Expense Report Tips, Guides, and Best Practices | Chrome River
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class="wrapper"><div class="pagetitle c"> <h1>Resources</h1> <h5>Chrome River is designed to fit a range of organizations, from universities and professional service firms to large global enterprises</h5> </div> </div> </header> <div id="content"> <div class="earth-gray"><div class="wrapper pad-top-1"> <div class="res-submenu"> <ul> <li><a href="/fr/resources">Featured</a></li> <li><a href="/fr/resources/white-papers">White Papers</a></li> <li><a href="/fr/resources/case-studies">Case Studies</a></li> <li><a href="/fr/resources/data-sheets">Data Sheets</a></li> <li><a href="/fr/resources/analyst-reports">Analyst Reports</a></li> <li class="active"><a href="/fr/resources/videos">Videos</a></li> <li><a href="/fr/resources/webinars">Webinars</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="resources"> <!--div class="flicks"><h5>Company</h5> <div class="resource" id="res2620"><a href="" data-lock="res2620"> <img src="" alt="Chrome River: Welcome to The River" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>Chrome River: Welcome to The River</h5> <p>Chrome River鈥檚 expense and invoice solutions enable organizations to automate and streamline AP processes, increase productivity, reduce errors, enforce compliance and deliver actionable insight for smarter decisions. </p> </div> </a></div></div--> <div class="flicks"><h5>Solutions</h5> <div class="resource" id="res4456"><a href="" data-lock="res4456"> <img src="" alt="Chrome River Mobility" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>Chrome River Mobility</h5> <p>Chrome River solutions are designed to be exceptionally modern yet intuitive and flexible enough to manage expense and invoice automation while on-the go, from any device.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="resource" id="res4455"><a href="" data-lock="res4455"> <img src="" alt="Chrome River Invoice" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>Chrome River Invoice</h5> <p>Take two minutes to see how Chrome River Invoice simplifies the complex task of invoice processing with tools like automatic data capture, automatic routing rules and an intuitive invoice management dashboard.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="resource" id="res3648"><a href="" data-lock="res3648"> <img src="" alt="Chrome River Expense" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>Chrome River Expense</h5> <p>Chrome River Expense is a leading expense management solution that enables your organization to streamline processes, reduce costs and increase visibility and compliance, all while providing the ultimate employee experience. </p> </div> </a></div></div> <div class="flicks"><h5>Customer Testimonials</h5> <div class="resource" id="res4261"><a href="" data-lock="res4261"> <img src="" alt="How ZS Associates Expedites Change Turnaround Time with Emburse Solution Administrator" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>How ZS Associates Expedites Change Turnaround Time with Emburse Solution Administrator</h5> <p>Discover how ZS Associates leveraged Emburse Solution Administrator to reduce caseload by half and accelerate change turnaround time by 600%.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="resource" id="res4252"><a href="" data-lock="res4252"> <img src="" alt="How Elsevier Centralized Global Expense Management with Chrome River" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>How Elsevier Centralized Global Expense Management with Chrome River</h5> <p>Learn how Elsevier, a global leader in publishing, used Chrome River to centralize and automate expense management for more than 7K employees worldwide.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="resource" id="res4140"><a href="" data-lock="res4140"> <img src="" alt="How GrayRobinson Drives AP Efficiencies with Chrome River" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>How GrayRobinson Drives AP Efficiencies with Chrome River</h5> <p>Jesse Rudolph from GrayRobinson shares why they selected Chrome River for expense and invoice automation, and how the solutions have enabled the firm to grow while keeping costs flat.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="resource" id="res3927"><a href="" data-lock="res3927"> <img src="" alt="How FS Investments Scales AP Processes with Chrome River" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>How FS Investments Scales AP Processes with Chrome River</h5> <p>Jordan Habbershon, Accounting Operations Manager at FS Investments, shares how Chrome River seamlessly and efficiently scales with the organization鈥檚 expense and invoice management needs, resulting in significant cost and time savings.