Andy Wardley: Andy Wardley's Home Page
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Sometimes it just work best --> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="pichead"> <tr valign="top"> <td width="180" class="image"> <img src="/images/pictures/boardstand.png" width="150" height="400" border="0" alt="Andy Wardley with Longboard" /> <br /> <div align="center" class="info"> Picture by <a href="">Julian Cash</a> </div> </td> <td class="content"> <h1 class="headline">Hello World!</h1> <p class="headline"> Welcome to my web (2.0) site! </p> <p class="intro"> <span class="big">I'm Andy Wardley</span>. Here you can find information about me, the things I've done, the software I've written, the web sites I've built, the kites I've designed and flown, the boards I've ridden, and all the other useless information that you would expect to find on someone's personal web site. </p> <div class="link section" id="About_Me"> <div class="header"> <a href="about.html" class="title">About Me</a> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Back up to the top of the page" >Top</a> <a href="#" class="shut" title="Close section content" onclick="switch_element(this.parentNode.parentNode, 'section'); return false;" onmouseover="hint_section()" onmouseout="unhint()">Close</a> <a href="#" class="open" title="Open section content" onclick="switch_element(this.parentNode.parentNode, 'section'); return false;" onmouseover="hint_section()" onmouseout="unhint()">Open</a> </div> <div class="content"> <p> A page all <a href="/about.html">about me</a>, who I am, what I do, where I've been and where I'm going. </p> <p> Read about the famous people I've shared bedrooms with, the things that have fallen on my head, and why skateboarding is so good for solving problems. </p> <div class="icons"> <a href="/about.html" class="tip"><img src="/images/icons/small/abw.gif" alt="About" width="60" height="50" border="0" alt="abw icon"/><span class="tip"><span class="title">About Andy Wardley</span><span class="info">The man behind the longboard</span></span></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="link section" id="Computers"> <div class="header"> <a href="computers/index.html" class="title">Computers</a> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Back up to the top of the page" >Top</a> <a href="#" class="shut" title="Close section content" onclick="switch_element(this.parentNode.parentNode, 'section'); return false;" onmouseover="hint_section()" onmouseout="unhint()">Close</a> <a href="#" class="open" title="Open section content" onclick="switch_element(this.parentNode.parentNode, 'section'); return false;" onmouseover="hint_section()" onmouseout="unhint()">Open</a> </div> <div class="content"> <p> I've been using and programming <a href="/computers/index.html">computers</a> for 20-something years now. My work is based around <a href="computers/web/index.html">web design and development</a>. I run my own <a href="" class="ext">consultancy business</a> specialising in building template-driven web sites like this one. </p> <p> I'm the author of the <a href="computers/tt.html">Template Toolkit</a>, an <a href="" class="ext">Open Source</a> software package written specifically for this purpose. It has become the de-facto templating solution of choice for <a href="/computers/perl/index.html">Perl</a> programmers and is used to build countless web sites from the very small to the very large. I've written a <a href="" class="ext">book</a> on the subject and have given a number of talks at the <a href="/computers/perl/conference.html">Perl Conference</a> and <a href="/computers/perl/"></a> user group meetings. </p> <div class="icons"> <a href="/computers/index.html" class="tip"><img src="/images/icons/small/computer.gif" alt="Computers" width="60" height="50" border="0" alt="computer icon"/><span class="tip"><span class="title">Computers</span><span class="info">Work and Play With Computers</span></span></a> <a href="/computers/tt.html" class="tip"><img src="/images/icons/small/tt2.gif" alt="Template Toolkit" width="60" height="50" border="0" alt="tt2 icon"/><span class="tip"><span class="title">Template Toolkit</span><span class="info">A Fast, Powerful and Extensible Template Processing System</span></span></a> <a href="/computers/perl/index.html" class="tip"><img src="/images/icons/small/camel.gif" alt="Perl" width="60" height="50" border="0" alt="camel icon"/><span class="tip"><span class="title">Perl Programming</span><span class="info">Perl Software, Talks, Articles, etc.</span></span></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="link section" id="Kites"> <div class="header"> <a href="kites/index.html" class="title">Kites</a> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Back up to the top of the page" >Top</a> <a href="#" class="shut" title="Close section content" onclick="switch_element(this.parentNode.parentNode, 'section'); return false;" onmouseover="hint_section()" onmouseout="unhint()">Close</a> <a href="#" class="open" title="Open section content" onclick="switch_element(this.parentNode.parentNode, 'section'); return false;" onmouseover="hint_section()" onmouseout="unhint()">Open</a> </div> <div class="content"> <p> I'm a <a href="/kites/freestyle/index.html">freestyle</a> kite flying fanatic. Over the last ten or so years I've flown at numerous kite competitions, festivals and other <a href="/kites/events/index.html">events</a> around the World. I have <a href="/kites/design.html">designed</a> a number of kites with Tim Benson of <a href="" class="ext">Benson Kites</a>, including the <a href="/kites/design.html#Gemini">Gemini</a>, <a href="/kites/design.html#Airbow">Airbow</a> and <a href="/kites/design.html#Deep_Space">Deep Space</a>. I've also devised a number of <a href="/kites/freestyle/index.html">freestyle competition formats</a>. </p> <p> I've appeared in a number of <a href="/kites/movies/index.html">Kite Movies</a> including my home-produced <a href="/kites/movies/stoked.html">Stoked in the Park</a> series available for download, and the new <a href="/kites/movies/trickortreat.html">Trick or Treat</a> DVD from <a href="" class="ext">Soul