Land | An Open Access Journal from MDPI

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value="cardiogenetics" > Cardiogenetics </option> <option value="catalysts" > Catalysts </option> <option value="cells" > Cells </option> <option value="ceramics" > Ceramics </option> <option value="challenges" > Challenges </option> <option value="ChemEngineering" > ChemEngineering </option> <option value="chemistry" > Chemistry </option> <option value="chemproc" > Chemistry Proceedings </option> <option value="chemosensors" > Chemosensors </option> <option value="children" > Children </option> <option value="chips" > Chips </option> <option value="civileng" > CivilEng </option> <option value="cleantechnol" > Clean Technologies (Clean Technol.) </option> <option value="climate" > Climate </option> <option value="ctn" > Clinical and Translational Neuroscience (CTN) </option> <option value="clinbioenerg" > Clinical Bioenergetics </option> <option value="clinpract" > Clinics and Practice </option> <option value="clockssleep" > Clocks &amp; Sleep </option> <option value="coasts" > Coasts </option> <option value="coatings" > Coatings </option> <option value="colloids" > Colloids and Interfaces </option> <option value="colorants" > Colorants </option> <option value="commodities" > Commodities </option> <option value="complications" > Complications </option> <option value="compounds" > Compounds </option> <option value="computation" > Computation </option> <option value="csmf" > Computer Sciences &amp; Mathematics Forum </option> <option value="computers" > Computers </option> <option value="condensedmatter" > Condensed Matter </option> <option value="conservation" > Conservation </option> <option value="constrmater" > Construction Materials </option> <option value="cmd" > Corrosion and Materials Degradation (CMD) </option> <option value="cosmetics" > Cosmetics </option> <option value="covid" > COVID </option> <option value="cmtr" > Craniomaxillofacial Trauma &amp; Reconstruction (CMTR) </option> <option value="crops" > Crops </option> <option value="cryo" > Cryo 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Proceedings </option> <option value="environments" > Environments </option> <option value="epidemiologia" > Epidemiologia </option> <option value="epigenomes" > Epigenomes </option> <option value="ebj" > European Burn Journal (EBJ) </option> <option value="ejihpe" > European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education (EJIHPE) </option> <option value="fermentation" > Fermentation </option> <option value="fibers" > Fibers </option> <option value="fintech" > FinTech </option> <option value="fire" > Fire </option> <option value="fishes" > Fishes </option> <option value="fluids" > Fluids </option> <option value="foods" > Foods </option> <option value="forecasting" > Forecasting </option> <option value="forensicsci" > Forensic Sciences </option> <option value="forests" > Forests </option> <option value="fossstud" > Fossil Studies </option> <option value="foundations" > Foundations </option> <option value="fractalfract" > Fractal and Fractional (Fractal Fract) </option> <option value="fuels" > Fuels </option> <option value="future" > Future </option> <option value="futureinternet" > Future Internet </option> <option value="futurepharmacol" > Future Pharmacology </option> <option value="futuretransp" > Future Transportation </option> <option value="galaxies" > Galaxies </option> <option value="games" > Games </option> <option value="gases" > Gases </option> <option value="gastroent" > Gastroenterology Insights </option> <option value="gastrointestdisord" > Gastrointestinal Disorders </option> <option value="gastronomy" > Gastronomy </option> <option value="gels" > Gels </option> <option value="genealogy" > Genealogy </option> <option value="genes" > Genes </option> <option value="geographies" > Geographies </option> <option value="geohazards" > GeoHazards </option> <option value="geomatics" > Geomatics </option> <option value="geometry" > Geometry </option> <option value="geosciences" > Geosciences </option> <option value="geotechnics" > Geotechnics </option> <option value="geriatrics" > Geriatrics </option> <option value="glacies" > Glacies </option> <option value="gucdd" > Gout, Urate, and Crystal Deposition Disease (GUCDD) </option> <option value="grasses" > Grasses </option> <option value="greenhealth" > Green Health </option> <option value="hardware" > Hardware </option> <option value="healthcare" > Healthcare </option> <option value="hearts" > Hearts </option> <option value="hemato" > Hemato </option> <option value="hematolrep" > Hematology Reports </option> <option value="heritage" > Heritage </option> <option value="histories" > Histories </option> <option value="horticulturae" > Horticulturae </option> <option value="hospitals" > Hospitals </option> <option value="humanities" > Humanities </option> <option value="humans" > Humans </option> <option value="hydrobiology" > Hydrobiology </option> <option value="hydrogen" > Hydrogen </option> <option value="hydrology" > Hydrology </option> <option value="hygiene" > Hygiene </option> <option value="immuno" > Immuno </option> <option value="idr" > Infectious Disease Reports </option> <option value="informatics" > Informatics </option> <option value="information" > Information </option> <option value="infrastructures" > Infrastructures </option> <option value="inorganics" > Inorganics </option> <option value="insects" > Insects </option> <option value="instruments" > Instruments </option> <option value="iic" > Intelligent Infrastructure and Construction </option> <option value="ijerph" > International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) </option> <option value="ijfs" > International Journal of Financial Studies (IJFS) </option> <option value="ijms" > International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS) </option> <option value="IJNS" > International Journal of Neonatal Screening (IJNS) </option> <option value="ijom" > International Journal of Orofacial Myology and Myofunctional Therapy (IJOM) </option> <option value="ijpb" > International Journal of Plant Biology (IJPB) </option> <option value="ijt" > International Journal of Topology </option> <option value="ijtm" > International Journal of Translational Medicine (IJTM) </option> <option value="ijtpp" > International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power (IJTPP) </option> <option value="ime" > International Medical Education (IME) </option> <option value="inventions" > Inventions </option> <option value="IoT" > IoT </option> <option value="ijgi" > ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (IJGI) </option> <option value="J" > J </option> <option value="jal" > Journal of Ageing and Longevity (JAL) </option> <option value="jcdd" > Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease (JCDD) </option> <option value="jcto" > Journal of Clinical &amp; Translational Ophthalmology (JCTO) </option> <option value="jcm" > Journal of Clinical Medicine (JCM) </option> <option value="jcs" > Journal of Composites Science (J. Compos. Sci.) </option> <option value="jcp" > Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy (JCP) </option> <option value="jdad" > Journal of Dementia and Alzheimer&#039;s Disease (JDAD) </option> <option value="jdb" > Journal of Developmental Biology (JDB) </option> <option value="jeta" > Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Analyses (JETA) </option> <option value="jemr" > Journal of Eye Movement Research (JEMR) </option> <option value="jfb" > Journal of Functional Biomaterials (JFB) </option> <option value="jfmk" > Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology (JFMK) </option> <option value="jof" > Journal of Fungi (JoF) </option> <option value="jimaging" > Journal of Imaging (J. Imaging) </option> <option value="jintelligence" > Journal of Intelligence (J. Intell.) </option> <option value="jlpea" > Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications (JLPEA) </option> <option value="jmmp" > Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing (JMMP) </option> <option value="jmse" > Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (JMSE) </option> <option value="jmahp" > Journal of Market Access &amp; Health Policy (JMAHP) </option> <option value="jmms" > Journal of Mind and Medical Sciences (JMMS) </option> <option value="jmp" > Journal of Molecular Pathology (JMP) </option> <option value="jnt" > Journal of Nanotheranostics (JNT) </option> <option value="jne" > Journal of Nuclear Engineering (JNE) </option> <option value="ohbm" > Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, Hearing and Balance Medicine (JOHBM) </option> <option value="jop" > Journal of Parks </option> <option value="jpm" > Journal of Personalized Medicine (JPM) </option> <option value="jpbi" > Journal of Pharmaceutical and BioTech Industry (JPBI) </option> <option value="jor" > Journal of Respiration (JoR) </option> <option value="jrfm" > Journal of Risk and Financial Management (JRFM) </option> <option value="jsan" > Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks (JSAN) </option> <option value="joma" > Journal of the Oman Medical Association (JOMA) </option> <option value="jtaer" > Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (JTAER) </option> <option value="jvd" > Journal of Vascular Diseases (JVD) </option> <option value="jox" > Journal of Xenobiotics (JoX) </option> <option value="jzbg" > Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens (JZBG) </option> <option value="journalmedia" > Journalism and Media </option> <option value="kidneydial" > Kidney and Dialysis </option> <option value="kinasesphosphatases" > Kinases and Phosphatases </option> <option value="knowledge" > Knowledge </option> <option value="labmed" > LabMed </option> <option value="laboratories" > Laboratories </option> <option value="land" selected='selected'> Land </option> <option 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<option value="mca" > Mathematical and Computational Applications (MCA) </option> <option value="mathematics" > Mathematics </option> <option value="medsci" > Medical Sciences </option> <option value="msf" > Medical Sciences Forum </option> <option value="medicina" > Medicina </option> <option value="medicines" > Medicines </option> <option value="membranes" > Membranes </option> <option value="merits" > Merits </option> <option value="metabolites" > Metabolites </option> <option value="metals" > Metals </option> <option value="meteorology" > Meteorology </option> <option value="methane" > Methane </option> <option value="mps" > Methods and Protocols (MPs) </option> <option value="metrics" > Metrics </option> <option value="metrology" > Metrology </option> <option value="micro" > Micro </option> <option value="microbiolres" > Microbiology Research </option> <option value="micromachines" > Micromachines </option> <option value="microorganisms" > Microorganisms </option> <option 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and cross-disciplinary, <a href="">peer-reviewed</a>, open access journal on land system science, landscape, soil and water, urban study, land&ndash;climate interactions, water&ndash;energy&ndash;land&ndash;food (WELF) nexus, biodiversity research and health nexus, land modelling and data processing, ecosystem services, and multifunctionality and sustainability etc., published monthly online by MDPI. <a href="">The International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE)</a>, <a href="">European Land-use Institute (ELI)</a>, <a href="">Landscape Institute (LI)</a> and&nbsp;<a href="">Urban Land Institute (ULI)</a> are affiliated with <em>Land</em>, and their members receive discounts on the article processing charges. <ul> <li><strong><span class="label openaccess"><a title="Open Access" href="">Open Access</a></span></strong>&mdash; free for readers, with <a href="">article processing charges (APC)</a> paid by authors or their institutions.</li> <li><strong>High 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class="custom-accordion-for-small-screen-content"> <div class="expanding-div collapsed"> <div class="generic-item article-item no-border"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 22 pages, 2843 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/413/pdf?version=1739771162" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Different Farming Measures on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Farmland in China" data-journal="land"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Review</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2073-445X/14/2/413">Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Different Farming Measures on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Farmland in China</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Siya Wang</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Xinyu Wei</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Xiaobo Luan</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Jiabei Li</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Yuxin Yang</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Jie Pang</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Fei Gao</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Land</em> <b>2025</b>, <em>14</em>(2), 413; (registering&nbsp;DOI) - 17 Feb 2025 </div> <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agricultural fields is crucial for mitigating climate change and promoting sustainable agriculture. This study conducted a meta-analysis of 82 domestic experimental studies to assess the effects of fertilization, tillage, and straw return on CH<sub>4</sub>, CO<sub></sub> <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agricultural fields is crucial for mitigating climate change and promoting sustainable agriculture. This study conducted a meta-analysis of 82 domestic experimental studies to assess the effects of fertilization, tillage, and straw return on CH<sub>4</sub>, CO<sub>2</sub>, and N<sub>2</sub>O emissions across different regions in China. The key findings include: fertilization measures: split fertilization increased CH<sub>4</sub> and N<sub>2</sub>O emissions, whereas a single application had the strongest impact on CO<sub>2</sub> emissions. The application of carbon alone or in combination with NPK reduced GHG emissions, while the combination of nitrogen and farmyard manure significantly increased CH<sub>4</sub> and CO<sub>2</sub> emissions. Tillage measures: tillage generally reduced CH<sub>4</sub> and CO<sub>2</sub> emissions but increased N<sub>2</sub>O emissions. No-tillage effectively suppressed CH<sub>4</sub> emissions, while rotary tillage significantly reduced CO<sub>2</sub> emissions. Straw return: straw returning through rotary tillage led to the highest increase in CH<sub>4</sub> and CO<sub>2</sub> emissions, whereas direct straw return most notably enhanced N<sub>2</sub>O emissions. This study provides insights into optimizing agricultural practices to mitigate GHG emissions and offers guidance for sustainable and low-carbon agricultural development. <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/413">Full article</a> </div> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1592626"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1592626"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1592626" data-cycle-prev="#prev1592626" data-cycle-progressive="#images1592626" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1592626-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1592626" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1592626-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1592626-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1592626-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='4' data-target='article-1592626-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 5</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='5' data-target='article-1592626-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 6</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='6' data-target='article-1592626-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 7</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='7' data-target='article-1592626-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 8</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1592626-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Technical roadmap.