User:Jurabe - IMSLP

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<span id='mw-js-message-wrapper'></span> <h1 id="firstHeading" class="firstHeading pagetitle page-header"> User:Jurabe </h1> <div class="body"><div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"><div class="toccolours babel_box"> <div style="text-align:center"><b><a href="/wiki/IMSLP:Babel" title="IMSLP:Babel">Babel</a></b></div> <table class="babel babel_native"> <tr> <td class="babel_label">fr </td> <td class="babel_text">Cet utilisateur parle <a href="/wiki/Category:User_fr" title="Category:User fr">fran莽ais</a> <a href="/wiki/Category:User_fr-N" title="Category:User fr-N">couramment</a>. </td></tr></table> <table class="babel babel_native"> <tr> <td class="babel_label">en </td> <td class="babel_text">This user speaks <a href="/wiki/Category:User_en" title="Category:User en">English</a> at a <a href="/wiki/Category:User_en-N" title="Category:User en-N">native</a> level. </td></tr></table> <table class="babel"> <tr> <td class="babel_label">de </td> <td class="babel_text">Dieser Benutzer 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background:rgb(206,225,189);"> <tr> <td style="width:45px; height:45px; background:#fff; text-align:center; font-size:0pt; color:#000; padding:1px; line-height:1.25em;&#160;; vertical-align: middle;"><b><div class="center"><div class="floatnone"><a href="/wiki/File:Finale.png" class="image"><img alt="Finale.png" src="/images/thumb/5/59/Finale.png/65px-Finale.png" width="65" height="64" style="vertical-align: top" /></a></div></div></b> </td> <td style="text-align:left; font-size:10.5pt; padding:4px; line-height:1.25em; color:#000;&#160;; vertical-align: middle;"> <center>This user uses <b>Finale</b>.</center> </td></tr></table></div> <p><br /> </p><p><br /> </p><p><br /> </p> <ul><li><a href="/wiki/Category:Besset,_Julian_Raoul" title="Category:Besset, Julian Raoul">Besset, Julian Raoul</a> </li></ul> <p>See section "Talk Page" for some details. </p> <table id="toc" class="toc"><tr><td><div id="toctitle"><h2>Contents</h2></div> <ul> <li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-1"><a href="#Software"><span class="tocnumber">1</span> <span class="toctext">Software</span></a></li> <li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-2"><a href="#Scanning_Hardware"><span class="tocnumber">2</span> <span class="toctext">Scanning Hardware</span></a></li> <li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-3"><a href="#Printers"><span class="tocnumber">3</span> <span class="toctext">Printers</span></a></li> <li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-4"><a href="#Audio_Props"><span class="tocnumber">4</span> <span class="toctext">Audio Props</span></a> <ul> <li class="toclevel-2 tocsection-5"><a href="#My_Archives"><span class="tocnumber">4.1</span> <span class="toctext">My Archives</span></a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </td></tr></table> <h2> <span class="mw-headline" id="Software"> Software </span></h2> <p>Most Makemusic Finale versions from 1997 to 2022 </p><p><br /> </p> <h2> <span class="mw-headline" id="Scanning_Hardware"> Scanning Hardware </span></h2> <p>A4 Flatbed Scanner&#160;: EPSON Perfection 4490 Photo, then CANON 9000F, then EPSON V600 Photo </p><p>A3 Flatbed Scanners&#160;: 1 x PLUSTEK OpticPro A320, 2 x ScanExpress A3 USB 2400S, 1 x Epson WorkForce WF-7720 </p> <h2> <span class="mw-headline" id="Printers"> Printers </span></h2> <p>A4 Ricoh SP 150 </p><p>A4-A3 Epson Stylus Photo 1500, Epson WorkForce XF-7720 </p><p>A4-A3 Epson XP-950 Series </p><p>A4 Brother