/hv_instrumenttransformers.htm#current">Current Transformers</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/hv_instrumenttransformers.htm#voltage">Voltage Transformers</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/hv_instrumenttransformers.htm#combinedmetering">Combined Metering Unit</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/hv_instrumenttransformers.htm#cvt">Capacitor Voltage Transformers</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/power_sensing.htm">LV/MV Instrument Transformers</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/linetraps.htm">Line Traps</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- Capacitors & Reactors --> <div class="hidden-content" id="equip-content6"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/capacitors.htm"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>For a century, utilities have relied on us to deliver electrical products and services to meet their quality, durability and performance needs. Our capacitor and reactor product lines are an integral part of our portfolio. GE Vernova provides power capacitors that meet ANSI, IEEE and IEC standards, and our low voltage capacitors are UL listed. Ratings range from 1 kvar to 500 MVAR, and from 240 volts to 500 KV.</p> </div> <div class="dd-cat-list"> <h4>Product Categories</h4> <ul class="cat-list-tt"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/high_volt_capacitor.htm">High Voltage Capacitors</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/reactors.htm">Reactors</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/lv-capacitors.htm">Low Voltage Capacitors</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/lv-capacitor-banks.htm">Low Voltage Capacitor Banks</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/fast-switch-pfc.htm">Fast Switching Capacitor Banks(Flicker Banks)</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/active-filters.htm">Active Filters</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/dc_capacitor.htm">DC Capacitors</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/induction_heating_melting_capacitor.htm">Induction Heating Capacitors</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/high_volt_capacitor.htm">Fixed Motor & Pump PFC</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- Busings, Arresters & Insulators --> <div class="hidden-content" id="equip-content7"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/insulators-arresters.htm"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>GE Vernova provides a broad range of bushings<!--, insulators --> and surge arresters to help protect electrical assets. The bushings portfolio includes AC and DC solutions that enable long life, high reliability and installation flexibility. <!--Insulators are available as porcelain and polymer housed IEC rated insulators for AC and DC applications, and are produced using a state-of-the-art isostatic processing line. --> GE’s Tranquell surge arresters are ideal for distribution and EHV applications up to 612kV, and are available as polymer and porcelain station and intermediate class IEEE/ANSI C62.11.</p> </div> <div class="dd-cat-list"> <h4>Product Categories</h4> <ul class="cat-list-tt"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/bushings.htm">Bushings</a></li> <!-- <li><a href="#">Post Insulators</a></li> --> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/surge_arresters.htm">Surge Arresters</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- SF6 Free Products --> <div class="hidden-content" id="equip-content8"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/sf6-free-hv-switchgear/"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>Our SF₆-free switchgear range features the same ratings and same dimensional footprint as the state-of-the-art SF₆ equipment, with a drastically reduced carbon footprint.</p> </div> <div class="dd-cat-list"> <h4>Product Categories</h4> <ul class="cat-list-tt"> <li>Gas-Insulated Solutions <ul class="cat-list-tt-it"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/f35g.htm">F35G Gas-Insulated Substations </a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/b105-dual-gas-gis.htm">B105 Dual Gas-Insulated Substations </a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/t155-dual-gas.htm">T155 Dual Gas-Insulated Substations </a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/g3-gil.htm">T155 Dual Gas-Insulated Lines </a></li> </ul> </li> <li>Live Tank Circuit-Breakers <ul class="cat-list-tt-it"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/gl310g-310-311-312g.htm">GL312g Live Tank Circuit-Breakers (-30ºC)</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/hvmv_equipment/catalog/gl309c-310c-311c-312c-sf6-free-circuit-breakers.htm">GL312c Live Tank Circuit-Breakers (-50ºC)</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- AUTOMATION DD --> <div class="menu-container hidden" data-content="automation" id="nav-automation" > <div class="dd-drk menu-subc" data-target="content-display-auto"> <div class="dd-drk-item menu-item active" data-content="auto-content6"> <a class="-ittl"> <div class="m-cat">Digital Data Collection</div> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> </div> <div class="dd-drk-item menu-item" data-content="auto-content7"> <a class="-ittl"> <div class="m-cat">Energy Efficiency Solution</div> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> </div> <div class="dd-drk-item menu-item" data-content="auto-content3"> <a class="-ittl"> <div class="m-cat">GridBeats™</div> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> </div> <div class="dd-drk-item menu-item active" data-content="auto-content1"> <a class="-ittl"> <div class="m-cat">Asset Monitoring & Management</div> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> </div> <div class="dd-drk-item menu-item" data-content="auto-content2"> <a class="-ittl"> <div class="m-cat">Protection, Control & Metering</div> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> </div> <div class="dd-drk-item menu-item" data-content="auto-content4"> <a class="-ittl"> <div class="m-cat">Critical Infrastructure Communications</div> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> </div> <div class="dd-drk-item menu-item" data-content="auto-content5"> <a class="-ittl"> <div class="m-cat">Substation Solutions</div> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="content-display" id="content-display-auto"> <!-- Initial content will be set by JavaScript --> </div> <div class="btm-eb"></div> </div> <!------- AUTOMATION CONTENT ------> <!-- Digital Data Collection --> <div class="hidden-content" id="auto-content6"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/grid-automation/digital-data-collection.htm"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>The collection of required asset condition data from the field on a large scale for GE Vernova and 3rd party electrical equipment is a key step in building a robust Asset Performance Management strategy. Grid Services specialists are constantly evaluating and implementing new innovative inspection technologies applying strict processes and methods. The digital inspections methods are designed to improve the efficiency of data collection, oil analysis and online monitoring. All new approaches to capture data are integrated into the EnergyAPM ecosystem for automatic data transfer.</p> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- Energy Efficiency Solution - GA --> <div class="hidden-content" id="auto-content7"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/grid-automation/energy-efficiency-solution.htm"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>Energy costs are significant expenses for utilities and industries at large, particularly those that are energy-intensive or operate heavy machinery. Between 5% and 25%* of the expenses in these organizations are allocated to energy payments, with up to 15%** of this energy consumption being wasted during operations.