A.G. Noorani (1930-2024): Eminent Constitutional Expert and Prolific Writer is No More - Frontline

<!DOCTYPE html><html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en" itemscope itemtype=""><head><title> A.G. Noorani (1930-2024): Eminent Constitutional Expert and Prolific Writer is No More - Frontline </title><meta charset="utf-8"><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"><meta name="title" content="A.G. Noorani (1930-2024): Eminent Constitutional Expert and Prolific Writer is No More" /><meta name="description" content="Renowned lawyer, constitutional expert, and prolific author who made significant contributions to legal scholarship and political discourse in India for over six decades, A.G. Noorani (1930-2004) is no more. A long-term contributor to Frontline, Noorani was widely respected for his insightful analysis on constitutional and human rights issues. Noorani was known for his strong advocacy of civil liberties and secularism. He was a vocal critic of laws that he believed infringed on fundamental rights, such as preventive detention laws and restrictions on freedom of expression. His legal expertise made him a respected voice in debates on judicial reforms and accountability." /><meta name="publish-date" content="2024-08-29T17:44:13+05:30"/><meta name="created-date" content="2024-08-29T17:44:13+05:30"/><meta name="modified-date" content="2024-09-11T13:24:22+05:30" /><meta property="article:published_time" content="2024-08-29T12:14:13.000Z"/><meta property="article:modified_time" content="2024-09-11T07:54:22Z"/><meta name="cXenseParse:articleid" content="68581034"/><meta name="cXenseParse:thg-articleid" content="68581034"/><meta name="cXenseParse:thg-articletype" content="package"/><meta property="al:android:url" content="" /><meta property="article:section" content="Obituary"/><meta property="article:tag" content="A.G. Noorani (1930-2024): Eminent constitutional expert and prolific writer is no more"/><meta property="article:tag" content="AG Noorani"/><meta property="article:tag" content="AG Noorani tribute"/><meta property="article:tag" content="AG Noorani obituary"/><meta property="article:tag" content="Abdul Gafoor Noorani"/><meta property="article:tag" content="AG Noorani frontline"/><meta property="article:tag" content="Kashmir"/><meta property="article:tag" content="human rights "/><meta property="article:tag" content="constitutional questions"/><meta property="article:tag" content="RSS"/><meta property="article:tag" content="Hindutva"/><meta property="article:tag" content="secularism"/><meta property="article:tag" content="Narendra Modi"/><meta property="article:tag" content="Ambedkar"/><meta property="article:tag" content="fascism"/><meta property="article:tag" content="Islamophobia"/><meta property="article:tag" content="Emergency"/><meta property="article:tag" content="sedition"/><meta property="article:tag" content="Mahatma Gandhi"/><meta property="article:author" content="TEAM FRONTLINE"/><meta name="twitter:creator" content="TEAM FRONTLINE"><meta name="keywords" content="A.G. Noorani (1930-2024): Eminent constitutional expert and prolific writer is no more,AG Noorani,AG Noorani tribute,AG Noorani obituary,Abdul Gafoor Noorani,AG Noorani frontline,Kashmir,human rights ,constitutional questions,RSS,Hindutva,secularism,Narendra Modi,Ambedkar,fascism,Islamophobia,Emergency,sedition,Mahatma Gandhi"/><meta name="news_keywords" content="A.G. Noorani (1930-2024): Eminent constitutional expert and prolific writer is no more,AG Noorani,AG Noorani tribute,AG Noorani obituary,Abdul Gafoor Noorani,AG Noorani frontline,Kashmir,human rights ,constitutional questions,RSS,Hindutva,secularism,Narendra Modi,Ambedkar,fascism,Islamophobia,Emergency,sedition,Mahatma Gandhi"/><meta name="robots" content="index, follow"/><meta name="robots" content="max-image-preview:large"><meta name="atdlayout" content="articlepage" /><meta name="twitter:title" content="A.G. Noorani (1930-2024): Eminent Constitutional Expert and Prolific Writer is No More"><meta name="twitter:description" content="Renowned lawyer, constitutional expert, and prolific author who made significant contributions to legal scholarship and political discourse in India for over six decades, A.G. Noorani (1930-2004) is no more. A long-term contributor to Frontline, Noorani was widely respected for his insightful analysis on constitutional and human rights issues. Noorani was known for his strong advocacy of civil liberties and secularism. He was a vocal critic of laws that he believed infringed on fundamental rights, such as preventive detention laws and restrictions on freedom of expression. His legal expertise made him a respected voice in debates on judicial reforms and accountability."><meta name="twitter:image" content=""><meta name="cXenseParse:title" content="A.G. Noorani (1930-2024): Remembering the eminent constitutional expert and prolific writer" /><meta name="cXenseParse:description" content="A long-term contributor to Frontline, Noorani was widely respected for his insightful analysis on constitutional and human rights issues."