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/413'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Map of the study area. China is divided into seven regions: North China (Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi); Northeast China (Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning); East China (Shandong, Anhui, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Taiwan); Central China (Henan, Hubei, Hunan); South China (Guangxi, Guangdong, Hainan, Hong Kong, Macao); Southwest China (Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing, Tibet); and Northwest China (Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, Xinjiang, Qinghai). The present study categorized experimental sites based on these regional divisions.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/413'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Publication bias test funnel plot. The results of the publication bias test are presented in (&lt;b&gt;a&lt;/b&gt;). In this figure, the red line represents the combined effect size, the gray diagonal line indicates the 95% confidence interval, and the blue points depict the scatter of each study’s effect size against its standard deviation. Asymmetry in the lower left corner of the funnel plot was observed and corrected using the shear-and-patch method. The corrected results are shown in (&lt;b&gt;b&lt;/b&gt;).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/413'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Effects of different farming measures on greenhouse gas emissions from farmland. The vertical gray line represents the effect value Hedges’s = 0, the error bar represents the 95% confidence interval (95% CI), and the number in brackets represents the sample size.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/413'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 5</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Effects of different fertilization measures on greenhouse gas emissions from farmland. The vertical gray line represents the effect value Hedges’s = 0, the error bar represents the 95% confidence interval (95% CI), and the number in brackets represents the sample size.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/413'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 6</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Effects of different tillage measures on greenhouse gas emissions from farmland. The vertical gray line represents the effect value Hedges’s = 0, the error bar represents the 95% confidence interval (95% CI), and the number in brackets represents the sample size.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/413'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 7</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Effects of different returning measures on greenhouse gas emissions from farmland. The vertical gray line represents the effect value Hedges’s = 0, the error bar represents the 95% confidence interval (95% CI), and the number in brackets represents the sample size.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/413'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 8</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Effects of different farming measures on greenhouse gas emissions from farmland in different regions. (&lt;b&gt;a&lt;/b&gt;) Effects of fertilization measures on greenhouse gas emissions. (&lt;b&gt;b&lt;/b&gt;) Effects of tillage practices on greenhouse gas emissions. (&lt;b&gt;c&lt;/b&gt;) Effects of straw returning on greenhouse gas emissions.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/413'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="extending-content content-ready"> <div class="expanding-div collapsed"> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 23 pages, 6182 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/412/pdf?version=1739698064" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Spatiotemporal Evolution and Optimization of Urbanization–Water Environment Coupling in the Cheng-Yu Region" data-journal="land"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2073-445X/14/2/412">Spatiotemporal Evolution and Optimization of Urbanization&ndash;Water Environment Coupling in the Cheng-Yu Region</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Binghao Sun</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Xinlan Liang</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Bingchang Li</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Jiahao Liu</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Lingfeng Wu</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Yizhang Liu</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Land</em> <b>2025</b>, <em>14</em>(2), 412; (registering&nbsp;DOI) - 16 Feb 2025 </div> <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> With global urbanization on the rise, China has entered the mid-to-late urbanization stage, and the Cheng-Yu region, as a key economic zone and new urbanization model in China, has faced water environmental issues due to rapid urbanization, while systematic research on the synergy <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> With global urbanization on the rise, China has entered the mid-to-late urbanization stage, and the Cheng-Yu region, as a key economic zone and new urbanization model in China, has faced water environmental issues due to rapid urbanization, while systematic research on the synergy between its urbanization and water environment governance remains scarce. This study explores the spatiotemporal evolution of and optimization strategies for the coupling and coordinated development of urbanization and water environment governance in the Cheng-Yu region. A comprehensive evaluation index system was established to measure the Urbanization Development System (UDS) and Water Environment Governance System (WEGS), and a coupling coordination model was utilized to analyze the spatiotemporal relationships between the two systems from 2013 to 2021. The coupling coordination index of the two systems showed a steady upward trend from 2013 to 2021, evolving from a state of severe imbalance to high-level coordination. Initially, the UDS was relatively low, while the WEGS was higher but grew at a slower rate. After 2019, rapid urbanization caused the UDS to exceed the level of the WEGS, indicating growing environmental pressures. Moreover, there are persistent disparities among cities. Industrial cities like Chengdu, with a high UDS but low WEGS, urgently need to enhance water resource management. In contrast, cities such as Dazhou, which have a high WEGS but low UDS, should make full use of their water resources to drive sustainable urban development. For policymakers, this research provides practical guidelines, such as suggesting targeted investment in water treatment facilities in industrial cities like Chengdu and promoting water-based economic development in cities like Dazhou. It emphasizes the importance of balancing urbanization with environmental sustainability. The findings not only deepen the understanding of the dynamic interactions between urban development and water environment governance but also lay a solid foundation for optimizing future policies in the Cheng-Yu region and other similar areas. <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/412">Full article</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="expanding-div collapsed"> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <a data-dropdown="drop-supplementary-1592428" aria-controls="drop-supplementary-1592428" aria-expanded="false" title="Supplementary Material"> <i class="material-icons">attachment</i> </a> <div id="drop-supplementary-1592428" class="f-dropdown label__btn__dropdown label__btn__dropdown--wide" data-dropdown-content aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> Supplementary material: <br/> <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/411/s1?version=1739697716"> Supplementary File 1 (ZIP, 187 KiB) </a><br/> </div> </div> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 16 pages, 3704 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/411/pdf?version=1739697715" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Exploring the Driving Forces of Ecosystem Services in the Yangtze River Basin, China" data-journal="land"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2073-445X/14/2/411">Exploring the Driving Forces of Ecosystem Services in the Yangtze River Basin, China</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Zhenwei Wang</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Jinjin Mao</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Yelin Peng</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Jiahui Wu</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Xiaochun Wang</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Lilan Su</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Land</em> <b>2025</b>, <em>14</em>(2), 411; (registering&nbsp;DOI) - 16 Feb 2025 </div> <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> Ecosystem services (ESs) are increasingly recognized as critical to sustainable development and human well-being and are frequently used as indicators in environmental governance policies. However, existing studies mostly assess the performance of isolated single ESs, ignoring the management data needs of local governments <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> Ecosystem services (ESs) are increasingly recognized as critical to sustainable development and human well-being and are frequently used as indicators in environmental governance policies. However, existing studies mostly assess the performance of isolated single ESs, ignoring the management data needs of local governments for comprehensive gate-keeping and the easy monitoring of regional ecosystems, and lacking holistic gate-keeping indicators for local ESs. To address these shortcomings, this study assessed the spatial changes in five main ESs in the Yangtze River basin (YTRB) in China by creating a comprehensive ESs indicator (CESI) using multi-source data, and introduced the hotspot analyses and spatial econometric models to explore the driving forces of CESI. Results showed that during the study period, the CESI in the YTRB increased from 0.44 in 2000 to 0.47 in 2020. High-value areas were mainly concentrated in the hilly and mountainous regions, whereas the low-value areas were predominantly situated in the plain areas. From 2000 to 2020, the hot spots of CESI were primarily located in the middle and the lower reaches of the YTRB. Conversely, the cold spots were situated in the upper reaches of the YTRB. The regression analysis revealed a significant negative association between socioeconomic factors and CESI, while a significant positive association between natural background factors and CESI. Of the natural background factors, average precipitation has the largest positive effect on CESI, with each 1% increase resulting in up to 0.369% increase in CESI. In contrast, GDP density had the greatest negative impact on CESI, with each 1% increase triggering a reduction in CESI of up to 6.210%. The findings suggest that CESI, which integrates multiple ESs, can effectively simplify the difficulty of regional ecological regulation. The driving mechanism indicates that environmental protection policies, when combined with the natural conditions and intensity of human activities in the region, would be more coherent with varying regulatory intensities. <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/411">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/land/special_issues/0AH9Z7BL65 ">Optimization of Land Space for High-Quality and Sustainable Development</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1592428"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1592428"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1592428" data-cycle-prev="#prev1592428" data-cycle-progressive="#images1592428" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1592428-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1592428" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1592428-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1592428-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1592428-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Location of study areas.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/411'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Spatial patterns of the five main ESs: (&lt;b&gt;a&lt;/b&gt;–&lt;b&gt;e&lt;/b&gt;) are changes in water yield, grain productivity, habitat quality, carbon storage, and soil conservation in the YTRB in 2000, 2010, and 2020, respectively.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/411'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;(&lt;b&gt;A&lt;/b&gt;) Trade-offs and synergies among the following factors: (&lt;b&gt;1&lt;/b&gt;–&lt;b&gt;4&lt;/b&gt;) water yield and grain productivity, habitat quality, carbon storage, and soil conservation, respectively; (&lt;b&gt;5&lt;/b&gt;–&lt;b&gt;7&lt;/b&gt;) grain productivity and habitat quality, carbon storage and soil conservation, respectively; (&lt;b&gt;8&lt;/b&gt;–&lt;b&gt;9&lt;/b&gt;) habitat quality and carbon storage and soil conservation, respectively; and (&lt;b&gt;10&lt;/b&gt;) carbon storage and soil conservation. (&lt;b&gt;B&lt;/b&gt;) Changes of CESI in YTRB from 2000 to 2020. (&lt;b&gt;C&lt;/b&gt;) Changes in hot spots and cold spots of CESI in YTRB from 2000 to 2020.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/411'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="expanding-div collapsed"> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 22 pages, 5890 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/410/pdf?version=1739696341" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="An Improved Soil Moisture Downscaling Method Based on Soil Properties and Geographical Divisions over the Loess Plateau" data-journal="land"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2073-445X/14/2/410">An Improved Soil Moisture Downscaling Method Based on Soil Properties and Geographical Divisions over the Loess Plateau</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Lei Han</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Zheyuan Miao</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Zhao Liu</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Hongliang Kang</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Han Zhang</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Shaoan Gan</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Yuxuan Ren</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Guiming Hu</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Land</em> <b>2025</b>, <em>14</em>(2), 410; (registering&nbsp;DOI) - 16 Feb 2025 </div> <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> As the contradiction between vegetation growth and soil moisture (SM) demand in arid zones gradually expands, accurately obtaining SM data is crucial for ecological construction. Remote sensing products limit small-scale studies due to the low resolution, and the emergence of downscaling solves this <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> As the contradiction between vegetation growth and soil moisture (SM) demand in arid zones gradually expands, accurately obtaining SM data is crucial for ecological construction. Remote sensing products limit small-scale studies due to the low resolution, and the emergence of downscaling solves this problem. This study proposes an improved semi-physical SM downscaling method. The effects of environmental factors on SM in different geographical zones (Windy Sand Hills, Flood Plains, Loess Yuan, Hilly Loess, Earth-rock Hills and Rocky Mountain) were analyzed using Random Forests. Vegetation and topographic factors were incorporated into the traditional downscaling algorithm based on the Mualem&ndash;van Genuchten model by setting