FAQ | Link
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Links are state-of-the-art digital kiosks that provide residents, visitors, commuters, and communities with super fast Wi‑Fi, and other free services including local information, phone calling, device charging, a tablet for access to city services, maps and directions, and a 911 Emergency Call button. All of these services are free to use and come at no cost to taxpayers. Links also have two have two 55” high-definition digital screens used for local information, public service announcements, and advertising. </p> </div> <div class='tags d-none'>Link, tablet, about, about Link</div> </li> <li class='faq'> <a class='question no-aos' data-target='#how-much-does-it-cost-to-use-link-answer' data-toggle='collapse' href='#' id='how-much-does-it-cost-to-use-link'>How much does it cost to use Link?</a> <div class='answer collapse' data-parent='#how-much-does-it-cost-to-use-link' id='how-much-does-it-cost-to-use-link-answer'> <p> The Link Wi‑Fi app is free to download and use of the Wi‑Fi is free. You can also make a phone call to anywhere in the U.S., charge your phone, or use any of the pre-installed apps on Link’s tablet at no charge. </p> </div> <div class='tags d-none'>cost, free, about</div> </li> <li class='faq'> <a class='question no-aos' data-target='#how-can-i-find-out-where-links-are-located-answer' data-toggle='collapse' href='#' id='how-can-i-find-out-where-links-are-located'>How can I find out where Links are located?</a> <div class='answer collapse' data-parent='#how-can-i-find-out-where-links-are-located' id='how-can-i-find-out-where-links-are-located-answer'> <p> Download the <a href='/how-to-connect.html'>Link Wi‑Fi app</a> to see where active Links can be found and where they’ll be activated next. You can also view maps of current <a href='/link-cities.html'>Link Cities.</a> </p> </div> <div class='tags d-none'>find Links, map, map of Links, find a Link, about</div> </li> <li class='faq'> <a class='question no-aos' data-target='#who-s-the-team-behind-link-answer' data-toggle='collapse' href='#' id='who-s-the-team-behind-link'>Who’s the team behind Link?</a> <div class='answer collapse' data-parent='#who-s-the-team-behind-link' id='who-s-the-team-behind-link-answer'> <p> Link is provided by <a href='' target='_blank'>Intersection</a> in partnership with cities, transit authorities, and other partners across the U.S. </p> <p> In New York City, Link is provided by CityBridge, a group of companies comprising experts in technology, design, media, and advertising. Learn more about <a href='' target='_blank'>LinkNYC.</a> </p> </div> <div class='tags d-none'>team, about</div> </li> <li class='faq'> <a class='question no-aos' data-target='#how-is-link-funded-answer' data-toggle='collapse' href='#' id='how-is-link-funded'>How is Link funded?</a> <div class='answer collapse' data-parent='#how-is-link-funded' id='how-is-link-funded-answer'> <p> Link’s free services are funded through advertising, ensuring they come at no cost to users or taxpayers. </p> </div> <div class='tags d-none'>funding, advertising, about Link, screens, ads</div> </li> <li class='faq'> <a class='question no-aos' data-target='#how-does-link-help-cities-answer' data-toggle='collapse' href='#' id='how-does-link-help-cities'>How does Link help cities?</a> <div class='answer collapse' data-parent='#how-does-link-help-cities' id='how-does-link-help-cities-answer'> <p> There are millions of people in cities across the U.S. who don’t have access to high-speed internet. Link helps fill this gap by offering the fastest available Wi‑Fi for free on city streets. In addition, Link’s other free services—phone calls to anywhere in the U.S., device charging, access to maps and city services, and 911 emergency calling—provide communities the digital services they need for the 21st century. </p> <p> Links also connect people with their cities and communities through relevant, localized messages, informing commuters about transit schedules, helping residents discover local businesses, promoting local events, displaying local news and weather, and much more. Importantly, they also provide cities a means to issue alerts and emergency notices that doesn’t rely on cell service. </p> </div> <div class='tags d-none'>benefits of Link, internet, public, about</div> </li> <li class='faq'> <a class='question no-aos' data-target='#ada-answer' data-toggle='collapse' href='#' id='ada'>Are Links ADA-accessible?