HL-231100 </p><p>Bullzip PDF Printer (with Adobe Acrobat) </p> <h2> <span class="mw-headline" id="Audio_Props"> Audio Props </span></h2> <p>Pianissimo. This is or was a useful virtual grand piano but there's been no follow-up since its inception (version 1.0 build 12), so I replaced it with </p><p>Pianoteq (+ latest updates + Bl眉thner add-on), </p><p>Then with Garritan's sampled Yamaha Concert Grand. </p><p>Zoom H4 Recorder </p> <h3> <span class="mw-headline" id="My_Archives"> My Archives </span></h3> <p><b>1) The Moulis-Gauckler-Herrenschmidt Archive</b>&#160;: </p><p>This Collection was stored in the Music Room of a property located in Saverdun (Ari猫ge), near Toulouse, France, which was sold following the demise of Mr.Daniel Herrenschmidt. The heirs (of which a member of my family) were obliged to clear the house, and I volunteered to remove the music library. </p><p>I have already started adding scores from this source, in which case their origin is always mentioned. I am using the term "passim" to denote well-known works that are of little interest from the adding standpoint. Those works that have not yet been added will have to be singled out. </p><p>The collection was obviously something the family cared about as is shown by their steadfast habit of securing their music in solidly bound volumes, even when there were different formats involved, more notably in the most recent volumes. One may wonder whether this practice was more directed at preserving than playing the music, as performing a score from a thick string quartet volume placed on a rickety stand seems hardly practicable. All the volumes were treated the same way in that a handwritten list of contents was placed on the fly leaf of each volume and each page accordingly numbered. </p><p>Catalog Shortlist&#160;: </p> <ul><li><i>Recueil de Sesetuor et Quenteti</i> (sic)&#160;: 5 undated XVIII century bound volumes of various works, with a handwritten index (Table), as follows (original erratic spelling)&#160;: </li></ul> <ol><li> 6 sesteti de Bruneti 艙uvre 1 </li><li> 6 sextuors de Bocherini 艙uvre 15 </li><li> 6 sesteti de Bocherini 艙uvre 24 </li><li> 6 quinteti de Bocherini 艙uvre 12 </li><li> 6 quinteti de Bocherini 艙uvre 13 </li><li> 6 quinteti de Bocherini 艙uvre 20 </li><li> 6 quinteti de Bocherini 艙uvre 17 </li><li> 6 quinteti de Bocherini 艙uvre 23 </li><li> 6 quinteti de Bocherini 艙uvre 21 </li><li> 6 quinteti de Bocherini 艙uvre 25 </li><li> 6 quinteti de Hayden 艙uvre 22 </li><li> 6 quarteti et quinteti de Cannabich et N茅man 艙uvre&#160;? </li><li> 1 quinteto de Toeschi 艙uvre&#160;? </li><li> 2 quinteto de Toeschi 艙uvre&#160;? </li><li> 1 quinteto de K.Stamitz 艙uvre&#160;? </li></ol> <ul><li><i>Recueil de Quatuors et Trios</i>&#160;: same binding and format (26,5 x 34,5 cm) as above </li></ul> <ol><li> 6 quatuors de Davaux airs vari茅s 艙uvre 10 </li><li> 6 quatuors de D'Alairac airs vari茅s 艙uvre 10 </li><li> 6 quatuors de Cambini airs vari茅s 艙uvre&#160;? </li><li> 6 quatuors de Chartrain 艙uvre 12 </li><li> 6 quatuors de Giardini 艙uvre 14 </li><li> 6 quatuors de DeMachi 艙uvre 9 </li><li> 6 quatuors de (Martin) Schmitt 艙uvre 1 </li><li> 6 quatuors d'Antoine Stamitz 艙uvre 29 </li><li> 6 quatuors d'Antoine Stamitz 艙uvre 4 </li><li> 6 quatuors de Graaf 艙uvre 3 </li><li> 6 quatuors de Graaf 艙uvre&#160;? </li><li> 6 quatuors de Cambini 艙uvre 4 </li><li> 6 quatuors de Cambini 艙uvre 17 </li><li> 6 quatuors de Cambini 艙uvre 23 </li><li> 6 Trios de Lachnith (L'ain茅) 艙uvre 5 </li><li> 6 Trios de (Joseph) Schmit (Le jeune) 艙uvre 1 </li><li> 6 Trios de Cambini 艙uvre 18 </li></ol> <ul><li><i>Denoose