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d="M219.07,80c-1.73-1.76-3.88-2.63-6.44-2.63-2.77,0-5.03.85-6.79,2.59-.85.83-1.5,1.8-1.92,2.89h-57.83v92.79h7.51s0-85.29,0-85.29h29.05c0,3.35,0,6.7-.05,10.05-.02.65-.12,1.34-.32,1.94-3.44,9.72-6.91,19.42-10.3,29.12-.3.85-.67,1.13-1.52,1.11-3-.05-5.98,0-8.96.02-.99,0-1.39.39-1.39,1.27s.44,1.29,1.5,1.27c2.86,0,5.7-.07,8.57-.09,12.93-.05,25.87-.12,38.82-.16,1.18,0,1.73-.44,1.71-1.29s-.51-1.22-1.66-1.22c-2.47,0-4.92,0-7.37.05-.72.02-1.04-.21-1.32-.88-4.11-9.7-8.22-19.38-12.33-29.08-.14-.3-.21-.62-.21-.95v-11.15h16.12c.39.95.97,1.85,1.71,2.7,1.64,1.85,3.93,2.79,6.88,2.79,2.61,0,4.8-.88,6.54-2.66,1.73-1.76,2.61-3.95,2.61-6.63s-.88-4.78-2.61-6.56ZM195.93,132.35h-19.61c2.93-8.27,5.87-16.56,8.8-24.83h.25c3.51,8.22,7,16.44,10.55,24.83ZM215.26,89.72c-.79.88-1.71,1.32-2.77,1.32s-2.06-.44-2.84-1.34c-.79-.9-1.18-1.99-1.18-3.26,0-1.18.42-2.17,1.2-3,.79-.85,1.73-1.27,2.82-1.27s1.99.46,2.77,1.34c.79.9,1.18,1.94,1.18,3.14s-.39,2.19-1.18,3.07Z"/> <path class="cls-4" d="M62.35,159.33H14.5c0,1.43-.02,2.68,0,3.93,0,4.78,2.93,7.71,7.67,7.71,10.42-.02,20.85-.05,31.27-.07.95,0,1.94-.05,2.86-.3,5.75-1.52,6.81-6.28,6.05-11.27Z"/> <path class="cls-4" d="M17.94,103.65c-.44-1.22-1.13-2.33-2.08-3.3-1.76-1.76-3.9-2.63-6.47-2.63-2.75,0-5.01.85-6.77,2.59s-2.63,3.97-2.63,6.7c0,2.4.81,4.53,2.45,6.4,1.64,1.85,3.93,2.79,6.88,2.79,2.61,0,4.78-.88,6.54-2.63.72-.74,1.27-1.52,1.71-2.4h18.61c0,3.28,0,6.58-.05,9.86,0,.65-.12,1.34-.32,1.94-3.42,9.72-6.88,19.4-10.3,29.12-.3.85-.65,1.11-1.52,1.11-2.98-.05-5.98,0-8.96.02-.97,0-1.39.39-1.39,,1.27,1.52,1.27,2.84-.02,5.7-.07,8.54-.09,12.93-.07,25.89-.12,38.82-.16,1.2-.02,1.73-.44,1.71-1.32,0-.83-.49-1.2-1.66-1.2-2.45,0-4.92-.02-7.37.05-.69,0-1.04-.21-1.32-.88-4.09-9.7-8.22-19.38-12.33-29.08-.12-.3-.21-.65-.21-.97,0-3.63,0-7.3.02-10.95h29.01v64.48h7.51s0-71.98,0-71.98H17.94ZM12.06,110.07c-.81.88-1.71,1.32-2.77,1.32s-2.06-.44-2.84-1.34c-.79-.9-1.18-1.99-1.18-3.26,0-1.15.39-2.17,1.2-3,.79-.83,1.73-1.27,2.82-1.27s1.96.46,2.77,1.34c.79.9,1.18,1.94,1.18,3.14s-.39,2.22-1.18,3.07ZM49.49,152.98h-19.61c2.93-8.27,5.87-16.56,8.8-24.83.07,0,.16,0,.25-.02,3.49,8.22,6.97,16.47,10.55,24.85Z"/> <path class="cls-4" d="M99.67,26.6c-1.73-1.76-3.88-2.63-6.44-2.63-2.75,0-5.01.85-6.77,2.59-1.78,1.73-2.66,3.97-2.66,6.7,0,2.4.83,4.53,2.47,,1.85,1.66,3.03,2.1v133.88h7.51V41.75c1.06-.44,2.01-1.09,2.86-1.96,1.76-1.76,2.61-3.95,2.61-6.63s-.85-4.78-2.61-6.56ZM95.86,36.33c-.79.88-1.71,1.32-2.75,1.32-1.11,0-2.06-.44-2.84-1.34-.79-.9-1.18-1.99-1.18-3.26,0-1.18.39-2.17,1.18-3,.79-.85,1.73-1.27,2.84-1.27,1.04,0,1.96.46,2.75,,1.2,1.94,1.2,3.14s-.39,2.19-1.2,3.07Z"/> <path class="cls-4" d="M137.69,48.17c-1.73-1.76-3.9-2.66-6.47-2.66-2.75,0-5.01.88-6.77,2.61-1.76,1.73-2.63,3.95-2.63,6.7,0,2.4.81,4.53,2.45,,1.85,1.64,3.03,2.1v112.31h7.51V63.32c1.06-.44,2.03-1.11,2.89-1.96,1.73-1.76,2.61-3.97,2.61-6.63s-.88-4.8-2.61-6.56ZM133.88,57.9c-.79.88-1.71,1.32-2.77,1.32s-2.06-.46-2.84-1.34c-.79-.9-1.18-1.99-1.18-3.26,0-1.18.39-2.17,1.2-3,.79-.85,1.73-1.27,2.82-1.27s1.99.44,2.77,1.34c.79.9,1.18,1.94,1.18,3.14s-.39,2.19-1.18,3.07Z"/> </g> </g> </svg> </a> </div> <div class="navbar-collapse collapse"> <ul class="nav navbar-nav 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role="menu"> <li> <a href="/financial-disclosures/" tabindex="501">Search Financial Disclosures</a> </li> <li> <a href="/help/coverage/financial-disclosures/" tabindex="502">About this Collection</a> </li> <li> <a href="/help/api/rest/financial-disclosures/" tabindex="503">API</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right"> <li class="inactive hidden-xs"> <a href="" tabindex="600" class="donate"><i class="fa fa-heart-o"></i>&nbsp;Donate</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div><!--/.container-fluid --> </div> </header> <div class="row content"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <h1 id="qs">Frequently Asked Questions</h1> </div> <div class="col-sm-5"> <h3 class="bottom">General</h3> <p> <a href="#who-and-what">What is this site? Who runs it?</a><br> <a href="#legal-advice">Can you provide legal advice?</a><br> <a href="#submit-documents">Can I send you documents from my case?</a><br> <a href="#citing-flp">How can I cite something on CourtListener?</a> <a href="#contact">How do I contact you?</a> </p> <h3 class="bottom">Features</h3> <p> <a href="#why-use">Why should I use this site (and not something else)?