Ajitat枚rler In艧aat莽谋l谋k - SUMA R眉hrtechnik GmbH
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class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/TR/endustriyel-ajitatorler/kagit-seluloz/ajitatorler-s-mix?i=1' title='S-MIX'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">脺r眉n ayr谋nt谋lar谋</div> <img src="/tmb/6807_4_S-Mix_seitlich_1500x800_jpeg.jpg?m=1684992194" height="177" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>S-MIX</h2> End眉striyel s谋v谋lar谋n kar谋艧t谋r谋lmas谋 ve homojenize edilmesi<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>4,0 kW'l谋k di艧li motor</li> <li>Kar谋艧t谋r谋c谋 mili 脴 55 mm, uzunluk 0,6 / 0,8 m</li> <li>Kar谋艧t谋r谋c谋 b谋莽ak 脴 310 mm</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>A艧a臒谋daki tanklar i莽in uygundur:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Kapal谋 tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2948 1348l-1 -666 -7 -4c-64,21 -358,103 -982,103 -617,0 -911,-80 -979,-102l-3 2 0 675c238,90 986,102 986,102 0,0 748,-12 986,-102l0 -8zm-996 -630c597,0 878,-70 939,-91l-935 -459 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Beton tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2943 592c0,-65 -441,-117 -984,-117 -543,0 -983,52 -983,117 0,37 440,117 983,117 543,0 984,-90 984,-117zm-986 861c0,0 -748,-13 -986,-103l0 -675 2 -1c68,21 362,102 980,102 624,0 918,-82 982,-103l7 3 1 674c-239,90 -986,103 -986,103z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>A莽谋k tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2881 651c0,-1 1,-1 1,-2 0,-1 -1,-1 -1,-2l0 -1 0 0c-13,-65 -443,-110 -974,-111l-17 0c-539,1 -980,48 -980,100l0 0c0,3 3,7 9,11 -2,-1 -5,-2 -6,-2l-3 1 0 705c238,90 986,103 986,103 0,0 747,-13 986,-103l-1 -699zm-50 38c0,27 -418,74 -933,74 -515,0 -937,-37 -937,-74 0,-64 422,-96 937,-96 515,0 933,32 933,96z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>脟elik tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 1240c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 197c53,6 106,12 159,16l0 -196z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1120 1144c23,5 50,10 80,15l0 -216c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-14l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 1393l0 -198c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-15l0 197c25,6 52,11 80,16z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1256c-82,-2 -160,-6 -233,-12l0 197c85,6 166,11 233,15l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 1217c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 198c33,6 68,10 103,15l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 923c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 216c27,-5 50,-10 70,-15l0 -215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1603 764l0 194c72,5 150,10 233,12l0 -196c-85,-2 -163,-6 -233,-10z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2022 971c45,0 89,0 132,-1l0 -195c-45,1 -92,2 -142,2 -42,0 -83,-1 -123,-1l0 195c43,0 87,1 133,0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1005c-82,-2 -160,-7 -233,-12l0 216c72,6 150,10 233,12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 908l0 -193c-31,-6 -57,-12 -80,-17l0 195c23,4 50,10 80,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1130c24,-5 38,-9 44,-11l-1 -214c-9,2 -23,6 -43,10l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 945c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 216c41,-6 79,-12 113,-18l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 759c-58,-4 -111,-10 -159,-15l0 192c49,7 102,12 159,17l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 966c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 215c32,5 66,11 103,16l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 989c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 216c49,6 102,12 159,17l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 738c-37,-5 -72,-11 -103,-16l0 193c32,5 66,10 103,15l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 921c-24,-4 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 215c11,3 30,8 55,13l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 885l0 -196c-23,-6 -41,-11 -52,-14l-3 1 0 197c11,3 30,7 55,12z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 1175c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 200c25,-4 48,-9 70,-14l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2945 623l-935 -459 0 0 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90 597,0 878,-71 939,-91z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2853 709l0 192c27,-5 50,-10 70,-14l0 -193c-20,4 -43,10 -70,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 879c23,-5 38,-9 43,-11l0 -191 -7 -3c-8,3 -20,6 -36,11l0 194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 1173c-24,-5 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 190c16,6 35,12 55,17l0 -195z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 717c-33,6 -71,12 -113,18l0 193c41,-7 79,-13 113,-19l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1257c-43,1 -87,1 -132,1 -21,0 -42,0 -62,0 -24,0 -48,0 -71,-1l0 202c78,3 127,5 127,5 0,0 55,-2 138,-6l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1167l0 198c16,-4 31,-9 44,-14l0 -195c-10,2 -24,6 -44,11z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 763c-67,5 -142,8 -223,11l0 195c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 1196c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 199c39,-5 77,-10 113,-16l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 741c-50,7 -107,13 -169,18l0 194c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -193z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 969c-52,7 -108,13 -169,19l0 216c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 992c-69,6 -144,10 -223,12l0 216c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 1221c-52,7 -108,13 -169,18l0 197c56,-5 113,-10 169,-17l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 1244c-69,5 -144,9 -223,12l0 199c65,-3 142,-8 223,-14l0 -197z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1222l0 -216c-43,0 -87,1 -132,0 -21,0 -41,1 -62,1 -24,0 -47,-1 -71,-1l0 216c43,1 87,1 133,0 45,1 89,0 132,0z"/> </g> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Konteyner</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1612 231l-413 62 1161 268 450 -120 -1198 -210zm-484 683l1206 554 0 -858 -1206 -279 0 583zm1259 -305l0 857 485 -272 0 -715 -485 130z"/> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/TR/endustriyel-ajitatorler/kagit-seluloz/ajitatorler-optimix-2g-15-720?i=1' title='OPTIMIX 2A 15-720'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">脺r眉n ayr谋nt谋lar谋</div> <img src="/tmb/4955_4_SUMA-OM_2A_15.jpg?m=1688393889" height="177" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>OPTIMIX 2A 15-720</h2> pH de臒eri d眉艧眉k agresif malzemeler i莽in h谋zl谋 莽al谋艧an ajitat枚r<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>Motor g眉c眉 0,8 / 1,5 / 2,2 kW</li> <li>Kar谋艧t谋rma kanad谋 莽aplar谋 230 / 320 / 380</li> <li>Komple V2A olarak 眉retildi</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>A艧a臒谋daki tanklar i莽in uygundur:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Kapal谋 tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2948 1348l-1 -666 -7 -4c-64,21 -358,103 -982,103 -617,0 -911,-80 -979,-102l-3 2 0 675c238,90 986,102 986,102 0,0 748,-12 986,-102l0 -8zm-996 -630c597,0 878,-70 939,-91l-935 -459 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Beton tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2943 592c0,-65 -441,-117 -984,-117 -543,0 -983,52 -983,117 0,37 440,117 983,117 543,0 984,-90 984,-117zm-986 861c0,0 -748,-13 -986,-103l0 -675 2 -1c68,21 362,102 980,102 624,0 918,-82 982,-103l7 3 1 674c-239,90 -986,103 -986,103z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>A莽谋k tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2881 651c0,-1 1,-1 1,-2 0,-1 -1,-1 -1,-2l0 -1 0 0c-13,-65 -443,-110 -974,-111l-17 0c-539,1 -980,48 -980,100l0 0c0,3 3,7 9,11 -2,-1 -5,-2 -6,-2l-3 1 0 705c238,90 986,103 986,103 0,0 747,-13 986,-103l-1 -699zm-50 38c0,27 -418,74 -933,74 -515,0 -937,-37 -937,-74 0,-64 422,-96 937,-96 515,0 933,32 933,96z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>脟elik tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 1240c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 197c53,6 106,12 159,16l0 -196z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1120 1144c23,5 50,10 80,15l0 -216c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-14l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 1393l0 -198c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-15l0 197c25,6 52,11 80,16z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1256c-82,-2 -160,-6 -233,-12l0 197c85,6 166,11 233,15l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 1217c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 198c33,6 68,10 103,15l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 923c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 216c27,-5 50,-10 70,-15l0 -215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1603 764l0 194c72,5 150,10 233,12l0 -196c-85,-2 -163,-6 -233,-10z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2022 971c45,0 89,0 132,-1l0 -195c-45,1 -92,2 -142,2 -42,0 -83,-1 -123,-1l0 195c43,0 87,1 133,0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1005c-82,-2 -160,-7 -233,-12l0 216c72,6 150,10 233,12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 908l0 -193c-31,-6 -57,-12 -80,-17l0 195c23,4 50,10 80,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1130c24,-5 38,-9 44,-11l-1 -214c-9,2 -23,6 -43,10l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 945c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 216c41,-6 79,-12 113,-18l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 759c-58,-4 -111,-10 -159,-15l0 192c49,7 102,12 159,17l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 966c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 215c32,5 66,11 103,16l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 989c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 216c49,6 102,12 159,17l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 738c-37,-5 -72,-11 -103,-16l0 193c32,5 66,10 103,15l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 921c-24,-4 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 215c11,3 30,8 55,13l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 885l0 -196c-23,-6 -41,-11 -52,-14l-3 1 0 197c11,3 30,7 55,12z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 1175c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 200c25,-4 48,-9 70,-14l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2945 623l-935 -459 0 0 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90 597,0 878,-71 939,-91z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2853 709l0 192c27,-5 50,-10 70,-14l0 -193c-20,4 -43,10 -70,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 879c23,-5 38,-9 43,-11l0 -191 -7 -3c-8,3 -20,6 -36,11l0 194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 1173c-24,-5 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 190c16,6 35,12 55,17l0 -195z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 717c-33,6 -71,12 -113,18l0 193c41,-7 79,-13 113,-19l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1257c-43,1 -87,1 -132,1 -21,0 -42,0 -62,0 -24,0 -48,0 -71,-1l0 202c78,3 127,5 127,5 0,0 55,-2 138,-6l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1167l0 198c16,-4 31,-9 44,-14l0 -195c-10,2 -24,6 -44,11z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 763c-67,5 -142,8 -223,11l0 195c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 1196c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 199c39,-5 77,-10 113,-16l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 741c-50,7 -107,13 -169,18l0 194c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -193z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 969c-52,7 -108,13 -169,19l0 216c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 992c-69,6 -144,10 -223,12l0 216c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 1221c-52,7 -108,13 -169,18l0 197c56,-5 113,-10 169,-17l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 1244c-69,5 -144,9 -223,12l0 199c65,-3 142,-8 223,-14l0 -197z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1222l0 -216c-43,0 -87,1 -132,0 -21,0 -41,1 -62,1 -24,0 -47,-1 -71,-1l0 216c43,1 87,1 133,0 45,1 89,0 132,0z"/> </g> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>A莽谋k batakl谋k</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M897 690l-30 43 2266 0 -30 -43 -2206 0zm133 209l258 341 1378 0 299 -341 -1935 0zm-251 341l464 0 -252 -335 -212 335zm1934 0l485 0 -201 -325 -284 325zm-2308 183l-40 59 631 0 319 166 1369 0 299 -166 652 0 -40 -59 -3190 0z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Kapal谋 batakl谋k</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g id="_322647888"> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1662 1301c2,-79 13,-495 79,-691l-281 0c-144,168 -170,610 -173,691l375 0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2064 610l-285 0c-68,177 -80,611 -81,691l366 0 0 -691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2934 1301l363 0 0 0c-1,-7 -60,-677 -525,-690 137,196 159,612 162,690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2403 610l-303 0 0 691 383 0c-1,-80 -13,-514 -80,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1413 611c-447,7 -531,683 -532,690l0 0 370 0c3,-78 25,-495 162,-690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2725 610l-285 0c67,196 77,612 79,691l379 0c-3,-81 -29,-523 -173,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M3127 737l106 0 -30 -44 -119 0c15,14 29,29 43,44z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1106 693l-109 0 -30 44 96 0c14,-15 28,-30 43,-44z"/> <polygon class="svgbeh1" points="505,1426 465,1486 1096,1486 1415,1652 2784,1652 3083,1486 3735,1486 3695,1426 "/> </g> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Konteyner</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1612 231l-413 62 1161 268 450 -120 -1198 -210zm-484 683l1206 554 0 -858 -1206 -279 0 583zm1259 -305l0 857 485 -272 0 -715 -485 130z"/> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/TR/endustriyel-ajitatorler/kagit-seluloz/ajitatorler-optimix-2a-34kw?i=1' title='OPTIMIX 