</p> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- Asset Monitoring --> <div class="hidden-content" id="auto-content1"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/md.htm"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>GE Vernova offers a wide range of solutions to monitor and manage critical assets on the electrical grid, detect and diagnose issues and provide expert information and services to customers. Our asset monitoring and diagnostics portfolio includes solutions for single- and multi-gas transformer DGA, enhanced transformer solutions and switchgear monitoring, as well as software and services. </p> </div> <div class="dd-cat-list"> <h4>Product Categories</h4> <ul class="cat-list-tt"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/md/multi.htm">Multiple Gas Transformer</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/md/single.htm">Single Gas Transformer</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/md/primary-asset-monitoring.htm">Primary Asset Monitoring</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/md/software.htm">Software and Services</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/md/enhanced-transformer-monitoring.htm">Enhanced Transformer Monitoring</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="dd-cat-list no-separator"> <h4>General</h4> <ul class="cat-list-tt"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/quality-design/">Commitment to Quality</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- Protection, Control & Metering --> <div class="hidden-content" id="auto-content2"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/protection-relays.htm"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>GE Vernova's Grid Solutions business electrifies the world with advanced grid technologies and systems, enabling power transmission and distribution from the grid to homes, businesses, and industries effieciently and reliably. </p> </div> <div class="dd-cat-list"> <h4>Product Categories</h4> <ul class="cat-list-tt"> <li> Generator Protection <ul class="cat-list-tt-it"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/generation.htm#large">Large Size Generators (>40MVA)</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/generation.htm#smallmedium">Small to Medium Size Generators (<40MVA)</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/generation.htm#groundprotection">Ground Protection</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/generation.htm#special">Special Applications</a></li> </ul> </li> <li> Transformer Protection <ul class="cat-list-tt-it"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/transformer.htm#powergen">Power Generation & Transmission </a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/transformer.htm#distributionhi">Distribution & Industry (>5MVA)</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/transformer.htm#distributionlo">Distribution & Industry (<5MVA)</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/transformer.htm#special">Special Applications</a></li> </ul> </li> <li> Line Protection <ul class="cat-list-tt-it"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/transmission.htm#transmission">Line Differential with Distance - Transmission </a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/transmission.htm#distribution">Line Differential with Distance - Distribution</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/transmission.htm#distance">Distance Protection</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/transmission.htm#railway">Railway Catenary</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/transmission.htm#special">Special Applications</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/transmission.htm#accessories">Accessories</a></li> </ul> </li> <li> Bus Protection <ul class="cat-list-tt-it"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/bus.htm#distributed">Distributed Bus Protection</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/bus.htm#centralized">Centralized Bus Protection </a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/bus.htm#highimpedance">High Impedance Bus Differential </a></li> </ul> </li> <li> Feeder Protection <ul class="cat-list-tt-it"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/distribution.htm#transmission">Transmission & sub-transmission </a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/distribution.htm#multiplefeeder">Multiple Feeder Protection </a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/distribution.htm#withmimicdiagram">Distribution & Industry (with mimic diagram) </a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/distribution.htm#compactcase">Distribution & Industry (compact case)</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/distribution.htm#lvovercurrent">LV overcurrent </a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/distribution.htm#special">Special Applications </a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/distribution.htm#accessories">Accessories </a></li> </ul> </li> <li> Motor Protection <ul class="cat-list-tt-it"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/motor.htm#lhp">Large Induction Motors</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/motor.htm#mhp">Medium to Large Induction Motors</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/motor.htm#smhp">Small to Medium Induction Motors</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/motor.htm#lvmotors">LV Motors</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/motor.htm#special">Special Applications</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/motor.htm#accessories">Accessories</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/single.htm">Single Function</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/auxiliary.htm">Auxiliary Relays</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/accessories.htm">Accessories</a></li> <li> Controllers <ul class="cat-list-tt-it"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/controllers-switches.htm">Transmission-class Bay Controllers</a></li> </ul> </li> <li> Gateways & RTUs <ul class="cat-list-tt-it"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/gateways_rtu.htm#gateways">Gateways and RTUs </a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/gateways_rtu.htm#accessories">Accessories</a></li> </ul> </li> <li> Merging Units <ul class="cat-list-tt-it"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/merging-units.htm">Networked Merging Units</a></li> </ul> </li> <li> Fault Recorders & PMUs <ul class="cat-list-tt-it"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/fault-recorders-pmu.htm#dfr">Digital Fault Recorders (DFR) </a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/fault-recorders-pmu.htm#pmu">Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) </a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/fault-recorders-pmu.htm#software">Software</a></li> </ul> </li> <li> Metering <ul class="cat-list-tt-it"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/meters.htm#pqm">Power Quality Meters</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/meters.htm#power">Power Meters</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/meters.htm#submeters">Submeters</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/meters.htm#enclosures">Meter Enclosures </a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/meters.htm#software">EPM Meter Software</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/meters.htm#transducers">iSTAT Transducers (CE Listed) </a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/meters.htm#measurementcenters">iSTAT Measurement Centers (CE Listed)</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/meters.htm#istatsoftware">iSTAT Software </a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="dd-cat-list no-separator"> <h4>General</h4> <ul class="cat-list-tt"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/quality-design/">Commitment to Quality</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/gsa.htm">GSA Schedule</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/support.aspx">Technical Support</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- GridBeat --> <div class="hidden-content" id="auto-content3"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/gridbeats/"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>GridBeats™ is a portfolio of software-defined automation solutions for grid digitalization. The portfolio is designed to enable utilities and industrial customers to ensure a stable, efficient energy supply amidst the growing integration of renewable energy sources and aging infrastructure.