</a><br> <a href="#how-different">What makes this site different from other sites that put legal documents online?</a><br> <a href="#explain-alerts">What are alerts and how do they work?</a><br> <a href="#explain-citations">How do you identify citations?</a><br> <a href="#oral-args">How do you get the oral arguments you have?</a><br> </p> <h3 class="bottom">RECAP Archive and Extensions</h3> <p> <a href="#what-is-recap-pacer">What is RECAP and what's PACER?</a><br> <a href="#where-recap">Where does the content in the RECAP Archive come from?</a><br> <a href="#how-fast">How quickly does an item appear here?</a><br> <a href="#recap-privacy">How do you handle privacy of RECAP content?</a><br> <a href="#learn-more">Where can I learn more about PACER and RECAP?</a><br> </p> <h3 class="bottom">Supreme Court Citation Networks</h3> <p> <a href="#circles-change-size">Why do the case circles change size?</a><br> <a href="#what-cases-mean">How can I find out what the cases in my network mean?</a><br> <a href="#default-two-degree">Why did my network default to 2-degrees?</a><br> <a href="#case-missing">Why is a case missing in my network?</a><br> <a href="#embed-network">How do I embed a network in my blog?</a><br> <a href="#dod">What do you mean by "Degree of Dissent"?</a> </p> <h3 class="bottom">Coverage and Content</h3> <p> <a href="#what-coverage-exists">What is your coverage of legal materials and how comprehensive is it?</a><br> <a href="#why-many-copies">Why do some case law records show up more than once in search results?</a><br> <a href="#why-my-case">Why is my case appearing on this site?</a><br> <a href="#non-precedential">Why does this site contain documents that say "Not for Publication", "Unpublished" etc?</a><br> <a href="#explain-pin-cites">What are the gray numbers that appear in the middle of many opinions?</a><br> <a href="#explain-neutral-citations">What are neutral citations and why do you promote them?</a><br> <a href="#why-bulk">Why do you provide bulk data files?</a><br> <a href="#explain-fingerprint">What is the "fingerprint" of the document?</a> </p> <h3 class="bottom">Contributions</h3> <p> <a href="#kinds-of-help">What kinds of help do you need?</a><br> <a href="#how-supported">How is the project supported?</a><br> <a href="#can-i-contribute">Can I contribute to the project somehow?</a> </p> <h3 class="bottom">Past and Future</h3> <p> <a href="#orgin-story">What's the history of CourtListener?</a><br> <a href="#future">What plans or features are in the works?</a> </p> <h3 class="bottom">Something Else?</h3> <p> <a href="#other">Do you have a question that's not answered here?</a> </p> </div> <div class="col-sm-7"> <h2 id="general">General</h2> <h3 id="who-and-what">What Is This Site? Who Runs It?</h3> <p>CourtListener is a legal research website and data provider currently containing:</p> <ul> <li><a href="/help/coverage/opinions/">9,858,914</a> legal opinions from federal, state, and specialty courts.</li> <li>14,818,240 documents from the Federal PACER system.</li> <li>3,201,905.3 minutes of oral argument recordings.</li> <li>A database of 16,190 judges.</li> </ul> <p>CourtListener is operated by the non-profit <a href="">Free Law Project</a>. Free Law Project seeks to provide free access to primary legal materials, develop legal research tools, and support academic research on legal corpora. CourtListener embodies all of these efforts, as a repository of <a href="/opinion/">case law</a>, <a href="/recap/">federal filings</a>, <a href="/audio/">oral argument recordings</a>, and <a href="/financial-disclosures/">financial disclosures</a>; as the platform on which we deploy legal research tools; and as the source of <a href="/help/api/bulk-data/">bulk downloads</a> and <a href="/help/api/">APIs</a> researchers use to study our collection. </p> <h3 id="legal-advice">Can you provide me with legal advice or help me with my case?</h3> <p>We're sorry, but we are unable to provide legal advice. You may wish to contact a qualified attorney. Many local bar associations, such as your local county bar association may operate a lawyer referral service through which you may be able to receive a no-cost or low-cost initial consultation. Justia <a href="">maintains a lawyer directory</a> you may wish to look at, and their site also has a substantial amount of no-cost legal information. </p> <p>Additionally, many counties operate a law library open to the general public. You may be able to receive general assistance with legal research questions from the law librarians there. Alternatively, if there is law school near you, the law librarians there may be able to assist you with general legal research questions. </p> <h3 id="submit-documents">Can I send you documents from my case?