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Contributions of the entire group should be included in the Author Contribution statement, and the authors may include a URL that provides further information about the group, such as a list of its membership.</p> <p><em>Author Affiliations:</em> Authors affiliations should reflect where their primary contribution to the research was made. If an author&rsquo;s current affiliation differs, the current affiliation may be listed as a separate paragraph in the Acknowledgments.</p> <p><em>Acknowledgments:</em> Acknowledgments should be used to identify all funding sources and may also be used to note intellectual, technical, or other assistance that does not warrant authorship, and any use of AI-assisted technologies. Acknowledged individuals should be informed before the publication and be given the opportunity to decline the recognition. Promotional statements are not permitted. 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It should be written in complete sentences, without subheadings.</p> <h4><a name="significance_statement"></a>Significance Statement (120 words maximum)</h4> <p>The Significance Statement should provide a clear explanation of the importance and relevance of the research in a manner accessible to researchers without specialized knowledge in the field and informed lay readers.</p> <h4><a name="introduction"></a>Introduction (650 words maximum, including citations)</h4> <p>The introduction should briefly indicate the objectives of the study and provide enough background information to clarify why the study was undertaken and what hypotheses were tested.</p> <h4><a name="materials"></a>Materials and Methods</h4> <p>The Materials and Methods section should be brief but sufficient to allow other investigators to repeat the research (see also <a href="#policy_materials_and_data">Policy Concerning Availability of Materials</a>). Reference should be made to published procedures wherever possible, including both the original description and pertinent, published modifications. The sex of subjects should be stated; if the sex of subjects is unknown, this should be stated. All companies from which materials were obtained should be listed. If materials were obtained from an individual, an affiliation for that individual should be listed.</p> <p><em>JNeurosci</em> requires every research manuscript to include an Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis section as a subsection of the Materials and Methods that describes the experimental design and the statistical tests used in the study.</p> <p>A theoretical neuroscience manuscript may omit the Materials and Methods and Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis sections if no experimental approaches were used.</p> <p>In cases where a new method within the submission would benefit from step-by-step protocols in addition to the methods described in the article, we would encourage authors to also consider submitting a detailed protocol to <a href="">Bio-protocol</a>. If you have submitted to Bio-protocol or your protocol is already published there, please reference it in the Materials and Methods section (e.g., &ldquo;Preparation and analysis of crude autolytic enzyme extracts from <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em> is described in detail at Bio-protocol (Smith and Garcia, 2021)&rdquo;).</p> <h5><em>Experimental Design and Statistical Analyses</em></h5> <p>Every manuscript with a Materials and Methods section must include a subsection describing the experimental design and the statistical tests used in the study. Note that a good time to consult a statistician is when planning the study and planning the experimental design.</p> <p>Full details of the experimental design of each individual experiment, including the within- and between-subject factors and full descriptions of critical variables required for independent replication (e.g. number of animals of each sex, number of brain slices or cells evaluated per animal, number of litters for developmental studies, etc., and justification of sample size used) should be reported in this section. It is critical to control for multiple comparisons and to note in the text how this has been achieved</p> <p>Authors should identify the precise statistical tests, and planned comparisons, details of controls, and power analyses to determine sample sizes should be reported if applicable. Describe any statistical software used to perform analyses. For highly complex and heterogeneous statistical analyses this section may refer to where details can be found (e.g. &ldquo;Statistical design for Experiment 1 can be found in the Results describing Figure 2&rdquo;), rather than providing a list.&nbsp;If the manuscript includes long strings of statistics that disrupt the flow of text, authors may consider using a table or moving the statistical reporting to the Figure Legends to improve readability. &nbsp;</p> <p><em>JNeurosci</em> strongly encourages authors to report all data in addition to traditional line and bar graphs, using histograms, scatter plots or other means to represent the variability and complexity of the data.</p> <p>Authors should state whether data are openly accessible and how to find them, and whether an experiment has been preregistered.