/><meta property="og:title" content="A.G. Noorani (1930-2024): Eminent Constitutional Expert and Prolific Writer is No More" /><meta property="og:description" content="Renowned lawyer, constitutional expert, and prolific author who made significant contributions to legal scholarship and political discourse in India for over six decades, A.G. Noorani (1930-2004) is no more. A long-term contributor to Frontline, Noorani was widely respected for his insightful analysis on constitutional and human rights issues. Noorani was known for his strong advocacy of civil liberties and secularism. He was a vocal critic of laws that he believed infringed on fundamental rights, such as preventive detention laws and restrictions on freedom of expression. His legal expertise made him a respected voice in debates on judicial reforms and accountability." /><meta property="og:image" content="" /><meta property="og:url" content="" /><meta property="al:android:url" content="" /><meta property="og:type" content="article" /><meta name="ahrefs-site-verification" content="6df5b97abf2ea60f2d4123265496b92b4faa009ceff5444e0b8482ebddd508d6" /><meta name="google-site-verification" content="WY1FmWvKRVS0orKhLIaom7dbGrniILc-sHUaRmeR6cs" /><meta name="msvalidate:01" content="A0ACE607D11E08C87CE9AEB4F809133F" /><meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image" /><meta name="twitter:domain" content="" /><meta name="twitter:site" content="@frontline_india" /><meta property="fb:app_id" content="304083423879211" /><meta property="og:site_name" content="Frontline" /><link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="" /><link rel="icon" type="image/ico" href="" /><link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="" /><link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="" /><link rel="canonical" href="" /><link href="" rel="dns-prefetch"><link href="" rel="preconnect"><link href="" rel="dns-prefetch"><link href="" rel="preconnect"><link href="" rel="dns-prefetch"><link href="" rel="preconnect"><link href="" rel="dns-prefetch"><link href="" rel="preconnect"><link href="" rel="dns-prefetch"><link href="" rel="preconnect"><link href="" rel="dns-prefetch"><link href="" rel="preconnect"><link href="" rel="dns-prefetch"><link href="" rel="preconnect"><link href="" rel="dns-prefetch"><link href="" rel="preconnect"><link href="" rel="dns-prefetch"><link href="" rel="preconnect"><link href="" rel="dns-prefetch"><link href="" rel="preconnect"><link href="" rel="dns-prefetch"><link href="" rel="preconnect"><link rel="preload" href=""><script> var dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; dataLayer.push({ 'pageDetails' : { 'pageType' : 'article' , 'headline' : 'A.G. 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Noorani (1930-2024): Eminent Constitutional Expert and Prolific Writer is No More"/><meta itemprop="description" content="Renowned lawyer, constitutional expert, and prolific author who made significant contributions to legal scholarship and political discourse in India for over six decades, A.G. Noorani (1930-2004) is no more. A long-term contributor to Frontline, Noorani was widely respected for his insightful analysis on constitutional and human rights issues. Noorani was known for his strong advocacy of civil liberties and secularism. He was a vocal critic of laws that he believed infringed on fundamental rights, such as preventive detention laws and restrictions on freedom of expression. His legal expertise made him a respected voice in debates on judicial reforms and accountability."/><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-08-29T17:44:13+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-09-11T13:24:22+05:30"/><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><meta itemprop="keywords" content="A.G. 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Noorani is remembered as an intellectual who upheld the principles of democracy and constitutionalism throughout his long and distinguished career." title="A.G. Noorani is remembered as an intellectual who upheld the principles of democracy and constitutionalism throughout his long and distinguished career." data-original="" class="lead-img" fetchpriority="high"/></picture></div><p class="caption"> A.G. Noorani is remembered as an intellectual who upheld the principles of democracy and constitutionalism throughout his long and distinguished career. | Photo Credit: The Hindu Archives </p></div><div id="content-body-68581034" class="articlebodycontent " itemprop="articleBody"><p>Renowned lawyer, constitutional expert, and prolific author who made significant contributions to legal scholarship and political discourse in India for over six decades, A.G. Noorani is no more. A long-term contributor to <i>Frontline</i>, Noorani was widely respected for his insightful analysis on constitutional and human rights issues.</p><p>Born in Bombay (now Mumbai) in 1930, Abdul Ghafoor Abdul Majeed Noorani began his career as a lawyer in the Bombay High Court in 1953. Though he practised law, Noorani devoted much of his time to writing on legal, political, and historical topics. His sharp intellect and deep knowledge of constitutional matters made him a sought-after commentator on Indian politics and jurisprudence.