weights, yielding 250 m resolution SM data for the Loess Plateau. This study found the following: (1) The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was the most important environmental factor in all divisions except the Flood Plain, and the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was second only to the NDVI in the overall importance evaluation, both of which positively influenced SM. (2) SM variability increased and then decreased when SM was below 0.4 cm<sup>3</sup>/cm<sup>3</sup>, but showed a quadratic growth trend when exceeding this threshold. The Rocky Mountain division exhibited the highest variability under the same SM. (3) Validation showed that the improved algorithm, based on geographic divisions to analyze factors importance and interpolation of coarse-scale SM and variability, had the highest accuracy, with an average R of 0.753 and an average ubRMSE of 0.042 cm<sup>3</sup>/cm<sup>3</sup>. The improved algorithm produced higher resolution, more accurate SM data, and offered insights for downscaling studies in arid regions, meeting the region&rsquo;s high-resolution SM needs. <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/410">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Section <a href="/journal/land/sections/land_observation_monitoring">Land – Observation and Monitoring</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1592390"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1592390"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1592390" data-cycle-prev="#prev1592390" data-cycle-progressive="#images1592390" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1592390-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1592390" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1592390-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1592390-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1592390-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='4' data-target='article-1592390-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 5</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='5' data-target='article-1592390-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 6</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='6' data-target='article-1592390-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 7</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='7' data-target='article-1592390-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 8</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='8' data-target='article-1592390-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 9</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='9' data-target='article-1592390-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 10</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1592390-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Map showing (&lt;b&gt;a&lt;/b&gt;) the geographical divisions of the study area, (&lt;b&gt;b&lt;/b&gt;) the location of the study area in China, (&lt;b&gt;c&lt;/b&gt;) the soil texture classes of the study area, and (&lt;b&gt;d&lt;/b&gt;) the elevation of the study area.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/410'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Importance of environmental factors in each geographical division.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/410'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;SM variability curves for randomized grids in each geographical division.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/410'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Standard deviations for specific SM.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/410'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 5</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Mean distribution in April–September 2013 for the original product, the downscaled results based on interpolation, and the environmental factors. The black boxes indicate the location of the three zoomed-in display areas.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/410'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 6</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;The results of the improved downscaling algorithm based on geographical division and interpolation.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/410'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 7</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Comparison of accuracy in different geographical divisions.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/410'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 8</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Bias, R, RMSE, and ubRMSE distributions of observations and the downscaled results based on geographical division and interpolation.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/410'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 9</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Gain evaluation of the improved downscaling algorithm based on geographical division and interpolation.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/410'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 10</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Partial dependence plots of environmental factors in each geographical division.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/410'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="expanding-div collapsed"> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 16 pages, 3651 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/409/pdf?version=1739690529" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Distribution Patterns and Influencing Factors Controlling Soil Carbon in the Heihe River Source Basin, Northeast Qinghai–Tibet Plateau" data-journal="land"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2073-445X/14/2/409">Distribution Patterns and Influencing Factors Controlling Soil Carbon in the Heihe River Source Basin, Northeast Qinghai&ndash;Tibet Plateau</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Meiliang Zhao</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Guangchao Cao</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Qinglin Zhao</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Yonggui Ma</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Fuling Zhang</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Hongda Li</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Qixin He</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Xunxun Qiu</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Land</em> <b>2025</b>, <em>14</em>(2), 409; (registering&nbsp;DOI) - 16 Feb 2025 </div> <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> Soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil inorganic carbon (SIC) are key components of soil carbon pools in arid ecosystems, playing a crucial role in regional carbon cycling and climate change mitigation. However, the interactions between these two forms of carbon in arid alpine <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> Soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil inorganic carbon (SIC) are key components of soil carbon pools in arid ecosystems, playing a crucial role in regional carbon cycling and climate change mitigation. However, the interactions between these two forms of carbon in arid alpine ecosystems remain underexplored. This study was conducted in the Heihe River Basin (HRB) in the northeastern Qinghai&ndash;Tibet Plateau, focusing on the distribution and dynamics of SOC and SIC in deep soil layers. Using data from 329 samples collected from 49 soil profiles extending to the bedrock, combined with path analysis, we explored the inter-relationships between SOC and SIC and quantified the influence of environmental factors. The results showed that (1) SOC exhibited a unimodal distribution with elevation, peaking at 3300&ndash;3600 m, while SIC continuously decreased with elevation, with reduction rates ranging from &minus;0.39% to &minus;31.18%; (2) SOC and SIC were significantly positively correlated (r = 0.55, <i>p</i> &lt; 0.01), with SOC decreasing with depth and SIC showing an inflection point at 50 cm depth; (3) SOC was primarily driven by nutrient factors, such as total nitrogen (TN), with a path coefficient of 0.988, while SIC was influenced by abiotic factors, including potential evapotranspiration (PET), with a coefficient of &minus;1.987; (4) SOC density accounted for 81.62% of the total soil carbon pool, playing a dominant role in carbon storage, whereas SIC density exhibited dynamic changes, particularly at depths of 110&ndash;150 cm. These findings advance our understanding of deep soil carbon dynamics in arid alpine ecosystems and provide critical data for improving carbon management strategies in similar regions. <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/409">Full article</a> </div> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1592294"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1592294"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1592294" data-cycle-prev="#prev1592294" data-cycle-progressive="#images1592294" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1592294-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1592294" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1592294-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1592294-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1592294-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='4' data-target='article-1592294-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 5</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='5' data-target='article-1592294-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 6</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1592294-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Distribution of sampling points in the Heihe River Basin.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/409'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Distribution of soil carbon along the elevation gradient at the designated sampling points. ((&lt;b&gt;a&lt;/b&gt;) Organic carbon distribution, (&lt;b&gt;b&lt;/b&gt;) inorganic carbon distribution).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/409'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Vertical distribution of soil carbon at three representative sampling sites. SOC, soil organic carbon; SIC, soil inorganic carbon. ((&lt;b&gt;a&lt;/b&gt;) 717 Sampling point, (&lt;b&gt;b&lt;/b&gt;) 731 sampling point, (&lt;b&gt;c&lt;/b&gt;) 740 sampling point).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/409'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Spatial distribution pattern of soil organic carbon density (SOCD) and soil inorganic carbon density (SICD) based on sampling point scale.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/409'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 5</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Correlation between soil carbon and other elements. Note: ** denotes significance at &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; &amp;lt; 0.01 and * denotes significance at &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; &amp;lt; 0.05.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/409'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 6</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Path coefficient diagram between soil carbon content and other influencing factors. Dashed arrows represent the direct effects of the respective factors on soil carbon content, whereas solid arrows represent the indirect effects of the respective factors on soil carbon content, mediated by another factor. ((&lt;b&gt;a&lt;/b&gt;) Organic carbon, (&lt;b&gt;b&lt;/b&gt;) inorganic carbon).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/409'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="expanding-div collapsed"> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 19 pages, 19297 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/408/pdf?version=1739679173" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Multi-Scenario Simulation of Ecosystem Service Value in Beijing’s Green Belts Based on PLUS Model" data-journal="land"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2073-445X/14/2/408">Multi-Scenario Simulation of Ecosystem Service Value in Beijing&rsquo;s Green Belts Based on PLUS Model</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Ziying Hu</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Siyuan Wang</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Land</em> <b>2025</b>, <em>14</em>(2), 408; (registering&nbsp;DOI) - 16 Feb 2025 </div> <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> Urbanization and economic growth have substantially modified the land utilization structure, affecting ecosystem services and their spatial distribution. As a crucial component of Beijing&rsquo;s urban framework, the city&rsquo;s green belts, located at the periphery of its core metropolitan area, play a vital role <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> Urbanization and economic growth have substantially modified the land utilization structure, affecting ecosystem services and their spatial distribution. As a crucial component of Beijing&rsquo;s urban framework, the city&rsquo;s green belts, located at the periphery of its core metropolitan area, play a vital role in supplying urban ecosystem services. They also represent a focal point for land use transformation conflicts, making them an important study area. This research utilizes land utilization data from 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, and 2020 as the primary dataset. It adopts a modified standard equivalent factor and integrates it with the Patch-Generaling Land Use Simulation (PLUS) model to model land utilization in Beijing&rsquo;s green belts for 2035 under three scenarios: the natural development scenario (NDS), ecological protection scenario (EPS) and cultivated protection scenario (CPS). The study aims to analyze and project the spatial and temporal evolution of ecosystem service values (ESVs) in 2035 under different scenarios in the green belts of Beijing. The results indicate that (1) land use in Beijing&rsquo;s green belts is dominated by cropland and construction land. Construction land has expanded significantly since 2000, increasing by 500.78 km<sup>2</sup>, while cropland has decreased by 488.47 km<sup>2</sup>. Woodland, grassland, and water have also seen a reduction. Overall, there is a trend of woodland and water being converted into cropland, with cropland subsequently transitioning into construction land. (2) In the NDS, construction land increases by 91.76 km<sup>2</sup>, while cropland, grassland, and water decrease. In EDS, the growth of construction land decelerates to 22.09 km<sup>2</sup>, the reduction in cropland decelerates, and the conversion of cropland to construction land is limited. Grassland and water remain largely unchanged, and woodland experiences a slight increase. In CPS, the conversion of cropland to construction land is notably reduced, with construction land increasing by 11.97 km<sup>2</sup>, woodland increasing slightly, and grassland and water decreasing slightly. (3) The ESV ranking across scenarios is as follows: EPS 1830.72 mln yuan &gt; CPS 1816.23 mln yuan &gt; NDS 1723.28 mln yuan. Hydrological regulation and climate regulation are the dominant services in all scenarios. ESV in EPS attains the greatest economic gains. This study contributes to understanding the effects of land utilization changes on ESV, offering valuable empirical evidence for sustainable development decision-making in swiftly urbanizing areas. <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/408">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/land/special_issues/ecology_capital ">Ecology of the Landscape Capital and Urban Capital</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1592234"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1592234"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1592234" data-cycle-prev="#prev1592234" data-cycle-progressive="#images1592234" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1592234-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1592234" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1592234-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1592234-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1592234-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='4' data-target='article-1592234-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 5</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='5' data-target='article-1592234-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 6</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='6' data-target='article-1592234-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 7</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1592234-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Location and study area.