</p> </div> <div class="dd-cat-list"> <h4>Product Categories</h4> <ul class="cat-list-tt"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/grid-automation/energyapm.htm">EnergyAPM</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/grid-automation/device-management.htm">Device Management Solution</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/services/cybersecurity/">CyberSecurity</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- Critical Infrastructure Communications --> <div class="hidden-content" id="auto-content4"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/communications.htm"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>GE Vernova's Critical Infrastructure Communications solutions deliver comprehensive networks that are designed to be secure, flexible, and tailored to meet customers' objectives and unique geographic requirements. </p> </div> <div class="dd-cat-list"> <h4>Product Categories</h4> <ul class="cat-list-tt"> <li>Industrial Wireless <ul class="cat-list-tt-it"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/communications/licensedsolutions.htm">Licensed Solution</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/communications/unlicensedsolutions.htm">Unlicensed Solution</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/communications/catalog/mdsorbit.htm">Cellular Solutions</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/communications/networkmanagement.htm">Network Management & Provisioning</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/communications/catalog/mdsio.htm">I/O Solutions</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/communications/wirelessaccessories.htm">Accessories & Enclosures</a></li> </ul> </li> <li>Hardened Optical Networks <ul class="cat-list-tt-it"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/communications/packetswitched.htm">Packet Switched Solutions</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/communications/multiplexers.htm">Multiplexers</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/communications/catalog/advancednms.htm">Advanced Network Management</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/communications/services.htm">Professional Services</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/communications/catalog/gridcom-dip-net.htm">Teleprotection Signaling Systems</a></li> <li>Ethernet Switches, Converters, Time Synchronization <ul class="cat-list-tt-it"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/communications/ethernetswitches.htm">Ethernet Switches</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/converters.htm">Media Converteres</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/communications/time-sync.htm">Time Synchronization</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/communications/power-line-carrier.htm">Power Line Carrier</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/communications/networkmanagementsystem.htm">Network Management Systems</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/communications/services.htm">Professional Services</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="dd-cat-list no-separator"> <h4>General</h4> <ul class="cat-list-tt"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/quality-design/">Commitment to Quality</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/communications/support.aspx">Technical Support</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- Substation Solutions --> <div class="hidden-content" id="auto-content5"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/substation-solutions.htm"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>GE Vernova's comprehensive portfolio of solutions for implementing and managing a substation.</p> </div> <div class="dd-cat-list"> <h4>Product Categories</h4> <ul class="cat-list-tt"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/landing/digital-substation/">Digital Substation</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/substationsystems.htm">Substation Systems</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/engineered-solutions.htm">Engineered Solutions</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/software.htm">Software Tools</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/services/gridautomation/cybersecurity.htm">Cybersecurity</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="dd-cat-list no-separator"> <h4>General</h4> <ul class="cat-list-tt"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/quality-design/">Commitment to Quality</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/support.aspx">Technical Support</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- SERVICES DD --> <div class="menu-container hidden" data-content="services" id="nav-services" > <div class="dd-drk menu-subc" data-target="content-display-serv"> <div class="dd-drk-item menu-item" data-content="serv-content2"> <a class="-ittl"> <div class="m-cat">Asset Lifecycle Management</div> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> </div> <div class="dd-drk-item menu-item" data-content="serv-content4"> <a class="-ittl"> <div class="m-cat">HV/MV Equipment Services</div> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> </div> <div class="dd-drk-item menu-item" data-content="serv-content5"> <a class="-ittl"> <div class="m-cat">Automation & Protection Services</div> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> </div> <div class="dd-drk-item menu-item" data-content="serv-content6"> <a class="-ittl"> <div class="m-cat">HVDC & FACTS Services</div> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> </div> <div class="dd-drk-item menu-item" data-content="serv-content7"> <a class="-ittl"> <div class="m-cat">Technical Training</div> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> </div> <!-- <div class="dd-drk-item menu-item" data-content="serv-content8"> <a class="-ittl"> <div class="m-cat">Technical Support</div> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> </div> --> <div class="dd-drk-item menu-item" data-content="serv-content9"> <a class="-ittl"> <div class="m-cat">HV Switchgear Testing</div> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> </div> <div class="dd-drk-item menu-item" data-content="serv-content10"> <a class="-ittl"> <div class="m-cat">Research and Development Services</div> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> </div> <div class="dd-drk-item menu-item" data-content="serv-content11"> <a class="-ittl"> <div class="m-cat">Cybersecurity Services</div> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="content-display" id="content-display-serv"> <!-- Initial content will be set by JavaScript --> </div> <div class="btm-eb"></div> </div> <!------- SERVICE CONTENT ------> <!-- Asset Lifecycle Management --> <div class="hidden-content" id="serv-content2"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/services/alm-services/"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>GE Vernova's Asset Lifecycle Management services combine a large set of methodologies to collect condition data off and online, consulting and asset optimization services using digital technology to improve the monitoring, recording and analysis of asset operations and predict asset behavior.</p> </div> <div class="dd-cat-list"> <h4>Product Categories</h4> <ul class="cat-list-tt"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/services/support-hvmv.htm">Asset Optimization</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/services/alm-services/flexible-service-agreement.htm">Flexible Service Agreements</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- HV/MV Equipment Services --> <div class="hidden-content" id="serv-content4"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/services/support-hvmv.htm"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>GE’s innovative and high-quality services help maintain and optimize high-voltage electrical assets throughout their entire lifecycle. Leveraging the design and manufacturing knowledge of our engineers, the customized service solutions ensure substations and networks perform as planned. Experts deliver services for applications across the power system, keeping assets up-to-date, safe, reliable and efficient while improving customers’ return-on-investment.