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//} console.log('normal lb section 1 : ' + ad_section + ' :' + g_ad.get_ad_type()); } else if (ad_section == "business") { if (g_ad.get_ad_type() != "mobile") { gptadslots.push(googletag.defineSlot('/2776261/bangkokpost_' + ad_section + '/leaderboard', [ [1, 1], [970, 250], [970, 90], [970, 70], [728, 90], [1200, 250], [1200, 90] ], 'div-gpt-ad-leaderboard-0') .setTargeting('unit_type', ['leaderboard']) .defineSizeMapping(mappingleaderboard_business) .addService(googletag.pubads())); console.log('normal lb section business. : ' + ad_section + ' :' + g_ad.get_ad_type()); } } else { if (ad_section != "world" && ad_section != "thailand" && ad_section != "homepage" && ad_section != "opinion") { // 2021-08-25 world ปิดชั่วคราว //console.log('normal lb section : bangkokpost_' + ad_section + '/leaderboard'); // remove Anymind 2022-12-01 if (ad_section != "guru") { gptadslots.push(googletag.defineSlot('/2776261/bangkokpost_' + ad_section + '/leaderboard', [ [1, 1], [970, 250], [970, 90], [970, 70], [728, 90], [1200, 250], [1200, 90] ], 'div-gpt-ad-leaderboard-0') .setTargeting('unit_type', ['leaderboard']) .defineSizeMapping(mappingleaderboard) .addService(googletag.pubads())); console.log('normal lb section 2 : ' + ad_section + ' :' + g_ad.get_ad_type()); // console.log('=slot LB name ==>' + '/2776261/bangkokpost_' + ad_section + '/leaderboard'); } } } } // end leaderboard // start leaderboard top if (ad_section == 'homepage') { //if(g_ad.get_ad_type() == 'desktop'){ console.log('Top lb : bangkokpost_' + ad_section + '/lb_top'); gptadslots.push(googletag.defineSlot('/2776261/bangkokpost_homepage/lb_top', [ [1920, 300], [1, 1] ], 'div-gpt-ad-leaderboard-top') .setTargeting('unit_type', ['leaderboard']) .addService(googletag.pubads())); //} } // end leaderboard top // sticky // - หน้า homepage & main section sticky ad บน desktop size จะแสดงผล ad คนละจุดกับ size อื่นๆ // - หน้า section video & photo จะไม่แสดง sticy ad // - หน้า sub_section video & photo จะไม่แสดง sticy ad // - หน้า article section life & travel จะไม่แสดง sticky ad // - หน้า article และ sub_section ต้องไม่ใช่ postbag if (g_page_type == 'homepage' || g_page_type == 'section' && (ad_section != 'video' && ad_section != 'photo' && ad_section != 'others' && ad_section != 'mostrecent') ) { if (ad_section == "learning") { // กรณี Learning มี ตำแหน่งเดียว gptadslots.push(googletag.defineSlot('/2776261/bangkokpost_' + ad_section + '/sticky', ad_slot_sticky_0, 'div-gpt-ad-sticky-0-0') .setTargeting('unit_type', ['sticky']) .defineSizeMapping(mappingsticky) .addService(googletag.pubads())); } else { if (ad_section != "world" && ad_section != "thailand" && g_page_type != 'homepage' && ad_section != 'opinion') { // Remove GAM 2023-01-17 // remove Anymind 2022-12-01 if (ad_section != "guru" && ad_section != "campaign" ) { if (g_ad_type != 'desktop') { // กรณีไม่ใช่ desktop gptadslots.push(googletag.defineSlot('/2776261/bangkokpost_' + ad_section + '/sticky', ad_slot_sticky_0, 'div-gpt-ad-sticky-0-0') .setTargeting('unit_type', ['sticky']) .defineSizeMapping(mappingsticky) .addService(googletag.pubads())); console.log('sticky-0-0 maping size : ' + mappingsticky); } else { // กรณี desktop gptadslots.push(googletag.defineSlot('/2776261/bangkokpost_' + ad_section + '/sticky', ad_slot_sticky_0, 'div-gpt-ad-sticky-0-1') .setTargeting('unit_type', ['sticky']) .defineSizeMapping(mappingsticky) .addService(googletag.pubads())); console.log('sticky-0-1 maping size : ' + mappingsticky); } console.log('header sticky : ' + ad_section + ' : ' + g_ad_type); } } } } else if ((g_page_type == 'sub_section' && (ad_section != 'video' && ad_section != 'photo' && g_url_path[2] != 'columnist')) || (g_page_type == 'article' && (g_url_path[2] != 'postbag' && ad_section != 'travel' && ad_section != 'life' && ad_section != 'photo' && ad_section != 'video')) ) { if (g_topic_id == '1752179') { //console.log('topics sticky 0-0 : topic_id 1752179'); gptadslots.push(googletag.defineSlot('/2776261/bkp_edu2019_sticky', ad_slot_sticky_0, 'div-gpt-ad-sticky-0-0') .setTargeting('unit_type', ['sticky']) .defineSizeMapping(mappingsticky) .addService(googletag.pubads())); } else if (g_topic_id == '1802499') { //console.log('topics sticky 0-0 : topic_id 1802499'); gptadslots.push(googletag.defineSlot('/2776261/bangkokpost_event/sticky', ad_slot_sticky_0, 'div-gpt-ad-sticky-0-0') .setTargeting('unit_type', ['sticky']) .defineSizeMapping(mappingsticky) .addService(googletag.pubads())); } else if (g_topic_id == '1824599') { console.log('topics sticky 0-0 : topic_id 1824599'); gptadslots.push(googletag.defineSlot('/2776261/bangkokpost_wsj/WSJ_BP_Sticky', [ [1, 1], [300, 250] ], 'div-gpt-ad-sticky-0-0') .setTargeting('unit_type', ['sticky']) .defineSizeMapping(mappingsticky) .addService(googletag.pubads())); } else { if (g_section != "specials" && ad_section != "guru" && ad_section != "world" && ad_section != "thailand" && ad_section != "opinion") { // if(ad_section != "world" && ad_section != "thailand" && ad_section != "opinion") // { // 2021-08-25 world ปิดชั่วคราว // remove Anymind 2022-12-01 // if(ad_section == "homepage" ) // { // posttoday testing by tong // gptadslots.push(googletag.defineSlot('/143557018/bangkokpost_' + ad_section + '/sticky', ad_slot_sticky_0, 'div-gpt-ad-sticky-0-0') // .setTargeting('unit_type', ['sticky']) // .defineSizeMapping(mappingsticky) // .addService(googletag.pubads())); // console.log('normal sticky-0-0 : bangkokpost_' + ad_section +'/sticky'); // } if (g_page_type == "sub_section" && g_section == "topics") { gptadslots.push(googletag.defineSlot('/2776261/bangkokpost_' + ad_section + '/sticky', ad_slot_sticky_0, 'div-gpt-ad-sticky-0-0') .setTargeting('unit_type', ['sticky']) .defineSizeMapping(mappingsticky) .addService(googletag.pubads())); console.log('header topics sticky-0-0 : bangkokpost_' + ad_section + '/sticky'); } else { gptadslots.push(googletag.defineSlot('/2776261/bangkokpost_' + ad_section + '/sticky', ad_slot_sticky_0, 'div-gpt-ad-sticky-0-0') .setTargeting('unit_type', ['sticky']) .defineSizeMapping(mappingsticky) .addService(googletag.pubads())); console.log('normal sticky-0-0 : bangkokpost_' + ad_section + '/sticky'); } // } } } } if (ad_section == 'guru') { if (g_page_type == "section") { gptadslots.push(googletag.defineSlot('/2776261/bangkokpost_' + ad_section + '/leaderboard', [ [1, 1], [970, 250], [970, 90], [970, 70], [728, 90], [1200, 250], [1200, 90] ], 'div-gpt-ad-leaderboard-0') .setTargeting('unit_type', ['leaderboard']) .defineSizeMapping(mappingleaderboard) .addService(googletag.pubads())); console.log('guru