News Releases from the AAP

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Access a comprehensive collection of news releases covering a wide range of pediatric topics, from groundbreaking research findings to policy updates. Stay informed about the AAP&#x27;s advocacy efforts, expert opinions, and recommendations for promoting child health and well-being. Visit the AAP News Releases webpage and stay connected with the authoritative source of pediatric news, ensuring you&#x27;re up-to-date with the latest advancements in pediatric care." /> <meta name="keywords" content="new releases, updated, announcements, up-to-date" /> <meta name="publish_date" content="2020-04-06"> <meta name="publish_image" content=""> <meta name="vertex_keywords" content="new releases, updated, announcements, up-to-date"> <title>News Releases from the AAP</title> <!-- CookiePro Cookies Consent Notice start for --> <script src="" type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" data-domain-script="3e68ef05-4f6d-4004-898a-78b94ce0823e" ></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function OptanonWrapper() { } </script> <!-- CookiePro Cookies Consent Notice end for --> <!-- Google Tag Manager --> <script> (function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src= ''+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); })(window, document, 'script', 'dataLayer', 'GTM-N2RV28J'); </script> <!-- End Google Tag Manager --> <script async src=""></script> <script> var googletag = googletag || {}; googletag.cmd = googletag.cmd || []; </script> <script type='text/javascript'> googletag.cmd.push(function() { var AAPorg = googletag.sizeMapping(). addSize([730, 0], [728, 90]) //desktop .build(); var gptAdSlots = []; gptAdSlots[0] =googletag.defineSlot('/22410314033/aap_leadert', [728, 90], 'div-gpt-ad-1633540336787-0').defineSizeMapping(AAPorg).addService(googletag.pubads()); googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest(); googletag.pubads().collapseEmptyDivs(); googletag.enableServices(); }); </script> <!-- Donate Widget Script --> <script>(function(w,d,s,n,a){if(!w[n]){var l='call,catch,on,once,set,then,track'.split(','),i,o=function(n){return'function'==typeof n?o.l.push([arguments])&&o:function(){return o.l.push([n,arguments])&&o}},t=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],j=d.createElement(s);j.async=!0;j.src=''+a; t.parentNode.insertBefore(j,t);;o.v=4;o.h=w.location.href;o.l=[];for(i=0;i<7;i++)o[l[i]]=o(l[i]);w[n]=o}})(window,document,'script','FundraiseUp','ADAHKUXY');</script> <!-- End Donate Widget Script --> <!-- Magnet Mail --> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> com.realmagnet.MagnetLeads.init('hXdIOUQOZEy77inoSnCQWg'); com.realmagnet.MagnetLeads.visitPage(); </script> <!-- share this script --> <script type='text/javascript' src='' async='async'></script> <!--New Relic --> <script type = "text/javascript" > ; window.NREUM || (NREUM = {}); NREUM.init = { distributed_tracing: { enabled: true }, privacy: { cookies_enabled: true } }; ; NREUM.loader_config = { accountID: "1613493", trustKey: "1613493", agentID: "342119000", licenseKey: "0c3b4b61ad", applicationID: "342118967" };; = { beacon: "", errorBeacon: "", licenseKey: "0c3b4b61ad", applicationID: "342118967", sa: 1 };; /*! 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e.mask_selector = t + ",[data-nr-mask]" : null === t ? e.mask_selector = t : (0, l.Z)("An invalid session_replay.mask_selector was provided and will not be used", t) }, get block_class() { return "nr-block" }, get ignore_class() { return "nr-ignore" }, get mask_text_class() { return "nr-mask" }, get block_selector() { return e.block_selector }, set block_selector(t) { u(t) ? e.block_selector += ",".concat(t) : "" !== t && (0, l.Z)("An invalid session_replay.block_selector was provided and will not be used", t) }, get mask_input_options() { return e.mask_input_options }, set mask_input_options(t) { t && "object" == typeof t ? e.mask_input_options = { ...t, password: !0 } : (0, l.Z)("An invalid session_replay.mask_input_option was provided and will not be used", t) } }, spa: { enabled: !0, harvestTimeSeconds: 10, autoStart: !0 } } }, h = {}, p = "All configuration objects require an agent identifier!"; function g(e) { if (!e) throw new Error(p); if (!h[e]) throw new Error("Configuration for ".concat(e, " was never set")); return h[e] } function m(e, t) { if (!e) throw new Error(p); h[e] = (0, i.D)(t, f()), (0, n.Qy)(e, h[e], "config") } function v(e, t) { if (!e) throw new Error(p); var r = g(e); if (r) { for (var n = t.split("."), i = 0; i < n.length - 1; i++) if ("object" != typeof (r = r[n[i]])) return; r = r[n[n.length - 1]] } return r } const b = { accountID: void 0, trustKey: void 0, agentID: void 0, licenseKey: void 0, applicationID: void 0, xpid: void 0 }, y = {}; function A(e) { if (!e) throw new Error("All loader-config objects require an agent identifier!"); if (!y[e]) throw new Error("LoaderConfig for ".concat(e, " was never set")); return y[e] } function w(e, t) { if (!e) throw new Error("All loader-config objects require an agent identifier!"); y[e] = (0, i.D)(t, b), (0, n.Qy)(e, y[e], "loader_config") } const x = (0, n.mF)().o; var E = r(385), _ = r(6818); const T = { buildEnv: _.Re, customTransaction: void 0, disabled: !1, distMethod: _.gF, isolatedBacklog: !1, loaderType: void 0, maxBytes: 3e4, offset: Math.floor(E._A?.performance?.timeOrigin || E._A?.performance?.timing?.navigationStart ||, onerror: void 0, origin: "" + E._A.location, ptid: void 0, releaseIds: {}, session: void 0, xhrWrappable: "function" == typeof E._A.XMLHttpRequest?.prototype?.addEventListener, version: _.q4, denyList: void 0 }, S = {}; function D(e) { if (!e) throw new Error("All runtime objects require an agent identifier!"); if (!S[e]) throw new Error("Runtime for ".concat(e, " was never set")); return S[e] } function j(e, t) { if (!e) throw new Error("All runtime objects require an agent identifier!"); S[e] = (0, i.D)(t, T), (0, n.Qy)(e, S[e], "runtime") } function N(e) { return function (e) { try { const t = s(e); return !!t.licenseKey && !!t.errorBeacon && !!t.applicationID } catch (e) { return !1 } }(e) } }, 9567: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { D: () => i }); var n = r(50); function i(e, t) { try { if (!e || "object" != typeof e) return (0, n.Z)("Setting a Configurable requires an object as input"); if (!t || "object" != typeof t) return (0, n.Z)("Setting a Configurable requires a model to set its initial properties"); const r = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(t), Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(t)), o = 0 === Object.keys(r).length ? e : r; for (let a in o) if (void 0 !== e[a]) try { Array.isArray(e[a]) && Array.isArray(t[a]) ? r[a] = Array.from(new Set([...e[a], ...t[a]])) : "object" == typeof e[a] && "object" == typeof t[a] ? r[a] = i(e[a], t[a]) : r[a] = e[a] } catch (e) { (0, n.Z)("An error occurred while setting a property of a Configurable", e) } return r } catch (e) { (0, n.Z)("An error occured while setting a Configurable", e) } } }, 6818: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { Re: () => i, gF: () => o, lF: () => a, q4: () => n }); const n = "1.246.0", i = "PROD", o = "CDN", a = "2.0.0-alpha.11" }, 385: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { FN: () => s, IF: () => d, Nk: () => f, Tt: () => c, _A: () => o, cv: () => h, iS: () => a, il: () => n, ux: () => u, v6: () => i, w1: () => l }); const n = "undefined" != typeof window && !!window.document, i = "undefined" != typeof WorkerGlobalScope && ("undefined" != typeof self && self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope && self.navigator instanceof WorkerNavigator || "undefined" != typeof globalThis && globalThis instanceof WorkerGlobalScope && globalThis.navigator instanceof WorkerNavigator), o = n ? window : "undefined" != typeof WorkerGlobalScope && ("undefined" != typeof self && self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope && self || "undefined" != typeof globalThis && globalThis instanceof WorkerGlobalScope && globalThis), a = Boolean("hidden" === o?.document?.visibilityState), s = "" + o?.location, c = /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(o.navigator?.userAgent), u = c && "undefined" == typeof SharedWorker, d = (() => { const e = o.navigator?.userAgent?.match(/Firefox[/\s](\d+\.\d+)/); return Array.isArray(e) && e.length >= 2 ? +e[1] : 0 })(), l = Boolean(n && window.document.documentMode), f = !!o.navigator?.sendBeacon, h = Math.floor(o?.performance?.timeOrigin || o?.performance?.timing?.navigationStart || }, 1117: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { w: () => o }); var n = r(50); const i = { agentIdentifier: "", ee: void 0 }; class o { constructor(e) { try { if ("object" != typeof e) return (0, n.Z)("shared context requires an object as input"); this.sharedContext = {}, Object.assign(this.sharedContext, i), Object.entries(e).forEach((e => { let [t, r] = e; Object.keys(i).includes(t) && (this.sharedContext[t] = r) })) } catch (e) { (0, n.Z)("An error occured while setting SharedContext", e) } } } }, 8e3: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { L: () => d, R: () => c }); var n = r(8325), i = r(1284), o = r(4322), a = r(3325); const s = {}; function c(e, t) { const r = { staged: !1, priority: a.p[t] || 0 }; u(e), s[e].get(t) || s[e].set(t, r) } function u(e) { e && (s[e] || (s[e] = new Map)) } function d() { let e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : "", t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : "feature"; if (u(e), !e || !s[e].get(t)) return a(t); s[e].get(t).staged = !0; const r = [...s[e]]; function a(t) { const r = e ? :, a = o.X.handlers; if (r.backlog && a) { var s = r.backlog[t], c = a[t]; if (c) { for (var u = 0; s && u < s.length; ++u) l(s[u], c); (0, i.D)(c, (function (e, t) { (0, i.D)(t, (function (t, r) { r[0].on(e, r[1]) })) })) } delete a[t], r.backlog[t] = null, r.emit("drain-" + t, []) } } r.every((e => { let [t, r] = e; return r.staged })) && (r.sort(((e, t) => e[1].priority - t[1].priority)), r.forEach((t => { let [r] = t; s[e].delete(r), a(r) }))) } function l(e, t) { var r = e[1]; (0, i.D)(t[r], (function (t, r) { var n = e[0]; if (r[0] === n) { var i = r[1], o = e[3], a = e[2]; i.apply(o, a) } })) } }, 8325: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { A: () => c, ee: () => u }); var n = r(8632), i = r(2210), o = r(234); class a { constructor(e) { this.contextId = e } } var s = r(3117); const c = "nr@context:".concat(s.a), u = function e(t, r) { var n = {}, s = {}, d = {}, f = !1; try { f = 16 === r.length && (0, o.OP)(r).isolatedBacklog } catch (e) {} var h = { on: g, addEventListener: g, removeEventListener: function (e, t) { var r = n[e]; if (!r) return; for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) r[i] === t && r.splice(i, 1) }, emit: function (e, r, n, i, o) { !1 !