et Gossec</i>&#160;: Same binding and format (26,5 x 34,5 cm) as above. I am changing the handwritten index for reasons of clarity, basing it on the titlepages </li></ul> <ol><li> 6 Quatro (o sie Sinfonie) de Denoose (professeur de violon 脿 Toulouse) &lt;= The latter completely unknown&#160;? </li><li> 6 Sinfonie o sia quartetti di Luigi Boccherini op.1 </li><li> 6 Simphonies ou quatuor dialogu茅s de Hayden 艙uvre 4 </li><li> Symphonie de Hayden n掳67 (various parts dispersed among different volumes). Presents 4 short movements&#160;: Sinfonia (Allegro), Adagio, Minuetto, Finale </li><li> 6 Sinfonie a piu stromenti da Francesco Giuseppe Gossec di Anversa, op.5 </li><li> Sinfonies 脿 plusieurs Instruments etc... de Francesco Beck 艙uvre 4 </li><li> Simphonie Periodique a Piu Stromenti del Signor Filtz n掳2 </li><li> Simphonie Periodique a Piu Stromenti del Signor Cannabich n掳63 </li><li> Simphonie Periodique a Piu Stromenti del Signor Gossei (=Gossec) n掳65 </li></ol> <ul><li><i>Haydn</i>&#160;: XIX century 39 x 33 cm binding. Apart from a number of Haydn quartets, the volume comprises lesser known works as follows&#160;: </li></ul> <ol><li> 6 quatuors concertants de Jgna. Pleyel 茅l猫ve de Mr Haydn 艙uvre 1, Paris&#160;: Sieber </li><li> 3 quatuors de Jgna. Pleyel 艙uvre 13, Lille&#160;: Z茅vort-Depalma </li><li> 12 quatuors de Pleyel 4猫me et 5猫me livraison, Mayence&#160;: Schott; Paris&#160;: Imbault </li><li> 3 quatuors concertants de Pleyel d茅di茅s 脿 son ami Boccherini 艙uvre 9, Strasbourg&#160;: Reinhard </li><li> 3 quatuors de Georges Onslow, Paris, Maurice Schlesinger Plate 1608, op.8 </li></ol> <ul><li><i>Quintetti Sextuors</i>&#160;: Thick XIX century bound Volume (27 x 34 cm) </li></ul> <ol><li> 2e Quintette pour Po. Fl. Hb. Alto et Vc ou 2 Vl. Alto et Vc, de Mozart. Paris&#160;: Richault 9181.R. </li><li> Grand Quintetti pour le Po Cl, Alto, Vc et Cb ad Dussek 艙uvre 47. Paris et Toulouse&#160;: Crosilhes-Calvet. Plate 596 </li><li> Quintetto pour le Po, Vl, Alto, Vc et Cb. de Ferdinand Ries 艙uvre 74. Paris&#160;: Richault 390.R. </li><li> Quintette pour idem de J.N.Hummel 艙uvre 87. Paris&#160;: Richault 497.R. </li><li> Grand Quintetto pour Po, Vl, Alto, Vc et Cb. op.114 </li><li> Schubert, Quintette "La Truite" 茅d. Litolff, passim. </li><li> Quintetto de Ant. Rubinstein op.99. Leipzig&#160;: Bartholf Senff, plate 1351 </li><li> Grand Quintuor de Joachim Raff op.107. Leipzig&#160;: J.Schuberth, plate 3975 </li><li> 3猫me Quintette de C.G.Reissiger 艙uvre 209. Paris&#160;: Richault, plate 13365 R </li><li> Grand Quintette pour Po, Vl, Alto, Vc et Cb de G.Onslow op.70. Paris&#160;: Brandus, plate 4629 </li><li> Grand Quintette de Louis Spohr 艙uvre 53. Paris&#160;: Richault, plate 469 R </li><li> Quintette pour Po, Vl, Alto, Vc et Cb de Ren茅 de Boisdeffre op.25. Paris&#160;: Hamelle, plate J.2095 H. </li><li> Mendelssohn, Sextuor 茅d. Litolff, passim. </li><li> Grand Sextuor pour Po, 2 Vl, Alto, Vc et Cb de J.Bertini op.85. Paris&#160;: Lemoine, plate 1473 HL </li></ol> <ul><li><i>Quatuors, Quintettes, Trios 脿 Cordes</i>&#160;: Thick XX century bound volumes (27 x 34 cm), a mixture of old and newer scores (different formats) </li></ul> <ol><li> Schumann, 1er Quatuor 脿 cordes (passim) </li><li> Raff, op.192 n掳2 (n掳7 in D). Leipzig&#160;: C.F.Kahnt, Plate 1774 </li><li> Luigini, 1er Quatuor en r茅 majeur op.5. Paris&#160;: Durand, Sch艙newerk &amp; Cie, Plate D.S &amp; Cie 1728 </li><li> Mendelssohn, Quatuors, Henry Litolff, passim </li><li> Schubert, idem </li><li> H.Reber, 2猫me Quatuor 艙uvre 5. Titlepage missing. Paris&#160;: Richault. Plate 3047 R </li><li> G.Onslow, 3 Quatuors op.10. Paris&#160;: Pleyel. Plate 1253 </li><li> P.Rode, 4猫me Quatuor op.18. Paris&#160;: Gambaro. Plate 140 </li><li> Dittersdorf, Quartett Es-dur, herausgegeben von J.Lauterbach. Leipzig&#160;: Peters. Plate 6833 </li><li> Emile Ratez, 1er Quatuor op.20. Paris&#160;: Hamelle. Plate J. 3255. H. </li><li> D.Steibelt, 6 Quatuors op.34 2猫me partie. Paris&#160;: Imbault. Plate 6 </li><li> A.Blanc, 6猫me Quintette pour 2 Vl., Alto, Vc et Cb ou 2猫me Vc, op.36. Paris&#160;: Richault. Plate 13394.R. Title Page missing, but Publisher's list of Works by A.Blanc. </li><li> Weber, 5猫me Quintette. Paris&#160;: Richault. Plate 2944.R. </li><li> Hummel, Grand Quintette 艙uvre 13. Paris&#160;: Richault. Plate 2980.R. </li><li> Charles Lebouc, 1er Quintette pour 2 Vls, Alto, Vc, Cb ou 2猫me Vc, op.2. Paris&#160;: Brandus. </li><li> W.H.Veit, 1er Quintette pour 2 Vls, Alto, 2 Vc. op.1. Leipzig&#160;: F. Hofmeister. Plate 2048 </li><li> N.A.Schaffner, Quintette pour 2 Vls, Alto, Vc &amp; Cb op.33. Paris&#160;: Richault. Plate 2474.R. </li><li> I.Pleyel, 3 Quintetti pour 2 Vls, 2 Altos et 1 Vc, 3猫me Livre. Paris&#160;: Imbault. Plate 143 </li><li> L.Casimir Ney, El茅gie de J.Haydn, pour Vl, Alto, Vc et Cb ou 2猫me Vc. Paris&#160;: Richault. Plate 9375.R. </li><li> Beethoven, Trios, Litolff. Passim </li><li> Viotti, 3 Trios pour 2 Vls &amp; Vc, 2猫me Livre. Paris&#160;: Pleyel. Plate 50 </li></ol> <ul><li><i>Concertos, 2猫me Volume</i>&#160;: XIX Century 27 x 34 </li></ul> <ol><li> Ferd. Ries, 3猫me Grand Concerto, op.55. Nota&#160;: ce concerto a 茅t茅 ex茅cut茅 脿 Vienne par M.Moschel猫s et 脿 paris par M.Schuncke. Paris&#160;: S.Richault, 944.R. </li><li> Field, 2猫me Concerto Allegro, rev. F. Le Couppey. Paris&#160;: J.Maho, J.M.100. This edition provides the complete orchestral introduction in small notes. </li><li> Field, 4猫me Concerto en mi b majeur, rev. F. Le Couppey. Paris&#160;: J.Maho, J.M.148. Same remark. </li><li> F.Hiller, 1er Concerto (d茅di茅 脿 J.Moschel猫s), Morceau de Concours du Conservatoire, op.5. Paris&#160;: Heugel, H.2312 </li><li> Henri Hertz, 5猫me Concerto op.180. Paris&#160;: Imprecise Publisher, A.Lafont&#160;? Bears an inked inscription&#160;: "Concours de 1849/obtenu 3猫me accessit". Accordingly the score is heavily marked and strips of paper glued on. </li><li> Dussek, 5猫me Concerto op.22, rev. F. Le Couppey. Paris&#160;: J.Maho, J.M.240 </li><li> Dussek, Allegro du 12猫me Concerto, arrang茅e par L.Adam pour le concours des 茅l猫ves de sa classe. Paris&#160;: Lemoine 2510.HL. Piano &amp; orchestra combined into one whole. </li><li> Hummel, Concerto en si mineur op.89 rev. F. Le Couppey. Paris&#160;: J.Maho, J.M.141. Heavily marked score with paper strips. </li></ol> <ul><li><i>Etudes pour Piano</i>&#160;: XIX century bound Volume (26,5 x 34) </li></ul> <ol><li> Stephen Heller, 25 Etudes pour former au Sentiment du Rythme et de l'Expression&#160;: Introduction 脿 ses 30 Etudes progressives op.46, en 2 Livres, op.47. Livre 1, Paris&#160;: Lemoine 6374 HL. Inscribed "Marguerite Gauckler 1870" </li><li> Chants du Cygne. Derni猫res M茅lodies de Fran莽ois Schubert, par Franz Liszt, n掳7 S茅r茅nade. Paris&#160;: Richault, R 4187. Interpretation testimony pencilled in&#160;: "Jou茅e par El茅onore Heydenreich, Rita Gauckler, Suzanne Moulis" </li><li> Weber, L'invitation 脿 la Valse, Rondo Brillant, op.65. Paris&#160;: Colombier C 4947. Inscribed "El. Heydenreich, Rita Gauckler". </li><li> Beethoven, Sonates op.49 n掳 1 (Wolfenb眉ttel) + n掳2 (Richault 11008.4.