TicketSpice Privacy Policy

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20.7891 7.58575 20.4141L18.4998 9.5L14.4998 5.5ZM18.2381 12.6523C17.9821 12.6522 17.7246 12.7484 17.5291 12.9434C17.1381 13.3344 17.1381 13.9674 17.5291 14.3574L19.1717 16L15.9998 19.1719L14.3592 17.5312C13.9682 17.1402 13.3351 17.1402 12.9451 17.5312C12.5541 17.9223 12.5541 18.5553 12.9451 18.9453L14.5858 20.5859C15.3668 21.3669 16.6329 21.3669 17.4139 20.5859L20.5858 17.4141C21.3667 16.6331 21.3668 15.3669 20.5858 14.5859L18.9451 12.9453C18.7496 12.7498 18.4941 12.6525 18.2381 12.6523Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div><div class="megat-text"><p class="mega-heading"><strong>Branding Control</strong></p><p class="mega-p">Customize stunning pages to match your brand</p></div></a><a data-w-id="db7c0308-50e5-0b7c-8f19-3a179f932d75" href="/features/conditional-logic-event-ticketing-software" class="mega-feature w-inline-block"><div class="feature-icon mr-20 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M11 3V15H9L12 18L15 15H13V3H11ZM3.70703 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15 20C15 20.55 14.55 21 14 21Z" fill="#019BB8"/> <path opacity="0.35" d="M19 4V11H5V4C5 2.34 6.34 1 8 1H16C17.66 1 19 2.34 19 4Z" fill="#019BB8"/> <path d="M9.5 4H10V11H8V5.5C8 4.67 8.67 4 9.5 4Z" fill="#019BB8"/> <path d="M16 5.5V11H12V4H14.5C15.33 4 16 4.67 16 5.5Z" fill="#019BB8"/> <path d="M23.02 12H0.98C0.439 12 0 11.553 0 11C0 10.447 0.439 10 0.98 10H23.02C23.561 10 24 10.447 24 11C24 11.553 23.561 12 23.02 12Z" fill="#019BB8"/> <path d="M12 11H10V16H12V11Z" fill="#019BB8"/> </svg></div><div class="megat-text"><p class="mega-heading">Ticket Scanning</p><p class="mega-p">Ticket scanning by QR code to handle any event</p></div></a><a data-w-id="db7c0308-50e5-0b7c-8f19-3a179f932d84" href="/features/sell-upgrades-add-ons-and-merch-on-event-ticketing-pages" class="mega-feature w-inline-block"><div class="feature-icon mr-20 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12.0006 5C10.0006 5 9.00064 3 9.00064 3H8.38564C7.47964 3 6.58964 3.246 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19H7V9H17V19Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div><div class="megat-text"><p class="mega-heading"><strong>Text Message Delivery</strong></p><p class="mega-p">Send text tickets to scan upon entry</p></div></a><a data-w-id="db7c0308-50e5-0b7c-8f19-3a179f932d93" href="/features/reserved-seating-event-ticketing-system" class="mega-feature w-inline-block"><div class="feature-icon mr-20 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M5 7H4C2.895 7 2 7.896 2 9V14C2 12.896 2.895 12 4 12H5C6.105 12 7 12.896 7 14V9C7 7.896 6.104 7 5 7Z" fill="#019BB8"/> <path d="M13 7H11C9.895 7 9 7.896 9 9V14C9 12.896 9.895 12 11 12H13C14.105 12 15 12.896 15 14V9C15 7.896 14.104 7 13 7Z" fill="#019BB8"/> <path d="M20 7H19C17.895 7 17 7.896 17 9V14C17 12.896 17.895 12 19 12H20C21.105 12 22 12.896 22 14V9C22 7.896 21.104 7 20 7Z" fill="#019BB8"/> <path opacity="0.35" d="M23 9C22.448 9 22 9.448 22 10V14C22 12.896 21.105 12 20 12H19C17.895 12 17 12.896 17 14V10C17 9.448 16.552 9 16 9C15.448 9 15 9.448 15 10V14C15 12.896 14.105 12 13 12H11C9.895 12 9 12.896 9 14V10C9 9.448 8.552 9 8 9C7.448 9 7 9.448 7 10V14C7 12.896 6.105 12 5 12H4C2.895 12 2 12.896 2 14V10C2 9.448 1.552 9 1 9C0.448 9 0 9.448 0 10V17C0 17.552 0.448 18 1 18C1.552 18 2 17.552 2 17V15H7V17C7 17.552 7.448 18 8 18C8.552 18 9 17.552 9 17V15H15V17C15 17.552 15.448 18 16 18C16.552 18 17 17.552 17 17V15H22V17C22 17.552 22.448 18 23 18C23.552 18 24 17.552 24 17V10C24 9.448 23.552 9 23 9Z" fill="#019BB8"/> </svg></div><div class="megat-text"><p class="mega-heading">Reserved Seating</p><p class="mega-p">Create seating charts, layouts, and pods</p></div></a><a data-w-id="db7c0308-50e5-0b7c-8f19-3a179f932d9a" href="/features/fast-event-payouts-ticketing-software" class="mega-feature w-inline-block"><div class="feature-icon mr-20 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M7 1C5.895 1 5 1.895 5 3V21C5 22.105 5.895 23 7 23H17C18.105 23 19 22.105 19 21V3C19 1.895 18.105 1 17 1H7ZM7 4H17V20H7V4ZM11.7129 6V7.02734C11.3739 7.07034 9.47656 7.42875 9.47656 9.71875C9.47656 13.0598 12.9355 12.0698 12.9355 14.2988C12.9355 15.4148 12.2134 15.4414 12.0664 15.4414C11.9324 15.4414 11.0527 15.5127 11.0527 13.8047H9.16211C9.16211 16.6967 11.2603 16.9277 11.5723 16.9707V18H12.5742V16.9707C12.9122 16.9287 14.8242 16.6132 14.8242 14.2852C14.8242 11.0802 11.3662 11.6936 11.3652 9.72656C11.3652 8.59956 11.9851 8.56445 12.1191 8.56445C12.3641 8.56445 12.9473 8.7813 12.9473 10.1543H14.8379C14.8379 7.5273 13.0417 7.11764 12.7207 7.05664V6H11.7129Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div><div class="megat-text"><p class="mega-heading">Fast Event Payouts</p><p class="mega-p">Get fast and direct event funding every week</p></div></a><a data-w-id="db7c0308-50e5-0b7c-8f19-3a179f932da1" href="/features/timed-entry-event-ticketing-software" class="mega-feature w-inline-block"><div class="feature-icon mr-20 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" 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rotateX(0) rotateY(0) rotateZ(0) skew(0, 0);opacity:0" class="mb-16 animated">Your Privacy Is A <span class="green-span">Priority</span></h1><p style="-webkit-transform:translate3d(0, -100px, 0) scale3d(1, 1, 1) rotateX(0) rotateY(0) rotateZ(0) skew(0, 0);-moz-transform:translate3d(0, -100px, 0) scale3d(1, 1, 1) rotateX(0) rotateY(0) rotateZ(0) skew(0, 