CINXE.COM Policies
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Your information is safe and secure, and will only be used by us to send information you asked for. And this will never change - guaranteed! Orders are stored in encrypted form on our server. We do not store credit card information. So even in the unlikely event of a breach of security at our webhost, credit card information cannot be stolen, because it is not present. Other personal data is encrypted and thus safe from unauthorized use.<br><br><img src="" alt="signature of Chris Wasshuber" title="signature of Chris Wasshuber" width="286" height="50" srcset=" 2x"><br>Chris Wasshuber, owner and founder of <p><hr style="width:80%"> <h2 id=disclaimer>Disclaimer</h2> used its best efforts in preparing its ebooks. However, makes no representation or warranties (express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of title, non-infringement, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose) with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of its ebooks. The information contained in these ebooks is strictly for educational purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in these ebooks, you are taking full responsibility for your actions. <p> In particular some of the ebooks mention experiments and tricks using mercury or white phosphor. These are highly toxic and dangerous materials. Do not experiment with such materials unless you know how to handle them safely and appropriately. Likewise some ebooks write about using cigarettes, smoke, fire, guns and pistols. We advise against replicating any of these experiments, stunts or tricks. <p><hr style="width:80%"> <h2 id=conditions>Conditions of Use</h2> <b>Copyrights</b><br>All our ebooks are copyrighted and all rights are reserved. Even though some of the original books we have used to prepare our ebooks are in the public domain, the conversion to a digital form creates a new copyright. For many of our ebooks we have license agreements with authors and copyright owners. We also purchased many copyrights of out of print books or unpublished manuscripts. For any inquiries about permission to use any parts of our ebooks in other publications, please <a href="contact_us.php">contact us</a>.<p><b>Allowed Usage</b><br>Our ebooks are for personal and home use only. Renting or public viewing of our ebooks is strictly prohibited. Any other use of our ebooks, including reproduction for purposes other than those noted above, modification, distribution, or republication without the prior written permission of is strictly prohibited. We have a special arrangement for libraries. Please <a href="contact_us.php">contact us</a> for details. You are allowed and encouraged to make backup copies for your own protection and use.<br><br><b>Disclaimer</b><br> used its best efforts in preparing its ebooks. However, makes no representation or warranties (express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of title, non-infringement, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose) with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of our ebooks. The information contained in our ebooks is strictly for educational purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in our ebooks, you are taking full responsibility for your actions.<p><b>Crime Watch</b><br>Please help us to identify criminals. Several customers have notified us about possible illegal copies of our ebooks in the past. Starting with this information we have stopped several thieves on ebay and other auction sites. We are prepared and determined to defend our copyrights to the maximum extent allowed by international copyright laws. At the end of the day illegal copying will increase ebook prices for you or make such products impossible altogether. If you encounter suspicious activities, please <a href="contact_us.php">contact us</a>. Your help is appreciated. Despite the fact that thieves are among us we are maintaining an open policy. Our ebooks are not encrypted and we do not use digital rights management (DRM), because we believe these methods hinder the honest and legitimate customer to make the best use of his ebooks. Please help us to maintain this open policy and do not make illegal copies of your ebooks. You are allowed and encouraged to make backup copies for your own protection and use. <p><hr style="width:80%"> <h2 id=shipping>Shipping</h2> Most of our ebooks are available for immediate download and can therefore be delivered to any place with an internet connection. When we say "immediate" it refers to our system. Downloads are enabled immediately after payment confirmation has arrived. However, payment confirmation from Paypal, credit card or cryptocurrency processors is not always immediate. This means that occasionally downloads can take a few minutes to a few hours to become enabled. In rare cases we have seen this take more than a day, but that is unusual. Due to site maintenance and software updates downloads may also be delayed. If a download is not enabled after 48 hours you can request a refund of your order. We also ship our discs and any other products