</p><p>Noorani was a regular contributor to leading publications like <i>Economic &amp; Political Weekly</i>, <i>The Hindustan Times</i>, and <i>The Statesman</i>. However, it was his association with <i>Frontline</i> magazine, which began in the 1980s, that brought his incisive writing to a wide audience. His column “Constitutional Questions” ran for over three decades and was known for its meticulous research and balanced analysis of complex legal issues.</p><p>As an author, Noorani penned over a dozen books on various aspects of Indian constitutional law, politics, and history. Some of his notable works include <i>The Kashmir Question</i> (1964), <i>Ministers’ Misconduct</i> (1973), <i>Constitutional Questions and Citizens’ Rights</i> (2006), and <i>The RSS: A Menace to India</i> (2019). His writings often took a critical look at government overreach and erosion of democratic norms.</p><p>Noorani was known for his strong advocacy of civil liberties and secularism. He was a vocal critic of laws that he believed infringed on fundamental rights, such as preventive detention laws and restrictions on freedom of expression. His legal expertise made him a respected voice in debates on judicial reforms and accountability.</p><p>Though he never held any official position, Noorani’s opinions carried weight in legal and political circles. He was often consulted on constitutional matters and his writings were cited in academic works and even Supreme Court judgments.</p><p>Noorani leaves behind a rich legacy of constitutional scholarship and political commentary. He is remembered as an intellectual who upheld the principles of democracy and constitutionalism throughout his long and distinguished career.</p><p>While revered in progressive and liberal circles, Noorani was not without his critics. Some felt his views were too idealistic or out of step with changing political realities. Nonetheless, his commitment to constitutional values and rigorous analysis earned him respect across the political spectrum.</p><p>Here’s a curated list of articles Noorani wrote for <i>Frontline</i>. We have kept them outside the paywall to honour the genius that he was. Please read them and share your comments.</p><div class="article-standard_piano-inline-2 articleblock-container" id="articleblockcontainer"></div></div><div class="spliter pt-0 mb-0"></div><div class="row mobile-row-element element-inside-article"><div class=" col-xl-4 col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-12 packageType"><div class="element"><a href="" target="_blank" ><div class=" picture"><img src="" data-src-template="" data-original="" data-device-variant="LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE" alt="Senior BJP leader L.K. Advani paying homage to Savarkar on his birth anniversary in Parliament House in New Delhi on May 28, 2014. Also seen is Prime Minister Narendra Modi. " title="Senior BJP leader L.K. Advani paying homage to Savarkar on his birth anniversary in Parliament House in New Delhi on May 28, 2014. Also seen is Prime Minister Narendra Modi. " class="media-object lazy adaptive placeholder mb-3 lazy" width="100%" height="100%"/></div></a><div class="label frontline">Frontline</div><h3 class="title big"><a href="" target="_blank" > Savarkar &amp; the BJP </a></h3><div class="by-line"><div class="author-name"><a href="/profile/author/A-G-Noorani/" class="person-name lnk">A.G.Noorani</a></a></div></div></div></div><div class=" col-xl-4 col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-12 packageType"><div class="element"><a href="" target="_blank" ><div class=" picture"><img src="" data-src-template="" data-original="" data-device-variant="LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE" alt="M.K. Gandhi and Maulana Azad in an undated photograph. Both were tried for sedition under colonial rule. " title="M.K. Gandhi and Maulana Azad in an undated photograph. Both were tried for sedition under colonial rule. " class="media-object lazy adaptive placeholder mb-3 lazy" width="100%" height="100%"/></div></a><div class="label frontline">Frontline</div><h3 class="title big"><a href="" target="_blank" > How a Supreme Court judgment brought back the sedition law in India </a></h3><div class="by-line"><div class="author-name"><a href="/profile/author/-A-G--Noorani/" class="person-name lnk"> A.G. Noorani</a></a></div></div></div></div><div class=" col-xl-4 col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-12 packageType"><div class="element"><a href="" target="_blank" ><div class=" picture"><img src="" data-src-template="" data-original="" data-device-variant="LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE" alt="A view of the Central Vista redevelopment project in progress, near Parliament House in New Delhi on May 20. " title="A view of the Central Vista redevelopment project in progress, near Parliament House in