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A proposal by a Berlin think tank would give a lump sum to young people for education, homeownership or starting a business. </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Power of Siberia pipeline" alt="Power of Siberia pipeline"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> Russian gas boost fuels Moscow's China pivot </h2> <p>A pipeline linking Russian gas with China means that Moscow is driving ahead with gas exports to China, which could allow it to tighten the screws further on EU consumers. Others say it could blow up in Moscow's face. </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Facebook and Meta" alt="Facebook and Meta"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> Meta goes remote to capture EU talent </h2> <p>Facebook parent Meta says remote positions will help it win talent across Europe as it builds its metaverse. It could also put pressure on other companies fighting for valuable tech workers. </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="A wroking setting up wheels at a factory in Hangzhou, China" alt="A wroking setting up wheels at a factory in Hangzhou, China"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> Global economy loses expansion steam </h2> <p>Continued uncertainty and income inequality are two reasons why world economic growth looks set to slow in 2022. Last year's output increases are not enough to keep the pace, according to a report from the World Bank. </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="worker at a nuclear assemblies plant in Kazakhstan" alt="worker at a nuclear assemblies plant in Kazakhstan"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> Kazakhstan a big risk for energy markets </h2> <p>The central Asian country is the world's biggest uranium exporter and is among the top oil and coal producers. The resource-rich state has seen some of the biggest public protests in years, unnerving energy markets. </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below nohover"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" width="469" height="259" src="" border="0"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> 'Stock valuations reaching bubble territory' </h2> <p>Stock prices have rallied during the pandemic, partly aided by retail traders flush with stimulus money looking for higher returns in a low-interest-rate environment. The surge may have pushed valuations to risky levels, warns Nikhil Kamath, the co-founder of Zerodha, India's largest brokerage.<span class="icon tv"></span> </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Eckhardt Heukamp" alt="Eckhardt Heukamp"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> Coal phaseout: The last farmer standing </h2> <p>Lützerath, in western Germany, is set to disappear for the sake of brown coal mining. All 90 residents have been relocated. Only one, Eckhardt Heukamp, vows to stay. </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Akuo project on Reunion Island" alt="Akuo project on Reunion Island"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> Reunion Island plans to go green </h2> <p>France's overseas territory Reunion Island is aiming to produce all of its energy through renewables by the end of 2028. Though activists agree on the target, they disagree on the methods. </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Frankreich Natur l Insel La Réunion" alt="Frankreich Natur l Insel La Réunion"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> Reunion Island the world's sixth digital hub? </h2> <p>A consortium plans to transform the French overseas territory Reunion Island into one of the world's digital hubs. That could help bring down local unemployment.<span class="icon tv"></span> </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="A patchwork, multi-colored model of a lifesize car in Kenya's Nairobi Garage" alt="A patchwork, multi-colored model of a lifesize car in Kenya's Nairobi Garage"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> How have our workplaces changed? </h2> <p>Coworking spaces aren't only for cutting-edge startups. More and more companies are mulling over the future of work. Since the pandemic, mobile offices and hybrid models have become a greater part of the equation. </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="A portrait picture of Joachim Nagel" alt="A portrait picture of Joachim Nagel"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> Change of policy at Bundesbank? </h2> <p>After the resignation of Jens Weidmann as the head of the biggest central bank in the eurozone, Joachim Nagel is now the man at the helm of the Bundesbank. Will he change its traditionally hawkish monetary policy? </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="A trader at the New York stock exchange looks up at a screen" alt="A trader at the New York stock exchange looks up at a screen"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> US, China COVID recovery dwarfs all others </h2> <p>As economies around the world rebound from the COVID-19 pandemic, the two main superpowers are racing ahead. DW gives a snapshot of who benefits most from record-high global GDP worth $94 trillion. </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Lufthansa A 330-300 taking off" alt="Lufthansa A 330-300 taking off"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> Aviation industry has its task cut out for 2022 </h2> <p>Despite the raging omicron COVID-19 variant, the battered aviation industry is cautiously optimistic about the new year, which could be marked by a host of firsts and lasts for the sector. </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below nohover"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Apple CEO Tim Cook showcases the advanced camera system on the new iPhone 13 Pro during an event broadcast on September 14, 2021" alt="Apple CEO Tim Cook showcases the advanced camera system on the new iPhone 13 Pro during an event broadcast on September 14, 2021"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> Apple hits $3 trillion market capitalization </h2> <p>Shares in the iPhone maker have been on a tear over the past two years as consumers grab its devices to keep in touch during the coronavirus pandemic. Apple's tech peers Microsoft, Alphabet and Amazon are not far behind.<span class="icon pics"></span> </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Deutschland Staatsakt Weizsäcker" alt="Deutschland Staatsakt Weizsäcker"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> Polish icon Lech Walesa is broke </h2> <p>Former Polish President Lech Walesa says he has gone broke due to COVID-19. But the leader of Poland's Solidarity movement has been sailing close to the wind financially for some time. </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="British Prime Minister Boris Johnson gives a thumbs up after signing the Brexit trade deal" alt="British Prime Minister Boris Johnson gives a thumbs up after signing the Brexit trade deal"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> One year on, what's next for Brexit? </h2> <p>A year after Britain's new trade pact with the EU was sealed, UK exports to the bloc have plunged. With unfinished business around fisheries, Northern Ireland and financial services, what's next for Brexit? </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="The Yangshan Deepwater Port in Shanghai" alt="The Yangshan Deepwater Port in Shanghai"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> Asia readies world's largest trade deal </h2> <p>A decade in the making, the RCEP pact takes effect January 1, easing trade among Southeast Asian and Asia-Pacific nations. Economic giants China, Japan and South Korea are set to benefit the most. </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="A view of The Port of Felixstowe in Suffolk which is Britain's biggest and busiest container port " alt="A view of The Port of Felixstowe in Suffolk which is Britain's biggest and busiest container port "/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> 5 threats to the global economy in 2022 </h2> <p>The global economic recovery is being held back by the ongoing COVID pandemic. However, the mutating coronavirus is just one of the main risks which could dampen investor spirits in the coming year. </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> </div> <div class="col2"> <!