</h3> <p>In general, no, we can't accept documents from you about your case. As you might expect, people occasionally create fraudulent documents and that's a risk we cannot take. If your case in a <a href="/help/coverage/">jurisdiction that we cover</a>, we will eventually receive the records directly from the court itself. </p> <p>The exception to this is that if your documents are on PACER, it is possible for you to use our <a href="">RECAP Project</a> to get us copies of the documents. To do so, install either our Firefox, Chrome, Edge, or Safari extension, and then purchase the documents from PACER. </p> <h3 id="citing-flp">How do I cite something on CourtListener?</h3> <p>Please see <a href="">our guide on this topic</a>.</p> <h3 id="contact">How Do I Contact You?</h3> <p>We can be contacted via the address on our <a href="/contact/">contact form</a>, or via email at <a href=""></a>. If you require a secure channel when contacting us, please use the PGP key listed <a href="">here</a>. </p> <h2 id="features">Features</h2> <h3 id="why-use">Why Should I Use This Site (And Not Something Else)?</h3> <p>While Free Law Project seeks to put the entirety of United States case law online, for the public, for free, we have not reached that goal yet. So, we hope you find what you are looking for here, but if not, you should absolutely use other sites too! Other no-cost sites include <a href="">Google Scholar</a> and <a href=""> Justia</a>. There are many fee-based sites too, such as <a href="">Fastcase</a>. <h3 id="how-different">What Makes This Site Different from Other Sites that Put Legal Documents online?</h3> <p>Our site has a citator that shows you which subsequent opnions have cited to the opinion you are viewing, an important tool in researching whether a given precedent is still good law. Many free sites lack such a tool. We also think our search filters, advanced search options, and relevancy search enhancements that we call <a href=""> CiteGeist</a>, produce search results that are particularly impressive.</p> <p>Unlike many sites that may be several days or weeks behind, we strive to collect new case law from the courts in near real time. For <a href="/help/coverage/opinions/">the courts we cover</a>, new case law should typically appear within 30 minutes of being posted on the court's website. </p> <p>But the most important distinguishing factor about this site is that it is <a href="">open source</a> and <a href="">open access</a>. Anyone can download all the source code we use to operate this site and run their own site that does exactly the same thing. And since our bulk downloads provide access to our entire collection of case law, we hope we've given our effort its own life that can continue no matter what. Many <a href="">people</a> <a href="">have</a> <a href="">tried</a> to provide free access to U.S. case law, but when their efforts finally end, their collection and software typically disappears too and the next effort has to start over from the beginning. We hope instead to be the last people who ever have to attempt to collect the entirety of United States case law. Everyone who comes after can build upon this effort.</p> <h3 id="explain-alerts">What Are Alerts and How Do They Work?</h3> <p>You can sign up to receive free daily, weekly or monthly email alerts for any search query that interests you. When new case law matches your search, you'll get an email alert at about 5:30 Pacific time. If you have donated at least $10 in the last year, you can also set up real time alerts to get notified even more quickly.</p> <p>To see more about alerts, <a href="/help/alerts/">see their documentation</a>. </p> <h3 id="explain-citations">How Do You Identify Citations?