</p> <h5><em>Code/Software</em></h5> <p>Studies using custom code deemed central to the conclusions should include a statement, under the heading &ldquo;Code Accessibility,&rdquo; indicating whether and how the code can be accessed, including any accession numbers or restrictions, and be cited in the references. Studies that include new software or algorithm should include a similar statement, under the heading &ldquo;Software Accessibility.&rdquo; Authors must provide their analysis software to another scientist upon request.</p> <p><em>JNeurosci</em> encourages the use of Research Resource Identifiers (RRIDs)&nbsp;and URLs&nbsp;providing detailed specification for animal lines, reagents, software packages, etc., when it is impossible or impractical to include a unique identifier or unambiguous description. URLs should be cited in parentheses in the text: e.g., &ldquo;Experiments were done using C57BL mice (;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p><a name="rrids"></a>RRIDs are administered&nbsp;through the&nbsp;<a href="">Resource Identification Initiative</a>, a project aimed at promoting reproducibility by clearly identifying key biological resources used in the course of scientific research, including critical reagents and tools. Appropriate RRIDs can be identified or submitted at the&nbsp;<a href="">Resource Identification Portal</a>.</p> <p>Once you have located an RRID, insert &ldquo;RRID:&rdquo; plus the identifier in the appropriate location in the manuscript. For example: &ldquo;Sections were stained with a rabbit polyclonal antibody against ERK1 (Abgent Cat# AP7251E, RRID: AB_2140114).&rdquo;</p> <p>URLs of sites providing tutorial material are not permitted because their authority and permanence cannot be verified. Reference to personal or laboratory websites or dropboxes are also prohibited because the content of such pages can easily change and visiting those pages could compromise reviewer anonymity.</p> <h5><em>Reanalysis of Published Data</em></h5> <p>Reanalyses of published data are allowed if the original study reporting the data collection is clearly and thoroughly cited, there are no duplications of figures or graphs that have already been published, and the study clearly acknowledges that this is&nbsp;previously acquired data.</p> <h4><a name="results"></a>Results</h4> <p>This section should present the experimental findings clearly and succinctly. Only results essential to establish the main points of the work should be included.</p> <p>Numerical data should be analyzed using appropriate statistical tests described in the Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis section. In the Results section, authors must provide detailed information for each statistical test applied including degrees of freedom and any estimates of effects size, should be reported in the Results section. Report exact <em>p</em> values rather than ranges (e.g. p = 0.026 rather than p &lt; 0.05). There are many types of analyses that can be reported, but examples include F values (F(1, 72) = 14.5, p = 0.003, ANOVA), t values (t(10) = 2.98, p = 0.043, paired t-test), coefficient of determination (R2), and Bayes factors.</p> <h4><a name="discussion"></a>Discussion (1,500 words maximum, including citations)</h4> <p>The discussion section should be as concise as possible and include a brief statement of the principal&nbsp;findings, a discussion of the validity of the observations, a discussion of the findings in light of other published work dealing with the same or closely related subjects, and a statement of the possible significance of the work. Extensive discussion of the literature is discouraged.</p> <h4><a name="references"></a>References</h4> <p>Only published, preprint, and in-press (i.e., accepted for publication in a specific journal or book) references should appear in the reference list, and all references should have at least one corresponding in-text citation. The latest information on in-press references should be provided. Any in-press references that are relevant for reviewers to make a well-informed evaluation should be included as a separate document text file along with the submitted manuscript. &ldquo;Submitted&rdquo; references should be cited only in text and in the following form: (A. B. Smith, C. D. Johnson, and E. Greene, unpublished observations). The form for personal communications is similar: (F. G. Jackson, personal communication). Authors are responsible for all personal communications and must obtain written approval from persons cited before submitting the paper to <em>JNeurosci</em>. Proof of such approval may be requested by <em>JNeurosci</em>. Published abstracts that are publicly available may be cited.</p> <p>References should be cited in the text as follows: &ldquo;The procedure used has been described elsewhere (Green, 1978),&rdquo; or &ldquo;Our observations are in agreement with those of Brown and Black (1979) and of White et al. (1980),&rdquo; or with multiple references, in chronological order: &ldquo;Earlier reports (Brown and Black, 1979, 1981; White et al., 1980; Smith, 1982, 1984) ...&rdquo;</p> <p>In the <a href="">list of references</a>, papers should be given in alphabetical order according to the surname of the first author. In two-author papers with the same first author, the order is alphabetical by the second author&rsquo;s name. In three-or-more-author papers with the same first author, the order is chronological. The name of the author(s) should be followed by the date in parentheses, the full title of the paper as it appeared in the original together with the source of the reference, the volume number, and the first and last pages. Do not number or bullet the references. If the author list for a paper in the references exceeds 20, the paper should be cited as Author A et al. The following illustrate the format to be used:</p> <h5><em>Journal article</em></h5> <p style="margin-left:3%">Hamill OP, Marty A, Neher E, Sakmann B, Sigworth F (1981) Improved patch-clamp techniques for high-resolution current recordings from cells and cell free membrane patches. Pflugers Arch 391:85&ndash;100.