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decor--2"></div> <h1 class="title">Terms of Service</h1> </div> <div class="area-terms"> <p>The Promo tools are provided by Ltd. (<strong>"Promo"</strong> or, <strong>"us"</strong>, <strong>"our"</strong>, <strong>"we"</strong>) for you to create quality videos using our tools accessible at the Promo website located at <a target="_blank" href=""></a> and through the designated Promo apps for Android, iOS and Shopify (the Promo website and apps will be collectively referred to as the <strong>"Site"</strong>).</p> <p>These Terms of Service (<strong>"Terms"</strong>) govern your access and use of the Site and all services available through the Site (<strong>"Services"</strong>). <strong>"You"</strong> means any registered Member, any adult user of the Site, or any parent or guardian of any minor whom you allow to use the Site and the Services, and for whom you will be held strictly responsible.</p> <p>If you are a minor, you must obtain the permission of your parent or guardian prior to using the Site or Services. If you do not obtain such permission, do not use the Site or Services.</p> <p>Please read these Terms carefully. These Terms govern your access to and use of the Site. By clicking on the button marked "I agree" you signify your assent to both these Terms and our Privacy Policy, which is available at <a target="_blank" href=""></a>. Changes may be made to these Terms from time to time. Your continued use of the Site or Services will be deemed acceptance to amended or updated terms. If you do not agree to any of these Terms, please do not use the Site or Services.</p> <h2>LIMITED LICENSE</h2> <p>Promo grants you a limited license to access and use the Site and Services subject to these Terms for your commercial business use only. You acknowledge that Promo may, in its sole discretion and at any time, discontinue providing any part of the Site or the Services without notice.</p> <p>Use of the Services and access to the Site is void where prohibited. By using the Services, you represent and warrant that (a) all registration information you submit is truthful and accurate; (b) you will maintain the accuracy of such information; (c) you are 18 years of age or older, have your parent's or guardian's permission to enter into this agreement, or otherwise have the ability to form a binding contract; and (d) your use of the Site or Services does not violate any applicable law or regulation or any obligation you may have to a third party.</p> <p>You are welcome to link to the Site from your website, provided that your website does not imply any endorsement by or association with Promo.</p> <h2>ACCOUNT REGISTRATION</h2> <p>We may allow you to register or otherwise use the Services through third party login services (such as Facebook Connect). Whether you register through third party login service or you create a Promo account on the Site, all information provided must be accurate, current and complete. You shall have all responsibility for any inaccuracies in any information you provide to us, or in respect of your failure to keep such information up-to-date. If you choose to login or register through such third party services, you agree to the terms and conditions of all such third party services. You acknowledge that the use of third party services to login or register for the Site may provide us with access to certain information and data that you have provided to such third party service (according to the terms and conditions of such third party service) and you expressly agree to our use of such data or information in accordance with these Terms and Privacy Policy.</p> <p>If you do not use a third party login service you will create a Promo account. Your account allows you to use the Services, subject to these Terms and our Privacy Policy. Promo reserves the right to refuse to allow a user to open an account for any reason, or to limit the number of accounts a user can establish on the Site, all at its sole discretion. To create an account, you must select a username and password. Your username is your Promo identity. You may not select a username that is used by someone else, and your username cannot be indecent, or otherwise offensive, or be used in any way that violates these Terms and common practices. You may not provide false information during the registration process.</p> <p>You should not reveal your password to other users. We will not ask you to reveal your password. If you forget your password, you can request to have a new password sent to your registered e-mail address. Your account is at risk if you let someone use it inappropriately and your account is subject to termination if you or anyone using your account violates these Terms. If your account is terminated, you may not open an account again without express permission.</p> <p>You agree to immediately notify Promo of any unauthorized use of your Promo account or password. You are fully and solely responsible for the security of your computer system and all activity on your account, even if such activities were not committed by you. Promo will not be liable for any losses or damage arising from unauthorized use of your account or password, and you agree to indemnify and hold Promo harmless for any improper or illegal use of your account, including any mail sent and any charges and taxes incurred, unless you have notified us via e-mail to <a target="_blank" href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#6d1e181d1d021f192d1d1f020002430e0200"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="52212722223d20261222203d3f3d7c313d3f">[email&#160;protected]</span></a> that your account has been compromised, and have requested us to block access to it. We do not police for, and cannot guarantee that we will learn of or prevent, any inappropriate use of the Site.</p> <p>Your Promo Account on the Site may not be sold or otherwise transferred to another person or entity and is limited to a single user per Account, as further described below.</p> <p>If your use of the Site is on behalf of an entity, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind such entity to the present Terms of Service.</p> <h2>MEMBERSHIP, PLANS, PAYMENT AND TERMS</h2> <p>Once you register to our Services through third party login services or through creation of a Promo account on the Site, you will be able to access our tools in order to create your Content. However, you will not have access to the full functionality of the Site and the Services if Promo does not allow you to open an Account if you provided false information during the registration process for instance.</p> <p>Upon creating a Promo account, you may choose a subscription plan. Information concerning our available plans can be found on the <a target="_blank" href="">subscription page or in the AppStore and Google Play</a>. When you sign up for a Promo subscription plan (through third party login services or through creation of a Promo account on the Site), you receive our Services based on the following pricing policies:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Paid subscription.</strong> Your subscription for a paid Promo subscription package enables you to access the Services and their functionality. The Promo Service is offered through various payment alternatives, all as described in our <a target="_blank" href="">pricing page or in our promo page if subject to a special promotion.</a></li> <li><strong>Billing cycle.</strong> All of our paid subscription packages are based on a periodic (monthly, annual, or otherwise) billing cycle and enable you to download the video ad you created on the Site and share it. Your cycle starts on the date that you committed to your plan. It resets for a new cycle at the end of the period. Depending on its specifics, your plan entitles you either to a certain number of videos per period or to an unlimited number of videos.</li> <li><strong>Roll-overs.</strong> Unused video credits at the end of a subscription period will automatically roll-over to the following period, and repeatedly thereafter from one period to the next until used. There is no limit to the number of video credits you may amass by roll-overs. However, roll-overs are only possible for as long as your subscription is active. If you cancel your subscription, or if we cancel it, as per these Terms, you lose all video credits you amassed in your account. Also, if your downgrade or upgrade your subscription, as explained below, the video credits you’ve already amassed will not be affected.