lb section : ' + ad_section + ' :' + g_ad.get_ad_type()); // Rec if (g_ad_type != 'desktop') { // กรณีไม่ใช่ desktop gptadslots.push(googletag.defineSlot('/2776261/bangkokpost_' + ad_section + '/rec1', [ [1, 1], [300, 250] ], 'div-gpt-ad-rec-0') .setTargeting('unit_type', ['rec1']) .defineSizeMapping([ [1, 1], [300, 250] ]) .addService(googletag.pubads())); } else { // กรณี desktop gptadslots.push(googletag.defineSlot('/2776261/bangkokpost_' + ad_section + '/rec1', [ [1, 1], [300, 250] ], 'div-gpt-ad-rec-1') .setTargeting('unit_type', ['rec1']) .defineSizeMapping([ [1, 1], [300, 250] ]) .addService(googletag.pubads())); } console.log('rec : ' + ad_section + ' : ' + g_ad_type); //end Rec } else if (g_page_type == "sub_section") { // sticky if (g_ad_type != 'desktop') { // กรณีไม่ใช่ desktop gptadslots.push(googletag.defineSlot('/2776261/bangkokpost_' + ad_section + '/sticky', ad_slot_sticky_0, 'div-gpt-ad-sticky-0-0') .setTargeting('unit_type', ['sticky']) .defineSizeMapping(mappingsticky) .addService(googletag.pubads())); console.log('sticky-0-0 maping size : ' + mappingsticky); } else { // กรณี desktop gptadslots.push(googletag.defineSlot('/2776261/bangkokpost_' + ad_section + '/sticky', ad_slot_sticky_0, 'div-gpt-ad-sticky-0-1') .setTargeting('unit_type', ['sticky']) .defineSizeMapping(mappingsticky) .addService(googletag.pubads())); console.log('sticky-0-1 maping size : ' + mappingsticky); } console.log('header sticky ad_section : ' + ad_section + ' : ' + g_ad_type); // end sticky } } // inread if (g_page_type == 'article' && ad_section != 'video' && ad_section != 'photo' && g_url_path[2] != 'postbag') { $(function() { var _index_p1 = 0; var _index_p2 = 0; var p2_img = 0; var article_p = $('.articl-content p'); var paragraph_inread1 = false; var paragraph_inread2 = false; if (article_p.eq(3).length) { _index_p1 = 3; $('.articl-content p').eq(3).nextAll().each(function(index) { if (index == 0) { if ($(this).find(" img").length) { _index_p1--; } } }); } if (article_p.eq(6).length) { _index_p2 = 6; $('.articl-content p').eq(6).nextAll().each(function(index) { if (index == 0) { if ($(this).find(" img").length) { _index_p2--; p2_img = _index_p2; } } }); } else if (article_p.eq(5).length) { _index_p2 = 5; p2_img = _index_p2; } if (article_p.eq(_index_p1).parent().attr('class') != 'articl-content') { _index_p1--; } if (_index_p1 > 0) { paragraph_inread1 = article_p.eq(_index_p1); } if (_index_p2 > 0) { if (article_p.eq(_index_p2).parent().attr('class') != 'articl-content') { _index_p2--; } paragraph_inread2 = article_p.eq(_index_p2); } if (paragraph_inread1 != false) { // if (paragraph_inread1 != false && ad_section !='business' ) { //console.log('normal inread1 : bangkokpost_' + ad_section + '/inread'); // if( // business inread mobile /* ad_section !