EDP Sciences - Librarians & Subscribers
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href="#anchor_EDP-Sciences-journal-collection-subscription-journals">EDP Sciences Journals Collection (Subscription Journals)</a></li> <li><a href="#anchor_OAI-PMH-and-EDP-Sciences">OAI-PMH and EDP Sciences</a></li> <li><a href="#anchor_Support_and_contact">Support and contact</a></li> </ul> </nav> <h2 id="anchor_General-information-about-subscription-journals">General Information about Subscription Journals</h2> <h3>Subscription Models</h3> <p>All of our journals have online versions and some have both print and online versions (very few are still available in print only). Some content is free in the online version after an embargo period or as open access in fully <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Open Access</a></strong> or hybrid journals. The editorial policy varies for each journal, please visit the journal鈥檚 policies to clarify for each journal.</p> <p>EDP Sciences works with institutions to offer flexible subscription options. Below are the different ways to access paid content:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Traditional subscription based on Pick&Choose.</strong> Our standard institutional prices are valid for institutions with a unique geographical site and FTEs up to 10,000. If your institution has more than one location and/or FTEs above 10,000, please note that the subscription price will be customized. Please contact our customer service for more information and a customized quote: <span id="cloak086626852b58c86b4e9dab46b4d4a205">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.</span><script type='text/javascript'> document.getElementById('cloak086626852b58c86b4e9dab46b4d4a205').innerHTML = ''; var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; var addy086626852b58c86b4e9dab46b4d4a205 = 'subscribers' + '@'; addy086626852b58c86b4e9dab46b4d4a205 = addy086626852b58c86b4e9dab46b4d4a205 + 'edpsciences' + '.' + 'org'; var addy_text086626852b58c86b4e9dab46b4d4a205 = 'subscribers' + '@' + 'edpsciences' + '.' + 'org';document.getElementById('cloak086626852b58c86b4e9dab46b4d4a205').innerHTML += '<a ' + path + '\'' + prefix + ':' + addy086626852b58c86b4e9dab46b4d4a205 + '\'>'+addy_text086626852b58c86b4e9dab46b4d4a205+'<\/a>'; </script></p></li> <li><strong>Subject collection or Full collection.</strong> The price is customized and a price will be offered depending on the size of your institution and number of holdings. Please click on the Journals collection description to see the list of all journals included in our full collection. Please contact our customer service for more information and a customized quote: <span id="cloak77a6199a7bfbea793097a25b30b84612">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.</span><script type='text/javascript'> document.getElementById('cloak77a6199a7bfbea793097a25b30b84612').innerHTML = ''; var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; var addy77a6199a7bfbea793097a25b30b84612 = 'subscribers' + '@'; addy77a6199a7bfbea793097a25b30b84612 = addy77a6199a7bfbea793097a25b30b84612 + 'edpsciences' + '.' + 'org'; var addy_text77a6199a7bfbea793097a25b30b84612 = 'subscribers' + '@' + 'edpsciences' + '.' + 'org';document.getElementById('cloak77a6199a7bfbea793097a25b30b84612').innerHTML += '<a ' + path + '\'' + prefix + ':' + addy77a6199a7bfbea793097a25b30b84612 + '\'>'+addy_text77a6199a7bfbea793097a25b30b84612+'<\/a>'; </script></li> <li><strong>Multiple-site license</strong>. Once the license has been signed and returned to EDP Sciences, multiple-site license will allow institutions to extend their access to titles across multiple sites. Online access corresponds to our standard service but print copies can be added. Please contact our customer service for more information and a customized quote: <span id="cloak1869999317ecc392b2db006f387f38a1">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.</span><script type='text/javascript'> document.getElementById('cloak1869999317ecc392b2db006f387f38a1').innerHTML = ''; var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; var addy1869999317ecc392b2db006f387f38a1 = 'subscribers' + '@'; addy1869999317ecc392b2db006f387f38a1 = addy1869999317ecc392b2db006f387f38a1 + 'edpsciences' + '.' + 'org'; var addy_text1869999317ecc392b2db006f387f38a1 = 'subscribers' + '@' + 'edpsciences' + '.' + 'org';document.getElementById('cloak1869999317ecc392b2db006f387f38a1').innerHTML += '<a ' + path + '\'' + prefix + ':' + addy1869999317ecc392b2db006f387f38a1 + '\'>'+addy_text1869999317ecc392b2db006f387f38a1+'<\/a>'; </script>.