</li> <li><strong>Charges.</strong> We accept various forms of payment, as set forth on the Site from time to time as well as through third parties such as Apple and Google. By signing up for Promo and providing your billing information, you are authorizing us to charge your designated payment method on a recurring basis (now, and again at the beginning of any subsequent subscription period), based on the subscription plan you chose. You may update any of your billing information (including a change to your desired billing payment method) through your account settings on the Site. In the case that we have an issue with your current credit (for example: card decline, fraud detection, etc), we will ask you to update your card details before proceeding with your plan. If Company does not receive payment from your payment provider, (i) you agree to pay all amounts due on your Account upon demand, and/or (ii) you agree that Company may either terminate or suspend your subscription and continue to attempt to charge your chosen payment method until payment is received (upon receipt of payment, your Account will be activated and for purposes of automatic renewal, your new subscription commitment period will begin as of the day payment was received). You will be charged on the date you signed up for a Promo subscription plan (or at the end of your free trial period), and subsequently, you will be charged in advance on or around the last day of each period for the immediately following periodic subscription term.</li> <li><strong>Subscription renewal.</strong> Unless you cancel your subscription by logging into your Account at <a target="_blank" href=""></a>, selecting the “Billing” Page and confirming the “cancel plan”, or by informing the Promo Customer Support Department at <a target="_blank" href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#8ffcfaffffe0fdfbcffffde0e2e0a1ece0e2"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="94e7e1e4e4fbe6e0d4e4e6fbf9fbbaf7fbf9">[email&#160;protected]</span></a> of your decision to cancel, (in each case prior to the renewal commencement date and time), your subscription will automatically renew at the then-current fee.</li> <li><strong>Subscription fee changes.</strong> We reserve the right to change the subscription fee for any renewal term to be effective upon the renewal of your subscription. We will put you on notice of the changes in the subscription fee by sending you an email message, before your subscription renews, to the email address we have on record for your account. By continuing with your subscription through the forthcoming renewal term after you’ve been emailed about the fee change, you agree to the be billed for the updated fees.</li> <li><strong>Subscription termination or cancellation.</strong> Your subscription will continue indefinitely until terminated in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. After your initial subscription period, and again after any subsequent subscription period, your subscription will automatically commence on the first day following the end of such period (each a "Renewal Commencement Date") and continue for an additional equivalent period, at Company's then current price for such subscription. You agree that your Account will be subject to this automatic renewal feature unless you cancel your subscription at any time prior to the Renewal Commencement Date by logging into your Account at <a target="_blank" href=""></a>, selecting the “Billing” Page and confirming the “cancel plan” or, alternatively, by informing the Promo Customer Support Department at <a target="_blank" href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#92e1e7e2e2fde0e6d2e2e0fdfffdbcf1fdff"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="e695939696899492a69694898b89c885898b">[email&#160;protected]</span></a> prior to the renewal commencement date and time. If you use the Services through one of our smartphone apps you can terminate your subscription plan through your AppStore or Google Play settings. If you want to terminate your account and subscription permanently, please log in and go to the "My Account page on and confirm the “Delete Account.” If you cancel your subscription, you may use your subscription until the end of your then-current subscription term; your subscription will not be renewed after your then-current term expires and we will downgrade your Account to the free or equivalent plan on Promo once the current paid plan period ends. However, you will not be eligible for a prorated refund of any portion of the subscription fee paid for the then-current subscription period.</li> <li><strong id="full-refund">Subscription limits.</strong> If you reach your download limit according to your current plan, you will have the option to upgrade to a larger plan or buy another video a la carte. If you choose to buy an extra video a la carte, we will make a onetime charge to the credit card already associated with your account.</li> <li> <p><strong>7-Day Guarantee Refunds:</strong></p> <p><strong>Annual subscriptions:</strong> If you cancel your Annual subscription within 7 days of original purchase, you will receive a full refund of your subscription fees, subject to the restrictions below. If you cancel your annual subscription after 7 days, your payment will be non-refundable and your service will continue until the end of your contracted term.</p> <p><strong>Monthly subscriptions:</strong> If you cancel your monthly subscription within 7 days of original purchase, you will receive a full refund of your subscription fees, subject to the restrictions below. If you cancel your monthly subscription after 7 days, your payment will be non-refundable and your service will continue until the end of that month’s billing period.</p> <p> <strong>NOTE:</strong> <br> The refund only applies for 7 days after the original purchase, not for subsequent renewals. Furthermore, our refund policy does not apply if: </br>- You have downloaded a video </br>- You have shared a video on social media. </p> <p>Businesses and individuals operating in the capacity of merchants, Traders (as explained below) or sole-proprietors, are eligible for refunds <em>only</em> as specified above, so long as they are not ‘Consumers’ in the United Kingdom as explained below.<br> A "Consumer" is an individual in the United Kingdom acting for purposes that are wholly or mainly outside that individual's trade, business, craft or profession. A "Trader" is a person in the United Kingdom acting for purposes relating to that person's trade, business, craft or profession, whether acting personally or through another person acting in the trader's name or on the Trader's behalf. Both terms are defined in the UK Consumer Rights Act 2015 (“<strong>CRA</strong>”), and likewise may be used in similar applicable laws of other jurisdictions. Application of these definitions under the CRA (and similar applicable laws of other jurisdictions) in specific contexts will be examined on a case-by-case basis in Promo's reasonable discretion.</p> <p>To the greatest extent permissible under applicable law, there are no refunds or credits for partially used periods or for any functionality or content not used while you were subscribed to the paid plan except as expressly stated in these terms. In extenuating or unusual circumstances, we may, subject to our sole discretion, provide a partial refund, discount, or other consideration to members, but our providing such accommodations in one instance does not entitle members to such accommodations in the future, even in similar circumstances.</p> </li> <li><strong>Changing plans.</strong> You can upgrade or downgrade your package subscription plan. You can cancel your plan through the billing page (but you may not do so while your subscription is suspended). If you are in a paid subscription plan with remaining credits, you can cancel your paid subscription plan at any time. Once you've cancelled your plan, you will lose your remaining credits.</li> <li><strong>Unpaid fees.</strong> You agree that failure to pay the Promo package subscription fee shall forfeit your right to download the video ad and to further share it on the web and Promo may prevent your ability to download such video ad at any time in its sole discretion.</li> <li><strong>Single user.