2A 3 / 4 kW'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">脺r眉n ayr谋nt谋lar谋</div> <img src="/tmb/3132_4_Tauchmotor_Ruehrwerk_Optimix-2A-3kW.jpg?m=1676910626" alt="Tauchmotor R眉hrwerk Optimix 2A " height="177" title="Tauchmotor R眉hrwerk Optimix 2A " width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>OPTIMIX 2A 3 / 4 kW</h2> pH de臒eri d眉艧眉k agresif ortamlar i莽in dalg谋莽 motorlu ajitat枚r眉n眉z<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>Motor 3,0 kW ya da 4,0 kW</li> <li>Pervane 莽ap谋 380 / 310 mm</li> <li>Komple V2A</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>A艧a臒谋daki tanklar i莽in uygundur:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Kapal谋 tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2948 1348l-1 -666 -7 -4c-64,21 -358,103 -982,103 -617,0 -911,-80 -979,-102l-3 2 0 675c238,90 986,102 986,102 0,0 748,-12 986,-102l0 -8zm-996 -630c597,0 878,-70 939,-91l-935 -459 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Beton tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2943 592c0,-65 -441,-117 -984,-117 -543,0 -983,52 -983,117 0,37 440,117 983,117 543,0 984,-90 984,-117zm-986 861c0,0 -748,-13 -986,-103l0 -675 2 -1c68,21 362,102 980,102 624,0 918,-82 982,-103l7 3 1 674c-239,90 -986,103 -986,103z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>A莽谋k tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2881 651c0,-1 1,-1 1,-2 0,-1 -1,-1 -1,-2l0 -1 0 0c-13,-65 -443,-110 -974,-111l-17 0c-539,1 -980,48 -980,100l0 0c0,3 3,7 9,11 -2,-1 -5,-2 -6,-2l-3 1 0 705c238,90 986,103 986,103 0,0 747,-13 986,-103l-1 -699zm-50 38c0,27 -418,74 -933,74 -515,0 -937,-37 -937,-74 0,-64 422,-96 937,-96 515,0 933,32 933,96z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>脟elik tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 1240c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 197c53,6 106,12 159,16l0 -196z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1120 1144c23,5 50,10 80,15l0 -216c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-14l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 1393l0 -198c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-15l0 197c25,6 52,11 80,16z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1256c-82,-2 -160,-6 -233,-12l0 197c85,6 166,11 233,15l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 1217c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 198c33,6 68,10 103,15l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 923c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 216c27,-5 50,-10 70,-15l0 -215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1603 764l0 194c72,5 150,10 233,12l0 -196c-85,-2 -163,-6 -233,-10z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2022 971c45,0 89,0 132,-1l0 -195c-45,1 -92,2 -142,2 -42,0 -83,-1 -123,-1l0 195c43,0 87,1 133,0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1005c-82,-2 -160,-7 -233,-12l0 216c72,6 150,10 233,12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 908l0 -193c-31,-6 -57,-12 -80,-17l0 195c23,4 50,10 80,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1130c24,-5 38,-9 44,-11l-1 -214c-9,2 -23,6 -43,10l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 945c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 216c41,-6 79,-12 113,-18l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 759c-58,-4 -111,-10 -159,-15l0 192c49,7 102,12 159,17l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 966c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 215c32,5 66,11 103,16l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 989c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 216c49,6 102,12 159,17l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 738c-37,-5 -72,-11 -103,-16l0 193c32,5 66,10 103,15l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 921c-24,-4 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 215c11,3 30,8 55,13l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 885l0 -196c-23,-6 -41,-11 -52,-14l-3 1 0 197c11,3 30,7 55,12z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 1175c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 200c25,-4 48,-9 70,-14l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2945 623l-935 -459 0 0 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90 597,0 878,-71 939,-91z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2853 709l0 192c27,-5 50,-10 70,-14l0 -193c-20,4 -43,10 -70,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 879c23,-5 38,-9 43,-11l0 -191 -7 -3c-8,3 -20,6 -36,11l0 194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 1173c-24,-5 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 190c16,6 35,12 55,17l0 -195z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 717c-33,6 -71,12 -113,18l0 193c41,-7 79,-13 113,-19l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1257c-43,1 -87,1 -132,1 -21,0 -42,0 -62,0 -24,0 -48,0 -71,-1l0 202c78,3 127,5 127,5 0,0 55,-2 138,-6l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1167l0 198c16,-4 31,-9 44,-14l0 -195c-10,2 -24,6 -44,11z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 763c-67,5 -142,8 -223,11l0 195c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 1196c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 199c39,-5 77,-10 113,-16l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 741c-50,7 -107,13 -169,18l0 194c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -193z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 969c-52,7 -108,13 -169,19l0 216c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 992c-69,6 -144,10 -223,12l0 216c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 1221c-52,7 -108,13 -169,18l0 197c56,-5 113,-10 169,-17l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 1244c-69,5 -144,9 -223,12l0 199c65,-3 142,-8 223,-14l0 -197z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1222l0 -216c-43,0 -87,1 -132,0 -21,0 -41,1 -62,1 -24,0 -47,-1 -71,-1l0 216c43,1 87,1 133,0 45,1 89,0 132,0z"/> </g> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>A莽谋k batakl谋k</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M897 690l-30 43 2266 0 -30 -43 -2206 0zm133 209l258 341 1378 0 299 -341 -1935 0zm-251 341l464 0 -252 -335 -212 335zm1934 0l485 0 -201 -325 -284 325zm-2308 183l-40 59 631 0 319 166 1369 0 299 -166 652 0 -40 -59 -3190 0z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Kapal谋 batakl谋k</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g id="_322647888"> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1662 1301c2,-79 13,-495 79,-691l-281 0c-144,168 -170,610 -173,691l375 0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2064 610l-285 0c-68,177 -80,611 -81,691l366 0 0 -691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2934 1301l363 0 0 0c-1,-7 -60,-677 -525,-690 137,196 159,612 162,690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2403 610l-303 0 0 691 383 0c-1,-80 -13,-514 -80,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1413 611c-447,7 -531,683 -532,690l0 0 370 0c3,-78 25,-495 162,-690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2725 610l-285 0c67,196 77,612 79,691l379 0c-3,-81 -29,-523 -173,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M3127 737l106 0 -30 -44 -119 0c15,14 29,29 43,44z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1106 693l-109 0 -30 44 96 0c14,-15 28,-30 43,-44z"/> <polygon class="svgbeh1" points="505,1426 465,1486 1096,1486 1415,1652 2784,1652 3083,1486 3735,1486 3695,1426 "/> </g> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Konteyner</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1612 231l-413 62 1161 268 450 -120 -1198 -210zm-484 683l1206 554 0 -858 -1206 -279 0 583zm1259 -305l0 857 485 -272 0 -715 -485 130z"/> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <div class="ProduktClear"></div> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/TR/endustriyel-ajitatorler/kagit-seluloz/ajitatorler-optimix-2a?i=1' title='OPTIMIX 2A'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">脺r眉n ayr谋nt谋lar谋</div> <img src="/tmb/3106_4_Tauchmotor-Ruehrwerk_Optimix-2A.jpg?m=1676910626" alt="R眉hrwerk Tauchmotor Optimix 2A" height="177" title="R眉hrwerk Tauchmotor Optimix 2A" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>OPTIMIX 2A</h2> Ex b枚lge 1 ya da pH de臒eri d眉艧眉k agresif ortamlar i莽in dalg谋莽 motorlu ajitat枚r<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>Motor 4,0/9,0/13,5/15,0 kW</li> <li>Pervane 莽ap谋 620 - 800 mm</li> <li>Ex b枚lge 1 ya da d眉艧眉k pH de臒erleri i莽in</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>A艧a臒谋daki tanklar i莽in uygundur:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Kapal谋 tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2948 1348l-1 -666 -7 -4c-64,21 -358,103 -982,103 -617,0 -911,-80 -979,-102l-3 2 0 675c238,90 986,102 986,102 0,0 748,-12 986,-102l0 -8zm-996 -630c597,0 878,-70 939,-91l-935 -459 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Beton tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2943 592c0,-65 -441,-117 -984,-117 -543,0 -983,52 -983,117 0,37 440,117 983,117 543,0 984,-90 984,-117zm-986 861c0,0 -748,-13 -986,-103l0 -675 2 -1c68,21 362,102 980,102 624,0 918,-82 982,-103l7 3 1 674c-239,90 -986,103 -986,103z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>A莽谋k tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2881 651c0,-1 1,-1 1,-2 0,-1 -1,-1 -1,-2l0 -1 0 0c-13,-65 -443,-110 -974,-111l-17 0c-539,1 -980,48 -980,100l0 0c0,3 3,7 9,11 -2,-1 -5,-2 -6,-2l-3 1 0 705c238,90 986,103 986,103 0,0 747,-13 986,-103l-1 -699zm-50 38c0,27 -418,74 -933,74 -515,0 -937,-37 -937,-74 0,-64 422,-96 937,-96 515,0 933,32 933,96z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>脟elik tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 1240c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 197c53,6 106,12 159,16l0 -196z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1120 1144c23,5 50,10 80,15l0 -216c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-14l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 1393l0 -198c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-15l0 197c25,6 52,11 80,16z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1256c-82,-2 -160,-6 -233,-12l0 197c85,6 166,11 233,15l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 1217c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 198c33,6 68,10 103,15l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 923c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 216c27,-5 50,-10 70,-15l0 -215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1603 764l0 194c72,5 150,10 233,12l0 -196c-85,-2 -163,-6 -233,-10z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2022 971c45,0 89,0 132,-1l0 -195c-45,1 -92,2 -142,2 -42,0 -83,-1 -123,-1l0 195c43,0 87,1 133,0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1005c-82,-2 -160,-7 -233,-12l0 216c72,6 150,10 233,12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 908l0 -193c-31,-6 -57,-12 -80,-17l0 195c23,4 50,10 80,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1130c24,-5 38,-9 44,-11l-1 -214c-9,2 -23,6 -43,10l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 945c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 216c41,-6 79,-12 113,-18l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 759c-58,-4 -111,-10 -159,-15l0 192c49,7 102,12 159,17l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 966c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 215c32,5 66,11 103,16l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 989c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 216c49,6 102,12 159,17l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 738c-37,-5 -72,-11 -103,-16l0 193c32,5 66,10 103,15l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 921c-24,-4 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 215c11,3 30,8 55,13l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 885l0 -196c-23,-6 -41,-11 -52,-14l-3 1 0 197c11,3 30,7 55,12z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 1175c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 200c25,-4 48,-9 70,-14l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2945 623l-935 -459 0 0 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90 597,0 878,-71 939,-91z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2853 709l0 192c27,-5 50,-10 70,-14l0 -193c-20,4 -43,10 -70,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 879c23,-5 38,-9 43,-11l0 -191 -7 -3c-8,3 -20,6 -36,11l0 194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 1173c-24,-5 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 190c16,6 35,12 55,17l0 -195z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 717c-33,6 -71,12 -113,18l0 193c41,-7 79,-13 113,-19l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1257c-43,1 -87,1 -132,1 -21,0 -42,0 -62,0 -24,0 -48,0 -71,-1l0 202c78,3 127,5 127,5 0,0 55,-2 138,-6l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1167l0 198c16,-4 31,-9 44,-14l0 -195c-10,2 -24,6 -44,11z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 763c-67,5 -142,8 -223,11l0 195c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 1196c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 199c39,-5 77,-10 113,-16l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 741c-50,7 -107,13 -169,18l0 194c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -193z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 969c-52,7 -108,13 -169,19l0 216c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 992c-69,6 -144,10 -223,12l0 216c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 1221c-52,7 -108,13 -169,18l0 197c56,-5 113,-10 169,-17l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 1244c-69,5 -144,9 -223,12l0 199c65,-3 142,-8 223,-14l0 -197z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1222l0 -216c-43,0 -87,1 -132,0 -21,0 -41,1 -62,1 -24,0 -47,-1 -71,-1l0 216c43,1 87,1 133,0 45,1 89,0 132,0z"/> </g> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>A莽谋k batakl谋k</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M897 690l-30 43 2266 0 -30 -43 -2206 0zm133 209l258 341 1378 0 299 -341 -1935 0zm-251 341l464 0 -252 -335 -212 335zm1934 0l485 0 -201 -325 -284 325zm-2308 183l-40 59 631 0 319 166 