New Delhi on May 20. " class="media-object lazy adaptive placeholder mb-3 lazy" width="100%" height="100%"/></div></a><div class="label frontline">Frontline</div><h3 class="title big"><a href="" target="_blank" > Modi as Tuqhlaq </a></h3><div class="by-line"><div class="author-name"><a href="/profile/author/-A-G--NOORANI/" class="person-name lnk"> A.G. NOORANI</a></a></div></div></div></div><div class=" col-xl-4 col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-12 packageType"><div class="element"><a href="" target="_blank" ><div class=" picture"><img src="" data-src-template="" data-original="" data-device-variant="LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE" alt="Jawaharlal Nehru with Pakistan Prime Minister Mohammed Ali Bogra. Even in August 1953, Nehru agreed with Bogra that “the Kashmir dispute... should be settled in accordance with the wishes of the people of the State”. " title="Jawaharlal Nehru with Pakistan Prime Minister Mohammed Ali Bogra. Even in August 1953, Nehru agreed with Bogra that “the Kashmir dispute... should be settled in accordance with the wishes of the people of the State”. " class="media-object lazy adaptive placeholder mb-3 lazy" width="100%" height="100%"/></div></a><div class="label frontline">Frontline</div><h3 class="title big"><a href="" target="_blank" > Kashmir dispute: Domestic or world issue? </a></h3><div class="by-line"><div class="author-name"><a href="/profile/author/A-G--NOORANI/" class="person-name lnk">A.G. NOORANI</a></a></div></div></div></div><div class=" col-xl-4 col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-12 packageType"><div class="element"><a href="" target="_blank" ><div class=" picture"><img src="" data-src-template="" data-original="" data-device-variant="LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE" alt="West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee with Governor Jagdeep Dhankar. " title="West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee with Governor Jagdeep Dhankar. " class="media-object lazy adaptive placeholder mb-3 lazy" width="100%" height="100%"/></div></a><div class="label frontline">Frontline</div><h3 class="title big"><a href="" target="_blank" > Governor: A colonial relic </a></h3><div class="by-line"><div class="author-name"><a href="/profile/author/A-G--Noorani-/" class="person-name lnk">A.G. 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" class="media-object lazy adaptive placeholder mb-3 lazy" width="100%" height="100%"/></div></a><div class="label frontline">Frontline</div><h3 class="title big"><a href="" target="_blank" > Kashmir: Murder of insaniyat </a></h3><div class="by-line"><div class="author-name"><a href="/profile/author/A-G--Noorani/" class="person-name lnk">A.G. Noorani</a></a></div></div></div></div><div class=" col-xl-4 col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-12 packageType"><div class="element"><a href="" target="_blank" ><div class=" picture"><img src="" data-src-template="" data-original="" data-device-variant="LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE" alt="" class="media-object lazy adaptive placeholder mb-3 lazy" width="100%" height="100%"/></div></a><div class="label frontline">Frontline</div><h3 class="title big"><a href="" target="_blank" > Betrayal of Indian nationalism </a></h3><div class="by-line"><div class="author-name"><a href="/profile/author/A-G--NOORANI/" class="person-name lnk">A.G. 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Delhi Police arrested the activist Khalid Saifi in June under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act in connection with the communal violence in Northeast Delhi in February. " class="media-object lazy adaptive placeholder mb-3 lazy" width="100%" height="100%"/></div></a><div class="label frontline">Frontline</div><h3 class="title big"><a href="" target="_blank" > UAPA: India&#039;s anti-India Act </a></h3><div class="by-line"><div class="author-name"><a href="/profile/author/A-G--Noorani-/" class="person-name lnk">A.G. Noorani </a></a></div></div></div></div><div class=" col-xl-4 col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-12 packageType"><div class="element"><a href="" target="_blank" ><div class=" picture"><img src="" data-src-template="" data-original="" data-device-variant="LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE~LANDSCAPE" alt="For Frontline : PUDUCHERRY, 23/04/2015: (Attention to R.Vijayasankar sir) Photos from the Dr.Babasaheb.Ambedkar Photo Biography book. Photo: T.Singaravelou" title="For Frontline : PUDUCHERRY, 23/04/2015: (Attention to R.Vijayasankar sir) Photos from the Dr.Babasaheb.Ambedkar Photo Biography book. Photo: T.Singaravelou" class="media-object lazy adaptive placeholder mb-3 lazy" width="100%" height="100%"/></div></a><div class="label frontline">Frontline</div><h3 class="title big"><a href="" target="_blank" > Ambedkar’s warning </a></h3><div class="by-line"><div class="author-name"><a href="/profile/author/A-G--NOORANI/" class="person-name lnk">A.G. 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