</strong> A Promo subscription plan is valid for only one single end user who may use it to create Content (as defined below) for one single brand owned by that user’s organization. Accounts are registered to you personally and may not be sold, traded, gifted or otherwise transferred at any time under any circumstances. You may not share your account. You may not disclose your password to anyone else. If you have registered for a Promo subscription plan on behalf of your employer, please note that each end user of the Promo subscription plan must register for his or her own account. So as to remove all doubt, you are strictly prohibited from granting access through your Promo Account, sharing, gifting, transferring or enabling the reuse or resale of the proprietary content and materials (or any part thereof) available or created via your Promo Account in any manner, with any other person or entity, including any of your affiliates, subsidiaries, entities under common control or the like.</li> </ul> <p>Unless expressly set forth otherwise on the Site, the Promo subscription plan fee is exclusive of VAT and other applicable taxes. You should make payment without any withholding or deduction for any reason. You agree to pay all charges incurred by you at the prices in effect when such charges are incurred, including applicable taxes.</p> <p>Promo reserves the right to change or supplement the Promo subscription plan fees and any other charges and billing procedures, at anytime. Such changes shall be effective immediately upon posting an update of these Terms or posting such changes elsewhere on the Site. If there is a dispute regarding your payment of fees, or the Service, Promo shall have the right to terminate your account without prior notice.</p> <h2>TERMINATION OF ACCOUNT</h2> <p>You agree that Promo may for any reason, in its sole discretion and without notice, terminate your account, and remove from the Site any Content associated with your account. Grounds for such termination may include (i) extended periods of inactivity, (ii) violation of the letter or spirit of these Terms, (iii) fraudulent, harassing or abusive behavior, or (iv) behavior that is harmful to other users, third parties, or the business interests of Promo.</p> <p>Termination of Account for any of the above mentioned reasons shall not entitle you to any refund.</p> <p>If Promo believes, in its sole discretion, that a violation of these Terms or any illegal or inappropriate behavior has occurred, we may take any other corrective action we deem appropriate. We reserve the right to investigate suspected violations of these Terms or illegal and inappropriate behavior on the Site. We will fully cooperate with any law enforcement investigation or court order requesting or directing us to disclose the identity, behavior or Content of anyone believed to have violated these Terms or to have engaged in illegal behavior.</p> <p>If you want to terminate your account and subscription permanently, please log in and go to the "My Account" page and confirm the "Delete Account" (but you may not do so if your subscription is suspended).</p> <p>Any suspension or termination of your account shall not affect your obligations under these Terms (including but not limited to ownership, indemnification, any representations and warranties made by you, and limitation of liability), which by their sense and context are intended to survive such suspension or termination. On termination, you lose the right to access or use the Services.</p> <h2>CONTENT</h2> <p>Certain types of content may be made available through the Site or the Services. <strong>"Content"</strong> as used in these Terms means, collectively, all content on or made available or created on the Site or through the Services by you including but not limited to the videos and the music incorporated in it.</p> <p>You are fully and solely responsible for any Content you create, submit or post to the Site or any other platform, including all Content that you include in any video or use to create your videos. You represent and warrant that any such submitted Content, including all Content in any URL that you direct the Services to extract materials from, complies with all applicable law, that you have all necessary rights to submit any such Content or to use, display and distribute any submitted Content to create any video ad and that no such Content (or modifications you may make to such Content) infringes or violates any third party intellectual property rights, privacy or publicity rights, or moral rights. If you submit to Promo any Content from an account at a third party (such as from a Facebook account), you represent and warrant that you have all rights necessary to submit such Content for use with the Promo services. If you distribute (or allow for the distribution of) any Content through any third party (such as through a social media account such as Facebook), you represent and warrant that you have all rights necessary to distribute (or allow for the distribution of) such Content. Promo has no obligation to accept, display, review or maintain any Content. Moreover, Promo reserves the right to remove and permanently delete any Content, including any Content submitted or modified by any user, without notice and for any reason. Moreover, if Promo reasonably believes that any Content distributed through a third party (such as through a social media account such as Facebook) could violate any provision of these Terms, Promo may contact such third party in order to inform such third party of the relevant violation. WE DO NOT ENDORSE ANY CONTENT OR ANY OPINION, RECOMMENDATION, OR ADVICE EXPRESSED IN ANY CONTENT, AND WE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY IN CONNECTION WITH CONTENT.</p> <p>If you use the Services’ PromoAI function, the Services will generate Content for you using third party Generative AI tools, such as OpenAI’s GPT. These tools are based on a method called “machine learning”, and therefore, the Content generated for you may not be fully unique with respect to any one else using the Services or the third party Generative AI tools.</p> <p>YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT: (A) THE SERVICES’ PROMOAI MAY GENERATE SIMILAR OUTPUT FOR TO YOU AND ANOTHER PARTY; (B) THE SERVICES’ PROMOAI MAY GENERATE CONTENT THAT IS INCORRECT, INACCURATE, OR NOT SUITABLE FOR YOUR NEEDS, AND YOU MUST THEREFORE REVIEW SUCH CONTENT AND DETERMINE WHETHER YOU WISH TO USE IT; (C) CAPTIONS, TEXT, SLOGANS AND SIMILAR CONTENT GENERATED BY THE SERVICES’ PROMOAI HAS NOT BEEN CLEARED OF ANY RIGHTS OF THIRD PARTIES, INCLUDING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, AND THEREFORE, YOUR USE OF THE CONTENT GENERATED BY THE SERVICES’ PROMOAI IS AT YOUR OWN RISK OF VIOLATING THE RIGHTS OF THIRD PARTIES IN SUCH CONGTENT . YOU WILL HAVE NO PLEA, CLAIM OR DEMAND AGAINST PROMO CONCERNING (A), (B) OR (C) ABOVE.</p> <p>Promo may choose at its sole discretion to monitor Content for inappropriate or illegal behavior, including through automatic means; provided, however, that Promo reserves the right to treat user Content as content stored at the direction of users for which Promo will not exercise editorial control except when violations are directly brought to Promo's attention. Promo has the right to edit, delete, distort, modify or move user Content from the Site without notice for any reason at any time. Additionally, Promo has the right to refuse to transmit, email, post or broadcast any user Content (including to refuse to allow a user to post or distribute such Content through a third party) without notice for any reason at any time.</p> <p>Content on the Site comes from a variety of sources. You understand that Promo is not responsible for the accuracy, usefulness, safety or intellectual property rights of or relating to this Content. Although users must agree to these Terms, it is possible that other users (including unauthorized users) may post or transmit offensive or obscene materials that you may be involuntarily exposed to such offensive or obscene materials, and you hereby agree to waive, and do waive, any legal or equitable rights or remedies you have or may have against us with respect to thereto. WE DISCLAIM ALL LIABILITY, REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION, FOR THE ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF OTHER MEMBERS OR USERS (INCLUDING UNAUTHORIZED USERS), WHETHER SUCH ACTS OR OMISSIONS OCCUR DURING THE USE OF THE SERVICE OR OTHERWISE.