(4). N掳1 inscribed&#160;: Rita Gauckler No毛l 69 茅tudi茅(e) pour mam(an). N掳2 "donn茅 par Marguerite Laurent 脿 Rita Gauckler. Jou茅 脿 Colmar en 1868". </li><li> Mendelssohn, 5e Recueil de 6 Romances sans Paroles op.62. Paris&#160;: Brandus B 4896. Inscribed "El(eonore) Heydenreich - Gauckler </li><li> Henri Streich, Les Hirondelles de F茅licien David, Variations Brillantes, op.5. Paris&#160;: Colombier C 1038. Inscribed "Morceau que ma m猫re El.Gauckler jouait dans sa jeunesse, que j'ai jou茅 脿 L茅vy (?) qui le chantait. Je l'avais appris 脿 Colmar en 1871". The lyrics of the 3 stanzas are inscribed more or less exactly in pencil on the page of the Romance&#160;: "<b>1.</b>Voltigez hirondelles,/Voltigez pr猫s de moi,/ Et reposez vos ailes/ Au fa卯te des tourelles,/Sans effroi, sans effroi, sans effroi. <b>2.</b>Voltigez, gracieuses,/Et fredonnant l'amour;/Que vos plumes soyeuses/Touchent, myst茅rieuses,/Mon s茅jour, mon s茅jour, mon s茅jour.<b>3.</b>Voltigez, je regarde/Votre petit bec noir/Suspendre 脿 ma mansarde/Votre nid qui me garde/Chaque soir, chaque soir, chaque soir..." </li><li> Joseph Ascher, Andante de Salon sur l'op茅ra Lucie de Lammermoor, op.27. Paris&#160;: L.Mayaud, L.M.&amp; Cie 1553 </li><li> G.A.Osborne, Pluie de Perles, Valse Brillante. Paris&#160;: Meissonnier, J.M.2383 </li><li> Charles Voss, Grande Fantaisie de Concert sur Don Juan, op.138. Paris&#160;: Brandus, B. &amp; Cie 9087 </li><li> W.Kr眉ger, La Harpe Eolienne, R锚verie pour le Piano, op.25. Paris&#160;: J.Maho, J.M.25 </li></ol> <ul><li><i>Morceaux de Piano</i>&#160;: XIX or early XX century volume (7 x 35 cm). No index affixed to this volume. </li></ul> <ol><li> Mendelssohn, Rondo Capriccio op.14, 茅dition revue et corrig茅e par Louis Cramer. Paris Jules Heinz (only title page present) </li><li> Mendelssohn, 艙uvres pour piano seul, Romances sans Paroles. Paris&#160;: H.Romain. N. &amp; R. 97. Some of the numbers are named in various ways, and a few were selected for playing on the organ. </li><li> Beethoven, Quasi una Fantasia, Sonate pour Piano. Paris&#160;: Au M茅lomane, M.C.38 </li><li> Weber, Variations sur un Th猫me Boh茅mien op.55&#160;: S茅rie des chefs-d'艙uvre classiques pour le piano accompagn茅s d'observations traditionnelles sur la mani猫re d'ex茅cuter ces 艙uvres - revues, doigt茅s et accentu茅s par Marmontel, professeur au Conservatoire. Paris&#160;: Heugel, H.2211. </li><li> Hummel, Polonaise en forme de Rondo en mib op.11. Paris&#160;: Heugel, H.1488. </li><li> Hummel, Sonate en r茅 majeur op.106. Paris&#160;: Heugel, H.1810. Very heavily fingered score&#160;! </li><li> Weber, Sonate en la b茅mol op.39. Paris&#160;: Heugel, H.1599. </li><li> Dussek, Sonate en si b茅mol op.9. Collection Classiques du Piano, revues, doigt茅s et class茅es par ordre de diffucult茅 par F. Le Couppey. Paris&#160;: J.Maho, J.Hamelle. J.M.186 </li><li> Jules Schulhoff, Sonate op.37. Paris&#160;: Meissonnier Fils, J.M.3384 </li><li> L.M.Gottschalk, C茅l猫bre Tarentelle op.67 (ex茅cut茅e dans tous les Concerts) (艙uvre posthume). Seule Edition compl猫te publi茅e sur Manuscrits originaux avec autorisation de la famille de Gootschalk par N.R.Espadero. Les Tutti d'orchestre r茅duits par H.Kowaslski. Paris&#160;: Mackar &amp; No毛l, A.O.K.1011 </li><li> Chopin, 艗uvres Posthumes, Fantaisie-Impromptu. Paris&#160;: 脡.G茅rard (ancienne maison Meissonnier), J.M.3523 </li><li> Chopin, 2猫me Ballade op.38. Paris&#160;: E.Troupenas, T.925 </li><li> Chopin, Berceuse op.57. Paris&#160;: C.Philipp, C.P.1215. This score inserted, not bound. </li></ol> <ul><li><i>Separate Works</i>&#160;: </li></ul> <ol><li> Cadenzen, Versetten, Pr盲ludien und Fugen, f眉r die Orgel ausgew盲hlt von Caspar Ett, Dritte, vermehrte Auflage, Heraugegeben