1369 0 299 -166 652 0 -40 -59 -3190 0z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Kapal谋 batakl谋k</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g id="_322647888"> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1662 1301c2,-79 13,-495 79,-691l-281 0c-144,168 -170,610 -173,691l375 0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2064 610l-285 0c-68,177 -80,611 -81,691l366 0 0 -691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2934 1301l363 0 0 0c-1,-7 -60,-677 -525,-690 137,196 159,612 162,690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2403 610l-303 0 0 691 383 0c-1,-80 -13,-514 -80,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1413 611c-447,7 -531,683 -532,690l0 0 370 0c3,-78 25,-495 162,-690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2725 610l-285 0c67,196 77,612 79,691l379 0c-3,-81 -29,-523 -173,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M3127 737l106 0 -30 -44 -119 0c15,14 29,29 43,44z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1106 693l-109 0 -30 44 96 0c14,-15 28,-30 43,-44z"/> <polygon class="svgbeh1" points="505,1426 465,1486 1096,1486 1415,1652 2784,1652 3083,1486 3735,1486 3695,1426 "/> </g> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Konteyner</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1612 231l-413 62 1161 268 450 -120 -1198 -210zm-484 683l1206 554 0 -858 -1206 -279 0 583zm1259 -305l0 857 485 -272 0 -715 -485 130z"/> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/TR/endustriyel-ajitatorler/kagit-seluloz/ajitatorler-optimix-3a?i=1' title='OPTIMIX 3A'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">脺r眉n ayr谋nt谋lar谋</div> <img src="/tmb/3215_4_Tauchmotor_Ruehrwerk_Optimix-3A.jpg?m=1676910626" alt="Tauchmotor R眉hrwerk Optimix 3A" height="177" title="Tauchmotor R眉hrwerk Optimix 3A" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>OPTIMIX 3A</h2> En y眉ksek beklentileri kar艧谋layan, y眉ksek performansl谋, paslanmaz 莽elik ajitat枚r<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>Motor 25,0 kW</li> <li>Pervane 莽ap谋 900 mm</li> <li>Komple V2A</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>A艧a臒谋daki tanklar i莽in uygundur:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Kapal谋 tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2948 1348l-1 -666 -7 -4c-64,21 -358,103 -982,103 -617,0 -911,-80 -979,-102l-3 2 0 675c238,90 986,102 986,102 0,0 748,-12 986,-102l0 -8zm-996 -630c597,0 878,-70 939,-91l-935 -459 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Beton tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2943 592c0,-65 -441,-117 -984,-117 -543,0 -983,52 -983,117 0,37 440,117 983,117 543,0 984,-90 984,-117zm-986 861c0,0 -748,-13 -986,-103l0 -675 2 -1c68,21 362,102 980,102 624,0 918,-82 982,-103l7 3 1 674c-239,90 -986,103 -986,103z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>A莽谋k tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2881 651c0,-1 1,-1 1,-2 0,-1 -1,-1 -1,-2l0 -1 0 0c-13,-65 -443,-110 -974,-111l-17 0c-539,1 -980,48 -980,100l0 0c0,3 3,7 9,11 -2,-1 -5,-2 -6,-2l-3 1 0 705c238,90 986,103 986,103 0,0 747,-13 986,-103l-1 -699zm-50 38c0,27 -418,74 -933,74 -515,0 -937,-37 -937,-74 0,-64 422,-96 937,-96 515,0 933,32 933,96z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>脟elik tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 1240c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 197c53,6 106,12 159,16l0 -196z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1120 1144c23,5 50,10 80,15l0 -216c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-14l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 1393l0 -198c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-15l0 197c25,6 52,11 80,16z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1256c-82,-2 -160,-6 -233,-12l0 197c85,6 166,11 233,15l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 1217c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 198c33,6 68,10 103,15l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 923c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 216c27,-5 50,-10 70,-15l0 -215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1603 764l0 194c72,5 150,10 233,12l0 -196c-85,-2 -163,-6 -233,-10z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2022 971c45,0 89,0 132,-1l0 -195c-45,1 -92,2 -142,2 -42,0 -83,-1 -123,-1l0 195c43,0 87,1 133,0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1005c-82,-2 -160,-7 -233,-12l0 216c72,6 150,10 233,12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 908l0 -193c-31,-6 -57,-12 -80,-17l0 195c23,4 50,10 80,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1130c24,-5 38,-9 44,-11l-1 -214c-9,2 -23,6 -43,10l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 945c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 216c41,-6 79,-12 113,-18l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 759c-58,-4 -111,-10 -159,-15l0 192c49,7 102,12 159,17l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 966c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 215c32,5 66,11 103,16l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 989c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 216c49,6 102,12 159,17l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 738c-37,-5 -72,-11 -103,-16l0 193c32,5 66,10 103,15l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 921c-24,-4 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 215c11,3 30,8 55,13l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 885l0 -196c-23,-6 -41,-11 -52,-14l-3 1 0 197c11,3 30,7 55,12z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 1175c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 200c25,-4 48,-9 70,-14l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2945 623l-935 -459 0 0 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90 597,0 878,-71 939,-91z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2853 709l0 192c27,-5 50,-10 70,-14l0 -193c-20,4 -43,10 -70,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 879c23,-5 38,-9 43,-11l0 -191 -7 -3c-8,3 -20,6 -36,11l0 194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 1173c-24,-5 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 190c16,6 35,12 55,17l0 -195z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 717c-33,6 -71,12 -113,18l0 193c41,-7 79,-13 113,-19l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1257c-43,1 -87,1 -132,1 -21,0 -42,0 -62,0 -24,0 -48,0 -71,-1l0 202c78,3 127,5 127,5 0,0 55,-2 138,-6l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1167l0 198c16,-4 31,-9 44,-14l0 -195c-10,2 -24,6 -44,11z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 763c-67,5 -142,8 -223,11l0 195c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 1196c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 199c39,-5 77,-10 113,-16l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 741c-50,7 -107,13 -169,18l0 194c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -193z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 969c-52,7 -108,13 -169,19l0 216c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 992c-69,6 -144,10 -223,12l0 216c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 1221c-52,7 -108,13 -169,18l0 197c56,-5 113,-10 169,-17l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 1244c-69,5 -144,9 -223,12l0 199c65,-3 142,-8 223,-14l0 -197z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1222l0 -216c-43,0 -87,1 -132,0 -21,0 -41,1 -62,1 -24,0 -47,-1 -71,-1l0 216c43,1 87,1 133,0 45,1 89,0 132,0z"/> </g> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>A莽谋k batakl谋k</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M897 690l-30 43 2266 0 -30 -43 -2206 0zm133 209l258 341 1378 0 299 -341 -1935 0zm-251 341l464 0 -252 -335 -212 335zm1934 0l485 0 -201 -325 -284 325zm-2308 183l-40 59 631 0 319 166 1369 0 299 -166 652 0 -40 -59 -3190 0z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Kapal谋 batakl谋k</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g id="_322647888"> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1662 1301c2,-79 13,-495 79,-691l-281 0c-144,168 -170,610 -173,691l375 0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2064 610l-285 0c-68,177 -80,611 -81,691l366 0 0 -691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2934 1301l363 0 0 0c-1,-7 -60,-677 -525,-690 137,196 159,612 162,690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2403 610l-303 0 0 691 383 0c-1,-80 -13,-514 -80,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1413 611c-447,7 -531,683 -532,690l0 0 370 0c3,-78 25,-495 162,-690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2725 610l-285 0c67,196 77,612 79,691l379 0c-3,-81 -29,-523 -173,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M3127 737l106 0 -30 -44 -119 0c15,14 29,29 43,44z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1106 693l-109 0 -30 44 96 0c14,-15 28,-30 43,-44z"/> <polygon class="svgbeh1" points="505,1426 465,1486 1096,1486 1415,1652 2784,1652 3083,1486 3735,1486 3695,1426 "/> </g> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/TR/endustriyel-ajitatorler/kagit-seluloz/ajitatorler-optimix-2g-3-4kw?i=1' title='OPTIMIX 2G 3 / 4 kW'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">脺r眉n ayr谋nt谋lar谋</div> <img src="/tmb/4449_4_SUMA-Optimix-2G-3-4kW.jpg?m=1676910677" loading="lazy" /> <h2>OPTIMIX 2G 3 / 4 kW</h2> D眉艧眉k TS oran谋na sahip k眉莽眉k tanklar i莽in ajitat枚r<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>Motor 3,0 kW/ 4,0 kW</li> <li>Pervane 莽ap谋 380/ 310 mm</li> <li>Galv. Direk halat ayr谋m谋 ve V4A teli</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>A艧a臒谋daki tanklar i莽in uygundur:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Kapal谋 tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2948 1348l-1 -666 -7 -4c-64,21 -358,103 -982,103 -617,0 -911,-80 -979,-102l-3 2 0 675c238,90 986,102 986,102 0,0 748,-12 986,-102l0 -8zm-996 -630c597,0 878,-70 939,-91l-935 -459 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Beton tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2943 592c0,-65 -441,-117 -984,-117 -543,0 -983,52 -983,117 0,37 440,117 983,117 543,0 984,-90 984,-117zm-986 861c0,0 -748,-13 -986,-103l0 -675 2 -1c68,21 362,102 980,102 624,0 918,-82 982,-103l7 3 1 674c-239,90 -986,103 -986,103z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>A莽谋k tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2881 651c0,-1 1,-1 1,-2 0,-1 -1,-1 -1,-2l0 -1 0 0c-13,-65 -443,-110 -974,-111l-17 0c-539,1 -980,48 -980,100l0 0c0,3 3,7 9,11 -2,-1 -5,-2 -6,-2l-3 1 0 705c238,90 986,103 986,103 0,0 747,-13 986,-103l-1 -699zm-50 38c0,27 -418,74 -933,74 -515,0 -937,-37 -937,-74 0,-64 422,-96 937,-96 515,0 933,32 933,96z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>脟elik tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 1240c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 197c53,6 106,12 159,16l0 -196z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1120 1144c23,5 50,10 80,15l0 -216c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-14l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 1393l0 -198c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-15l0 197c25,6 52,11 80,16z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1256c-82,-2 -160,-6 -233,-12l0 197c85,6 166,11 233,15l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 1217c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 198c33,6 68,10 103,15l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 923c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 216c27,-5 50,-10 70,-15l0 -215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1603 764l0 194c72,5 150,10 233,12l0 -196c-85,-2 -163,-6 -233,-10z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2022 971c45,0 89,0 132,-1l0 -195c-45,1 -92,2 -142,2 -42,0 -83,-1 -123,-1l0 195c43,0 87,1 133,0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1005c-82,-2 -160,-7 -233,-12l0 216c72,6 150,10 233,12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 908l0 -193c-31,-6 -57,-12 -80,-17l0 195c23,4 50,10 80,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1130c24,-5 38,-9 44,-11l-1 -214c-9,2 -23,6 -43,10l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 945c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 216c41,-6 79,-12 113,-18l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 759c-58,-4 -111,-10 -159,-15l0 192c49,7 102,12 159,17l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 966c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 215c32,5 66,11 103,16l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 989c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 216c49,6 102,12 159,17l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 738c-37,-5 -72,-11 -103,-16l0 193c32,5 66,10 103,15l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 921c-24,-4 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 215c11,3 30,8 55,13l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 885l0 -196c-23,-6 -41,-11 -52,-14l-3 1 0 197c11,3 30,7 55,12z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 1175c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 200c25,-4 48,-9 70,-14l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2945 623l-935 -459 0 0 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90 597,0 878,-71 939,-91z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2853 709l0 192c27,-5 50,-10 70,-14l0 -193c-20,4 -43,10 -70,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 879c23,-5 38,-9 43,-11l0 -191 -7 -3c-8,3 -20,6 -36,11l0 194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 1173c-24,-5 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 190c16,6 35,12 55,17l0 -195z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 717c-33,6 -71,12 -113,18l0 193c41,-7 79,-13 113,-19l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1257c-43,1 -87,1 -132,1 -21,0 -42,0 -62,0 -24,0 -48,0 -71,-1l0 202c78,3 127,5 127,5 0,0 55,-2 138,-6l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1167l0 198c16,-4 31,-9 44,-14l0 -195c-10,2 -24,6 -44,11z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 763c-67,5 -142,8 -223,11l0 195c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 1196c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 