Sasabonsam Enforced the Rules of Renewal in West African Forests - Neatorama
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That day of rest is enforced by a deity called sasabonsam, a fierce being with glowing eyes and terrifying teeth who will destroy those who flout the rule, or maybe send them back traumatized and damaged as a warning to other..." itemprop="description"/><meta property="og:title" content="Sasabonsam Enforced the Rules of Renewal in West African Forests" itemprop="name"/><meta property="og:type" content="article" /><meta property="og:url" content="" /><meta property="og:site_name" content="Neatorama" /><meta name="description" content="Among the Akan people of West Africa, rules passed down from generation to generation show how to be respectful of the earth itself. One rule is that you do not go into the forest on Thursday. No hunting and no farming, because Thursday is a sacred day for the gods to find solitude. That day of rest is enforced by a deity called sasabonsam, a fierce being with glowing eyes and terrifying teeth who will destroy those who flout the rule, or maybe send them back traumatized and damaged as a warning to other..." /><link href="" rel="image_src" type="image/jpeg" itemprop="image"/><meta property="og:image" content="" /><link href="" rel="canonical" /><meta name="neato:author" content="miss-cellania" /> <title>Sasabonsam Enforced the Rules of Renewal in West African Forests - Neatorama</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" /> <meta name="_globalsign-domain-verification" content="VxMUuIzYtAV0_jXAjmkg3BbnqQ1-ypAkE5hibYPxI5" /> <!--[if lte IE 8]> <script src="//"></script> <![endif]--> <link rel="image/x-icon" type="image/ico" href=""/> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/ico" href=""/> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-hWVjflwFxL6sNzntih27bfxkr27PmbbK/iSvJ+a4+0owXq79v+lsFkW54bOGbiDQ" crossorigin="anonymous" /> <link href="" rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="Neatorama Search"/><link href=";d477ec56f39503852b21b682e7c43713" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all"/><link href=";571a8f1170697165ab8773171aa80d77" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="print"/> <!--[if IE]> <link href=";861367e4bcfaac70848e083dcf2ab16e" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all"/><![endif]--> <!--[if IE 7]> <link href=";771372f9139f6a9e6cc24f2a6545e1f2" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all"/><![endif]--> <!--[if IE 8]> <link href=";d74fd0a688726a7ee280c52177ccf67e" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all"/><![endif]--> <!--[if IE 9]> <link href=";0d7e86ad56378d2bc37010ba0457a584" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all"/><![endif]--> <script src="//" type="text/javascript" ></script> <style type="text/css"> .noanon { display: none; } </style> <script type="text/javascript">var vosa={enableHotKeys:0,cuid:0,can_cache:false,channel:0};vosa.createUrl=function(path,u){var u=u||'';if(/\/$/.test(u)&&/^\//.test(path)) path=path.substring(1);if(!/\/$/.test(u)&&!/^\//.test(path)) path='/'+path;if(!/\./.test(path)&&!/\/$/.test(path)) path+='/';return u+path;};vosa.getThemeUrl=function(path){path=path||'';return''+path;};vosa.createCdnUrl=function(path){return vosa.createUrl(path,'');};vosa.addCgiVar=function(url,key,value){return url+(url.indexOf('?')>-1?'&':'?')+key+'='+encodeURIComponent(value);};vosa.imgLoading='';if(typeof(vosa.persist)==="undefined")vosa.persist={};$(window).unload(function(){vosa.persistCommit();});if(typeof(vosa.persist.prefs)==="undefined")vosa.persist.prefs={};vosa.persistSet=function(key,val){vosa.persist.prefs[key]=val;};vosa.persistGet=function(key){return vosa.persist.prefs[key];};vosa.persistCommit=function(){$.cookie("persist_prefs",JSON.stringify(vosa.persist.prefs),{domain:"",expires:123456,path:"\/"});};$.noncepost=function(url,data,callback,type){if(typeof(data)==='object'){data.vosa_noncetime=vosa_noncetime;data.vosa_noncehash=vosa_noncehash;} else if(typeof(data)==='string'){data+=data==''?'