von Fr. Riegel, Regensburg usw., Verlag von Friedrich Pustet, 1883, pp.119 </li><li> Vorschule f眉r angehende Organisten und alle welche sich im gebundenen Spiele 眉ben wollen, usw., von Ch. H. Rink, op.82, Berlin bei Simrock 2453, pp.65 </li><li> M茅thode Compl猫te pour Guitare ou Lyre compos茅e express茅ment pour l'Enseignement de son fils Gustave par Ferdinando Carulli, seconde 茅dition etc..., op.27, Paris, chez Carli 茅diteur 142, pp.94 </li><li> Cours de Composition Musicale ou Trait茅 Complet d'Harmonie Pratique, etc..., par Antoine Reicha, Paris, Gambaro, n.d., pp.269 </li><li> Czerny, Etudes de la V茅locit茅, 30 Exercices calcul茅s pour d茅velopper l'茅galit茅 des doigts, op.299, 2猫me 茅dition. Paris&#160;: A.Leduc. Plate number practically illegible M.S.1433&#160;? </li></ol> <ul><li>(To Be Continued) </li></ul> <p><b>2) The R枚sza-Coutan Archive</b>&#160;: The present generation of Coutans are very good friends of mine, and it is through them that I have retrieved Paul Coutan's Cello archives. The founding father of that family was Marius BOULLARD (1826-1903), not to be confused with his homonyms, Marius BOULLARD (1842-1891) and Victor BOULLARD (1833-1876) who were associated with Offenbach. This other Boullard (possibly related) enjoyed a long career as a conductor and music society leader in central France, Moulins, where he is interred. He had 6 children, most of whom were musicians. His daughter Emilie married Miksa ROZSA and their daughter Mariska married Pierre COUTAN (1880-1933), who came from a well-known artist family from Nantes, in 1906, and who was a Cello student at the Paris Conservatoire, and cello teacher, like his son Paul COUTAN (1910-1998). The latter was one of Paul BAZELAIRE's students in 1929-1930. An interesting side-issue that concerns this family is related in Robert Haven Schaffler's memoirs <i>Fiddler's Luck</i> (1920). Mariska was the French lady with whom the then young American poet, cellist and war hero played music when convalescing from his war wounds in 1918 (Chapter XI) and whom he calls Madame R. (for Rosza). To be quite candid they had an affair together, leading to the cuckolded husband Pierre decamping from Moulins and returning to his family residence in Nantes. After that, the two lovers maintained a long and faithful correspondence which I have consulted, but which has remained in private hands ever since and is therefore not found among the Schaffler papers at the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas. </p> <ul><li>Concertos Piano Violoncelle &#160;: In 2 34 x 27 cm volumes. Piano Part n掳13bis. Cello Part n掳13. </li></ul> <ol><li> E.Lalo, Concerto en r茅 n掳1. Berlin&#160;: Bote &amp; Bock, 11623 </li><li> D.Popper, Concert op.8. Klavieraufzug vom Komponisten. Offenbach&#160;: Joh. Andr茅, 10261 </li><li> Carl Schr枚der, Erstes Grosses Concert op.32. Leipzig&#160;: Schuberth, 5336a </li><li> Carl Schr枚der, Zweites Grosses Concert op.36. Leipzig&#160;: Schuberth, 5627 </li><li> Ch. Davidoff, Concerto op.5. Leipzig&#160;: Kistner, 2561, 2562 </li><li> Ch. Davidoff, 3猫me Concerto op.18. Leipzig&#160;: Kistner, 3465 </li><li> B.Molique, Concerto op.45. Leipzig&#160;: Kistner, 2027, 2028 </li><li> F.Servais, Concerto Militaire op.18. Mayence&#160;: Schott, 16179 </li><li> Charles Schuberth, 2猫me Concerto Patetico. Leipzig&#160;: Schuberth, 2565 </li><li> A. Piatti, Concerto op.26. Leipzig&#160;: Friedrich Hofmeister, 7690, 7691 </li></ol> <ul><li> J.L.Duport, Essai sur le Doigt茅 du Violoncelle et sur la Conduite de l'Archet. Paris&#160;: A.Cotelle. Plate 296. pp.269 </li><li> <i>Etudes de