</p> <p style="margin-left:3%">Hodgkin AL, Huxley AF (1952a) The components of membrane conductance in the giant axon of Loligo. J Physiol (Lond) 116:473&ndash;496.</p> <p style="margin-left:3%">Hodgkin AL, Huxley AF (1952b) The dual effect of membrane potential on sodium conductance in the giant axon of Loligo. J Physiol (Lond) 116:497&ndash;506.</p> <h5><em>Preprint</em></h5> <p style="margin-left:3%">Duncker L, Sahani M (2018) Temporal alignment and latent Gaussian process factor inference in population spike trains. bioRxiv 331751.</p> <h5><em>Book</em></h5> <p style="margin-left:3%">Hille B (1984) Ionic channels of excitable membranes. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer.</p> <h5><em>Chapter in a book</em></h5> <p style="margin-left:3%">Stent GS (1981) Strength and weakness of the genetic approach to the development of the nervous system. In: Studies in developmental neurobiology: essays in honor of Viktor Hamburger (Cowan WM, ed), pp288&ndash;321. New York: Oxford UP.</p> <p>Abbreviations of journal titles should follow those listed in the <em>Index Medicus</em>. Responsibility for the correctness of the references lies with the authors. After manuscript revisions, authors should double-check that all in-text citations are in the reference list and that all references on the reference list have at least one corresponding in-text citation. Please make sure that the references are double-spaced, and no bullets, numbers, or other listing formats are used.</p> <h4><a name="legends"></a>Legends</h4> <p>Manuscripts that include figures, tables, and/or multimedia must include legends as part of the main manuscript text. Each file must have a separate legend and be numbered independently. The text citations of figures, tables, and multimedia need to be in numerical order, in part to aid in placing the illustrations in the proper position on the PDF page.&nbsp;Supplemental legends should not be included in the main article file.</p> <h4>Style</h4> <h5><em>Equations and Symbols</em></h5> <p>To minimize typographical errors in composing equations, manuscripts with many mathematical characters and equations should be prepared using MathType version 6.0 or higher. Manuscripts with a minimal amount of math may be prepared using word-processing tools such as Word&rsquo;s Equation Editor or with features such as bold, italic, super- and subscript together with symbols and Greek fonts. Do not use the Wingdings or Webdings fonts.</p> <h5><em>Abbreviations and Units</em></h5> <p>Standard abbreviations do not need to be defined. For other abbreviations appearing two or more times, spell out the term at first occurrence and introduce the abbreviation by placing it in parentheses after the term. SI units should be used without definition. Temperature should be expressed in degrees Celsius.</p> <h4><a name="multimedia"></a>Multimedia and 3D Models</h4> <p>Multimedia and 3D models will be accepted only when they are needed to display findings that are essential to defend the articles conclusions and not be presented adequately in the text, a table, or a figure. The editors will review all multimedia and 3D models to determine whether they are essential. It is unlikely that more than one or two multimedia files that illustrate representative examples will be considered justified. Nonessential multimedia can be posted on an institutional or other website.</p> <p>Multimedia and 3D models must be numbered independently of figures and tables and cited at the relevant point in the text. A title should be part of the legend and not lettered onto the multimedia or 3D model itself. A legend including enough detail to be intelligible without reference to the text, must be included in the manuscript document after the reference list. If videos are not in real time and the time is not displayed in the video, the period represented must be stated in the legend.</p> <p>Multimedia files must be in MP4 format. 3D models must be in U3D format.</p> <p>For each video submitted, authors should provide a preview image or poster frame that best captures the main point. These images should follow the same sizing and resolution guidelines as figures.</p> <h4><a name="figures"></a>Figures</h4> <p>Figures must be numbered independently of tables, multimedia, and 3D models and cited in the text. Do not duplicate data by presenting it both in the text and in a figure.</p> <p>A title should be part of the legend and should not appear as text on the figure file. A legend must be included in the manuscript document after the reference list&nbsp;and should include enough detail to be intelligible without reference to the text.</p> <p>Figures must be submitted as separate files in TIFF or EPS format and be submitted at the size they are to appear: 1 column (maximum width 8.5 cm), 1.5 columns (maximum width 11.6 cm) or 2 columns (maximum width 17.6 cm). They should be the smallest size that will convey the essential scientific information.