='business' || (ad_section == 'business' && g_ad.get_ad_type() == 'mobile') */ // ){ if (ad_section != "world" && ad_section != "thailand" && ad_section != "opinion") { // 2021-08-25 world ปิดชั่วคราว // remove Anymind 2022-12-01 // if(ad_section == "business" ){ // if(g_ad.get_ad_type() == 'mobile'){ // console.log('mobile inread1 : bangkokpost_' + ad_section + '/inread'); // gptadslots.push(googletag.defineSlot('/2776261/bangkokpost_' + ad_section + '/inread', // ad_slot_inread_0, 'div-gpt-ad-inread-0') // .setTargeting('unit_type', ['inread']) // .defineSizeMapping(mappinginread) //delete line if not responsive // .addService(googletag.pubads())); // } // } else { เปิด business desktop & mobile console.log('normal inread1 : bangkokpost_' + ad_section + '/inread'); gptadslots.push(googletag.defineSlot('/2776261/bangkokpost_' + ad_section + '/inread', ad_slot_inread_0, 'div-gpt-ad-inread-0') .setTargeting('unit_type', ['inread']) .defineSizeMapping(mappinginread) //delete line if not responsive .addService(googletag.pubads())); //} } if (_index_p1 == 2) { // if(ad_section !='world' && ad_section !='thailand' && ad_section !='opinion' ) // { // 2021-08-25 world ปิดชั่วคราว // remove Anymind 2022-12-01 // if(ad_section == "business" ){ // if( g_ad.get_ad_type() == 'mobile'){ // paragraph_inread1.after( // '<div class="ads ads-boombox" id="ads-inread-0">\ // <div style="font-size: 10px; margin-bottom: 1rem; color: #8a9299;">ADVERTISEMENT</div>\ // <div id="div-gpt-ad-inread-0"></div>\ // </div>' // ); // } //}else { paragraph_inread1.after( '<div class="ads ads-boombox" id="ads-inread-0">\ <div style="font-size: 10px; margin-bottom: 1rem; color: #8a9299;">ADVERTISEMENT</div>\ <div id="div-gpt-ad-inread-0"></div>\ </div>' ); //} // } } else { paragraph_inread1.before( '<div class="ads ads-boombox" id="ads-inread-0">\ <div style="font-size: 10px; margin-bottom: 1rem; color: #8a9299;">ADVERTISEMENT</div>\ <div id="div-gpt-ad-inread-0"></div>\ </div>' ); } inread_element_1 = $('#ads-inread-0'); // Hide ad inread inread_element_1.css({ "visibility": "hidden", "height": "0", "padding": "0", "margin": "0" }); //} } //=====wjs ===== //=====wsj ===== /* // close inread2 by CR if (paragraph_inread2 != false && ad_section !='business') { //console.log('inread2'); gptadslots.push(googletag.defineSlot('/2776261/bangkokpost_' + ad_section + '/inread2', ad_slot_inread_0, 'div-gpt-ad-inread-1') .setTargeting('unit_type', ['inread']) .defineSizeMapping(mappinginread) //delete line if not responsive .addService(googletag.pubads())); if(_index_p2 == p2_img){ //console.log(' paragraph_inread2 after :' +_index_p2); paragraph_inread2.after( '<div class="ads ads-boombox" id="ads-inread-1">\ <div id="div-gpt-ad-inread-1"></div>\ </div>' ); }else{ //console.log(' paragraph_inread2 before :' +_index_p2); paragraph_inread2.before( '<div class="ads ads-boombox" id="ads-inread-1">\ <div id="div-gpt-ad-inread-1"></div>\ </div>' ); } inread_element_2 = $('#ads-inread-1'); // Hide ad inread inread_element_2.css({ "visibility": "hidden", "height": "0","padding": "0","margin": "0"}); } */ $(document).scroll(function() { // if ($('#ads-inread-0').length && paragraph_inread1 != false && ad_section !='business') { if ($('#ads-inread-0').length && paragraph_inread1 != false) { // if( // ad_section !='business' || // (ad_section == 'business' && g_ad.get_ad_type() == 'mobile') // ){ if (ad_section != "world" && ad_section != "thailand" && ad_section != "opinion") { // remove Anymind 2022-12-01 var scroll = $(window).scrollTop(); position_check_ads = ($(window).height() / 2) + scroll; var currentAdsBox = inread_element_1.offset().top; inread_element_1 = $('#ads-inread-0'); if (!inread_element_1.hasClass("active")) { if (position_check_ads > currentAdsBox) { // if(ad_section !