Select Papyri, 2.222

<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Select Papyri, 2.222</TITLE> <META content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" http-equiv=Content-Type> <META name="description" content="A translation of SelPap_2.222"> <META NAME="viewport" CONTENT="width=device-width"> <LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="../../styles.css"> <LINK rel="shortcut icon" href="../../favicon.ico" /> </HEAD> <BODY CLASS="margins"> <P> <A HREF="../select.html"><IMG SRC="../../back.jpg" ALT="back" ALIGN=RIGHT></A> <H1> <I>Select Papyri</I>, 2.222</H1><BR> <H2> EDICT OF MANTENNIUS SABINUS </H2> <I>Greek text:</I> <A HREF=";2;646">BGU 646</A> <BR><I>Date:</I> &nbsp; A.D. 193. <HR> <P> Mantennius Sabinus to the <A CLASS="help" HREF="../glossary.html#strategos">strategoi</A> of the <A CLASS="help" HREF="../../names/h/heptanomia.html#1">Heptanomia</A> and of the <A CLASS="help" HREF="../../names/a/arsinoite.html#1">Arsinoite</A> <A CLASS="help" HREF="">nome</A> greeting. I have ordered a copy of the edict sent by me to the most illustrious <A CLASS="help" HREF="../../names/a/alexandria.html#1">Alexandria</A> to be appended, in order that you should all be informed and that you may hold festival for the like number of days. I wish you good health. The 1st year of the Emperor Caesar Publius Helvius <A CLASS="help" HREF="../../names/p/pertinax.html#1">Pertinax</A> Augustus, <A CLASS="help" HREF="../../names/p/phamenoth.html#1">Phamenoth</A> 10. <P> Copy of the edict. It is fitting that you, <A CLASS="help" HREF="../../names/a/alexandria.html#1">Alexandrians</A>, holding festival for the most fortunate accession of our lord the Emperor Publius Helvius Pertinax the Augustus, head of the sacred senate, father of his country, and of Publius Helvius Pertinax his son, and of Flavia <A CLASS="help" HREF="">Titiana</A> Augusta, should in full assembly make sacrifices and prayers on behalf of his lasting empire and of all his house and wear garlands for fifteen days beginning from to-day. <P ALIGN="CENTER">&rarr; <A HREF="p223.html">papyrus 223</A> <HR> <P ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF="../../index.html">Attalus' home page</A> <FONT COLOR="#0000ff"> &nbsp; | &nbsp; </FONT> 21.02.18 <FONT COLOR="#0000ff"> &nbsp; | &nbsp; </FONT> <A HREF="../../info/comments.html">Any comments?</A></P> <script src="" type="text/javascript"> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> _uacct = "UA-3599544-1"; urchinTracker(); </script> </BODY> </HTML>

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