Call For Paper - Conferences & Journals

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It's sponsored by Shanghai University of Engineering Science (SUES), and hosted by School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, SUES, China. The mission of ICRMV is to provide an interactive learning and relationship-building forum for all researchers in the Robotics and Machine Vision field. Colleagues from industry, academia, and government agencies will gather at the interface of research, partnerships, funding and commercialization to find ways to move forward.<br /> <br /> Call for paper<br /> Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:<br /> Robot control<br /> Robotic Kinematics<br /> Robot sensing and data fusion<br /> Medical robots and bio-robotics<br /> Tracking and surveillance<br /> Activity/behaviour recognition<br /> Localization, navigation and mapping<br /> Mechanism design and applications<br /> <br /> For more topics, please visit at <a href="edit.php?edits=58618" class="view-right"><img src="images/edit.gif" width="46" height="18"></a> <div class="clear"></div> <p style="font-size: 75%; line-height: 125%;">User Name : Rio Cheung<br /> Posted 22-08-2024 on 16:59:41 AEDT</p> </div> <br /> <div class="view-cfp" style="background:#f5f3e7; padding:8px 20px"> <h3>Related CFPs</h3> <a href="view.php?eno=61802"> PHY 2025</a> &nbsp; 9th International Conference on Recent advances in Physics<br /><a href="view.php?eno=61807"> CIOS 2025</a> &nbsp; 3rd International Conference on Cloud, IoT and Security<br /><a href="view.php?eno=62754"> PHY 2025</a> &nbsp; 9th International Conference on Recent advances in Physics<br /><a href="view.php?eno=62763"> EDUR 2025</a> &nbsp; 3rd International Conference on Educational Research</div> <div class="share_links right"> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div id="footer"><p align="center"> All Rights Reserved @ <a href=""><b> Call for Papers - Conference & Journals</b></a></p></div> </div> </div> </div> </body><html>

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