== o && (o = !0); if (u.aborted && !i) return; t && o && t.emit(e, r, n); for (var a = p(n), c = m(e), d = c.length, l = 0; l < d; l++) c[l].apply(a, r); var f = b()[s[e]]; f && f.push([h, e, r, a]); return a }, get: v, listeners: m, context: p, buffer: function (e, t) { const r = b(); if (t = t || "feature", h.aborted) return; Object.entries(e || {}).forEach((e => { let [n, i] = e; s[i] = t, t in r || (r[t] = []) })) }, abort: l, aborted: !1, isBuffering: function (e) { return !!b()[s[e]] }, debugId: r, backlog: f ? {} : t && "object" == typeof t.backlog ? t.backlog : {} }; return h; function p(e) { return e && e instanceof a ? e : e ? (0, i.X)(e, c, (() => new a(c))) : new a(c) } function g(e, t) { n[e] = m(e).concat(t) } function m(e) { return n[e] || [] } function v(t) { return d[t] = d[t] || e(h, t) } function b() { return h.backlog } }(void 0, "globalEE"), d = (0, n.fP)(); function l() { u.aborted = !0, u.backlog = {} } || ( = u) }, 5546: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { E: () => n, p: () => i }); var n = r(8325).ee.get("handle"); function i(e, t, r, i, o) { o ? (o.buffer([e], i), o.emit(e, t, r)) : (n.buffer([e], i), n.emit(e, t, r)) } }, 4322: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { X: () => o }); var n = r(5546); o.on = a; var i = o.handlers = {}; function o(e, t, r, o) { a(o || n.E, i, e, t, r) } function a(e, t, r, i, o) { o || (o = "feature"), e || (e = n.E); var a = t[o] = t[o] || {}; (a[r] = a[r] || []).push([e, i]) } }, 3239: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { bP: () => s, iz: () => c, m$: () => a }); var n = r(385); let i = !1, o = !1; try { const e = { get passive() { return i = !0, !1 }, get signal() { return o = !0, !1 } }; n._A.addEventListener("test", null, e), n._A.removeEventListener("test", null, e) } catch (e) {} function a(e, t) { return i || o ? { capture: !!e, passive: i, signal: t } : !!e } function s(e, t) { let r = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] && arguments[2], n = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : void 0; window.addEventListener(e, t, a(r, n)) } function c(e, t) { let r = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] && arguments[2], n = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : void 0; document.addEventListener(e, t, a(r, n)) } }, 3117: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { a: () => n }); const n = (0, r(4402).Rl)() }, 4402: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { Ht: () => u, M: () => c, Rl: () => a, ky: () => s }); var n = r(385); const i = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"; function o(e, t) { return e ? 15 & e[t] : 16 * Math.random() | 0 } function a() { const e = n._A?.crypto || n._A?.msCrypto; let t, r = 0; return e && e.getRandomValues && (t = e.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(31))), i.split("").map((e => "x" === e ? o(t, ++r).toString(16) : "y" === e ? (3 & o() | 8).toString(16) : e)).join("") } function s(e) { const t = n._A?.crypto || n._A?.msCrypto; let r, i = 0; t && t.getRandomValues && (r = t.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(31))); const a = []; for (var s = 0; s < e; s++) a.push(o(r, ++i).toString(16)); return a.join("") } function c() { return s(16) } function u() { return s(32) } }, 7056: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { Bq: () => n, Hb: () => o, oD: () => i }); const n = "NRBA", i = 144e5, o = 18e5 }, 7894: (e, t, r) => { function n() { return Math.round( } r.d(t, { z: () => n }) }, 7243: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { e: () => i }); var n = r(385); function i(e) { if (0 === (e || "").indexOf("data:")) return { protocol: "data" }; try { const t = new URL(e, location.href), r = { port: t.port, hostname: t.hostname, pathname: t.pathname, search:, protocol: t.protocol.slice(0, t.protocol.indexOf(":")), sameOrigin: t.protocol === n._A?.location?.protocol && === n._A?.location?.host }; return r.port && "" !== r.port || ("http:" === t.protocol && (r.port = "80"), "https:" === t.protocol && (r.port = "443")), r.pathname && "" !== r.pathname ? r.pathname.startsWith("/") || (r.pathname = "/".concat(r.pathname)) : r.pathname = "/", r } catch (e) { return {} } } }, 50: (e, t, r) => { function n(e, t) { "function" == typeof console.warn && (console.warn("New Relic: ".concat(e)), t && console.warn(t)) } r.d(t, { Z: () => n }) }, 2587: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { N: () => c, T: () => u }); var n = r(8325), i = r(5546), o = r(3325); const a = { stn: [o.D.sessionTrace], err: [o.D.jserrors, o.D.metrics], ins: [o.D.pageAction], spa: [], sr: [o.D.sessionReplay, o.D.sessionTrace] }, s = new Set; function c(e, t) { const r =; e && "object" == typeof e && (s.has(t) || Object.entries(e).forEach((e => { let [t, n] = e; a[t] ? a[t].forEach((e => { n ? (0, i.p)("feat-" + t, [], void 0, e, r) : (0, i.p)("block-" + t, [], void 0, e, r), (0, i.p)("rumresp-" + t, [Boolean(n)], void 0, e, r) })) : n && (0, i.p)("feat-" + t, [], void 0, void 0, r), u[t] = Boolean(n) })), Object.keys(a).forEach((e => { void 0 === u[e] && (a[e]?.forEach((t => (0, i.p)("rumresp-" + e, [!1], void 0, t, r))), u[e] = !1) })), s.add(t)) } const u = {} }, 2210: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { X: () => i }); var n = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function i(e, t, r) { if (, t)) return e[t]; var i = r(); if (Object.defineProperty && Object.keys) try { return Object.defineProperty(e, t, { value: i, writable: !0, enumerable: !1 }), i } catch (e) {} return e[t] = i, i } }, 1284: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { D: () => n }); const n = (e, t) => Object.entries(e || {}).map((e => { let [r, n] = e; return t(r, n) })) }, 4351: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { P: () => o }); var n = r(8325); const i = () => { const e = new WeakSet; return (t, r) => { if ("object" == typeof r && null !== r) { if (e.has(r)) return; e.add(r) } return r } }; function o(e) { try { return JSON.stringify(e, i()) } catch (e) { try {"internal-error", [e]) } catch (e) {} } } }, 3960: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { K: () => a, b: () => o }); var n = r(3239); function i() { return "undefined" == typeof document || "complete" === document.readyState } function o(e, t) { if (i()) return e(); (0, n.bP)("load", e, t) } function a(e) { if (i()) return e(); (0, n.iz)("DOMContentLoaded", e) } }, 8632: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { EZ: () => u, Qy: () => c, ce: () => o, fP: () => a, gG: () => d, mF: () => s }); var n = r(7894), i = r(385); const o = { beacon: "", errorBeacon: "" }; function a() { return i._A.NREUM || (i._A.NREUM = {}), void 0 === i._A.newrelic && (i._A.newrelic = i._A.NREUM), i._A.NREUM } function s() { let e = a(); return e.o || (e.o = { ST: i._A.setTimeout, SI: i._A.setImmediate, CT: i._A.clearTimeout, XHR: i._A.XMLHttpRequest, REQ: i._A.Request, EV: i._A.Event, PR: i._A.Promise, MO: i._A.MutationObserver, FETCH: i._A.fetch }), e } function c(e, t, r) { let i = a(); const o = i.initializedAgents || {}, s = o[e] || {}; return Object.keys(s).length || (s.initializedAt = { ms: (0, n.z)(), date: new Date }), i.initializedAgents = { ...o, [e]: { ...s, [r]: t } }, i } function u(e, t) { a()[e] = t } function d() { return function () { let e = a(); const t = || {}; = { beacon: o.beacon, errorBeacon: o.errorBeacon, ...t } }(), function () { let e = a(); const t = e.init || {}; e.init = { ...t } }(), s(), function () { let e = a(); const t = e.loader_config || {}; e.loader_config = { ...t } }(), a() } }, 7956: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { N: () => i }); var n = r(3239); function i(e) { let t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1], r = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0, i = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : void 0; (0, n.iz)("visibilitychange", (function () { if (t) return void("hidden" === document.visibilityState && e()); e(document.visibilityState) }), r, i) } }, 1214: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { em: () => b, u5: () => D, QU: () => C, _L: () => I, Gm: () => H, Lg: () => L, BV: () => G, Kf: () => K }); var n = r(8325), i = r(3117); const o = "nr@original:".concat(i.a); var a = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, s = !1; function c(e, t) { return e || (e =, r.inPlace = function (e, t, n, i, o) { n || (n = ""); const a = "-" === n.charAt(0); for (let s = 0; s < t.length; s++) { const c = t[s], u = e[c]; d(u) || (e[c] = r(u, a ? c + n : n, i, c, o)) } }, r.flag = o, r; function r(t, r, n, s, c) { return d(t) ? t : (r || (r = ""), nrWrapper[o] = t, function (e, t, r) { if (Object.defineProperty && Object.keys) try { return Object.keys(e).forEach((function (r) { Object.defineProperty(t, r, { get: function () { return e[r] }, set: function (t) { return e[r] = t, t } }) })), t } catch (e) { u([e], r) } for (var n in e), n) && (t[n] = e[n]) }(t, nrWrapper, e), nrWrapper); function nrWrapper() { var o, a, d, l; try { a = this, o = [...arguments], d = "function" == typeof n ? n(o, a) : n || {} } catch (t) { u([t, "", [o, a, s], d], e) } i(r + "start", [o, a, s], d, c); try { return l = t.apply(a, o) } catch (e) { throw i(r + "err", [o, a, e], d, c), e } finally { i(r + "end", [o, a, l], d, c) } } } function i(r, n, i, o) { if (!s || t) { var a = s; s = !0; try { e.emit(r, n, i, t, o) } catch (t) { u([t, r, n, i], e) } s = a } } } function u(e, t) { t || (t =; try { t.emit("internal-error", e) } catch (e) {} } function d(e) { return !(e && "function" == typeof e && e.apply && !e[o]) } var l = r(2210), f = r(385); const h = {}, p = f._A.XMLHttpRequest, g = "addEventListener", m = "removeEventListener", v = "nr@wrapped:".concat(n.A); function b(e) { var t = function (e) { return (e ||"events") }(e); if (h[t.debugId]++) return t; h[t.debugId] = 1; var r = c(t, !0); function i(e) { r.inPlace(e, [g, m], "-", o) } function o(e, t) { return e[1] } return "getPrototypeOf" in Object && ( && y(document, i), y(f._A, i), y(p.prototype, i)), t.on(g + "-start", (function (e, t) { var n = e[1]; if (null !== n && ("function" == typeof n || "object" == typeof n)) { var i = (0, l.X)(n, v, (function () { var e = { object: function () { if ("function" != typeof n.handleEvent) return; return n.handleEvent.apply(n, arguments) }, function: n } [typeof n]; return e ? r(e, "fn-", null, || "anonymous") : n })); this.wrapped = e[1] = i } })), t.on(m + "-start", (function (e) { e[1] = this.wrapped || e[1] })), t } function y(e, t) { let r = e; for (; "object" == typeof r && !, g);) r = Object.getPrototypeOf(r); for (var n = arguments.length, i = new Array(n > 2 ? n - 2 : 0), o = 2; o < n; o++) i[o - 2] = arguments[o]; r && t(r, ...i) } var A = "fetch-", w = A + "body-", x = ["arrayBuffer", "blob", "json", "text", "formData"], E = f._A.Request, _ = f._A.Response, T = "prototype"; const S = {}; function D(e) { const t = function (e) { return (e ||"fetch") }(e); if (!(E && _ && f._A.fetch)) return t; if (S[t.debugId]++) return t; function r(e, r, i) { var o = e[r]; "function" == typeof o && (e[r] = function () { var e, r = [...arguments], a = {}; t.emit(i + "before-start", [r], a), a[n.A] && a[n.A].dt && (e = a[n.A].dt); var s = o.apply(this, r); return t.emit(i + "start", [r, e], s), s.then((function (e) { return t.emit(i + "end", [null, e], s), e }), (function (e) { throw t.emit(i + "end", [e], s), e })) }) } return S[t.debugId] = 1, x.forEach((e => { r(E[T], e, w), r(_[T], e, w) })), r(f._A, "fetch", A), t.on(A + "end", (function (e, r) { var n = this; if (r) { var i = r.headers.get("content-length"); null !