</li> <li><strong>Subscribe to Open (S2O)</strong>. Subscribe to Open (S2O) is an innovative, transformative model that aims to move subscription journals to open access in a fair and sustainable way. Following the subscription renewal cycle, a journal joining the S2O programme will publish its newly-accepted content in open access as soon as all subscription renewals have been received, typically at the end of February in Year 1. More information on S2O is available <strong><a href="" target="_blank">here</a></strong> or download the <a href="/images/stories/librarians/EDP-Maths-S2O.pdf" target="_blank">leaflet</a>.</li> </ul> <p>Most of our journals have a <strong>Pay per view</strong> option. In this case, you pay online (by credit card) for the desired content.</p> <h3>Authentication / Access Control</h3> <p>Authentification is usually based on IP address. Please do not forget to update your IP address if necessary. </p> <p>To know your <strong>IP address</strong>, click <strong><a href="" target="_blank">here</a></strong>.</p> <h3>Granted Years and Perpetual Access</h3> <p>Our subscription journals are mostly based on the calendar year and usually includes access to archives. Click <strong><a href="/images/stories/librarians/access-to-backfiles-per-title.pdf" target="_blank">here</a></strong> to find here the details of our archive policy.</p> <p>Institutions will retain perpetual access to paid for content they subscribe to, or have previously subscribed to as long EDP Sciences retains the right to publish that content.</p> <p>Title information can be found in KBART format <strong><a href="" target="_blank">here</a></strong>.</p> <h3>Digital Preservation</h3> <p>EDP Sciences has signed an agreement with Portico: please see <strong><a href="" target="_blank">here</a></strong> the list of journals covered by Portico.</p> <h3>Usage Statistics</h3> <p> EDP Sciences delivers Counter 4 compliant usage statistics. For more information, please email our customer service: <span id="cloak907fd14c1b87a342e526300e07c93d60">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.</span><script type='text/javascript'> document.getElementById('cloak907fd14c1b87a342e526300e07c93d60').innerHTML = ''; var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; var addy907fd14c1b87a342e526300e07c93d60 = 'subscribers' + '@'; addy907fd14c1b87a342e526300e07c93d60 = addy907fd14c1b87a342e526300e07c93d60 + 'edpsciences' + '.' + 'org'; var addy_text907fd14c1b87a342e526300e07c93d60 = 'subscribers' + '@' + 'edpsciences' + '.' + 'org';document.getElementById('cloak907fd14c1b87a342e526300e07c93d60').innerHTML += '<a ' + path + '\'' + prefix + ':' + addy907fd14c1b87a342e526300e07c93d60 + '\'>'+addy_text907fd14c1b87a342e526300e07c93d60+'<\/a>'; </script>.</p> <p>If you have any questions about accessing our content, please contact us at <span id="cloak216bd18167db24b30676eb3097231cda">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.</span><script type='text/javascript'> document.getElementById('cloak216bd18167db24b30676eb3097231cda').innerHTML = ''; var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; var addy216bd18167db24b30676eb3097231cda = 'subscribers' + '@'; addy216bd18167db24b30676eb3097231cda = addy216bd18167db24b30676eb3097231cda + 'edpsciences' + '.' + 'org'; var addy_text216bd18167db24b30676eb3097231cda = 'subscribers' + '@' + 'edpsciences' + '.' + 'org';document.getElementById('cloak216bd18167db24b30676eb3097231cda').innerHTML += '<a ' + path + '\'' + prefix + ':' + addy216bd18167db24b30676eb3097231cda + '\'>'+addy_text216bd18167db24b30676eb3097231cda+'<\/a>'; </script>. Our teams will be happy to provide any additional information you might need. </p> <div class="back-top"><a href="#top">Back to top</a></div> <h2 id="anchor_Pricing">Pricing and Access Licenses</h2> <p>Orders can be placed through your subscription agent or directly:</p> <ul> <li>by e-mail to <span id="cloakcd9352999cdd15f0a14d994917e29bc7">This email address is being protected from spambots. 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