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But on rare occasions, we too find some time to play around with the data we put at your disposal (just for fun), and think: heck, let's make an article out of that!<br><br>Since it's not always easy to reconstruct the corpus these brilliant little masterpieces are based on from the vast and ever-expanding halls that make up the TM database, and since we are fierce advocates of data transparency, we have designed this site to provide you with the data, neatly filtered and presented in an all-computer-systems-friendly format (csv). (At least for the most recent publications; older data sets are presented in Excel files)<br><br>Our continuous explorations into the realms of Digital Humanities has also led us to adapt new techniques that do not always accord well with traditional publications. This already led to a new subsection on the website: <a href="" target="_blank">TM Networks</a>. Some papers integrate more than just networks, however. 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Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte, Papyrologie und Epigraphik</a></span>, 24 (2009), 27-33.</p> </div> <div class="flex-item center-align"> <a href="19"><img src="img/doc.png" /></a> <h4>TM GeoRef: overview of attested constructions</h4> <p class="justify">H. <span class="smallcaps">Verreth</span> (2020)</p> </div> <div class="flex-item center-align"> <a href="16"><img src="img/doc.png" /></a> <h4>Gods in papyrus letters</h4> <p class="justify">W. <span class="smallcaps">Clarysse</span>, 'The Emergence of God(s) in Private Greek Papyrus Letters', <a href=""><class="italic">Ancient Society</italic></a>, 50 (2020), 129-151.</p> </div> <div class="flex-item center-align"> <a href="10/index.php"><img src="img/doc.png" /></a> <h4>The name Sokrates</h4> <p class="justify">Y. <span class="smallcaps">Broux</span>, 'Things Can Only Get Better for Socrates and his Crocodile', <span class="italic"><a href="" target="_blank">The Classical Quarterly</a></span> 69 (2019), 825-845.</p> </div> <div class="flex-item center-align"> <a href="11/index.php"><img src="img/doc.png" /></a> <h4>Weighed dates for people</h4> <p class="justify">Y. <span class="smallcaps">Broux</span>, 'An improved weighed dates method for ancient people', <span class="italic"><a href="" target="_blank">Ancient Society</a></span>, 49 (2019), 103-121.</p> </div> <div class="flex-item center-align"> <a href="13/index.php"><img src="img/doc.png" /></a> <h4>Inscriptions from Egypt: AD 300 - 700 </h4> <p class="justify">P. M. <span class="smallcaps">Liuzzo</span>, ‘Chapter 2: Comparing inscriptions’, P. M. <span class="smallcaps">Liuzzo</span> (ed.), <a href="" target="_blank"><span class="italic">Digital Approaches to Ethiopian and Eritrean Studies</span> (International Journal of Etiopian and Eritrean Studies Supplement 8)</a>, Wiesbaden, 2019, 47-76.</p> </div> <div class="flex-item center-align"> <a href="14"><img src="img/doc.png" /></a> <h4>Egyptian tax year</h4> <p class="justify">J. <span class="smallcaps">Paulissen</span> and K. <span class="smallcaps">Vandorpe</span>, ‘Dating early Ptolemaic salt tax receipts: the Egyptian tax year’, <span class="italic"><a href="" target="_blank">Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik</a></span>, 211 (2019), 145-161.</p> </div> <div class="flex-item center-align"> <a href="15"><img src="img/doc.png" /></a> <h4>The networks of Philokles, Apollos and Ischyras</h4> <p>B. <span class="smallcaps">Redon</span>, ‘La petite société des fortins des routes du désert de Bérénice. Les réseaux personnels de Philoklès, Apollôs et Ischyras’, <span class="smallcaps">A. Bülow-Jacobsen, J.-L. Fournet</span> and B. <span class="smallcaps">Redon</span> (eds.), <span class="italic"><a href="" target="_blank">Ostraca de Krokodilô II. La correspondance privée et les réseaux personnels de Philoklès, Apollôs et Ischyras. Praesidia du désert de Bérénice V (O. Krok. 152-334)</a></span> (Institut français d'archéologie orientale - Fouilles de l'Ifao 81), Cairo, 2019, 1-31.</p> </div> <div class="flex-item center-align"> <a href="6"><img src="img/doc.png" /></a> <h4>Spurii</h4> <p class="justify">Y. <span class="smallcaps">Broux</span>, ‘Ancient Profiles Exploited. First Results of Named Entity Recognition and the <span class="italics">Spurii</span> in Latin Inscriptions’, M. <span class="smallcaps">Nowak</span>, A. <span class="smallcaps">Łajtar</span> and J. <span class="smallcaps">Urbanik</span> (eds.), <a href=""><span class="italic">Tell Me Who You Are: Labeling Status in the Graeco-Roman World</span> (Studia Źródłoznawcze 16)</a>, Warsaw, 2017, 35-56.</p> </div> <div class="flex-item center-align"> <a href="9"><img src="img/doc.png" /></a> <h4>Emotions</h4> <p class="justify">W. <span class="smallcaps">Clarysse</span>, ‘Emotions in Greek Private Papyrus Letters’, <span class="italic"><a href="" target="_blank">Ancient Society</a></span>, 47 (2017), 63-86.