</a> <div class='answer collapse' data-parent='#ada' id='ada-answer'> <p> Yes, all Link kiosks are built to ADA standards. All of Link's physical kiosks include a hearing loop and controls marked with braille, and each Link tablet has volume control, zoom, and color contrast features which can be adjusted in the tablet's settings (found in the bottom left corner of the tablet screen). In addition, each Link is equipped with talkback for touchscreen use. To engage talkback, walk up to any Link, plug in your headphones to the headphone jack and press 1 #. </p> <p> Once you engage talkback, the Link kiosks will read the below instructions: </p> <div class='ada-instructions'> <p> Located above the headphone jack is the 911 emergency button. Pressing this button twice will connect you with a 911 emergency operator. </p> <p> Under the headphone jack are two USB ports, which can be used to charge your device. They are facing downward towards the ground. </p> <p> To the right of the headphone jack is the keypad. The keypad has four columns. The left three columns are a standard telephone touch-tone keypad consisting of 0 through 9, star and pound. The far right column from top to bottom is volume up, volume down, end call and start call. </p> <p> While using the touchscreen, the keypad can be used for talkback shortcuts. <ul> <li>1 to slow down talkback speed.</li> <li>3 to speed up talkback speed.</li> <li>4 to move to previous item.</li> <li>5 to select focused item.</li> <li>6 to move to next item.</li> <li>7 to move to first item.</li> <li>8 to initiate a phone call to the Link support team.</li> <li>9 to move to last item.</li> <li>Star for back.</li> <li>0 for homescreen.</li> <li>Pound or Hash for overview screen, which is used for switching apps.</li> </ul> </p> <p> Above the keypad is the touchscreen. There are two rows of buttons on the bottom of the touchscreen. We suggest scanning from the bottom up to get familiar with the applications and buttons. To select an in-focus item, double tap anywhere on the screen or press the 5 key. Swiping left moves to previous item on screen and swiping right moves to the next item. You can scroll by dragging two fingers up or down. </p> </div> <p> Additionally, current and upcoming Link locations can be found via the <a href='/how-to-connect.html'>Link Wi‑Fi app,</a> which is WCAG 2.0, W3C/WAI and screen-reader compliant. On the Link website, you can view a map and text list of Link locations by following the below steps: </p> <ol> <li> Navigate to the <a href='/link-cities.html'>Link Cities</a> page. </li> <li> Select the City you are interested in. Please note, maps are not available for Link cities that are coming soon. </li> <li> You can access a plain text list of Link locations below the map. </li> <li> On desktop and laptop computers, in the map ‘Search’ text field, type in an address and select the correct option in the autocomplete results. Press the ‘Enter’ key to navigate map points. You can use the ‘Tab’ key to navigate between Link locations on the map. To get information on a specific Link location, you may need to use your plus (+) and minus (-) keys to zoom the map and your arrow keys to move the map. If you need to exit the map navigation press the ‘Escape’ key. </li> </ol> <p> If you have further questions or suggestions on how we can improve Link accessibility, please <a class='contact-us' href='#help-form'>contact us</a> for help. </p> </div> <div class='tags d-none'>accessibility, accessible, ADA, hearing loop, braille, volume, zoom, magnification, contrast, settings, talkback, wcag, screen reader, screenreader, about</div> </li> <li class='faq'> <a class='question no-aos' data-target='#i-saw-a-damaged-link-what-do-i-do-answer' data-toggle='collapse' href='#' id='i-saw-a-damaged-link-what-do-i-do'>I saw a damaged Link. What do I do?</a> <div class='answer collapse' data-parent='#i-saw-a-damaged-link-what-do-i-do' id='i-saw-a-damaged-link-what-do-i-do-answer'> <p> If you spot an issue like a broken screen, damage to a Link structure, vandalism, or anything else, please <a class='contact-us' href='#'>contact us</a> for help. </p> </div> <div class='tags d-none'>broken, damage</div> </li> </ul> <h3>Connecting to Link Wi‑Fi</h3> <ul> <li class='faq'> <a class='question no-aos' data-target='#how-to-logon-answer' data-toggle='collapse' href='#' id='how-to-logon'>How do I log on to the Link Wi‑Fi?