199c39,-5 77,-10 113,-16l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 741c-50,7 -107,13 -169,18l0 194c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -193z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 969c-52,7 -108,13 -169,19l0 216c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 992c-69,6 -144,10 -223,12l0 216c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 1221c-52,7 -108,13 -169,18l0 197c56,-5 113,-10 169,-17l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 1244c-69,5 -144,9 -223,12l0 199c65,-3 142,-8 223,-14l0 -197z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1222l0 -216c-43,0 -87,1 -132,0 -21,0 -41,1 -62,1 -24,0 -47,-1 -71,-1l0 216c43,1 87,1 133,0 45,1 89,0 132,0z"/> </g> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>A莽谋k batakl谋k</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M897 690l-30 43 2266 0 -30 -43 -2206 0zm133 209l258 341 1378 0 299 -341 -1935 0zm-251 341l464 0 -252 -335 -212 335zm1934 0l485 0 -201 -325 -284 325zm-2308 183l-40 59 631 0 319 166 1369 0 299 -166 652 0 -40 -59 -3190 0z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Kapal谋 batakl谋k</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g id="_322647888"> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1662 1301c2,-79 13,-495 79,-691l-281 0c-144,168 -170,610 -173,691l375 0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2064 610l-285 0c-68,177 -80,611 -81,691l366 0 0 -691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2934 1301l363 0 0 0c-1,-7 -60,-677 -525,-690 137,196 159,612 162,690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2403 610l-303 0 0 691 383 0c-1,-80 -13,-514 -80,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1413 611c-447,7 -531,683 -532,690l0 0 370 0c3,-78 25,-495 162,-690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2725 610l-285 0c67,196 77,612 79,691l379 0c-3,-81 -29,-523 -173,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M3127 737l106 0 -30 -44 -119 0c15,14 29,29 43,44z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1106 693l-109 0 -30 44 96 0c14,-15 28,-30 43,-44z"/> <polygon class="svgbeh1" points="505,1426 465,1486 1096,1486 1415,1652 2784,1652 3083,1486 3735,1486 3695,1426 "/> </g> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Konteyner</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1612 231l-413 62 1161 268 450 -120 -1198 -210zm-484 683l1206 554 0 -858 -1206 -279 0 583zm1259 -305l0 857 485 -272 0 -715 -485 130z"/> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <div class="ProduktClear"></div> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/TR/endustriyel-ajitatorler/kagit-seluloz/ajitatorler-optimix-2g?i=1' title='OPTIMIX 2G'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">脺r眉n ayr谋nt谋lar谋</div> <img src="/tmb/2608_4_01_Tauchmotor_Ruehrwerk_Optimix-2G.jpg?m=1676910621" alt="Tauchmotor R眉hrwerk Optimix 2G" height="177" title="Tauchmotor R眉hrwerk Optimix 2G" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>OPTIMIX 2G</h2> Ak谋艧 tekni臒i a莽谋s谋ndan m眉kemmelle艧tirilmi艧 dalg谋莽 motorlu ajitat枚r<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>Motor 4,0 - 15,0 kW</li> <li>Pervane 莽ap谋 580 - 800 mm</li> <li>Galv. Direk halat ayr谋m谋 ve V4A teli</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>A艧a臒谋daki tanklar i莽in uygundur:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Kapal谋 tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2948 1348l-1 -666 -7 -4c-64,21 -358,103 -982,103 -617,0 -911,-80 -979,-102l-3 2 0 675c238,90 986,102 986,102 0,0 748,-12 986,-102l0 -8zm-996 -630c597,0 878,-70 939,-91l-935 -459 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Beton tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2943 592c0,-65 -441,-117 -984,-117 -543,0 -983,52 -983,117 0,37 440,117 983,117 543,0 984,-90 984,-117zm-986 861c0,0 -748,-13 -986,-103l0 -675 2 -1c68,21 362,102 980,102 624,0 918,-82 982,-103l7 3 1 674c-239,90 -986,103 -986,103z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>A莽谋k tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2881 651c0,-1 1,-1 1,-2 0,-1 -1,-1 -1,-2l0 -1 0 0c-13,-65 -443,-110 -974,-111l-17 0c-539,1 -980,48 -980,100l0 0c0,3 3,7 9,11 -2,-1 -5,-2 -6,-2l-3 1 0 705c238,90 986,103 986,103 0,0 747,-13 986,-103l-1 -699zm-50 38c0,27 -418,74 -933,74 -515,0 -937,-37 -937,-74 0,-64 422,-96 937,-96 515,0 933,32 933,96z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>脟elik tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 1240c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 197c53,6 106,12 159,16l0 -196z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1120 1144c23,5 50,10 80,15l0 -216c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-14l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 1393l0 -198c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-15l0 197c25,6 52,11 80,16z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1256c-82,-2 -160,-6 -233,-12l0 197c85,6 166,11 233,15l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 1217c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 198c33,6 68,10 103,15l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 923c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 216c27,-5 50,-10 70,-15l0 -215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1603 764l0 194c72,5 150,10 233,12l0 -196c-85,-2 -163,-6 -233,-10z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2022 971c45,0 89,0 132,-1l0 -195c-45,1 -92,2 -142,2 -42,0 -83,-1 -123,-1l0 195c43,0 87,1 133,0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1005c-82,-2 -160,-7 -233,-12l0 216c72,6 150,10 233,12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 908l0 -193c-31,-6 -57,-12 -80,-17l0 195c23,4 50,10 80,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1130c24,-5 38,-9 44,-11l-1 -214c-9,2 -23,6 -43,10l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 945c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 216c41,-6 79,-12 113,-18l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 759c-58,-4 -111,-10 -159,-15l0 192c49,7 102,12 159,17l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 966c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 215c32,5 66,11 103,16l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 989c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 216c49,6 102,12 159,17l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 738c-37,-5 -72,-11 -103,-16l0 193c32,5 66,10 103,15l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 921c-24,-4 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 215c11,3 30,8 55,13l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 885l0 -196c-23,-6 -41,-11 -52,-14l-3 1 0 197c11,3 30,7 55,12z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 1175c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 200c25,-4 48,-9 70,-14l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2945 623l-935 -459 0 0 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90 597,0 878,-71 939,-91z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2853 709l0 192c27,-5 50,-10 70,-14l0 -193c-20,4 -43,10 -70,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 879c23,-5 38,-9 43,-11l0 -191 -7 -3c-8,3 -20,6 -36,11l0 194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 1173c-24,-5 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 190c16,6 35,12 55,17l0 -195z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 717c-33,6 -71,12 -113,18l0 193c41,-7 79,-13 113,-19l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1257c-43,1 -87,1 -132,1 -21,0 -42,0 -62,0 -24,0 -48,0 -71,-1l0 202c78,3 127,5 127,5 0,0 55,-2 138,-6l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1167l0 198c16,-4 31,-9 44,-14l0 -195c-10,2 -24,6 -44,11z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 763c-67,5 -142,8 -223,11l0 195c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 1196c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 199c39,-5 77,-10 113,-16l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 741c-50,7 -107,13 -169,18l0 194c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -193z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 969c-52,7 -108,13 -169,19l0 216c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 992c-69,6 -144,10 -223,12l0 216c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 1221c-52,7 -108,13 -169,18l0 197c56,-5 113,-10 169,-17l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 1244c-69,5 -144,9 -223,12l0 199c65,-3 142,-8 223,-14l0 -197z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1222l0 -216c-43,0 -87,1 -132,0 -21,0 -41,1 -62,1 -24,0 -47,-1 -71,-1l0 216c43,1 87,1 133,0 45,1 89,0 132,0z"/> </g> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>A莽谋k batakl谋k</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M897 690l-30 43 2266 0 -30 -43 -2206 0zm133 209l258 341 1378 0 299 -341 -1935 0zm-251 341l464 0 -252 -335 -212 335zm1934 0l485 0 -201 -325 -284 325zm-2308 183l-40 59 631 0 319 166 1369 0 299 -166 652 0 -40 -59 -3190 0z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Kapal谋 batakl谋k</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g id="_322647888"> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1662 1301c2,-79 13,-495 79,-691l-281 0c-144,168 -170,610 -173,691l375 0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2064 610l-285 0c-68,177 -80,611 -81,691l366 0 0 -691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2934 1301l363 0 0 0c-1,-7 -60,-677 -525,-690 137,196 159,612 162,690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2403 610l-303 0 0 691 383 0c-1,-80 -13,-514 -80,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1413 611c-447,7 -531,683 -532,690l0 0 370 0c3,-78 25,-495 162,-690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2725 610l-285 0c67,196 77,612 79,691l379 0c-3,-81 -29,-523 -173,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M3127 737l106 0 -30 -44 -119 0c15,14 29,29 43,44z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1106 693l-109 0 -30 44 96 0c14,-15 28,-30 43,-44z"/> <polygon class="svgbeh1" points="505,1426 465,1486 1096,1486 1415,1652 2784,1652 3083,1486 3735,1486 3695,1426 "/> </g> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Konteyner</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1612 231l-413 62 1161 268 450 -120 -1198 -210zm-484 683l1206 554 0 -858 -1206 -279 0 583zm1259 -305l0 857 485 -272 0 -715 -485 130z"/> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/TR/endustriyel-ajitatorler/kagit-seluloz/ajitatorler-optimix-2g-150-275?i=1' title='OPTIMIX 2G 150-275'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">脺r眉n ayr谋nt谋lar谋</div> <img src="/tmb/3191_4_01_Tauchmotor_Ruehrwerk_Optimix-2G-150-275.jpg?m=1676910626" alt="Tauchmotor R眉hrwerk Optimix 2G 150-275" height="177" title="Tauchmotor R眉hrwerk Optimix 2G 150-275" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>OPTIMIX 2G 150-275</h2> Y眉ksek TS oran谋na sahip bir kullan谋m alan谋 i莽in dalg谋莽 motorlu ajitat枚r<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>Motor 15,0 kW</li> <li>Pervane 莽ap谋 850 mm</li> <li>Galv. Direk halat ayr谋m谋 ve V4A teli</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>A艧a臒谋daki tanklar i莽in uygundur:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Kapal谋 tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2948 1348l-1 -666 -7 -4c-64,21 -358,103 -982,103 -617,0 -911,-80 -979,-102l-3 2 0 675c238,90 986,102 986,102 0,0 748,-12 986,-102l0 -8zm-996 -630c597,0 878,-70 939,-91l-935 -459 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Beton tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2943 592c0,-65 -441,-117 -984,-117 -543,0 -983,52 -983,117 0,37 440,117 983,117 543,0 984,-90 984,-117zm-986 861c0,0 -748,-13 -986,-103l0 -675 2 -1c68,21 362,102 980,102 624,0 918,-82 982,-103l7 3 1 674c-239,90 -986,103 -986,103z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>A莽谋k tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2881 651c0,-1 1,-1 1,-2 0,-1 -1,-1 -1,-2l0 -1 0 0c-13,-65 -443,-110 -974,-111l-17 0c-539,1 -980,48 -980,100l0 0c0,3 3,7 9,11 -2,-1 -5,-2 -6,-2l-3 1 0 705c238,90 986,103 986,103 0,0 747,-13 986,-103l-1 -699zm-50 38c0,27 -418,74 -933,74 -515,0 -937,-37 -937,-74 0,-64 422,-96 937,-96 515,0 933,32 933,96z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>脟elik tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 1240c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 197c53,6 106,12 159,16l0 -196z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1120 1144c23,5 50,10 80,15l0 -216c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-14l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 1393l0 -198c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-15l0 197c25,6 52,11 80,16z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1256c-82,-2 -160,-6 -233,-12l0 197c85,6 166,11 233,15l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 1217c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 198c33,6 68,10 103,15l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 923c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 216c27,-5 50,-10 70,-15l0 -215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1603 764l0 194c72,5 150,10 233,12l0 -196c-85,-2 -163,-6 -233,-10z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2022 971c45,0 89,0 132,-1l0 -195c-45,1 -92,2 -142,2 -42,0 -83,-1 -123,-1l0 195c43,0 87,1 133,0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1005c-82,-2 -160,-7 -233,-12l0 216c72,6 150,10 233,12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 908l0 -193c-31,-6 -57,-12 -80,-17l0 195c23,4 50,10 80,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1130c24,-5 38,-9 44,-11l-1 -214c-9,2 -23,6 -43,10l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 945c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 216c41,-6 79,-12 113,-18l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 759c-58,-4 -111,-10 -159,-15l0 192c49,7 102,12 159,17l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 966c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 215c32,5 66,11 103,16l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 989c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 216c49,6 102,12 159,17l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 