UxC: Product Timing

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Trying to keep up with the increasing number of information sources is a time consuming and sometimes frustrating task. UxC's Headline News service reduces some of the headaches by filtering a number of news sources, giving you a quick review of the each day's nuclear market news. As pictured to the right, news headlines from around the world are delivered directly to your email box daily. Included with each news headline is a short description, publication date, original source, and a link allowing you to access the story from its original source. </p> <img src="/p/prices/uxc_g_u3o8-sm-2.png" class="float-left mr-3 mb-2" width="208" height="208" alt="UxC Daily Ux U3O8 Price" /> <p> Participants both inside and outside of the nuclear fuel industry have continued to seek more frequent and reliable nuclear fuel price indicators. Historically, the industry operated with spot U<sub>3</sub>O<sub>8</sub> prices that were published once a month. In 1987, Ux introduced the weekly Ux U<sub>3</sub>O<sub>8</sub> Price<sup>&reg;</sup>, the first, and only, weekly price for almost 10 years. In September 2009, UxC launched its daily UxC Broker Average Price (BAP) reporting. The UxC BAP is based on the daily bids and offers as posted by the following brokers participating in the nuclear fuel market: Evolution Markets and Numerco Limited. Then in 2020, UxC initiated publishing the Ux U<sub>3</sub>O<sub>8</sub> Price<sup>&reg;</sup> on a daily basis, and is made available only to UxC subscribers through several delivery formats including daily email delivery, UxC's Subscriber Services website, and/or direct data feeds. </p> <h2>Weekly</h2> <a href="/p/product/periodical/uxw" class="float-right ml-3 mb-2 cover"><img src="/img/i/p/cover/cover-uxw.png" alt="UxW Cover" /></a> <p> UxC publishes one of the nuclear fuel industry's best known newsletters, the <a href="/p/product/periodical/uxw"><i><b>Ux Weekly</b><sup>&reg;</sup></i></a>. This widely read newsletter is issued every Monday and has been published for over 37 years. The <i>Ux Weekly</i> reports spot prices for uranium, conversion and enrichment, and tracks activity in these markets. It contains thought-provoking commentary, analyses of market developments and a summary of current news events. The <i>Ux Weekly</i> is available by email or download from client website. Subscribers also receive UxC's Daily Headline News service discussed above and have access to a special <a href="/p/product/subscriber-services">Subscriber Services</a> section at UxC's web site, which provides links to supplemental materials relating to current topics covered in the <i>Ux Weekly</i>. </p> <p><b>The <i>Ux Weekly</i> is more than a simple newsletter, it is an information service provided by the nuclear fuel market's leading market research and analysis company.</b></p> <a href="/p/product/periodical/sf-stf" class="float-left mr-3 mb-2 cover"><img src="/img/i/p/cover/cover-sf.png" alt="SF Cover" /></a> <p> <a href="/p/product/periodical/sf-stf"><i><b>SpentFUEL</b></i></a> is the only industry newsletter devoted solely to spent fuel storage and transportation issues. Published every Friday, 50 times a year, <i>SpentFUEL</i> covers new market and political developments to bring the reader up-to-date on the numerous activities and issues facing utilities and back-end suppliers today. Issues include the U.S. geologic disposal program, at-reactor dry cask storage plans and licensing activities, contract awards, interim storage proposals, legislation and budget issues affecting the backend, utility spent fuel pool information, surplus plutonium disposition, and transportation. The publication also covers developments in the waste management policies and programs in other parts of the world, including both short- and long-term storage plans, developments related to national or regional permanent disposal facilities, reprocessing, mixed-oxide fuel use. </p> <a href="/p/product/report/umo" class="float-right ml-3 mb-2 cover"><img src="/img/i/p/cover/cover-univ.png" alt="UNIV" /></a> <h2>Monthly</h2> <p> UxC has developed a unique Market Indicator System to identify potential price movements in the uranium, conversion and enrichment markets by analyzing and rating the underlying trends of key factors in these markets. These indicators are updated monthly and, along with pertinent market commentary, are emailed to subscribers of the associated UxC Market Outlook reports as a way of providing a heads up on market changes. </p> <a href="/p/product/periodical/sf-stf" class="float-left mr-3 mb-2 cover"><img src="/img/i/p/cover/cover-stf.png" alt="STF Cover" /></a> <p> <a href="/p/product/periodical/sf-stf"><i><b>StoreFUEL</b></i></a> was created to assist utility fuel managers, cask designers, fabricators, and other related companies in staying current on the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) certification process for spent fuel cask technology. <i>StoreFUEL</i>, published on the first week of every month, details recent cask vendor licensing milestones, updates on licensing activities for each vendor, a brief summary of all active U.S. dry storage programs, upcoming licensing milestones and a recently enhanced section on decommissioning of nuclear power plants. Each edition includes a number of useful reference tables such as casks loaded in the U.S., reactor license expiration dates, plans for future ISFSIs, and more. </p> <h2>Quarterly</h2> <a href="/p/product/report/umo" class="float-right ml-3 mb-2 cover"><img