0);-ms-transform:translate3d(0, -100px, 0) scale3d(1, 1, 1) rotateX(0) rotateY(0) rotateZ(0) skew(0, 0);transform:translate3d(0, -100px, 0) scale3d(1, 1, 1) rotateX(0) rotateY(0) rotateZ(0) skew(0, 0);opacity:0" class="article-head__p mw-525">Terms of Service for usage of TicketSpice, RegFox, GivingFuel, RedPodium, and Grouprev – software products made by Webconnex LLC</p></div></div></div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="templates-head__img pp"/></section><section class="section privacy-text"><div class="container"><div class="privacy-wrap"><div class="w-richtext"><p>‍</p><h3>Privacy Policy (Updated 7/2024)</h3><p>‍</p><p>Please note, the following Privacy Policy is purposed for Clients and prospective Clients of Webconnex products including RegFox, TicketSpice, GivingFuel, and RedPodium, and all related web sites, downloadable software, mobile applications (including tablet applications), and other services provided by us and on which a link to this Privacy Policy is displayed, and all other communications with individuals through from written or oral means, such as email or phone). If you are an event goer or a donor, you are subject to the terms of use and privacy policy of the individual organization utilizing Webconnex software.</p><p>‍</p><p>Webconnex LLC is the maker of RegFox, TicketSpice, GivingFuel, and RedPodium (individually, the “Service,” or collectively, “the Services”).</p><p>Webconnex respects your privacy and works hard to safeguard the privacy of your personal data as you have provided it. We realize that the rapid growth of the Internet and online services raises questions concerning the nature, use and confidentiality of information collected about consumers. We want you to know that we apply our commitment to safeguarding privacy to our online and Internet activities.</p><p>‍</p><p>This Privacy Policy does not apply to information collected or received through other means, use and sharing of anonymous or de-identified data, or information collected by third party websites, such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, and Google+, that Webconnex do not own or control, even if you access them through Webconnex’s Services. You should carefully review the privacy policies of any third party services you access so that you know how they will collect, use, and share your information.</p><p>‍</p><h3>Definitions:</h3><p>‍</p><p>• “Client” means a customer of Webconnex, such as an event producer, not the end user of our products, such as an event attendee.</p><p>• “Client Data” means personal data, reports, addresses, and other files, folders or documents in electronic form of a Client that a User of the Service stores within the Service.</p><p>• “Customer” means an individual other than a User, such as an event attendee, who uses the public area of the Site, to submit personal information and other details to the “Client”.</p><p>• “Customer Data” or “Personal Data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.</p><p>• “Public Area” means the area of the Site that can be accessed both by Users and Visitors, without needing to log in.</p><p>• “Restricted Area” means the area of the Site that can be accessed only by Users, and where access requires logging in.</p><p>• “Services” means the services offered by Webconnex, including RegFox, TicketSpice, GivingFuel,and RedPodium. </p><p>• “User” means an employee, agent, or representative of a Client, who primarily uses the restricted areas of the Site for the purpose of accessing the Service in such capacity.</p><p>• “Visitor” means an individual other than a User, who uses the public area, but has no access to the restricted areas of the Site or Service.</p><p>‍</p><h3>1.  Clients Collect Personally Identifiable Information</h3><p>‍</p><p>Webconnex provides Clients with web-based software (Services) that collects payment details and visitor information from its customers and participants. In order to process online payments and provide service to the customer, Webconnex asks for personally identifiable information (such as your name, address, city, state/province, zip/postal code) from its Clients in order to complete the transaction, registration or payment. Webconnex only discloses personally-identifiable information to the Client in accordance to the Client’s requirements. Webconnex does not share any information with unaffiliated companies or organizations. Because data submitted through Webconnex is a critical part of our business, it would be treated like our other assets in the context of a merger, sale or other corporate reorganization or legal proceeding.</p><p>‍</p><h3>2. Webconnex Is A Data Processor, Not A Data Controller</h3><p>‍</p><p>Webconnex does not own, control or direct the use of any of the Client Data stored or processed by a Client or User via the Services. Only the Client or Users are entitled to access, retrieve and direct the use of such Client Data. Webconnex is largely unaware of what Client Data is actually being stored or made available by a Client or User to the Service and does not directly access such Client Data except as authorized by the Client, or as necessary to provide Services to the Client and its Users.