</p> <p>Color figures should be in RGB format and supplied at a minimum of 300 dpi. Monochrome (bitmap) images must be supplied at 1200 dpi. Grayscale must be supplied at a minimum of 300 dpi. For figures in vector-based format, all fonts should be converted to outlines and saved as EPS files to ensure that they are reproduced correctly.</p> <p>Remove top and right borderlines that do&nbsp;not contain measuring metrics from all graph/histogram figure panels (i.e., do not box the panels in). Do not include any two-bar graphs/histograms; instead state those values in the text.</p> <p>All illustrations documenting results must include a bar to indicate the scale. All labels used in a figure should be explained in the legend. The migration of protein molecular weight size markers or nucleic acid size markers must be indicated and labeled appropriately (e.g., &ldquo;kD&rdquo;, &ldquo;nt&rdquo;, &ldquo;bp&rdquo;) on all figure panels showing gel electrophoresis.</p> <p>Illustrations should be prepared so that they are accessible to color-blind readers: color should only be used if it is necessary to accurately convey the information being presented by the image. Grayscale generally provides a more faithful representation when a single quantity is displayed. Use textures or different line types rather than colors in bar plots or graphs. Figures with red and green are particularly problematic and should generally be converted to magenta and green. If no suitable combination can be found, consider presenting separate monochrome images for the different color channels. For line drawings that require color, consider redundant coding by adding different textures or line types to the colors.</p> <h4>Tables</h4> <p>All tables must be numbered independently of figures, multimedia, and 3D models and cited in the manuscript. Do not duplicate data by presenting it both in the text and in a table.</p> <p>Each table should include a title and legend; legends should be included in the manuscript file after the reference list. Legends should include sufficient detail to be intelligible without reference to the text, define all symbols, and include essential information.</p> <p>Each table should be double-spaced. Multiple-part tables (A and B sections with separate subtitles) should be avoided, especially when there are two types of column headings.</p> <p>Do not use color or shading, bold or italic fonts, or lines to highlight information. Indention of text and sometimes, additional space between lines is preferred.</p> <h4><a name="suppl"></a>Supplemental Material</h4> <p>Beginning February 2025, <em>JNeurosci</em> will permit submission of supplemental materials. All essential data and analysis must be contained within the main figures and text, including all controls needed to interpret the main results. To accommodate this practice, <em>JNeurosci</em> does not limit the number of main figures or the length of the results section.</p> <p>Acceptable supplemental materials are items that support the findings in the main text but are secondary and complementary in nature to the main findings. Accepted materials are broadly classified into three categories:</p> <ul> <li><b><span style="color:#104b7d;font-size:125%">⁘</span></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;Figures and Tables: Extended data analysis figures, statistical analysis tables etc. Figures and tables should include legends.</li> <li><b><span style="color:#104b7d;font-size:125%">⁘</span></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;Datasets: Spreadsheets, very large tables, binary data files, and other non-composable material (e.g.: gene ontology lists, reagents lists, control data, protein structures, and chemical compounds)</li> <li><b><span style="color:#104b7d;font-size:125%">⁘</span></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;Supplemental Text: Supplemental text should be used sparingly and only when necessary (e.g.: mathematical derivations)</li> </ul> <p>All material will be peer reviewed and must be included at the time of submission. Figures, tables, and text may be submitted as a single, combined file or individually.</p> <p>Individual supplemental material items cannot exceed the number of figures and tables included in the main text (e.g. an article with 5 figures and 4 tables can only have a maximum of 9 supplemental items). Files cannot exceed 20MB in size.</p> <p>Items should be numerically referred to in sequence per category (ie, Figure, Table, Dataset) and are prepended by the letter &ldquo;S&rdquo; (eg, Figure S1, Figure S2; Table S1; etc.). All items must be cited at least once in the main text.</p> <h2><a id="Feature_articles" name="Feature_articles"></a>Feature Articles</h2> <p>Authors of feature articles&nbsp;are subject to the same guidelines as authors of articles concerning conflict of interest, financial or otherwise. Any apparent conflicts of interest should be noted in the Acknowledgments. For more details, see the SfN <a href="">Policy on Conflict of Interest</a>.&nbsp;</p> <p>Title page, references, figure legends, figures, and tables for all feature types&nbsp;should follow the same guidelines as&nbsp;<a href="#preparing_a_manuscript">Regular Manuscripts</a>.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Review Articles</strong></a></p> <p>Review articles provide overviews of topics expected to be of general interest to the broad readership of the journal. They cover work from many laboratories and are generally 5,000&ndash;10,000 words.