src="/img/i/p/cover/cover-umo.png" alt="UMO Cover" /></a> <p> To provide more in-depth analysis of key developments and their potential impact on uranium and SWU prices, UxC publishes the <i><a href="/p/product/report/umo"><b>Uranium Market Outlook</b></a></i> and the <i><a href="/p/product/report/emo"><b>Enrichment Market Outlook</b></a></i> reports on a quarterly basis. Both reports review the previous quarter's spot and long-term market activity, analyze the outlook for the upcoming quarter, and discuss potential price movements over the short and long term, providing price projections for the restricted and CIS market under three market scenarios. The reports also provide additional detail on the monthly near-term indicators, as well as long-term indicators. </p> <a href="/p/product/report/pw" class="float-left mr-3 mb-2 cover"><img src="/img/i/p/cover/cover-pw.png" alt="PW Cover" /></a> <p> Quarterly reports are also provided in UxC's <i><a href="/p/product/report/pw"><b>Policy Watch</b></a></i> that serve as a detailed, accurate, and timely source of information on key policy issues that affect the global nuclear fuel markets, including all the hot topics of the day. This on-line information source puts detailed information and analysis into a market research package that is right at your fingertips. </p> <a href="/p/product/report/cmo" class="float-right ml-3 mb-2 cover"><img src="/img/i/p/cover/cover-cmo.png" alt="CMO Cover" /></a> <h2>Twice a Year</h2> <p> To complete the picture of the front-end markets, UxC publishes its <i><a href="/p/product/report/cmo"><b>Conversion Market Outlook</b></a></i> twice a year which discusses recent and likely future developments affecting the conversion market and provides projections of future prices under different market scenarios. </p> <a href="/p/product/report/usa" class="float-left mr-3 mb-2 cover"><img src="/img/i/p/cover/cover-usa.png" alt="USA Cover" /></a> <h2>Annually</h2> <p> For several larger annual reviews, UxC also publishes its <i><a href="/p/product/report/usa"><b>Uranium Suppliers Annual</b></a></i> and <i><a href="/p/product/report/cesa"><b>Conversion and Enrichment Supplier Assessments</b></a></i> reports as the end of each year. </p> <a href="/p/product/report/gnfi" class="float-right ml-3 mb-2 cover"><img src="/img/i/p/cover/cover-gnfi.png" alt="GNFI Cover" /></a> <h2>Biennially</h2> <p> To complete the picture of the front-end markets, UxC publishes several biennially reports including: <i><a href="/p/product/report/gnfi"><b>Global Nuclear Fuel Inventories</b></a></i>, <i><a href="/p/product/report/upcs"><b>Uranium Production Cost Study</b></a></i>, and the <i><a href="/p/product/report/zirc"><b>Nuclear Grade Zirconium Market</b></a></i>. </p> <a href="/p/product/report/samra" class="float-left mr-3 mb-2 cover"><img src="/img/i/p/cover/cover-samra.png" alt="SAMRA Cover" /></a> <h2>Special Reports</h2> <p> UxC also offers a number of <a href="/p/product/report-list">special products</a> that include in-depth studies on a particular issue (for example, <i><a href="/p/product/report/samra"><b>Small, Advanced, and Micro Reactor Assessments</b></a></i>), monthly reports monitoring subjects in which there is particular interest, and projects that involve the use of our models and databases. </p> </article> <div class="clearfix"></div> <div style='font-size:8pt;margin:10px 0 20px>;text-align:right;border-top:1px #3569a5 solid;padding-top:10px;'> For additional information, please contact<br /> <b>Eric Webb</b> <b class="bullet bullet-blue"></b> <b>+1 (770) 642-7745</b> <b class="bullet bullet-blue"></b> <b><span><script>document.write('<n uers="znvygb:revp.jroo@hkp.pbz">revp.jroo@hkp.pbz</n>'))</script><noscript><span style="unicode-bidi:bidi-override;direction:rtl;">moc.cxu@bbew.cire</span></noscript></span></b> </div><div class="text-only-content" data-content="\n"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="footer"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-8" style="line-height:1rem;"> <a href="#top" onclick="window.scroll(0, 0); return false;"><span class="text-muted">BACK TO TOP</span></a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href="/">HOME</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href="/SiteMap.aspx">SITE MAP</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a class="no-wrap" href="/p/Terms.aspx">Terms of Use</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a class="no-wrap" href="/p/Privacy.aspx">Privacy Policy</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a class="no-wrap" href="/p/corp/background">Contact Us</a> <table class="no-border" style="margin-top:30px;"> <tr> <td class="small"> &copy; 2024 UxC, LLC<br /> All rights reserved. </td> <td class="pl-4"> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/images/logos/logo-x.svg" height="24" /></a> </td> <td class="pl-3"> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/images/logos/logo-linkedin.svg" height="32" /></a> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="col-sm-4"> <br class="d-sm-none" /> <div> <b style="line-height:1rem;">UxC, LLC</b> <br /> <br class="hidden-xs" /> <p class="small" style="margin-bottom:0;"> <b>Corporate Office:</b><br /> 1501 MACY DR &nbsp;|&nbsp; ROSWELL, GA 30076 USA<br /> +1 (770) 642-7745 </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script async src=""></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'UA-10981520-1'); </script> <script src="/bundles/uxc?v=XqoGEPdbjSRXqB0vGwzBlqhcdqbQJnvuJ3NHaF_B7sA1"></script> </body> </html>

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