-- Sub Header Teaser --> <div class="subHeader subHeaderTeaser">News in Brief</div> <div class="col2"> <!-- Base-Teaser --> <div class="col1 basicTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="news"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Nairobi skyline" alt="Nairobi skyline"/> </div> <h2 class="linkable"> Kenya suffers nationwide power outage </h2> <p>The outage came after a major electricity pylon belonging to Kenya Power fell over. </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Base-Teaser --> <!-- Base-Teaser --> <div class="col1 basicTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="news"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Flood damage in the village of Dernau" alt="Flood damage in the village of Dernau"/> </div> <h2 class="linkable"> Natural disasters cost $280 billion in 2021 </h2> <p>German reinsurance giant Munich Re has said that the climate crisis is behind the bulk of the costs. </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Base-Teaser --> </div> <!-- Base-Teaser --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="news"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <h2 class="linkable"> German inflation hits highest rate since 1993 </h2> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="A person removes a banknote from a wallet" alt="A person removes a banknote from a wallet"/> </div> <p>The surge in the cost of living by 3.1% in 2021 was largely driven by rising energy prices, supply chain bottlenecks and the end of a temporary VAT cut. </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Base-Teaser --> <!-- Base-Teaser --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="news"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <h2 class="linkable"> France fines Google, Facebook over cookies </h2> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Facebook and Google apps" alt="Facebook and Google apps"/> </div> <p>The French government is fining the tech giants millions over data that tracks users' activity. They've given the companies three months to comply or face further fines. </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Base-Teaser --> <!-- GoogleDfP_Medium_rect --> <div id="DW_D_Start-Sections_Rectangle-label" class="bannerAd"> <div id="div--Medium_rect"> <div class="adHeadline">Advertisement</div> <div id="DW_D_Start-Sections_Rectangle"></div> </div> </div> <!-- End/GoogleDfP_Medium_rect --> <!-- Base-Teaser --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="news"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <h2 class="linkable"> Taiwan to invest $200 million in Lithuania </h2> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Christmas lights in Vilnius" alt="Christmas lights in Vilnius"/> </div> <p>Tensions between China and Lithuania soared after Taiwan was allowed to open a de facto embassy in Vilnius. Now, Taiwan wants to help offset the financial cost that comes with angering Beijing. </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Base-Teaser --> <!-- Base-Teaser --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="news"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <h2 class="linkable"> Deutsche Bahn's punctuality problem </h2> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="A display shows the many trains cancelled by a rail workers' strike" alt="A display shows the many trains cancelled by a rail workers' strike"/> </div> <p>Nearly one-quarter of high-speed trains did not reach their destination on time in 2021. Long delays and canceled trains have become routine across Germany. </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Base-Teaser --> <!-- Base-Teaser --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="news"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <h2 class="linkable"> Antitrust regulator says ready to tackle Google </h2> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Google written on glass doors at its London offices" alt="Google written on glass doors at its London offices"/> </div> <p>Google and owner Alphabet will come under increased scrutiny for anti-competitive behavior, the German competition regulator says. The authority last year gained new powers to supervise large internet companies. </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Base-Teaser --> <!-- Base-Teaser --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="news"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <h2 class="linkable"> Tesla slammed over new Xinjiang showroom </h2> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Tesla Showroom in Shanghai" alt="Tesla Showroom in Shanghai"/> </div> <p>A Washington-based Muslim group accused Tesla of "supporting genocide" against Uyghurs, with a Republican senator also piling on pressure over Tesla's Xinjiang showroom. </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Base-Teaser --> <!-- Base-Teaser --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="news"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <h2 class="linkable"> US telecom operators agree to 5G delay </h2> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="AT&T, Verizon and 5G Wireless Services" alt="AT&T, Verizon and 5G Wireless Services"/> </div> <p>AT&T; and Verizon have agreed to hold off on their 5G rollout amid concerns of problems for aircraft. The move marks a change of heart a day after they rejected the government request. </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Base-Teaser --> <!-- Base-Teaser --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="news"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <h2 class="linkable"> Apple becomes first $3 trillion company </h2> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="iPhone 12" alt="iPhone 12"/> </div> <p>The iPhone maker reached the record level before dropping slightly later in the day. Though the value high was short-lived, it was another sign of investor confidence in the tech firm. </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Base-Teaser --> <!-- Base-Teaser --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="news"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <h2 class="linkable"> Theranos founder Holmes guilty of fraud </h2> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Elizabeth Holmes (center) wearing a COVID face mask in a federal court in California" alt="Elizabeth Holmes (center) wearing a COVID face mask in a federal court in California"/> </div> <p>The fallen Silicon Valley star now faces maximum sentences of up to 80 years in prison for defrauding private investors. She was convicted on four out of 11 counts. </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Base-Teaser --> <!