Terms of Use | Videotron

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Please read these terms of use ("Terms of Use") carefully before using our Websites. By browsing on Videotron Websites, you acknowledge and accept all the Terms of Use contained herein as well as those contained in the Policy Regarding the Use of Personal Information of Videotron Website Users and Visitors ("Policy").</p> <p>These Terms of Use and the Policy constitute a binding legal obligation between you and Videotron ("Agreement"). This Agreement is effective for an indefinite period as of the time you first access one of our Websites. Only we, at our sole discretion and without prior notice, can modify the present Terms of Use and the Policy.</p> <p><strong>If you do not agree with the Terms of Use or the Policy, please do not browse or consult the content of Videotron Websites. You are responsible for regularly reviewing the Terms of Use and Policy.</strong></p> <p><strong>General remarks</strong><br> Customers subscribing to any of our services have access to our online Customer Centre; Internet customers have access to our WebMail service; and illico Digital TV customers have access to our illico Web service ("Videotron Interactive Services"). At all times, you remain responsible for your user names, passwords, and all transactions and account modifications made via our Customer Centre, WebMail, or illico Web services.</p> <p>We make no guarantee as to the future availability of present Videotron Websites or Interactive Services. We reserve the right to interrupt them at any moment, at our sole discretion and that without prior notice. We assume no responsibility for prejudice or inconvenience resulting from the termination or interruption of present Videotron Websites or Interactive Services.</p> <p><strong>Use of Websites</strong><br> You may display these Videotron Websites and, subject to any expressly stated restrictions or limitations relating to specific elements of the Sites, make electronic copies, download, or print portions of the content from various areas of Videotron Websites exclusively for your personal and non-commercial use.</p> <p>Harassment in any manner or form on Videotron Websites or any of our Interactive Services, notably use of obscene or abusive language in chat areas or emails to Videotron Technical Support or Customer Service, is strictly prohibited. Identity theft, including of our employees, hosts, representatives, or other members of or visitors to Videotron Websites or our Interactive Services, is prohibited. You are not permitted to upload, disseminate, share, transmit, or otherwise publish documents or messages on the these Sites that are of a defamatory, obscene, threatening, or abusive nature, which could undermine the privacy or damage the integrity or reputation of others, or that are otherwise inadmissible or constitute or encourage a criminal offence. Moreover, you are not permitted to upload commercial content on Videotron Websites or use the Sites or Interactive Services to solicit others to adopt or become members of any other commercial online service or other organization.</p> <p>Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you are expressly prohibited from: (a) the co-branding or reproduction in part or in whole of Videotron Websites (b) sublicensing or reselling any data you receive from Videotron Websites; (c) using or allowing third parties to use any data you obtain from Videotron Websites; (d) using any such data in order to provide any service or product not specifically authorized in the present Terms of Use, whether personally or through a third party; or (e) disassembling, decompiling, reverse engineering, modifying, or otherwise altering any such data without our prior consent. Consent may be withheld at our sole discretion.</p> <p><strong>Trademarks and copyrights</strong><br> The entire contents of these Websites, including but not limited to text, design, graphics, interfaces, and code, as well as the selection and arrangement thereof (the "Content"), is the property of Videotron or its indicated owner, and is protected by copyright laws. It is strictly prohibited to reproduce, copy, publish, redistribute, transmit, or otherwise use the Content without our prior written consent.</p> <p>All trademarks, registered or not, and all trade names (collectively the "Trademarks") contained in these Websites are our property, or that of respective owners that have granted us rights and licences to use their Trademarks.</p> <p>Netiquette: In order to make the experience of navigating the Site as enjoyable as possible for everyone, use of the Site's online communication services must at all times be in compliance with these Terms of Use. All of your actions while participating in the forums, chat rooms, and, more generally, any page of the Site where you can post comments, express yourself, contribute and enrich the online content with your elements, including, without limitation, any post, note, data, comment, addition, animation, article, publication, text, link, hyperlink, hypertext, photo, image, file, video, music, audio and/or video element, webcasting and, more generally, any information or content generated by you in any form whatsoever (hereinafter “Contribution”) must at all times be in compliance with the Terms of Use. Moreover, your participation in the Community is subject to the Community User Guide.