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/408'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Driving factors.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/408'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;The framework of the study.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/408'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;LUC from 2000 to 2020. (&lt;b&gt;a&lt;/b&gt;) Land use; (&lt;b&gt;b&lt;/b&gt;) Land use change.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/408'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 5</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;(&lt;b&gt;a&lt;/b&gt;) Atlas of expansion probability; (&lt;b&gt;b&lt;/b&gt;) Contribution of drivers to expansion.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/408'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 6</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Simulation of spatial distribution of land use under different scenarios in 2035.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/408'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 7</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;ESV simulation results.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/408'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="expanding-div collapsed"> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 37 pages, 1068 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/407/pdf?version=1739627903" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Why Do Tourists Visit the Food Market? A Host–Guest Sharing Model Based on the Theory of Self-Regulation" data-journal="land"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2073-445X/14/2/407">Why Do Tourists Visit the Food Market? A Host&ndash;Guest Sharing Model Based on the Theory of Self-Regulation</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Shiran Lin</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>He Zhu</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Jiaming Liu</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Fengjiao Li</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Chenrouyu Zheng</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Land</em> <b>2025</b>, <em>14</em>(2), 407; (registering&nbsp;DOI) - 15 Feb 2025 </div> <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> The transformation of traditional food markets into urban tourism destinations has garnered increasing attention, yet the mechanisms driving tourist motivations remain underexplored. This study addresses this gap by proposing a host&ndash;guest sharing model grounded in the Theory of Self-Regulation (TSR). Employing a mixed-methods <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> The transformation of traditional food markets into urban tourism destinations has garnered increasing attention, yet the mechanisms driving tourist motivations remain underexplored. This study addresses this gap by proposing a host&ndash;guest sharing model grounded in the Theory of Self-Regulation (TSR). Employing a mixed-methods approach, we first conducted grounded theory analysis on 358,700 words of travelogues, identifying six TSR-based constructs: host&ndash;guest sharing, sense of place, behavior attitude, desire, subjective norms, and behavioral intention. These constructs were then validated through structural equation modeling (SEM) using survey data from 416 tourists. Results indicate that host&ndash;guest sharing (&beta; = 0.925) and sense of place (&beta; = 0.947) are the primary drivers of tourist intention, mediated by behavior attitude (&beta; = 0.662) and desire (&beta; = 0.861). Subjective norms (&beta; = 0.724) further reinforce intention formation. The findings highlight the centrality of authentic cultural experiences and resident&ndash;tourist interactions in shaping food market tourism. This research extends the TSR framework by integrating geographical and psychological perspectives and offering actionable insights for urban planners to enhance food markets as sustainable tourism attractions through improved service quality, cultural storytelling, and equitable space design. <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/407">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Section <a href="/journal/land/sections/Land_Plan_Architecture">Land Planning and Landscape Architecture</a>)<br/> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="expanding-div collapsed"> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 14 pages, 15710 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/406/pdf?version=1739614088" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Soil Nutrients in Sandy Plantations Are Related to the Species, Diameter at Breast Height or at Base, and Distance from the Tree Base in Horqin" data-journal="land"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2073-445X/14/2/406">Soil Nutrients in Sandy Plantations Are Related to the Species, Diameter at Breast Height or at Base, and Distance from the Tree Base in Horqin</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Hongshun Liu</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Rencang Bu</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Yu Chang</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Li Qi</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Chang Chang</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Zhibin Zhang</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Lujia Zhao</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Land</em> <b>2025</b>, <em>14</em>(2), 406; (registering&nbsp;DOI) - 15 Feb 2025 </div> <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> Correctly understanding existing plantations and improving the cycles and effects of ecological restoration in sandy areas have become important scientific issues. Consequently, we selected different diameters at breast height (DBHs) for <i>Populus</i> spp. and <i>Pinus sylvestris</i> var. <i>mongolica</i> (<i>P. sylvestris</i> var. <i>mongolica</i> <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> Correctly understanding existing plantations and improving the cycles and effects of ecological restoration in sandy areas have become important scientific issues. Consequently, we selected different diameters at breast height (DBHs) for <i>Populus</i> spp. and <i>Pinus sylvestris</i> var. <i>mongolica</i> (<i>P. sylvestris</i> var. <i>mongolica</i>) and varying diameters at the base (DBs) of <i>Caragana microphylla</i> Lam. (<i>C. microphylla</i>) as research subjects in the sandy plantations in northwestern Liaoning Province. Soil samples were collected along a gradient at distances of 20 cm, 60 cm, and 120 cm from the tree base. Our objective was to investigate the connections among various afforestation species, DBHs or DBs (age), and soil nutrients. The results from our study area revealed that (1) the soil nutrient contents were extremely low; (2) the DBHs or DBs were not significantly related to soil exchangeable phosphorus (EP), total potassium (TK), or <i>Pondus Hydrogenii</i> (pH) but had a significant or moderately positive correlation with soil organic carbon (SOC), exchangeable potassium (EK), total nitrogen (TN), total carbon (TC), and total phosphorus (TP). The most significant relationship was with EK at a distance of 20 cm from the tree base; (3) the three afforestation species presented different trends in terms of the soil nutrient contents among the different distances from the tree base; and (4) the EK in the <i>Populus</i> spp. plantations was significantly greater than that in the <i>P. sylvestris</i> var. <i>mongolica</i> plantations and moderately significantly greater than that in the <i>C. microphylla</i> plantations. The pH levels in <i>P. sylvestris</i> var. <i>mongolica</i> plantations were significantly lower than those in <i>Populus</i> spp. plantations and <i>C. microphylla</i> plantations. Our study provides valuable insights into the synergistic development between sandy plantations and soil dynamics. This study provides important evidence for selecting suitable plant species for vegetation restoration and improvement efforts in sandy lands. <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/406">Full article</a> </div> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1592113"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1592113"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1592113" data-cycle-prev="#prev1592113" data-cycle-progressive="#images1592113" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1592113-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1592113" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1592113-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1592113-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1592113-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1592113-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Locations of the study area and sampling plots.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/406'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Illustration of the soil sampling gradient schemes in sandy plantations.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/406'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Correlations between the DBHs or DBs of the three afforestation species and the soil variable contents. The horizontal axis represents the names of various variables. The vertical axis represents the soil sampling gradient and average values of each variable. The circle sizes indicate the significance of the correlation (i.e., significant if the &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; value was less than 0.01, moderately significant if the &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; value was between 0.01 and 0.05, and not significant if the &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; value was greater than 0.05). The colors of the circle edges represent positive or negative correlation coefficients, with red indicating positive correlation coefficients and green indicating negative correlations. Different shades within the circles represent the average contents of soil variables at different distances from the tree base (maximum, median, minimum), with yellow representing the mean (Refer to &lt;a href=&quot;#land-14-00406-t004&quot; class=&quot;html-table&quot;&gt;Table 4&lt;/a&gt; for specific values).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/406'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;SOC, TC, TN, TP, TK, EP, EK, pH, and BIO varied with the soil sampling gradient for different afforestation species. The horizontal axis represents the soil sampling gradient. The vertical axis represents the values of the soil variables. In both the line and bar charts, three colors represent the three different afforestation species, and the same color represents the same afforestation species. The error bars indicate the standard errors. The bar charts represent the mean values ± standard errors (SEs) for the three tree species. Different letters represent significant differences between different afforestation species (&lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; &amp;lt; 0.05).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/406'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="expanding-div collapsed"> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 26 pages, 13040 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/405/pdf?version=1739613528" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="A Historical Overview of Methods for the Estimation of Erosion Processes on the Territory of the Republic of Serbia" data-journal="land"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2073-445X/14/2/405">A Historical Overview of Methods for the Estimation of Erosion Processes on the Territory of the Republic of Serbia</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Ivan Malušević</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Ratko Ristić</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Boris Radić</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Siniša Polovina</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Vukašin Milčanović</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Petar Nešković</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Land</em> <b>2025</b>, <em>14</em>(2), 405; (registering&nbsp;DOI) - 15 Feb 2025 </div> <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> Erosion is a significant environmental challenge in Serbia, shaped by natural and human factors. Pronounced relief, fragile geological substrate, a developed hydrographic network, and a climate characterized by an uneven distribution of precipitation throughout the year make this area prone to activating erosion <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> Erosion is a significant environmental challenge in Serbia, shaped by natural and human factors. Pronounced relief, fragile geological substrate, a developed hydrographic network, and a climate characterized by an uneven distribution of precipitation throughout the year make this area prone to activating erosion processes and flash floods whenever there is a significant disruption in ecological balance, whether due to the removal of vegetation cover or inadequate land use. Researchers have recorded approximately 11,500 torrents in Serbia, most of which were activated during the 19th century, a period of significant social and political change, as well as intensive deforestation and the irrational exploitation of natural resources. By the mid-19th century, the effects of land degradation were impossible to ignore. As the adequate assessment of soil erosion intensity is the initial step in developing a prevention and protection strategy and the type and scope of anti-erosion works and measures, this article presents the path that the anti-erosion field in Serbia has taken from the initial observations of erosion processes through the first attempts to create the Barren Land Cadastre and Torrent Cadastre to the creation of the Erosion Potential Method (EPM) and its modification by Dr. Lazarevi&#263; that resulted in the creation of the first Erosion Map of SR Serbia in 1971 (published in 1983). In 2020, a new Erosion Map of Serbia was created with the application of Geographic Information System (GIS) technologies and based on the original method by Professor Slobodan Gavrilovi&#263;&mdash;the EPM&mdash;without the modifications introduced by Lazarevi&#263;. We compared the 1983 and 2020 erosion maps in a GIS environment, where the change in soil erosion categories was analyzed using a confusion matrix. The updated erosion maps mirror the shift in methodology from a traditional approach (Lazarevi&#263;&rsquo;s modification) to the modern GIS-based method (Gavrilovi&#263;&rsquo;s original EPM) and reflect technological improvements and changes in land use, conservation practices, and environmental awareness. <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/405">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Section <a href="/journal/land/sections/urban_contexts">Urban Contexts and Urban-Rural Interactions</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1592098"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1592098"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1592098" data-cycle-prev="#prev1592098" data-cycle-progressive="#images1592098" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1592098-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1592098" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1592098-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1592098-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1592098-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1592098-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;The position and topography of the Republic of Serbia.