</a> <div class='answer collapse' data-parent='#how-to-logon' id='how-to-logon-answer'> <p> Download the <a href='/how-to-connect.html'>Link Wi‑Fi app</a> for free, super fast, and secure Wi‑Fi. Log on once and automatically connect whenever you’re near a Link. </p> <p> The Link Wi‑Fi app is currently not supported on the LinkNYC network. Learn how to connect to <a href='' target='_blank'>LinkNYC</a>. </p> <p> See a list of <a href='#operating-systems'>supported operating systems</a> for the Link Wi‑Fi app. App not supported on your device? You can still connect to Link’s free, super fast Wi‑Fi. Simply go to your device’s Wi‑Fi settings and select the ‘Link Free Wi‑Fi’ network, then register with your email address. Note however, that this network is not encrypted. <a href='#why-different-networks'>Learn about the networks.</a> </p> </div> <div class='tags d-none'> connect, wi-fi, networks, app, how to connect, about, about Link</div> </li> <li class='faq'> <a class='question no-aos' data-target='#why-different-networks-answer' data-toggle='collapse' href='#' id='why-different-networks'>I see two different Link networks. What’s the difference between the ‘Link Free Wi‑Fi’ and ‘Link Secure Wi‑Fi’ networks?</a> <div class='answer collapse' data-parent='#why-different-networks' id='why-different-networks-answer'> <p> Link offers two free Wi‑Fi networks: Link Free Wi‑Fi and Link Secure Wi‑Fi. </p> <p> Everyone using the free Link Wi‑Fi app will automatically connect to the Link Secure Wi‑Fi network, which provides a secure, encrypted connection across all your browsing activity. </p> <p> If your device doesn’t support the app, you can still connect to the Link Free Wi‑Fi network. Similar to other public Wi‑Fi networks you might use in parks, cafés, or transit systems, Link Free Wi‑Fi is not encrypted and instead relies on the security of the individual websites and apps you use to protect information passing to and from your device. To ensure a website is encrypted, always check to see if a web address begins with 'https://'. Only log in or send personal information to websites you know are fully encrypted. </p> <p> In New York? Learn how to connect to <a href='' target='_blank'>LinkNYC</a>. </p> </div> <div class='tags d-none'>connect, wi-fi, networks, app, security, encryption</div> </li> <li class='faq'> <a class='question no-aos' data-target='#is-the-link-wi-8209-fi-app-supported-in-new-york-city-answer' data-toggle='collapse' href='#' id='is-the-link-wi-8209-fi-app-supported-in-new-york-city'>Is the Link Wi‑Fi app supported in New York City?</a> <div class='answer collapse' data-parent='#is-the-link-wi-8209-fi-app-supported-in-new-york-city' id='is-the-link-wi-8209-fi-app-supported-in-new-york-city-answer'> <p> The Link Wi‑Fi app is currently not supported on the LinkNYC network. Learn how to connect to <a href='' target='_blank'>LinkNYC</a>. </p> </div> <div class='tags d-none'>connect, wi-fi, networks, app, how to connect, LinkNYC</div> </li> <li class='faq'> <a class='question no-aos' data-target='#operating-systems-answer' data-toggle='collapse' href='#' id='operating-systems'>Which operating systems are compatible with the Link Wi‑Fi app?</a> <div class='answer collapse' data-parent='#operating-systems' id='operating-systems-answer'> <p> The Link Wi‑Fi app is compatible with iOS 11 and higher and Android version 5 and higher. </p> <p> App not supported on your device? You can still connect to Link’s free, super fast Wi‑Fi! <a href='#how-to-logon'>Learn how to connect.</a> </p> </div> <div class='tags d-none'>connect, wi-fi, os, app</div> </li> <li class='faq'> <a class='question no-aos' data-target='#will-my-device-remember-the-link-network-next-time-i-want-to-log-on-answer' data-toggle='collapse' href='#' id='will-my-device-remember-the-link-network-next-time-i-want-to-log-on'>Will my device remember the Link network next time I want to log on?</a> <div class='answer collapse' data-parent='#will-my-device-remember-the-link-network-next-time-i-want-to-log-on' id='will-my-device-remember-the-link-network-next-time-i-want-to-log-on-answer'> <p> If you have installed the free Link Wi‑Fi app on your device, you will automatically connect to the Link Secure Wi‑Fi network whenever you are near a Link. </p> <p> The Link Wi‑Fi app is currently not supported on the LinkNYC network. Learn how to connect to <a href='' target='_blank'>LinkNYC</a>. </p> </div> <div class='tags d-none'>connect, wi-fi, app</div> </li> <li class='faq'> <a class='question no-aos' data-target='#can-i-use-link-s-free-wi-8209-fi-at-home-or-for-my-business-answer' data-toggle='collapse' href='#' id='can-i-use-link-s-free-wi-8209-fi-at-home-or-for-my-business'>Can I use Link’s free Wi‑Fi at home or for my business?