='world' && ad_section !='thailand' ) // { // 2021-08-25 world ปิดชั่วคราว // remove Anymind 2022-12-01 googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-inread-0"); }); //} // Show ad inread inread_element_1.addClass('active'); inread_element_1.css({ 'height': '0', 'opacity': 0, 'visibility': "visible", 'padding-bottom': "10px", 'padding-top': "10px", 'margin-bottom': 20 }).animate({ 'height': '100%', 'opacity': 1 }, 500); // inread_element_1.css({'height':'0' ,'opacity': 0, 'visibility': "visible", 'margin-bottom' : 20}).animate({'height':'200','opacity': 1}, 500); } } } } /* close inread2 by CR if ($('#ads-inread-1').length && paragraph_inread2 != false && ad_section !='business') { var scroll = $(window).scrollTop(); position_check_ads = ($(window).height() / 2) + scroll; var currentAdsBox = inread_element_2.offset().top; inread_element_2 = $('#ads-inread-1'); if (!inread_element_2.hasClass("active")) { if (position_check_ads > currentAdsBox) { googletag.cmd.push(function(){ googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-inread-1");}); // Show ad inread inread_element_2.addClass('active'); inread_element_2.css({'height':'0' ,'opacity': 0, 'visibility': "visible", 'padding-bottom': "10px", 'padding-top': "10px", 'margin-bottom' : 20}).animate({'height':'100%','opacity': 1}, 500); // inread_element_2.css({'height':'0' ,'opacity': 0, 'visibility': "visible", 'margin-bottom' : 20}).animate({'height':'200','opacity': 1}, 500); } } } */ //=====wsj ===== //=====wsj===== }); }); } // hybrid // show in homepage, section, photo article //console.log('g_page_type',g_page_type); //console.log('ad_section',ad_section); if ((g_page_type == 'sub_section') || (g_page_type == 'section' && ad_section == 'mostrecent') || (g_page_type == 'section' && ad_section == 'others') || (g_page_type == 'sub_section' && ad_section != 'topics') ) { if (ad_section != 'guru') { gptadslots.push(googletag.defineSlot('/2776261/bangkokpost_' + ad_section + '/sticky', ad_slot_sticky_0, 'div-gpt-ad-sticky-0-0') .setTargeting('unit_type', ['sticky']) .defineSizeMapping(mappingsticky) //delete line if not responsive .addService(googletag.pubads())); // console.log('header ad_slot_sticky_0 ==> : ' + ad_section); } } // hybrid article if (g_page_type == 'article' && ad_section != 'video' && ad_section != "world" && ad_section != "thailand" && ad_section != "opinion") // && ad_section != 'opinion' { if (ad_section == 'business') { ad_slot_hybrid_0 = [ [1, 1], [300, 250] ]; } // remove Anymind 2022-12-01 // if(ad_section != 'world' && ad_section != 'thailand' ) // { // 2021-08-25 world ปิดชั่วคราว gptadslots.push(googletag.defineSlot('/2776261/bangkokpost_' + ad_section + '/hybrid', ad_slot_hybrid_0, 'div-gpt-ad-hybrid-0') .setTargeting('unit_type', ['hybrid']) .defineSizeMapping(ad_slot_hybrid_0) //delete line if not responsive .addService(googletag.pubads())); console.log(' normal div-gpt-ad-hybrid-0 article : bangkokpost_' + ad_section + '/hybrid ' + 'size ' + ad_slot_hybrid_0); // } } // hybrid homepage & section if ((g_page_type == 'section' && ad_section != 'photo' && ad_section != 'video' && ad_section != 'mostrecent' && ad_section != 'others')) // g_page_type == 'homepage' || { if (ad_section == 'life' || ad_section == 'travel') { if (typeof ad_slot_hybrid_0 !