</h3> <p>It's not easy. Currently we only detect citations to court opinions. Citations to statutes, law review articles, or other resources are currently ignored. When a new document is added, we search the document text for standard case law citation formats and if we can match what we find with one (and only one) document in our collection, then we create a hyperlink from the original document's citation to the cited document, making it easier to browse through our collection. When there are multiple documents in our collection that appear to match the citation we use what we call "reverse matching" to try to resolve the citation. The case name from each potential match is searched in the original document and if there is only one match, then that becomes the linked citation.</p> <h3 id="oral-args">How Do You Get the Oral Arguments That You Have?</h3> <p>We get oral arguments by looking at court websites on approximately an hourly basis. We currently only check the sites listed on our <a href="/help/coverage/oral-arguments/">coverage page</a>. Once we have downloaded an oral argument, we convert it to an MP3, downsample the audio for faster downloading, and add album art for your audio player. When the file is ready, it is added to the site, and it becomes available in search results, podcasts and bulk data.</p> <h2 id="recap-archive">RECAP Archive and Extensions</h2> <h3 id="what-is-recap-pacer">What is RECAP and What is PACER?</h3> <p>PACER is a website run by the federal judiciary that makes public court records available to the general public. There are over one billion court records in PACER. PACER is typically used by lawyers and automated programs run by commercial ventures. The general public is not a big user of PACER because the site is too difficult to use and because it has a paywall that makes the documents very expensive. </p> <p><a href="">RECAP is an extension for Firefox, Chrome and Safari</a> that makes PACER cheaper and easier to use. If you install the RECAP extension, you will donate the documents you purchase on PACER to our public collection, which we call the RECAP Archive. In addition, if you have the extension installed and try to download an item from PACER that we already have, you will instead get it for free from our archive. </p> <p>If you use PACER, we recommend you install RECAP &mdash; it will save you money:</p> <p><a href="" class="btn btn-primary">Install the Extensions&nbsp;<i class="fa fa-external-link"></i></a></p> <h3 id="where-recap">Where does the content in the RECAP Archive come from?</h3> <p>The content in the RECAP Archive comes from a variety of sources, including tools we use for automated data gathering, and from the <a href="">RECAP extensions for Firefox, Chrome and Safari</a>. </p> <h3 id="how-fast">How quickly does an item appear here?</h3> <p>There can be a delay between when you contribute an item using the RECAP extensions and when it appears here. Generally the delay is less than 24 hours. </p> <h3 id="recap-privacy">How do you handle privacy of RECAP content?</h3> <p>We make decisions about the privacy of documents on a case by case basis. To learn more, please see our <a href="/terms/#removal">removal policy</a>. </p> <h3 id="learn-more">Where can I learn more about PACER and RECAP?</h3> <p>We have <a href="">a more detailed FAQ specifically about RECAP</a> at <a href="">its homepage on the Free Law Project website</a>. </p> <h2 id="supreme-court-networks">Supreme Court Citation Networks</h2> <h3 id="circles-change-size">Why do the case circles change size?</h3> <p>Circles change size based on the number of citations to it by other cases in the network. The more cases that cite to <i>Case A</i>, the larger it will be. The only exception to this rule is the rightmost case on network (with the most recent date). For visual clarity, this anchor case is always represented with a large circle.</p> <h3 id="what-cases-mean">How can I find out what the cases in my network mean?</h3> <p>This tool will not read the cases for you but it will make your reading more efficient. You can read opinion text directly by clicking on opinions in the visualization. You can see all the Supreme Court Database information for a case. Information will open in a separate window and includes issue area, legal provision involved, and detailed voting information. By using SCDB information and skimming opinion text, you can figure out what is going on in the case fairly quickly. Some networks also have helpful user descriptions. </p> <h3 id="default-two-degree">Why did my network default to 2-degrees?