-- Base-Teaser --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="news"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <h2 class="linkable"> Trade halted in Evergrande shares in Hong Kong </h2> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="A pedestrian walks past the Shenzhen-based property management company China Evergrande Centre." alt="A pedestrian walks past the Shenzhen-based property management company China Evergrande Centre."/> </div> <p>The company currently has been struggling to meet payments on hundreds of billions in outstanding debt. Evergrande only said in a short statement that the suspension was pending the announcement of "inside information." </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Base-Teaser --> <!-- Base-Teaser --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="news"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <h2 class="linkable"> Tesla posts record sales for 2021 </h2> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="A Tesla car dealer in Illinois. (Image credit: Mark Hertzberg/ZUMA Wire)" alt="A Tesla car dealer in Illinois. (Image credit: Mark Hertzberg/ZUMA Wire)"/> </div> <p>The electric carmaker sold 936,000 vehicles last year, up 87% from its 2020 sales. The company's autopilot system is currently being probed over safety concerns. </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Base-Teaser --> <!-- Sub Header Teaser --> <div class="subHeader subHeaderTeaser">Perspectives</div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="A stock photo showing the silhouettes of a male and female business professional " alt="A stock photo showing the silhouettes of a male and female business professional "/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> Germany's record for women execs no accident </h2> <p>The number of women on the executive boards of German companies has hit a record high. This kind of change doesn't happen on its own, says DW's Kristie Pladson. </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Sub Header Teaser --> <div class="subHeader subHeaderTeaser">More stories</div> <!-- Base-Teaser --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="news"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <h2 class="linkable"> Will tourism in the Philippines recover? </h2> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="President Rodrigo Duterte inspects devastated Siargao island wearing face mask " alt="President Rodrigo Duterte inspects devastated Siargao island wearing face mask "/> </div> <p>Just as the Philippines began to recover from two years of pandemic misery, Typhoon Rai ravaged its tourism-dependent remote islands. Residents say their future will be bleak if tourists don't return soon. </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Base-Teaser --> <!-- Base-Teaser --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="news"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <h2 class="linkable"> What to expect from Europe-ASEAN relations </h2> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="EU and ASEAN foreign ministers pose during a summit in 2019" alt="EU and ASEAN foreign ministers pose during a summit in 2019"/> </div> <p>One of the EU's tests for 2022 will be convincing Southeast Asian countries that it can be a more rounded partner and not just a financier of ASEAN projects. </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Base-Teaser --> <!-- Base-Teaser --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="news"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <h2 class="linkable"> The Japanese way of recycling brewery waste </h2> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="The Yokohama-based start-up Kitafuku found out that spent grain can be used to produce paper" alt="The Yokohama-based start-up Kitafuku found out that spent grain can be used to produce paper"/> </div> <p>A Japanese startup is using organic waste produced during beer production to manufacture environmentally-friendly paper products.<span class="icon tv"></span> </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Base-Teaser --> <!-- Base-Teaser --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="news"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <h2 class="linkable"> Plan to get back on climate goal track </h2> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="A wind energy turbine with a brown coal plant at Grevenbroich, Germany, in the background" alt="A wind energy turbine with a brown coal plant at Grevenbroich, Germany, in the background"/> </div> <p>Economy and Climate Minister Robert Habeck has delivered sharp criticism of the country’s record on climate change. Reductions in carbon emissions will have to "treble" to meet the country's climate goals. </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Base-Teaser --> <!-- Base-Teaser --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="news"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <h2 class="linkable"> Used clothes choke markets in Ghana </h2> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Aerial shot of the Kaneshi market in Accra" alt="Aerial shot of the Kaneshi market in Accra"/> </div> <p>Each week, Ghana receives 15 million items of used clothing sent from the West. But 40% of the products are discarded due to poor quality. They end up at landfills and in bodies of water, polluting entire ecosystems. </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Base-Teaser --> <!-- Base-Teaser --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="news"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <h2 class="linkable"> France aims at Big Tech </h2> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Eiffelturm lit up with EU flag" alt="Eiffelturm lit up with EU flag"/> </div> <p>Paris hopes to use its six months at the head of the Council of the EU to tackle the bloc's "economic, educational, migration and military challenges." French President Macron will do it while facing an election at home.<span class="icon tv"></span> </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Base-Teaser --> <!-- Base-Teaser --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="news"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <h2 class="linkable"> AFCON: Cameroon businesses hope for boost </h2> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="The AFCON Trophy" alt="The AFCON Trophy"/> </div> <p>The Africa Cup of Nations competition is days away, and the fever is already gripping Cameroonians, especially businesses. They have their eyes on a revival and boost in revenue. </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Base-Teaser --> <!-- Base-Teaser --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="news"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <h2 class="linkable"> Squabbling over EU energy policy proposal </h2> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="natural gas plant Hamm-Uentrop" alt="natural gas plant Hamm-Uentrop"/> </div> <p>The EU Commission's proposal to classify nuclear power and natural gas plants as "green" investments has sparked debate in Germany's new coalition government. Conflict is also brewing between EU states. </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Base-Teaser --> <!