</a> <div class='answer collapse' data-parent='#can-i-use-link-s-free-wi-8209-fi-at-home-or-for-my-business' id='can-i-use-link-s-free-wi-8209-fi-at-home-or-for-my-business-answer'> <p> While you are welcome to use the Wi‑Fi anywhere you get a signal, Link is intended for use in public space, and Wi‑Fi service is only guaranteed on the sidewalk within 150 feet of a Link. </p> </div> <div class='tags d-none'>businesses, home, personal</div> </li> </ul> <h3>Making Phone Calls</h3> <ul> <li class='faq'> <a class='question no-aos' data-target='#how-can-i-make-a-free-phone-call-from-a-link-answer' data-toggle='collapse' href='#' id='how-can-i-make-a-free-phone-call-from-a-link'>How can I make a free phone call from a Link?</a> <div class='answer collapse' data-parent='#how-can-i-make-a-free-phone-call-from-a-link' id='how-can-i-make-a-free-phone-call-from-a-link-answer'> <p> You can make free phone calls to anywhere in the U.S. from any Link. You can make a call using the touchpad on the tablet or directly using the keypad. </p> <p> To make a call using the touchpad on the tablet: </p> <ol> <li>Tap the ‘Voice Call’ tile to open a keypad on the screen.</li> <li>Dial the number you wish to call on the touchscreen or keypad.</li> <li>Tap the ‘Call’ button to start the call.</li> <li>When you finish your call, press the ‘End Call’ button to hang up.</li> </ol> <p> To make a call using the keypad: </p> <ol> <li>Dial the number you wish to call on the keypad.</li> <li>Tap the ‘Call’ button on the bottom right of the keypad to start the call.</li> <li>When you finish your call, press the ‘End Call’ button above the ‘Call’ button to hang up.</li> </ol> <p> Need to adjust the call volume? Use the volume slider on the screen or the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons on the keypad to turn the volume up or down. You can also plug in your headphones for more privacy. </p> </div> <div class='tags d-none'>calls, calling, phone</div> </li> <li class='faq'> <a class='question no-aos' data-target='#can-i-make-international-phone-calls-from-a-link-answer' data-toggle='collapse' href='#' id='can-i-make-international-phone-calls-from-a-link'>Can I make international phone calls from a Link?</a> <div class='answer collapse' data-parent='#can-i-make-international-phone-calls-from-a-link' id='can-i-make-international-phone-calls-from-a-link-answer'> <p> Yes. You can use an international calling card to place international phone calls. Just follow the instructions on your card. </p> </div> <div class='tags d-none'>calls, calling, phone</div> </li> <li class='faq'> <a class='question no-aos' data-target='#i-m-having-trouble-hearing-the-audio-what-can-i-do-to-fix-it-answer' data-toggle='collapse' href='#' id='i-m-having-trouble-hearing-the-audio-what-can-i-do-to-fix-it'>I’m having trouble hearing the audio. What can I do to fix it?</a> <div class='answer collapse' data-parent='#i-m-having-trouble-hearing-the-audio-what-can-i-do-to-fix-it' id='i-m-having-trouble-hearing-the-audio-what-can-i-do-to-fix-it-answer'> <p> If you’re in the middle of a phone call, a slider will appear on the tablet for you to adjust the call volume. </p> <p> If you’re listening to other audio content on the tablet, you can use the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons on the keypad to adjust volume. Or, you can adjust volume in Settings using the on-screen slider: </p> <ol> <li>Tap the ‘Settings’ icon at the lower left of the tablet</li> <li>Use the on-screen slider to adjust the volume</li> </ol> </div> <div class='tags d-none'>calls, calling, volume, phone</div> </li> </ul> <h3>Device Charging, Maps, City Services, and 911</h3> <ul> <li class='faq'> <a class='question no-aos' data-target='#how-can-i-charge-my-mobile-device-at-a-link-answer' data-toggle='collapse' href='#' id='how-can-i-charge-my-mobile-device-at-a-link'>How can I charge my mobile device at a Link?