</p> <p>Content created will be only viewable by you unless you decide to share it publicly on the Site or any other platform. PLEASE CAREFULLY SELECT THE TYPE OF INFORMATION THAT YOU INCLUDE IN ANY CONTENT, AND ESPECIALLY ANY CONTENT THAT YOU SHARE PUBLICLY. Do not post publicly any private information or information you do not wish to be seen by others, or which you do not want to be shared or edited by others. Please note that once you provide a third party with a link to any Content, such third party may freely share that link with additional third parties. As such, please carefully select the individuals to whom you choose to provide with links to any Content. We are not responsible for the use by third parties of any personal information that you disclose on the Service or through any Content.</p> <p>You irrevocably waive all claims that you may have against any Promo (including its affiliates, employees, contractors, users and customers) or any third party entities or individuals for the use or distribution of any of your Content including all claims in respect of intellectual property rights, privacy rights, publicity rights or moral rights. You shall fully indemnify Promo against any such claims that you may bring.</p> <p>Please note that the following musical works are no longer available within our Services (as of November 2018):<br/>Alive; Are You Ready For It; Better All The Time; Blue Danube Waltz; Bout That; Action; Fiesta En El Rancho; Go Get The Money; Head Over Heels; How Long; Il Trovatore; Keeping Me Alive; Moonlight Sonata; The Breach; The Theory Of Light; Tonight (live Forever); Trumpet Tune; While The City Sleeps; Gymnopedie No. 1.</p> <h2>CONTENT AND USE RESTRICTIONS</h2> <p>As between Promo and you, Promo agrees that you download videos that you create on the Site or through the Services, and use them in the following ways:</p> <ul> <li>Post them at online locations;</li> <li>Use them for as long as you wish, even after your subscription to the Services expires;</li> <li>Use as a background video on your website or as a social page cover</li> <li>If you are a Pro, Pro-Lite, Agency or special custom plan user, then you may Assign or resell your rights to use the videos, to someone else (in which case your own rights to use the videos expire, and the recipient obtains those rights).</li> </ul> <p>You may not, by yourself or through others, use videos that you create on the Site or through the Services in any of the following ways:</p> <ul> <li>Broadcast, display or perform the videos on television or cinema;</li> <li>Edit, manipulate, add, remove or otherwise change in any way whatsoever a video that you've downloaded from the Services (including, but not limited to, the images, music or texts in the video);</li> <li>Extract content from the video to use or distribute it separately.</li> <li>Provide (sub-license) the video, or any component or portion thereof (including, but not limited to, the images, music or texts in it), for others (including entities under common control, subsidiaries, affiliates of your organization or the like) to use or reuse (including, but not limited to reuse as stock, archive or library footage);</li> <li>Combine the video with another audiovisual piece.</li> <li>Create, download or use the video as "raw footage" that do not contain text captions throughout at least 50&#37; of said "raw footage" and a music track, or use or resell the produced video as stock content in any way or form, online or elsewhere.</li> <li>Create, download and use "raw music", that is, use a music track without the accompanying video footage that includes both text captions and the music track, thought at least 50&#37; of said "raw music".</li> </ul> <p>You may not use musical elements that we provide on the Services in order to create episodic series productions or themes, namely television programming or motion picture cinematographic movies.</p> <p>You may not use any content marked as "EDITORIAL" for any commercial, promotional, advertorial, endorsement, advertising, sponsorship, marketing or merchandising purpose for any product, service, and brand or for any other commercial use, or in conjunction with elections or donations. Use of EDITORIAL content for commercial purposes as provided herein may expose you to legal liability by the right holders of such content and is a violation of these Terms.</p> <p>You may not use images or graphical elements we provide on the Service in any of the following manners:</p> <ul> <li>In any manner other than incorporating them into the content you create on the Services;</li> <li>Portraying any person depicted therein (a "Model") in a way that a reasonable person would find offensive, including but not limited to depicting a Model: a) in connection with pornography, "adult videos", adult entertainment venues, escort services, dating services, or the like; b) in connection with the advertisement or promotion of tobacco products; c) as endorsing a political party, candidate, elected official, or opinion; d) as suffering from, or medicating for, a physical or mental ailment; or e) engaging in immoral or criminal activities;</li> <li>As a trademark, service mark, or logo;</li> <li>Implying endorsement of, or affiliation with, your product by people, brands or logos on the image.</li> </ul> <p>Without limiting the foregoing, you agree that you will not create, transmit, submit or post any Content (including any comments, or modifications to or mashups of any Content) that: (1) Violates the legal rights of others, including defaming, abuse, stalking or threatening users; (2) Infringes (or results in the infringement of) the intellectual property rights, moral rights or other rights of any third party; (3) Is (or you reasonably believe or should reasonably believe to be) illegal, fraudulent, or unauthorized, or in furtherance of any illegal, counterfeiting, fraudulent, pirating, unauthorized, or violent activity, or that involves (or you reasonably believe or should reasonably believe to involve) any stolen, illegal, counterfeit, fraudulent, pirated, or unauthorized material; (4) does not comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations; (5) Publishes falsehoods or misrepresentations that may damage us or any third party; (6) Involves gambling activities, or the payment or acceptance of payments relating to gambling activities; (7) Imposes an unreasonably or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure; or (8) Posts, stores, transmits, offers, or solicits anything that contains the following, or that you know contains links to the following or to locations that in turn contain links to the following: (a) material that we determine to be offensive (including material promoting or glorifying hate, violence, bigotry, or any entity (past or present) principally dedicated to such causes or items associated with such an entity), (b) material that is racially or ethnically insensitive, material that is defamatory, harassing or threatening, (c) pornography or obscene material, (d) any virus, worm, trojan horse, or other harmful or disruptive component or (e) anything that encourages conduct that would be considered a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, violate any law or regulation or is otherwise inappropriate or offensive.</p> <p>You may not do or attempt to do any of the following: (1) Attempt to decipher, decompile, disassemble, or reverse-engineer any of the software used to provide the Services or the Site without our prior written authorization, including framing or mirroring any part of the Site; and (2) Circumvent, disable, or otherwise interfere with security-related features of the Services or the Site or features that prevent or restrict use or copying of any Content; (3) Use any robot, spider, site search or retrieval application, or any other manual or automatic device or process to retrieve, index, data-mine, or in any way reproduce or circumvent the navigational structure or presentation of the Site; (4) Use or access another user’s account or password without permission; (5) Use the Site or Content thereon in any manner not permitted by these Terms, (6) post, distribute or edit any Content or links in violation of the requests or wishes of the individual that provided you with such Content or links.</p> <p>You may not use the videos that you create on the Site or through the Services in any manner that suggests that such video or similar videos can be obtained elsewhere.</p> <p>YOU MAY NOT USE THE SERVICES IN AN ATTEMPT, OR WITH A VIEW TO DEVELOP, OR CREATE, OR PERMIT OTHERS TO DEVELOP OR CREATE, A PRODUCT OR SERVICE SIMILAR TO OR COMPETITIVE WITH THE SERVICES.