</p> </div> <div class="flex-item center-align"> <a href="5"><img src="img/doc.png" /></a> <h4>Hellenistic royal names</h4> <p class="justify">Y. <span class="smallcaps">Broux</span> and W. <span class="smallcaps">Clarysse</span>, ‘Would You Name Your Child after a Celebrity? Arsinoe, Berenike, Kleopatra, Laodike and Stratonike in the Greco-Roman East’, <span class="italic"><a href="" target="_blank">Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik</a></span>, 200 (2016), 347-362.</p> </div> <div class="flex-item center-align"> <a href="3"><img src="img/doc.png" /></a> <h4>Maternal line</h4> <p class="justify">Y. <span class="smallcaps">Broux</span> and M. <span class="smallcaps">Depauw</span>, ‘The Maternal Line in Greek Identification. Signalling Social Status in Roman Egypt’, <span class="italic"><a href="" target="_blank">Historia</a></span>, 64 (2015), 467-478.</p> </div> <div class="flex-item center-align"> <a href="2"><img src="img/doc.png" /></a> <h4>Christian names</h4> <p class="justify">M. <span class="smallcaps">Depauw</span> and W. <span class="smallcaps">Clarysse</span>, 'How Christian was Fourth-Century Egypt? Onomastic Perspectives on Conversion', <span class="italic"><a href="" target="_blank">Vigiliae Christianae</a></span>, 67.4 (2013), p. 407-435.</p> </div> <div class="flex-item center-align"> <a href="1"><img src="img/doc.png" /></a> <h4>Pȝ-dỉ-/Πετε-Names</h4> <p class="justify">G. <span class="smallcaps">Jennes</span> and M. <span class="smallcaps">Depauw</span>, 'Hellenization and Onomastic Change: the case of Egyptian Pȝ-dỉ-/Πετε-Names', <span class="italic"><a href="" target="_blank">Chronique d’Égypte</a></span>, 87 (2012), p. 141-161.</p> </div> <div class="flex-item center-align"> <a href="7"><img src="img/doc.png" /></a> <h4>Headers for lists & accounts</h4> <p class="justify">W. <span class="smallcaps">Clarysse</span>, ‘Headers for lists and accounts in ancient documents and in modern editions’, (forthcoming).</p> </div> <div class="flex-item center-align"> <a href="8"><img src="img/doc.png" /></a> <h4>Greek texts - Egyptian monuments</h4> <p class="justify">W. <span class="smallcaps">Clarysse</span>, ‘Greek Texts on Egyptian Monuments’, to appear in A. Bowman / C. Crowther, <span class="italic">The Epigraphy of Ptolemaic Egypt</span>, Oxford 2020, p. 36-58.</p> </div> <div class="flex-item center-align"> <a href="20"><img src="img/doc.png" /></a> <h4>The <span class="italic">ousiakos logos</span>, the <span class="italic">procurator usiacus</span>, and <span class="italic">ousiake ge</span>: was it Vespasian, Domitian or Hadrian?</h4> <p class="justify">Y. <span class="smallcaps">Broux</span>, ‘The <span class="italic">ousiakos logos</span>, the <span class="italic">procurator usiacus</span>, and <span class="italic">ousiake ge</span>: was it Vespasian, Domitian or Hadrian?’, <a href=""><span class="italic">Archiv für papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete</span></a>, 67 (2021), 302-347.</p> </div> </div> <!-- End .flex --> <div class="goto-top"><img src="img/arrowtop.png" /><a href="#top">Back to top</a></div> </div> <!-- End container --> </div> <!-- End .bg-dark --> <!-- Footer --> <!-- Footer --> <footer> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="flex"> <section class="footer-col"> <a href="../about">About Trismegistos</a> </section> <section class="footer-col"> <!--<a href="../guide.php">First time guide</a> & --><a href="../about_how_to_cite.php">How to cite</a><br> </section> <section class="footer-col"> <a href="../terms-of-use.html">Terms & conditions</a> </section> <section class="footer-col"> Contact: <script language="JavaScript"> var username = "mark.depauw"; var hostname = ""; var linktext = "<i class='fa fa-envelope' aria-hidden='true'></i>"; document.write("<a class='social' href='" + "mail" + "to:" + username + "@" + hostname + "'>" + linktext + "</a>"); </script> <a class="social" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-facebook-square fa-lg aria-hidden="true""></i></a> <a class="social" href="" target="_blank"><img id="bluesky-logo" src="/img/bluesky.png"/></a> </section> <section class="footer-col"> Last update: <div id='updateplaceholder'></div> </section> <script> var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", '/lastupdate.txt', false); xmlhttp.send(); if (xmlhttp.status==200) { result = xmlhttp.responseText; document.getElementById('updateplaceholder').innerHTML = result; } </script> <section class="footer-col"> <img id="kul-logo" src="/img/KUL_logo.png"/> </section> <section id="cc-license" class="footer-col"> <a rel="license" target="blank" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a> </section> </div> </div> <!-- End footer.wrapper--> </footer> <!-- Cookie warning --> <div id='cookie_warning_box'> <p class="cookie-text">This site uses cookies to provide you with the best user experience. 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