== i && (n.rxSize = i), t.emit(A + "done", [null, r], n) } else t.emit(A + "done", [e], n) })), t } const j = {}, N = ["pushState", "replaceState"]; function C(e) { const t = function (e) { return (e ||"history") }(e); return ! || j[t.debugId]++ || (j[t.debugId] = 1, c(t).inPlace(window.history, N, "-")), t } var O = r(3239); const P = {}, R = ["appendChild", "insertBefore", "replaceChild"]; function I(e) { const t = function (e) { return (e ||"jsonp") }(e); if (! || P[t.debugId]) return t; P[t.debugId] = !0; var r = c(t), i = /[?&](?:callback|cb)=([^&#]+)/, o = /(.*)\.([^.]+)/, a = /^(\w+)(\.|$)(.*)$/; function s(e, t) { if (!e) return t; const r = e.match(a), n = r[1]; return s(r[3], t[n]) } return r.inPlace(Node.prototype, R, "dom-"), t.on("dom-start", (function (e) { ! function (e) { if (!e || "string" != typeof e.nodeName || "script" !== e.nodeName.toLowerCase()) return; if ("function" != typeof e.addEventListener) return; var n = (a = e.src, c = a.match(i), c ? c[1] : null); var a, c; if (!n) return; var u = function (e) { var t = e.match(o); if (t && t.length >= 3) return { key: t[2], parent: s(t[1], window) }; return { key: e, parent: window } }(n); if ("function" != typeof u.parent[u.key]) return; var d = {}; function l() { t.emit("jsonp-end", [], d), e.removeEventListener("load", l, (0, O.m$)(!1)), e.removeEventListener("error", f, (0, O.m$)(!1)) } function f() { t.emit("jsonp-error", [], d), t.emit("jsonp-end", [], d), e.removeEventListener("load", l, (0, O.m$)(!1)), e.removeEventListener("error", f, (0, O.m$)(!1)) } r.inPlace(u.parent, [u.key], "cb-", d), e.addEventListener("load", l, (0, O.m$)(!1)), e.addEventListener("error", f, (0, O.m$)(!1)), t.emit("new-jsonp", [e.src], d) }(e[0]) })), t } const k = {}; function H(e) { const t = function (e) { return (e ||"mutation") }(e); if (! || k[t.debugId]) return t; k[t.debugId] = !0; var r = c(t), i = f._A.MutationObserver; return i && (window.MutationObserver = function (e) { return this instanceof i ? new i(r(e, "fn-")) : i.apply(this, arguments) }, MutationObserver.prototype = i.prototype), t } const z = {}; function L(e) { const t = function (e) { return (e ||"promise") }(e); if (z[t.debugId]) return t; z[t.debugId] = !0; var r = t.context, i = c(t), a = f._A.Promise; return a && function () { function e(r) { var n = t.context(), o = i(r, "executor-", n, null, !1); const s = Reflect.construct(a, [o], e); return t.context(s).getCtx = function () { return n }, s } f._A.Promise = e, Object.defineProperty(e, "name", { value: "Promise" }), e.toString = function () { return a.toString() }, Object.setPrototypeOf(e, a), ["all", "race"].forEach((function (r) { const n = a[r]; e[r] = function (e) { let i = !1; [...e || []].forEach((e => { this.resolve(e).then(a("all" === r), a(!1)) })); const o = n.apply(this, arguments); return o; function a(e) { return function () { t.emit("propagate", [null, !i], o, !1, !1), i = i || !e } } } })), ["resolve", "reject"].forEach((function (r) { const n = a[r]; e[r] = function (e) { const r = n.apply(this, arguments); return e !== r && t.emit("propagate", [e, !0], r, !1, !1), r } })), e.prototype = a.prototype; const n = a.prototype.then; a.prototype.then = function () { var e = this, o = r(e); o.promise = e; for (var a = arguments.length, s = new Array(a), c = 0; c < a; c++) s[c] = arguments[c]; s[0] = i(s[0], "cb-", o, null, !1), s[1] = i(s[1], "cb-", o, null, !1); const u = n.apply(this, s); return o.nextPromise = u, t.emit("propagate", [e, !0], u, !1, !1), u }, a.prototype.then[o] = n, t.on("executor-start", (function (e) { e[0] = i(e[0], "resolve-", this, null, !1), e[1] = i(e[1], "resolve-", this, null, !1) })), t.on("executor-err", (function (e, t, r) { e[1](r) })), t.on("cb-end", (function (e, r, n) { t.emit("propagate", [n, !0], this.nextPromise, !1, !1) })), t.on("propagate", (function (e, r, n) { this.getCtx && !r || (this.getCtx = function () { if (e instanceof Promise) var r = t.context(e); return r && r.getCtx ? r.getCtx() : this }) })) }(), t } const M = {}, F = "setTimeout", B = "setInterval", U = "clearTimeout", Z = "-start", V = "-", q = [F, "setImmediate", B, U, "clearImmediate"]; function G(e) { const t = function (e) { return (e ||"timer") }(e); if (M[t.debugId]++) return t; M[t.debugId] = 1; var r = c(t); return r.inPlace(f._A, q.slice(0, 2), F + V), r.inPlace(f._A, q.slice(2, 3), B + V), r.inPlace(f._A, q.slice(3), U + V), t.on(B + Z, (function (e, t, n) { e[0] = r(e[0], "fn-", null, n) })), t.on(F + Z, (function (e, t, n) { this.method = n, this.timerDuration = isNaN(e[1]) ? 0 : +e[1], e[0] = r(e[0], "fn-", this, n) })), t } var W = r(50); const X = {}, Q = ["open", "send"]; function K(e) { var t = e ||; const r = function (e) { return (e ||"xhr") }(t); if (X[r.debugId]++) return r; X[r.debugId] = 1, b(t); var i = c(r), o = f._A.XMLHttpRequest, a = f._A.MutationObserver, s = f._A.Promise, u = f._A.setInterval, d = "readystatechange", l = ["onload", "onerror", "onabort", "onloadstart", "onloadend", "onprogress", "ontimeout"], h = [], p = f._A.XMLHttpRequest = function (e) { const t = new o(e), n = r.context(t); try { r.emit("new-xhr", [t], n), t.addEventListener(d, (a = n, function () { var e = this; e.readyState > 3 && !a.resolved && (a.resolved = !0, r.emit("xhr-resolved", [], e)), i.inPlace(e, l, "fn-", w) }), (0, O.m$)(!1)) } catch (e) { (0, W.Z)("An error occurred while intercepting XHR", e); try { r.emit("internal-error", [e]) } catch (e) {} } var a; return t }; function g(e, t) { i.inPlace(t, ["onreadystatechange"], "fn-", w) } if (function (e, t) { for (var r in e) t[r] = e[r] }(o, p), p.prototype = o.prototype, i.inPlace(p.prototype, Q, "-xhr-", w), r.on("send-xhr-start", (function (e, t) { g(e, t), function (e) { h.push(e), a && (m ? m.then(A) : u ? u(A) : (v = -v, = v)) }(t) })), r.on("open-xhr-start", g), a) { var m = s && s.resolve(); if (!u && !s) { var v = 1, y = document.createTextNode(v); new a(A).observe(y, { characterData: !0 }) } } else t.on("fn-end", (function (e) { e[0] && e[0].type === d || A() })); function A() { for (var e = 0; e < h.length; e++) g(0, h[e]); h.length && (h = []) } function w(e, t) { return t } return r } }, 7825: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { t: () => n }); const n = r(3325).D.ajax }, 6660: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { t: () => n }); const n = r(3325).D.jserrors }, 3081: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { gF: () => o, mY: () => i, t9: () => n, vz: () => s, xS: () => a }); const n = r(3325).D.metrics, i = "sm", o = "cm", a = "storeSupportabilityMetrics", s = "storeEventMetrics" }, 4649: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { t: () => n }); const n = r(3325).D.pageAction }, 7633: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { t: () => n }); const n = r(3325).D.pageViewEvent }, 9251: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { t: () => n }); const n = r(3325).D.pageViewTiming }, 7144: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { t: () => n }); const n = r(3325).D.sessionReplay }, 3614: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { BST_RESOURCE: () => i, END: () => s, FEATURE_NAME: () => n, FN_END: () => u, FN_START: () => c, PUSH_STATE: () => d, RESOURCE: () => o, START: () => a }); const n = r(3325).D.sessionTrace, i = "bstResource", o = "resource", a = "-start", s = "-end", c = "fn" + a, u = "fn" + s, d = "pushState" }, 7836: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { BODY: () => x, CB_END: () => E, CB_START: () => u, END: () => w, FEATURE_NAME: () => i, FETCH: () => T, FETCH_BODY: () => v, FETCH_DONE: () => m, FETCH_START: () => g, FN_END: () => c, FN_START: () => s, INTERACTION: () => f, INTERACTION_API: () => d, INTERACTION_EVENTS: () => o, JSONP_END: () => b, JSONP_NODE: () => p, JS_TIME: () => _, MAX_TIMER_BUDGET: () => a, REMAINING: () => l, SPA_NODE: () => h, START: () => A, originalSetTimeout: () => y }); var n = r(234); const i = r(3325), o = ["click", "submit", "keypress", "keydown", "keyup", "change"], a = 999, s = "fn-start", c = "fn-end", u = "cb-start", d = "api-ixn-", l = "remaining", f = "interaction", h = "spaNode", p = "jsonpNode", g = "fetch-start", m = "fetch-done", v = "fetch-body-", b = "jsonp-end", y = n.Yu.ST, A = "-start", w = "-end", x = "-body", E = "cb" + w, _ = "jsTime", T = "fetch" }, 5938: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { W: () => i }); var n = r(8325); class i { constructor(e, t, r) { this.agentIdentifier = e, this.aggregator = t, =, this.featureName = r, this.blocked = !1 } } }, 7530: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { j: () => b }); var n = r(3325), i = r(234), o = r(5546), a = r(8325), s = r(7894), c = r(8e3), u = r(3960), d = r(385), l = r(50), f = r(3081), h = r(8632); function p() { const e = (0, h.gG)(); ["setErrorHandler", "finished", "addToTrace", "addRelease", "addPageAction", "setCurrentRouteName", "setPageViewName", "setCustomAttribute", "interaction", "noticeError", "setUserId", "setApplicationVersion", "start"].forEach((t => { e[t] = function () { for (var r = arguments.length, n = new Array(r), i = 0; i < r; i++) n[i] = arguments[i]; return function (t) { for (var r = arguments.length, n = new Array(r > 1 ? r - 1 : 0), i = 1; i < r; i++) n[i - 1] = arguments[i]; let o = []; return Object.values(e.initializedAgents).forEach((e => { && e.api[t] && o.push(e.api[t](...n)) })), o.length > 1 ? o : o[0] }(t, ...n) } })) } var g = r(2587); const m = e => { const t = e.startsWith("http"); e += "/", r.p = t ? e : "https://" + e }; let v = !1; function b(e) { let t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, b = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0, y = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : void 0, { init: A, info: w, loader_config: x, runtime: E = { loaderType: b }, exposed: _ = !0 } = t; const T = (0, h.gG)(); w || (A = T.init, w =, x = T.loader_config), (0, i.Dg)(e, A || {}), (0, i.GE)(e, x || {}), w.jsAttributes ??= {}, d.v6 && (w.jsAttributes.isWorker = !0), (0, i.CX)(e, w); const S = (0, i.P_)(e), D = [w.beacon, w.errorBeacon]; v || (v = !0, S.proxy.assets && (m(S.proxy.assets), D.push(S.proxy.assets)), S.proxy.beacon && D.push(S.proxy.beacon)), E.denyList = [...S.ajax.deny_list || [], ...S.ajax.block_internal ? D : []], (0, i.sU)(e, E), p(); const j = function (e, t) { t || (0, c.R)(e, "api"); const h = {}; var p =, g = p.get("tracer"), m = "api-", v = m + "ixn-"; function b(t, r, n, o) { const a = (0, i.C5)(e); return null === r ? delete a.jsAttributes[t] : (0, i.CX)(e, { ...a, jsAttributes: { ...a.jsAttributes, [t]: r } }), w(m, n, !0, o || null === r ? "session" : void 0)(t, r) } function y() {} ["setErrorHandler", "finished", "addToTrace", "addRelease"].forEach((e => { h[e] = w(m, e, !0, "api") })), h.addPageAction = w(m, "addPageAction", !0, n.D.pageAction), h.setCurrentRouteName = w(m, "routeName", !0,, h.setPageViewName = function (t, r) { if ("string" == typeof t) return "/" !== t.charAt(0) && (t = "/" + t), (0, i.OP)(e).customTransaction = (r || "http://custom.transaction") + t, w(m, "setPageViewName", !0)() }, h.setCustomAttribute = function (e, t) { let r = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] && arguments[2]; if ("string" == typeof e) { if (["string", "number", "boolean"].includes(typeof t) || null === t) return b(e, t, "setCustomAttribute", r); (0, l.Z)("Failed to execute setCustomAttribute.\nNon-null value must be a string, number or boolean type, but a type of <".concat(typeof t, "> was provided.")) } else(0, l.Z)("Failed to execute setCustomAttribute.