</p><p>‍</p><p>Because Webconnex does not collect or determine the use of any Personal Data contained in the Client Data and because it does not determine the purposes for which such Personal Data is collected, the means of collecting such Personal Data, or the uses of such Personal Data, Webconnex is not acting in the capacity of data controller in terms of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679, hereinafter “GDPR”) and does not have the associated responsibilities under the GDPR. Webconnex should be considered only as a processor on behalf of its Clients and Users as to any Client Data containing Personal Data that is subject to the requirements of the GDPR. Except as provided in this Privacy Policy, Webconnex does not independently cause Client Data containing Personal Data stored in connection with the Services to be transferred or otherwise made available to third parties, except to third party subcontractors who may process such data on behalf of Webconnex in connection with Webconnex’s provision of Services to Clients. Such actions are performed or authorized only by the applicable Client or User.</p><p>‍</p><p>The Client or the User is the data controller under the Regulation for any Client Data containing Personal Data. Meaning that such party controls the manner such Personal Data is collected and used as well as the determination of the purposes and means of the processing of such Personal Data.</p><p>‍</p><p>Webconnex is not responsible for the content of the Personal Data contained in the Client Data or other information stored on its servers (or its subcontractors’ servers) at the discretion of the Client or User, nor is Webconnex responsible for the manner in which the Client or User collects, handles disclosure, distributes or otherwise processes such information.</p><p>‍</p><p>If you are a Client and need a signed Data Processing Addendum in addition to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, you can find the document signed on behalf of Webconnex here.  If you are a Customer or Visitor and have questions about how Webconnex manages its data to comply with applicable privacy requirements, or have questions about how our Clients manage their data relative to their work with us, contact us at </p><p>‍</p><h3>3.  How We Collect Information</h3><p>‍</p><p>We collect different types of information from or through the Services. The legal bases for Webconnex’s processing of personal data are primarily that the processing is necessary for providing the Services in accordance with Webconnex’s Terms of Service and that the processing is carried out in Webconnex’s legitimate interests, which are further explained in the section “How We Use the Information We Collect” of this Policy. We may also process data upon your consent, asking for it as appropriate.</p><p>‍</p><p>Webconnex collects information principally online upon signup of Webconnex as a Client and any registration form through any of the Webconnex products created by the Client. For example, when you order a product, take a survey, make a donation, participate in a contest, or other promotion from our Client, we capture this information on behalf of our Client. A Customer’s name, address (postal and email) and telephone number are usually asked for in these cases. But we might request other information, based on the services involved from the requirements of our Client. We do not share, make data or personally identifiable information of participants of Client available to any third party for any reason.</p><p>‍</p><p><strong>“Automatically Collected” Information</strong></p><p>‍</p><p>When a Customer or Visitor engages in the Service, we may automatically record certain information from the Customer’s or Visitor’s device by using various types of technology, including cookies, “clear gifs” or “web beacons.” This “automatically collected” information may include IP address or other device address or ID, web browser and/or device type, the web pages or sites visited just before or just after using the Service, the pages or other content the Customer or Visitor views or interacts with on the Service, and the dates and times of the visit, access, or use of the Service. We also may use these technologies to collect information regarding a Customer’s or Visitor’s interaction with email messages, such as whether the Customer or Visitor opens, clicks on, or forwards a message. This information is gathered from all Customers and Visitors.</p><p>‍</p><p>Information Collected by Clients</p><p>‍</p><p>A Client or User may store or upload into the Service Client Data, which may contain Customer Data. Webconnex has no direct relationship with the individuals whose Personal Data it hosts as part of Client Data. Each Client is responsible for providing notice to its visitors and third persons concerning the purpose for which Client collects their Personal Data and how this Personal Data is processed in or through the Service as part of Client Data.</p><p>‍</p><h3>4. How We Use (and Don’t Use) Personal Information</h3><p>‍</p><p><strong>    A.  