</p> </div> <div class="dd-cat-list"> <h4>Product Categories</h4> <ul class="cat-list-tt"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/services/catalog/hv-mv-applications.htm">Services by Application</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/services/catalog/gis-services.htm">Gas-insulated Substation Services</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/services/catalog/transformer-services.htm">Transformer Services</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/services/catalog/circuit-breaker-services.htm">Circuit Breaker Services</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/services/catalog/instrument-transformer-services.htm">Instrument Transformer Services</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/services/catalog/disconnector-services.htm">Disconnector Services</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- Automation & Protection Services --> <div class="hidden-content" id="serv-content5"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/services/gridautomation/index.htm"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>GE Vernova provides a full range of services & support tailored to meet a broad range of power system needs across utility and industrial applications. With deep domain knowledge and industry expertise GE’s service application engineers and technical specialists can help plan, design, operate, maintain, and modernize your protection, control, monitoring and automation systems.</p> </div> <div class="dd-cat-list"> <h4>Product Categories</h4> <ul class="cat-list-tt"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/services/gridautomation/lifecyclemanagement.htm">Life Cycle Mangement</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/services/gridautomation/advanceautomation.htm">Advanced Automation</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/services/gridautomation/engineering-consulting.htm">Engineering & Consulting</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/services/gridautomation/cybersecurity.htm">Cybersecurity Services</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/services/gridautomation/managedservice.htm">Managed Services</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/services/gridautomation/trainingdevelopment.htm">Technical Training</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- HVDC & FACTS Services --> <div class="hidden-content" id="serv-content6"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/services/catalog/hvdc-facts-services.htm"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>GE Vernova provides comprehensive services throughout the systems lifecycle. The services can be provided by our local team and with the support of our global Competence Centers when the equipment is installed, during the warranty period and beyond.</p> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- Technical Training --> <div class="hidden-content" id="serv-content7"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/services/training.htm"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>Our technical experts are ready to equip customers with the knowledge needed to effectively manage their critical assets and systems, and increase their return on product investments. Our training courses are offered in a variety of ways, including online, onsite at customer locations, and in our state-of-the art training centers around the world.</p> </div> <div class="dd-cat-list"> <h4>Product Categories</h4> <ul class="cat-list-tt"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/services/hv-mv-training.htm">Technical Training and Certifications for HV/MV Equipment and EHS</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/communications/producttraining.htm">Industrial Communications</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/support/training/">Technical Training for Protection & Control and Substation Automation Solutions</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- Technical Support --> <!-- <div class="hidden-content" id="serv-content8"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <!-- <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/services/catalog/hvdc-facts-services.htm"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> -- > <p>GE Vernova provides a vast array of support and service offerings to help customers build, deploy, maintain and service their networks. Our highly skilled engineers and technicians provide front line support for customers across our product portfolio, including protection and control solutions, industrial communications networks, asset monitoring and diagnostics and software solutions.</p> </div> <div class="dd-cat-list"> <h4>Product Categories</h4> <ul class="cat-list-tt"> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/multilin/support.aspx">Protection & Control / Substation Automation</a></li> <li><a href="/grid-solutions/communications/services.htm">Communications</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned -- > </div> </div> --> <!-- HV Switchgear Testing --> <div class="hidden-content" id="serv-content9"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/services/hv_testing_laboratories/"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>GE Vernova's Grid Solutions' Testing Laboratories enable manufacturers and end users to test their primary equipment by leveraging deep domain expertise and testing facilities, to develop enhanced high voltage products and certify their capabilities before market introductions. </p> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- Research and Development Services --> <div class="hidden-content" id="serv-content10"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/services/catalog/materials-eco-design-study.htm"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>GE Vernova delivers materials and eco-design studies for high voltage solutions to accelerate insulation and environmental innovation. GE’s services provide the expertise and methods that enable new value to support customer engineering, sourcing, quality control and EHS activities.</p> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- Cybersecurity Services --> <div class="hidden-content" id="serv-content11"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/services/cybersecurity/"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>With the rapid digitalization of the grid, utility, power generation and industrial operators require cybersecurity solutions to monitor and protect grid asset and systems from increased severity and frequency of cyber attacks. GE Vernova adopted a “defense in depth” approach, providing innovative cybersecurity solutions designed to increase operational integrity, comply with regulations and control costs of security.</p> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- INDUSTRY DD --> <div class="menu-container hidden" data-content="industry" id="nav-industries" > <div class="dd-drk menu-subc" data-target="content-display-industry"> <div class="dd-drk-item menu-item active" data-content="industry-content1"> <a class="-ittl"> <div class="m-cat">Generation</div> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> </div> <div class="dd-drk-item menu-item" data-content="industry-content2"> <a class="-ittl"> <div class="m-cat">Water & Wastewater</div> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> </div> <div class="dd-drk-item menu-item" data-content="industry-content3"> <a class="-ittl"> <div class="m-cat">Transmission</div> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> </div> <div class="dd-drk-item menu-item" data-content="industry-content4"> <a class="-ittl"> <div class="m-cat">Data Centers</div> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> </div> <div class="dd-drk-item menu-item" data-content="industry-content5"> <a class="-ittl"> <div class="m-cat">Oil, Gas, and Chemicals</div> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> </div> <div class="dd-drk-item menu-item" data-content="industry-content6"> <a class="-ittl"> <div class="m-cat">Distribution</div> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> </div> <div class="dd-drk-item menu-item" data-content="industry-content7"> <a class="-ittl"> <div class="m-cat">Industry and Infrastructure</div> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> </div> <div class="dd-drk-item menu-item" data-content="industry-content8"> <a class="-ittl"> <div class="m-cat">Mining</div> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="content-display" id="content-display-industry"> <!-- Initial content will be set by JavaScript --> </div> <div class="btm-eb"></div> </div> <!------- INDUSTRY CONTENT ------> <!-- Generation --> <div class="hidden-content" id="industry-content1"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/industries/power-generation.htm"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>Utilities today seek to create and connect new sources of power generation to meet growing global demand, while also managing grid reliability, costs and regulatory factors.