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This Privacy&nbsp;Policy addresses your personal data and how ISO processes and safeguards your personal data.</p> <h3>Your personal data</h3> <p>In your interactions with ISO, you may choose to provide such personal data as your name and contact details, your professional title, affiliation and committee role, your payment information and other information that identifies or can identify you. The personal data that you provide will be used only for such purposes as are described or evident at the point of collection, for example, to respond to your questions or comments or to help you liaise with your ISO member. This Privacy&nbsp;Policy applies to the personal data you provide ISO in the following situations:</p> <ul class="entry-content"> <li>your participation in ISO standardization activities, for which your agreement to the <a href="/web/20210506173940/" title="ISO Member Data Protection Policy">Data Protection Policy for ISO&nbsp;members</a> and the <a href="/web/20210506173940/" title="Declaration for participants in ISO activities">Declaration on copyright and data protection for participants in ISO activities</a> (as an ISO member or participant, respectively) is required;</li> <li>your creation of a <a href="/web/20210506173940/" title="Store">ISO&nbsp;webstore</a> account, and any subsequent use of your account, including for purchases;</li> <li>your creation of an ISO member&rsquo;s webstore account hosted by ISO, and any subsequent use of your account, including for purchases,&nbsp;as specified to you;</li> <li>your use of ISO&rsquo;s websites and other IT&nbsp;tools provided to you by ISO, as specified to you;</li> <li>your subscriptions to ISO Update, our newsletters, and any other subscription campaign, as specified to you; and</li> <li>any other interaction with ISO when you have agreed to the application of this Privacy&nbsp;Policy.</li> </ul> <h3>How to withdraw your agreement to this Privacy Policy:</h3> <ul class="entry-content"> <li>if you are a participant in ISO standardization activities, please contact your <a href="/web/20210506173940/" title="Members">ISO&nbsp;member</a> to which you gave your personal data or contact ISO directly at <a href=""></a>;</li> <li>if you hold an account for the <a href="/web/20210506173940/" title="Store">ISO&nbsp;webstore</a> or an ISO member&rsquo;s webstore account hosted by ISO, you can directly revise the personal data in your account (see <a href="#note-webstore">Our&nbsp;webstore</a> below for more details about how to control your personal data);</li> <li>if you are visiting ISO&rsquo;s websites, you can control your acceptance of cookies (including deleting them) by changing your browser settings (see <a href="#note-cookies">Our&nbsp;cookies</a> below for more details about how to control your personal data); and</li> <li>if you have subscriptions to <em>ISO Update</em>, our newsletters, and any other subscription campaign, you can unsubscribe at any time (see <a href="#note-providers">Our&nbsp;service&nbsp;providers</a> below for more information about how we ensure successful subscription campaigns.)</li> </ul> <p>If required to do so by law or to respond to any legal claims, we may disclose your personal data to the relevant regulatory or legal authority. For any other questions or concerns regarding your agreement to this Privacy&nbsp;Policy, you can directly contact ISO&rsquo;s Data Protection Offer at <a href=""></a>.</p> <h3>Your rights</h3> <p>In addition to understanding how ISO processes your personal data and your right to withdraw your agreement to that processing, you can request access to, correction of and deletion of your personal data. You can also request that your personal data be provided to you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. Where the request for your personal data in said portable format requires ISO to incur expense, you may be requested compensation. Requests for deletion will be considered in light of ISO&rsquo;s tax, auditing, contractual and other obligations under applicable laws, including in Switzerland, as well as ISO&rsquo;s legitimate interests or business requirements in preserving past contributions to ISO standardization work. Your personal data is retained for specific data retention periods as determined under ISO&rsquo;s tax, auditing, contractual and other obligations under applicable laws and ISO&rsquo;s legitimate interests or business requirements, after which your personal data is deleted or anonymized. For any questions or concerns, you may contact ISO&rsquo;s Data Protection Officer at <a href=""></a>, as registered with the Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC).</p> <p>You contribute to the ISO system. We rely on you to help us and help others. If you suspect a personal data breach, please contact ISO&rsquo;s Data Protection Officer at <a href=""></a> immediately.</p> <h3><a id="note-providers" name="note-providers"></a>Our service providers</h3> <p>In order to provide you the best service possible, we may transfer your personal data to our service providers that provide us back office applications for ISO&rsquo;s websites, your accounts and subscriptions, and other IT tools. These service providers are bound by contractual agreements to keep your data private and secure.</p> <p>For subscriptions to <em>ISO Update</em>, our newsletters, and any other subscription campaigns, we use a service provider to help us track rates of subscriber engagement within specific campaigns as well as capture engagement trends overall.</p> <p>From time to time, we may ask our website visitors to answer survey questions about ISO&rsquo;s websites, our products or categories of products. Surveys will not request any personally identifiable data.</p> <h3><a id="note-cookies" name="note-cookies"></a>Our use of cookies</h3> <p>ISO uses software to monitor its websites and IT applications for operational purposes. We use cookies to help us understand how you engage with our websites and IT applications so that we can improve them. Our analytics providers collect information anonymously and allow us to look at trends without identifying individual users. None of the information we collect could be used to personally identify you or for advertising or other commercial purposes. Nevertheless, you can choose to change your browser settings to reject or delete any cookies. We use cookies that are essential to the operation of our services or to provide you with a better experience e.g. by remembering a language preference. We use the following list of cookies:</p> <ul class="entry-content"> <li>user‑input cookies (session-id) such as first‑party cookies to keep track of your input when filling online forms, shopping carts, etc.;</li> <li>authentication cookies, to identify you once you have logged in, for the duration of a session;</li> <li>user‑centric security cookies, used to detect authentication abuses, for a limited persistent duration;</li> <li>multimedia content player cookies, used to store technical data to play back video or audio content, for the duration of a session;</li> <li>load‑balancing cookies, for the duration of session;</li> <li>user‑interface customization cookies such as language or font preferences, for the duration of a session (or slightly longer); and</li> <li>anonymous first-party cookies to report on user interactions with our websites.</li> </ul> <p>In addition to our use of cookies, ISO websites contain links to other sites. If you access other sites using the links provided, the operators of those sites may collect information from you which will be used by them in accordance with their own privacy policies. ISO is not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites. We encourage you to become familiar with the privacy policies of any other sites which you visit.</p> <h3><a id="note-webstore" name="note-webstore"></a>Our webstore</h3> <p>You can consult, revise and correct the personal data that you have provided us directly through your webstore account. Alternatively, you can send an email to <a href=""></a>, including if you wish to close your account.</p> <p>When you purchase an ISO deliverable like a standard from the ISO webstore, in order to make sure you always have access to information about any updates or corrections to the ISO deliverable, the button to &ldquo;follow&rdquo; the deliverable is automatically ticked. If you do not wish to receive any corrigendum or notices about updates to the deliverable you have purchased, you can either un-click the &ldquo;follow&rdquo; button before you make your purchase or manage the deliverables you wish to &ldquo;follow&rdquo; directly through your ISO webstore account.</p> <h3>Revisions</h3> <p>ISO reserves the right to change or modify this Privacy Policy at any time. If we revise our Privacy Policy, we will post the changes on the site to ensure transparency of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it.</p> <h3>Governing Law</h3> <p>Any dispute arising in connection with this Privacy Policy shall be governed by Swiss law to the exclusion of its choice of law provisions. The exclusive place of jurisdiction shall be Geneva, Switzerland.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <hr/> <h2>Copyright</h2> <p>All content on ISO Online is copyright protected. The copyright is owned by ISO. 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