-- Base-Teaser --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="news"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <h2 class="linkable"> How climate-resilient farming is helping women </h2> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Women walking homewards carrying drinking water in Bonbibi Tala in Satkhira, Bangladesh" alt="Women walking homewards carrying drinking water in Bonbibi Tala in Satkhira, Bangladesh"/> </div> <p>Bangladesh is one of the countries most vulnerable to climate catastrophes. But, there are several initiatives to help local communities, particularly women, overcome the effects of climate-related problems. </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Base-Teaser --> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" width="469" height="259" src="" border="0"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> DW looks behind the business headlines </h2> <p>DW's new video series offers deep dives into the most relevant cross-border business stories of today, guiding you through trade conflicts, supply chain challenges, global labor issues and the battle for tech dominance.<span class="icon tv"></span> </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- AV Teaser --> <!-- AV Teaser small --> <div class="col2 avTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="imgTeaserM video"> <!-- normal case: generate player and information for all media objects --> <div class="mediaItem" data-media-id="60393864"> <!-- reset imageUrl: player checks first the imageUrl to set the preview image --> <input type="hidden" name="player_type" value="video"> <input type="hidden" name="file_duration" value="99"> <input type="hidden" name="display_date" value="20220112"> <input type="hidden" name="media_id" value="60393864"> <input type="hidden" name="media_title" value="As the price of gold increases, so is illegal gold mining "> <input type="hidden" name="dk_content" value="false"> <input type="hidden" name="preview_image" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="isLiveVideo" value="false"> <input type="hidden" name="categorieIDs" value="19990032"> <input type="hidden" name="navigationIDs" value="1431"> <div class="teaserImg" title="Illegal gold mining on the rise" alt="Illegal gold mining on the rise"> <div class="videoContainer" id="videoContainer-60393864" rel="dynamic videoData for javascript"></div> <div class="playButtonArea"> <div class="customPlayBtn"> <div class="playBtnImgBox"></div> <span class="playBtnText">Watch video</span> <span class="right">01:39</span> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> window.addEventListener("load", () => { DW_PLAYER.shareLocalization = "Share"; DW_PLAYER.localization = { rewind: "Back 10 seconds", settings: "Settings", hd: "Quality", fullscreen: "Full screen", cc: "Closed captions", nextUp: "Next up", playlist: "Playlist", pause: "Pause", play: "Play", player: "Video player", prev: "Previous", next: "Next", close: "Close", replay: "Replay", volume: "Volume" }; }); </script> <!-- information overlay from media --> <div class="teaserContentWrap information dynamic"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <h2>Illegal gold mining on the rise </h2> <p>The price of gold has skyrocketed in the last two decades. But that boom is fueling a surge in illegal mining.<span class="icon tv"></span> </p> </a> <div class="gradient"></div> </div> </div> <div class="mediaItem" data-media-id="60389119" style="display:none;"> <!-- reset imageUrl: player checks first the imageUrl to set the preview image --> <input type="hidden" name="player_type" value="video"> <input type="hidden" name="file_duration" value="107"> <input type="hidden" name="display_date" value="20220111"> <input type="hidden" name="media_id" value="60389119"> <input type="hidden" name="media_title" value="Tourists return to Mexico's beaches"> <input type="hidden" name="dk_content" value="false"> <input type="hidden" name="preview_image" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="isLiveVideo" value="false"> <input type="hidden" name="categorieIDs" value="19990032"> <input type="hidden" name="navigationIDs" value="1431"> <div class="teaserImg" title="Tourists return to Mexico's beaches" alt="Tourists return to Mexico's beaches"> <div class="videoContainer" id="videoContainer-60393864" rel="dynamic videoData for javascript"></div> <div class="playButtonArea"> <div class="customPlayBtn"> <div class="playBtnImgBox"></div> <span class="playBtnText">Watch video</span> <span class="right">01:47</span> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> window.addEventListener("load", () => { DW_PLAYER.shareLocalization = "Share"; DW_PLAYER.localization = { rewind: "Back 10 seconds", settings: "Settings", hd: "Quality", fullscreen: "Full screen", cc: "Closed captions", nextUp: "Next up", playlist: "Playlist", pause: "Pause", play: "Play", player: "Video player", prev: "Previous", next: "Next", close: "Close", replay: "Replay", volume: "Volume" }; }); </script> <!-- information overlay from media --> <div class="teaserContentWrap information dynamic"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <h2>Tourists return to Mexico's beaches </h2> <p>Although the pandemic isn't over, visitors say they have a lot of confidence in the safety measures put in place.<span class="icon tv"></span> </p> </a> <div class="gradient"></div> </div> </div> <div class="mediaItem" data-media-id="60389163" style="display:none;"> <!-- reset imageUrl: player checks first the imageUrl to set the preview image --> <input type="hidden" name="player_type" value="video"> <input type="hidden" name="file_duration" value="144"> <input type="hidden" name="display_date" value="20220111"> <input type="hidden" name="media_id" value="60389163"> <input type="hidden" name="media_title" value="Europe's energy crunch hits metal producers"> <input type="hidden" name="dk_content" value="false"> <input type="hidden" name="preview_image" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="isLiveVideo" value="false"> <input type="hidden" name="categorieIDs" value="19990032"> <input type="hidden" name="navigationIDs" value="1431"> <div class="teaserImg" title="Europe's energy crunch hits metal producers" alt="Europe's energy crunch hits metal producers"> <div class="videoContainer" id="videoContainer-60393864" rel="dynamic videoData for javascript"></div> <div class="playButtonArea"> <div class="customPlayBtn"> <div class="playBtnImgBox"></div> <span class="playBtnText">Watch video</span> <span class="right">02:24</span> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> window.addEventListener("load", () => { DW_PLAYER.shareLocalization = "Share"; DW_PLAYER.localization = { rewind: "Back 10 seconds", settings: "Settings", hd: "Quality", fullscreen: "Full screen", cc: "Closed captions", nextUp: "Next up", playlist: "Playlist", pause: "Pause", play: "Play", player: "Video player", prev: "Previous", next: "Next", close: "Close", replay: "Replay", volume: "Volume" }; }); </script> <!-- information overlay from media --> <div class="teaserContentWrap information dynamic"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <h2>Europe's energy crunch hits metal producers </h2> <p>France's only zinc plant has to fight for its survival and may even have to shut down soon.