738c-37,-5 -72,-11 -103,-16l0 193c32,5 66,10 103,15l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 921c-24,-4 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 215c11,3 30,8 55,13l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 885l0 -196c-23,-6 -41,-11 -52,-14l-3 1 0 197c11,3 30,7 55,12z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 1175c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 200c25,-4 48,-9 70,-14l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2945 623l-935 -459 0 0 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90 597,0 878,-71 939,-91z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2853 709l0 192c27,-5 50,-10 70,-14l0 -193c-20,4 -43,10 -70,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 879c23,-5 38,-9 43,-11l0 -191 -7 -3c-8,3 -20,6 -36,11l0 194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 1173c-24,-5 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 190c16,6 35,12 55,17l0 -195z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 717c-33,6 -71,12 -113,18l0 193c41,-7 79,-13 113,-19l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1257c-43,1 -87,1 -132,1 -21,0 -42,0 -62,0 -24,0 -48,0 -71,-1l0 202c78,3 127,5 127,5 0,0 55,-2 138,-6l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1167l0 198c16,-4 31,-9 44,-14l0 -195c-10,2 -24,6 -44,11z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 763c-67,5 -142,8 -223,11l0 195c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 1196c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 199c39,-5 77,-10 113,-16l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 741c-50,7 -107,13 -169,18l0 194c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -193z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 969c-52,7 -108,13 -169,19l0 216c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 992c-69,6 -144,10 -223,12l0 216c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 1221c-52,7 -108,13 -169,18l0 197c56,-5 113,-10 169,-17l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 1244c-69,5 -144,9 -223,12l0 199c65,-3 142,-8 223,-14l0 -197z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1222l0 -216c-43,0 -87,1 -132,0 -21,0 -41,1 -62,1 -24,0 -47,-1 -71,-1l0 216c43,1 87,1 133,0 45,1 89,0 132,0z"/> </g> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>A莽谋k batakl谋k</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M897 690l-30 43 2266 0 -30 -43 -2206 0zm133 209l258 341 1378 0 299 -341 -1935 0zm-251 341l464 0 -252 -335 -212 335zm1934 0l485 0 -201 -325 -284 325zm-2308 183l-40 59 631 0 319 166 1369 0 299 -166 652 0 -40 -59 -3190 0z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Kapal谋 batakl谋k</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g id="_322647888"> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1662 1301c2,-79 13,-495 79,-691l-281 0c-144,168 -170,610 -173,691l375 0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2064 610l-285 0c-68,177 -80,611 -81,691l366 0 0 -691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2934 1301l363 0 0 0c-1,-7 -60,-677 -525,-690 137,196 159,612 162,690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2403 610l-303 0 0 691 383 0c-1,-80 -13,-514 -80,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1413 611c-447,7 -531,683 -532,690l0 0 370 0c3,-78 25,-495 162,-690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2725 610l-285 0c67,196 77,612 79,691l379 0c-3,-81 -29,-523 -173,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M3127 737l106 0 -30 -44 -119 0c15,14 29,29 43,44z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1106 693l-109 0 -30 44 96 0c14,-15 28,-30 43,-44z"/> <polygon class="svgbeh1" points="505,1426 465,1486 1096,1486 1415,1652 2784,1652 3083,1486 3735,1486 3695,1426 "/> </g> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Konteyner</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1612 231l-413 62 1161 268 450 -120 -1198 -210zm-484 683l1206 554 0 -858 -1206 -279 0 583zm1259 -305l0 857 485 -272 0 -715 -485 130z"/> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/TR/endustriyel-ajitatorler/kagit-seluloz/ajitatorler-optimix-3g?i=1' title='OPTIMIX 3G'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">脺r眉n ayr谋nt谋lar谋</div> <img src="/tmb/3225_4_Tauchmotor_Ruehrwerk_Optimix-3G.jpg?m=1676910626" alt="Tauchmotor R眉hrwerk Optimix 3G" height="177" title="Tauchmotor R眉hrwerk Optimix 3G" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>OPTIMIX 3G</h2> Dalg谋莽 Motor Ajitat枚rleri<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>Motor 25,0 kW</li> <li>Pervane 莽ap谋 900 mm</li> <li>Galv. Direk halat ayr谋m谋 ve V4A teli</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>A艧a臒谋daki tanklar i莽in uygundur:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Kapal谋 tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2948 1348l-1 -666 -7 -4c-64,21 -358,103 -982,103 -617,0 -911,-80 -979,-102l-3 2 0 675c238,90 986,102 986,102 0,0 748,-12 986,-102l0 -8zm-996 -630c597,0 878,-70 939,-91l-935 -459 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Beton tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2943 592c0,-65 -441,-117 -984,-117 -543,0 -983,52 -983,117 0,37 440,117 983,117 543,0 984,-90 984,-117zm-986 861c0,0 -748,-13 -986,-103l0 -675 2 -1c68,21 362,102 980,102 624,0 918,-82 982,-103l7 3 1 674c-239,90 -986,103 -986,103z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>A莽谋k tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2881 651c0,-1 1,-1 1,-2 0,-1 -1,-1 -1,-2l0 -1 0 0c-13,-65 -443,-110 -974,-111l-17 0c-539,1 -980,48 -980,100l0 0c0,3 3,7 9,11 -2,-1 -5,-2 -6,-2l-3 1 0 705c238,90 986,103 986,103 0,0 747,-13 986,-103l-1 -699zm-50 38c0,27 -418,74 -933,74 -515,0 -937,-37 -937,-74 0,-64 422,-96 937,-96 515,0 933,32 933,96z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>脟elik tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 1240c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 197c53,6 106,12 159,16l0 -196z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1120 1144c23,5 50,10 80,15l0 -216c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-14l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 1393l0 -198c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-15l0 197c25,6 52,11 80,16z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1256c-82,-2 -160,-6 -233,-12l0 197c85,6 166,11 233,15l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 1217c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 198c33,6 68,10 103,15l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 923c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 216c27,-5 50,-10 70,-15l0 -215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1603 764l0 194c72,5 150,10 233,12l0 -196c-85,-2 -163,-6 -233,-10z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2022 971c45,0 89,0 132,-1l0 -195c-45,1 -92,2 -142,2 -42,0 -83,-1 -123,-1l0 195c43,0 87,1 133,0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1005c-82,-2 -160,-7 -233,-12l0 216c72,6 150,10 233,12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 908l0 -193c-31,-6 -57,-12 -80,-17l0 195c23,4 50,10 80,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1130c24,-5 38,-9 44,-11l-1 -214c-9,2 -23,6 -43,10l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 945c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 216c41,-6 79,-12 113,-18l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 759c-58,-4 -111,-10 -159,-15l0 192c49,7 102,12 159,17l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 966c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 215c32,5 66,11 103,16l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 989c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 216c49,6 102,12 159,17l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 738c-37,-5 -72,-11 -103,-16l0 193c32,5 66,10 103,15l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 921c-24,-4 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 215c11,3 30,8 55,13l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 885l0 -196c-23,-6 -41,-11 -52,-14l-3 1 0 197c11,3 30,7 55,12z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 1175c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 200c25,-4 48,-9 70,-14l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2945 623l-935 -459 0 0 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90 597,0 878,-71 939,-91z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2853 709l0 192c27,-5 50,-10 70,-14l0 -193c-20,4 -43,10 -70,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 879c23,-5 38,-9 43,-11l0 -191 -7 -3c-8,3 -20,6 -36,11l0 194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 1173c-24,-5 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 190c16,6 35,12 55,17l0 -195z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 717c-33,6 -71,12 -113,18l0 193c41,-7 79,-13 113,-19l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1257c-43,1 -87,1 -132,1 -21,0 -42,0 -62,0 -24,0 -48,0 -71,-1l0 202c78,3 127,5 127,5 0,0 55,-2 138,-6l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1167l0 198c16,-4 31,-9 44,-14l0 -195c-10,2 -24,6 -44,11z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 763c-67,5 -142,8 -223,11l0 195c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 1196c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 199c39,-5 77,-10 113,-16l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 741c-50,7 -107,13 -169,18l0 194c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -193z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 969c-52,7 -108,13 -169,19l0 216c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 992c-69,6 -144,10 -223,12l0 216c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 1221c-52,7 -108,13 -169,18l0 197c56,-5 113,-10 169,-17l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 1244c-69,5 -144,9 -223,12l0 199c65,-3 142,-8 223,-14l0 -197z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1222l0 -216c-43,0 -87,1 -132,0 -21,0 -41,1 -62,1 -24,0 -47,-1 -71,-1l0 216c43,1 87,1 133,0 45,1 89,0 132,0z"/> </g> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>A莽谋k batakl谋k</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M897 690l-30 43 2266 0 -30 -43 -2206 0zm133 209l258 341 1378 0 299 -341 -1935 0zm-251 341l464 0 -252 -335 -212 335zm1934 0l485 0 -201 -325 -284 325zm-2308 183l-40 59 631 0 319 166 1369 0 299 -166 652 0 -40 -59 -3190 0z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Kapal谋 batakl谋k</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g id="_322647888"> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1662 1301c2,-79 13,-495 79,-691l-281 0c-144,168 -170,610 -173,691l375 0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2064 610l-285 0c-68,177 -80,611 -81,691l366 0 0 -691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2934 1301l363 0 0 0c-1,-7 -60,-677 -525,-690 137,196 159,612 162,690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2403 610l-303 0 0 691 383 0c-1,-80 -13,-514 -80,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1413 611c-447,7 -531,683 -532,690l0 0 370 0c3,-78 25,-495 162,-690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2725 610l-285 0c67,196 77,612 79,691l379 0c-3,-81 -29,-523 -173,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M3127 737l106 0 -30 -44 -119 0c15,14 29,29 43,44z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1106 693l-109 0 -30 44 96 0c14,-15 28,-30 43,-44z"/> <polygon class="svgbeh1" points="505,1426 465,1486 1096,1486 1415,1652 2784,1652 3083,1486 3735,1486 3695,1426 "/> </g> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <div class="ProduktClear"></div> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/TR/endustriyel-ajitatorler/kagit-seluloz/ajitatorler-ev3-light?i=1' title='Ask谋 D眉zene臒i EV3 LIGHT'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">脺r眉n ayr谋nt谋lar谋</div> <img src="/tmb/5329_4_EV3-light.jpg?m=1676910704" height="177" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>Ask谋 D眉zene臒i EV3 LIGHT</h2> A莽谋k beton tanklar i莽in ask谋 d眉zene臒i <br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>7 metreye kadar tank derinlikleri i莽in</li> <li>+/- 60掳 yana d枚nd眉r眉lebilir</li> <li>Tank duvar谋na d眉bellenebilir</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>A艧a臒谋daki tanklar i莽in uygundur:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>A莽谋k tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2881 651c0,-1 1,-1 1,-2 0,-1 -1,-1 -1,-2l0 -1 0 0c-13,-65 -443,-110 -974,-111l-17 0c-539,1 -980,48 -980,100l0 0c0,3 3,7 9,11 -2,-1 -5,-2 -6,-2l-3 1 0 705c238,90 986,103 986,103 0,0 747,-13 986,-103l-1 -699zm-50 38c0,27 -418,74 -933,74 -515,0 -937,-37 -937,-74 0,-64 422,-96 937,-96 515,0 933,32 933,96z"/> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/TR/endustriyel-ajitatorler/kagit-seluloz/ajitatorler-ev-3?i=1' title='Ask谋 D眉zene臒i EV3'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">脺r眉n ayr谋nt谋lar谋</div> <img src="/tmb/2814_4_Einhaengevorrichtung-EV3_Tauchmotor_Optimix.jpg?m=1683811944" alt="Einh盲ngevorrichtung EV3 mit Tauchmotorr眉hrwerk" height="177" title="Einh盲ngevorrichtung EV3 mit Tauchmotorr眉hrwerk" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>Ask谋 D眉zene臒i EV3</h2> Tank duvar谋na d眉bellemek i莽in<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>12 metreye kadar tank derinliklerinde kullan谋labilir</li> <li>Tank duvar谋na d眉bellenir</li> <li>Yatay olarak +/- 60掳 d枚nd眉r眉lebilir</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>A艧a臒谋daki tanklar i莽in uygundur:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>A莽谋k tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2881 651c0,-1 1,-1 1,-2 0,-1 -1,-1 -1,-2l0 -1 0 0c-13,-65 -443,-110 -974,-111l-17 0c-539,1 -980,48 -980,100l0 0c0,3 3,7 9,11 -2,-1 -5,-2 -6,-2l-3 1 0 705c238,90 986,103 986,103 0,0 747,-13 986,-103l-1 -699zm-50 38c0,27 -418,74 -933,74 -515,0 -937,-37 -937,-74 0,-64 422,-96 937,-96 515,0 933,32 933,96z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>脟elik tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 1240c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 197c53,6 106,12 159,16l0 -196z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1120 1144c23,5 50,10 80,15l0 -216c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-14l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 1393l0 -198c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-15l0 197c25,6 52,11 80,16z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1256c-82,-2 -160,-6 -233,-12l0 197c85,6 166,11 233,15l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 1217c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 198c33,6 68,10 103,15l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 923c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 216c27,-5 50,-10 70,-15l0 -215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1603 764l0 194c72,5 150,10 233,12l0 -196c-85,-2 -163,-6 -233,-10z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2022 971c45,0 89,0 132,-1l0 -195c-45,1 -92,2 -142,2 -42,0 -83,-1 -123,-1l0 195c43,0 87,1 133,0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1005c-82,-2 -160,-7 -233,-12l0 216c72,6 150,10 233,12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 908l0 -193c-31,-6 -57,-12 -80,-17l0 195c23,4 50,10 80,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1130c24,-5 38,-9 44,-11l-1 -214c-9,2 -23,6 -43,10l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 945c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 216c41,-6 79,-12 113,-18l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 759c-58,-4 -111,-10 -159,-15l0 192c49,7 102,12 159,17l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 966c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 215c32,5 66,11 103,16l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 989c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 216c49,6 102,12 159,17l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 738c-37,-5 -72,-11 -103,-16l0 193c32,5 66,10 103,15l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 921c-24,-4 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 215c11,3 30,8 55,13l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 885l0 -196c-23,-6 -41,-11 -52,-14l-3 1 0 197c11,3 30,7 55,12z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 1175c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 200c25,-4 48,-9 70,-14l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2945 623l-935 -459 0 0 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90 597,0 878,-71 939,-91z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2853 709l0 192c27,-5 50,-10 70,-14l0 -193c-20,4 -43,10 -70,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 879c23,-5 38,-9 43,-11l0 -191 -7 -3c-8,3 -20,6 -36,11l0 194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 1173c-24,-5 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 190c16,6 35,12 55,17l0 -195z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 717c-33,6 -71,12 -113,18l0 193c41,-7 79,-13 113,-19l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1257c-43,1 -87,1 -132,1 -21,0 -42,0 -62,0 -24,0 -48,0 -71,-1l0 202c78,3 127,5 127,5 0,0 55,-2 138,-6l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1167l0 198c16,-4 31,-9 44,-14l0 -195c-10,2 -24,6 -44,11z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 763c-67,5 -142,8 -223,11l0 195c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 1196c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 199c39,-5 77,-10 113,-16l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 741c-50,7 -107,13 -169,18l0 194c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -193z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 969c-52,7 -108,13 -169,19l0 216c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 992c-69,6 -144,10 -223,12l0 216c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 1221c-52,7 -108,13 -169,18l0 197c56,-5 113,-10 169,-17l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 1244c-69,5 -144,9 -223,12l0 199c65,-3 142,-8 223,-14l0 -197z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1222l0 -216c-43,0 -87,1 -132,0 -21,0 -41,1 -62,1 -24,0 -47,-1 -71,-1l0 216c43,1 87,1 133,0 45,1 89,0 132,0z"/> </g> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>A莽谋k batakl谋k</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M897 690l-30 43 2266 0 -30 -43 -2206 0zm133 209l258 341 1378 0 299 -341 -1935 0zm-251 341l464 0 -252 -335 -212 335zm1934 0l485 0 -201 -325 -284 325zm-2308 183l-40 59 631 0 319 166 1369 0 299 -166 652 0 -40 -59 -3190 0z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Konteyner</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1612 231l-413 62 1161 268 450 -120 -1198 -210zm-484 683l1206 554 0 -858 -1206 -279 0 583zm1259 -305l0 857 485 -272 0 -715 -485 130z"/> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/TR/endustriyel-ajitatorler/kagit-seluloz/ajitatorler-ev-4?i=1' title='Ask谋 D眉zene臒i EV4'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">脺r眉n ayr谋nt谋lar谋</div> <img src="/tmb/2830_4_Einhaengevorrichtung-EV4_Tauchmotor_Optimix.jpg?m=1683631917" alt="Einh盲ngevorrichtung EV4 Tauchmotor Optimix" height="177" title="Einh盲ngevorrichtung EV4 Tauchmotor Optimix" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>Ask谋 D眉zene臒i EV4</h2> Beton tavana d眉bellemek i莽in<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>12 metreye kadar tank derinliklerinde kullan谋labilir</li> <li>Tank tavan谋na d眉bellenir</li> <li>Yatay olarak +/- 60掳 d枚nd眉r眉lebilir</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>A艧a臒谋daki tanklar i莽in uygundur:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Beton tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2943 592c0,-65 -441,-117 -984,-117 -543,0 -983,52 -983,117 0,37 440,117 983,117 543,0 984,-90 984,-117zm-986 861c0,0 -748,-13 -986,-103l0 -675 2 -1c68,21 362,102 980,102 624,0 918,-82 982,-103l7 3 1 674c-239,90 -986,103 -986,103z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>脟elik tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 1240c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 197c53,6 106,12 159,16l0 -196z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1120 1144c23,5 50,10 80,15l0 -216c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-14l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 1393l0 -198c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-15l0 197c25,6 52,11 80,16z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1256c-82,-2 -160,-6 -233,-12l0 197c85,6 166,11 233,15l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 1217c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 198c33,6 68,10 103,15l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 923c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 216c27,-5 50,-10 70,-15l0 -215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1603 764l0 194c72,5 150,10 233,12l0 -196c-85,-2 -163,-6 -233,-10z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2022 971c45,0 89,0 132,-1l0 -195c-45,1 -92,2 -142,2 -42,0 -83,-1 -123,-1l0 195c43,0 87,1 133,0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1005c-82,-2 -160,-7 -233,-12l0 216c72,6 150,10 233,12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 908l0 -193c-31,-6 -57,-12 -80,-17l0 195c23,4 50,10 80,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1130c24,-5 38,-9 44,-11l-1 -214c-9,2 -23,6 -43,10l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 945c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 216c41,-6 79,-12 113,-18l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 759c-58,-4 -111,-10 -159,-15l0 192c49,7 102,12 159,17l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 966c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 215c32,5 66,11 103,16l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 989c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 216c49,6 102,12 159,17l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 738c-37,-5 -72,-11 -103,-16l0 193c32,5 66,10 103,15l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 921c-24,-4 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 215c11,3 30,8 55,13l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 885l0 -196c-23,-6 -41,-11 -52,-14l-3 1 0 197c11,3 30,7 55,12z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 1175c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 200c25,-4 48,-9 70,-14l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2945 623l-935 -459 0 0 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90 597,0 878,-71 939,-91z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2853 709l0 192c27,-5 50,-10 70,-14l0 -193c-20,4 -43,10 -70,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 879c23,-5 38,-9 43,-11l0 -191 -7 -3c-8,3 -20,6 -36,11l0 194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 1173c-24,-5 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 190c16,6 35,12 55,17l0 -195z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 717c-33,6 -71,12 -113,18l0 193c41,-7 79,-13 113,-19l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1257c-43,1 -87,1 -132,1 -21,0 -42,0 -62,0 -24,0 -48,0 -71,-1l0 202c78,3 127,5 127,5 0,0 55,-2 138,-6l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1167l0 198c16,-4 31,-9 44,-14l0 -195c-10,2 -24,6 -44,11z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 763c-67,5 -142,8 -223,11l0 195c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 1196c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 199c39,-5 77,-10 113,-16l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 741c-50,7 -107,13 -169,18l0 194c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -193z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 969c-52,7 -108,13 -169,19l0 216c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 992c-69,6 -144,10 -223,12l0 216c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 1221c-52,7 -108,13 -169,18l0 197c56,-5 113,-10 169,-17l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 1244c-69,5 -144,9 -223,12l0 199c65,-3 142,-8 223,-14l0 -197z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1222l0 -216c-43,0 -87,1 -132,0 -21,0 -41,1 -62,1 -24,0 -47,-1 -71,-1l0 216c43,1 87,1 133,0 45,1 89,0 132,0z"/> </g> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Konteyner</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1612 231l-413 62 1161 268 450 -120 -1198 -210zm-484 683l1206 554 0 -858 -1206 -279 0 583zm1259 -305l0 857 485 -272 0 -715 -485 130z"/> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <div class="ProduktClear"></div> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/TR/endustriyel-ajitatorler/kagit-seluloz/ajitatorler-ev-5?i=1' title='Ask谋 D眉zene臒i EV5'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">脺r眉n ayr谋nt谋lar谋</div> <img src="/tmb/2922_4_Einhaengevorrichtung-EV5_Tauchmotor_Optimix.jpg?m=1676910624" alt="Einh盲ngevorrichtung Optimix EV5" height="177" title="Einh盲ngevorrichtung Optimix EV5" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>Ask谋 D眉zene臒i EV5</h2> Tank duvar谋na d眉bellemek i莽in<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>12 metreye kadar tank derinliklerinde kullan谋labilir</li> <li>K谋lavuz direk tank i莽 duvar谋nda</li> <li>Sandal vinci tank i莽 duvar谋nda</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>A艧a臒谋daki tanklar i莽in uygundur:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Kapal谋 tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2948 1348l-1 -666 -7 -4c-64,21 -358,103 -982,103 -617,0 -911,-80 -979,-102l-3 2 0 675c238,90 986,102 986,102 0,0 748,-12 986,-102l0 -8zm-996 -630c597,0 878,-70 939,-91l-935 -459 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>A莽谋k tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2881 651c0,-1 1,-1 1,-2 0,-1 -1,-1 -1,-2l0 -1 0 0c-13,-65 -443,-110 -974,-111l-17 0c-539,1 -980,48 -980,100l0 0c0,3 3,7 9,11 -2,-1 -5,-2 -6,-2l-3 1 0 705c238,90 986,103 986,103 0,0 747,-13 986,-103l-1 -699zm-50 38c0,27 -418,74 -933,74 -515,0 -937,-37 -937,-74 0,-64 422,-96 937,-96 515,0 933,32 933,96z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>脟elik tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 1240c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 197c53,6 106,12 159,16l0 -196z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1120 1144c23,5 50,10 80,15l0 -216c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-14l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 1393l0 -198c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-15l0 197c25,6 52,11 80,16z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1256c-82,-2 -160,-6 -233,-12l0 197c85,6 166,11 233,15l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 1217c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 198c33,6 68,10 103,15l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 923c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 216c27,-5 50,-10 70,-15l0 -215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1603 764l0 194c72,5 150,10 233,12l0 -196c-85,-2 -163,-6 -233,-10z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2022 971c45,0 89,0 132,-1l0 -195c-45,1 -92,2 -142,2 -42,0 -83,-1 -123,-1l0 195c43,0 87,1 133,0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1005c-82,-2 -160,-7 -233,-12l0 216c72,6 150,10 233,12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 908l0 -193c-31,-6 -57,-12 -80,-17l0 195c23,4 50,10 80,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1130c24,-5 38,-9 44,-11l-1 -214c-9,2 -23,6 -43,10l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 945c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 216c41,-6 79,-12 113,-18l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 759c-58,-4 -111,-10 -159,-15l0 192c49,7 102,12 159,17l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 966c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 215c32,5 66,11 103,16l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 989c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 216c49,6 102,12 159,17l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 738c-37,-5 -72,-11 -103,-16l0 193c32,5 66,10 103,15l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 921c-24,-4 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 215c11,3 30,8 55,13l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 885l0 -196c-23,-6 -41,-11 -52,-14l-3 1 0 197c11,3 30,7 55,12z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 