</p> <h2>INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY</h2> <p>Promo and its licensors own the Site, including all worldwide intellectual property rights in the Site and Services, and the trademarks, service marks, and logos contained therein. Except as expressly permitted herein, you may not copy, further develop, reproduce, republish, modify, alter download, post, broadcast, transmit or otherwise use the Site, Content or the Services. You will not remove, alter or conceal any copyright, trademark, service mark or other proprietary rights notices incorporated in the Site, Content or Services. All trademarks are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Nothing in these Terms grants you any right to use any trademark, service mark, logo, or trade name of Promo or any third party.</p> <p>You retain all right, title and interest in any Content of yours that you submit to Promo. If any third party Content is included in any video you create, you receive no rights in such Content, save the limited right to distribute such Content as embedded in your video, subject to the terms and conditions of these Terms.</p> <p>By creating, submitting or posting any Content you grant Promo, its third party service providers, and its successors a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, sublicensable and transferable license to use, copy, distribute, transmit, display, and perform such Content on, through or in connection with the Site or Services for any purpose and in any medium, including without limitation, for commercially promoting the Site and Services, as well as any other commercially available items on the Site.</p> <h2>COPYRIGHT POLICY</h2> <p>We respect the intellectual property rights of others and request our users to do the same. This section describes our copyright policy.</p> <h3>Alleged infringement notice</h3> <p>If a person believes that certain content, which appears on or through the Services, infringes copyright that that person owns or represent, they may send our designated agent ("Agent") a written notification, stating the location of the work claimed to be infringing. Upon their notification and subject to applicable copyright laws, we may remove or disable access to any such content.</p> <p>To be effective, the notification of claimed infringement must be a written communication provided to our Agent that includes substantially the following:</p> <ul class="numbered"> <li>A physical or electronic signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the right that is allegedly infringed;</li> <li>Identification of the work and the pertinent exclusive legal right claimed to be infringed, or if multiple works or legal rights are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such elements;</li> <li>Identification of the material that is claimed to infringe or to be the subject of infringing activity and the access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate the material, including the precise location on the Services where they discovered the work claimed to be infringing;</li> <li>Information reasonably sufficient to permit us to contact them, such as an address, telephone number, and, if available, an electronic mail address at which you may be contacted;</li> <li>A statement that they have a good faith belief that the use of the material, in the manner complained of, is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;</li> <li>A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that they are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of copyright that is allegedly infringed.</li> </ul> <p>After receiving the communication, we may ask person who submitted the claimed infringement to provide further or supplemental information, prior to removing any content on the Services, as we deem necessary to comply with applicable law. We may also provide the user who uploaded the allegedly infringing content, with the contact details of person who submitted the claimed infringement, in order for the former to be able to contact the latter and challenge the claim.</p> <h3>Counter notification</h3> <p>If we've removed material that a user of the Services submitted for posting, pursuant to a notification of claimed infringement that we received, then that user has an opportunity to respond to the notification and our takedown by submitting a counter-notification to our Agent. To be effective, the counter notification must be a written communication provided to our Agent that includes substantially the following:</p> <ul class="numbered"> <li>The user's physical or electronic signature;</li> <li>Identification of the material to which access has been disabled and the location at which the material appeared before access to it was disabled;</li> <li>A statement, under penalty of perjury, that the users has a good faith belief that the material was disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification of the material to be disabled;</li> <li>User's name, address, and telephone number, and a statement that the user consents to the jurisdiction of the competent courts in any judicial district in which their address is located or in which they may be found, and that they will accept service of process from the person who provided notification or an agent of such person.</li> </ul> <p>After receipt of a counter notification, we will provide the person who submitted the claimed infringement notification, with a copy of the counter notification.</p> <p>We may then repost the removed material and cease disabling access to it within 10 to 14 business days following receipt of the counter notice, unless our Agent first receives notice from the person who notified us of the claimed infringement that such person has filed an action seeking a court order to restrain such user from engaging in infringing activity relating to the material on the Services.</p> <h3>Repeat infringements</h3> <p>We may deny or cancel any instance of your use of the Services, or terminate your user account altogether, if we determine, at our sole discretion, that you are a repeat infringer. A repeat infringer is a user who has been notified of infringing activity more than twice or a user whose uploaded material was removed from the Services more than twice.</p> <p>We may decide, at our sole discretion, that a sufficient reason exists for the immediate termination of your account for any reason, at any time. In these cases we may terminate your account immediately.</p> <h3>Agent Details</h3> <p>Our Agent is the company's Chief Technology Officer (CTO). You may contact our Agent through any of the following communications channels:</p> <ul > <li>Email address: <a target="_blank" href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#294a4659505b404e415d69595b464446074a4644"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="771418070e051e101f03370705181a185914181a">[email&#160;protected]</span></a></li> <li>Postal Address: Hauteville Trust (BVI) Limited 3483 Tortola, Road Town, 6971918, British Virgin Islands</li> <li>Telephone number: +1 (855) 446-0230</li> </ul> <p>Please note that our Agent receives alleged infringement-related notifications only.</p> <h3>Misrepresentations</h3> <p>Any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that: (1) certain material is infringing, or (2) certain material was removed or disabled by mistake or misidentification – may be liable for any damages, including costs and attorneys' fees, that we may incur, if we are injured by such misrepresentation, as the result of our reliance upon such misrepresentation in removing or disabling access to the material claimed to be infringing.</p> <h2>DISCLAIMERS &amp; DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY</h2> <p>Your use of the Site, Content and Services is at your sole discretion and risk. The Site, Content and Services, and any product made available through the foregoing, are provided on an AS IS and AS AVAILABLE basis without warranties of any kind. WE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, RELATING TO THE SITE, CONTENT, AND SERVICES, OR WITH RESPECT TO ANY PRODUCT MADE AVAILABLE THROUGH THE FOREGOING, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NON-INFRINGEMENT OF PROPRIETARY RIGHTS, COURSE OF DEALING OR COURSE OF PERFORMANCE. WE DISCLAIM ANY WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, (I) REGARDING THE SECURITY, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, TIMELINESS AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SITE, CONTENT AND SERVICES; OR (II) THAT THE SITE AND SERVICES WILL BE ERROR-FREE OR THAT ANY ERRORS WILL BE CORRECTED; OR (III) REGARDING THE PERFORMANCE OF OR ACCURACY, QUALITY, CURRENCY, COMPLETENESS OR USEFULNESS OF ANY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE SITE AND SERVICES. We are not responsible for any incorrect or inaccurate Content posted on the Site or in connection with the Services, or transmitted by any User, whether by users of the Services or by any of the equipment or programming associated with the Services. We take no responsibility for third party advertisements which are posted on this Site or through the Services, nor does it take any responsibility for the goods or services provided by its advertisers. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by you from us, shall create any warranty not expressly stated in these Terms. If you choose to rely on such information, you do so solely at your own risk. Some states or jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain warranties. Accordingly, some of the above exclusions may not apply to you. Check your local laws for any restrictions or limitations regarding the exclusion of implied warranties. PRIOR TO UPLOADING ANY CONTENT TO THE SITE, YOU SHOULD ENSURE THAT YOU FULLY UNDERSTAND HOW THIRD PARTIES MAY ACCESS AND SHARE, SUCH CONTENT. IF YOU DO NOT FULLY UNDERSTAND HOW THIRD PARTIES MAY ACCESS AND SHARE CONTENT, DO NOT UPLOAD CONTENT. YOU SHALL NOT HAVE ANY CLAIMS AGAINST PROMO, AND YOU HEREBY IRREVOCABLY WAIVE ALL CLAIMS AGAINST PROMO, IN RESPECT OF THE USE, EDITING, MODIFICATION OR DISTRIBUTION OF ANY CONTENT (A) DESIGNATED AS “PUBLIC” ON THE SITE OR (B) IN RESPECT OF WHICH YOU HAVE PROVIDED THIRD PARTIES WITH A LINK TO SUCH CONTENT. PROMO DOES NOT ASSUME ANY RESPONSIBILITY WITH RESPECT TO WHETHER USER GENERATED CONTENT INFRINGES THE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, MORAL, PRIVACY OR PUBLICITY RIGHTS OF ANY THIRD PARTY.</p> <p>Promo is not a storage service. You agree that we have no obligation to store, maintain or provide you a copy of any Content or information that you provide, except to the extent required by applicable law.</p> <h2>LIMITATION OF LIABILITY</h2> <p>We assume no responsibility for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, or alteration of, any Content or Services. We are not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer online systems, servers or providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any email due to technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or on any of the Site or Services or combination thereof, including any injury or damage to users or to any person's computer related to or resulting from participation or downloading materials in connection with the Site or Services. Under no circumstances shall we be responsible for any loss or damage, including personal injury or death, resulting from use of the Site or Services, from any Content posted on or through the Site or Services, or from the conduct of any Users of the Site or Services, whether online or offline.</p> <p>IN NO EVENT SHALL WE OR ANY OF OUR OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, OR AGENTS BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH YOUR USE OF THE SITE, CONTENT AND SERVICES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE QUALITY, ACCURACY, OR UTILITY OF THE INFORMATION PROVIDED AS PART OF OR THROUGH THE SITE OR THE SERVICES, WHETHER THE DAMAGES ARE FORESEEABLE AND WHETHER OR NOT WE HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. EXCEPT WITH RESPECT TO THE PURCHASE OF PHYSICAL GOODS, THE FOREGOING LIMITATION OF LIABILITY SHALL APPLY TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW IN THE APPLICABLE JURISDICTION AND IN NO EVENT SHALL OUR CUMULATIVE LIABILITY TO YOU EXCEED U.S. $100. YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY WITH RESPECT TO ANY PURCHASED GOODS WILL BE THE REFUND BY PROMO OF THE AMOUNT YOU PAID FOR SUCH PRODUCT.</p> <h2>LINKED CONTENT & SERVICES</h2> <p>Portions of the Site (including, without limitation, advertisements) may involve linking to or using web sites or services belonging to third parties. The Site may also provide you with links to access the Sites or services of third party vendors or retailers including, without limitation, for the purpose of reviewing or purchasing items, or for the provision of third party services via application programming interfaces (“API”), such as YouTube API Services. We have no control over third-party sites or services, and all use of third-party sites or services is at your own risk. Additionally, Promo cannot accept responsibility for any payments processed or submitted through such third party sites or services, or for the privacy policies and terms of any such sites or services. For example when you are using YouTube API client, you are agreeing to be bound by the YouTube Terms of Service, which can be access via the following link: <a href="" target="_blank">YouTube Terms of Service</a>. Promo is not responsible for content or services available by third parties. Promo does not endorse any products or services offered by third parties and we urge our users to exercise caution in using third-party sites or services.</p> <p>Promo may allow you to purchase physical goods from third parties. Promo has no responsibility or liability in respect of the provision of goods or services from any third party.</p> <h2>INDEMNIFICATION</h2> <p>You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Promo and our respective employees, directors, officers, subcontractors and agents of each, against any and all claims, damages, or costs or expenses (including attorneys' fees) that arise directly or indirectly from: (a) breach of these Terms by you or anyone using your computer or password; (b) any claim, loss or damage experienced from your use or attempted use of the Site or the Services, including any message or Content you transmit through the Site or Services; (c) your violation of any law or regulation; (d) your infringement of any right of any third party; and (e) any other matter for which you are responsible hereunder or under law.</p> <h2>ONLINE APPLICATION STORES</h2> <p>Your use of the Services through our smartphone apps may be subject to additional third party terms and conditions that govern that application marketplace from which you downloaded the App, such as AppStore or Google Play. Such third parties are not responsible for providing maintenance and support services with respect to the Site.</p> <p>The following terms apply if you downloaded the Site’s iOS app from Apple's App Store. You and us agree and acknowledge as follows:</p> <p>These Terms are concluded between yourself and us, and not with Apple Inc. ("Apple"). Apple is not responsible for the Services. In the event of a conflict between these Terms and the App Store Terms of Service then the App Store Terms of Service will prevail, solely with respect to the conflicting provisions.</p> <p>The license granted to you for the Services’ app is limited to a non-transferrable license to use the app on any iOS Products that you own or control, and as permitted by the Usage Rules set forth in the App Store Terms of Service, except that such App may be accessed, acquired, and used by other accounts associated with the purchaser via Family Sharing.</p> <p>In the event of a failure to conform to any applicable warranty (if any warranty is applicable), you may notify Apple, and Apple will refund the purchase price for the smartphone app to you (if you paid any). Apple has no other warranty obligation whatsoever with respect to the app, and any other claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs or expenses attributable to any failure to conform to any warranty, will not be at Apple’s responsibility. Apple is not responsible for addressing any claims by you or any third party relating to the Services or your possession and/or use of the Services, including (i) product liability claims, (ii) any claim that the Services fails to conform to any applicable legal or regulatory requirement, and (iii) claims arising under consumer protection or similar legislation.</p> <p>In the event of any third party claim that the app or your possession and use of the app infringes that third party’s IP Rights, Apple will not be responsible for the investigation, defense, settlement and discharge of any such infringement claim.</p> <p>You must comply with applicable third party terms of agreement when using the app (e.g. you must not be in violation of your wireless data services agreement when you use the app). Apple and Apple’s subsidiaries are third party beneficiaries of these Terms. Upon your acceptance of these Terms, Apple will have the right (and will be deemed to have accepted the right) to enforce these Terms against you as a third party beneficiary thereof.