</a> <div class='answer collapse' data-parent='#how-can-i-charge-my-mobile-device-at-a-link' id='how-can-i-charge-my-mobile-device-at-a-link-answer'> <p> Every Link is equipped with two rapid charging USB outlets located below the headphone jack. Plug in your charger cable to an outlet and attach your device to charge it. The USB outlets are connected directly to a power source only and cannot exchange data between your device and the Link. </p> </div> <div class='tags d-none'>device charging, phone charging</div> </li> <li class='faq'> <a class='question no-aos' data-target='#how-can-i-look-up-maps-and-directions-on-a-link-answer' data-toggle='collapse' href='#' id='how-can-i-look-up-maps-and-directions-on-a-link'>How can I look up maps and directions on a Link?</a> <div class='answer collapse' data-parent='#how-can-i-look-up-maps-and-directions-on-a-link' id='how-can-i-look-up-maps-and-directions-on-a-link-answer'> <p> The Link tablet offers a map feature to help you navigate the streets of your city and find your way to your destination. To use the map: </p> <ol> <li>Tap the ‘Maps’ tile on the tablet.</li> <li>Use the search bar at the top of the screen to type in your destination address, cross streets, or location name.</li> <li>Tap the blue ‘Directions’ arrow at the bottom right to see a step-by-step guide to your destination.</li> </ol> </div> <div class='tags d-none'>tablet, maps, directions</div> </li> <li class='faq'> <a class='question no-aos' data-target='#how-can-i-access-tourist-information-city-services-and-other-local-information-on-a-link-answer' data-toggle='collapse' href='#' id='how-can-i-access-tourist-information-city-services-and-other-local-information-on-a-link'>How can I access Tourist Information, City Services, and other local information on a Link?</a> <div class='answer collapse' data-parent='#how-can-i-access-tourist-information-city-services-and-other-local-information-on-a-link' id='how-can-i-access-tourist-information-city-services-and-other-local-information-on-a-link-answer'> <p> You can access local information via the ‘City Services’ and ‘Tourism Info’ tiles on the tablet. Information varies per city based on the content and services available online in each city. </p> </div> <div class='tags d-none'>tablet, local information</div> </li> <li class='faq'> <a class='question no-aos' data-target='#how-can-i-call-911-from-a-link-answer' data-toggle='collapse' href='#' id='how-can-i-call-911-from-a-link'>How can I call 911 from a Link?</a> <div class='answer collapse' data-parent='#how-can-i-call-911-from-a-link' id='how-can-i-call-911-from-a-link-answer'> <p> In the case of an emergency, push the red ‘911’ button twice or hold the button down for 7 seconds to connect to a 911 operator. </p> </div> <div class='tags d-none'>911, emergency</div> </li> <li class='faq'> <a class='question no-aos' data-target='#i-m-having-trouble-seeing-the-link-tablet-screen-what-can-i-do-answer' data-toggle='collapse' href='#' id='i-m-having-trouble-seeing-the-link-tablet-screen-what-can-i-do'>I’m having trouble seeing the Link tablet screen. What can I do?</a> <div class='answer collapse' data-parent='#i-m-having-trouble-seeing-the-link-tablet-screen-what-can-i-do' id='i-m-having-trouble-seeing-the-link-tablet-screen-what-can-i-do-answer'> <p> We’re sorry you’re having trouble with the tablet. We recommend that you try tapping the ‘Settings’ button at the lower left of the tablet to adjust screen brightness and magnification. If that doesn’t work, please <a class='contact-us' href='#'>contact us</a> for help. </p> </div> <div class='tags d-none'>tablet, settings, zoom, contrast, brightness, magnification</div> </li> </ul> <h3>Data and Privacy</h3> <ul> <li class='faq'> <a class='question no-aos' data-target='#do-the-link-networks-and-link-wi-8209-fi-app-collect-any-data-from-my-device-answer' data-toggle='collapse' href='#' id='do-the-link-networks-and-link-wi-8209-fi-app-collect-any-data-from-my-device'>Do the Link networks and Link Wi‑Fi app collect any data from my device?</a> <div class='answer collapse' data-parent='#do-the-link-networks-and-link-wi-8209-fi-app-collect-any-data-from-my-device' id='do-the-link-networks-and-link-wi-8209-fi-app-collect-any-data-from-my-device-answer'> <p> <b>Link Wi‑Fi Network</b> </p> <p> Like any Wi‑Fi network, we collect certain information that is required to get you connected and provide you with internet access. </p> <p> <b>Link Wi‑Fi App</b> </p> <p> If you permit it, the Link Wi‑Fi app collects device and connection information that is aggregated in order to diagnose and fix network issues and improve the quality of the Wi‑Fi. </p> <p> If you permit it, the Link Wi‑Fi app also collects device and location information to measure the performance of advertising. Advertising pays for Link’s free services, including the Link structures, the free Wi‑Fi network, and free services like phone calling and device charging. The location of your device will not be shared with any outside party and advertising on public screens will never be targeted to you. You can <a href='#controlling-data-collection'>limit the receipt, use, and sharing of information</a> with us at any time. </p> <p> <b>Privacy Policies</b> </p> <p> We do not sell any of your personal information. For more information on how we use information related to your use of the Link Wi‑Fi app, Links, and the Wi‑Fi services, please view our <a href='' target='_blank'>Privacy Policy.