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/405'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;The algorithm of the process of creating an erosion map according to the EPM [&lt;a href=&quot;#B36-land-14-00405&quot; class=&quot;html-bibr&quot;&gt;36&lt;/a&gt;].&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/405'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;The Erosion Map of the Republic of Serbia from 1983, using the EPM modified by Lazarević [&lt;a href=&quot;#B36-land-14-00405&quot; class=&quot;html-bibr&quot;&gt;36&lt;/a&gt;].&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/405'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;The Erosion Map of the Republic of Serbia from 2020, using the original EPM by Gavrilović [&lt;a href=&quot;#B36-land-14-00405&quot; class=&quot;html-bibr&quot;&gt;36&lt;/a&gt;].&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/405'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="expanding-div collapsed"> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 19 pages, 3568 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/404/pdf?version=1739609945" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Research on the Suitability Evaluation and Enhancement Path of Grassland Ecological Product Value Transformation in China Based on the Three-Dimensional Evaluation Matrix of Ecology, Economy, and Importance" data-journal="land"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2073-445X/14/2/404">Research on the Suitability Evaluation and Enhancement Path of Grassland Ecological Product Value Transformation in China Based on the Three-Dimensional Evaluation Matrix of Ecology, Economy, and Importance</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Yaojie Wu</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Pengwei Chen</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Li Ma</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Land</em> <b>2025</b>, <em>14</em>(2), 404; (registering&nbsp;DOI) - 15 Feb 2025 </div> <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> Chinese grassland ecological industry is at a critical stage of mid-term adjustment and development. Accurately assessing the benefits of grassland ecological product value conversion during its mid-term development can provide a reasonable basis for adjusting the future development path of ecological product value <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> Chinese grassland ecological industry is at a critical stage of mid-term adjustment and development. Accurately assessing the benefits of grassland ecological product value conversion during its mid-term development can provide a reasonable basis for adjusting the future development path of ecological product value conversion. This study uses ecological efficiency, economic efficiency, and ecological function importance indicators as the evaluation foundation for the conversion of grassland ecological product value, constructing a three-dimensional evaluation matrix of &ldquo;ecology-economy-importance&rdquo; suitability. Under the logical framework of &ldquo;conversion efficiency-suitability evaluation-path selection&rdquo;, the study investigates the suitability evaluation and improvement paths of grassland ecological product value conversion during the mid-term development phase in China. The results show that (1) from 2008 to 2022, the overall suitability of grassland ecological product value conversion in China gradually improved, particularly from 2011 to 2021, when the suitability index increased from 4.99 to 6.33. The ecological conversion efficiency remained between 0.60 and 0.67, and the economic conversion efficiency increased from 0.44 to 0.67. (2) In the spatial dimension, the suitability of grassland ecological product value conversion is generally at the second or third suitability level, with certain regional differences. Moreover, ecological and economic conversion efficiencies are spatially inconsistent. (3) In the ecological and economic conversion of grassland ecological products, the highest redundancy rate in terms of industrial land resource investment is 36.7% and 42.40%, respectively. This indicates that the insufficient suitability level of grassland ecological product value conversion may be due to excessive redundancy in industrial land resource investment. (4) The improvement path for the suitability level of grassland ecological product conversion varies across provincial regions, but within provinces, there is a small-scale clustering of similar path choices. In the future, resource and policy allocation could lead to regionally coordinated development. <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/404">Full article</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="expanding-div collapsed"> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 18 pages, 4172 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/403/pdf?version=1739605442" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Natural Resource Management in Depopulated Regions of Serbia—Birth of Rural Brownfields or Final Abandonment" data-journal="land"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2073-445X/14/2/403">Natural Resource Management in Depopulated Regions of Serbia&mdash;Birth of Rural Brownfields or Final Abandonment</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Marko Joksimović</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Land</em> <b>2025</b>, <em>14</em>(2), 403; (registering&nbsp;DOI) - 15 Feb 2025 </div> <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> Numerous research studies have long established the causes and consequences of the depopulation of certain regions in Europe, but it seems that there are no systematic approaches to implementing the policy of managing abandoned areas. Following years of demographic decline in settlements, the <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> Numerous research studies have long established the causes and consequences of the depopulation of certain regions in Europe, but it seems that there are no systematic approaches to implementing the policy of managing abandoned areas. Following years of demographic decline in settlements, the 2022 census revealed depopulated clusters in Serbia&mdash;regions with 20 or fewer residents or even no inhabitants at all. The areas of depopulated settlements are growing territorially from the south towards the north. This paper adopts a broader interpretation of brownfield land, defining it as any previously used land that is no longer employed for commercial purposes, serving as the theoretical foundation. Although they seem economically hopeless, some depopulated clusters have become the subject of research for the exploitation of mineral resources such as gold, copper, zinc, uranium, lithium and coal. The main problem is that depopulated clusters have acquired an ecological stability that would be disrupted by the opening of mines and massive construction. The changes in land use were analyzed using time series data and a formal database of natural resources from these communities. The primary methodological framework was based on the correlation between population size, utilized areas, and the ecological stability coefficient. This study aimed to explore the relationship between the proportion of arable land within a spatial unit and its depopulation rate while also examining how arable land and mineral resources could influence the potential revitalization of rural wastelands in Serbia&rsquo;s depopulated areas. The primary findings indicate a significant correlation between population decline and changes in the natural environment of abandoned clusters, as well as the significant potential of clusters as rural brownfields. While it is natural to continue with ecological and green space projects, the current liberal and centralized mining management policy can create major problems for the remaining population. <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/403">Full article</a> </div> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1591902"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1591902"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1591902" data-cycle-prev="#prev1591902" data-cycle-progressive="#images1591902" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1591902-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1591902" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1591902-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1591902-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1591902-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Depopulated settlements and clusters (1–13) in Serbia in 2022. Data source: SORS [&lt;a href=&quot;#B58-land-14-00403&quot; class=&quot;html-bibr&quot;&gt;58&lt;/a&gt;]; Explanation: &lt;a href=&quot;#land-14-00403-t001&quot; class=&quot;html-table&quot;&gt;Table 1&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/403'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Land use classes share change.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/403'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Depopulation, nature protection and mineral resources exploration overlapping in southern Serbia 2022.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/403'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="expanding-div collapsed"> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <a data-dropdown="drop-supplementary-1591749" aria-controls="drop-supplementary-1591749" aria-expanded="false" title="Supplementary Material"> <i class="material-icons">attachment</i> </a> <div id="drop-supplementary-1591749" class="f-dropdown label__btn__dropdown label__btn__dropdown--wide" data-dropdown-content aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> Supplementary material: <br/> <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/402/s1?version=1739548461"> Supplementary File 1 (ZIP, 8001 KiB) </a><br/> </div> </div> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 32 pages, 3952 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/402/pdf?version=1739548352" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Landscape–Ecological Problems Resulting from Spatial Conflicts of Interest in the Poľana Biosphere Reserve" data-journal="land"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2073-445X/14/2/402">Landscape&ndash;Ecological Problems Resulting from Spatial Conflicts of Interest in the Po&#318;ana Biosphere Reserve</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Zita Izakovičová</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Jakub Melicher</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Jana Špulerová</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Marta Dobrovodská</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Veronika Piscová</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Land</em> <b>2025</b>, <em>14</em>(2), 402; <a href=""></a> - 14 Feb 2025 </div> <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> This paper is focused on presenting a methodological procedure for assessing landscape&ndash;ecological problems resulting from conflicts of interest and its application in the Po&#318;ana Biosphere Reserve. The approach is grounded in the concept of the landscape as a geosystem. It examines natural and <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> This paper is focused on presenting a methodological procedure for assessing landscape&ndash;ecological problems resulting from conflicts of interest and its application in the Po&#318;ana Biosphere Reserve. The approach is grounded in the concept of the landscape as a geosystem. It examines natural and socio-economic phenomena, classifying them as either threatened or threatening. By intersecting these phenomena, spatial delineation of the conflicts of interest has been achieved. Within the Po&#318;ana Biosphere Reserve, three groups of problems resulting from spatial conflicts of interest were identified: threats to biodiversity and ecological stability; threats to natural resources; and threats to the environment of human society. A total of 121 specific threats were identified in the area. This approach is applicable to other biosphere reserves for identifying areas with conflicts of interest as the identification of spatial conflicts is crucial for the effective and targeted design of measures aimed at their mitigation or elimination, aligning with the overarching objective of biosphere reserves&mdash;sustainable development. An indispensable condition is to bridge the sectoral approach in landscape management and ensure effective communication and cooperation between individual stakeholder groups in the territory. <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/402">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/land/special_issues/0W45D0QO93 ">The Dynamics of Biodiversity and Landscape Ecology: Patterns, Processes, and Planning (Second Edition)</a>)<br/> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="expanding-div collapsed"> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 21 pages, 7174 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/401/pdf?version=1739542742" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Monitoring and Analysis of Relocation and Reclamation of Residential Areas Based on Multiple Remote Sensing Indices" data-journal="land"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2073-445X/14/2/401">Monitoring and Analysis of Relocation and Reclamation of Residential Areas Based on Multiple Remote Sensing Indices</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Huiping Huang</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Yingqi Wang</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Chao Yuan</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Wenlu Zhu</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Yichen Tian</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Land</em> <b>2025</b>, <em>14</em>(2), 401; <a href=""></a> - 14 Feb 2025 </div> <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> The relocation of residents from high-risk areas is a critical measure to address safety and development issues in the floodplain regions of Henan Province in China. Whether the old villages can be reclaimed as farmland after demolition concerns Henan Province&rsquo;s ability to maintain <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> The relocation of residents from high-risk areas is a critical measure to address safety and development issues in the floodplain regions of Henan Province in China. Whether the old villages can be reclaimed as farmland after demolition concerns Henan Province&rsquo;s ability to maintain its farmland red line. This paper integrated multiple remote sensing indices and proposed a remote sensing identification method for monitoring the progress status of village relocation and reclamation that adapted to data characteristics and application scenarios. Firstly, it addressed the issue of missing target bands in GF-2 (GaoFen-2) by employing a band downscaling method; secondly, it combined building and vegetation indices to identify changes in land cover in the old villages within the floodplain, analyzing the implementation effects of the relocation and reclamation policies. Results showed that using a Random Forest regression model to generate a 4 m resolution shortwave infrared band not only retains the original target band information of Landsat-8 but also enhances the spatial detail of the images. Based on the optimal thresholds of multiple remote sensing indices, combined