Deep Films</a>, available from all good kite shops. </p> <p> There is also a section dealing with <a href="/kites/bridle/index.html">bridle design</a> and an archive of some of my <a href="/kites/reckites/index.html">rec.kites</a> posts or those of other people that I found amusing or interesting </p> <div class="icons"> <a href="/kites/index.html" class="tip"><img src="/images/icons/small/kite.gif" alt="Kites" width="60" height="50" border="0" alt="kite icon"/><span class="tip"><span class="title">Kite Flying and Design</span><span class="info"></span></span></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="link section" id="Boards"> <div class="header"> <a href="boards/index.html" class="title">Boards</a> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Back up to the top of the page" >Top</a> <a href="#" class="shut" title="Close section content" onclick="switch_element(this.parentNode.parentNode, 'section'); return false;" onmouseover="hint_section()" onmouseout="unhint()">Close</a> <a href="#" class="open" title="Open section content" onclick="switch_element(this.parentNode.parentNode, 'section'); return false;" onmouseover="hint_section()" onmouseout="unhint()">Open</a> </div> <div class="content"> <p> <a href="/boards/index.html">Board riding</a> is another passion of mine. In addition to the usual skateboarding and snowboarding, I'm also into downhill mountain boarding and kite boarding. </p> <div class="icons"> <a href="/boards/index.html" class="tip"><img src="/images/icons/small/mboard.gif" alt="Boards" width="60" height="50" border="0" alt="mboard icon"/><span class="tip"><span class="title">Boards and Board Riding</span><span class="info">Skateboard, Dirtboard, Snowboard.</span></span></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="link section" id="Graphics"> <div class="header"> <a href="graphics/index.html" class="title">Graphics</a> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Back up to the top of the page" >Top</a> <a href="#" class="shut" title="Close section content" onclick="switch_element(this.parentNode.parentNode, 'section'); return false;" onmouseover="hint_section()" onmouseout="unhint()">Close</a> <a href="#" class="open" title="Open section content" onclick="switch_element(this.parentNode.parentNode, 'section'); return false;" onmouseover="hint_section()" onmouseout="unhint()">Open</a> </div> <div class="content"> <p> I've dabbled in various different kinds of <a href="/graphics/index.html">computer graphics</a> over the years including ray tracing, 3d modelling and generatihg fractal images. Most of what I do these days is creating logos, icons and images for web sites using Illustrator, Photoshop and the Gimp. This section contains some examples of my work. </p> <div class="icons"> <a href="/graphics/index.html" class="tip"><img src="/images/icons/small/cool.gif" alt="Graphics" width="60" height="50" border="0" alt="cool icon"/><span class="tip"><span class="title">Graphics</span><span class="info">Logos, Icons and Other Graphics I've Created</span></span></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="link section" id="Miscellaneous"> <div class="header"> <a href="misc/index.html" class="title">Miscellaneous</a> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Back up to the top of the page" >Top</a> <a href="#" class="shut" title="Close section content" onclick="switch_element(this.parentNode.parentNode, 'section'); return false;" onmouseover="hint_section()" onmouseout="unhint()">Close</a> <a href="#" class="open" title="Open section content" onclick="switch_element(this.parentNode.parentNode, 'section'); return false;" onmouseover="hint_section()" onmouseout="unhint()">Open</a> </div> <div class="content"> <p> This section contains all the <a href="/misc/index.html">random bits</a> that don't fit anywhere else. There's the <a href="/misc/goldbach.html">Goldbach Weave</a>, a graphical representation of Goldbach's Conjecture (a famous problem from the branch of mathematics known as number theory), my <a href="/misc/commercial.html">Commmercial Email</a> spam honeypot (yes I've had messages sent to it - 43 at the last count - but no I've never collected any money), some family pictures, and so on. </p> </div> </div> <div class="link section" id="Latest"> <div class="header"> <a href="latest.html" class="title">Latest</a> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Back up to the top of the page" >Top</a> <a href="#" class="shut" title="Close section content" onclick="switch_element(this.parentNode.parentNode, 'section'); return false;" onmouseover="hint_section()" onmouseout="unhint()">Close</a> <a href="#" class="open" title="Open section content" onclick="switch_element(this.parentNode.parentNode, 'section'); return false;" onmouseover="hint_section()" onmouseout="unhint()">Open</a> </div> <div class="content"> <p> A page detailing all the updates to the site. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div id="footer"> <div id="reddit"> <script>reddit_url=''</script> <script language="javascript" src=""></script> </div> <div class="iconset"> <a href="/index.html" class="abw icon" title="Home"><span class="caption">Home</span></a><a href="/computers/index.html" class="computer icon" title="Computers"><span class="caption">Computers</span></a><a href="/computers/tt.html" class="tt2 icon" title="Template Toolkit"><span class="caption">Template Toolkit</span></a><a href="/computers/perl/index.html" class="camel icon" title="Perl Programming"><span class="caption">Perl Programming</span></a><a href="/kites/index.html" class="kite icon" title="Kites"><span class="caption">Kites</span></a><a href="/boards/index.html" class="mboard icon" title="Boards"><span class="caption">Boards</span></a><a href="/graphics/index.html" class="cool icon" title="Graphics"><span class="caption">Graphics</span></a> <br clear="all" /> </div> <div class="copyright"> © Copyright 1995-2009 Andy Wardley. All Rights Reserved. </div> <div class="pageinfo"> index.html last modified 18:39:57 20-Jul-2007 </div> <div class="info"> Contact: <span class="link">abw <at> wardley <dot> org</span> </div> </div> </body> </html>