\nName must be a string type, but a type of <".concat(typeof e, "> was provided.")) }, h.setUserId = function (e) { if ("string" == typeof e || null === e) return b("", e, "setUserId", !0); (0, l.Z)("Failed to execute setUserId.\nNon-null value must be a string type, but a type of <".concat(typeof e, "> was provided.")) }, h.setApplicationVersion = function (e) { if ("string" == typeof e || null === e) return b("application.version", e, "setApplicationVersion", !1); (0, l.Z)("Failed to execute setApplicationVersion. Expected <String | null>, but got <".concat(typeof e, ">.")) }, h.start = e => { try { const t = e ? "defined" : "undefined"; (0, o.p)(f.xS, ["API/start/".concat(t, "/called")], void 0, n.D.metrics, p); const r = Object.values(n.D); if (void 0 === e) e = r; else { if ((e = Array.isArray(e) && e.length ? e : [e]).some((e => !r.includes(e)))) return (0, l.Z)("Invalid feature name supplied. Acceptable feature names are: ".concat(r)); e.includes(n.D.pageViewEvent) || e.push(n.D.pageViewEvent) } e.forEach((e => { p.emit("".concat(e, "-opt-in")) })) } catch (e) { (0, l.Z)("An unexpected issue occurred", e) } }, h.interaction = function () { return (new y).get() }; var A = y.prototype = { createTracer: function (e, t) { var r = {}, i = this, a = "function" == typeof t; return (0, o.p)(v + "tracer", [(0, s.z)(), e, r], i,, p), function () { if (g.emit((a ? "" : "no-") + "fn-start", [(0, s.z)(), i, a], r), a) try { return t.apply(this, arguments) } catch (e) { throw g.emit("fn-err", [arguments, this, e], r), e } finally { g.emit("fn-end", [(0, s.z)()], r) } } } }; function w(e, t, r, i) { return function () { return (0, o.p)(f.xS, ["API/" + t + "/called"], void 0, n.D.metrics, p), i && (0, o.p)(e + t, [(0, s.z)(), ...arguments], r ? null : this, i, p), r ? void 0 : this } } function x() { r.e(111).then(r.bind(r, 7438)).then((t => { let { setAPI: r } = t; r(e), (0, c.L)(e, "api") })).catch((() => (0, l.Z)("Downloading runtime APIs failed..."))) } return ["actionText", "setName", "setAttribute", "save", "ignore", "onEnd", "getContext", "end", "get"].forEach((e => { A[e] = w(v, e, void 0, })), h.noticeError = function (e, t) { "string" == typeof e && (e = new Error(e)), (0, o.p)(f.xS, ["API/noticeError/called"], void 0, n.D.metrics, p), (0, o.p)("err", [e, (0, s.z)(), !1, t], void 0, n.D.jserrors, p) }, ? (0, u.b)((() => x()), !0) : x(), h }(e, y); return (0, h.Qy)(e, j, "api"), (0, h.Qy)(e, _, "exposed"), (0, h.EZ)("activatedFeatures", g.T), j } }, 3325: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { D: () => n, p: () => i }); const n = { ajax: "ajax", jserrors: "jserrors", metrics: "metrics", pageAction: "page_action", pageViewEvent: "page_view_event", pageViewTiming: "page_view_timing", sessionReplay: "session_replay", sessionTrace: "session_trace", spa: "spa" }, i = { [n.pageViewEvent]: 1, [n.pageViewTiming]: 2, [n.metrics]: 3, [n.jserrors]: 4, [n.ajax]: 5, [n.sessionTrace]: 6, [n.pageAction]: 7, []: 8, [n.sessionReplay]: 9 } } }, n = {}; function i(e) { var t = n[e]; if (void 0 !== t) return t.exports; var o = n[e] = { exports: {} }; return r[e](o, o.exports, i), o.exports } i.m = r, i.d = (e, t) => { for (var r in t) i.o(t, r) && !i.o(e, r) && Object.defineProperty(e, r, { enumerable: !0, get: t[r] }) }, i.f = {}, i.e = e => Promise.all(Object.keys(i.f).reduce(((t, r) => (i.f[r](e, t), t)), [])), i.u = e => ({ 111: "nr-spa", 164: "nr-spa-compressor", 433: "nr-spa-recorder" } [e] + "-1.246.0.min.js"), i.o = (e, t) =>, t), e = {}, t = "NRBA-1.246.0.PROD:", i.l = (r, n, o, a) => { if (e[r]) e[r].push(n); else { var s, c; if (void 0 !== o) for (var u = document.getElementsByTagName("script"), d = 0; d < u.length; d++) { var l = u[d]; if (l.getAttribute("src") == r || l.getAttribute("data-webpack") == t + o) { s = l; break } } s || (c = !0, (s = document.createElement("script")).charset = "utf-8", s.timeout = 120, && s.setAttribute("nonce",, s.setAttribute("data-webpack", t + o), s.src = r), e[r] = [n]; var f = (t, n) => { s.onerror = s.onload = null, clearTimeout(h); var i = e[r]; if (delete e[r], s.parentNode && s.parentNode.removeChild(s), i && i.forEach((e => e(n))), t) return t(n) }, h = setTimeout(f.bind(null, void 0, { type: "timeout", target: s }), 12e4); s.onerror = f.bind(null, s.onerror), s.onload = f.bind(null, s.onload), c && document.head.appendChild(s) } }, i.r = e => { "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(e, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }), Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }) }, i.p = "", (() => { var e = { 801: 0, 92: 0 }; i.f.j = (t, r) => { var n = i.o(e, t) ? e[t] : void 0; if (0 !== n) if (n) r.push(n[2]); else { var o = new Promise(((r, i) => n = e[t] = [r, i])); r.push(n[2] = o); var a = i.p + i.u(t), s = new Error; i.l(a, (r => { if (i.o(e, t) && (0 !== (n = e[t]) && (e[t] = void 0), n)) { var o = r && ("load" === r.type ? "missing" : r.type), a = r && &&; s.message = "Loading chunk " + t + " failed.\n(" + o + ": " + a + ")", = "ChunkLoadError", s.type = o, s.request = a, n[1](s) } }), "chunk-" + t, t) } }; var t = (t, r) => { var n, o, [a, s, c] = r, u = 0; if (a.some((t => 0 !== e[t]))) { for (n in s) i.o(s, n) && (i.m[n] = s[n]); if (c) c(i) } for (t && t(r); u < a.length; u++) o = a[u], i.o(e, o) && e[o] && e[o][0](), e[o] = 0 }, r = self["webpackChunk:NRBA-1.246.0.PROD"] = self["webpackChunk:NRBA-1.246.0.PROD"] || []; r.forEach(t.bind(null, 0)), r.push = t.bind(null, r.push.bind(r)) })(), (() => { var e = i(50); class t { addPageAction(t, r) { (0, e.Z)("Call to agent api addPageAction failed. The page action feature is not currently initialized.") } setPageViewName(t, r) { (0, e.Z)("Call to agent api setPageViewName failed. The page view feature is not currently initialized.") } setCustomAttribute(t, r, n) { (0, e.Z)("Call to agent api setCustomAttribute failed. The js errors feature is not currently initialized.") } noticeError(t, r) { (0, e.Z)("Call to agent api noticeError failed. The js errors feature is not currently initialized.") } setUserId(t) { (0, e.Z)("Call to agent api setUserId failed. The js errors feature is not currently initialized.") } setApplicationVersion(t) { (0, e.Z)("Call to agent api setApplicationVersion failed. The agent is not currently initialized.") } setErrorHandler(t) { (0, e.Z)("Call to agent api setErrorHandler failed. The js errors feature is not currently initialized.") } finished(t) { (0, e.Z)("Call to agent api finished failed. The page action feature is not currently initialized.") } addRelease(t, r) { (0, e.Z)("Call to agent api addRelease failed. The js errors feature is not currently initialized.") } start(t) { (0, e.Z)("Call to agent api addRelease failed. The agent is not currently initialized.") } } var r = i(3325), n = i(234); const o = Object.values(r.D); function a(e) { const t = {}; return o.forEach((r => { t[r] = function (e, t) { return !1 !== (0, n.Mt)(t, "".concat(e, ".enabled")) }(r, e) })), t } var s = i(7530); var c = i(8e3), u = i(5938), d = i(3960), l = i(385); class f extends u.W { constructor(e, t, r) { let i = !(arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3]) || arguments[3]; super(e, t, r), = i, this.abortHandler = void 0, this.featAggregate = void 0, this.onAggregateImported = void 0, !1 === (0, n.Mt)(this.agentIdentifier, "".concat(this.featureName, ".autoStart")) && ( = !1), && (0, c.R)(e, r) } importAggregator() { let t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; if (this.featAggregate) return; if (! return void"".concat(this.featureName, "-opt-in"), (() => { (0, c.R)(this.agentIdentifier, this.featureName), = !0, this.importAggregator() })); const r = && !0 === (0, n.Mt)(this.agentIdentifier, "privacy.cookies_enabled"); let o; this.onAggregateImported = new Promise((e => { o = e })); const a = async () => { let n; try { if (r) { const { setupAgentSession: e } = await i.e(111).then(i.bind(i, 3228)); n = e(this.agentIdentifier) } } catch (t) { (0, e.Z)("A problem occurred when starting up session manager. This page will not start or extend any session.", t) } try { if (!this.shouldImportAgg(this.featureName, n)) return (0, c.L)(this.agentIdentifier, this.featureName), void o(!1); const { lazyFeatureLoader: e } = await i.e(111).then(i.bind(i, 8582)), { Aggregate: r } = await e(this.featureName, "aggregate"); this.featAggregate = new r(this.agentIdentifier, this.aggregator, t), o(!0) } catch (t) { (0, e.Z)("Downloading and initializing ".concat(this.featureName, " failed..."), t), this.abortHandler?.(), (0, c.L)(this.agentIdentifier, this.featureName), o(!1) } }; ? (0, d.b)((() => a()), !0) : a() } shouldImportAgg(e, t) { return e !== r.D.sessionReplay || !!n.Yu.MO && (!1 !== (0, n.Mt)(this.agentIdentifier, "session_trace.enabled") && (!!t?.isNew || !!t?.state.sessionReplayMode)) } } var h = i(7633); class p extends f { static featureName = h.t; constructor(e, t) { let r = !(arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2]) || arguments[2]; super(e, t, h.t, r), this.importAggregator() } } var g = i(1117), m = i(1284); class v extends g.w { constructor(e) { super(e), this.aggregatedData = {} } store(e, t, r, n, i) { var o = this.getBucket(e, t, r, i); return o.metrics = function (e, t) { t || (t = { count: 0 }); return t.count += 1, (0, m.D)(e, (function (e, r) { t[e] = b(r, t[e]) })), t }(n, o.metrics), o } merge(e, t, r, n, i) { var o = this.getBucket(e, t, n, i); if (o.metrics) { var a = o.metrics; a.count += r.count, (0, m.D)(r, (function (e, t) { if ("count" !== e) { var n = a[e], i = r[e]; i && !i.c ? a[e] = b(i.t, n) : a[e] = function (e, t) { if (!t) return e; t.c || (t = y(t.t)); return t.min = Math.min(e.min, t.min), t.max = Math.max(e.max, t.max), t.t += e.t, t.sos += e.sos, t.c += e.c, t }(i, a[e]) } })) } else o.metrics = r } storeMetric(e, t, r, n) { var i = this.getBucket(e, t, r); return i.stats = b(n, i.stats), i } getBucket(e, t, r, n) { this.aggregatedData[e] || (this.aggregatedData[e] = {}); var i = this.aggregatedData[e][t]; return i || (i = this.aggregatedData[e][t] = { params: r || {} }, n && (i.custom = n)), i } get(e, t) { return t ? this.aggregatedData[e] && this.aggregatedData[e][t] : this.aggregatedData[e] } take(e) { for (var t = {}, r = "", n = !1, i = 0; i < e.length; i++) t[r = e[i]] = A(this.aggregatedData[r]), t[r].length && (n = !0), delete this.aggregatedData[r]; return n ? t : null } } function b(e, t) { return null == e ? function (e) { e ? e.c++ : e = { c: 1 }; return e }(t) : t ? (t.c || (t = y(t.t)), t.c += 1, t.t += e, t.sos += e * e, e > t.max && (t.max = e), e < t.min && (t.min = e), t) : { t: e } } function y(e) { return { t: e, min: e, max: e, sos: e * e, c: 1 } } function A(e) { return "object" != typeof e ? [] : (0, m.D)(e, w) } function w(e, t) { return t } var x = i(8632), E = i(4402), _ = i(4351); var T = i(5546), S = i(7956), D = i(3239), j = i(7894), N = i(9251); class C extends f { static featureName = N.t; constructor(e, t) { let r = !(arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2]) || arguments[2]; super(e, t, N.t, r), && ((0, S.N)((() => (0, T.p)("docHidden", [(0, j.z)()], void 0, N.t,, !0), (0, D.bP)("pagehide", (() => (0, T.p)("winPagehide", [(0, j.z)()], void 0, N.t,, this.importAggregator()) } } var O = i(3081); class P extends f { static featureName = O.t9; constructor(e, t) { let r = !(arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2]) || arguments[2]; super(e, t, O.t9, r), this.importAggregator() } } var R = i(6660); class I { constructor(e, t, r, n) { = "UncaughtError", this.message = e, this.sourceURL = t, this.line = r, this.column = n } } class k extends f { static featureName = R.t; #e = new Set; constructor(e, t) { let n = !(arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2]) || arguments[2]; super(e, t, R.t, n); try { this.removeOnAbort = new AbortController } catch (e) {}"fn-err", ((e, t, n) => { this.abortHandler && !this.#e.has(n) && (this.#e.add(n), (0, T.p)("err", [this.#t(n), (0, j.z)()], void 0, r.D.jserrors, })),"internal-error", (e => { this.abortHandler && (0, T.p)("ierr", [this.#t(e), (0, j.z)(), !0], void 0, r.D.jserrors, })), l._A.addEventListener("unhandledrejection", (e => { this.abortHandler && (0, T.p)("err", [this.#r(e), (0, j.z)(), !1, { unhandledPromiseRejection: 1 }], void 0, r.D.jserrors, }), (0, D.m$)(!1, this.removeOnAbort?.signal)), l._A.addEventListener("error", (e => { this.abortHandler && (this.#e.has(e.error) ? this.#e.delete(e.error) : (0, T.p)("err", [this.#n(e), (0, j.z)()], void 0, r.D.jserrors, }), (0, D.m$)(!1, this.removeOnAbort?.signal)), this.abortHandler = this.#i, this.importAggregator() } #i() { this.removeOnAbort?.abort(), this.#e.clear(), this.abortHandler = void 0 } #t(e) { return e instanceof Error ? e : void 0 !== e?.message ? new I(e.message, e.filename || e.sourceURL, e.lineno || e.line, e.colno || e.col) : new I("string" == typeof e ? e : (0, _.P)(e)) } #r(e) { let t = "Unhandled Promise Rejection: "; if (e?.reason instanceof Error) try { return e.reason.message = t + e.reason.message, e.reason } catch (t) { return e.reason } if (void 0 === e.reason) return new I(t); const r = this.#t(e.reason); return r.message = t + r.message, r } #n(e) { return e.error instanceof Error ? e.error : new I(e.message, e.filename, e.lineno, e.colno) } } var H = i(2210); let z = 1; const L = "nr@id"; function M(e) { const t = typeof e; return !e || "object" !== t && "function" !== t ? -1 : e === l._A ? 0 : (0, H.X)(e, L, (function () { return z++ })) } function F(e) { if ("string" == typeof e && e.length) return e.length; if ("object" == typeof e) { if ("undefined" != typeof ArrayBuffer && e instanceof ArrayBuffer && e.byteLength) return e.byteLength; if ("undefined" != typeof Blob && e instanceof Blob && e.size) return e.size; if (!("undefined" != typeof FormData && e instanceof FormData)) try { return (0, _.P)(e).length } catch (e) { return } } } var B = i(1214), U = i(7243); class Z { constructor(e) { this.agentIdentifier = e } generateTracePayload(e) { if (!this.shouldGenerateTrace(e)) return null; var t = (0, n.DL)(this.agentIdentifier); if (!t) return null; var r = (t.accountID || "").toString() || null, i = (t.agentID || "").toString() || null, o = (t.trustKey || "").toString() || null; if (!r || !i) return null; var a = (0, E.M)(), s = (0, E.Ht)(), c =, u = { spanId: a, traceId: s, timestamp: c }; return (e.sameOrigin || this.isAllowedOrigin(e) && this.useTraceContextHeadersForCors()) && (u.traceContextParentHeader = this.generateTraceContextParentHeader(a, s), u.traceContextStateHeader = this.generateTraceContextStateHeader(a, c, r, i, o)), (e.sameOrigin && !this.excludeNewrelicHeader() || !e.sameOrigin && this.isAllowedOrigin(e) && this.useNewrelicHeaderForCors()) && (u.newrelicHeader = this.generateTraceHeader(a, s, c, r, i, o)), u } generateTraceContextParentHeader(e, t) { return "00-" + t + "-" + e + "-01" } generateTraceContextStateHeader(e, t, r, n, i) { return i + "@nr=0-1-" + r + "-" + n + "-" + e + "----" + t } generateTraceHeader(e, t, r, n, i, o) { if (!("function" == typeof l._A?.btoa)) return null; var a = { v: [0, 1], d: { ty: "Browser", ac: n, ap: i, id: e, tr: t, ti: r } }; return o && n !== o && ( = o), btoa((0, _.P)(a)) } shouldGenerateTrace(e) { return this.isDtEnabled() && this.isAllowedOrigin(e) } isAllowedOrigin(e) { var t = !1, r = {}; if ((0, n.Mt)(this.agentIdentifier, "distributed_tracing") && (r = (0, n.P_)(this.agentIdentifier).distributed_tracing), e.sameOrigin) t = !0; else if (r.allowed_origins instanceof Array) for (var i = 0; i < r.allowed_origins.length; i++) { var o = (0, U.e)(r.allowed_origins[i]); if (e.hostname === o.hostname && e.protocol === o.protocol && e.port === o.port) { t = !0; break } } return t } isDtEnabled() { var e = (0, n.Mt)(this.agentIdentifier, "distributed_tracing"); return !!e && !!e.enabled } excludeNewrelicHeader() { var e = (0, n.Mt)(this.agentIdentifier, "distributed_tracing"); return !!e && !!e.exclude_newrelic_header } useNewrelicHeaderForCors() { var e = (0, n.Mt)(this.agentIdentifier, "distributed_tracing"); return !!e && !1 !== e.cors_use_newrelic_header } useTraceContextHeadersForCors() { var e = (0, n.Mt)(this.agentIdentifier, "distributed_tracing"); return !!e && !!e.cors_use_tracecontext_headers } } var V = i(7825), q = ["load", "error", "abort", "timeout"], G = q.length, W = n.Yu.REQ, X = n.Yu.XHR; class Q extends f { static featureName = V.t; constructor(e, t) { let i = !(arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2]) || arguments[2]; if (super(e, t, V.t, i), (0, n.OP)(e).xhrWrappable) { this.dt = new Z(e), this.handler = (e, t, r, n) => (0, T.p)(e, t, r, n,; try { const e = { xmlhttprequest: "xhr", fetch: "fetch", beacon: "beacon" }; l._A?.performance?.getEntriesByType("resource").forEach((t => { if (t.initiatorType in e && 0 !== t.responseStatus) { const n = { status: t.responseStatus }, i = { rxSize: t.transferSize, duration: Math.floor(t.duration), cbTime: 0 }; K(n,, this.handler("xhr", [n, i, t.startTime, t.responseEnd, e[t.initiatorType]], void 0, r.D.ajax) } })) } catch (e) {}(0, B.u5)(, (0, B.Kf)(, function (e, t, i, o) { function a(e) { var t = this; t.totalCbs = 0, t.called = 0, t.cbTime = 0, t.end = x, t.ended = !1, t.xhrGuids = {}, t.lastSize = null, t.loadCaptureCalled = !1, t.params = this.params || {}, t.metrics = this.metrics || {}, e.addEventListener("load", (function (r) { E(t, e) }), (0, D.m$)(!1)), l.IF || e.addEventListener("progress", (function (e) { t.lastSize = e.loaded }), (0, D.m$)(!1)) } function s(e) { this.params = { method: e[0] }, K(this, e[1]), this.metrics = {} } function c(t, r) { var i = (0, n.DL)(e); i.xpid && this.sameOrigin && r.setRequestHeader("X-NewRelic-ID", i.xpid); var a = o.generateTracePayload(this.parsedOrigin); if (a) { var s = !1; a.newrelicHeader && (r.setRequestHeader("newrelic", a.newrelicHeader), s = !0), a.traceContextParentHeader && (r.setRequestHeader("traceparent", a.traceContextParentHeader), a.traceContextStateHeader && r.setRequestHeader("tracestate", a.traceContextStateHeader), s = !0), s && (this.dt = a) } } function u(e, r) { var n = this.metrics, i = e[0], o = this; if (n && i) { var a = F(i); a && (n.txSize = a) } this.startTime = (0, j.z)(), this.body = i, this.listener = function (e) { try { "abort" !== e.type || o.loadCaptureCalled || (o.params.aborted = !0), ("load" !== e.type || o.called === o.totalCbs && (o.onloadCalled || "function" != typeof r.onload) && "function" == typeof o.end) && o.end(r) } catch (e) { try { t.emit("internal-error", [e]) } catch (e) {} } }; for (var s = 0; s < G; s++) r.addEventListener(q[s], this.listener, (0, D.m$)(!1)) } function d(e, t, r) { this.cbTime += e, t ? this.onloadCalled = !0 : this.called += 1, this.called !== this.totalCbs || !this.onloadCalled && "function" == typeof r.onload || "function" != typeof this.end || this.end(r) } function f(e, t) { var r = "" + M(e) + !!t; this.xhrGuids && !this.xhrGuids[r] && (this.xhrGuids[r] = !0, this.totalCbs += 1) } function h(e, t) { var r = "" + M(e) + !!t; this.xhrGuids && this.xhrGuids[r] && (delete this.xhrGuids[r], this.totalCbs -= 1) } function p() { this.endTime = (0, j.z)() } function g(e, r) { r instanceof X && "load" === e[0] && t.emit("xhr-load-added", [e[1], e[2]], r) } function m(e, r) { r instanceof X && "load" === e[0] && t.emit("xhr-load-removed", [e[1], e[2]], r) } function v(e, t, r) { t instanceof X && ("onload" === r && (this.onload = !0), ("load" === (e[0] && e[0].type) || this.onload) && (this.xhrCbStart = (0, j.z)())) } function b(e, r) { this.xhrCbStart && t.emit("xhr-cb-time", [(0, j.z)() - this.xhrCbStart, this.onload, r], r) } function y(e) { var t, r = e[1] || {}; if ("string" == typeof e[0] ? 0 === (t = e[0]).length && && (t = "" + l._A.location.href) : e[0] && e[0].url ? t = e[0].url : l._A?.URL && e[0] && e[0] instanceof URL ? t = e[0].href : "function" == typeof e[0].toString && (t = e[0].toString()), "string" == typeof t && 0 !== t.length) { t && (this.parsedOrigin = (0, U.e)(t), this.sameOrigin = this.parsedOrigin.sameOrigin); var n = o.generateTracePayload(this.parsedOrigin); if (n && (n.newrelicHeader || n.traceContextParentHeader)) if (e[0] && e[0].headers) s(e[0].headers, n) && (this.dt = n); else { var i = {}; for (var a in r) i[a] = r[a]; i.headers = new Headers(r.headers || {}), s(i.headers, n) && (this.dt = n), e.length > 1 ? e[1] = i : e.push(i) } } function s(e, t) { var r = !1; return t.newrelicHeader && (e.set("newrelic", t.newrelicHeader), r = !0), t.traceContextParentHeader && (e.set("traceparent", t.traceContextParentHeader), t.traceContextStateHeader && e.set("tracestate", t.traceContextStateHeader), r = !0), r } } function A(e, t) { this.params = {}, this.metrics = {}, this.startTime = (0, j.z)(), this.dt = t, e.length >= 1 && ( = e[0]), e.length >= 2 && (this.opts = e[1]); var r, n = this.opts || {}, i =; "string" == typeof i ? r = i : "object" == typeof i && i instanceof W ? r = i.url : l._A?.URL && "object" == typeof i && i instanceof URL && (r = i.href), K(this, r); var o = ("" + (i && i instanceof W && i.method || n.method || "GET")).toUpperCase(); this.params.method = o, this.body = n.body, this.txSize = F(n.body) || 0 } function w(e, t) { var n; this.endTime = (0, j.z)(), this.params || (this.params = {}), this.params.status = t ? t.status : 0, "string" == typeof this.rxSize && this.rxSize.length > 0 && (n = +this.rxSize); var o = { txSize: this.txSize, rxSize: n, duration: (0, j.z)() - this.startTime }; i("xhr", [this.params, o, this.startTime, this.endTime, "fetch"], this, r.D.ajax) } function x(e) { var t = this.params, n = this.metrics; if (!this.ended) { this.ended = !0; for (var o = 0; o < G; o++) e.removeEventListener(q[o], this.listener, !1); t.aborted || (n.duration = (0, j.z)() - this.startTime, this.loadCaptureCalled || 4 !== e.readyState ? null == t.status && (t.status = 0) : E(this, e), n.cbTime = this.cbTime, i("xhr", [t, n, this.startTime, this.endTime, "xhr"], this, r.D.ajax)) } } function E(e, t) { e.params.status = t.status; var r = function (e, t) { var r = e.responseType; return "json" === r && null !== t ? t : "arraybuffer" === r || "blob" === r || "json" === r ? F(e.response) : "text" === r || "" === r || void 0 === r ? F(e.responseText) : void 0 }(t, e.lastSize); if (r && (e.metrics.rxSize = r), e.sameOrigin) { var n = t.getResponseHeader("X-NewRelic-App-Data"); n && ( = n.split(", ").pop()) } e.loadCaptureCalled = !0 } t.on("new-xhr", a), t.on("open-xhr-start", s), t.on("open-xhr-end", c), t.on("send-xhr-start", u), t.on("xhr-cb-time", d), t.on("xhr-load-added", f), t.on("xhr-load-removed", h), t.on("xhr-resolved", p), t.on("addEventListener-end", g), t.on("removeEventListener-end", m), t.on("fn-end", b), t.on("fetch-before-start", y), t.on("fetch-start", A), t.on("fn-start", v), t.on("fetch-done", w) }(e,, this.handler, this.dt), this.importAggregator() } } } function K(e, t) { var r = (0, U.e)(t), n = e.params || e; n.hostname = r.hostname, n.port = r.port, n.protocol = r.protocol, = r.hostname + ":" + r.port, n.pathname = r.pathname, e.parsedOrigin = r, e.sameOrigin = r.sameOrigin } var Y = i(3614); const { BST_RESOURCE: J, RESOURCE: ee, START: te, END: re, FEATURE_NAME: ne, FN_END: ie, FN_START: oe, PUSH_STATE: ae } = Y; var se = i(7144); class ce extends f { static featureName = se.t; constructor(e, t) { let r = !(arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2]) || arguments[2]; super(e, t, se.t, r), this.importAggregator() } } var ue = i(7836); const { FEATURE_NAME: de, START: le, END: fe, BODY: he, CB_END: pe, JS_TIME: ge, FETCH: me, FN_START: ve, CB_START: be, FN_END: ye } = ue; var Ae = i(4649); class we extends f { static featureName = Ae.t; constructor(e, t) { let r = !(arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2]) || arguments[2]; super(e, t, Ae.t, r), this.importAggregator() } } new class extends t { constructor(t) { let r = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : (0,; super(), l._A ? (this.agentIdentifier = r, this.sharedAggregator = new v({ agentIdentifier: this.agentIdentifier }), this.features = {}, this.desiredFeatures = new Set(t.features || []), this.desiredFeatures.add(p), Object.assign(this, (0, s.j)(this.agentIdentifier, t, t.loaderType || "agent")), : (0, e.Z)("Failed to initial the agent. Could not determine the runtime environment.") } get config() { return { info: (0, n.C5)(this.agentIdentifier), init: (0, n.P_)(this.agentIdentifier), loader_config: (0, n.DL)(this.agentIdentifier), runtime: (0, n.OP)(this.agentIdentifier) } } run() { const t = "features"; try { const n = a(this.agentIdentifier), i = [...this.desiredFeatures]; i.sort(((e, t) => r.p[e.featureName] - r.p[t.featureName])), i.forEach((t => { if (n[t.featureName] || t.featureName === r.D.pageViewEvent) { const i = function (e) { switch (e) { case r.D.ajax: return [r.D.jserrors]; case r.D.sessionTrace: return [r.D.ajax, r.D.pageViewEvent]; case r.D.sessionReplay: return [r.D.sessionTrace]; case r.D.pageViewTiming: return [r.D.pageViewEvent]; default: return [] } }(t.featureName); i.every((e => n[e])) || (0, e.Z)("".concat(t.featureName, " is enabled but one or more dependent features has been disabled (").concat((0, _.P)(i), "). This may cause unintended consequences or missing data...")), this.features[t.featureName] = new t(this.agentIdentifier, this.sharedAggregator) } })), (0, x.Qy)(this.agentIdentifier, this.features, t) } catch (r) { (0, e.Z)("Failed to initialize all enabled instrument classes (agent aborted) -", r); for (const e in this.features) this.features[e].abortHandler?.(); const n = (0, x.fP)(); return delete n.initializedAgents[this.agentIdentifier]?.api, delete n.initializedAgents[this.agentIdentifier]?.[t], delete this.sharedAggregator,, delete, !1 } } addToTrace(t) { (0, e.Z)("Call to agent api addToTrace failed. The session trace feature is not currently initialized.") } setCurrentRouteName(t) { (0, e.Z)("Call to agent api setCurrentRouteName failed. The spa feature is not currently initialized.") } interaction() { (0, e.Z)("Call to agent api interaction failed. The spa feature is not currently initialized.") } }({ features: [Q, p, C, class extends f { static featureName = ne; constructor(e, t) { if (super(e, t, ne, !(arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2]) || arguments[2]), ! return; const n =; let i; (0, B.QU)(n), this.eventsEE = (0, B.em)(n), this.eventsEE.on(oe, (function (e, t) { this.bstStart = (0, j.z)() })), this.eventsEE.on(ie, (function (e, t) { (0, T.p)("bst", [e[0], t, this.bstStart, (0, j.z)()], void 0, r.D.sessionTrace, n) })), n.on(ae + te, (function (e) { this.time = (0, j.z)(), this.startPath = location.pathname + location.hash })), n.on(ae + re, (function (e) { (0, T.p)("bstHist", [location.pathname + location.hash, this.startPath, this.time], void 0, r.D.sessionTrace, n) })); try { i = new PerformanceObserver((e => { const t = e.getEntries(); (0, T.p)(J, [t], void 0, r.D.sessionTrace, n) })), i.observe({ type: ee, buffered: !0 }) } catch (e) {} this.importAggregator({ resourceObserver: i }) } }, ce, P, we, k, class extends f { static featureName = de; constructor(e, t) { if (super(e, t, de, !(arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2]) || arguments[2]), ! return; if (!(0, n.OP)(e).xhrWrappable) return; try { this.removeOnAbort = new AbortController } catch (e) {} let r, i = 0; const o ="tracer"), a = (0, B._L)(, s = (0, B.Lg)(, c = (0, B.BV)(, u = (0, B.Kf)(, d ="events"), f = (0, B.u5)(, h = (0, B.QU)(, p = (0, B.Gm)(; function g(e, t) { h.emit("newURL", ["" + window.location, t]) } function m() { i++, r = window.location.hash, this[ve] = (0, j.z)() } function v() { i--, window.location.hash !== r && g(0, !0); var e = (0, j.z)(); this[ge] = ~~this[ge] + e - this[ve], this[ye] = e } function b(e, t) { e.on(t, (function () { this[t] = (0, j.z)() })) }, m), s.on(be, m), a.on(be, m),, v), s.on(pe, v), a.on(pe, v),[ve, ye, "xhr-resolved"], this.featureName), d.buffer([ve], this.featureName), c.buffer(["setTimeout" + fe, "clearTimeout" + le, ve], this.featureName), u.buffer([ve, "new-xhr", "send-xhr" + le], this.featureName), f.buffer([me + le, me + "-done", me + he + le, me + he + fe], this.featureName), h.buffer(["newURL"], this.featureName), p.buffer([ve], this.featureName), s.buffer(["propagate", be, pe, "executor-err", "resolve" + le], this.featureName), o.buffer([ve, "no-" + ve], this.featureName), a.buffer(["new-jsonp", "cb-start", "jsonp-error", "jsonp-end"], this.featureName), b(f, me + le), b(f, me + "-done"), b(a, "new-jsonp"), b(a, "jsonp-end"), b(a, "cb-start"), h.on("pushState-end", g), h.on("replaceState-end", g), window.addEventListener("hashchange", g, (0, D.m$)(!0, this.removeOnAbort?.signal)), window.addEventListener("load", g, (0, D.m$)(!0, this.removeOnAbort?.signal)), window.addEventListener("popstate", (function () { g(0, i > 1) }), (0, D.m$)(!0, this.removeOnAbort?.signal)), this.abortHandler = this.#i, this.importAggregator() } #i() { this.removeOnAbort?.abort(), this.abortHandler = void 0 } }], loaderType: "spa" }) })() })(); </script> <script> function mobileGlobalNav(elementName) { var icon = document.getElementsByClassName(elementName)[0]; icon.classList.toggle('active'); } </script> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="theme-color" content="#00247F"> <link href="/Bundles/css/main.css?v=9bb4293ac6fd77ddc0b82d05ed8ade6d89dbfeef4106a308882478ae5bc1adff" rel="stylesheet" /> <style> .preload-hide { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; background: #fff; z-index: 900; overflow: hidden; } </style> <script src='/Bundles/js/recommended-courses-bundle.js?v=c14132f570a0b529f454eb87d0c553923beb5cafaf7ad0fb719b8885534c7857'></script> </head> <body class="theme-aap " style="padding-top:0"> <div class="browser-message-container " data-browser-message-container> <div class="browser-alert ie"> <div class="browser-alert-inner"> <div class="browser-alert-title"> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"> <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#icon-warning" /> </svg> <p class="browser-alert-title-text"> Internet Explorer Alert </p> </div> <div class="browser-alert-content"> <p>It appears you are using Internet Explorer as your web browser. 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Kennedy, Jr. Nomination to Lead U.S. Department of Health and Human Services","description":"The nomination of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to be Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) offers an important opportunity to share the settled science on vaccines with government leaders, policymakers and the American public.","pageLink":"","displayDate":"November 15, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-11-12T00:00:00-06:00","title":"American Academy of Pediatrics & Global Down Syndrome Foundation Collaborate on Down Syndrome Recommendations","description":"AAP Health Supervision for Children and Adolescents will be translated into multiple languages and freely distributed around the world\n","pageLink":"","displayDate":"November 12, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-11-12T00:00:00-06:00","title":"Updated guidance says CPR with breaths essential for cardiac arrest following drowning ","description":"New joint update from the American Heart Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics details latest guidelines for resuscitation following drowning ","pageLink":"","displayDate":"November 12, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-11-11T00:00:00-06:00","title":"American Academy of Pediatrics Names Jeff Hild as Senior Vice President of Advocacy ","description":null,"pageLink":"","displayDate":"November 11, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-10-28T00:00:00-05:00","title":"American Academy of Pediatrics Urges Adoption of Universal Paid Family and Medical Leave Policy","description":"In its first policy statement endorsing universal paid family and medical leave, the AAP lays out the health benefits for families and moves toward economic equity in the workforce. ","pageLink":"","displayDate":"October 28, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-10-21T00:00:00-05:00","title":"American Academy of Pediatrics Recommends Safety Protections for Cheerleaders","description":"With more than 3.5 million youth athletes participating in cheerleading in the U.S., including competition and school teams, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is issuing recommendations to improve the safety of the sport and reduce the risk of injury, including concussions.","pageLink":"","displayDate":"October 21, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-10-07T00:00:00-05:00","title":"American Academy of Pediatrics Statement Condemning Antisemitism ","description":"Explore the American Academy of Pediatrics' stance against antisemitism, advocating for a safe and inclusive environment for all children and families.","pageLink":"","displayDate":"October 7, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-10-01T00:00:00-05:00","title":"American Academy of Pediatrics Examines the Impact of School Expulsion and Recommends Ways to Create Supportive Learning Environments for All Students","description":"Updated policy statement on school suspension to be released during the AAP 2024 National Conference & Exhibition in Orlando. ","pageLink":"","displayDate":"October 1, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-09-30T00:00:00-05:00","title":"American Academy of Pediatrics Announces its First Clinical Practice Guideline for Opioid Prescriptions","description":"Pediatricians should prescribe opioids for pain when necessary, with recommended precautions in place to increase safety, according to a clinical practice guideline released during the AAP 2024 National Conference & Exhibition ","pageLink":"","displayDate":"September 30, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-09-29T00:00:00-05:00","title":"American Academy of Pediatrics Promotes Shared Reading Starting in Infancy as a Positive Parenting Practice with Lifelong Benefits","description":"In this updated policy statement, pediatricians emphasize the benefits for children and parents that go beyond literacy","pageLink":"","displayDate":"September 29, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-09-27T00:00:00-05:00","title":"Opioid