On the Client’s behalf</strong></p><p>Webconnex uses the personally-identifiable information we collect online (we don’t collect information through in-person, phone, mail, or carrier pigeon), principally to provide the Customer and Visitor with the service(s) of registering for an event online, making an online donation, subscribing to a newsletter or otherwise registering for an online form on behalf of the Client. Postal and email address information, for example, enables communication about services/items offered and ordered, as well as the proper provisioning and billing of those services (email sales receipts, for example). Webconnex may involve other companies or vendors to carry out certain functions in marketing and delivering services to you (such as processing data files and sending the Customer or Visitor new order fulfillment information), and so may share data with those vendors to the extent necessary for them to perform their work. Of course, such partners and vendors must use that personally-identifiable information only for the purpose(s) for which it was shared and protect it from any further use.</p><p>‍</p><p>Webconnex will not collect, process, sell, share, or use any Customer Data made available to it for any purposes other than for the performance of the Services. Webconnex does not collect or process any Customer Data with the purpose of inferring characteristics about a consumer.  Copies or duplicates of any Customer Data may only be compiled with the approval of Client or as permitted under Client’s agreement with Webconnex. Webconnex will not combine personal information received from Client with any personal information received from other sources, or engage in any targeted advertising based on a consumer’s activity across different online services.</p><p>‍</p><p><strong>  B.  Legal</strong></p><p>We also reserve the right to access, read, preserve, and disclose/provide personally-identifiable online information in response to subpoenas and other legal demands, and where we believe that disclosing this information is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against individuals who may be endangering public safety or interfering with Webconnex property or services, or with our clients’ or others’ use of them.</p><p>‍</p><p><strong>  C.  Communications</strong></p><p>Webconnex may use email addresses of Customers and Visitors who signed up online to send an email related to our products and if affirmatively indicated a desire to receive additional information. If at any time, you would prefer not to receive further email communications at that email address, please contact Customer Support through the number or email address listed below.</p><p>For questions regarding this policy, contact:</p><p>‍</p><p>Webconnex Customer Service</p><p>120 K Street</p><p>Sacramento, CA 95814</p><p>888-317-4539</p><p></p><p>‍</p><p><strong>  D.  Operations</strong></p><p>We use the information – other than Client Data – to operate, maintain, enhance and provide all features of the Services; to provide the services and information that you request, to respond to comments and questions and to provide support to users of the Services. We process Client Data solely in accordance with the directions provided by the applicable Client or User.  We also use the information provided for internal research, to verify information if necessary, prevent fraud, and enhance security, and to audit and provide reporting relating to transactions and interactions, including online transactions/interactions you may have ad with Webconnex, our Clients, or others on our behalf.  We may share information as part of a merger, acquisition, or other sale or transfer of all or part of Webconnex’s assets or with other entities as you have authorized or requested.  Where applicable, Webconnex has contractual agreements in place, such as with its Clients, to ensure that they provide the same or equal protection of your information as stated in this Privacy Policy. </p><p>‍</p><p><strong>  E.  Improvements</strong></p><p>We use the information to understand and analyze the usage trends and preferences of our Clients, Visitors and Users, to improve the Services, and to develop new products, services, features, and functionality. Should this purpose require Webconnex to process Client Data, then the data will only be used in anonymized or aggregated form.</p><p>‍</p><p><strong>  F.  How Long We Keep Information </strong></p><p>We keep information only as long as reasonably necessary to achieve the goals and purposes stated in this Privacy Policy, or as long as we are legally required to retain it. In general, if we have a contract with a Client for a set period, we’ll retain the data for the length of the contract. If there is no set contract, or if we have a contract that auto-renews, we will keep the data until the business relationship ends. </p><p>‍</p><p>In deciding how long to retain each category of personal information that we collect, we consider several factors, including, but not limited to: the business purposes for which any personal information was collected; relevant federal, state and local record keeping laws; applicable statutes of limitations for claims to which the information may be relevant; and legal preservation of evidence obligations. We apply our data retention procedures on an annual basis to determine if the business purposes for collecting the personal information, and legal reasons for retaining the personal information, have both expired. If so, we reserve the right to delete the information in a secure manner. </p><p>If you have specific questions about how long we are storing data, please contact us. </p><p>‍</p><h3>5. Security</h3><p>‍</p><p>We use encryption, firewalls and other technology and security procedures to help protect the accuracy and security of your personal information and prevent unauthorized access or improper use. For example, you will note that while using some features of the Webconnex web site and Services, you may need to submit a password or some other type of authenticating information. All online sales procedures (for example member subscriptions or e-store purchases) are processed through our 256-bit SSL secure server.