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<div class="module_desc" ></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="layout-right-card-list module-wrapper"> <div class="card-box"> <div class="card-item open"> <div class="card-bg"> <div class="image-module" data-key="module_image"> <figure class="image-wrapper"> <picture> <img class="lazy-load" loading="lazy" data-src="【定制建站】慕尼黑设备展-01首页-7.png" alt=""> </picture> </figure> </div> </div> <div class="card-text-item"> <div class="card-title" >注册参观</div> <div class="card-hide-text"> <div class="card-describe" >国际参展商、创新、趋势--Electronica 展示了全球电子产品的未来。从这一行业平台的优势中获益! </div> <div class="card-btn module-btn" >注册参观</div> </div> </div> <i class="iconfont icon-Down"></i> </div> <div class="card-item"> <div class="card-bg"> <div class="image-module" data-key="module_image_2"> <figure class="image-wrapper"> <picture> <img class="lazy-load" loading="lazy" data-src="【定制建站】慕尼黑设备展-01首页-7.png" alt=""> </picture> </figure> </div> </div> <div class="card-text-item"> <div class="card-title" >注册参观</div> <div class="card-hide-text"> <div class="card-describe" >国际参展商、创新、趋势--Electronica 展示了全球电子产品的未来。从这一行业平台的优势中获益! </div> <div class="card-btn module-btn" >注册参观</div> </div> </div> <i class="iconfont icon-Down"></i> </div> <div class="card-item"> <div class="card-bg"> <div class="image-module" data-key="module_image_3"> <figure class="image-wrapper"> <picture> <img class="lazy-load" loading="lazy" data-src="【定制建站】慕尼黑设备展-01首页-7.png" alt=""> </picture> </figure> </div> </div> <div class="card-text-item"> <div class="card-title" >注册参观</div> <div class="card-hide-text"> <div class="card-describe" >国际参展商、创新、趋势--Electronica 展示了全球电子产品的未来。从这一行业平台的优势中获益! </div> <div class="card-btn module-btn" >注册参观</div> </div> </div> <i class="iconfont icon-Down"></i> </div> </div> </div> <div class="layout-right-text-list module-wrapper"> <div class="text-box"> <div class="text-item"> <div class="text-time" >2025年3月26-28日</div> <div class="text-address" >上海新国际博览中心</div> <div class="text-title" >2025慕尼黑上海电子生产设备展 (productronica China)</div> <div class="text-btn module-btn" >展商中心</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="layout-menu-right-container" style="position: relative"> <div class="layout-menu-right-module" > <div class="layout-menu-right-box"> <div class="menu-right-container module-wrapper"> <div class="menu-right-box"> <div class="menu-right-item"> <div class="menu-title" ><p>TRADE FAIR TOPICS</p></div> <div class="menu-list"> <div class="menu-marker"></div> </div> <a class="menu-btn module-btn" href="/en/application-prices" ><p>Booth Application</p></a> </div> <div class="ad-list-module" id="ad-list-module"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="layout-content"> <div class="privacy-policy-container"> <div class="legal-info-text-module module dark-module" > <div class="module-wrapper"> <div class="module-width"> <h2 ><p><strong>Privacy Policy</strong></p></h2> <div class="text-content" > <div class="text-item"> <h2 class="text-item-title" ><p><strong>Principles</strong></p></h2> <div class="text-item-describe" ><p>Messe Muenchen Shanghai Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as &ldquo;MM-SH&rdquo;) thanks you for visiting our website and for your interest in our company and our products. We take the protection of your private data seriously and we want you to feel comfortable when visiting our Internet pages. The protection of your privacy is of the utmost importance to us. Therefore it goes without saying that we comply with statutory provisions for data protection. Our employees are obligated to treat all information confidentially and they receive regular training in the areas of data protection and data security. In the sections below, we would like to briefly explain how we protect your data and what it means for you when you make use of our online offers.</p></div> </div> <div class="text-item"> <h2 class="text-item-title" ><p><strong>Access data</strong></p></h2> <div class="text-item-describe" ><p>When our Internet pages are called up, MM-SH receives access data which is stored for protective purposes that basically allows us to identify you. This data includes</p> <ul> <li>the name of your Internet service provider</li> <li>the country you come from</li> <li>the website you come from to visit us</li> <li>the search term you use, if you come to our site via a search engine</li> <li>the websites of ours that you visit</li> <li>the user tool (web browser, operating system) you use to access us</li> <li>files that you download from our site (e.g. PDF or Word documents);</li> <li>the duration of your visit</li> <li>the date and the time of your visit</li> </ul> <p>This will enable us to optimize our offerings as a whole and personalize the content specifically for you, e.g. recognizing you as a return visitor to our Internet offering under certain conditions. If you have an existing data set, the new Data can be allocated to this data set in many cases.