</p> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- Water & Wastewater --> <div class="hidden-content" id="industry-content2"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/industries/water-wastewater.htm"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>Water is central not just to the economy, but to life. As a result, water treatment systems demand secure, dependable power to ensure process uptime. From the grid-connected substation to reliable electrical protection, control, and power quality metering, GE Vernova offers tailored solutions to keep critical plants operational and meet the unique needs of the water and wastewater industry.</p> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- Industries --> <div class="hidden-content" id="industry-content3"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/industries/power-transmission.htm"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>As power systems become increasingly interconnected and complex, utilities need solutions that optimize energy transmission and management while improving reliability.</p> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- Data Centers --> <div class="hidden-content" id="industry-content4"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/industries/data-centers.htm"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>Data centers – and the information they store – are becoming increasingly integral to the way we live our lives every day. With rising demand also come rising costs. And more importantly, the information in these centers must remain secure while simultaneously accessible. We provide data centers with electrical infrastructure solutions from the input utility source to the IT server racks. This includes high-voltage switchgear and transformers, medium and low voltage electrical equipment, automatic transfer switches, switchboards, UPS systems, critical power PDUs, static transfer switches, and overhead busway. This chain of electrification products provides high quality and reliable products and services for the entire lifecycle of a data center.</p> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- Oil, Gas, and Chemicals --> <div class="hidden-content" id="industry-content5"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/industries/oil-gas.htm"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>The oil and gas industry is evolving at a rate never seen before, facing shifting pricing levels, ever-changing regulatory requirements, and increased environmental consciousness. Through reliable, safe, and innovative solutions and a holistic service offering, GE Vernova can help the energy sector thrive in this changing reality.</p> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- Distribution --> <div class="hidden-content" id="industry-content6"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/industries/power-distribution.htm"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>Modernizing and digitizing the distribution grid is imperative for utilities and customers to enhance power system stability and safety, while increasingly integrating distributed power and demand response.</p> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- Industry and Infrastructure --> <div class="hidden-content" id="industry-content7"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/industries/industry-infrastructure.htm"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>The industry is changing. Simultaneously, so are your utility’s needs. Operational effectiveness, power stability, and critical asset management are key priorities – whether in pulp and paper, steel, or data centers. GE’s holistic portfolio of products and services are designed with reliability, innovation, and sustainability at the forefront, helping you face the energy transition with ease.</p> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> <!-- Mining --> <div class="hidden-content" id="industry-content8"> <div class="dd-catcont"> <div class="dd-cat-ovw"> <a class="dd-cat-ovw-tt" href="/grid-solutions/industries/mining.htm"> <h3>Overview</h3> <div class="m-arrow"></div> </a> <p>Mining companies require secure communications, efficient asset performance management, and dependable, innovative technology to protect their critical assets. GE Vernova offers a broad product portfolio to help you through each step of the mining process – safely and reliably.</p> </div> </div> <div class="dd-side-eb"> <!-- to be cloned --> </div> </div> </header> <script type="text/javascript"> /* (function() { var cse = document.createElement('script'); cse.type = 'text/javascript'; cse.async = true; cse.src = document.location.protocol + '//'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(cse, s); })();*/ $(function(){ if (!isNaN(topSctActive) && topSctActive<=6) { $('tr#newnavbar > td:nth-child('+(1+topSctActive)+') > a').addClass('sctactive'); if (topSctActive==1 || topSctActive==2) $('tr#newnavbar > td:nth-child('+(1+topSctActive)+') span.blktrdn').addClass('on'); if (!chkGlobalNews) $('td#nav11 span.blktrdn').removeClass('off') if (!chkGlobalContacts) $('td#nav13 span.blktrdn').removeClass('off') } }) function ValidateGQ(q) { if (q.value.length ==0 ) { return false; } } //Adding this for Ad Search window.addsearch_settings = { //serp_url: '/search.html' display_url: true, allow_parent_form_submit: true, // display_resultscount: false, display_date: true, //display_sortby: true "analytics_enabled": true } </script> <!-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) --> <noscript><iframe src="" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe></noscript> <!-- End Google Tag Manager (noscript) --> <!-- HERO --> <section class="hero-container"> <div class="hero-content"> <h1 class="hero-title">Oil, Gas, and Chemicals</h1> <p class="hero-desc">Ensure reliable, safe operations with innovative solutions that respond to changing business priorities and needs</p> </div> </section> <!-- BREADCRUMB --> <p class="TDbreadcrumb_wide"> <a href="/grid-solutions/index.htm">Home</a> > <a href="/grid-solutions/industries.htm">Industries</a> > Oil, Gas, and Chemicals </p> <!-- INTRO --> <section class="main_container"> <h2>Holistic solutions for the next generation of oil, gas, and chemical operations</h2> <p>The oil and gas industry is evolving at a rate never seen before, facing shifting pricing levels, ever-changing regulatory requirements, and increased environmental consciousness. Through reliable, safe, and innovative solutions and a holistic service offering, GE can help the energy sector thrive in this changing reality.</p> <h3 class="h3-style">Reliable partnership in times of change</h3> <p>The <a href="" target="_blank">Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)</a> projects global crude oil demand to steadily increase to 109 million barrels per day by 2045, with transportation fuels such as gasoline and diesel expected to remain the most consumed products. As the industry adapts to the world’s changing needs, the future outlook is one of opportunity.</p> <p>To balance operational efficiency and productivity, you need equipment and support that provides actionable intelligence. At GE, that is our priority. Our full range of products and service offerings for upstream, midstream, and downstream industry segments help enhance process up-time, while lowering costs to maximize per barrel profitability.</p> <img class="feature-img" src="images/oilgas-2023/oil-gas-map.png" alt="Onshore and Offshore Production Map" width="940"> <!--<a class="BlueButtons featured-btn" href="/grid-solutions/contact.htm#Sales">CONTACT US</a>--> <div class="contact-info"> <a class="BlueButtons" style="width: 250px; margin-top: 30px; " href="/grid-solutions/contact.htm#Sales">CONTACT US</a> <a class="BlueButtons" style="width: 250px; margin-top: 30px; " href="/grid-solutions/products/brochures/GEA35654-GEV-Grid-Oil-Gas-Factsheet_R5.pdf">VIEW BROCHURE</a> </div> </section> <!-- Technology slide --> <div class="main-greybg-container" style="padding: t40px 0 45px"> <section class="main_container"> <h2>Put GE's technology to work for you</h2> <p>Designed and manufactured with the highest quality standards, GE's industry leading portfolio of products and services is customizable to your needs.