</h3> <p>We do not generate 3-degree networks when it will contain more than 70 cases. We have found networks larger than 70 are too unwieldy and so default those networks to 2-degrees.</p> <h3 id="case-missing">Why is a case missing from my network?</h3> <p>When the Supreme Court cites to recently decided cases, the citation form is non-standard such as citing to <i>Slip. Op</i> or <i>555 S.Ct ___</i>. This currently confounds our automatic citation parser. It's a problem we're working on.</p> <h3 id="embed-network">How do I embed a network in my blog?</h3> <p>On the network display page, the "Embed" box is on the right side of the page. Click in the box and copy the HTML code. You can then put this code in your WordPress blog (or Liguides site, or etc) just as you would embed a video from YouTube.</p> <h3 id="dod">What do you mean by "Degree of Dissent"?</h3> <p>We use <em>Degree of Dissent</em> (DoD) in our <a href="/visualizations/scotus-mapper/">visualizations of Supreme Court networks</a> to indicate the average level of disagreement in the cases shown. For example, in a network that shows two cases, each with unanimous 9-0 votes, there would be no dissent, and so the score would be 0. By contrast, if a network had only two cases, each with 5-4 decisions, the DoD would be 1.0, indicating a highly dissenting network. Mathematically, the DoD for a given case is calculated by multiplying the number of dissents by 0.25. This means that a 9-0 case will have the same DoD as a 8-0 case (0.0) and a 6-3 will have the same DoD as 5-3 case. </p> <p>In some cases you may see that the DoD is not using all of the cases in a network, stating something like: "Degree of Dissent: 0.73 for 16 cases of 17." This occurs because some cases do not have vote information in the Supreme Court Database (Spaeth). </p> <h2 id="coverage-and-content">Coverage and Content</h2> <h3 id="what-coverage-exists">What Is Your Coverage of Legal Materials and How Comprehensive Is It?</h3> <p>There's no simple answer to this question. To learn about our approach, please see <a href="">our blog post</a> about this topic or see our <a href="/help/coverage/opinions/">coverage</a> page for all the details.</p> <h3 id="why-many-copies">Why Do Some Opinions Show Up More Than Once In Search Results?</h3> <p>CourtListener uses an automatic process to find and download opinions on court websites. This is an extremely efficient and effective method of finding new opinions as they are posted, but in some cases, a court will post several edits to an opinion. Sometimes these edits are for seemingly minor typos, but other times they can be the result of something more interesting, like <a href="">a judicial blunder</a>. When this happens, we maintain an archive of all of the versions of that opinion. </p> <p>We've discussed this topic in more depth <a href="">on our blog</a>.</p> <h3 id="why-my-case">Why Is The Opinion In My Case Appearing On This Site?</h3> <p>Court opinions are public records and create the precedents that determine the results in future cases. Court opinions contain statements of the law and legal reasoning that guide legal researchers. We are attempting to build a site useful to legal researchers. If you have a concern about information from one of these opinions appearing in search engines, such as Google, you should review our <a href="/terms/#removal">removal policy</a>.</p> <h3 id="non-precedential">Why Does This Site Contain Documents That Say "Not for Publication", "Unpublished", Etc?</h3> <p>In many jurisdictions of the United States, these statements do not mean that the case should not be published. Instead, it means that the issuing court is claiming they should not be used as a precedent in subsequent cases. You can read more about this policy <a href="">on Wikipedia</a>, if you are interested in the details. </p> <h3 id="explain-pin-cites">What Are the Gray Numbers That Appear in the Middle of Many Opinions?</h3> <p>These numbers correspond to the page numbers in the original books where these opinions were first published, and are commonly known as <a href="">pin-cites</a>. </p> <h3 id="explain-neutral-citations">What Are Neutral Citations and Why Do You Promote Them?