</p> <p>You represent and warrant that (i) you are not located in a country that is subject to a U.S. Government embargo, or that has been designated by the U.S. Government as a “terrorist supporting” country; and (ii) you are not listed on any U.S. Government list of prohibited or restricted parties.</p> <h2>Our Services adapted to ChatGPT in the OpenAI GPTs store.</h2> <p>Your use of the our Services adapted to ChatGPT is based on OpenAI as an external provider. In this situation, you may be subject to additional third-party terms and conditions of OpenAI.</p> <p>We do not guarantee that the Services will be available without interruptions or without errors or that the content will be lost or will not work or be damaged. In addition, we disclaim all warranties for the information produced with the help of the external provider, including any warranty of satisfactory quality, adaptation to your requirements, non-infringement.</p> <h2>MISCELLANEOUS</h2> <p>These Terms shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York exclusive of its choice of law rules, and without regard to the United Nations Convention on the International Sales of Goods. Your conduct may also be subject to other local, state, and national laws. Any action to be brought in connection with these Terms or the Site shall be brought exclusively in the state or federal courts in the State, City, and County of New York, United States of America, and you irrevocably consent to their jurisdiction. In any action to enforce these Terms, the prevailing party will be entitled to costs and attorneys' fees. Any cause of action against Promo must be brought within one (1) year of the date such cause of action arose. In the event that any provision of these Terms is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be replaced with an enforceable provision which most closely achieves the effect of the original provision, and the remaining terms of these Terms shall remain in full force and effect. Nothing in these Terms creates any agency, employment, joint venture, or partnership relationship between you and Promo or enables you to act on behalf of Promo. Except as may be expressly stated in these Terms, these Terms constitute the entire agreement between us and you pertaining to the subject matter hereof, and any and all other agreements existing between us relating thereto are hereby canceled.</p> <p>We may at any time, without prior notice: (a) cancel any user account, or limit any user's access to all or portions of the Site; (b) change or eliminate any component of the Site; (c) impose, remove, or change any fees or charges for use of the Site or any feature thereof (including, without limitation, by changing the manner in which fees are calculated); and (d) assign any and all of our rights under these Terms to any other entity. These Terms will bind and inure to the benefit of each party's permitted successors and assigns. We may elect to keep archives of all or parts of the Site, but we cannot guarantee that anything available on the Site, or any records or information relating to the Site, will be archived, or that any archives will be preserved or made publicly available. We may delete any such information without notice, at our sole discretion.</p> <p>Nothing contained in these terms shall be construed to limit the actions or remedies available to us with respect to any prohibited activity or conduct. Non-enforcement of any term of these Terms does not constitute consent or waiver, and we reserve the right to enforce such term at our sole discretion. No waiver of any breach or default hereunder shall be deemed to be a waiver of any preceding or subsequent breach or default. These Terms are for the benefit of Promo (and respective assignees), and each shall have the right to assert and enforce its provisions against you directly on its own behalf. These Terms supersede any prior agreements with regard to your use of the Site.</p> <p class="last-update">Last Update: October 2023</p> </div> </div> </section> <div id="fb-root"></div> <footer class="footer "> <div data-qaid="footer" class="footer__links accordion__list"> <div class="footer__item__container"> <div class="footer__item accordion__item">Company</div> <ul class="panel"> <li><a data-qaid="footer_pricing" href="/pricing">Pricing</a></li> <li><a data-qaid="footer_about" href="/about">About</a></li> <li><a data-qaid="footer_careers" href="" target="_blank">Careers</a></li> <li><a data-qaid="footer_news" href="/news">News & Media</a></li> <li><a data-qaid="footer_write_for_us" class="external-link" data-link-location="footer" href="" target="_blank">Write for Us</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="footer__item__container"> <div class="footer__item accordion__item">Support</div> <ul class="panel"> <li><a data-qaid="footer_faq" href="/faq">FAQ</a></li> <li><a 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22.0630844,40.8483533 22.0630844,40.0898962 C22.0630844,39.3158397 22.6113742,38.7999814 23.3680845,38.7999814 Z M26.1423744,38.7999814 C26.2605331,38.797925 26.3774817,38.8184796 26.4862596,38.8599674 L26.5920561,38.9083708 L26.4494602,39.4551592 C26.3391162,39.3959017 26.2145913,39.3639745 26.087554,39.3623692 C25.8908808,39.3623692 25.7067904,39.4651231 25.5499691,39.6843247 L25.4844152,39.7854376 L25.4844152,41.2560912 L24.8373743,41.2560912 L24.8373743,38.8927713 L25.4844152,38.8050916 L25.4844152,39.1921198 C25.6433886,38.9393008 25.8462642,38.7999814 26.1423744,38.7999814 Z M10.9385431,38.0310351 C11.8872677,38.0310351 12.3533555,38.4799233 12.3533555,39.1095502 C12.3533555,39.8059791 11.8762833,40.1941589 11.0575567,40.2443932 L10.8892962,40.2499253 L10.4999798,40.2550355 L10.4999798,41.2560912 L9.83095931,41.2560912 L9.83095931,38.0310351 L10.9385431,38.0310351 Z M16.5803005,38.7999814 C16.6984591,38.797925 16.8154077,38.8184796 16.9241856,38.8599674 L17.0299821,38.9083708 L16.8873862,39.4551592 C16.7770422,39.3959017 16.6525174,39.3639745 16.52548,39.3623692 C16.3288068,39.3623692 16.1447164,39.4651231 15.9878952,39.6843247 L15.9223412,39.7854376 L15.9223412,41.2560912 L15.2753004,41.2560912 L15.2753004,38.8927713 L15.9223412,38.8050916 L15.9223412,39.1921198 C16.0813147,38.9393008 16.2842188,38.7999814 16.5803005,38.7999814 Z M20.835113,38.7999814 C21.3058201,38.7999814 21.5990112,39.063756 21.6413323,39.506054 L21.6466436,39.6202984 L21.6466436,41.2560912 L20.9996313,41.2560912 L20.9996313,39.8061472 C20.9996313,39.4551592 20.8515762,39.3365494 20.5609252,39.3365494 C20.3735221,39.3365494 20.197651,39.4118198 20.0712396,39.5025926 L20.0016313,39.5584384 L20.0016313,41.2560912 L19.3545904,41.2560912 L19.3545904,38.8876612 L20.0016313,38.8050916 L20.0016313,39.1816305 C20.2264578,38.9495211 20.5280272,38.7999814 20.835113,38.7999814 Z M14.0747677,40.1364257 C13.444133,40.208506 13.2138758,40.3271158 13.2138758,40.5799348 C13.2138758,40.7606735 13.3619023,40.8895036 13.5921881,40.8895036 C13.7400055,40.8888499 13.8819517,40.8406786 13.9953889,40.7546668 L14.0747677,40.683214 L14.0747677,40.1364257 Z M23.3186661,39.2590899 C22.997941,39.2590899 22.7926723,39.4806482 22.7308432,39.7392634 L22.7155844,39.8265879 L23.8011886,39.8214778 L23.8011886,39.7803274 C23.8011886,39.4602693 23.6530763,39.2590899 23.3186661,39.2590899 Z M10.8948697,38.5573827 L10.4890043,38.5573827 L10.4890043,39.733798 L10.9166778,39.7235776 C11.4266676,39.7130883 11.6843921,39.5067988 11.6843921,39.1302598 C11.6843921,38.7534519 11.4211513,38.5573827 10.8948697,38.5573827 Z M18.986653,33.4450892 C19.1711058,33.4478219 19.3536551,33.4771291 19.5280236,33.5316938 L19.6994326,33.594629 L20.3794001,33.5378792 L20.4067817,34.069337 L19.9242592,33.9921465 C19.9900837,34.0591167 20.0394449,34.2395864 20.0394449,34.3635753 C20.0394449,34.8485037 19.6062265,35.2304217 18.9811081,35.2304217 C18.8645281,35.2310815 18.7483723,35.217153 18.6356938,35.1890025 C18.5479468,35.2202014 18.4382774,35.2973919 18.4382774,35.395561 C18.4382774,35.5100766 18.5291755,35.5678524 18.8344273,35.5792777 L18.9591856,35.5814098 L19.2224837,35.5814098 C19.946296,35.5814098 20.3575919,35.7720999 20.3575919,36.2365876 C20.3575919,36.7989754 19.6831123,37.1860037 18.8825571,37.1860037 C18.2135938,37.1860037 17.6816815,36.9538943 17.6816815,36.5254468 C17.6816815,36.2777379 17.8735815,36.0558489 18.2519509,35.9993681 C18.0326121,35.9270188 17.8681223,35.777479 17.868008,35.58652 