</p><p>‍</p><h3>6.  Your Choices</h3><p>‍</p><p><strong>Access, Correction, Deletion, Copies</strong></p><p>We respect your privacy rights and provide you with reasonable access to the Personal Data that you may have provided through your use of the Services. If you wish to access or amend any other Personal Data we hold about you, or to request that we delete or transfer any information about you that we have obtained from an Integrated Service, you may contact us as set forth in the “How to Contact Us” section. At your request, we will have any reference to you deleted or blocked in our database. You may also <a href="">fill out the form here</a> to request actions for your personal information.</p><p>‍</p><p>You may update, correct, or delete your Account information and preferences at any time by accessing your Account settings page on the Service. Please note that while any changes you make will be reflected in active user databases instantly or within a reasonable period of time, we may retain all information you submit for backups, archiving, prevention of fraud and abuse, analytics, satisfaction of legal obligations, or where we otherwise reasonably believe that we have a legitimate reason to do so.</p><p>‍</p><p>You may decline to share certain Personal Data with us, in which case we may not be able to provide you with some of the features and functionality of the Service.</p><p>‍</p><p>At any time, you may object to the processing of your Personal Data, on legitimate grounds, except if otherwise permitted by applicable law. If you believe your right to privacy granted by applicable data protection laws has been infringed upon, please contact Webconnex’s Data Protection Officer through the <a href="">privacy action request form</a>. You also have a right to lodge a complaint with data protection authorities.</p><p>This provision does not apply to Personal Data that is part of Client Data. In this case, the management of the Client Data is subject to the Client’s own Privacy Policy, and any request for access, correction or deletion should be made to the Client responsible for the uploading and storage of such data into the Service.</p><p>‍</p><p><strong>6.1 Cookies.</strong>  </p><p>We use cookies and other tracking technologies to operate our Services, to authenticate users and prevent fraudulent use of accounts, and to improve the experience of our Clients and Customers when using our Services. We may store and/or access information on a device and process personal data, such as your IP address and browsing data, for content measurement, audience research and the development of our Services. Additionally, we may utilize precise geolocation data and identification through device scanning. Please note that your consent to this use will be valid across all our Services and subdomains. </p><p>‍</p><p>You cannot opt-out of our essential cookies, as they are deployed in order to ensure the proper functioning of our Services. You can accept or reject all other cookies or customize based on cookie category. We respect your choices and will do our best to provide you with a transparent and secure experience while using the Services. </p><p>‍</p><p>Also, if you want Webconnex to not to collect cookies, you may be able to set your web browser to reject cookies entirely or require that it request permission from you before accepting each new cookie. You can also delete cookies from your web browser once you leave a website.</p><p>If you do not want Google Analytics to collect and use information about your use of our Services, then you can <a href="">install an opt-out</a> in your web browser. You also may opt out from Google Analytics for Display Advertising or the Google Display Network by using Google’s Ads Settings located at <a href=""></a>.</p><p>‍</p><p>If you choose to limit collection of your information in these ways, certain features of our Services may not function properly, or at all, and certain Services may not be available to you.</p><p>‍</p><p>If you have any questions about our cookies policy, please contact us.  </p><p>‍</p><h3>7. Navigation Information</h3><p>‍</p><p>You may opt out from the collection of navigation information about your visit to the Site by Google Analytics by using the <a href="">Google Analytics Opt-out feature</a>.</p><p>‍</p><h3>8.  Opting out from Commercial Communications</h3><p>‍</p><p>We will not use the information (phone numbers, email addresses, etc.) we receive from our clients’ customers to make, or allow any third parties to make, telemarketing calls to our clients or their customers, or the use of automatic telephone dialing systems and artificial or prerecorded voice messages to contact our clients or their customers. Because that’s just annoying. </p><p>However, our clients’ customers, the event attendees/registrants, who complete a registration on our page agree by their electronic signature to these Terms, and further agree by affirmatively checking a box to be contacted by us at their phone number, dialed manually and by email.  