<span class="icon tv"></span> </p> </a> <div class="gradient"></div> </div> </div> <div class="mediaItem" data-media-id="60363667" style="display:none;"> <!-- reset imageUrl: player checks first the imageUrl to set the preview image --> <input type="hidden" name="player_type" value="video"> <input type="hidden" name="file_duration" value="83"> <input type="hidden" name="display_date" value="20220110"> <input type="hidden" name="media_id" value="60363667"> <input type="hidden" name="media_title" value="Protests plunge Kazakhstan into crisis"> <input type="hidden" name="dk_content" value="false"> <input type="hidden" name="preview_image" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="isLiveVideo" value="false"> <input type="hidden" name="categorieIDs" value="19990032"> <input type="hidden" name="navigationIDs" value="1431"> <div class="teaserImg" title="Protests plunge Kazakhstan into crisis" alt="Protests plunge Kazakhstan into crisis"> <div class="videoContainer" id="videoContainer-60393864" rel="dynamic videoData for javascript"></div> <div class="playButtonArea"> <div class="customPlayBtn"> <div class="playBtnImgBox"></div> <span class="playBtnText">Watch video</span> <span class="right">01:23</span> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> window.addEventListener("load", () => { DW_PLAYER.shareLocalization = "Share"; DW_PLAYER.localization = { rewind: "Back 10 seconds", settings: "Settings", hd: "Quality", fullscreen: "Full screen", cc: "Closed captions", nextUp: "Next up", playlist: "Playlist", pause: "Pause", play: "Play", player: "Video player", prev: "Previous", next: "Next", close: "Close", replay: "Replay", volume: "Volume" }; }); </script> <!-- information overlay from media --> <div class="teaserContentWrap information dynamic"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <h2>Protests plunge Kazakhstan into crisis </h2> <p>Kazakhstan's position as a key transit country for goods and source of raw materials makes it a geopolitical flashpoint.<span class="icon tv"></span> </p> </a> <div class="gradient"></div> </div> </div> <div class="mediaItem" data-media-id="60378265" style="display:none;"> <!-- reset imageUrl: player checks first the imageUrl to set the preview image --> <input type="hidden" name="player_type" value="video"> <input type="hidden" name="file_duration" value="170"> <input type="hidden" name="display_date" value="20220110"> <input type="hidden" name="media_id" value="60378265"> <input type="hidden" name="media_title" value="A hydrogen revolution off Germany's North Sea coast "> <input type="hidden" name="dk_content" value="false"> <input type="hidden" name="preview_image" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="isLiveVideo" value="false"> <input type="hidden" name="categorieIDs" value="19990032"> <input type="hidden" name="navigationIDs" value="1431"> <div class="teaserImg" title="Hydrogen revolution off Germany's North Sea coast " alt="Hydrogen revolution off Germany's North Sea coast "> <div class="videoContainer" id="videoContainer-60393864" rel="dynamic videoData for javascript"></div> <div class="playButtonArea"> <div class="customPlayBtn"> <div class="playBtnImgBox"></div> <span class="playBtnText">Watch video</span> <span class="right">02:50</span> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> window.addEventListener("load", () => { DW_PLAYER.shareLocalization = "Share"; DW_PLAYER.localization = { rewind: "Back 10 seconds", settings: "Settings", hd: "Quality", fullscreen: "Full screen", cc: "Closed captions", nextUp: "Next up", playlist: "Playlist", pause: "Pause", play: "Play", player: "Video player", prev: "Previous", next: "Next", close: "Close", replay: "Replay", volume: "Volume" }; }); </script> <!-- information overlay from media --> <div class="teaserContentWrap information dynamic"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <h2>Hydrogen revolution off Germany's North Sea coast </h2> <p>Planning is underway for 800 wind turbines to provide energy for hydrogen production off Heligoland.<span class="icon tv"></span> </p> </a> <div class="gradient"></div> </div> </div> <div class="mediaItem" data-media-id="60358170" style="display:none;"> <!-- reset imageUrl: player checks first the imageUrl to set the preview image --> <input type="hidden" name="player_type" value="video"> <input type="hidden" name="file_duration" value="92"> <input type="hidden" name="display_date" value="20220107"> <input type="hidden" name="media_id" value="60358170"> <input type="hidden" name="media_title" value="Music rights are the next big investment trend"> <input type="hidden" name="dk_content" value="false"> <input type="hidden" name="preview_image" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="isLiveVideo" value="false"> <input type="hidden" name="categorieIDs" value="19990032"> <input type="hidden" name="navigationIDs" value="1431"> <div class="teaserImg" title="Music rights are next big investment trend" alt="Music rights are next big investment trend"> <div class="videoContainer" id="videoContainer-60393864" rel="dynamic videoData for javascript"></div> <div class="playButtonArea"> <div class="customPlayBtn"> <div class="playBtnImgBox"></div> <span class="playBtnText">Watch video</span> <span class="right">01:32</span> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> window.addEventListener("load", () => { DW_PLAYER.shareLocalization = "Share"; DW_PLAYER.localization = { rewind: "Back 10 seconds", settings: "Settings", hd: "Quality", fullscreen: "Full screen", cc: "Closed captions", nextUp: "Next up", playlist: "Playlist", pause: "Pause", play: "Play", player: "Video player", prev: "Previous", next: "Next", close: "Close", replay: "Replay", volume: "Volume" }; }); </script> <!-- information overlay from media --> <div class="teaserContentWrap information dynamic"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <h2>Music rights are next big investment trend </h2> <p>Many big-name musicians are selling the rights to their music as their revenues fall due to the pandemic.<span class="icon tv"></span> </p> </a> <div class="gradient"></div> </div> </div> <!-- carousel --> <div class="teaserContentWrap more"> <h4>More videos</h4> <div class="rutscheH inner"> <div class="rutscheHslider XS"> <div class="rutscheHnavMinus"><a href="#prev"></a></div> <div class="rutscheHnavPlus"><a href="#next"></a></div> <div class="carouselElements"> <!-- AV Teaser - related video/audio --> <div class="imgTeaserXS" data-media-id="60393864"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Illegal gold mining in Brazil" alt="Illegal gold mining in Brazil"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2>Illegal gold mining on the rise<span class="icon tv"></span></h2> </div> </div> <!-- AV Teaser - related video/audio --> <div class="imgTeaserXS" data-media-id="60389119"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Tourists in Mexico" alt="Tourists in Mexico"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2>Tourists return to Mexico's beaches<span class="icon tv"></span></h2> </div> </div> <!-- AV Teaser - related video/audio --> <div class="imgTeaserXS" data-media-id="60389163"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" title="Europe's energy crunch hits metal producers" alt="Europe's energy crunch hits metal producers" src=""/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2>Europe's energy crunch hits metal producers<span class="icon tv"></span></h2> </div> </div> <!