&nbsp;Review articles should have a concise abstract (250 words maximum) followed by an introduction and subsections, if desired. There is no limit to the number of figures, diagrams, or references. It is anticipated that most figures will be summary or schematic figures rather than experimental data.</p> <p><a href="/content/by/section/TechSights" style="font-weight: bold;">TechSights</a></p> <p>TechSights describe recent technical developments that are likely to have important impacts on future neuroscience research. They may describe&nbsp;the current state of ongoing technological efforts and may describe new techniques that have not yet been used outside the authors&rsquo; own laboratory. TechSights are not standard methods papers that simply present improvements to established techniques; such articles may be more appropriate as standard research articles.</p> <p>TechSight articles should have a concise abstract (250 words maximum) followed by an introduction and subsections. They are generally 4,000&ndash;8,000 words long, and there is no limit to&nbsp;the number of figures, diagrams, or references.&nbsp;It is anticipated that most figures will be summary or schematic figures rather than experimental data.</p> <p><a href="/content/by/section/Dual%20Perspectives" style="font-weight:bold">Dual Perspectives</a></p> <p>Dual Perspectives are companion short&nbsp;articles (3,000&ndash;6,000 words) that describe either complementary or opposing views on a subject matter or debate of broad interest in neuroscience, written by the major proponents of each view. These articles may appear in groups of two or three. The point of Dual Perspectives is not to incite dogmatic point&ndash;counterpoint arguments among partisans. Rather, the goal is to present descriptions of the same process or phenomenon from different viewpoints and that promote constructive discussion.</p> <p>The editors will attempt to have each Perspective reviewed by the same referees. After the articles are accepted, each author will be invited to write a response to the companion article(s).</p> <p><a href="/content/by/section/Viewpoints" style="font-weight:bold">Viewpoints</a></p> <p>Viewpoints describe unique perspectives on a&nbsp;topic expected to be of interest to the broad readership of <em>JNeurosci</em>. The goal is to stimulate interest in a&nbsp;topic in a way that is accessible to readers from the many subdisciplines of neuroscience.</p> <p>Viewpoints should have a concise abstract (250 words maximum) followed by an introduction and subsections if desired. They are generally&nbsp;3,000&ndash;5,000 words. There is no limit on the number of figures, diagrams, or references. It is anticipated that most figures will be summary or schematic figures rather than experimental data.</p> <p><a href="/content/by/section/Progressions" style="font-weight:bold">Progressions</a></p> <p>This feature explores scientific journeys that started with <em>JNeurosci</em> papers. The editors ask authors (or their scientific descendants) of influential&nbsp;<em>JNeurosci</em> papers to discuss where the original work has led. These articles lay out why the work was important, the most important advances stemming from the work, and how ideas about the topic have evolved since the work&rsquo;s publication. Unsolicited submissions will not be considered.</p> <p>These articles are brief: 2,000&ndash;4,000 words. They are meant to be personal views of how science has progressed, rather than comprehensive reviews of the current state of the field. They will be reviewed primarily for accuracy and style considerations.</p> <p><strong><a id="preapproval" name="preapproval"></a>Pre-Approval Process</strong></p> <p>Submission of all feature articles&nbsp;requires advance editorial approval. If you wish to submit a feature article, submit a presubmission inquiry for the appropriate type&nbsp;<a href="">online</a>, including all of&nbsp;the following information in a single document:</p> <ol> <li>Title and topic of article.</li> <li>Detailed (1&ndash;2 page) outline of the paper, including an estimate of what proportion of the review will be devoted to each major subsection.</li> <li>Statement of significance: Why this topic is timely, significant, and of interest to a broad readership. The editors are particularly looking for work that crosses disciplinary boundaries and will be of interest to several subdisciplines from the field of neuroscience; please list the ones that will apply to your article.</li> <li>3&ndash;5 keywords.</li> <li>List of other recent reviews on related topics, including any that appeared in <em>JNeurosci </em>in the past 5 years, and an explanation of how the proposed article differs from these reviews.&nbsp;</li> <li>Description of authors&#39; expertise: A brief summary of how the authors have contributed to the proposed topic. Include a list of 3&ndash;5 recent publications reflecting their expertise in the area.&nbsp;</li> <li>Key articles to be cited: 5&ndash;10 recent research articles relevant to the main points.&nbsp;</li> <li>If possible, any member(s) of the <a href="">Editorial Board</a>&nbsp;particularly well qualified to evaluate the scientific merit of the article.</li> </ol> <p>Upon receipt of&nbsp;this information, the Editorial Board&nbsp;will review the proposal and may ask for additional information. Upon approval, authors will receive a link for submission. After submission, the full manuscript will be sent&nbsp;for peer review.