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="resource" id="res3673"><a href="" data-lock="res3673"> <img src="" alt="Modernizing Expense Management with Oral Roberts Unversity" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>Modernizing Expense Management with Oral Roberts Unversity</h5> <p>Larry Moss, Senior Programmer Analyst at Oral Robers University, shares how Ellucian Travel and Expense powered by Chrome River empowers employees to submit expense reports easily on any device, using a modern, up-to-date interface.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="resource" id="res3070"><a href="" data-lock="res3070"> <img src="" alt="How The University of New Mexico Lets Business Flow with Chrome River" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>How The University of New Mexico Lets Business Flow with Chrome River</h5> <p>UNM is a tier-one research institution with five campuses and thousands of expense reports monthly. Watch this video to learn how Chrome River enabled the university to streamline its expense workflow, reconcile P-cards, and make expense submission simple for traveling employees.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="resource" id="res2988"><a href="" data-lock="res2988"> <img src="" alt="Improving Expense Efficiency for Idaho State University" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>Improving Expense Efficiency for Idaho State University</h5> <p>Lisa Leyshon, assistant controller at Idaho State University, shares how Ellucian Travel and Expense powered by Chrome River spares administrators an arduous paper process in favor of a streamlined system that also ensures greater compliance.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="resource" id="res2619"><a href="" data-lock="res2619"> <img src="" alt="Estela Tang, Fujitsu" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>Estela Tang, Fujitsu</h5> <p>Estela Tang, Fujitsu, discusses Chrome River.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="resource" id="res2430"><a href="" data-lock="res2430"> <img src="" alt="How Partner Engineering and Science Lets Business Flow with Chrome River" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>How Partner Engineering and Science Lets Business Flow with Chrome River</h5> <p>Partner Engineering is a full service engineering and environmental consulting company with offices in the US, UK, Poland and Canada. Watch this video to learn why the company switched from its current expense management provider to Chrome River.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="resource" id="res2016"><a href="" data-lock="res2016"> <img src="" alt="Asked at CASCADE 2018: How does Chrome River let business flow at your organization?" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>Asked at CASCADE 2018: How does Chrome River let business flow at your organization?</h5> <p>Raymond Ortiz, Manager, Travel and Entertainment Department, Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP reveals why employees at Weil who submit expense reports are happy now.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="resource" id="res2015"><a href="" data-lock="res2015"> <img src="" alt="Asked at CASCADE 2018: How does Chrome River let business flow at your organization?" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>Asked at CASCADE 2018: How does Chrome River let business flow at your organization?</h5> <p>Lorrie Black, Financial Systems Manager, University of New Mexico, shares why she thinks Chrome River is the best implementation support team she has ever worked with.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="resource" id="res2014"><a href="" data-lock="res2014"> <img src="" alt="Asked at CASCADE 2018: How does Chrome River let business flow at your organization?" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>Asked at CASCADE 2018: How does Chrome River let business flow at your organization?</h5> <p>Shauna Thompson and Nicole Thompson, Pace University discuss why Chrome River is one of the better received applications with their end users.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="resource" id="res2013"><a href="" data-lock="res2013"> <img src="" alt="Asked at CASCADE 2018: How does Chrome River let business flow at your organization?" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>Asked at CASCADE 2018: How does Chrome River let business flow at your organization?</h5> <p>Lucius Jackson, Accounts Payable Manager, Venable LLP talks about how Chrome River brings expense visibility to the organization where they didn鈥檛 have it before.</p> </div> </a></div></div> <!--div class="flicks"><h5>Our Board</h5></div--> <!--div class="flicks"><h5>Executive Leadership and Board</h5> <div class="resource" id="res2618"><a href="" data-lock="res2618"> <img src="" alt="Global Strategy: Julie Roy, CMO, Chrome River" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>Global Strategy: Julie Roy, CMO, Chrome River</h5> <p>How can companies build a true global strategy? Hear from Chrome River's CMO, Julie Roy, on how a strong team is a critical element.