?':'&';data+='vosa_noncetime='+vosa_noncetime;data+='&vosa_noncehash='+vosa_noncehash;} return $.post(url,data,callback,type);};</script><script type="text/javascript">var vosa_noncetime='1732465369',vosa_noncehash='a220fef8c0c8859015447479dbe9cd0e';</script><script>$.post('',{},function(data){vosa_noncetime=data.time;vosa_noncehash=data.hash;},'json');</script> <script src=";ad4cf6c0b59032b89c5ac9c7127fd7ed" type="text/javascript" ></script> <link href="" rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS 2.0"/> <!-- common headtags -> global headtags --> <!-- global headtags: start --> <!-- UA: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)--> <link rel="sitemap" href=""/> <link rel="sitemap" href=""/> <link href=";ed4548f297bded60c15f3bbd98ab62a6" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all"/> <link href=";18376104d5bd0caf4a008dd7c6ea38b4" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="only screen and (max-device-width: 480px)"/> <!-- global headtags: end --> <!-- common headtags -> adtag init --> <!-- Quantcast Choice. 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One rule is that you do not go into the forest on Thursday. No hunting and no farming, because Thursday is a sacred day for the gods to find solitude. That day of rest is enforced by a deity called sasabonsam, a fierce being with glowing eyes and terrifying teeth who will destroy those who flout the rule, or maybe send them back traumatized and damaged as a warning to others. </p><blockquote><p>It is said that a sasabonsam immediately begins tracking a farmer or hunter who dares to venture into the forest on a Thursday. It’s been reported that the creature plays with its victims like a cat might play with a mouse, stalking prey as if by instinct, even when they’re not hungry. It might jump from tree to tree, or tap a victim’s shoulder with its tail. Once the sasabonsam has had its fill of taunting, it will stretch down to the forest floor to snatch up its prey, biting its neck, draining its blood, and gorging on its flesh and bone.<br /><br />“These stories and legends [of the sasabonsam] are used to educate and socialize people,” Nrenzah says, something she has honored in her own life. “The same stories I heard as a kid are the same stories I tell my children.” They are cautionary tales carrying moral lessons about the necessity to respect the land.</p></blockquote><p>The legend of sasabonsam has gone through some changes, particularly when Christian missionaries needed an understandable stand-in for the devil. Read about <a href="" target="_blank">sasabonsam as he was originally conceived </a>at Atlas Obscura. <br /><br />The article is part of a series called <a href="" target="_blank">Monster Mythology</a>, which looks at lesser-known but scary legendary figures from around the world. <br /><br />(Image credit: Staehle/Unusual Co.)</p> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </section> <br class="cb"/> <aside> <hr/> </aside> <div id="FreeStarVideoAdContainer" style="height: 260px; margin: 20px 0;"> <div id="freestar-video-parent"> <div id="freestar-video-child"></div> </div> </div> <section id="comments"> <header> <h2> <noscript> <a href="/2020/10/30/Sasabonsam-Enforced-the-Rules-of-Renewal-in-West-African-Forests/?load_comments=1" title="View this post with up to its first 100 comments">Comments (<span class="comm_count-post-116614">2</span>)</a> </noscript> <script> document.write('Comments (<span class="comm_count-post-116614">2</span>)'); </script> </h2> </header> <a href="#" class="show-newest-comments" onclick="$(this).next('.newest-comments').slideToggle();return false;">Newest 2</a> <div class="newest-comments"> <strong> Newest 2 Comments </strong> <br/> <br/> <article id="newest-comment-435471" data-type="post-116614" data-parent="435471" class="comment-single comment-by-4058 parent comm-parent-435471" data-status="published"> <div id="newest-commentself-435471" class="comment-self commentself-by-4058"> <span class="comm-tools"> </span> <footer> <span class="byline"> <span class="author"> <span id="newest-commname-435471" class="name"><a href="" rel="author" itemprop="author" class="userlink author-name" title="Profile for Geoduck - Member Since Aug 4th, 2012">Geoduck</a></span> </span> <span> • </span> <a href="" rel="nofollow" title="Permanent link to this comment" class="comm-date"> <time datetime="2020-10-31T00:06:54-0700" pubdate>31Oct20 12:06am</time> </a> <span> • </span> <span class="comm-likes"> <a href="#" rel="nofollow" class="comm-like icon-outer" id="newest-commlike-435471" title="Like this comment"> <span class="comm-liketext">0</span> <span class="heart"></span> </a> </span> </span> </footer> <div class="comm-content"> <div class="comm-body">Old joke- <br/>Why should you never go into the jungle on Thursday afternoons? That's when the elephants are jumping out of the trees.