</p> <h1><a name="submitting_a_manuscript"></a>Submitting a Manuscript</h1> <h2><a name="presubmission_inquiries"></a>Presubmission Inquiries</h2> <p>Authors may <a href="">submit</a> a presubmission inquiry to have an editor review whether their work is suitable for <em>JNeurosci</em> in advance of full submission<em>.</em>&nbsp;Inquiries should include a cover letter, abstract, significance statement, and full author information.</p> <h2><a name="submission_requirements"></a>Requirements for Submission</h2> <p><em>JNeurosci</em>&nbsp;allows submission of a single PDF for&nbsp;initial submission. When submitting a manuscript revised from another journal, changes to comply with&nbsp;<em>JNeurosci</em>&nbsp;style will not be requested unless a revision is requested after review.</p> <p><a href="/sites/default/files/JN_Initial_Submission_Checklist.pdf" target="_blank">Checklist for Initial Submissions [PDF]</a><br /> <a href="/sites/default/files/files/JN_Revised_Submissions_Checklist.pdf" target="_blank">Checklist for Revised Submissions [PDF]</a></p> <h3>Manuscript Files</h3> <ul> <li><b><span style="color:#104b7d;font-size:125%">⁘</span></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;The manuscript should be organized as described in <a href="#organization_of_manuscript">Organization of the Manuscript</a>.</li> <li><b><span style="color:#104b7d;font-size:125%">⁘</span></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;Revisions or resubmissions must be submitted in Word or LaTeX. Each figure must be uploaded as a separate file in TIFF or EPS format. Tables may be included either in the manuscript text file or as separate Word&nbsp;files. PDF format is not accepted for the manuscript text, figures, or tables.</li> <li><b><span style="color:#104b7d;font-size:125%">⁘</span></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;Upon revision, manuscripts must conform to formatting requirements, including separately submitted figures, and sex of experimental subjects noted in the abstract.</li> </ul> <h3>Author Information (for each author)</h3> <ul> <li>Full Name</li> <li>Postal Address (with institution)</li> <li>Telephone Number</li> <li>Email Address</li> <li>Contribution(s) <ul> <li><span style="color:#104b7d;font-size:125%">▻</span>&nbsp;Each author must be identified with at least one of the following: Designed research, Performed research, Contributed unpublished reagents/analytic tools, Analyzed data, Wrote the paper.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <h3>Title (50 words maximum) and Running Title (50 characters maximum)</h3> <h3>Journal Section</h3> <p>Authors must select an&nbsp;appropriate section for their article: Cellular/Molecular, Development/Plasticity/Repair, Systems/Circuits, Behavioral/Cognitive, or Neurobiology of Disease. The editors acknowledge that, due to the interdisciplinary nature of the journal, articles may not match perfectly with a section&nbsp;or may fit into multiple sections.</p> <h2><a id="reviewprocess" name="reviewprocess"></a>Review Process</h2> <p>Authors may request specific <a href="/content/editorial-board">Senior Editors or Reviewing Editors</a>, but editor assignments will be made based on expertise of the editors, load, and scheduling. Authors are requested to identify five reviewers who are well qualified to referee the work and would not have a conflict of interest. Authors may also exclude specific individuals from reviewing their manuscript. The Reviewing Editor will typically select two independent reviewers to evaluate each paper. If a consensus is not reached, a third opinion may be sought. Manuscripts will be kept confidential by reviewers.</p> <p>A manuscript will be returned without&nbsp;outside review if a consultation between two or more editors&nbsp;identifies flaws in experimental design or the scientific quality such that it is unlikely to receive favorable reviews. In addition, a manuscript that is narrow in scope and not likely to be relevant to a broader neuroscience audience may be editorially rejected after this consultation process. Editorial rejection allows authors to submit their paper elsewhere without further delay.</p> <p>A manuscript may also be returned before peer review&nbsp;with the option to revise before their paper is shared with reviewers if critical data are missing that the authors can likely provide. This mechanism is meant to optimize peer review in favor of our authors.</p> <p><em>JNeurosci</em> is a member of the <a href="">Neuroscience Peer Review Consortium</a>, an alliance of neuroscience journals that have agreed to share manuscript reviews at authors&rsquo; request. Its goals are to support efficient and thorough peer review of original research in neuroscience, to speed the publication of research reports, and to reduce the burden on peer reviewers.&nbsp;To transfer previous reviews to <em>JNeurosci </em>for consideration, contact the Central Office at</p> <p>After rejection, all authors have the option of directly transferring their manuscript and reviews directly to <em>eNeuro</em> through the manuscript transfer protocol.</p> <h3><a name="open"></a>Open Peer Review</h3> <p>The editorial decision letter, including anonymized reviewer comments, will be published alongside accepted articles. Authors are also&nbsp;asked during initial submission whether they would like to publish their response to the reviewer comments.