</a> </p> <p> For New York City, where LinkNYC is operated by our affiliate, CityBridge, LLC, please read the <a href='' target='_blank'>CityBridge privacy policy.</a> </p> </div> <div class='tags d-none'>privacy, advertising, data</div> </li> <li class='faq'> <a class='question no-aos' data-target='#controlling-data-collection-answer' data-toggle='collapse' href='#' id='controlling-data-collection'>How can I control what data is collected by the Link Wi‑Fi app?</a> <div class='answer collapse' data-parent='#controlling-data-collection' id='controlling-data-collection-answer'> <p> You have a few ways to control the data the Link Wi‑Fi app collects, and how it is used: </p> <p> <b>Mobile Advertising Identifier</b> </p> <p> The app provides choices around the collection of your device’s mobile advertising identifier. A Mobile Advertising Identifier is a randomly generated and resettable number that each device’s operating system assigns to a mobile device for use in advertising. To disable use of your device’s mobile advertising identifier, follow the below steps: </p> <ul> <li>For iOS users: advertising data preferences are managed in your device settings. Go to Settings → Privacy → Advertising and toggle the ‘Limit Ad Tracking’ switch ON.</li> <li>For Android users: open the in-app menu, select ‘Settings,’ find the setting labeled ‘Allow us to collect your device’s advertising identifier’ and toggle the switch OFF.</li> </ul> <p> <b>Network Diagnostic Information</b> </p> <p> The app also provides choices around the collection of connection diagnostic data that we use to improve the quality of the Link network. To disable collection of diagnostic data, open the in-app menu, select ‘Settings,’ find the setting labeled ‘Allow us to collect connection diagnostic data’ and toggle the switch OFF. </p> <p> <b>Precise Location Information</b> </p> <p> Location permission is required when signing up for the Link Wi‑Fi app. You can limit collection of your precise location information by managing location permissions in your device settings. </p> <p> Regardless of what settings you choose, the location of your device will not be shared with any outside party and advertising on public screens will never be targeted to you. </p> </div> <div class='tags d-none'>privacy, advertising, settings, data</div> </li> <li class='faq'> <a class='question no-aos' data-target='#does-link-store-browsing-history-or-track-the-websites-or-apps-that-wi-8209-fi-users-visit-answer' data-toggle='collapse' href='#' id='does-link-store-browsing-history-or-track-the-websites-or-apps-that-wi-8209-fi-users-visit'>Does Link store browsing history or track the websites or apps that Wi‑Fi users visit?</a> <div class='answer collapse' data-parent='#does-link-store-browsing-history-or-track-the-websites-or-apps-that-wi-8209-fi-users-visit' id='does-link-store-browsing-history-or-track-the-websites-or-apps-that-wi-8209-fi-users-visit-answer'> <p> No. We do not collect or store any information about what websites users visit or app they use on the Wi‑Fi network. </p> </div> <div class='tags d-none'>privacy, data</div> </li> <li class='faq'> <a class='question no-aos' data-target='#when-i-charge-my-phone-does-link-collect-any-data-from-my-phone-answer' data-toggle='collapse' href='#' id='when-i-charge-my-phone-does-link-collect-any-data-from-my-phone'>When I charge my phone, does Link collect any data from my phone?</a> <div class='answer collapse' data-parent='#when-i-charge-my-phone-does-link-collect-any-data-from-my-phone' id='when-i-charge-my-phone-does-link-collect-any-data-from-my-phone-answer'> <p> No. Link’s USB outlets are connected to a power source only and cannot collect or transfer data between your device and the Link. No information about your device is recorded when you use Link’s USB charging outlets. </p> </div> <div class='tags d-none'>privacy, data</div> </li> <li class='faq'> <a class='question no-aos' data-target='#do-links-have-cameras-and-if-so-what-information-do-they-collect-answer' data-toggle='collapse' href='#' id='do-links-have-cameras-and-if-so-what-information-do-they-collect'>Do Links have cameras and if so, what information do they collect?