1175c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 200c25,-4 48,-9 70,-14l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2945 623l-935 -459 0 0 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90 597,0 878,-71 939,-91z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2853 709l0 192c27,-5 50,-10 70,-14l0 -193c-20,4 -43,10 -70,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 879c23,-5 38,-9 43,-11l0 -191 -7 -3c-8,3 -20,6 -36,11l0 194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 1173c-24,-5 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 190c16,6 35,12 55,17l0 -195z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 717c-33,6 -71,12 -113,18l0 193c41,-7 79,-13 113,-19l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1257c-43,1 -87,1 -132,1 -21,0 -42,0 -62,0 -24,0 -48,0 -71,-1l0 202c78,3 127,5 127,5 0,0 55,-2 138,-6l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1167l0 198c16,-4 31,-9 44,-14l0 -195c-10,2 -24,6 -44,11z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 763c-67,5 -142,8 -223,11l0 195c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 1196c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 199c39,-5 77,-10 113,-16l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 741c-50,7 -107,13 -169,18l0 194c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -193z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 969c-52,7 -108,13 -169,19l0 216c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 992c-69,6 -144,10 -223,12l0 216c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 1221c-52,7 -108,13 -169,18l0 197c56,-5 113,-10 169,-17l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 1244c-69,5 -144,9 -223,12l0 199c65,-3 142,-8 223,-14l0 -197z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1222l0 -216c-43,0 -87,1 -132,0 -21,0 -41,1 -62,1 -24,0 -47,-1 -71,-1l0 216c43,1 87,1 133,0 45,1 89,0 132,0z"/> </g> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/TR/endustriyel-ajitatorler/kagit-seluloz/gaz-yalitimli-direk-uygulamasi-mgd?i=1' title='Gaz Yal谋t谋ml谋 Direk Uygulamas谋 MGD'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">脺r眉n ayr谋nt谋lar谋</div> <img src="/tmb/3080_4_Mast-gasdichte-Durchfuehrung_Tauchmotorruehrwerk.jpg?m=1676910625" alt="Mast gasdichte Durchf眉hrung MGD f眉r Tauchmotorr眉hrwerk" height="177" title="Mast gasdichte Durchf眉hrung MGD f眉r Tauchmotorr眉hrwerk" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>Gaz Yal谋t谋ml谋 Direk Uygulamas谋 MGD</h2> Maksimum kayd谋rma ve gaz s谋zd谋rmazl谋臒谋 i莽in uygulama<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>14 metreye kadar tank derinlikleri i莽in</li> <li>240掳'ye kadar yanal kayd谋rma</li> <li>脟谋kr谋k yoluyla y眉ksekli臒i ayarlanabilir</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>A艧a臒谋daki tanklar i莽in uygundur:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Kapal谋 tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2948 1348l-1 -666 -7 -4c-64,21 -358,103 -982,103 -617,0 -911,-80 -979,-102l-3 2 0 675c238,90 986,102 986,102 0,0 748,-12 986,-102l0 -8zm-996 -630c597,0 878,-70 939,-91l-935 -459 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Beton tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2943 592c0,-65 -441,-117 -984,-117 -543,0 -983,52 -983,117 0,37 440,117 983,117 543,0 984,-90 984,-117zm-986 861c0,0 -748,-13 -986,-103l0 -675 2 -1c68,21 362,102 980,102 624,0 918,-82 982,-103l7 3 1 674c-239,90 -986,103 -986,103z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>脟elik tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 1240c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 197c53,6 106,12 159,16l0 -196z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1120 1144c23,5 50,10 80,15l0 -216c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-14l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 1393l0 -198c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-15l0 197c25,6 52,11 80,16z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1256c-82,-2 -160,-6 -233,-12l0 197c85,6 166,11 233,15l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 1217c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 198c33,6 68,10 103,15l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 923c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 216c27,-5 50,-10 70,-15l0 -215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1603 764l0 194c72,5 150,10 233,12l0 -196c-85,-2 -163,-6 -233,-10z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2022 971c45,0 89,0 132,-1l0 -195c-45,1 -92,2 -142,2 -42,0 -83,-1 -123,-1l0 195c43,0 87,1 133,0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1005c-82,-2 -160,-7 -233,-12l0 216c72,6 150,10 233,12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 908l0 -193c-31,-6 -57,-12 -80,-17l0 195c23,4 50,10 80,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1130c24,-5 38,-9 44,-11l-1 -214c-9,2 -23,6 -43,10l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 945c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 216c41,-6 79,-12 113,-18l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 759c-58,-4 -111,-10 -159,-15l0 192c49,7 102,12 159,17l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 966c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 215c32,5 66,11 103,16l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 989c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 216c49,6 102,12 159,17l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 738c-37,-5 -72,-11 -103,-16l0 193c32,5 66,10 103,15l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 921c-24,-4 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 215c11,3 30,8 55,13l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 885l0 -196c-23,-6 -41,-11 -52,-14l-3 1 0 197c11,3 30,7 55,12z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 1175c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 200c25,-4 48,-9 70,-14l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2945 623l-935 -459 0 0 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90 597,0 878,-71 939,-91z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2853 709l0 192c27,-5 50,-10 70,-14l0 -193c-20,4 -43,10 -70,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 879c23,-5 38,-9 43,-11l0 -191 -7 -3c-8,3 -20,6 -36,11l0 194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 1173c-24,-5 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 190c16,6 35,12 55,17l0 -195z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 717c-33,6 -71,12 -113,18l0 193c41,-7 79,-13 113,-19l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1257c-43,1 -87,1 -132,1 -21,0 -42,0 -62,0 -24,0 -48,0 -71,-1l0 202c78,3 127,5 127,5 0,0 55,-2 138,-6l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1167l0 198c16,-4 31,-9 44,-14l0 -195c-10,2 -24,6 -44,11z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 763c-67,5 -142,8 -223,11l0 195c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 1196c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 199c39,-5 77,-10 113,-16l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 741c-50,7 -107,13 -169,18l0 194c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -193z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 969c-52,7 -108,13 -169,19l0 216c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 992c-69,6 -144,10 -223,12l0 216c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 1221c-52,7 -108,13 -169,18l0 197c56,-5 113,-10 169,-17l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 1244c-69,5 -144,9 -223,12l0 199c65,-3 142,-8 223,-14l0 -197z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1222l0 -216c-43,0 -87,1 -132,0 -21,0 -41,1 -62,1 -24,0 -47,-1 -71,-1l0 216c43,1 87,1 133,0 45,1 89,0 132,0z"/> </g> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Konteyner</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1612 231l-413 62 1161 268 450 -120 -1198 -210zm-484 683l1206 554 0 -858 -1206 -279 0 583zm1259 -305l0 857 485 -272 0 -715 -485 130z"/> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/TR/endustriyel-ajitatorler/kagit-seluloz/gaz-yalitimli-tavan-uygulamasi-gdd?i=1' title='Gaz Yal谋t谋ml谋 Tavan Uygulamas谋 GDD'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">脺r眉n ayr谋nt谋lar谋</div> <img src="/tmb/3056_4_01_Gasdichte-Deckendurchfuehrung_Tauchmotor.jpg?m=1676910625" alt="Gasdichte Deckendurchfuehrung GDD f眉r Tauchmotor" height="177" title="Gasdichte Deckendurchfuehrung GDD f眉r Tauchmotor" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>Gaz Yal谋t谋ml谋 Tavan Uygulamas谋 GDD</h2> Y眉ksek servis kolayl谋臒谋 ve basit kullan谋m<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>14 metreye kadar tank derinli臒i m眉mk眉nd眉r</li> <li>360掳'ye kadar yanal d枚n眉艧</li> <li>脟谋kr谋k arac谋l谋臒谋yla y眉ksekli臒i ayarlanabilir</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>A艧a臒谋daki tanklar i莽in uygundur:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Kapal谋 tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2948 1348l-1 -666 -7 -4c-64,21 -358,103 -982,103 -617,0 -911,-80 -979,-102l-3 2 0 675c238,90 986,102 986,102 0,0 748,-12 986,-102l0 -8zm-996 -630c597,0 878,-70 939,-91l-935 -459 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Beton tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2943 592c0,-65 -441,-117 -984,-117 -543,0 -983,52 -983,117 0,37 440,117 983,117 543,0 984,-90 984,-117zm-986 861c0,0 -748,-13 -986,-103l0 -675 2 -1c68,21 362,102 980,102 624,0 918,-82 982,-103l7 3 1 674c-239,90 -986,103 -986,103z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>脟elik tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 1240c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 197c53,6 106,12 159,16l0 -196z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1120 1144c23,5 50,10 80,15l0 -216c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-14l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 1393l0 -198c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-15l0 197c25,6 52,11 80,16z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1256c-82,-2 -160,-6 -233,-12l0 197c85,6 166,11 233,15l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 1217c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 198c33,6 68,10 103,15l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 923c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 216c27,-5 50,-10 70,-15l0 -215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1603 764l0 194c72,5 150,10 233,12l0 -196c-85,-2 -163,-6 -233,-10z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2022 971c45,0 89,0 132,-1l0 -195c-45,1 -92,2 -142,2 -42,0 -83,-1 -123,-1l0 195c43,0 87,1 133,0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1005c-82,-2 -160,-7 -233,-12l0 216c72,6 150,10 233,12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 908l0 -193c-31,-6 -57,-12 -80,-17l0 195c23,4 50,10 80,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1130c24,-5 38,-9 44,-11l-1 -214c-9,2 -23,6 -43,10l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 945c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 216c41,-6 79,-12 113,-18l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 759c-58,-4 -111,-10 -159,-15l0 192c49,7 102,12 159,17l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 966c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 215c32,5 66,11 103,16l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 989c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 216c49,6 102,12 159,17l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 738c-37,-5 -72,-11 -103,-16l0 193c32,5 66,10 103,15l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 921c-24,-4 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 215c11,3 30,8 55,13l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 885l0 -196c-23,-6 -41,-11 -52,-14l-3 1 0 197c11,3 30,7 55,12z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 1175c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 200c25,-4 48,-9 70,-14l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2945 623l-935 -459 0 0 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90 597,0 878,-71 939,-91z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2853 709l0 192c27,-5 50,-10 70,-14l0 -193c-20,4 -43,10 -70,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 879c23,-5 38,-9 43,-11l0 -191 -7 -3c-8,3 -20,6 -36,11l0 194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 1173c-24,-5 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 190c16,6 35,12 55,17l0 -195z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 717c-33,6 -71,12 -113,18l0 193c41,-7 79,-13 113,-19l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1257c-43,1 -87,1 -132,1 -21,0 -42,0 -62,0 -24,0 -48,0 -71,-1l0 202c78,3 127,5 127,5 0,0 55,-2 138,-6l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1167l0 198c16,-4 31,-9 44,-14l0 -195c-10,2 -24,6 -44,11z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 763c-67,5 -142,8 -223,11l0 195c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 1196c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 199c39,-5 77,-10 113,-16l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 741c-50,7 -107,13 -169,18l0 194c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -193z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 969c-52,7 -108,13 -169,19l0 216c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 992c-69,6 -144,10 -223,12l0 216c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 1221c-52,7 -108,13 -169,18l0 197c56,-5 113,-10 169,-17l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 1244c-69,5 -144,9 -223,12l0 199c65,-3 142,-8 223,-14l0 -197z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1222l0 -216c-43,0 -87,1 -132,0 -21,0 -41,1 -62,1 -24,0 -47,-1 -71,-1l0 216c43,1 87,1 133,0 45,1 89,0 132,0z"/> </g> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Kapal谋 batakl谋k</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g id="_322647888"> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1662 1301c2,-79 13,-495 79,-691l-281 0c-144,168 -170,610 -173,691l375 0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2064 610l-285 0c-68,177 -80,611 -81,691l366 0 0 -691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2934 1301l363 0 0 0c-1,-7 -60,-677 -525,-690 137,196 159,612 