</p> <section class="slides"> <div class="slide-holder"> <section class="multiple-items" data-sizes="50vw"> <!-----------SLIDE 1--------------> <div class="card"> <div> <img data-lazy="images/oilgas/highvoltage.jpg" alt="High Voltage Equipment" width=294 height=165> </div> <div class="card-textarea"> <h4>High Voltage Equipment</h4> <ul> <li>Broad range of low, medium, and high voltage power equipment. Deep experience with utility operations is a key advantage for customers requiring grid-connected or off-grid operation of their power system. </li> <li>Products include live and dead tank circuit breakers, as well as gas insulated switchgear. Generator circuit breakers for installations up to 1,500 MW, as well as instrument, current, and voltage transformers for a range of industrial applications.</li> <li>High-quality, reliable equipment manufactured in the US and backed by a five-year warranty, plus expertise and customized support in retrofit solutions.</li> </ul> <!-- <a href=""><div class="button-transparent-blue">LEARN MORE</div></a> --> </div> </div> <!-----------SLIDE 2--------------> <div class="card"> <div> <img data-lazy="images/water-wastewater/s.jpg" alt="Services" width=294 height=165> </div> <div class="card-textarea"> <h4>Services</h4> <ul> <li>Asset performance management—including asset optimization strategies, oil analysis, and innovative inspection technologies—for maximum operation and control.</li> <li>Flexible service agreements and packages ensure energy efficiency, reliability, and safety to help keep critical equipment running.</li> <li>Engineering and consulting services and end-to-end support to assist you with your power protection, substation automation, and monitoring challenges.</li> </ul> <!-- <a href=""><div class="button-transparent-blue">LEARN MORE</div></a> --> </div> </div> <!-----------SLIDE 3--------------> <div class="card"> <div> <img data-lazy="images/oilgas/asset-monitoring-3.jpg" alt="Asset Monitoring" width=294 height=165> </div> <div class="card-textarea"> <h4>Asset Monitoring</h4> <ul> <li>Advanced analytics detect potential failure earlier while maintaining quality of operations. Increase efficiency of critical processes, including increasing profits, reducing waste, and improving failure prediction.</li> <li>GE’s Perception Fleet software, combined with selected GE monitoring and diagnostics and protection and control devices, provides a complete protection, control, and monitoring solution. </li> <li>Wide range of device options and quality metering solutions, meter enclosures, and power energy visualization for highly accurate energy monitoring and quality reporting.</li> </ul> <!-- <a href=""><div class="button-transparent-blue">LEARN MORE</div></a> --> </div> </div> <!-----------SLIDE 4--------------> <div class="card"> <div> <img data-lazy="images/oilgas/protection.jpg" alt="Protection Relays" width=294 height=165> </div> <div class="card-textarea"> <h4>Protection Relays</h4> <ul> <li>Full portfolio of reliable protection and control products for the complete range of primary assets in the substation as well as within plant level electrical distribution.</li> <li>Ease-of-use and effortless maintenance with many of our product families offering modular draw-out design, field-swappable power supplies, and no electrolytic capacitors power supply options.</li> <li>Market leader in motor protection with Electrical Signature Analysis functionality through electrical, thermal, and GE’s patented mechanical signature analysis, in an all-in-one-box design.</li> </ul> <!-- <a href=""><div class="button-transparent-blue">LEARN MORE</div></a> --> </div> </div> <!-----------SLIDE 5--------------> <div class="card"> <div> <img data-lazy="images/oilgas/communications.jpg" alt="Communications" width=294 height=165> </div> <div class="card-textarea"> <h4>Communications</h4> <ul> <li>Communication products and services, such as hardened wireless devices, industrial-grade fiber multiplexers, and high-density Ethernet switches for reliable performance in extreme conditions.</li> <li>Purpose-built network management solutions and diagnostics for an intuitive, user-friendly way to monitor assets, prevent downtime, and rapidly respond to equipment problems.</li> </ul> <!-- <a href=""><div class="button-transparent-blue">LEARN MORE</div></a> --> </div> </div> <!-----------SLIDE 6--------------> <div class="card"> <div> <img data-lazy="images/oilgas/automation.jpg" alt="Advanced Automation Applications" width=294 height=165> </div> <div class="card-textarea"> <h4>Advanced Automation Applications</h4> <ul> <li>Reduce unplanned downtime and energy costs with solutions that enable fast load shedding, supporting facility electrical system stability in critical situations. </li> <li>Microgrid control solutions to ensure that your facility can run in either grid-connected or islanded mode as needed, reducing performance issues and associated expenses while preserving power reliability. </li> <li>Reduce unplanned downtime and cost through peak shaving with GE’s predictive motor fault detection and PowerNode solutions.</li> </ul> <!-- <a href=""><div class="button-transparent-blue">LEARN MORE</div></a> --> </div> </div> <!-----------SLIDE 7--------------> <div class="card"> <div> <img data-lazy="images/oilgas/acsolutions.jpg" alt="AC Solutions" width=294 height=165> </div> <div class="card-textarea"> <h4>AC Solutions</h4> <ul> <li>Integrated, turnkey substation solutions that include GIS, power transformers, circuit breakers, connectors, controllers, reclosers, and other crucial equipment. </li> <li>Integrated solutions provide step-function advantages over the procurement and maintenance of separate elements.</li> <li>Green, more environmentally friendly solutions for transformers ranging from 10 to 500 MVA and ratings up to 550 kV.</li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> </div> </section> <!-- end slide section --> </section> </div> <!-- Solutions --> <section class="main_container"> <h2>Product Solutions for the Oil, Gas, and Chemical Industries</h2> <!-----VSCROLL START-----------------> <div class="main_container" style="margin-bottom: 0px;"> <div class="content"> <div class="performance_section"> <div class="performance_left"> <ul class="dc"> <li coldata="1" class="firstchild active"> <div class="performance_link_img"> <!--<img src="images/oilgas-2023/pqrm-b.png" alt="POWER QUALITY & REVENUE METERING" class="inactive_img lazyload-fade" width="194"> <img src="images/oilgas-2023/pqrm-o.png" alt="POWER QUALITY & REVENUE METERING" class="active_img lazyload-fade" width="194">--> <p>Power quality & revenue Metering</p> </div> </li> <li coldata="3" class=""> <div class="performance_link_img"> <!-- <img src="images/oilgas-2023/tfm-b.png" alt="TRANSFORMER FLEET MONITORING" class="inactive_img lazyload-fade"> <img src="images/oilgas-2023/tfm-o.png" alt="TRANSFORMER FLEET MONITORING" class="active_img lazyload-fade">--> <p>TRANSFORMER FLEET MONITORING</p> </div> </li> <li coldata="4" class=""> <div class="performance_link_img"> <!-- <img src="images/oilgas-2023/mp-b.png" alt="MOTOR PROTECTION" class="inactive_img lazyload-fade"> <img src="images/oilgas-2023/mp-o.png" alt="c" class="active_img lazyload-fade">--> <p>MOTOR PROTECTION AND MONITORING</p> </div> </li> <li coldata="5" class=""> <div class="performance_link_img"> <!--<img src="images/oilgas-2023/fp-b.png" alt="FEEDER PROTECTION" class="inactive_img lazyload-fade"> <img src="images/oilgas-2023/fp-o.png" alt="FEEDER PROTECTION" class="active_img lazyload-fade">--> <p>FEEDER PROTECTION</p> </div> </li> <li coldata="6" class=""> <div class="performance_link_img"> <!--<img src="images/oilgas-2023/isc-b.png" alt="INDUSTRIAL-STRENGTH COMMUNICATIONS" class="inactive_img lazyload-fade"> <img src="images/oilgas-2023/isc-o.png" alt="INDUSTRIAL-STRENGTH COMMUNICATIONS" class="active_img lazyload-fade">--> <p>INDUSTRIAL-STRENGTH COMMUNICATIONS</p> </div> </li> <li coldata="7" class=""> <div class="performance_link_img"> <!-- <img src="images/oilgas-2023/aa-b.png" alt="ADVANCED AUTOMATION" class="inactive_img lazyload-fade"> <img src="images/oilgas-2023/aa-o.png" alt="ADVANCED AUTOMATION" class="active_img lazyload-fade">--> <p>ADVANCED AUTOMATION</p> </div> </li> <li coldata="8" class=""> <div class="performance_link_img"> <!--<img src="images/oilgas-2023/ss-b.png" alt="SUBSTATION SOLUTIONS" class="inactive_img lazyload-fade"> <img src="images/oilgas-2023/ss-o.png" alt="SUBSTATION SOLUTIONS" class="active_img lazyload-fade">--> <p>SUBSTATION SOLUTIONS </p> </div> </li> <li coldata="9" class=""> <div class="performance_link_img"> <!