</p></div> </div> <div class="text-item"> <h2 class="text-item-title" ><p><strong>Personal data</strong></p></h2> <div class="text-item-describe" ><p>Personal data is information that is used explicitly to determine your identity independently or in combination with other information. It includes information including without limitation your user name, your name, title, company name, department, position, province, address, postcode, telephone number, mobile phone number, communication language, and e-mail address, etc. The only time we save personal data in addition to your access data is if you give us this information voluntarily, e.g. as part of a registration, a survey, a prize competition, a contact inquiry, an application for a newsletter or to process an online order. Moreover, personal data is used only to the extent necessary and only for the legally permissible purpose for which you gave your consent.</p> <p>To ensure the secure transmission of your data, MM-SH employs encryption procedures in secure areas. This is, in principle, communication between your browser and our websites, for instance, cannot be read by others on the Internet. Incidentally, using our websites means that you agree to the collection, storage and use of your personal data by MM-SH and provision of your personal data to local and overseas affiliated company and its partners for storage and use.</p></div> </div> <div class="text-item"> <h2 class="text-item-title" ><p><strong>Passing on personal data to third parties</strong></p></h2> <div class="text-item-describe" ><p>MM-SH renders some of its services together with select partners. These partners are subject to the same strict statutory provisions for data protection as and are integrated into the data-protection concept of MM-SH. Personal data is only passed on</p> <ul> <li>the services from third parties are actually necessary during the process of providing any services by us through our websites and the related services are based on your personal data; under such circumstance, we will make specific explanation to you and you have the right of refusal, while such refusal by you will lead to the failure of providing related services to you by us</li> <li>in exceptional cases, provided you have given your prior consent</li> </ul> <p>Additional information - such as voluntary statements about your primary areas of interest - is not passed on to third parties by MM-SH. Personal data is conveyed to the relevant competent authorities only within the scope of requirement of the related laws and regulations or such competent authorities.</p></div> </div> <div class="text-item"> <h2 class="text-item-title" ><p><strong>Sending business information</strong></p></h2> <div class="text-item-describe" ><p>We may send you the commercial advertisement which you may be interested in by using your personal data, including but not limited to by mail, email, SMS/MMS and telephone.</p> <p>By providing us with your personal data is regarded as your agreeing and knowing that we use such personal data to send you commercial information. You can unsubscribe it as per the subscription instruction in the commercial advertisement.</p></div> </div> <div class="text-item"> <h2 class="text-item-title" ><p><strong>Request on deletion of your personal data</strong></p></h2> <div class="text-item-describe" ><p>You can send written notice (i.e., via email, etc.) to MM-SH to request MM-SH to cease from using or delete your personal data.</p></div> </div> <div class="text-item"> <h2 class="text-item-title" >Cookies</h2> <div class="text-item-describe" ><p>Cookies are small text files which are used by many websites in PRC and throughout the world. Cookies are created during your visit to our website and are placed on your hard disk by our server. Our cookies contain no information about specific individuals. Moreover, cookies placed by our servers can only be read again by us and not by any external website. Most browsers are set to automatically accept cookies. If you do not wish to enjoy the advantages of cookies, you can deactivate this function in your browser. Please be sure to take your browser's individual setting possibilities into account prior. Naturally, you can also view our website without cookies. However, doing say may limit the way our offers work.</p> <p>Moreover, in order to optimize the services provided by us during the operating process of our websites, we are likely to apply other technology of data processing and collecting apart from the above mentioned technology. We will make a separate notification and amend the terms of this Data Protection correspondingly before the introduction of such technology. Same as the application of Cookies, you may refuse the application of such technology at any time during the access of our websites.</p></div> </div> <div class="text-item"> <h2 class="text-item-title" ><p><strong>Other active content (e.g. Javascript, ActiveX)</strong></p></h2> <div class="text-item-describe" ><p>Javascript, ActiveX and other website control elements and script languages that contain executing elements can be deactivated at any time for security reasons using your browser. Our web pages are still navigable without Javascript.</p></div> </div> <div class="text-item"> <h2 class="text-item-title" ><p><strong>Links</strong></p></h2> <div class="text-item-describe" ><p>Some of MMI-SH's web pages contain links to other websites. We take all reasonable care to check these direct links. MM-SH is not responsible for the content of the websites to which we link. 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