-- AV Teaser - related video/audio --> <div class="imgTeaserXS" data-media-id="60363667"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Almaty riot police" alt="Almaty riot police"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2>Protests plunge Kazakhstan into crisis<span class="icon tv"></span></h2> </div> </div> <!-- AV Teaser - related video/audio --> <div class="imgTeaserXS" data-media-id="60378265"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Heligoland bluff over the sea" alt="Heligoland bluff over the sea"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2>Hydrogen revolution off Germany's North Sea coast <span class="icon tv"></span></h2> </div> </div> <!-- AV Teaser - related video/audio --> <div class="imgTeaserXS" data-media-id="60358170"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Bruce Springsteen" alt="Bruce Springsteen"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2>Music rights are next big investment trend<span class="icon tv"></span></h2> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- / rutscheHslider --> </div><!-- / rutscheH --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below"> <a href="" rel="noopener"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" alt="default" title="default"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h4> Program Highlights</h4> <h2> Globalization Magazine </h2> <p>Reports from around the globe </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- AV Teaser --> <!-- AV Teaser small --> <div class="col2 avTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="imgTeaserM video"> <!-- normal case: generate player and information for all media objects --> <div class="mediaItem" data-media-id="60405256"> <!-- reset imageUrl: player checks first the imageUrl to set the preview image --> <input type="hidden" name="player_type" value="video"> <input type="hidden" name="file_duration" value="726"> <input type="hidden" name="display_date" value="20220112"> <input type="hidden" name="media_id" value="60405256"> <input type="hidden" name="media_title" value="DW Business - America"> <input type="hidden" name="dk_content" value="false"> <input type="hidden" name="preview_image" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="isLiveVideo" value="false"> <input type="hidden" name="categorieIDs" value="19990032"> <input type="hidden" name="navigationIDs" value="1431"> <div class="teaserImg" title="" alt=""> <div class="videoContainer" id="videoContainer-60405256" rel="dynamic videoData for javascript"></div> <div class="playButtonArea"> <div class="customPlayBtn"> <div class="playBtnImgBox"></div> <span class="playBtnText">Watch video</span> <span class="right">12:06</span> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> window.addEventListener("load", () => { DW_PLAYER.shareLocalization = "Share"; DW_PLAYER.localization = { rewind: "Back 10 seconds", settings: "Settings", hd: "Quality", fullscreen: "Full screen", cc: "Closed captions", nextUp: "Next up", playlist: "Playlist", pause: "Pause", play: "Play", player: "Video player", prev: "Previous", next: "Next", close: "Close", replay: "Replay", volume: "Volume" }; }); </script> <!-- information overlay from media --> <div class="teaserContentWrap information dynamic"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <h2>DW Business - America </h2> <p>US inflation hits 7% in December, 39-year high - US judge allows Facebook anti-trust suit to proceed<span class="icon tv"></span> </p> </a> <div class="gradient"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col2"> <!-- Picture Teaser --> <div class="col1 pictureTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="imgTeaserS bottom bluedw" id="pictureteaser_37565288"> <div class="teaserImg"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Symbolbild - Facebook" alt="Symbolbild - Facebook"/> </a> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener"> <h2>Follow us on Facebook <span class="date">15.02.2017</span> </h2> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Picture Teaser --> <div class="col1 pictureTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="imgTeaserS bottom bluedw" id="pictureteaser_37565290"> <div class="teaserImg"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Social Media Twitter Logo Symbolbild" alt="Social Media Twitter Logo Symbolbild"/> </a> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener"> <h2>Follow us on Twitter <span class="date">15.02.2017</span> </h2> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- AutoTopic-Teaser --> <div class="autoTopicTeaser" data-id="17516578"> <div class="col4 pb0"> <!-------- AutoTopicLinkMode ---------------------------> <!------ AutoTopicLinkMode-End ---------------------------> <h4>Technology</h4> <div class="group"> <input type="hidden" name="showTeasers" value="true"/> <input type="hidden" name="dateDisplayMode" value="NO_DATE"/> <div id="autoTopicTeaserResults"> <div class="oneLine"> <div class="col1"> <div class="news searchres hov"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <div class="teaserImg articl"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="TUNIS, TUNISIA - NOVEMBER 14: Hundreds of Tunisians gather at Bardo Square near parliament to protest President Kais SaiedÄôs power seizure in Tunis, Tunisia on November 14, 2021. The protest was staged by a campaign called Äúcitizens against coupÄù to rally against SaiedÄôs Äúexceptional measuresÄù, which included the suspension of parliament. Nacer Talel / Anadolu Agency" alt="TUNIS, TUNISIA - NOVEMBER 14: Hundreds of Tunisians gather at Bardo Square near parliament to protest President Kais SaiedÄôs power seizure in Tunis, Tunisia on November 14, 2021. The protest was staged by a campaign called Äúcitizens against coupÄù to rally against SaiedÄôs Äúexceptional measuresÄù, which included the suspension of parliament. Nacer Talel / Anadolu Agency"/></div> <h2 class=""> Tunisia's first digital political consultation divides opinions </h2> <p>The country's first-ever digital consultation on a new constitution is part of Tunisian President Kais Saied's path out of a political crisis. But like Saied himself, online innovation has received mixed reactions. </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col1"> <div class="news searchres hov"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <div class="teaserImg articl"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="September 27, 2021, Asuncion, Paraguay: Illustration photo - Logo of Facebook company is displayed on a smartphone backdropped by visual representation of metaverse. Facebook has announced a $50 million fund that it says will help it develop the metaverse more responsibly. Facebook describes metaverse as ''a set of virtual spaces where you can create and explore with other people who aren't in the same physical space as you'', spread out over a variety of products and services. (Credit Image: © Andre M. Chang/ZUMA Press Wire" alt="September 27, 2021, Asuncion, Paraguay: Illustration photo - Logo of Facebook company is displayed on a smartphone backdropped by visual representation of metaverse. Facebook has announced a $50 million fund that it says will help it develop the metaverse more responsibly. Facebook