</a> <div class='answer collapse' data-parent='#do-links-have-cameras-and-if-so-what-information-do-they-collect' id='do-links-have-cameras-and-if-so-what-information-do-they-collect-answer'> <p> There are two security cameras on each Link above the advertising displays. These security cameras are active in New York City and Newark, however, not all cameras are active all the time. All data and footage from Link cameras is subject to our <a href='' target='_blank'>privacy policy.</a> </p> <p> There is also a camera built into each Link tablet that could be used for video calls in the future, but which is not currently operational. </p> <p> For more information about Link cameras, see our <a href='' target='_blank'>privacy policy.</a> </p> </div> <div class='tags d-none'>privacy, cameras, video</div> </li> <li class='faq'> <a class='question no-aos' data-target='#how-can-law-enforcement-request-production-of-user-information-camera-data-or-other-information-answer' data-toggle='collapse' href='#' id='how-can-law-enforcement-request-production-of-user-information-camera-data-or-other-information'>How can law enforcement request production of user information, camera data, or other information?</a> <div class='answer collapse' data-parent='#how-can-law-enforcement-request-production-of-user-information-camera-data-or-other-information' id='how-can-law-enforcement-request-production-of-user-information-camera-data-or-other-information-answer'> <p> To request production of user information, camera footage, or other information, please note we require a subpoena or valid court order to disclose personal information. Send your request with any applicable subpoena or court order to <a href=''></a> Include details about the specific information requested, including the narrowest useful time period, a specific event or action, and Link location. In an emergency situation that involves the imminent threat to the physical safety of our users or the public, law enforcement can submit a request to <a href=''></a> </p> </div> <div class='tags d-none'>production</div> </li> </ul> <ul class='results'></ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class='help light-gray-bg' id='help-section'> <div class='container-fluid'> <div class='row'> <div class='col-md-5 offset-md-0'> <h1>Help</h1> </div> <div class='col-md-1'></div> <div class='col-md-6'> <p> Contact us for technical support or to report an issue. </p> <p> New York City: <a href=''></a> </p> <p> Philadelphia: <a href=''></a> </p> <p> Newark: <a href=''></a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <p aria-live='assertive' class='sr-alert'></p> <footer class='main-footer' role='contentinfo'> <div class='container-fluid'> <div class='row'> <div class='col-lg-6 main-links'> <div class='row'> <div class='col-lg-4 col-6 link-group'> <h2>Link Cities</h2> <a href='/link-cities/new-york-city.html'>New York City</a> <br> <a href='/link-cities/newark.html'>Newark</a> <br> <a href='/link-cities/philadelphia.html'>Philadelphia</a> <br> </div> <div class='col-lg-8 col-6 link-group'> </div> </div> </div> <div class='col-lg-6 more-links'> <div class='row'> <div class='col-lg-4 col-6 link-group'> <a href='/about.html'>About Link</a> <br> <a href='/how-to-connect.html'>How to Connect</a> <br> <a href='/link-cities.html'>Link Cities</a> </div> <div class='col-lg-4 col-6 link-group'> <a href='/our-story.html'>Our Story</a> <br> <a href='/faq.html'>FAQ</a> <br> <a href='/contact.html'>Contact</a> </div> <div class='col-lg-4 link-group social-links'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img src='/assets/img/twitter-icon.svg'> </a> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img src='/assets/img/instagram-icon.svg'> </a> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img src='/assets/img/facebook-icon.svg'> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </footer> <section class='sub-footer' role='contentinfo'> <div class='container-fluid'> <div class='row'> <div class='col-md-6 copyright'> <p>© Copyright 2021 Intersection. 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