LKML: "Artem B. Bityuckiy": Re: [RFC] CryptoAPI & Compression
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Bityuckiy"</a></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul><div class="threadlist">Patch in this message</div><ul class="threadlist"><li><a href="/lkml/diff/2005/3/29/122/1">Get diff 1</a></li></ul></td><td width="32" rowspan="2" class="c" valign="top"><img src="/images/icornerl.gif" width="32" height="32" alt="/" /></td><td class="c" rowspan="2" valign="top" style="padding-top: 1em"><table><tr><td><table><tr><td class="lp">Date</td><td class="rp" itemprop="datePublished">Tue, 29 Mar 2005 12:55:11 +0100 (BST)</td></tr><tr><td class="lp">From</td><td class="rp" itemprop="author">"Artem B. Bityuckiy" <></td></tr><tr><td class="lp">Subject</td><td class="rp" itemprop="name">Re: [RFC] CryptoAPI & Compression</td></tr></table></td><td></td></tr></table><pre itemprop="articleBody">> Are you sure that 12 bytes is enough for all cases? It would seem<br />> to be safer to use the formula in deflateBound/compressBound from<br />> later versions (> 1.2) of zlib to calculate the reserve.<br />><br />I'm not sure. David Woodhouse (the author) said that this is probably <br />enough in any case but a lot of time has gone since the code was written <br />and he doesn't remember for sure. I have also seen some magic number "12" <br />somewhere in zlib, but I'm not sure.<br /><br />At least my practice shows that 12 is Ok for JFFS2 where we compress fewer <br />then 4K a a time. I'll explore this.<br /><br />> We normally put the operator on the preceding line, i.e.,<br />><br />> while (foo &&<br />> bar) {<br />If this is the the common practice for Linux, then OK. My argument is the <br />GNU Coding style which recommends:<br /><br />----------------------------------------------------------------------<br />When you split an expression into multiple lines, split it before an <br />operator, not after one. Here is the right way:<br /><br /> if (foo_this_is_long && bar > win (x, y, z)<br /> && remaining_condition)<br />----------------------------------------------------------------------<br /><br />while the Linux coding style doesn't mention this AFAIR. And of course, <br />Linux doesn't have to obey that rule. <br /><br />Ok. This is not the final patch but more like RFC and I can re-format and <br />re-send it. :-) Please, feel free to re-format it as you would like <br />yourself.<br /><br />And one more thing I wanted to offer. In the <br />deflate_[compress|uncompress|pcompress] functions we call the <br />zlib_[in|de]flateReset function at the beginning. This is OK. But when we <br />unload the deflate module we don't call zlib_[in|de]flateEnd to free all <br />the zlib internal data. It looks like a bug for me. Please, consider the <br />attached patch.<br /><br />--<br />Best Regards,<br />Artem B. Bityuckiy,<br />St.-Petersburg, Russia.diff -auNrp linux- linux-<br />--- linux- 2005-03-29 15:37:44.000000000 +0400<br />+++ linux- 2005-03-29 15:37:38.000000000 +0400<br />@@ -93,11 +93,13 @@ out_free:<br /> <br /> static void deflate_comp_exit(struct deflate_ctx *ctx)<br /> {<br />+ zlib_deflateEnd(&ctx->comp_stream);<br /> vfree(ctx->comp_stream.workspace);<br /> }<br /> <br /> static void deflate_decomp_exit(struct deflate_ctx *ctx)<br /> {<br />+ zlib_inflateEnd(&ctx->decomp_stream);<br /> kfree(ctx->decomp_stream.workspace);<br /> }<br /> </pre></td><td width="32" rowspan="2" class="c" valign="top"><img src="/images/icornerr.gif" width="32" height="32" alt="\" /></td></tr><tr><td align="right" valign="bottom"> 聽 </td></tr><tr><td align="right" valign="bottom">聽</td><td class="c" valign="bottom" style="padding-bottom: 0px"><img src="/images/bcornerl.gif" width="32" height="32" alt="\" /></td><td class="c">聽</td><td class="c" valign="bottom" style="padding-bottom: 0px"><img src="/images/bcornerr.gif" width="32" height="32" alt="/" /></td></tr><tr><td align="right" valign="top" colspan="2"> 聽 </td><td class="lm">Last update: 2005-04-06 13:31 聽聽 [from the cache]<br />漏2003-2020 <a href=""><span itemprop="editor">Jasper Spaans</span></a>|hosted at <a href="">Digital Ocean</a> and my Meterkast|<a href="">Read the blog</a></td><td>聽</td></tr></table><script language="javascript" src="/js/styleswitcher.js" type="text/javascript"></script></body></html>