worldwide. If the post office services your area, we will mail your order. For international orders we use airmail which typically takes 5-12 business days, for domestic orders (inside the US) we ship priority, first class or media mail which usually need 2-5 business days to be delivered. If you add to this one day of processing for us to prepare and package the order, you have a good idea of when to expect your package in the mail. On rare occasion the postal service looses a package. Do not worry. <a href="contact_us.php">Contact us</a> and we will send you a replacement. <p><hr style="width:80%"> <h2 id=downloading>Downloading</h2> The download links to your purchases remain active perpetually for an unlimited number of downloads. It is essentially an additional safety backup we provide for you in case you loose your ebooks. However, we consider this a convenience feature not an absolute 24/7 guarantee or right to each and every customer and each and every product. For example, for maintenance and other temporary interventions the download links can become unavailable. Or if a customer attempts to defraud us, we reserve the right to terminate all downloads for that customer. It is therefore your responsibility to save and backup your ebooks as best as you can. At some point will cease to exist, at which point all downloads will end. Therefore 'perpetually' and 'unlimited' are to be understood within the parameters which are under our control. Strictly speaking they are not really perpetual and not really unlimited, because everything must come to an end at some point. Nevertheless, we don't have any a priori download restrictions. <p><hr style="width:80%"> <h2 id=returns>Returns</h2> We are here to satisfy our customers. If you have a problem or complaint please <a href="contact_us.php">contact us</a>. We will do our best to help you. Our return window is 90 days. We do have a couple of return policies in place. <p> We will issue refunds if: <ol> <li>The ebook or product is damaged, such as missing chapters, and we cannot provide a replacement in less than three weeks. <li>The ebook description was wrong and it is a different ebook or something substantially different than the description claims. <li>You could not download the ebook. Please note that we are logging download activity and do see when and how often you download an ebook and if the download was successful or not. Lying to us will not get you your refund. But if you have a legitimate technical problem that we cannot resolve we will issue a refund. It is helpful if you send us error messages and screenshots to document your problems. </ol> We will <b>not</b> issue refunds: <ul> <li>If you did not like the ebook or product, or think it was badly written or produced, or if you think it was a waste of your time or money. We are not an arbiter of quality or taste. We are a digital media retailer who provides a wide selection of products. Some will not be suitable for you, some will offend certain people, others will be considered a waste of time and or money. It is up to you to first research the product, ask us questions and then buy. (If you have purchased something you did not like, we recommend you write a review to share your opinion with other customers. The best way to leave a review is while you are logged in to your Lybrary account. That way the review will be marked as comming from a confirmed customer. Review buttons can be found on every product page.) </ul> </div> <nav id=ftr> <img usemap="#social" src="images/social-square.svg" loading=lazy alt="Social media links" width=122 height=32> <map name=social> <area shape=rect coords="0,0,27,32" href="" target="_blank" alt=" Twitter page"> <area shape=rect coords="30,0,58,32" href="" target="_blank" alt=" Facebook page"> <area shape=rect coords="62,0,90,32" href="" target="_blank" alt=" YouTube page"> <area shape=rect coords="94,0,122,32" href="" target="_blank" alt=" Pinterest page"> </map> <div id=cprt>© 2025</div> <ul class="multicoltopic alist2" style="padding-left:0px"> <li class=mct-li><b><a href="magic-c-21.html">Magic</a></b></li> <li class=mct-li><b><a href="gambling-c-22.html">Gambling</a></b></li> <li class=mct-li><b><a href="games-c-23.html">Games</a></b></li> <li class=mct-li><b><a href="juggling-c-39.html">Juggling</a></b></li> <li class=mct-li><b><a href="nonfiction-c-34.html">Nonfiction</a></b></li> <li class=mct-li><b><a href="fiction-c-116.html">Fiction</a></b></li> <li class=mct-li><b><a href="minitesla-c-4883.html">miniTesla</a></b></li> <li class=mct-li><b><a href="arthur-dailey-photos-c-242.html">Arthur Dailey</a></b></li> <li class=mct-li><b><a href="ernest-hemingway-c-1115.html">Ernest Hemingway</a></b></li> <li class=mct-li><a href="news.html">Articles</a></li> <li class=mct-li><a href="contact_us.php" rel="nofollow">Contact</a></li> <li class=mct-li><a href="faq.html">FAQ</a></li> <li class=mct-li><a href="policies.html">Policies</a></li> <li class=mct-li><a href="reviews.php">Reviews</a></li> <li class=mct-li><a href="testimonials.html">Testimonials</a></li> <li class=mct-li><a href="sitemap.html">Site Map</a></li> </ul> </nav></body></html>