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="resource" id="res2607"><a href="" data-lock="res2607"> <img src="" alt="Customer Satisfaction: Matt Harris, Bain Capital Ventures" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>Customer Satisfaction: Matt Harris, Bain Capital Ventures</h5> <p>Matt Harris, managing director at Bain Capital Ventures, discusses why a laser focus on customer satisfaction is critical for companies to remain successful - even moreso than growth.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="resource" id="res2612"><a href="" data-lock="res2612"> <img src="" alt="Do the Right Thing: Nancy Dushkin, Chief Client Services Officer, Chrome River" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>Do the Right Thing: Nancy Dushkin, Chief Client Services Officer, Chrome River</h5> <p>Nancy Dushkin, chief client services officer at Chrome River, explains how caring about a customer's long term business needs is far more important for developing a successful relationship than focusing on short-term advantages.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="resource" id="res2606"><a href="" data-lock="res2606"> <img src="" alt="Leadership and Culture: Matt Harris, Bain Capital Ventures" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>Leadership and Culture: Matt Harris, Bain Capital Ventures</h5> <p>Matt Harris, managing director at Bain Capital Ventures, outlines why he thinks a company's leadership is even more valuable in its product in building a successful organization.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="resource" id="res2611"><a href="" data-lock="res2611"> <img src="" alt="Hope is Not a Strategy: Nancy Dushkin, Chief Client Services Officer, Chrome River" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>Hope is Not a Strategy: Nancy Dushkin, Chief Client Services Officer, Chrome River</h5> <p>Nancy Dushkin, chief client services officer at Chrome River, explains why it's critical to look for any issues in order to deliver a successful product implementation - not just hope that everything is OK.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="resource" id="res2605"><a href="" data-lock="res2605"> <img src="" alt="The Flanking Maneuver: Matt Harris, Bain Capital Ventures" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>The Flanking Maneuver: Matt Harris, Bain Capital Ventures</h5> <p>Matt Harris, managing director at Bain Capital Ventures, talks about the strategies that some of Bain Capital Ventures' portfolio companies use to take on some of the biggest names in technology - and win.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="resource" id="res2610"><a href="" data-lock="res2610"> <img src="" alt="Corporate Agility: Nancy Dushkin, Chief Client Services Officer, Chrome River" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>Corporate Agility: Nancy Dushkin, Chief Client Services Officer, Chrome River</h5> <p>Nancy Dushkin, chief client services officer at Chrome River discusses why it's critical for software companies to be nimble in order to deliver effective solutions for their customers.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="resource" id="res2604"><a href="" data-lock="res2604"> <img src="" alt="What we Look For: Matt Harris, Bain Capital Ventures" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>What we Look For: Matt Harris, Bain Capital Ventures</h5> <p>What do venture capital companies look for in a new investment? Matt Harris, managing director at Bain Capital Ventures, outlines his approach.</p> </div> </a></div></div--> <!--div class="flicks"><h5>Join Chrome River</h5> <div class="resource" id="res2603"><a href="" data-lock="res2603"> <img src="" alt="Finding Solutions: Jeromy Evans, Chrome River" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>Finding Solutions: Jeromy Evans, Chrome River</h5> <p>Chrome River's Jeromy Evans talks about how close teamwork enables the engineering team to overcome challenges.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="resource" id="res2598"><a href="" data-lock="res2598"> <img src="" alt="A True Team: Tim Wheatcroft" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>A True Team: Tim Wheatcroft</h5> <p>Head of Corporate Communications, Tim Wheatcroft, talks about Chrome River's true team spirit helps the company grow as well as empowering each individual to be the best they can.</p> </div> </a></div></div--> <!--div class="flicks"><h5>Conference Presentations</h5> <div class="resource" id="res403"><a href="" data-lock="res403"> <img src="" alt="Plumbing & Poetry" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>Plumbing & Poetry</h5> <p>In today鈥檚 workforce, it鈥檚 important for organizations to attract and hold the best talent. One of the ways to do that is to provide them with the best tools to get their jobs done quickly and easily.