</p> <p><strong>Submissions</strong><br> In submitting any notes, messages, message board posts, ideas, suggestions, concepts, or other material via Videotron Websites, you thereby assign all your rights to this material to us, and waive all moral rights related to this material for the terms of the rights on a perpetual, irrevocable, and worldwide basis. Consequently, you give us the right to publish this material in any form, including for promotional and advertising purposes.</p> <p><strong>Links to other sites</strong><br> We aim to provide enhanced value to you, our visitors. As such, we may provide links to other websites that are owned and operated by a third party. As these sites are owned and operated by third parties not affiliated with us, we wish to notify you that we have no control over these sites, including with regard to data collection and privacy practices, which are separate and independent from our own. Consequently, we cannot be held liable and offer no guarantee whatsoever as to the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the information contained on these websites.</p> <p>The inclusion of links on our Sites does not imply that we sponsor, endorse, are affiliated or associated with, or have been legally authorized to use any trademark, trade name, service mark, design, logo, symbol, or other copyrighted material displayed on or accessible through linked sites.</p> <p>We encourage you to share any comments you may have concerning the external links on our Websites by contacting Videotron Customer Service by email at</p> <p><strong>Confidentiality</strong><br> The information pertaining to you that can be collected during or in connection with your use of our Sites or Interactive Services is regulated by the present Terms of Use, and the Policies.</p> <p><strong>Disclaimer / Limitation of liability</strong><br> Though we strive to keep the information contained in the present Sites accurate and up to date within commercially feasible limits, errors and omissions may occur. We do not make any guarantees or claims relating to the accuracy or completeness of the Content of these Websites and Interactive Services, or the content of any other Website or external site.</p> <p>The present Videotron Websites and Interactive Services, as well as the Content, information, services, and products they contain or give access to, including text, graphics, and links, are provided "as is" and without warranty of any kind, whether express or implied. To the fullest extent permissible pursuant to applicable law, we disclaim all warranties, whether express or implied, including but not limited to, implied warranties of quality or fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, and freedom from computer viruses, and warranties arising from established commercial practices or implementation practices. We do not declare or guarantee that the functions in these Sites or Interactive Services will remain in effect or free of errors or defects and faults. We do not make any guarantees or claims relating to the use of the materials contained within the present Websites or Interactive Services.</p> <p>In no event shall we be held liable for any direct, indirect, special, or punitive damages or monetary loss, even if we have been previously advised of the possibility of such damages, whether in an action under contract, an extra-contractual action, or a civil suit, or by any other legal remedy arising from or related to the use, the inability to use, or the implementation of services or products offered and messages contained in the present Sites or Interactive Services. These limitations shall apply notwithstanding any failure of any limited remedy available at law.</p> <p><strong>Applicable laws</strong><br> These Terms of Use are governed by applicable laws in the province of Quebec. Any dispute that may arise is to be submitted to the competent province of Quebec tribunals in the judicial district of Montreal. Should any provision in these Terms of Use be found invalid by a competent tribunal, it will not affect the validity of the other provisions. The invalid provision will simply be dissociated from the other provisions in these Terms of Use, which will remain in force.</p> <p>If you suffer any prejudice whatsoever or disagree in any way with the provisions in the present Terms of Use, your only recourse is to leave this Website.</p> <p>These Terms of Use and any and all other legal notices posted on the Website constitute the totality of the Agreement between you and us respecting the use of this Website and its Content.</p> <h6><sup>1</sup> The following Web sites are owned and operated by Videotron Ltd.:,,,, and</h6></div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- /content --> </article> <!-- /article #node --> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- /content-inner /content --> <!-- /sidebar-first --> </div> </main> <!-- /main --> <!-- footer --> <footer class="videotron-ui__main-footer"> <div class="region region-footer"> <div id="block-corpocorefooter-2" data-block-plugin-id="corpo_core_footer_block" 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