describes metaverse as ''a set of virtual spaces where you can create and explore with other people who aren't in the same physical space as you'', spread out over a variety of products and services. (Credit Image: © Andre M. Chang/ZUMA Press Wire"/></div> <h2 class=""> Meta turns to remote work as it expands across Europe </h2> <p>Facebook parent Meta says remote positions will help it win talent across Europe as it builds its metaverse. It could also put pressure on other companies fighting for valuable tech workers. </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col1"> <div class="news searchres hov"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <div class="teaserImg tv"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="An attendee demonstrates the Shiftall Megane X virtual reality headphones, Haritora X full-body tracking system, and mutalk microphone for metaverse experiences during CES Unveiled ahead of the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) on January 3, 2022 in Las Vegas, Nevada. - The Consumer Electronics Show (CES), one of the world's largest trade fairs, returns to Las Vegas in person this week under a newly resurgent pandemic that has supercharged the industry but threatens its downsized expo. Masks and proof of vaccination are required at the show that opens Wednesday and was trimmed by one day to end Friday, with expected exhibitors down more than half to roughly 2,200 from the last in-person CES. (Photo by Patrick T. FALLON / AFP)" alt="An attendee demonstrates the Shiftall Megane X virtual reality headphones, Haritora X full-body tracking system, and mutalk microphone for metaverse experiences during CES Unveiled ahead of the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) on January 3, 2022 in Las Vegas, Nevada. - The Consumer Electronics Show (CES), one of the world's largest trade fairs, returns to Las Vegas in person this week under a newly resurgent pandemic that has supercharged the industry but threatens its downsized expo. Masks and proof of vaccination are required at the show that opens Wednesday and was trimmed by one day to end Friday, with expected exhibitors down more than half to roughly 2,200 from the last in-person CES. (Photo by Patrick T. FALLON / AFP)"/></div> <h2 class=""> What's hot at CES 2022 in Las Vegas? <span class="icon tv"></span> </h2> <p>The world's largest consumer electronics show has returned to Las Vegas, despite record numbers of coronavirus cases in the US. Tech companies have had plenty of time to come up with new ideas. </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col1"> <div class="news searchres hov"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <div class="teaserImg articl"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Photo by: STRF/STAR MAX/IPx 2021 3/15/21 iPhone 13 leak reveals that the fingerprint sensor and a smaller notch at the top. STAR MAX Photo: Here, an iPhone 12 pro with a large notch at the top of the screen." alt="Photo by: STRF/STAR MAX/IPx 2021 3/15/21 iPhone 13 leak reveals that the fingerprint sensor and a smaller notch at the top. STAR MAX Photo: Here, an iPhone 12 pro with a large notch at the top of the screen."/></div> <h2 class=""> Apple becomes first $3 trillion company </h2> <p>The iPhone maker reached the record level before dropping slightly later in the day. Though the value high was short-lived, it was another sign of investor confidence in the tech firm. </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- AutoTopic-Teaser --> <div class="autoTopicTeaser" data-id="17282970"> <div class="col4 pb0"> <!-------- AutoTopicLinkMode ---------------------------> <!------ AutoTopicLinkMode-End ---------------------------> <h4>Auto Industry</h4> <div class="group"> <input type="hidden" name="showTeasers" value="true"/> <input type="hidden" name="dateDisplayMode" value="NO_DATE"/> <div id="autoTopicTeaserResults"> <div class="oneLine"> <div class="col1"> <div class="news searchres hov"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <div class="teaserImg articl"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="In this Monday, Oct. 18, 2021, photo the MSC Aries, right, is seen moored at the Port of Los Angeles. California Gov, Gavin Newsom on Wednesday, Oct. 20, 2021 issued an order that aims to ease bottlenecks at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach that have spilled over into neighborhoods where cargo trucks are clogging residential streets. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)" alt="In this Monday, Oct. 18, 2021, photo the MSC Aries, right, is seen moored at the Port of Los Angeles. California Gov, Gavin Newsom on Wednesday, Oct. 20, 2021 issued an order that aims to ease bottlenecks at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach that have spilled over into neighborhoods where cargo trucks are clogging residential streets. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)"/></div> <h2 class=""> 2021 supply shortages: Year of waiting followed by year of anxiety </h2> <p>If 2021 was the year the world ran out of everything, prospects are unlikely to change much for most of next year. So, sit back and relax on your couch and continue to perfect the art of waiting.</p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col1"> <div class="news searchres hov"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <div class="teaserImg articl"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="18.11.2021 President Joe Biden meets with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, right, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in the East Room of the White House in Washington, Thursday, Nov. 18, 2021. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)" alt="18.11.2021 President Joe Biden meets with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, right, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in the East Room of the White House in Washington, Thursday, Nov. 18, 2021. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)"/></div> <h2 class=""> Joe Biden hosts Trudeau, Obrador for 'Three Amigos' summit </h2> <p>Leaders of the US, Canada, and Mexico met after a five-year gap. While they emphasized cooperation, tensions were raised about the auto industry, Biden's "Buy American" policies and a Mexican energy bill.</p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col1"> <div class="news searchres hov"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <div class="teaserImg articl"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Endkontrolle an einem Skoda Octavia Kombi im Skoda Stammwerk Mlada Boleslav (Tschechien)" alt="Endkontrolle an einem Skoda Octavia Kombi im Skoda Stammwerk Mlada Boleslav (Tschechien)"/></div> <h2 class=""> Coronavirus: Central Europe's focus on cars backfires </h2> <p>The COVID-19 pandemic has slashed car demand and disrupted the industry's supply chains. That's especially bad news for the likes of the Czech Republic and Slovakia, whose economies are highly dependent on the sector.