In other words, our clients’ customers have to affirmatively opt-in. </p><p>‍</p><p>Further, to comply with the law and not annoy you, we commit to always do the following: </p><p>‍</p><p>• get customer/attendee consent for any marketing or non-marketing communications; </p><p>• maintain records of client customer consents (and separately maintain backups of those consents); </p><p>• offer opt-outs as noted in this policy; </p><p>• we do not have auto-dialing or re-dialing of our clients’ customers; </p><p>• we always honor client or customer requests to stop any calls or texts; </p><p>• we only communicate during business hours, or during the hours immediately before an event, and during an event; and </p><p>• we include our company’s name in all messages so you know messages are from us. </p><p>‍</p><p>Please be aware that if you opt-out of receiving commercial email from us or otherwise modify the nature or frequency of promotional communications you receive from us, it may take up to ten (10) business days for us to process your request. Additionally, even after you opt-out from receiving commercial messages from us, you will continue to receive administrative messages from us regarding the Service.</p><p>If you receive commercial emails from us, you may unsubscribe at any time by following the instructions contained within the email or by sending an email to the address provided in the “How to Contact Us” section.</p><p>‍</p><p>Users are able to view and modify settings relating to the nature and frequency of promotional communications that they receive from us by accessing the “Account Functionality” tab on the Service.</p><p>‍</p><p>Webconnex has no direct relationship with the Client’s customers or third party whose Personal Data it may process on behalf of a Client. An individual who seeks access, or who seeks to correct, amend, delete inaccurate data or withdraw consent for further contact, should direct his or her query to the Client or User they deal with directly. If the Client requests Webconnex to remove the data, we will respond to its request within thirty (30) days. We will delete, amend or block access to any Personal Data that we are storing only if we receive a written request to do so from the Client who is responsible for such Personal Data, unless we have a legal right to retain such Personal Data. We reserve the right to retain a copy of such data for archiving purposes, or to defend our rights in litigation. Any such request regarding Client Data should be addressed as indicated in the “How to Contact Us” section, and include sufficient information for Webconnex to identify the Client or its customer or third party and the information to delete or amend.</p><p>‍</p><h3>9.  Third-Party Services</h3><p>‍</p><p>The Services may contain features or links to web sites and services provided by third parties. Any information you provide on third-party sites or services is provided directly to the operators of such services and is subject to those operators’ policies, if any, governing privacy and security, even if accessed through the Services. We are not responsible for the content or privacy and security practices and policies of third-party sites or services to which links or access are provided through the Services. We encourage you to learn about third parties’ privacy and security policies before providing them with information.</p><p>‍</p><h3>10.  Minor and Children’s Privacy</h3><p>‍</p><p>Protecting the privacy of young children is especially important. Our Services are not directed to children under the age of 18, and we do not knowingly collect Personal Data from children under the age of 18 without obtaining parental consent. If you are under 18 years of age, then please do not use or access the Services at any time or in any manner. If we learn that Personal Data has been collected on the Services from persons under 18 years of age and without verifiable parental consent, then we will take the appropriate steps to delete this information. If you are a parent or guardian and discover that your child under 18 years of age has obtained an Account on the Services, then you may alert us at and request that we delete that child’s Personal Data from our systems.</p><p>‍</p><p>The Services are not intended to be used by minors, and is not intended to be used to post content to share publicly or with friends. To the extent that a minor has posted such content on the Services, the minor has the right to have this content deleted or removed using the deletion or removal options detailed in this Privacy Policy. If you have any question regarding this topic, please contact us as indicated in the “How to Contact Us” section. Please be aware that, although we offer this deletion capability, the removal of content may not ensure complete or comprehensive removal of that content or information.</p><p>‍</p><h3>11.  Data Security</h3><p>‍</p><p>We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the information submitted to us, both during transmission and once we receive it. We maintain appropriate administrative, technical and physical safeguards to protect Personal Data against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, unauthorized alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access, misuse, and any other unlawful form of processing of the Personal Data in our possession. This includes, for example, firewalls, password protection and other access and authentication controls. We encrypt all data at rest as well as using SSL technology to encrypt data during transmission through public internet, and we also employ application-layer security features to further anonymize Personal Data.