</p> <p>Enhancing transparency in peer review helps to support a collegial process; increases accountability of editors, reviewers, and authors; and provides valuable insight into how research develops&nbsp;into a published article.&nbsp;Reviewers can choose not to participate when they are submitting their comments on a paper.&nbsp;</p> <p>See the <a href="http://">editorial</a> by Editor-in-Chief Sabine Kastner for additional details about the initiative.</p> <h3><a name="appeals"></a>Appeals Process</h3> <p>Authors may appeal most rejection decisions to the Editorial Board within 6 months of the decision date. In the rare case that an appeal is requested after 6 months, please contact Central Office staff at In general, appeals are granted when there is clear evidence that a reviewer made a mistake critically affecting the decision or if the authors identify clear evidence of significant bias on the part of the reviewers.</p> <p>Appeals of rejections with the option to resubmit will not be considered; authors are instead encouraged to resubmit their paper directly with the appropriate revisions.</p> <p>All appeals must be submitted through the peer review system by the corresponding author. The link to submit an appeal will appear on the affected manuscript record and will be marked with a red arrow. Direct any questions about the process to the Central Office at</p> <h1><a name="revising_a_manuscript"></a>Revising/Finalizing a Manuscript</h1> <h2><a name="revisions"></a>Revisions</h2> <p>When submitting a revised manuscript, you must:</p> <ul> <li><b><span style="color:#104b7d;font-size:125%">⁘</span></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;Submit within 3 months of the decision letter. If an extension is needed, contact <a href=""></a> before the deadline.</li> <li><b><span style="color:#104b7d;font-size:125%">⁘</span></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;Complete the electronic <a href="/sites/default/files/files/JN_License_to_Publish.pdf" target="_blank">License to Publish form [PDF]</a>. If the corresponding author does not sign on behalf of all authors, the form will be available on the submission site for each author.</li> <li><b><span style="color:#104b7d;font-size:125%">⁘</span></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;Submit a point-by-point reply to the reviews showing how reviewer concerns were addressed.</li> <li><b><span style="color:#104b7d;font-size:125%">⁘</span></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;Submit two versions of the manuscript text (including tables, if any) in Word or LaTeX. One version should have&nbsp;all insertions indicated in bold or by highlighting, so that reviewers can easily see the changes you have made. Do not use colored text (i.e., red) or the Track Changes function to show your changes. For LaTeX submissions, a representative PDF with highlighting is appropriate.&nbsp;Please also include a separate clean copy of the manuscript file.</li> <li><b><span style="color:#104b7d;font-size:125%">⁘</span></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;Submit publication-quality digital figures, one per file. Check all aspects of illustrations carefully to avoid alterations in the proofs. Double-check that all labels and symbols mentioned in the figure legend are on the final version of the figure. For questions regarding figure sizing and digital art preparation see <a href="#figures">Figures</a>.</li> </ul> <h2><a id="proofs" name="proofs"></a>Proofs</h2> <p>To speed publication, authors are limited to 2 business days to review and return proofs. Authors should email <a href=""></a> if the proofs should be sent to an email address other than that of the corresponding author listed on the manuscript.</p> <p>Once a manuscript is accepted, authors&rsquo; names can only be added, deleted, or altered with the approval of the editors. Requests for changes to the author list will delay publication.</p> <h2><a id="cover_art" name="cover_art"></a>Cover Art</h2> <p>The&nbsp;<em>JNeurosci</em> cover&nbsp;highlights an article in that issue. Cover art is chosen primarily based on aesthetic appeal and scientific interest. We are interested in arresting and appealing images rather than those that serve to document experimental findings. Cartoons or metaphorical images are generally not accepted. Contributors are encouraged to <a href="/content/by/year">view recent covers</a> for examples of images that have been accepted.</p> <p>Cover files may be submitted through the <a href="">online submission system</a>. Cover art created by a nonauthor must be submitted with <a href="">a signed permission form</a>, and an acknowledgment to the creator should be included in the legend.</p> <p>Images should be formatted to the equivalent of 9 inches wide by 11.25 inches high with a resolution of at least 300 pixels/inch. Cover art consisting of a single picture should be in TIFF format saved as RGB. Art including vector graphics should be in EPS format. A brief cover legend that describes the image should accompany the submission. Journal editors may crop, rotate or otherwise adjust images.</p> <h1><a name="fees"></a>Fees</h1> <p><em>JNeurosci</em> relies on publication fees to support its operations. Articles where the corresponding authors at the time of acceptance are&nbsp;SfN members will receive a discount on the publication fee. The corresponding author status may not be changed after acceptance to secure the member discount.