Elektronick茅 zdravotn铆ctvo - ezdravie

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This includes specialists examinations, comprehensive physica physicals and discharge papers.", "/documents/1005903/1007499/produktivita-10.svg/219c0ce9-98f0-a940-e31f-8680d405dab6?t=1556548858047&imagePreview=1", "" ); computeTiles(dataTiles, "18", 49954, 36621564, 1); html_inner += displayTiles("18", "E-Health savings" , "Savings thanks to ePrescriptions" , "Savings since the launch of ePrescriptions in January 2018. This includes both patients and doctors savings.", "/documents/1005903/1007499/uspora_s_ezdravie-14.svg/620b7e2b-0cd7-60a8-7ecd-73fbfe4219f2?t=1556548883060&imagePreview=1", "" ); computeTiles(dataTiles, "24", 0, 161062769, 1); html_inner += displayTiles("24", "Health in Slovakia" , "Annual medication use in 2018" , "Total annual number of packs of medicine used in Slovakia in 2018.", "/documents/1005903/1007499/zdravie_na_Slovensku-15.svg/d84d8138-8689-f120-c8e2-033ed24a59a7?t=1556548883530&imagePreview=1", "" ); html_inner += '</div>'; return html_inner; } function displayTiles(kpiId, title, subtitle, description, iconUrl, powerBiUrl) { var retContent = ""; retContent += '<div style="text-align : center;" class="xcol-g1-12 xcol-g1-sm-6 bc-w">'; if (powerBiUrl){ retContent += '<a href="'+powerBiUrl+'" class="xcontent p-3">'; } else { retContent += ' <div class="xcontent p-3">'; } retContent += ' <h1 class="t-title-2">'+title+'</h1>'; if (iconUrl){ retContent += ' <div class="xicon 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