</p><p>‍</p><p>However, no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. We cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us or store on the Service, and you do so at your own risk. We also cannot guarantee that such information may not be accessed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed by breach of any of our physical, technical, or managerial safeguards. If you believe your Personal Data has been compromised, please contact us as set forth in the “How to Contact Us” section.</p><p>If we learn of a security systems breach, we will inform you and the authorities of the occurrence of the breach in accordance with applicable law.</p><p>‍</p><h3>12.  California Specific Terms</h3><p>‍</p><p>If you are a California resident (we love California!), please review these additional privacy terms, which provide a summary of how Webconnex collects, uses, discloses, and sells personal information about you and explain your rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”).</p><p>‍</p><p><strong>Personal Information Webconnex May Collect, Use, and Disclose for Business Purposes. </strong></p><p>‍</p><p>Webconnex may collect from our Clients the following categories of personal information, as described in greater detail above:</p><p>• Identifiers, such as name, email address, mailing address, phone number, or IP address</p><p>• Commercial information, such as records of purchases and payment information</p><p>• Internet or other electronic network activity information, such as log data, and information about the devices and computers you use to access Our Services</p><p>• Geolocation data, such as GPS signals, device sensors, and Wi-Fi access points, where you have allowed access to that information</p><p>• Electronic, visual, or similar information, such as photos</p><p>• Professional or employment-related information, if you apply to work for us</p><p>• Education information, if you apply to work for us</p><p>• Other information you provide, such as demographic information, responses to surveys or messages to customer service</p><p>• Reasonable inferences or conclusions drawn from any of the above, including about the content or ads that may be of interest to you</p><p>‍</p><p><strong>Categories of Sources Used to Collect Personal Information.</strong> </p><p>As a result of your use of the Webconnex Services, Webconnex may collect this information from you (such as when you register for an event or purchase products), from third parties, or automatically (such as from your devices, if applicable).</p><p>For more information on the information Webconnex collects and uses, please see above. </p><p>‍</p><p><strong>We Don’t Sell or Share Personal Information.  </strong></p><p>In the last 12 months, Webconnex has not knowingly sold any Personal Information of California Consumers, including no actual knowledge that we have sold the Personal Information of California Consumers under the age of 16 years old.</p><p>‍</p><p>In the last 12 months, Webconnex has shared Personal Information of California Consumers, including the Personal Information of California Consumers under the age of 16 years old. The CCPA defines “sharing” as: Sharing, renting, releasing, disclosing, disseminating, making available, transferring, or otherwise communicating orally, in writing, or by electronic or other means, a consumer’s personal information by the business to a third party for cross-context behavioral advertising, whether or not for monetary or other valuable consideration, including transactions between a business and a third party for cross-context behavioral advertising for the benefit of a business in which no money is exchanged.</p><p>‍</p><p><strong>The categories of personal information shared (as defined by the CCPA) include:</strong></p><p>• Identifiers, such as name, email address, mailing address, phone number, or IP address</p><p>• Internet or other electronic network activity information, such as log data, and information about the devices and computers you use to access Our Services</p><p>• Geolocation data, such as GPS signals, device sensors, and Wi-Fi access points, where you have allowed access to that information</p><p>‍</p><p><strong>Disclosure of Personal Information for a Business Purpose</strong></p><p>The categories of Personal Information that Webconnex may disclose, as well as who information is disclosed to, and how it is used, are listed above. </p><p>‍</p><p><strong>Sensitive Personal Information</strong></p><p>The CCPA provides you additional rights with respect to sensitive personal information (which includes, social security, driver’s license, state identification card, or passport number, account log-in, financial account, debit card, or credit card number in combination with any required security or access code, password, or credentials allowing access to an account, precise geolocation, racial or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, or union membership, genetic data, biometric data, personal information collected and analyzed concerning a consumer’s health, and personal information collected and analyzed concerning a consumer’s sex life or sexual orientation).</p><p>‍</p><p><strong>Webconnex does not use sensitive personal information for purposes of inferring characteristics about a consumer.