--<img src="images/oilgas-2023/ss-b.png" alt="SUBSTATION SOLUTIONS" class="inactive_img lazyload-fade"> <img src="images/oilgas-2023/ss-o.png" alt="SUBSTATION SOLUTIONS" class="active_img lazyload-fade">--> <p>Services</p> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="active_border" style="left: auto; top: 0px; height: 92px;"></div> </div> <div class="performance_right"> <div class="performance_dec active" data-id="1" style=""> <div class="dec"> <h4>Power Quality & Revenue Metering</h4> <p>From power quality measurement to revenue quality metering, GE's metering devices enable the reliable and efficient use of energy in your operations. Whether you’re identifying and eliminating power inefficiencies to achieve cost savings, monitoring for harmonics and voltage balance for optimal motor health, or seeking to improve overall power quality in your facility, we offer a range of solutions to meet a variety of needs and budgets. </p> <div> <a class="lt-blue-btn-bd" href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/meters.htm" target="_blank">Learn More</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="performance_dec active" data-id="9" style="display: none;"> <div class="dec"> <h4>Services</h4> <p>Extend the life of critical assets, improve efficiency, and gain peace of mind with GE’s engineering and consulting service offerings. From equipment audits to essential repairs to upgrades, GE will partner with you to create a service strategy that helps you get the maximum value out of your assets.</p> <div> <a class="lt-blue-btn-bd" href="/grid-solutions/services/gridautomation/index.htm" target="_blank">Learn More</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="performance_dec " data-id="3" style="display: none;"> <div class="dec"> <h4>Transformer Fleet Monitoring</h4> <p>GE’s Perception™ Fleet software system provides a revolutionary and holistic approach for transformer fleet assessments, creating a centralized, easy-to-use visualization of transformer condition and risk data, enabling timely, informed decisions when paired with the Hydran or BMT330. Gain visibility into your assets’ remaining life and better understand the impact of maintenance activities and outages, allowing you to build smarter, more effective maintenance strategies for the future.</p> <div> <a class="lt-blue-btn-bd" href="/grid-solutions/md/catalog/perception.htm" target="_blank">Learn More</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="performance_dec" data-id="4" style="display: none;"> <div class="dec"> <h4>Motor Protection and Monitoring</h4> <p>GE's Multilin (MM300E, 339, 859, 869, M60) and MiCOM P40 (P24x, P24xM) platforms offer a range of protection options to keep essential equipment such as heavy drills, pumps, compressors, separators, and scrubbers running, reducing repair costs and avoiding losses from unplanned downtime. The modular draw-out design of the 8 Series platform of devices makes onsite maintenance faster and easier. Built-in integrated monitoring, environmental monitoring, and advanced diagnostics including electrical signature analysis (ESA) capabilities on our 859 and 869 models take predictive maintenance to the next level, allowing customers to get ahead of issues before they happen. Our relays also come with standard and optional conformal coating to resist damage from harsh environments.</p> <div> <a class="lt-blue-btn-bd" href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/motor.htm" target="_blank">Learn More</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="performance_dec" data-id="5" style="display: none;"> <div class="dec"> <h4>Feeder Protection</h4> <p>Our comprehensive set of monitoring and diagnostics products helps you protect your high, medium, and low voltage switchgear. Whether you’re looking for modernized digital solutions like the Multilin 850 or a more economical solution like the Multilin 350 or the P40 Agile Enhanced, GE’s technology provides reliable protection for your most critical assets. With customizable arc flash sensor technology available for much of the 8 Series and in the 350, these devices are ideally suited for quickly identifying faults, with high-speed tripping to reduce incident energy and minimize equipment damage and process downtime.</p> <div> <a class="lt-blue-btn-bd" href="/grid-solutions/multilin/catalog/distribution.htm" target="_blank">Learn More</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="performance_dec" data-id="6" style="display: none;"> <div class="dec"> <h4>Industrial Strength Communications</h4> <p>Reliable, secure communication networks ensure the critical pathways needed to move data between devices, optimizing process uptime. Our broad range of solutions include wireless routers and modems, Optical Edge, cellular 4G routers and gateways, TDM & Packet Transport to Optical Core technologies, and high-density Ethernet switches and converters.</p> <div> <a class="lt-blue-btn-bd" href="/grid-solutions/communications.htm" target="_blank">Learn More</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="performance_dec" data-id="7" style="display: none;"> <div class="dec"> <h4>Advanced Automation</h4> <p>GE’s microgrid solutions ensure that your facility can run in either grid-connected or islanded mode when it needs to, avoiding performance issues and associated expenses while preserving power reliability. Our GridNode Microgrid Solution provides real-time control and energy optimization that enables customers to increase the ROI from their systems.</p> <p>Reduce unplanned downtime and energy costs with solutions that enable fast load shedding, supporting facility electrical system stability in critical situations to limit power consumption during peak times or balance load power consumption due to grid power restrictions. GE’s PowerNode solution provides a platform with real-time operation capabilities to combine all load shedding functions together with advanced monitoring and control.</p> <p>GE also offers enhanced energy efficiency for the optimization of facility inputs (electrical, gas, and water) to improve operational performance while reducing costs. GE’s PowerNode load shedding and motor health management solutions enable electrical system stability when you need it most.</p> <div> <a class="lt-blue-btn-bd" href="/grid-solutions/services/gridautomation/advanceautomation.htm" target="_blank">Learn More</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="performance_dec" data-id="8" style="display: none;"> <div class="dec"> <h4>Substation Solutions</h4> <p>GE offers integrated, turnkey substation solutions that include GIS, power transformers, circuit breakers, connectors, controllers, reclosers, and other crucial equipment. Our integrated solutions and systematic project execution additionally provide step function advantages over the procurement and maintenance of separate elements. </p> <p>Our high-quality, reliable equipment is further backed by a five-year warranty along with expertise and customized support in retrofit solutions.</p> <div> <a class="lt-blue-btn-bd" href="/grid-solutions/substation_projects.htm" target="_blank">Learn More</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-----VSCROLL END--------------> </section> <!-- Resources --> <section class="main-greybg-container"> <div class="main_container"> <h2>Explore more Oil & Gas resources</h2> <div id="TabContainer"> <div class="btn-tabs"> <div class="prod_tab_white" id="prod_tab_Ov1"><span class="tab-block"></span>Interactive Explorers</div> <div class="prod_tab_blue" id="prod_tab_Ov2"><span class="tab-block"></span>Product Overviews</div> <div class="prod_tab_blue" id="prod_tab_Ov3"><span class="tab-block"></span>White Papers & Case Studies</div> </div> </div> <div class="prod_tab_blue" id="block-color"></div> <!-- Tab1 --> <div class="prod_content_tabs_new" id="prod_tab_Ov1_content" > <div class="box-container"> <div class="mosaic"> <ul class="uf-video"> <!---CARD----> <a class="uf-video-tile" href="" target="_blank"> <li class="mosaic-box box-item"> <div class="norm"> <figure class="tile-thumbnail"> <img src="images/oilgas/retrofit-explorer1.jpg" alt="The Multilin 8 Series Retrofit Kit" title="The Multilin 8 Series Retrofit Kit" > </figure> <h4>The Multilin 8 Series Retrofit Kit</h4> <p class="tile-label-text"> <span>LEARN MORE</span> </p> </div> <div class="roll"> <p>The Multilin 8 Series Retrofit Kit is designed to easily upgrade from an existing Multilin SR Relay to the new Multilin 8 Series Platform in 3 easy steps with no panel modification or re-wiring.