with human footprint data and POI (Points of Interest) identified village boundaries, the overall accuracy of identifying the progress status of resident relocation and reclamation reached 93.5%. In the floodplain region of Henan, the implementation effect of resident relocation was relatively good, with an old village demolition rate of 77%, yet the farmland reclamation rate was only 23%, indicating significant challenges in land conversion, lagging well behind the pilot program schedule requirements. Overall, this study made two primary contributions. First, to distinguish between rural construction and bare soil, thereby improving the accuracy of construction land extraction, an Enhanced Artifical Surface Index (EASI) was proposed. Second, the monitoring results of land use changes were transformed from pixel-level to village-level, and this framework can be extended to other specific land use change monitoring scenarios, demonstrating broad application potential. <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/401">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/land/special_issues/landuse_change2 ">Land Use Change from Non-urban to Urban Areas: Problems, Challenges and Opportunities II</a>)<br/> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="expanding-div collapsed"> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 21 pages, 4764 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/400/pdf?version=1739527187" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="The Importance of Urban Greening Spaces for Avian Communities in an Urbanized Landscape" data-journal="land"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2073-445X/14/2/400">The Importance of Urban Greening Spaces for Avian Communities in an Urbanized Landscape</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Grzegorz Kopij</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Land</em> <b>2025</b>, <em>14</em>(2), 400; <a href=""></a> - 14 Feb 2025 </div> <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> Island ecology plays an important role in explaining various ecological and evolutionary processes. Small, isolated oceanic islands, exemplified by the Azores Archipelago, are especially vulnerable to adverse environmental conditions and human impact. The study aims to evaluate the impact of urbanization, especially the <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> Island ecology plays an important role in explaining various ecological and evolutionary processes. Small, isolated oceanic islands, exemplified by the Azores Archipelago, are especially vulnerable to adverse environmental conditions and human impact. The study aims to evaluate the impact of urbanization, especially the urban greening space, on the structure and dynamics of avian communities associated with various landforms in an urbanized landscape in one of the nine islands of the Azores Archipelago, S&atilde;o Miguel Island, in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. Samples were collected in the second half of April 2024. The line transect method (43 transects with a total of 37.4 km) was employed to count all bird species breeding in different landforms distinguished in the city: coastal land, urbanized land, rural land, and urban greening space. The obtained results showed that the number of breeding species was much higher in urban greening spaces (n = 20) than in the other lands (n = 10&ndash;14 species). Both cumulative dominance and dominance indices were much lower in urban greening space than in the other landforms. The S&oslash;rensen Index of Similarity between the four main land categories distinguished in the city varied between 0.62 and 0.96, being the lowest between the coastal and urban greening space, and the highest between the urbanized and rural lands. Two main feeding guilds were distinguished in the study area: granivores and insectivores. The former guild clearly dominated over the latter in all major land categories distinguished. Clearly, the proportion of granivores increased with urbanization. Also, two nesting guilds were distinguished: buildings and trees/shrubs. The former was dominant in all land categories except for the urban greening space where the tree/shrub nesting guild was more numerous than the building guild. The tree/shrub guild declined with urbanization. A general trend was recorded: the higher the level of urbanization, the lower the percentage of urban greening space, and in consequence, the lower the number of bird species and diversity indices, but the higher the cumulative dominance and dominance indices. The overall density of birds remains, however, distinctively similar. In the future, data on the population densities and dominance of particular species should be collected in urbanized landforms in other towns of the Azores Archipelago and Macaronesia at large. <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/400">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/land/special_issues/M3A0ET500O ">Species Vulnerability and Habitat Loss II</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1591319"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1591319"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1591319" data-cycle-prev="#prev1591319" data-cycle-progressive="#images1591319" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1591319-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1591319" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1591319-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1591319-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2 Cont.</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1591319-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='4' data-target='article-1591319-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='5' data-target='article-1591319-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 5</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='6' data-target='article-1591319-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 6</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1591319-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;(&lt;b&gt;A&lt;/b&gt;): The satellite image of the study area (Ponta Delgada); (&lt;b&gt;B&lt;/b&gt;): spatial distribution of transects. (1–40) and their grouping: (&lt;b&gt;A&lt;/b&gt;)—coastal built-up land, (&lt;b&gt;B&lt;/b&gt;)—residential suburbs (80–90% of the surface is built-up) with an admixture of green areas and some agricultural lands, (&lt;b&gt;C&lt;/b&gt;)–city center, densely-built-up (80–90%), with sparse tree vegetation, (&lt;b&gt;D&lt;/b&gt;)—city center, densely built-up (70–80%), well timbered, (&lt;b&gt;E&lt;/b&gt;)—residential suburbs (60–70%), with an admixture of urban greening space and some open tarred lands, (&lt;b&gt;F&lt;/b&gt;)—residential suburbs, (50–60%), with an admixture of pastures and arable lands, (&lt;b&gt;G&lt;/b&gt;)—residential suburbs, (50–60%), with an admixture of gardens, pastures and parkland, (&lt;b&gt;H&lt;/b&gt;)—industry area (70–80%). Three transects in rural land (41, 42, and 43) were designed in Arrifes, further to the east (viz. &lt;a href=&quot;#land-14-00400-f002&quot; class=&quot;html-fig&quot;&gt;Figure 2&lt;/a&gt;A).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/400'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Different landforms in the urbanized landscape of Ponta Delgada: (&lt;b&gt;A&lt;/b&gt;): rural land, (&lt;b&gt;B&lt;/b&gt;): urban land, residential loosely built-up land, (&lt;b&gt;C&lt;/b&gt;): urban greening space: Borges municipal garden; (&lt;b&gt;D&lt;/b&gt;): urban land, city center; (&lt;b&gt;E&lt;/b&gt;): urban greening space: Canto botanic garden; (&lt;b&gt;F&lt;/b&gt;): coastal densely built-up land.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/400'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2 Cont.</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Different landforms in the urbanized landscape of Ponta Delgada: (&lt;b&gt;A&lt;/b&gt;): rural land, (&lt;b&gt;B&lt;/b&gt;): urban land, residential loosely built-up land, (&lt;b&gt;C&lt;/b&gt;): urban greening space: Borges municipal garden; (&lt;b&gt;D&lt;/b&gt;): urban land, city center; (&lt;b&gt;E&lt;/b&gt;): urban greening space: Canto botanic garden; (&lt;b&gt;F&lt;/b&gt;): coastal densely built-up land.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/400'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;The proportion of granivorous and insectivorous birds in the main landforms in the urbanized landscape of the city of Ponta Delgada.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/400'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;The proportion of granivorous and insectivorous birds in various subcategories of the built-up lands (A–H, as in &lt;a href=&quot;#land-14-00400-f001&quot; class=&quot;html-fig&quot;&gt;Figure 1&lt;/a&gt;B) in the city of Ponta Delgada.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/400'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 5</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;The proportion of two nesting guilds of birds in the main landforms in the urbanized landscape of the city of Ponta Delgada.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/400'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 6</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;The proportion of two nesting guilds of birds in various subcategories of the built-up lands (A–H, as in &lt;a href=&quot;#land-14-00400-f001&quot; class=&quot;html-fig&quot;&gt;Figure 1&lt;/a&gt;B) in the city of Ponta Delgada).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/400'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="expanding-div collapsed"> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 20 pages, 573 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/399/pdf?version=1739524391" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Enhancing Precision Agriculture for Climate Change Mitigation in Visegrad Countries: Factors Shaping Adaptation" data-journal="land"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Review</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2073-445X/14/2/399">Enhancing Precision Agriculture for Climate Change Mitigation in Visegrad Countries: Factors Shaping Adaptation</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Bojana Petrovic</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>László Csambalik</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Land</em> <b>2025</b>, <em>14</em>(2), 399; <a href=""></a> - 14 Feb 2025 </div> <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> As climate change intensifies, organic agriculture faces new challenges in maintaining sustainability and environmental health. Precision agriculture offers climate-smart solutions by enabling resource efficient and data-driven farming. However, the adoption of precision agriculture technologies (PATs) is influenced by various socio-economic factors, behavioral factors, <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> As climate change intensifies, organic agriculture faces new challenges in maintaining sustainability and environmental health. Precision agriculture offers climate-smart solutions by enabling resource efficient and data-driven farming. However, the adoption of precision agriculture technologies (PATs) is influenced by various socio-economic factors, behavioral factors, financial factors, institutional factors and technological factors. Adaptation factors for precision agriculture technologies and their application in response to climate change were identified through a systematic literature review (SLR) of 58 papers from journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science. The investigation was performed for the Visegrad group countries: Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, and Hungary. Some of these technologies include satellite imaging, remote sensing, soil moisture sensors, and precision irrigation systems, which enable more efficient use of water, fertilizers, and energy. Through a comparative analysis of the application of precision agriculture technologies in the V4 countries, this review underscores the importance of tailored PA approaches to address a specific climate challenge and promote sustainable agricultural practices in the V4 countries. <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/399">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/land/special_issues/0O188EA72X ">Net Zero Target and Land Use in Agriculture and Forestry: Carbon Auditing, Offsetting and Trading</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1591202-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div></div></div><div id="article-1591202-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;The selection procedure of the 58 studies was included in the systematic review.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/399'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="expanding-div collapsed"> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 18 pages, 16523 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/398/pdf?version=1739524459" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Research on the Value of County-Level Ecosystem Services in Highly Mountainous Canyon Areas Based on Land Use Change: Analysis of Spatiotemporal Evolution Characteristics and Spatial Stability" data-journal="land"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2073-445X/14/2/398">Research on the Value of County-Level Ecosystem Services in Highly Mountainous Canyon Areas Based on Land Use Change: Analysis of Spatiotemporal Evolution Characteristics and Spatial Stability</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Linrui Zhang</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Kanhua Yu</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Yue Zhang</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Jiabin Wei</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Wenting Yang</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Xuhui Wang</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Land</em> <b>2025</b>, <em>14</em>(2), 398; <a href=""></a> - 14 Feb 2025 </div> <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> Human activities and climate change have accelerated land use and land cover change (LUCC) globally, diminishing the ecosystem service value (ESV) in ecologically fragile areas such as highly mountainous canyons and disrupting the human&ndash;nature balance. However, existing research lacks analysis on the impact <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> Human activities and climate change have accelerated land use and land cover change (LUCC) globally, diminishing the ecosystem service value (ESV) in ecologically fragile areas such as highly mountainous canyons and disrupting the human&ndash;nature balance. However, existing research lacks analysis on the impact of land use changes on ecosystem service value in typical counties with highly mountainous canyon regions. Therefore, we aim to address this gap by analyzing land use changes and their driving factors in Chayu County using multi-year land use data, calculating the ecosystem service value (ESV) for different periods, and estimating its spatial correlation and stability. The results showed the following: (1) Forestland and grassland were the predominant land-use types, with notable conversions between grassland and water bodies, grassland and unused land, and water bodies and unused land. (2) The total ESV increased steadily from 2003 to 2023, with higher values in the north and west and lower values in the central east. Forestland and water areas were the primary contributors to ESV changes, and ESV sensitivity to LUCC steadily increased from 0.46% to 2.49%. (3) Moran&rsquo;s I ESV shows an overall increase, with a heightened correlation and enhanced stability. Spatially, the ESV exhibited a general high&ndash;high and low&ndash;low clustering pattern, with localized high&ndash;low and low&ndash;high clusters. These changes, driven by natural resource endowments and climate change, provide essential support for ecological protection and sustainable development in highly mountainous canyons and similar regions. <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/398">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/land/special_issues/30O52VIJCA ">Sustainable Urbanscapes: The Role of Green Infrastructure on the Resilience of Ecosystem Services</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1591207"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1591207"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1591207" data-cycle-prev="#prev1591207" data-cycle-progressive="#images1591207" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1591207-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1591207" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1591207-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1591207-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1591207-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='4' data-target='article-1591207-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 5</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='5' data-target='article-1591207-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 6</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='6' data-target='article-1591207-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 7</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='7' data-target='article-1591207-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 8</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='8' data-target='article-1591207-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 9</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1591207-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Location overview map of Chayu County.