</strong></p><p>Your Rights. Under the CCPA, California residents have certain rights related to their personal information.</p><p>The Right to Know. You may request, up to two times in a 12-month period, that Webconnex disclose to you the categories of personal information we have collected, used, disclosed, or “sold” within the meaning of the CCPA, going back to January 1, 2022, including:</p><p>‍</p><p>• Specific pieces of information that we have collected about you</p><p>• Categories of personal information we have collected about you</p><p>• Categories of sources from which the personal information is collected</p><p>• Categories of personal information about you that we have sold, shared, or disclosed for a business purpose</p><p>• Categories of third parties to whom the personal information was sold, shared or disclosed for a business purpose</p><p>• The business or commercial purpose for collecting, selling, or sharing personal information (collectively, the “Right to Know”)</p><p>‍</p><p><strong>The Right to Delete.</strong> </p><p>You have the right to request, up to two times in a 12-month period, that Webconnex delete personal information about you that we have collected from our Clients concerning you.</p><p>‍</p><p><strong>The Right to Correct.</strong> </p><p>You have the right to request that we correct any incorrect personal information that we collect from our Clients, or retain about you, subject to certain exceptions.</p><p>‍</p><p><strong>Verification.</strong> </p><p>In order to exercise these rights, you will need to verify your identity to protect your security and personal information, which may include providing certain information. Note that even if Webconnex honors your request to delete your information, we may retain certain information as required or permitted by law.</p><p>‍</p><p><strong>Authorized Agent.</strong> </p><p>You may elect to have an agent exercise your rights for you. Even if you choose to use an agent, Webconnex may, as permitted by law, require:</p><p>• The authorized agent to provide proof that the consumer gave the authorized agent signed permission to submit the request;</p><p>• The consumer to verify their identity directly with the business;</p><p>• The consumer to directly confirm with us that they provided the authorized agent permission to submit the request. </p><p>‍</p><p><strong>Non-Discrimination. </strong></p><p><strong>‍</strong>We may not discriminate against you because of your exercise of any of your privacy rights, or any other rights under the CCPA, including by:</p><p>• Denying you goods or services</p><p>• Charging different prices or rates for goods or services, including through the use of discounts or other benefits or imposing penalties</p><p>• Providing you a different level or quality of goods or services</p><p>• Suggesting that you will receive a different price or rate for goods or services or a different level or quality of goods or services</p><p>‍</p><p><strong>Request for Notice. </strong></p><p><strong>‍</strong>If you’re a resident of California, you can request a notice identifying the categories of personal information, as defined by California Civil Code Section 1798.83, we share with our affiliates and/or third parties and the contact information for such affiliates and/or third parties. Please submit a written request to </p><p>‍</p><h3>13.  Changes and Updates to this Policy</h3><p>Please revisit this page periodically to stay aware of any changes to this Policy, which we may update from time to time. If we modify the Policy, we will make it available through the Service, and indicate the date of the latest revision, and will comply with applicable law. Your continued use of the Service after the revised Policy has become effective indicates that you have read, understood and agreed to the current version of the Policy.</p><p>‍</p><h3>14.  How to Contact Us</h3><p>Please contact us with any questions or comments about this Policy, your Personal Data, our use and disclosure practices, or your consent choices by email at If you have any concerns or complaints about this Policy or your Personal Data, you may contact Webconnex’s Data Protection Officer by email at</p><p>‍</p><p>Updated: July 30, 2024</p><p>‍</p></div></div></div></section><section class="section white-footer small-top"><div class="container"><footer class="footer-wrap"><div class="footer-head"><a href="/" class="logo-link-new w-inline-block"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="TicketSpice Logo"/></a><div class="flex between tablet-h"><a href="" target="_blank" class="link-block w-inline-block"><div class="social-icon w-embed"><svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M11.0833 0H2.91667C1.30608 0 0 1.30608 0 2.91667V11.0833C0 12.6939 1.30608 14 2.91667 14H11.0833C12.6945 14 14 12.6939 14 11.0833V2.91667C14 1.30608 12.6945 0 11.0833 0ZM4.66667 11.0833H2.91667V4.66667H4.66667V11.0833ZM3.79167 3.927C3.22817 3.927 2.77083 3.46617 2.77083 2.898C2.77083 2.32983 3.22817 1.869 3.79167 1.869C4.35517 1.869 4.8125 2.32983 4.8125 2.898C4.8125 3.46617 4.35575 3.927 3.79167 3.927ZM11.6667 11.0833H9.91667V7.81433C9.91667 5.84967 7.58333 5.99842 7.58333 7.81433V11.0833H5.83333V4.66667H7.58333V5.69625C8.39767 4.18775 11.6667 4.07633 11.6667 7.14058V11.0833Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg> <style> .link-block{ color: inherit; 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