</h3> <p>Historically, citations have corresponded to the location in a book where an opinion could be found. But for online systems like CourtListener this presents a number of problems. First, there's the obvious problem that when an opinion is created by a court and posted on its website, there is no way to refer to it until it is published in a book. In a post-Internet world, this is an unusual and unfortunate outcome. Second, there is no clear way for a system like CourtListener to determine the citation for an opinion once the opinion has been published, short of getting the book for each opinion and looking it up by hand. </p> <p>Neutral citations are a ground-swell effort to fix these problems by asking the courts themselves to affix citations to their work as they publish opinions on their websites. The system is very simple and takes the form of YEAR JURISDICTION NUMBER. So, for example, the first opinion from North Dakota in 2013 becomes <a href="/nd/5BmV/holkesvig-v-state/">2013 ND 1</a>. It's a very simple system that any court can begin using, and which many already have. We encourage all jurisdictions to adopt this system. </p> <p>Neutral citations have been officially recommended by the <a href="">American Association of Law Libraries since 1995</a> and by the <a href="">American Bar Association since 1996</a>. You can read more about neutral citations on the <a href="">Justia blog</a> or at <a href="">the website where they are being promoted</a>. </p> <h3 id="why-bulk">Why Do You Provide Bulk Data Files?</h3> <p>Two groups tend to find this useful. First are academic researchers who wish to do empirical research on large portions of U.S. case law. They often cannot answer certain questions with full generality without including all or almost all opinions in their research. Second are legal technology startups or those who want to test out some new legal research tool. These groups can use the documents we have collected to test out a prototype of their new tools. Most regular users will not need to use our bulk downloads.</p> <h3 id="explain-fingerprint">What Is the "Fingerprint" of the Document?</h3> <p>We generate these digital fingerprints for each document we retrieve from court websites. The algorithm that generates the fingerprint guarantees that the fingerprint generated will be unique for every file. If even one character is changed in a document, a different fingerprint will be generated. This helps us in our document retrieval process, so that if a court uses the same file name for a different document we will still detect that the document has changed and know to save it. This means it also helps us detect the rare instances where a file might be corrupted during the download process. </p> <p>If courts would publish these fingerprints as well, then we could develop tools that would allow our users to confirm that the backup copy on our site is identical to the version released by the court. Without that, users that wish to verify the authenticity of our backup copies would have to engage in the cumbersome process of downloading the document from the court, generating the fingerprint, download the document from us, generating the fingerprint from that copy, and then comparing the fingerprints to confirm that they are identical. </p> <h2 id="contributions">Contributions</h2> <h3 id="kinds-of-help">What Kinds of Help Do You Need?</h3> <p>As a start-up non-profit, we always need many varieties of help. Our biggest goals revolve around new features for the site. We also need the help of designers, lawyers, legal researchers and non-profit fundraisers. If you think you can help, please <a href="/contact/">get in touch</a>. We would love to hear from you. </p> <p>Another simple way to help is to <a href="">support our efforts financially</a>. </p> <h3 id="how-supported">How is the Project Supported?</h3> <p>CourtListener, RECAP, and Free Law Project are supported by several sources of revenue including user donations, corporate sponsorships, grants that we join or author, <a href="">client work that aligns with our mission</a>, and API contributions, which some users of the APIs provide. </p> <h3 id="can-i-contribute">Can I Contribute to the Project Somehow?</h3> <p>Yes! Absolutely. Read our <a href="/contribute/">page about getting involved</a> or simply <a href="">send us an email</a> with how you think you might be able to help. </p> <h2 id="past-and-future">Past and Future</h2> <h3 id="orgin-story">What's the History of CourtListener?