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/398'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Research framework.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/398'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Land use spatial distribution and area conversion map, 2003–2023.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/398'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Map of land use dynamics and degree index from 2003 to 2023.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/398'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 5</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Time evolution diagram of ESV from 2003 to 2023.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/398'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 6</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;ESV spatial distribution map from 2003 to 2023.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/398'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 7</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Contribution rates of various land use types to ESV changes.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/398'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 8</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;(&lt;b&gt;a&lt;/b&gt;–&lt;b&gt;d&lt;/b&gt;) ESV change rate chart and ESV sensitivity index chart for various systems/factors.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/398'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 9</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Moran’s I scatter plot and LISA plot of ESV in Chayu County.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/398'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="expanding-div collapsed"> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 14 pages, 2922 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/397/pdf?version=1739497877" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Simulation of the Potential Effect of Meteorological Condition Variations on Forage Production in Native Pastures in the Warm Climate of Colombia" data-journal="land"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2073-445X/14/2/397">Simulation of the Potential Effect of Meteorological Condition Variations on Forage Production in Native Pastures in the Warm Climate of Colombia</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Eliecer David Díaz-Almanza</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>José Alejandro Cleves-Leguizamo</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Rodrigo Daniel Salgado-Ordosgoitia</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Land</em> <b>2025</b>, <em>14</em>(2), 397; <a href=""></a> - 14 Feb 2025 </div> <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> The increasing variability of climatic conditions poses significant challenges for agricultural and livestock systems worldwide. In regions with warm climates, such as northern Colombia, the effects of changing temperature, precipitation, and evapotranspiration are particularly pronounced, influencing the productivity and sustainability of native pastures. <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> The increasing variability of climatic conditions poses significant challenges for agricultural and livestock systems worldwide. In regions with warm climates, such as northern Colombia, the effects of changing temperature, precipitation, and evapotranspiration are particularly pronounced, influencing the productivity and sustainability of native pastures. To address these challenges, modeling tools provide a valuable means of understanding and predicting forage production dynamics under diverse climatic scenarios, enabling farmers to make informed decisions that enhance resilience and sustainability. This research was conducted in C&oacute;rdoba, Colombia, with the objective of evaluating the impact of climatic variations in temperature, precipitation, and evapotranspiration on forage production in native pastures in hot climates in northern Colombia. Modeling tools were used to assess the potential yield of pastures based on climate conditions, enabling the understanding and addressing of challenges associated with climatic fluctuations in estimated production. To plan animal grazing, climate variability from 2018 to 2021, a period influenced by the El Ni&ntilde;o&ndash;Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon, was analyzed. This type of integrated analysis, which combines meteorological data, soil, crops, and evaluation of animal load per unit area, is an ideal and practical approach to addressing productivity challenges associated with climatic variability in livestock production in the warm climate of Colombia. The results confirmed the significant impact of climatic conditions on forage production, leading to the conclusion that simulation tools for water use in <i>Bothriochloa</i> &ldquo;Colosuana&rdquo; pastures are relevant for efficient water resource management, particularly during the dry season and drought events. This allows for anticipating the impacts of climate change on agriculture and livestock, facilitating timely and sustainable decision-making by farmers. <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/397">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/land/special_issues/land_plant ">Assess the Effects of Climate and Land-Use Change on Plant Species Distribution</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1590885"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1590885"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1590885" data-cycle-prev="#prev1590885" data-cycle-progressive="#images1590885" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1590885-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1590885" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1590885-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1590885-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1590885-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1590885-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Comparison of multiyear monthly accumulated precipitation (P) and evapotranspiration (ET) in the observation window.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/397'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Behavior of annual accumulated effective (Pef) and total precipitation (P).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/397'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Behavior of potential and actual water demand for Colosuana pasture (&lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;Bothriochloa pertusa&lt;/span&gt;) under different climatic conditions and regrowth periods: (&lt;b&gt;a&lt;/b&gt;) potential water demand (PWD); (&lt;b&gt;b&lt;/b&gt;) actual water use (AWU).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/397'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Estimation of dry matter yield of Colosuana pasture (&lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;Bothriochloa pertusa&lt;/span&gt;) with irrigation and rainfed conditions for the period from 2018 to 2021 and climatology (1991–2021): (&lt;b&gt;a&lt;/b&gt;) with irrigation; (&lt;b&gt;b&lt;/b&gt;) rainfed (without irrigation).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/397'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="expanding-div collapsed"> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <a data-dropdown="drop-supplementary-1590637" aria-controls="drop-supplementary-1590637" aria-expanded="false" title="Supplementary Material"> <i class="material-icons">attachment</i> </a> <div id="drop-supplementary-1590637" class="f-dropdown label__btn__dropdown label__btn__dropdown--wide" data-dropdown-content aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> Supplementary material: <br/> <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/396/s1?version=1739456733"> Supplementary File 1 (ZIP, 332 KiB) </a><br/> </div> </div> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 22 pages, 5029 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/396/pdf?version=1739500284" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Long-Term Spatiotemporal Evolution Characteristics and Driving Force Analysis of Landscape Stability in the Forest–Grassland Ecotone of the Greater Khingan Mountains, Inner Mongolia, China" data-journal="land"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2073-445X/14/2/396">Long-Term Spatiotemporal Evolution Characteristics and Driving Force Analysis of Landscape Stability in the Forest–Grassland Ecotone of the Greater Khingan Mountains, Inner Mongolia, China</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Qingchi Han</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Jinzhuo Wu</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Wenshu Lin</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Land</em> <b>2025</b>, <em>14</em>(2), 396; <a href=""></a> - 13 Feb 2025 </div> <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> Forest&ndash;grassland ecotones refer to the transitional area between forest and grassland ecosystems. Previous studies mainly focus on environmentally sensitive features and landscape risk pressures caused by edge effects, ignoring the landscape restoration and stability changes brought about by high species diversity. In this <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> Forest–grassland ecotones refer to the transitional area between forest and grassland ecosystems. Previous studies mainly focus on environmentally sensitive features and landscape risk pressures caused by edge effects, ignoring the landscape restoration and stability changes brought about by high species diversity. In this study, we calculated the landscape stability in the forest–grassland ecotone of the Greater Khingan Mountains in Inner Mongolia, China from 1990 to 2020, analyzed the changing trends and spatial migration dynamics of the landscape stability, and revealed the potential driving factors and spatial heterogeneity of dominant driving factors for the changes in landscape stability. The results indicated that the dominant landscapes in the study area changed from forests and grasslands in 1990 to forest-dominated landscapes in 2020, and the landscape stability gradually improved from a lower level to a higher level. The stability gradually expanded from the center to the northeast and southwest edges, exhibiting a ribbon sprawl pattern, and the stable center gradually moved to the northeast from 1990 to 2020. Climate factors were the main driving forces affecting the changes in landscape stability in the study area. Different dominant driving factors showed various spatial heterogeneity over time. In the northern part of the forest–grassland ecotone, precipitation, and NDVI had positive correlations with landscape stability, while the opposite was true in the south. In addition, the area of landscape stability in the south that was positively correlated with temperature and NDVI gradually expanded over time. This study analyzed the unique ecological advantages of the forest–grassland ecotones from the perspective of landscape stability changes, which will be facilitated in the ecological assessments and restoration of the forest–grassland ecotones. <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/396">Full article</a> </div> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1590637"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1590637"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1590637" data-cycle-prev="#prev1590637" data-cycle-progressive="#images1590637" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1590637-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1590637" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1590637-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1590637-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1590637-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='4' data-target='article-1590637-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 5</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='5' data-target='article-1590637-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 6</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='6' data-target='article-1590637-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 7</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='7' data-target='article-1590637-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 8</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='8' data-target='article-1590637-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 9</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1590637-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;The location, climate, and vegetation of the forest–grassland ecotone in the Greater Khingan Mountains, Inner Mongolia.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/396'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Annual landscape distribution of the forest–grassland ecotone in the Greater Khingan Mountain, Inner Mongolia from 1990 to 2020.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/396'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Dynamic trends of landscape type transfer from 1990 to 2020 (excluding non-transferred landscapes).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/396'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Dynamic changes in landscape indices and stability of the forest–grassland ecotone in the Greater Khingan Mountain, Inner Mongolia from 1990 to 2020.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/396'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 5</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Changes in the spatial pattern of landscape stability of the forest–grassland ecotone in the Greater Khingan Mountains, Inner Mongolia from 1990 to 2020.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/396'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 6</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Understory spatial migration of the stable landscape area in the forest–grassland ecotone of the Greater Khingan Mountains in Inner Mongolia from 1990 to 2020.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/396'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 7</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Dynamic changes in landscape stability centroid and standardized deviation ellipse in the forest–grassland ecotone of the Greater Khingan Mountains in Inner Mongolia.