<br/>Why are Pygmies so short? They went into the jungle on Thursday afternoons.</div> <div class="comm-hidabuse"> <em>Abusive comment hidden.</em> <a href="#" class="comm-showabuse" id="newest-commshowabuse-435471">(Show it anyway.)</a> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article id="newest-comment-435456" data-type="post-116614" data-parent="435456" class="comment-single comment-by-126074 parent comm-parent-435456" data-status="published"> <div id="newest-commentself-435456" class="comment-self commentself-by-126074"> <span class="comm-tools"> </span> <footer> <span class="byline"> <span class="author"> <span id="newest-commname-435456" class="name"><a href="" rel="author" itemprop="author" class="userlink author-name" title="Profile for Colin B - Member Since Jan 12th, 2018">Colin B</a></span> </span> <span> • </span> <a href="" rel="nofollow" title="Permanent link to this comment" class="comm-date"> <time datetime="2020-10-29T21:18:08-0700" pubdate>29Oct20 9:18pm</time> </a> <span> • </span> <span class="comm-likes"> <a href="#" rel="nofollow" class="comm-like icon-outer" id="newest-commlike-435456" title="Like this comment"> <span class="comm-liketext">0</span> <span class="heart"></span> </a> </span> </span> </footer> <div class="comm-content"> <div class="comm-body">yo for real</div> <div class="comm-hidabuse"> <em>Abusive comment hidden.</em> <a href="#" class="comm-showabuse" id="newest-commshowabuse-435456">(Show it anyway.)</a> </div> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div id="commlist-post-116614" class="commlist-outer"> <div class="commlist-comments"> </div> <b class="grey">Login to comment.</b></div> <noscript> <a href="/2020/10/30/Sasabonsam-Enforced-the-Rules-of-Renewal-in-West-African-Forests/?load_comments=1" title="View this post with up to its first 100 comments" class="icon-str"> <span class="span icon arrow-lg-circle-r m"></span> <span class="str"> <span>Click here to view up to the first 100 of this post's</span> <span class="comm_count-post-116614">2</span> <span>comments</span> </span> </a> </noscript> </section> </article> </div> </div> <div id="page-sidebar" class="noprint"> <hr/> <hr/> <div id="sidebar-neatoshop"> <a href="" class="nobb"> </a> <br/> <div class="body"> <a href="">New T-Shirts</a> & <a href="">Hot T-Shirts</a> from <a href="">NeatoShop</a> </div> <br/> </div> <!-- Original side panel before ad from Freestar --> <hr/> <aside id="post-widget-recent"> <header> <strong> <a href="#" data-field="views" class="active">Most Popular</a> <span> | </span> <a href="#" data-field="comments">Most Commented</a> </strong> </header> <section class="views"> <ol> <li> <a href=""> The National Costumes of the 2024 Miss Universe Pageant </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> The Case of the Curious Christmas Cookie Cutter </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Kirk and Spock in an Emotional Goodbye </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Fluffy Neighborhood Cat Pulls the Long Con </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Cassowaries: Magnificent, Unpleasant, and Sometimes Lethal </a> </li> </ol> </section> <section class="comments none"> <ol> <li> <a href=""> The Case of the Curious Christmas Cookie Cutter </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> The National Costumes of the 2024 Miss Universe Pageant </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Cassowaries: Magnificent, Unpleasant, and Sometimes Lethal </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Kirk and Spock in an Emotional Goodbye </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Jellied Cranberry Sauce or Freshly Made: Why Not Both? </a> </li> </ol> </section> </aside> <hr/> <div id="sidebar-cuteshop" class=" mlt"> <div class="post-shares" style="margin-top:0 !important;"> <span style="font-weight:normal;vertical-align:middle !important">We hope you like what you see! 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