</h3> <p>CourtListener was Michael Lissner's capstone project while a student at the <a href="">University of California, Berkeley, School of Information</a>, where he was advised by Brian Carver. The site <a href="">was launched in 2010</a> as a simple alert service for the Federal Appeals Courts. At that time, it had about 130,000 opinions, a different search engine, and an extremely sparse interface. </p> <p>In 2013, Michael and Brian <a href="">created Free Law Project</a> to support CourtListener and other related efforts. </p> <h3 id="future">What Plans or Features Are In the Works?</h3> <p>All of the planning for CourtListener is done on GitHub and via our Slack room. If you want to get involved, a good way is to send us your résumé by email. In your email, it helps to say what kinds of expertise you have and what kind of help you think you can provide. </p> <h2 id="other">Something Else?</h2> <p>If you have another question, don't hesitate to get in touch using our contact form. </p> <a class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" href="/contact/">Contact Us</a> </div> </div> <div class="row base-newsletter hidden-print"> <div class="col-sm-6"> <p class="bold bottom">Newsletter</p> <p>Sign up to receive the Free Law Project newsletter with tips and announcements.</p> </div> <div class="col-sm-6 right"> <a href="" class="btn btn-default" tabindex="10000"> <i class="fa fa-newspaper-o"></i>&nbsp;Subscribe </a> </div> </div> <footer class="row hidden-print"> <div class="col-sm-8"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-6"> <div class="col-sm-6 no-gutter"> <div class="footer-item"> <a href="" tabindex="11000">About</a> </div> <div class="footer-item"> <a href="/help/" tabindex="11001">Help</a> &amp; <a href="/faq/">FAQ</a> </div> <div class="footer-item"> <a href="" tabindex="11002">Donate</a> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-6 no-gutter"> <div class="footer-item"> <a href="/help/coverage/" tabindex="11003">About Our Data</a> </div> <div class="footer-item"> <a href="/help/api/" tabindex="11004">APIs &amp; Bulk Data</a> </div> <div class="footer-item"> <a href="/feeds/" tabindex="11005">Feeds</a> <span class="alt">&amp;</span> <a href="/podcasts/" tabindex="11006">Podcasts</a>&nbsp;<i class="gray fa fa-podcast inline"></i> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xs-6"> <div class="col-sm-6 no-gutter"> <div class="footer-item"> <a href="" tabindex="11007">Blog Posts</a> </div> <div class="footer-item"> <a href="/contact/" tabindex="11008">Contact</a> </div> <div class="footer-item"> <a href="" tabindex="11009">Data Services</a> </div> <div class="footer-item"> <a href="/contribute/" tabindex="11010">Contribute</a> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-6 no-gutter"> <div class="footer-item"> <a href="/terms/" tabindex="11011">Terms &amp; Privacy</a> </div> <div class="footer-item"> <a href="/terms/#removal" tabindex="11012">Removal</a> </div> <div class="footer-item"> <a href="" tabindex="11013">Vulnerability Policies</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-4 text-right" id="donate-image"> <a href="" tabindex="11014"> <img src="" alt="Donate to support our work" height="75" width="227"> </a> </div> <div class="col-sm-12" id="by-line"> <p>CourtListener is sponsored by the non-profit <a href="" tabindex="11015">Free Law Project</a>.</p> </div> </footer> </div> <div class="text-center hidden-print" id="social-container"> <a href="" class="fa-stack fa-lg" tabindex="12000"> <i class="fa fa-circle fa-stack-2x gray"></i> <i class="fa fa-link fa-stack-1x fa-inverse"></i> </a> <a href="" rel="noreferrer" class="fa-stack fa-lg" tabindex="12001"> <i class="fa fa-circle fa-stack-2x gray"></i> <i class="fa fa-twitter fa-stack-1x fa-inverse"></i> </a> <a href="" class="fa-stack fa-lg" tabindex="12002"> <i class="fa fa-circle fa-stack-2x gray"></i> <i class="fa fa-newspaper-o fa-stack-1x fa-inverse"></i> </a> <a href="" rel="noreferrer" class="fa-stack fa-lg" tabindex="12003"> <i class="fa fa-circle fa-stack-2x gray"></i> <i class="fa fa-github fa-stack-1x fa-inverse"></i> </a> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" nonce="WJtHXWdGke1/9CympHgSaw=="> var isMember = false, userAlertCount = 0, priceRtAlerts = parseFloat(10), maxFreeDocketAlerts = 5, recapBonusAlerts = 10; </script> <script defer data-domain="" src=""></script> </body> </html>

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