Violoncelle</i>&#160;: Cahier n掳III </li></ul> <ol><li> J.J.F.Dotzauer, Etudes Journali猫res contenant 24 exercices, op.155. Paris&#160;: Richault, 6365.R. </li><li> S.Lee, 12 Etudes de perfectionnement 艙uvre 57. Paris&#160;: Richault, 10347.R. </li><li> Casella, 6 Grandes Etudes caract茅ristiques 艙uvre 33. Paris&#160;: Richault, R.2060 </li><li> S.Lee, Etudes de diff茅rens Caract猫res compos茅s par Bandiot, Dotzauer, Duport, Franchomme, Kummer, Merk, Romberg, Servais, Stiastny. Paris&#160;: Henry Lemoine, A A.805 </li></ol> <ul><li>Friedr. Gr眉tzmacher, 24 Etuden, Technologie des Violoncellspiels, op.38. Leipzig&#160;: Peters 3996 </li></ul> <ul><li><i>Sonates</i>&#160;: Volume 12bis + 12 </li></ul> <ol><li> Alphonse Duvernoy, Duo op.30. Paris&#160;: Hamelle, J.2832 H. </li><li> Gustav Jensen, Sonate op.12. Leipzig&#160;: J.Rieter-Biedermann, 1215 </li><li> Ferd. Hiller, Sonate op.172. Hambourg&#160;: Aug. Cranz, 5088 </li><li> Julius R枚ntgen, Sonate op.3. Leipzig&#160;: Breitkopf &amp; H盲rtel, 13239 </li><li> Agnes Zimmermann, Sonate op.17. Mainz&#160;: Schott, 20762 </li><li> Carl Reinecke, Sonate n掳2 op.89. Leipzig&#160;: Breitkopf &amp; H盲rtel, 11053 </li><li> Ren茅 Lenormand, Sonate op.6. Hamburg&#160;: Hugo Pohle, H.P.51 </li><li> Josef Rheinberger, Sonate op.92. Offenbach&#160;: Joh. Andr茅, 12114 </li><li> Brahms, Sonate op.38. Paris&#160;: J.Maho, J.972 M. </li><li> Joachim Raff, Sonate op.183. Paris&#160;: Hamelle, J.1211 M. </li></ol> <ul><li><i>Piano 脿 Deux Mains/脡.R枚sza/1</i>&#160;: Bound in red 27 x 34 cm </li></ul> <ol><li> Radics B茅la, Medikus-Cs谩rd谩s. Budapest&#160;: R贸zsav枚lgyi 茅s T谩rsa 茅s Tarsa, R.S.Co.2390. Inked inscription on title page&#160;: "脿 ma petite fille. Souvenir de Budapest. Maman Milie?" </li><li> "Nagy p茅nteken mossa holl贸 a fi谩t", 猫s "Helyre Kati" 17dik Magyar 脕br谩nd Sz茅kely JmreInked. Budapest&#160;: R贸zsav枚lgyi 茅s T谩rsa, N.G.1471. Inscription on title page&#160;: "Emilie Rosza.Budapest.Ao没t 1895" </li><li> K.Abr谩nyi, Magyar Zenem眉 n掳3 Nocturne. Budapest&#160;: R贸zsav枚lgyi 茅s T谩rsa, R.S.Co.2194. Inscription&#160;: "Emilie R. Budapest. Ao没t 1895" </li><li> Liszt, 2 m茅lodies russes. Arabesques pour le piano n掳1 Le Rossignol. Hambourg&#160;: Aug. Cranz. Passim. </li><li> Saint-Sa毛ns, Le Rouet d'Omphale op.31, passim. Inscription 22 Mars 1885. </li><li> Chopin, 3 Valses. Paris&#160;: Heugel/Marmontel. Passim </li><li> Polonyi Elem茅r, Caprice op.9. Budapest&#160;: R贸zsav枚lgy &amp; Cie, 2440. "Emilie R. Budapest. Ao没t 1895" </li><li> Bizet, Chants du Rhin, Lieder sans paroles n掳3 Les R锚ves. Paris&#160;: Heugel, H.4523.(3) </li><li> E.Guiraud, Allegro de Concert. Paris&#160;: Durand, D.S.&amp; Cie 3508 </li><li> Adolf Jensen, Lieder und T盲nze, 20 kleine Klavierst眉cke op.33, Heft 2. Leipzig&#160;: Fr. Kistner, 3028 </li><li> Moszkowski, 3 Morceaux op.34. Breslau&#160;: Jules Hainauer, J.2722.H. </li><li> Moszkowski, 6 Morceaux op.31. Berlin&#160;: Ries &amp; Erler, R.2172.E. </li><li> Moszkowski, 3 Klavierst眉cke im Tanzform op.17. Breslau&#160;: Julius Hainauer, J. 1924.H. </li><li> Liszt, Rhapsodies Hongroises, n掳12, passim. </li><li> Liszt, 6 Chants polonais op.74 de Chopin. Berlin&#160;: Schlesinger. Passim. </li><li> Liszt, Le Rossignol, Air Russe de A.Alabieff. Paris&#160;: Richault, 7257.R </li><li> A.Rubinstein, Barcarolle. Berlin&#160;: Bote &amp; Bock, 5649 </li><li> A.Rubinstein, Soir茅es 脿 St P茅tersbourg, 6 Morceaux op.44, 1er Livre. Paris&#160;: Hamelle, J.773.1 M. </li><li> Chopin, Sonate n掳2. Passim </li><li> Emil Sauer, Romances san Paroles. N掳2. Budapest&#160;: R贸zsav枚lgy &amp; Cie, 2382 </li><li> Brahms, Scherzo op.4. Passim </li><li> Felix Draeseke, Petite Histoire op.9. 