C17.868008,35.3697412 18.0544203,35.1736719 18.3340672,35.0859922 C18.0544203,34.9517829 17.8734672,34.6833644 17.8734672,34.353355 C17.8734672,33.8630475 18.2847632,33.4450892 18.986653,33.4450892 Z M18.5864469,36.0816687 C18.4054938,36.1437977 18.2684142,36.2572972 18.2684142,36.4017268 C18.2684142,36.6236159 18.5590081,36.7782658 18.9867673,36.7782658 C19.4309041,36.7782658 19.7708592,36.6236159 19.7708592,36.375907 C19.7708592,36.154018 19.5405735,36.1023784 19.0689694,36.1023784 C18.9099387,36.1023784 18.6906571,36.092158 18.5864469,36.0816687 Z M11.9083323,33.4450892 C12.1686911,33.4450892 12.4711092,33.4988805 12.7011426,33.5824936 L12.8295609,33.6360483 L12.686965,34.1107563 C12.4402446,33.9921465 12.1167527,33.9146871 11.8918976,33.9146871 C11.6561527,33.9146871 11.5135567,33.9972567 11.5135567,34.1519066 C11.5135567,34.3326453 11.7274363,34.3945053 12.0235466,34.4614754 C12.5060691,34.5698648 12.8843813,34.7454934 12.8843813,35.2097121 C12.8843813,35.6534902 12.4786303,35.9837686 11.8315322,35.9837686 C11.5573587,35.9837686 11.2337025,35.9228799 10.9874462,35.8249162 L10.8499954,35.7618796 L10.9925914,35.2871715 C11.2449139,35.4213808 11.5683486,35.5090606 11.8479955,35.5090606 C12.1002323,35.5090606 12.2647507,35.4108915 12.2647507,35.2457523 C12.2647507,35.0601724 12.050871,34.9929333 11.7547608,34.9259631 C11.2776975,34.8226839 10.8993852,34.6371039 10.8993852,34.1882157 C10.8993852,33.7393275 11.2995342,33.4450892 11.9083323,33.4450892 Z M23.7842676,33.4450892 C24.5109915,33.4450892 24.8221402,33.7283469 24.847058,34.2987984 L24.8480636,34.4254353 L24.8480636,35.2769512 C24.8480636,35.4348622 24.8732292,35.4743694 25.0081169,35.4886257 L25.0728902,35.4934611 L25.0235289,35.9528386 C24.589233,35.9993143 24.363717,35.8911131 24.2550095,35.695879 L24.2228594,35.6276703 L24.200937,35.6276703 C24.0199553,35.8339599 23.8006165,35.9786584 23.4880716,35.9786584 C23.0329022,35.9786584 22.703894,35.6844201 22.703894,35.3078812 C22.703894,34.8950173 23.0050813,34.5417147 24.0051392,34.4713071 L24.200937,34.4614754 L24.200937,34.4047256 C24.200937,34.0849365 24.058341,33.9507272 23.6964063,33.9507272 C23.4902267,33.9507272 23.248962,34.0200965 23.0231436,34.1217921 L22.8574654,34.2035462 L22.7259879,33.723728 C23.0462373,33.54416 23.4114871,33.4479918 23.7842676,33.4450892 Z M16.2837039,33.4450892 C17.0104278,33.4450892 17.3215765,33.7283469 17.3464944,34.2987984 L17.3475,34.4254353 L17.3475,35.2769512 C17.3475,35.4348622 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L14.891157,35.8855995 C14.7028795,35.9487109 14.5042839,35.9802092 14.3044243,35.9786584 C13.7800107,35.9786584 13.4871837,35.7782914 13.465625,35.2912054 L13.4654834,35.1736719 L13.5038691,34.0540065 L13.1090364,34.0125872 L13.1254997,33.625559 L13.5203324,33.5069492 L13.5312507,32.9806015 L14.1563691,32.9806015 Z M9.56180158,33.4450892 C10.0325087,33.4450892 10.3256998,33.7088638 10.3680209,34.1511618 L10.3733323,34.2654062 L10.3733323,35.901199 L9.72631997,35.901199 L9.72631997,34.4512551 C9.72631997,34.100267 9.57826485,33.9816572 9.28761379,33.9816572 C9.10021069,33.9816572 8.92433967,34.0569277 8.79792819,34.1477004 L8.72831987,34.2035462 L8.72831987,35.901199 L8.081279,35.901199 L8.081279,33.532769 L8.72831987,33.4501994 L8.72831987,33.8270073 C8.95300351,33.594629 9.25471583,33.4450892 9.56180158,33.4450892 Z M22.0681144,33.4450892 C22.1862729,33.4430348 22.303221,33.4635898 22.4119991,33.5050766 L22.5177961,33.5534786 L22.3752002,34.100267 C22.2648473,34.0410062 22.1403123,34.0090789 22.0132654,34.007477 C21.8165922,34.007477 21.6324799,34.110231 21.4756723,34.3294325 L21.4101552,34.4305454 L21.4101552,35.901199 L20.7631143,35.901199 L20.7631143,33.5378792 L21.4101552,33.4501994 L21.4101552,33.8372276 C21.5691287,33.5844086 21.7720042,33.4450892 22.0681144,33.4450892 Z M28.554472,33.4450892 C28.9948117,33.4450892 29.2858617,33.7088638 29.3280331,34.1553926 L29.3333333,34.2707853 L29.3333333,35.901199 L28.6862353,35.901199 L28.6862353,34.4563653 C28.6862353,34.1056461 28.5381802,33.9816572 28.2695087,33.9816572 C28.0895789,33.9816572 27.9412768,34.0510265 27.8246025,34.1316531 L27.743027,34.1933259 L27.743027,35.901199 L27.0959862,35.901199 L27.0959862,34.4563653 C27.0959862,34.1056461 26.9533616,33.9816572 26.6846902,33.9816572 C26.5279071,33.9800059 26.3755842,34.0247349 26.2485405,34.1080894 L26.1583228,34.1777264 L26.1583228,35.901199 L25.5112819,35.901199 L25.5112819,33.532769 L26.1583228,33.4501994 L26.1583228,33.785588 C26.3941249,33.563699 26.6517922,33.4450892 26.9643371,33.4450892 C27.2714229,33.4450892 27.5291474,33.5844086 27.6552801,33.8528271 C27.9074882,33.594629 28.2092006,33.4450892 28.554472,33.4450892 Z M7.33017081,32.6761429 L7.33017081,35.901199 L6.66666667,35.901199 L6.66666667,32.6761429 L7.33017081,32.6761429 Z M16.7004591,34.7815335 C16.0698243,34.8536138 15.8395386,34.9724926 15.8395386,35.2253116 C15.8395386,35.4057813 15.9875937,35.5348804 16.2178794,35.5348804 C16.3657494,35.5342439 16.5077346,35.4860012 16.6211289,35.3998713 L16.7004591,35.3283219 L16.7004591,34.7815335 Z M24.2010513,34.7815335 C23.570388,34.8536138 23.3401308,34.9724926 23.3401308,35.2253116 C23.3401308,35.4057813 23.4881859,35.5348804 23.7184431,35.5348804 C23.8663198,35.5342445 24.0083121,35.4860023 24.1217147,35.3998719 L24.2010513,35.3283219 L24.2010513,34.7815335 Z M18.9647591,33.8579373 C18.679653,33.8579373 18.4986999,34.0591167 18.4986999,34.3584651 C18.4986999,34.6422141 18.679653,34.8331732 18.9922265,34.8331732 C19.282849,34.8331732 19.4473102,34.6371039 19.4473102,34.3377555 C19.4473102,34.0540065 19.2883082,33.8579373 18.9647591,33.8579373 Z M22.8261262,6.66666667 C26.4191563,6.66666667 29.3318826,9.47922808 29.3318826,12.9486984 L29.3318826,22.2704229 C29.3318826,25.7398933 26.4191563,28.5524547 22.8261262,28.5524547 L13.1724231,28.5524547 C9.57939304,28.5524547 6.66666667,25.7398933 6.66666667,22.2704229 L6.66666667,12.9486984 C6.66666667,9.47922808 9.57939304,6.66666667 13.1724231,6.66666667 L22.8261262,6.66666667 Z M22.8261262,8.69312852 L13.1724231,8.69312852 C10.738435,8.69312852 8.76529778,10.5984121 8.76529778,12.9486984 L8.76529778,22.2704229 C8.76529778,24.6207093 10.738435,26.5259928 13.1724231,26.5259928 L22.8261262,26.5259928 C25.2601143,26.5259928 27.2332515,24.6207093 27.2332515,22.2704229 L27.2332515,12.9486984 C27.2332515,10.5984121 25.2601143,8.69312852 22.8261262,8.69312852 Z M18.1702872,12.0215588 C21.466656,12.0215588 24.1363957,14.6146093 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L13.5165333,23.0225333 L14.392,2.79253333 C14.3658667,2.7972 14.3416,2.8028 14.3229333,2.8084 Z M11.0282667,3.6988 C11.0282667,3.7436 11.0282667,3.7856 11.0273333,3.8276 C10.3058667,4.05066667 9.5228,4.29333333 8.73786667,4.536 C9.1784,2.83453333 10.0053333,2.0132 10.7277333,1.70333333 C10.9097333,2.15973333 11.0282667,2.81493333 11.0282667,3.6988 Z M9.8476,0.8708 C9.97546667,0.8708 10.1042667,0.913733333 10.2274667,0.998666667 C9.27826667,1.44573333 8.26,2.5704 7.83066667,4.81786667 C7.20253333,5.012 6.5884,5.2024 6.02093333,5.3788 C6.52493333,3.66426667 7.7196,0.8708 9.8476,0.8708 Z M10.3581333,10.8873333 C10.3581333,10.8873333 9.59093333,10.4776 8.65106667,10.4776 C7.27253333,10.4776 7.20346667,11.3428 7.20346667,11.5602667 C7.20346667,12.7493333 10.3030667,13.2048 10.3030667,15.9898667 C10.3030667,18.1813333 8.91333333,19.5925333 7.0392,19.5925333 C4.7908,19.5925333 3.64,18.1925333 3.64,18.1925333 L4.242,16.2036 C4.242,16.2036 5.42453333,17.2181333 6.42133333,17.2181333 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C57.0289002,217.97303 56.6449993,218.839748 55.87256,219.13626 L11.9875595,235.982133 Z M1.31394099,154.224754 C0.493661867,154.124036 -0.0901654775,153.381554 0.0114982659,152.553569 C0.112458136,151.731317 0.858321868,151.146282 1.67954902,151.247116 L48.3363631,156.975852 C49.1566422,157.07657 49.7404696,157.819052 49.6388058,158.647037 C49.537846,159.469289 48.7919822,160.054324 47.9707551,159.95349 L1.31394099,154.224754 Z M29.9159297,76.8900024 C29.2389503,76.4159763 29.0720356,75.4863131 29.5505147,74.8029742 C30.0256809,74.1243664 30.9588972,73.9579724 31.636659,74.4325463 L70.1427019,101.394768 C70.8196813,101.868794 70.9865959,102.798457 70.5081169,103.481796 C70.0329506,104.160404 69.0997344,104.326798 68.4219725,103.852224 L29.9159297,76.8900024 Z M90.8723359,21.9615411 C90.4843462,21.2318385 90.7576824,20.3277248 91.4942397,19.9360904 C92.2256975,19.5471674 93.1327405,19.8225805 93.5211787,20.5531264 L115.589722,62.0580193 C115.977711,62.7877219 115.704375,63.6918355 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