</p> <p class="tile-label-text"> <span>LEARN MORE</span> </p> </div> </li> </a> <!---CARD----> <a class="uf-video-tile" href="" target="_blank"> <li class="mosaic-box box-item"> <div class="norm"> <figure class="tile-thumbnail"> <img src="images/oilgas/services-studies.jpg" alt="Services Case Studies" title="Services Case Studies" > </figure> <h4>Services Case Studies</h4> <p class="tile-label-text"> <span>LEARN MORE</span> </p> </div> <div class="roll"> <p>This app gathers case studies for Services Business demonstrating Grid Solutions' capability to support grid operators to maintain and improve the asset performance along their lifecycle.</p> <p class="tile-label-text"> <span>LEARN MORE</span> </p> </div> </li> </a> <!---CARD----> <a class="uf-video-tile" href="" target="_blank"> <li class="mosaic-box box-item"> <div class="norm"> <figure class="tile-thumbnail"> <img src="images/oilgas/motor-protection.jpg" alt="Motor Protection" title="Motor Protection" > </figure> <h4>Advanced Motor Protection Explorer</h4> <p class="tile-label-text"> <span>LEARN MORE</span> </p> </div> <div class="roll"> <p>Part of the Multilin 8 Series, the 859/869 protective relays are designed for the comprehensive motor protection, control, and management.</p> <p class="tile-label-text"> <span>LEARN MORE</span> </p> </div> </li> </a> <!---CARD----> </ul> </div> <div class="all-btn_container"> <a href="" class="btn-viewall">View All Interactive Explorers</a> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div> <!-- Tab2 --> <div class="prod_content_tabs_new" id="prod_tab_Ov2_content"> <div class="box-container"> <div class="mosaic"> <ul class="uf-video"> <!---CARD----> <a class="uf-video-tile" href="" target="_blank"> <li class="mosaic-box box-item"> <div class="norm"> <figure class="tile-thumbnail"> <img src="images/oilgas/multilin-850.jpg" alt="Multilin 850" title="Multilin 850" > </figure> <h4>Multilin 8 Series Protective Relay Platform</h4> <p class="tile-label-text"> <span>LEARN MORE</span> </p> </div> <div class="roll"> <p>The Multilin 850 relay is designed for the management, protection and control of distribution feeders. The 850 provides primary or backup.</p> <p class="tile-label-text"> <span>LEARN MORE</span> </p> </div> </li> </a> <!---CARD----> <a class="uf-video-tile" href="" target="_blank"> <li class="mosaic-box box-item"> <div class="norm"> <figure class="tile-thumbnail"> <img src="images/oilgas/multilin-850-tech.jpg" alt="Multilin 8 Series - Technology Overview Video" title="Multilin 8 Series - Technology Overview Video" > </figure> <h4>Multilin 8 Series - Technology Overview Video</h4> <p class="tile-label-text"> <span>LEARN MORE</span> </p> </div> <div class="roll"> <p>The Multilin 850 relay is designed for the management, protection and control of distribution feeders. The 850 provides primary or backup.</p> <p class="tile-label-text"> <span>LEARN MORE</span> </p> </div> </li> </a> <!---CARD----> <a class="uf-video-tile" href="" target="_blank"> <li class="mosaic-box box-item"> <div class="norm"> <figure class="tile-thumbnail"> <img src="images/oilgas/multilin-850-reliability.jpg" alt="Multilin 8 Series - Reliability" title="Multilin 8 Series - Reliability" > </figure> <h4>Multilin 8 Series - Reliability</h4> <p class="tile-label-text"> <span>LEARN MORE</span> </p> </div> <div class="roll"> <p>The Multilin 850 relay is designed for the management, protection and control of distribution feeders. The 850 provides primary or backup.</p> <p class="tile-label-text"> <span>LEARN MORE</span> </p> </div> </li> </a> <!---CARD----> <a class="uf-video-tile" href="" target="_blank"> <li class="mosaic-box box-item"> <div class="norm"> <figure class="tile-thumbnail"> <img src="images/oilgas/perception-fleet.jpg" alt="Perception Fleet - Financial Benefits" title="Perception Fleet - Financial Benefits" > </figure> <h4>Perception Fleet - Financial Benefits</h4> <p class="tile-label-text"> <span>LEARN MORE</span> </p> </div> <div class="roll"> <p>Perception™ Fleet is GE's Online Transformer Fleet Management Software System that provides a revolutionary and holistic approach for transformer fleet assessments for utilities and industrial customers.</p> <p class="tile-label-text"> <span>LEARN MORE</span> </p> </div> </li> </a> <!---CARD----> <a class="uf-video-tile" href="" target="_blank"> <li class="mosaic-box box-item"> <div class="norm"> <figure class="tile-thumbnail"> <img src="images/oilgas/perception-fleet-reliability.jpg" alt="Multilin 8 Series - Reliability" title="Multilin 8 Series - Reliability" > </figure> <h4>Multilin 8 Series - Reliability Enhancements</h4> <p class="tile-label-text"> <span>LEARN MORE</span> </p> </div> <div class="roll"> <p>Perception™ Fleet is GE's Online Transformer Fleet Management Software System that provides a revolutionary and holistic approach for transformer fleet assessments for utilities and industrial customers.</p> <p class="tile-label-text"> <span>LEARN MORE</span> </p> </div> </li> </a> <!---CARD----> <a class="uf-video-tile" href="" target="_blank"> <li class="mosaic-box box-item"> <div class="norm"> <figure class="tile-thumbnail"> <img src="images/oilgas/perception-fleet-optimization.jpg" alt="Perception Fleet - System Optimization" title="Perception Fleet - System Optimization" > </figure> <h4>Perception Fleet - System Optimization</h4> <p class="tile-label-text"> <span>LEARN MORE</span> </p> </div> <div class="roll"> <p>Perception™ Fleet is GE's Online Transformer Fleet Management Software System that provides a revolutionary and holistic approach for transformer fleet assessments for utilities and industrial customers.</p> <p class="tile-label-text"> <span>LEARN MORE</span> </p> </div> </li> </a> </ul> </div> <div class="all-btn_container"> <a href="" class="btn-viewall">View All Product Overviews</a> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <!-- Tab3 --> <div class="prod_content_tabs_new" id="prod_tab_Ov3_content"> <div class="box-container"> <div class="mosaic"> <ul class="uf-video"> <!---CARD----> <a class="uf-video-tile" href="" target="_blank"> <li class="mosaic-box box-item"> <div class="norm"> <figure class="tile-thumbnail"> <img src="images/oilgas/synchronous-motors.jpg" alt="Synchronous Motors" title="Synchronous Motors" > </figure> <h4>Upgrading to an Integrated Solution For Synchronous Motors</h4> <p class="tile-label-text"> <span>LEARN MORE</span> </p> </div> <div class="roll"> <p>Major US Chemical Company Upgrades to Integrated Protection & Control Solution for Synchronous Motors.</p> <p class="tile-label-text"> <span>LEARN MORE</span> </p> </div> </li> </a> <!---CARD----> <a class="uf-video-tile" href="" target="_blank"> <li class="mosaic-box box-item"> <div class="norm"> <figure class="tile-thumbnail"> <img src="images/oilgas/powernode.jpg" alt="PowerNode Motor Health Management" title="PowerNode Motor Health Management" > </figure> <h4>PowerNode Motor Health Management</h4> <p class="tile-label-text"> <span>LEARN MORE</span> </p> </div> <div class="roll"> <p>GE Grid Solutions has launched a new solution, PowerNode – Motor Health Management (MHM), that monitors the health of the motors and detects faults at an early stage of development.</p> <p class="tile-label-text"> <span>LEARN MORE</span> </p> </div> </li> </a> <!---CARD----> <a class="uf-video-tile" href="" target="_blank"> <li class="mosaic-box box-item"> <div class="norm"> <figure class="tile-thumbnail"> <img src="images/oilgas/energy-optimization.jpg" alt="Behind the Meter Energy Optimization: An Overview" title="Behind the Meter Energy Optimization: An Overview" > </figure> <h4>Behind the Meter Energy Optimization: An Overview</h4> <p class="tile-label-text"> <span>LEARN MORE</span> </p> </div> <div class="roll"> <p>Explore the benefits and capabilities of microgrids with advanced control and optimization platforms for increased reliability, resiliency, and energy savings.</p> <p class="tile-label-text"> <span>LEARN MORE</span> </p> </div> </li> </a> </ul> </div> <div class="all-btn_container big"> <a href="" class="btn-viewall">View All White Papers & Case Studies</a> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="main_container"> <div class="contact-info"> <a class="BlueButtons" style="width: 250px; 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