1.R锚ve de Bonheur, 2. Intermezzo. 3. Incertitude. Budapest&#160;: R贸zsav枚lgy &amp; Cie, N.G.1631 </li><li> Carl Tausig, Walzer-Capricen nach J.Strauss, n掳2&#160;: Man lebt nur einmal op.167. Leipzig&#160;: J.Schuberth, 4414 </li></ol> <p><br /> Bound Volume containing 15 piano Works, with owner's name stamped on Flyleaf&#160;: E.Hertzog / ev. Pfarrer / Colmar i.E. (no date) which would indicate he was a pastor living in Colmar, in an area (i.E.) which remains unclear. The only mention of this abbreviation is its association with a 1911 picture of the statue of <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Pfeffel</a>.<br /> He published a booklet on the Alsatian pastor and pedagogue Jean Fr茅d茅ric Oberlin.<br /> "Musik St眉cke" printed on spine. No date. Loose binding, so the following items were easily separated in order to scan some of them. List of Works handwritten in black ink under the flyleaf heading <i>Inhalt</i>&#160;: </p> <ol><li>Raif&#160;: Notturno 1 茅 2. </li><li>Raff&#160;: Deux Nocturnes. </li><li>Idem&#160;: Idylle. </li><li>Gade&#160;: Fantasiest眉cke. </li><li>Idem&#160;: Idyllen. </li><li>Schumann&#160;: Schlummerlied. </li><li>Idem&#160;: Noveletten. </li><li>Chopin&#160;: Trauermarsch 1 茅 2. </li><li>Paderewski&#160;: Menuet. </li><li>Idem&#160;: Danse Polonaise. </li><li>Wagner-Heintz - Parsifal&#160;: Vorspiel. </li><li>Idem&#160;: Aufzug 1. </li><li>Idem&#160;: Aufzug 2. </li><li>Idem&#160;: Aufzug 3. </li><li>Bargiel&#160;: 8 Pianofortest眉cke. </li></ol> <!-- NewPP limit report Preprocessor node count: 284/1000000 Post-expand include size: 9944/2097152 bytes Template argument size: 528/2097152 bytes Expensive parser function count: 0/100 --> <!-- Saved in parser cache with key imslp_wiki:pcache:idhash:248988-0!*!0!!en!2!* and timestamp 20250219085533 --> </div><div class="printfooter"> Retrieved from "<a href=";oldid=4117211">;oldid=4117211</a>"</div> </div> <br /><div id="adngin-bottom-0"></div> <div class="category-links"> <!-- catlinks --> <div id='catlinks' class='catlinks'><div id="mw-normal-catlinks"><a href="/wiki/Special:Categories" title="Special:Categories">Categories</a>: <ul><li><a href="/wiki/Category:User_fr" title="Category:User fr">User fr</a></li><li><a href="/wiki/Category:User_fr-N" title="Category:User fr-N">User fr-N</a></li><li><a href="/wiki/Category:User_en" title="Category:User en">User en</a></li><li><a href="/wiki/Category:User_en-N" title="Category:User en-N">User en-N</a></li><li><a href="/wiki/Category:User_de" title="Category:User de">User de</a></li><li><a href="/wiki/Category:User_pianists-3" title="Category:User pianists-3">User pianists-3</a></li><li><a href="/wiki/Category:User_pianists" title="Category:User pianists">User pianists</a></li><li><a href="/wiki/Category:User_organists-3" title="Category:User organists-3">User organists-3</a></li><li><a href="/wiki/Category:User_organists" title="Category:User organists">User organists</a></li><li><a href="/wiki/Category:User_composers-3" title="Category:User composers-3">User composers-3</a></li><li><a href="/wiki/Category:User_composers" title="Category:User composers">User composers</a></li><li><a href="/wiki/Category:User_Finale" title="Category:User Finale">User Finale</a></li></ul></div></div> <!-- /catlinks --> </div> </div><!-- container --> </div> <div class="bottom"> <div class="container"> <footer> <p>Content is available under the <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License</a> &bull; 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