&nbsp;To join SfN and take advantage these benefits, visit our <a href="">Member Center</a>. Accepted manuscripts will not move into production or publish until payment has been received.</p> <p>Research reports and unsolicited feature articles (i.e., not written at the invitation of the Editorial Board) accepted in 2025&nbsp;will be&nbsp;assessed the following fees:</p> <ul> <li><b><span style="color:#104b7d;font-size:125%">⁘</span></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;Publication Fee: $1,895&nbsp;(members); $2,545&nbsp;(nonmembers)</li> <li><b><span style="color:#104b7d;font-size:125%">⁘</span></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;Open Choice: Authors may pay a surcharge of $3,725&nbsp;to make their article freely available as soon as it is published. Open Choice articles will carry a CC-BY license and are highlighted as &ldquo;Free Access&rdquo; in the table of contents. Authors will be asked to select Open Choice option at acceptance.</li> </ul> <p>Fees should be paid by credit card. If a credit card cannot be used, a check or wire transfer can be accepted. Unfortunately, we cannot accept purchase orders for publication fees.</p> <h2><a name="reducedfees"></a>Reduced Fees Policy</h2> <p>In an effort to aid neuroscientists working in resource-restricted countries and to broaden the dissemination of science to all areas of the world, <em>JNeurosci</em> offers reduced publication fees to scientists located in the countries classified by the World Bank as low income economies (<a href="">Category I</a>), lower&ndash;middle income economies (<a href="">Category II</a>), or upper&ndash;middle income economies (<a href="">Category III</a>).</p> <p>Fees will be reduced when the corresponding author has a work address in one of these countries.</p> <p>All publication fees will be automatically waived for corresponding authors from Category I countries. Fees will be automatically reduced 50% for corresponding authors from countries in Category II and reduced upon request for countries in Category III.</p> <p><em>JNeurosci</em> will consider requests to waive the fee for well-documented cases of extreme financial hardship.</p> <h1><a name="post_publication_information"></a>Post-Publication Information</h1> <h2><a name="NIH_Policy"></a>NIH Public Access Policy</h2> <p><em>JNeurosci</em> automatically deposits all articles to PubMed Central and Europe PMC regardless of funding source. Articles will be publicly available 6 months after publication, unless the Open Choice option was selected; Open Choice articles will be freely available immediately.</p> <h2><a name="early_release"></a>Early Release</h2> <p><em>JNeurosci</em> publishes research articles online within days of acceptance and payment to allow the neuroscience community access to new data as quickly as possible after peer review. The accepted article is published as a single PDF before it is copyedited and ahead of its issue date. The Early Release version is not the final version, and the final version may be slightly different and reflect changes made during proof review.</p> <h2><a name="media"></a>Media and Embargo Policies</h2> <p>SfN promotes research in its journals by providing embargoed Early Release papers and recently published research to public information officers and reporters. The embargo for <em>JNeurosci</em>&nbsp;Early Release articles distributed to the press lifts at 1 p.m. Eastern time on&nbsp;Mondays. The embargo for all other articles lifts at the time of online publication. For more information on the embargo policy and media outreach, please see <a href="/content/media">For the Media</a>.</p> <h2><a name="errata"></a>Errata</h2> <p>Authors who discover errors in articles they have published should have the corresponding author contact the <a href="">Central Office</a> with a detailed description of the requested correction. Requests for errata that affect the interpretation or conclusions of a published article will be reviewed by the editors.</p> <h2><a name="retractions"></a>Retractions</h2> <p><em>JNeurosci</em> will retract an article at the authors&rsquo; request at any time with consent of all authors, unless it is under review for a possible violation of SfN&rsquo;s <a href="">Guidelines for Responsible Conduct Regarding Scientific Communication</a>. The authors must&nbsp;provide a brief explanation of the error(s) prompting the retraction. Statements of retraction may not assign blame to specific authors or laboratories. To request a retraction, the corresponding author should contact the <a href="">Central Office</a>.</p> <p>The editors reserve the right to retract an article at any time after publication without the consent of the authors if an investigation by an appropriate authority reveals a violation of the SfN Ethics Policy, including the <a href="">Guidelines for Responsible Conduct Regarding Scientific Communication</a>, regardless of whether that violation was intentional or not.</p> <p>In retraction statements, <em>JNeurosci</em> clearly distinguishes between author-initiated retractions and those initiated by the editors.</p> <h1><a name="contact_information"></a>Contact Information</h1> <p><em>The Journal of Neuroscience</em><br /> Society for Neuroscience<br /> Email:<br /> Phone: (202) 962-4000</p> </div> </div> </div></div></div> </div> <div class="clearfix"> <nav class="links node-links clearfix"></nav> </div> </article> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <footer 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