</p> </div> </a></div></div--> <!--div class="flicks"><h5>Dear CFO</h5> <div class="resource" id="res3695"><a href="" data-lock="res3695"> <img src="" alt="Dear CFO: Trip to Tahiti" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>Dear CFO: Trip to Tahiti</h5> <p>Earning all those air miles for your business travel is a great perk... assuming that you get reimbursed for them in a timely manner. Janet is still waiting for hers.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="resource" id="res3694"><a href="" data-lock="res3694"> <img src="" alt="Dear CFO: Magic 8 Ball" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>Dear CFO: Magic 8 Ball</h5> <p>When you don't have an expense management solution to automatically enforce your travel and expense policy, you'll probably need to keep referring to the policy guide. Janet has come up with some more interesting techniques for keeping track...</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="resource" id="res3693"><a href="" data-lock="res3693"> <img src="" alt="Dear CFO: The Origami Dog" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>Dear CFO: The Origami Dog</h5> <p>Just because you spend so long doing your manual expenses doesn't mean that you don't have time for any pets. Janet's excited about the latest addition to her family.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="resource" id="res3692"><a href="" data-lock="res3692"> <img src="" alt="Dear CFO: Receipt Detective" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>Dear CFO: Receipt Detective</h5> <p>Janet channels her inner gumshoe to help out her co-workers at expense time. Where is the receipt from that customer meal three weeks ago? If only there was an easy way to get that receipt info...</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="resource" id="res3691"><a href="" data-lock="res3691"> <img src="" alt="Dear CFO: The Medium" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>Dear CFO: The Medium</h5> <p>Janet has a found new skill to help her co-workers cope with their outdated expense process. But wouldn't it be easier if her CFO could magically uncover an expense management system?</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="resource" id="res3690"><a href="" data-lock="res3690"> <img src="" alt="Dear CFO: Going Back in Time" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>Dear CFO: Going Back in Time</h5> <p>Having to break out the stapler every time she does her expenses makes Janet think she's heading right back to the days of the Walkman, flannel and flux capacitors. How can she bring her expense report back to the ... present?</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="resource" id="res3689"><a href="" data-lock="res3689"> <img src="" alt="Dear CFO: The Expense Matrix" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>Dear CFO: The Expense Matrix</h5> <p>With Janet's help, creating an expense approval workflow using manual processes is as easy as 1, 2, 3, 17, 41, 53, 113.....</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="resource" id="res3688"><a href="" data-lock="res3688"> <img src="" alt="Dear CFO: Derek" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>Dear CFO: Derek</h5> <p>Having to submit your expenses on spreadsheets could lead to wonderful new friendships. Janet has a great new friend.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="resource" id="res3687"><a href="" data-lock="res3687"> <img src="" alt="Dear CFO: The Matchmaker" /> <div class="restxt"> <small>Videos</small> <h5>Dear CFO: The Matchmaker</h5> <p>Janet found love in the most unlikely of places. Maybe having to do your manual expenses on the road isn't such a bad thing...</p> </div> </a></div></div--> </div> </div></div> <div class="reminder mj-reminder"> <div class="wrapper"> <h2>锚tes-vous pr锚t 脿 rejoindre Chrome River?</h2> <ul> <li><a href="" class="button cta">Demander une d茅mo</a></li> <li><a href="tel:+442078460166">+44 (0) 20.7846.0166</a></li> <li><a href=""></a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <p class="c" style="padding:0; position:relative;"><small><a href="/">Trouvez plus de d茅tails sur notre site en anglais</a></small></p> <footer id="footer"><div class="wrapper"> <div class="c"> <p class="footer-logo"><a href="//fr" class="na"><img src="" alt="Chrome River" /></a></p> <ul class="social"> <li><a href="" class="linkedin" target="_blank"><i>LinkedIn</i></a></li> <li><a href="" class="twitter" target="_blank"><i>Twitter</i></a></li> <li><a href="" class="facebook" target="_blank"><i>Facebook</i></a></li> <!--li><a href="" class="slideshare" 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