162,690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2403 610l-303 0 0 691 383 0c-1,-80 -13,-514 -80,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1413 611c-447,7 -531,683 -532,690l0 0 370 0c3,-78 25,-495 162,-690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2725 610l-285 0c67,196 77,612 79,691l379 0c-3,-81 -29,-523 -173,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M3127 737l106 0 -30 -44 -119 0c15,14 29,29 43,44z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1106 693l-109 0 -30 44 96 0c14,-15 28,-30 43,-44z"/> <polygon class="svgbeh1" points="505,1426 465,1486 1096,1486 1415,1652 2784,1652 3083,1486 3735,1486 3695,1426 "/> </g> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Konteyner</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1612 231l-413 62 1161 268 450 -120 -1198 -210zm-484 683l1206 554 0 -858 -1206 -279 0 583zm1259 -305l0 857 485 -272 0 -715 -485 130z"/> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <div class="ProduktClear"></div> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/TR/endustriyel-ajitatorler/kagit-seluloz/ajitatorler-rekordmix-b1?i=1' title='REKORDMIX B1'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">脺r眉n ayr谋nt谋lar谋</div> <img src="/tmb/2750_4_B1.jpg?m=1676910624" height="177" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>REKORDMIX B1</h2> 脰zel olarak g枚letler i莽in geli艧tirildi<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>Motor g眉c眉 4,0 kW</li> <li>Boru uzunlu臒u 3,75 m - 4,75 m</li> <li>Pervane 莽ap谋 320 mm</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>A艧a臒谋daki tanklar i莽in uygundur:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>脟elik tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 1240c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 197c53,6 106,12 159,16l0 -196z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1120 1144c23,5 50,10 80,15l0 -216c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-14l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 1393l0 -198c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-15l0 197c25,6 52,11 80,16z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1256c-82,-2 -160,-6 -233,-12l0 197c85,6 166,11 233,15l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 1217c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 198c33,6 68,10 103,15l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 923c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 216c27,-5 50,-10 70,-15l0 -215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1603 764l0 194c72,5 150,10 233,12l0 -196c-85,-2 -163,-6 -233,-10z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2022 971c45,0 89,0 132,-1l0 -195c-45,1 -92,2 -142,2 -42,0 -83,-1 -123,-1l0 195c43,0 87,1 133,0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1005c-82,-2 -160,-7 -233,-12l0 216c72,6 150,10 233,12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 908l0 -193c-31,-6 -57,-12 -80,-17l0 195c23,4 50,10 80,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1130c24,-5 38,-9 44,-11l-1 -214c-9,2 -23,6 -43,10l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 945c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 216c41,-6 79,-12 113,-18l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 759c-58,-4 -111,-10 -159,-15l0 192c49,7 102,12 159,17l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 966c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 215c32,5 66,11 103,16l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 989c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 216c49,6 102,12 159,17l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 738c-37,-5 -72,-11 -103,-16l0 193c32,5 66,10 103,15l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 921c-24,-4 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 215c11,3 30,8 55,13l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 885l0 -196c-23,-6 -41,-11 -52,-14l-3 1 0 197c11,3 30,7 55,12z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 1175c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 200c25,-4 48,-9 70,-14l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2945 623l-935 -459 0 0 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90 597,0 878,-71 939,-91z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2853 709l0 192c27,-5 50,-10 70,-14l0 -193c-20,4 -43,10 -70,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 879c23,-5 38,-9 43,-11l0 -191 -7 -3c-8,3 -20,6 -36,11l0 194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 1173c-24,-5 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 190c16,6 35,12 55,17l0 -195z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 717c-33,6 -71,12 -113,18l0 193c41,-7 79,-13 113,-19l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1257c-43,1 -87,1 -132,1 -21,0 -42,0 -62,0 -24,0 -48,0 -71,-1l0 202c78,3 127,5 127,5 0,0 55,-2 138,-6l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1167l0 198c16,-4 31,-9 44,-14l0 -195c-10,2 -24,6 -44,11z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 763c-67,5 -142,8 -223,11l0 195c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 1196c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 199c39,-5 77,-10 113,-16l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 741c-50,7 -107,13 -169,18l0 194c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -193z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 969c-52,7 -108,13 -169,19l0 216c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 992c-69,6 -144,10 -223,12l0 216c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 1221c-52,7 -108,13 -169,18l0 197c56,-5 113,-10 169,-17l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 1244c-69,5 -144,9 -223,12l0 199c65,-3 142,-8 223,-14l0 -197z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1222l0 -216c-43,0 -87,1 -132,0 -21,0 -41,1 -62,1 -24,0 -47,-1 -71,-1l0 216c43,1 87,1 133,0 45,1 89,0 132,0z"/> </g> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>A莽谋k batakl谋k</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M897 690l-30 43 2266 0 -30 -43 -2206 0zm133 209l258 341 1378 0 299 -341 -1935 0zm-251 341l464 0 -252 -335 -212 335zm1934 0l485 0 -201 -325 -284 325zm-2308 183l-40 59 631 0 319 166 1369 0 299 -166 652 0 -40 -59 -3190 0z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Kapal谋 batakl谋k</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g id="_322647888"> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1662 1301c2,-79 13,-495 79,-691l-281 0c-144,168 -170,610 -173,691l375 0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2064 610l-285 0c-68,177 -80,611 -81,691l366 0 0 -691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2934 1301l363 0 0 0c-1,-7 -60,-677 -525,-690 137,196 159,612 162,690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2403 610l-303 0 0 691 383 0c-1,-80 -13,-514 -80,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1413 611c-447,7 -531,683 -532,690l0 0 370 0c3,-78 25,-495 162,-690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2725 610l-285 0c67,196 77,612 79,691l379 0c-3,-81 -29,-523 -173,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M3127 737l106 0 -30 -44 -119 0c15,14 29,29 43,44z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1106 693l-109 0 -30 44 96 0c14,-15 28,-30 43,-44z"/> <polygon class="svgbeh1" points="505,1426 465,1486 1096,1486 1415,1652 2784,1652 3083,1486 3735,1486 3695,1426 "/> </g> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Konteyner</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1612 231l-413 62 1161 268 450 -120 -1198 -210zm-484 683l1206 554 0 -858 -1206 -279 0 583zm1259 -305l0 857 485 -272 0 -715 -485 130z"/> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/TR/endustriyel-ajitatorler/kagit-seluloz/ajitatorler-giantmix-ft?i=1' title='GIANTMIX FT'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">脺r眉n ayr谋nt谋lar谋</div> <img src="/tmb/3030_4_Ruehrwerk_Ruehrgigant-FT.jpg?m=1676910625" height="177" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>GIANTMIX FT</h2> D眉nyan谋n yatay ve dikey olarak +/-30掳鈥檡e kadar ayarlanabilen tek ajitat枚r眉<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>Motor g眉c眉 7,5/11,0/15,0/18,5/22,0 kW</li> <li>Boru uzunlu臒u 4,0/5,0/5,5/6,0 m</li> <li>Pervane 莽ap谋 660- 880 mm</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>A艧a臒谋daki tanklar i莽in uygundur:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Kapal谋 tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2948 1348l-1 -666 -7 -4c-64,21 -358,103 -982,103 -617,0 -911,-80 -979,-102l-3 2 0 675c238,90 986,102 986,102 0,0 748,-12 986,-102l0 -8zm-996 -630c597,0 878,-70 939,-91l-935 -459 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Beton tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2943 592c0,-65 -441,-117 -984,-117 -543,0 -983,52 -983,117 0,37 440,117 983,117 543,0 984,-90 984,-117zm-986 861c0,0 -748,-13 -986,-103l0 -675 2 -1c68,21 362,102 980,102 624,0 918,-82 982,-103l7 3 1 674c-239,90 -986,103 -986,103z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Kapal谋 batakl谋k</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g id="_322647888"> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1662 1301c2,-79 13,-495 79,-691l-281 0c-144,168 -170,610 -173,691l375 0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2064 610l-285 0c-68,177 -80,611 -81,691l366 0 0 -691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2934 1301l363 0 0 0c-1,-7 -60,-677 -525,-690 137,196 159,612 162,690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2403 610l-303 0 0 691 383 0c-1,-80 -13,-514 -80,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1413 611c-447,7 -531,683 -532,690l0 0 370 0c3,-78 25,-495 162,-690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2725 610l-285 0c67,196 77,612 79,691l379 0c-3,-81 -29,-523 -173,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M3127 737l106 0 -30 -44 -119 0c15,14 29,29 43,44z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1106 693l-109 0 -30 44 96 0c14,-15 28,-30 43,-44z"/> <polygon class="svgbeh1" points="505,1426 465,1486 1096,1486 1415,1652 2784,1652 3083,1486 3735,1486 3695,1426 "/> </g> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/TR/endustriyel-ajitatorler/kagit-seluloz/ajitatorler-tavana-monte-edilen-giantmix-ft?i=1' title='Tavana Monte Edilen GIANTMIX FT'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">脺r眉n ayr谋nt谋lar谋</div> <img src="/tmb/4255_4_FT_Decke-2016_2.jpg?m=1676910668" height="177" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>Tavana Monte Edilen GIANTMIX FT</h2> Beton tavana monte edilen, etkinli臒i kan谋tlanm谋艧 莽ubuklu ajitat枚r<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>Motor g眉c眉 11,0/15,0/18,5/ 22,0 kW</li> <li>Boru uzunlu臒u 4,0/5,0/5,5/6,0 m</li> <li>Pervane 莽ap谋 660-880 mm</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>A艧a臒谋daki tanklar i莽in uygundur:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Beton tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2943 592c0,-65 -441,-117 -984,-117 -543,0 -983,52 -983,117 0,37 440,117 983,117 543,0 984,-90 984,-117zm-986 861c0,0 -748,-13 -986,-103l0 -675 2 -1c68,21 362,102 980,102 624,0 918,-82 982,-103l7 3 1 674c-239,90 -986,103 -986,103z"/> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <div class="ProduktClear"></div> </div> </div> </div> <footer> <div class="gridFlex Flex Fuss" id="anker"> <div class="grid-container Fuss CTAline"> <div class="grid-25 mobile-grid-100 Fuss_A"> <div itemscope itemtype=""> <a itemprop="url" href=""><div itemprop="name"><strong>SUMA R眉hrtechnik GmbH</strong></div></a> <div itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype=""> <span itemprop="streetAddress">Martinszeller Str. 21</span><br> <span itemprop="postalCode">87477</span> <span itemprop="addressLocality">Sulzberg</span><br> <span itemprop="addressCountry">Almanya</span><br> <br> <div itemscope itemtype=""> Phone: <span itemprop="telephone">+49 8376 921310</span><br> Fax: <span itemprop="faxNumber">+49 8376 9213119</span><br> E-Mail: <a href=""><span itemprop="email"></span></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-25 mobile-grid-50 Fuss_B"> <p> Social Media<br><br> <a href="眉hrtechnik" target="_blank"><i class="demo-icon icon-linkedin-squared"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/Data/images/Instagram.svg?m=1684333139" height="100" width="100" class="facebookfooter " /></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/Data/images/fb-logo-klein.svg?m=1676910730" height="100" width="100" class="facebookfooter " /></a></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class=" icon-youtube-play" target="_blank"></i></a><br> </p> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td align="left" style="maring: 0;padding:0"> <a style="float: left;margin-left: -2px" href=''><i class="icon-mail-squared"></i></a> </td> <td> <a href=''><span class="newsletter">Haber<br/>bilgi sipari艧i</span></a> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="grid-25 mobile-grid-50 Fuss_B1"> <div class="fusslogoA"> Member of <br> <img src="/Data/images/FachverbandBiogas-Logo.png?m=1676910662" height="66" width="180" /><br class="nophone"> <img src="/Data/images/Logo-Umweltcluster-Bayern.png?m=1676910678" height="61" width="180" /><br class="nophone"> <a href="/EN/certificates.php"><img src="/Data/images/Grafik/iso-icon-E.svg?m=1676910666" class="phoneA " /></a> </div> </div> <div class="grid-25 mobile-grid-50 Fuss_C"> <div class="nurmobileAA"> <p> <a href='/TR/damga.php'>Damga</a><br> <a href='/TR/belge-koruma.php'>Belge koruma</a><br> <a href='/DE/hinweisgebermeldestelle.php'>Whistleblower Reporting</a><br> <a class="cookiebutton" href="#" onclick="CCM.openWidget();return false;">Cookie</a><br> <a href='/TR/ticari-islem-sartlari.php'>Ticari i艧lem 艧artlar谋</a><br> <a href='/TR/site-haritasi.php'>Site haritas谋</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class="grid-100 mobile-grid-100 Fuss_ende"> © 2025 | T眉m haklar sakl谋d谋r </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/plain" data-usercentrics="Google Analytics" async src=""></script> <script type="text/plain" data-usercentrics="Google Analytics"> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; 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