</p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col1"> <div class="news searchres hov"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <div class="teaserImg articl"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="08.10.2021 Lodz Kongres Nowej Mobilnosci -najwiekszy w Polsce, poswiecony elektromobilnosci. N/z Vosco EV2, czyli pierwszy polski samochod elektyczny producenta Vosco Automotive z Kutna Styl Vosco EV2 zaprojektowal Damian Wolinski, jeden z laureatow konkursu organizowanego przez ElectroMobility Poland. Fot. Piotr Kamionka/REPORTER" alt="08.10.2021 Lodz Kongres Nowej Mobilnosci -najwiekszy w Polsce, poswiecony elektromobilnosci. N/z Vosco EV2, czyli pierwszy polski samochod elektyczny producenta Vosco Automotive z Kutna Styl Vosco EV2 zaprojektowal Damian Wolinski, jeden z laureatow konkursu organizowanego przez ElectroMobility Poland. Fot. Piotr Kamionka/REPORTER"/></div> <h2 class=""> Syrena: Poland's retro electric car rolls back the years </h2> <p>A firm in Poland plans to resurrect an old jewel in the domestic automotive industry — with an electric car version of the Syrena, Polish communism's iconic set of wheels. But some believe its road ahead could be bumpy.</p> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- AutoTopic-Teaser --> <div class="autoTopicTeaser" data-id="17284805"> <div class="col4 pb0"> <!-------- AutoTopicLinkMode ---------------------------> <!------ AutoTopicLinkMode-End ---------------------------> <h4>Eurozone</h4> <div class="group"> <input type="hidden" name="showTeasers" value="true"/> <input type="hidden" name="dateDisplayMode" value="NO_DATE"/> <div id="autoTopicTeaserResults"> <div class="oneLine"> <div class="col1"> <div class="news searchres hov"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <div class="teaserImg articl"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="17/11/2021 Berlin *** Ugur Sahin (l-r) und seine Frau Özlem Türeci, Gründer des Mainzer Corona-Impfstoff-Entwicklers Biontech, freuen sich über den Deutschen Zukunftspreis 2021 für ihr Team. Mit dem Deutschen Zukunftspreis zeichnet der Bundespräsident Einzelpersonen oder Gruppen für eine hervorragende technische, ingenieur- oder naturwissenschaftliche Innovation aus. +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++" alt="17/11/2021 Berlin *** Ugur Sahin (l-r) und seine Frau Özlem Türeci, Gründer des Mainzer Corona-Impfstoff-Entwicklers Biontech, freuen sich über den Deutschen Zukunftspreis 2021 für ihr Team. Mit dem Deutschen Zukunftspreis zeichnet der Bundespräsident Einzelpersonen oder Gruppen für eine hervorragende technische, ingenieur- oder naturwissenschaftliche Innovation aus. +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++"/></div> <h2 class=""> MEP suggests BioNTech founders appear on euro notes </h2> <p>Moritz Körner, a European lawmaker with Germany's neoliberal Free Democrats, has said the pair have saved "millions of lives." The euro bank note is set to be redesigned over the coming years.</p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col1"> <div class="news searchres hov"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <div class="teaserImg tv"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="DW Business Asia" alt="DW Business Asia"/></div> <h2 class=""> DW Business Asia <span class="icon tv"></span> </h2> <p>The Euro is turning 20 - Sweden's Arctic battery factory starts production – The global energy market 2021</p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col1"> <div class="news searchres hov"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <div class="teaserImg articl"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Deutschland, Frankfurt, 13.02.2019 Prof.Dr. Joachim Nagel (Internationale Finanzierung), der KfW-Bankengruppe, waehrend der Jahresauftakt-Pressekonferenz Jahresauftakt-Pressekonferenz der KfW-Bankengruppe *** Germany Frankfurt 13 02 2019 Prof Dr Joachim Nagel International financing of KfW Bankengruppe during the start of the year Press conference Start of the year Press conference of KfW Bankengruppe " alt="Deutschland, Frankfurt, 13.02.2019 Prof.Dr. Joachim Nagel (Internationale Finanzierung), der KfW-Bankengruppe, waehrend der Jahresauftakt-Pressekonferenz Jahresauftakt-Pressekonferenz der KfW-Bankengruppe *** Germany Frankfurt 13 02 2019 Prof Dr Joachim Nagel International financing of KfW Bankengruppe during the start of the year Press conference Start of the year Press conference of KfW Bankengruppe "/></div> <h2 class=""> Will Bundebank chief Joachim Nagel change the central bank's policy? </h2> <p>After the resignation of Jens Weidmann as the head of the biggest central bank in the eurozone, Joachim Nagel is now the man at the helm of the Bundesbank. Will he change its traditionally hawkish monetary policy? </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col1"> <div class="news searchres hov"> <a href="/web/20220113060742/"> <div class="teaserImg tv"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Ein Mann packt seine gekauften Lebensmittel in seine Tüte. Die Inflation hat im November einen Sprung gemacht und erstmals seit rund 29 Jahren wieder die Fünf-Prozent-Marke erreicht. Die Verbraucherpreise erhöhten sich nach vorläufigen Daten des Statistischen Bundesamtes um 5,2 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahresmonat. +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++" alt="Ein Mann packt seine gekauften Lebensmittel in seine Tüte. Die Inflation hat im November einen Sprung gemacht und erstmals seit rund 29 Jahren wieder die Fünf-Prozent-Marke erreicht. Die Verbraucherpreise erhöhten sich nach vorläufigen Daten des Statistischen Bundesamtes um 5,2 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahresmonat. +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++"/></div> <h2 class=""> Why policy approaches to inflation risks differ <span class="icon tv"></span> </h2> <p>The central banks of the US, the UK and the eurozone have all provided statements recently on how they will react to inflation risks. While the problem they face seem similar, policy measures will differ.</p> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--[if lt IE 8 ]></div><![endif]--> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </div> </div> <!-- Footer --> <div id="footerSection" style="clear:both;"> <div id="footerBody"> <ul class="footer"> <li><a style="font-weight: bold;" href="/web/20220113060742/" title="News and current affairs from Germany and around the world">TOP STORIES</a> </li> <li><a href="/web/20220113060742/" title=" Coronavirus and Covid-19 - latest news about COVID-19 ">Coronavirus</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20220113060742/" title="World | Breaking news and perspectives from around the globe">World</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20220113060742/" title="Germany | News and in-depth reporting from Berlin and beyond">Germany</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20220113060742/" title="Business | Economy and finance news from a German perspective">Business</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20220113060742/" title="Science | In-depth reporting on science and technology">Science</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20220113060742/" title="Environment | All topics from climate change to conservation">Environment</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20220113060742/" title="Culture | Arts, music and lifestyle reporting from Germany">Culture</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20220113060742/" title="Sports | German football and major international sports news">Sports</a></li> <li> </li> <li><a href="/web/20220113060742/">A - 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