Poisoning in Children Increasing Alongside Adult Misuse","description":"Fentanyl found to be the most common drug causing the increase, according to new research","pageLink":"","displayDate":"September 27, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-09-27T00:00:00-05:00","title":"Social Media Used to Facilitate Sexual Assault in Children, Study Finds","description":"Social media offers benefits for teens but also can be used as a tool by predators online, according to research presented at the American Academy of Pediatrics 2024 National Conference & Exhibition","pageLink":"","displayDate":"September 27, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-09-27T00:00:00-05:00","title":"Childhood Opioid Prescription Rates Vary by Patient’s Background, Research Finds","description":"Research presented during American Academy of Pediatrics 2024 Conference & Exhibition analyzes opioid prescriptions following fracture diagnoses","pageLink":"","displayDate":"September 27, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-09-27T00:00:00-05:00","title":"Low Vitamin D Levels in Pediatric Patients Linked to Slow Healing Process","description":"Clinical healing took up to a week longer with low Vitamin D levels, according to research presented at American Academy of Pediatrics 2024 National Conference & Exhibition","pageLink":"","displayDate":"September 27, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-09-27T00:00:00-05:00","title":"Water-absorbing Beads Pose Increasing Hazard for Young Children; Researchers Test Methods on How to Shrink Them","description":"Results of experiment to avoid surgery in cases of swallowed beads presented during American Academy of Pediatrics 2024 National Conference & Exhibition","pageLink":"","displayDate":"September 27, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-09-27T00:00:00-05:00","title":"Asthma Rates Lower in Children Who Received Only Breast Milk at Birth Hospital","description":"Research from a large Cincinnati medical system will be presented during the American Academy of Pediatrics 2024 National Conference & Exhibition","pageLink":"","displayDate":"September 27, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-09-27T00:00:00-05:00","title":"Period Poverty Research Finds 1 in 3 Teens Lack Access to Menstruation Products","description":"An abstract presented during the American Academy of Pediatrics 2024 National Conference & Exhibition measures the prevalence of period poverty in a pediatric emergency department ","pageLink":"","displayDate":"September 27, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-09-27T00:00:00-05:00","title":"Racial Justice Activism, Advocacy Found to Reduce Depression and Anxiety in Some Teens","description":"Results of mental health intervention presented during the American Academy of Pediatrics 2024 National Conference & Exhibition ","pageLink":"","displayDate":"September 27, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-09-27T00:00:00-05:00","title":"Firearm Injuries Lead to More Complications, Greater Risk of Death and Higher Inpatient Costs Than Other Injuries","description":"New research presented at the American Academy of Pediatrics 2024 National Conference & Exhibition evaluated firearm injuries, penetrating injuries and blunt force injuries over four years","pageLink":"","displayDate":"September 27, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-09-27T00:00:00-05:00","title":"Naloxone Successful in Over Half of Uses in Reversing Signs of Opioid Overdose in the Prehospital Setting","description":null,"pageLink":"","displayDate":"September 27, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-09-27T00:00:00-05:00","title":"Children’s Emergency Department Visits for Heat-related Illnesses Increased 170% Over Past Decade","description":"Research from two large children’s hospitals presented during American Academy of Pediatrics 2024 National Conference & Exhibition","pageLink":"","displayDate":"September 27, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-09-27T00:00:00-05:00","title":"Dangerous Practice ‘Chroming’ Featured in Videos on Social Media Platform Popular Among Youth","description":"Researchers to present their analysis of TikTok videos showing inhalants use during American Academy of Pediatrics 2024 National Conference & Exhibition ","pageLink":"","displayDate":"September 27, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-09-27T00:00:00-05:00","title":"Racial Disparities Exist in Emergency Department Treatment of Children With Unintentional Ingestions","description":"Research found that Black children seeking emergency treatment for an unintentional ingestion more likely than white children to be referred for social worker and Children Services Bureau interventions","pageLink":"","displayDate":"September 27, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-09-27T00:00:00-05:00","title":"Caregivers Underestimate Suicide as the Leading Cause of Firearm Death","description":"Research presented at the American Academy of Pediatrics 2024 National Conference & Exhibition analyzes Colorado survey findings","pageLink":"","displayDate":"September 27, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-09-27T00:00:00-05:00","title":"Parents Open to Firearms Counseling From Doctors; Ensuring Secure Storage Remains a Challenge","description":"In survey, Houston parents of teenagers with suicidal ideation or suicidal attempts agree doctors should discuss secure gun storage with parents; 20% of gun-owning families report they aren’t storing firearms securely","pageLink":"","displayDate":"September 27, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-09-27T00:00:00-05:00","title":"Firearm Laws Restricting Large-capacity Magazines Effective in Reducing Child Deaths in Mass Shootings","description":"Research presented during the American Academy of Pediatrics 2024 Conference & Convention analyzes how different state laws impact mass shooting deaths","pageLink":"","displayDate":"September 27, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-09-27T00:00:00-05:00","title":"Children in Foster Care With Disabilities Face Significant Challenges","description":"Research on children in foster care with disabilities found profound impacts, including lower likelihood of permanent placement and higher risk of death","pageLink":"","displayDate":"September 27, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-09-27T00:00:00-05:00","title":"Black Infants With Heart Abnormalities More Likely to Die in First Year","description":"Study of infant mortalities from heart defects finds while death rates decreased, white infants more likely to survive than Black infants","pageLink":"","displayDate":"September 27, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-09-24T00:00:00-05:00","title":"Anti-bullying, Sexual Harassment Resources Increase in US Schools but Gaps Remain","description":"Researchers describe the situation as urgent during the American Academy of Pediatrics 2024 National Conference & Exhibition","pageLink":"","displayDate":"September 24, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-09-23T00:00:00-05:00","title":"American Academy of Pediatrics Updates Clinical Report on Electronic Health Record Use for Patient Care ","description":"The American Academy of Pediatrics details the many uses of electronic health record systems for effective and efficient pediatric patient care within a revised clinical report, “Special Requirements of Electronic Health Record Systems in Pediatrics.” The clinical report, published in the October 2024 Pediatrics","pageLink":"","displayDate":"September 23, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-09-23T00:00:00-05:00","title":"American Academy of Pediatrics Underscores the Need for More Judicious Use of Antibiotics in Food-Producing Animals ","description":"More than 2.8 million Americans become ill with antimicrobial-resistant infections each year, with more than 35 000 resulting deaths. \n\n","pageLink":"","displayDate":"September 23, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-08-26T00:00:00-05:00","title":"American Academy of Pediatrics Releases 2024-25 Recommendations on Influenza Prevention","description":"Influenza vaccination rates dropped again last season, and pediatric deaths related to flu rose to the highest level since 2019-2020 season.","pageLink":"","displayDate":"August 26, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-08-26T00:00:00-05:00","title":"Technical Report Provides Support for Clinicians on Phototherapy Use to Prevent Severe Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia ","description":"he American Academy of Pediatrics has published a technical report as guidance for clinicians, “Phototherapy to Prevent Severe Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia in the Newborn Infant 35 or More Weeks of Gestation,” in the September 2024 Pediatrics (published online August 26).","pageLink":"","displayDate":"August 26, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-08-19T00:00:00-05:00","title":"American Academy of Pediatrics Reviews How Children’s Dental Health May Signal Neglect or Abuse ","description":"AAP recommends collaboration between pediatricians, dental professionals, and other physicians to detect, treat oral injuries due to child abuse and neglect","pageLink":"","displayDate":"August 19, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-07-30T00:00:00-05:00","title":"American Academy of Pediatrics Statement on Senate Passage of Children’s Online Safety Bill","description":"The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) applauds today’s overwhelming bipartisan passage of the Kids Online Safety and Privacy Act (KOSPA) in the U.S. Senate. ","pageLink":"","displayDate":"July 30, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-07-29T00:00:00-05:00","title":"American Academy of Pediatrics: Clinical Report Encourages Pediatricians to Consider Nonsurgical Options to Breastfeeding Concerns Amid Rise in Tongue-Tie Diagnoses ","description":"A pediatric team approach can often alleviate feeding concerns before surgery is considered in the diagnosis of ankyloglossia, or tongue-tie.   ","pageLink":"","displayDate":"July 29, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-07-27T00:00:00-05:00","title":"AAP Statement In Response to NEC Lawsuit Verdicts","description":"Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a serious condition that affects the intestines of babies, mostly preterm infants. According to the National Institutes of Health, NEC is one of the leading causes of illness and death among preterm infants. This condition can be devastating to infants and their families.","pageLink":"","displayDate":"July 27, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-07-24T00:00:00-05:00","title":"American Academy of Pediatrics and Erikson Institute Partner on Relational Training for Pediatricians","description":"Erikson Institute, a graduate school in early childhood development, and the American Academy of Pediatrics, an organization of 67,000 pediatricians are joining forces to train medical students and practicing pediatricians in Erikson’s Facilitating Attuned Interactions (FAN) approach to relationship-building and reflective practice. ","pageLink":"","displayDate":"July 24, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-07-23T00:00:00-05:00","title":"American Academy of Pediatrics Introduces New Open Access Journal, Pediatrics Open Science ","description":"Pediatrics Open Science is the newest and first gold open access journal published by the American Academy of Pediatrics. ","pageLink":"","displayDate":"July 23, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-07-22T00:00:00-05:00","title":"American Academy of Pediatrics Offers Guidance on Health Supervision of Children and Teens with Sickle Cell Disease","description":"Sickle cell disease is a group of complex genetic disorders of hemoglobin and can cause painful episodes and damage to the organs","pageLink":"","displayDate":"July 22, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-07-22T00:00:00-05:00","title":"American Academy of Pediatrics Updates Recommendations on Providing Oral Health Care for Youth with Developmental Disabilities ","description":"An updated clinical report highlights the oral health needs of children and youth with developmental disabilities and calls for coordinated care ","pageLink":"","displayDate":"July 22, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-07-22T00:00:00-05:00","title":"American Academy of Pediatrics: Child Maltreatment can be Prevented ","description":"An AAP clinical report offers guidance to pediatricians on how to recognize family stressors that may lead to abuse, neglect, and when to offer interventions or community resources","pageLink":"","displayDate":"July 22, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-06-28T00:00:00-05:00","title":"Supreme Court Decision to Overturn ‘Chevron Deference’ Threatens to Disrupt Public Healthcare System","description":" In response to the court's decision. leading health care organizations collaborate and issue a statement","pageLink":"","displayDate":"June 28, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-06-27T00:00:00-05:00","title":"American Academy of Pediatrics, American College of Emergency Physicians and American College of Radiology Offer Guidance on Use of Advanced Imaging in Pediatric Patients","description":" Leading health care organizations collaborate and urge physicians to weigh the benefits and risks of imaging and incorporate the recommendations, resources ","pageLink":"","displayDate":"June 27, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-06-21T00:00:00-05:00","title":"AAP Statement in Response to FDA Authorization of Menthol-Flavored E-Cigarettes","description":"Given everything we know about how appealing flavored tobacco products are to children, the American Academy of Pediatrics is profoundly disappointed that the Food and Drug Administration has chosen to authorize several menthol-flavored e-cigarettes. ","pageLink":"","displayDate":"June 21, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-06-17T00:00:00-05:00","title":"American Academy of Pediatrics Offers Guidance on Supporting the Grieving Child and Family","description":"Many children who experience profound losses can benefit from the compassion and care of a pediatrician ","pageLink":"","displayDate":"June 17, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-06-10T00:00:00-05:00","title":"American Academy of Pediatrics Names Pediatrician to Lead Quality Improvement Initiatives","description":"Nivedita Mohanty, MD, MS, FAAP has been hired by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) as part of its senior leadership team to provide strategic guidance for population health initiatives to advance pediatric practice in alignment with AAP leadership and equity priorities.","pageLink":"","displayDate":"June 10, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-06-06T00:00:00-05:00","title":"American Academy of Pediatrics launches new podcast for parents ","description":"The most trusted voice in child health, the American Academy of Pediatrics, is bringing their expert guidance straight to the ears of parents and other caregivers. Healthy Children debuts on June 6, 2024, with new episodes available on Thursdays on all major platforms. ","pageLink":"","displayDate":"June 6, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-05-28T00:00:00-05:00","title":"American Academy of Pediatrics Policy: Preparing Youth With Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities Transitioning to Adulthood on Medical Care Decision-making ","description":"When teenagers with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities reach the age of majority, typically 18, they may need support in making medical decisions. ","pageLink":"","displayDate":"May 28, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-05-28T00:00:00-05:00","title":"American Academy of Pediatrics Updates Guidance on Medication Administration In School ","description":"Pediatricians and other health care professionals can help ensure safety and equity in how medications are dispensed for students with chronic or acute medical needs ","pageLink":"","displayDate":"May 28, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-05-20T00:00:00-05:00","title":"American Academy of Pediatrics Shifts Position on Breastfeeding for People with Human Immunodeficiency Virus","description":"Accumulating evidence shows that it’s rare for HIV to be transmitted via breastmilk to an infant when parent is taking antiretroviral medications ","pageLink":"","displayDate":"May 20, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-05-15T00:00:00-05:00","title":"AAP Statement on Chronic Absenteeism","description":"Ahead of the White House Every Day Counts Summit, which Council on School Health member Heidi Schumacher, MD, FAAP, will participate in, AAP President Ben Hoffman, MD, FAAP, issued the following statement","pageLink":"","displayDate":"May 15, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-05-14T00:00:00-05:00","title":"AAP Launches Provider Education Center to Enhance Early Hearing Detection and Intervention","description":"New provider education center will offer resources for healthcare professionals on screening, diagnosing and providing services and support to children who are deaf or hard of hearing and their families.","pageLink":"","displayDate":"May 14, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-04-26T00:00:00-05:00","title":"American Academy of Pediatrics Statement on Final Rule Protecting Nondiscrimination in Health Programs and Activities","description":"The American Academy of Pediatrics applauds the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ final rule on Nondiscrimination in Health Programs and Activities. ","pageLink":"","displayDate":"April 26, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-04-22T00:00:00-05:00","title":"American Academy of Pediatrics Releases Guidance on Maintaining Confidentiality in Care of Adolescents ","description":"As adolescents gain new skills in independence on the path to adulthood, they also assume rights and responsibilities concerning their personal health care, including the opportunity to have candid and confidential conversations with their doctor.","pageLink":"","displayDate":"April 22, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-04-18T00:00:00-05:00","title":"During National Infant Immunization Week, April 22-28, AAP Offers Resources for Parents on the Many Health Benefits of Immunization for their Babies","description":"Introducing a new baby to your home, whether as a new parent or as part of a growing family, can be challenging. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is helping new parents learn the facts about vaccines with a new, completely free set of video courses for parents. ","pageLink":"","displayDate":"April 18, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-02-26T00:00:00-06:00","title":"American Academy of Pediatrics Offers Strategies to Improve Communication on Vaccines","description":"The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in a new clinical report offers guidance for pediatricians and others who care for children on the best ways to address vaccine concerns and increase immunization rates. Keeping communities healthy through the use of vaccines also requires improving everyone’s access to health care and increasing diversity and representation among scientists and health care professionals.","pageLink":"","displayDate":"February 26, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-02-26T00:00:00-06:00","title":"American Academy of Pediatrics Identifies Keys to Promote Child Health and Help Families Aim for Healthier Lifestyles","description":"Pediatricians can help families deal with challenges such as the ubiquitous presence of devices, stress, disrupted sleep and food environments that do not support healthy choices ","pageLink":"","displayDate":"February 26, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-02-20T00:00:00-06:00","title":"American Academy of Pediatrics: Child Fatality Reviews Identify Root Causes of Child Death and Provide Insight for Prevention ","description":"Child Fatality Reviews Teams are multidisciplinary. Some investigate deaths primarily related to injury and maltreatment and others review all child deaths","pageLink":"","displayDate":"February 20, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-02-20T00:00:00-06:00","title":"American Academy of Pediatrics Warns of Climate Change Impacts on Children in Guidance Update","description":"A new policy statement and technical report lay out risks to children, highlighting how existing inequities pose bigger challenges","pageLink":"","displayDate":"February 20, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-02-15T00:00:00-06:00","title":"America’s Leading Physician Groups Unequivocally Support COVID-19 Vaccines ","description":"Our organizations, representing nearly 600,000 physicians, residents and medical students, accept the large body of evidence that makes clear that COVID-19 vaccines are safe, are effective and save lives.","pageLink":"","displayDate":"February 15, 2024","imageListingItems":null},{"date":"2024-01-22T00:00:00-06:00","title":"American Academy of Pediatrics Highlights Causes of Injury, Overtraining and Burnout in Youth Sports","description":"Children and teens reap many physical and mental health benefits from participating in sports, but research shows about 70 % of them drop out of these organized activities by age 13. ","pageLink":"","displayDate":"January 22, 2024","imageListingItems":null}], PageSize: 10 }; </script> <script> window.errorText = { dismissButtonText: 'Dismiss', requiredErrorText: 'This is a required field', invalidErrorText: 'This field is invalid', invalidPasswordText: 'Password must be at least 10 characters long', passwordMatchErrorText: 'Passwords must match', } window.passwordValidation = { passwordRequiredLength: 10, passwordRequireNonLetterOrDigit: false, passwordRequireDigit: false, passwordRequireUpperCase: false, passwordRequireLowerCase: false, } </script> <script> window.loginInfo = { loginUrl: '/en/my-account/login/' } </script> <footer class="footer" id="footer"> <div class="footer-top"> <div class="footer-top-wrapper"> <div class="footer-aap-logo"> <svg> <use xlink:href="#Seal_Pos"></use> </svg> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xxl-6 col-sm-12"> <div class="footer-top-about"> We&#x27;re 67&#x200B;,000 pediatricians committed to the optimal physical, mental, 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