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/396'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 8</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Interactive effects of the driving factors on the landscape stability.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/396'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 9</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Spatial heterogeneity of key driving factors in the forest–grassland ecotone of the Greater Khingan Mountains in Inner Mongolia from 1990 to 2020.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/396'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="expanding-div collapsed"> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 24 pages, 1192 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/395/pdf?version=1739522682" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Exploring Attitudes on the Sustainable Balance Between Nature Conservation and Economic Development Through Ecotourism—Lessons from EU and Non-EU Countries" data-journal="land"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2073-445X/14/2/395">Exploring Attitudes on the Sustainable Balance Between Nature Conservation and Economic Development Through Ecotourism&mdash;Lessons from EU and Non-EU Countries</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Tamara Gajić</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Dragan Vukolić</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Ana Spasojević</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Ivana Blešić</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Marko D. Petrović</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Jovan Bugarčić</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Marina Bugarčić</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Bojana D. Drašković</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Milovan Milivojević</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Land</em> <b>2025</b>, <em>14</em>(2), 395; <a href=""></a> - 13 Feb 2025 </div> <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> This study examines attitudes toward achieving a sustainable balance in ecotourism using the Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) model, focusing on economic and environmental factors shaping sustainable practices. Data were collected from tourists, local residents, and managers in Serbia and Croatia, encompassing diverse perspectives on natural <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> This study examines attitudes toward achieving a sustainable balance in ecotourism using the Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) model, focusing on economic and environmental factors shaping sustainable practices. Data were collected from tourists, local residents, and managers in Serbia and Croatia, encompassing diverse perspectives on natural resource conservation, economic benefits, and community engagement. The results indicate that natural resource conservation significantly contributes to local participation, tourist awareness, and community engagement, with notable differences observed among respondent groups. Economic benefits also positively influence these mediating factors, emphasizing their role in achieving sustainability goals. The MGA revealed significant differences between respondent groups, highlighting that managers and local communities in Croatia demonstrated higher levels of awareness and participation compared to Serbia, while differences among tourists were less pronounced. This research contributes to the sustainable tourism literature by integrating perspectives from various stakeholder groups and emphasizing the importance of community involvement and environmental preservation. Practical implications include recommendations for policymakers and managers to develop strategies that encourage stakeholder participation and promote sustainable tourism development. <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/395">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Topic <a href="/topics/6N13507HC1">Human–Environmental Relations: Ecotourism and Sustainability</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1590598"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1590598"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1590598" data-cycle-prev="#prev1590598" data-cycle-progressive="#images1590598" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1590598-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1590598" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1590598-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1590598-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Theoretical model.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/395'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Research area.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/395'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="expanding-div collapsed"> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 25 pages, 12139 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/394/pdf?version=1739455039" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="The Impact of Spatiotemporal Effect and Relevant Factors on the Urban Thermal Environment Through the XGBoost-SHAP Model" data-journal="land"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2073-445X/14/2/394">The Impact of Spatiotemporal Effect and Relevant Factors on the Urban Thermal Environment Through the XGBoost-SHAP Model</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Junqing Wei</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Yonghua Li</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Liqi Jia</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Benteng Liu</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Yuehan Jiang</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Land</em> <b>2025</b>, <em>14</em>(2), 394; <a href=""></a> - 13 Feb 2025 </div> <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> The urban thermal environment is a critical topic in contemporary urban studies. However, the mechanisms driving the relationships between influencing factors and the urban thermal environment across different spatial scales and temporal dimensions remain unclear, particularly as most of these relationships exhibit nonlinearity. <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> The urban thermal environment is a critical topic in contemporary urban studies. However, the mechanisms driving the relationships between influencing factors and the urban thermal environment across different spatial scales and temporal dimensions remain unclear, particularly as most of these relationships exhibit nonlinearity. This study utilizes XGBoost and SHAP models, combined with a partial dependency plot, to analyze the influence of population activities, built environment, urban topography, ecological and climatic conditions, and urban landscape pattern on the diurnal and nocturnal land surface temperature (LST) changes across urban and rural areas of Hangzhou throughout the year. The results indicate that during the daytime, urban topography exerts a strong influence on LST changes in both urban and rural areas of Hangzhou. At nighttime, the influence of population activities becomes more pronounced. Meanwhile, urban landscape patterns show no significant impact on LST in either urban or rural areas, regardless of daytime or nighttime. Additionally, we analyzed the specific nonlinear relationships between influencing factors and LST. Finally, our findings suggest that influencing factors can interact synergistically in pairs to affect LST, with this mechanism being more prominent in urban areas. Overall, the study categorizes and examines the factors contributing to urban thermal environment changes from spatial and temporal perspectives, providing insights for developing urban planning strategies to mitigate urban heat issues in the future. <a href="/2073-445X/14/2/394">Full article</a> </div> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1590589"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1590589"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1590589" data-cycle-prev="#prev1590589" data-cycle-progressive="#images1590589" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1590589-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1590589" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1590589-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1590589-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1590589-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='4' data-target='article-1590589-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 5</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='5' data-target='article-1590589-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 6</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='6' data-target='article-1590589-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 7</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='7' data-target='article-1590589-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 8</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='8' data-target='article-1590589-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 9</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='9' data-target='article-1590589-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 10</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='10' data-target='article-1590589-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 11</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='11' data-target='article-1590589-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 12</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='12' data-target='article-1590589-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 13</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='13' data-target='article-1590589-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 14</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1590589-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Study area. Location map of Hangzhou.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/394'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;LST classification for 2022 in Hangzhou; Note: (&lt;b&gt;a&lt;/b&gt;) LST in daytime; (&lt;b&gt;b&lt;/b&gt;) LST in nighttime. (Note: All the above LST data are normalized. For daytime, HSTA &amp;gt; 0.661, 0.606 ≤ SHSTA ≤ 0.661, 0.552 ≤ MTA ≤ 0.606, 0.443 ≤ SLSTA ≤ 0.552, LSTA &amp;lt; 0.443; For nighttime, HSTA &amp;gt; 0.650, 0.585 ≤ SHSTA ≤ 0.650, 0.456 ≤ MTA ≤ 0.585, 0.391 ≤ SLSTA ≤ 0.456, LSTA &amp;lt; 0.391).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/394'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;The spatial distribution of the research measure. Note: (&lt;b&gt;a&lt;/b&gt;–&lt;b&gt;c&lt;/b&gt;) represent WET, NDBSI, and NDVI. (&lt;b&gt;d&lt;/b&gt;–&lt;b&gt;f&lt;/b&gt;) represent BD, BH, and RD. (&lt;b&gt;g&lt;/b&gt;–&lt;b&gt;i&lt;/b&gt;) represent DEM, Slope, and Aspect. (&lt;b&gt;j&lt;/b&gt;–&lt;b&gt;o&lt;/b&gt;) represent PLAND, SHEI, LPI, ED, CA, and CONTAG. (&lt;b&gt;p&lt;/b&gt;,&lt;b&gt;q&lt;/b&gt;) represent POP_D and NTL.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/394'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Feature importance of XGBoost. Note: (&lt;b&gt;a&lt;/b&gt;) during the daytime in the urban area; (&lt;b&gt;b&lt;/b&gt;) during the nighttime in the urban area; (&lt;b&gt;c&lt;/b&gt;) during the daytime in the rural area; (&lt;b&gt;d&lt;/b&gt;) during the nighttime in the rural area.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/394'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 5</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;The nonlinear relationship between the research measure and LST in the urban area during the daytime.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/394'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 6</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;The nonlinear relationship between the research measure and LST in the rural area during the daytime.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/394'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 7</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;The nonlinear relationship between the research measure and LST in the urban area during the nighttime.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/394'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 8</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;The nonlinear relationship between the research measure and LST in the rural area during the nighttime.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/394'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 9</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;SHAP summary plot. Note: (&lt;b&gt;a&lt;/b&gt;) during the daytime in the urban area; (&lt;b&gt;b&lt;/b&gt;) during the daytime in the rural area.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/394'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 10</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;SHAP summary plot for urban area. Note: (&lt;b&gt;a&lt;/b&gt;) during the nighttime in the urban area; (&lt;b&gt;b&lt;/b&gt;) during the nighttime in the rural area.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/394'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 11</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Summary plot for multivariable interaction analysis in urban areas during the daytime. Note: (&lt;b&gt;a&lt;/b&gt;–&lt;b&gt;g&lt;/b&gt;) represent the more significant variable groups’ joint effects on LST. (&lt;b&gt;h&lt;/b&gt;) represents the joint relationship effects of all variable groups on LST.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/394'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 12</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Summary plot for multivariable interaction analysis in rural areas during the daytime. Note: (&lt;b&gt;a&lt;/b&gt;–&lt;b&gt;g&lt;/b&gt;) represent the more significant variable groups’ joint effects on LST. (&lt;b&gt;h&lt;/b&gt;) represents the joint relationship effects of all variable groups on LST.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/394'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 13</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Summary plot for multivariable interaction analysis in urban areas during the nighttime. Note: (&lt;b&gt;a&lt;/b&gt;–&lt;b&gt;g&lt;/b&gt;) represent the more significant variable groups’ joint effects on LST. (&lt;b&gt;h&lt;/b&gt;) represents the joint relationship effects of all variable groups on LST.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/394'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 14</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Summary plot for multivariable interaction analysis in rural areas during the nighttime. Note: (&lt;b&gt;a&lt;/b&gt;–&lt;b&gt;g&lt;/b&gt;) represent the more significant variable groups’ joint effects on LST. (&lt;b&gt;h&lt;/b&gt;) represents the joint relationship effects of all variable groups on LST.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2073-445X/14/2/394'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item last-item"> <a class="bold" href="/search?q=&journal=land&sort=pubdate&page_count=50">More Articles...</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="left-column" class="content__column large-3 large-pull-6 medium-3 medium-pull-6 small-12 columns"> <div id="js-large-main-top-container"> <div id="js-main-top-container" class="content__container"> <a href="/journal/land"> <img src="" alt="land-logo" title="Land" style="max-height: 60px; margin: 0 0 0 0;"> </a> <div class="generic-item no-border" style="position: relative;"> <div class=""> <a class="button button--color button--color-journal button--full-width js-journal-active-only-link js-journal-active-only-submit-link 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