== 'undefined') { // remove Anymind 2022-12-01 && g_page_type != 'homepage' // Remove Ad unit homepage 2022-01-24 // if(ad_section == "homepage") // { // posttoday testing by tong // gptadslots.push(googletag.defineSlot('/143557018/bangkokpost_' + ad_section + '/hybrid', // ad_slot_hybrid_0, 'div-gpt-ad-hybrid-0') // .setTargeting('unit_type', ['hybrid']) // .defineSizeMapping(mappinghybrid) //delete line if not responsive // .addService(googletag.pubads())); // console.log(' div-gpt-ad-hybrid-0 posttoday: ' + ad_section); // } // else // { gptadslots.push(googletag.defineSlot('/2776261/bangkokpost_' + ad_section + '/hybrid', ad_slot_hybrid_0, 'div-gpt-ad-hybrid-0') .setTargeting('unit_type', ['hybrid']) .defineSizeMapping(mappinghybrid) //delete line if not responsive .addService(googletag.pubads())); console.log(' div-gpt-ad-hybrid-0 v1: ' + ad_section); //} } } else if (ad_section == 'auto' || ad_section == 'sport' || ad_section == 'tech' || ad_section == 'property' || ad_section == 'business') // remove GAM 2023-01-17 || ad_section == 'opinion' || ad_section == 'world' || ad_section == 'thailand' { // 2021-08-25 world thailand ปิดชั่วคราว ปิด business PMT if (ad_section == 'business') { ad_slot_hybrid_0 = [ [1, 1], [300, 250] ]; } else { ad_slot_hybrid_0 = [ [1, 1], [300, 250] ]; } // if(ad_section == 'thailand') // { // posttoday testing by tong // gptadslots.push(googletag.defineSlot('/143557018/bangkokpost_' + ad_section + '/hybrid', // ad_slot_hybrid_0, 'div-gpt-ad-hybrid-0') // .setTargeting('unit_type', ['hybrid']) // .defineSizeMapping(ad_slot_hybrid_0) //delete line if not responsive // .addService(googletag.pubads())); // console.log(' div-gpt-ad-hybrid-0 posttoday: ' + ad_section + ' ad_slot_hybrid_0' + ad_slot_hybrid_0 ); // } // else // { gptadslots.push(googletag.defineSlot('/2776261/bangkokpost_' + ad_section + '/hybrid', ad_slot_hybrid_0, 'div-gpt-ad-hybrid-0') .setTargeting('unit_type', ['hybrid']) .defineSizeMapping(ad_slot_hybrid_0) //delete line if not responsive .addService(googletag.pubads())); console.log(' div-gpt-ad-hybrid-0 v2: ' + ad_section + ' ad_slot_hybrid_0' + ad_slot_hybrid_0); //} } } /* // Remove GAM 2023-01-17 if (g_page_type == 'homepage') { // remove Anymind 2022-12-01 open multi // multi gptadslots.push(googletag.defineSlot('/2776261/bangkokpost_' + ad_section + '/multi', ad_slot_multi_0, 'div-gpt-ad-multi-0') .setTargeting('unit_type', ['multi']) .defineSizeMapping(mappingmulti) //delete line if not responsive .addService(googletag.pubads())); } */ // remove by tong 2021-10-04 googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest(); // testing by tong 2021-08-25 googletag.pubads().setTargeting('page_type', ['bangkokpost_' + ad_section]); googletag.pubads().setCentering(true); /* if (typeof cX.getUserSegmentIds !== "undefined") googletag.pubads().setTargeting("CxSegments",cX.getUserSegmentIds({persistedQueryId:"10e5dfb6eaedc4830f2907303add881df700be72"})); */ googletag.pubads().collapseEmptyDivs(); // setTimeout(function() { // sendAdserverRequest(); // ปิดชั่วคราว 2023-01-17 // }, PREBID_TIMEOUT); googletag.enableServices(); googletag.pubads().addEventListener('slotRenderEnded', function(event) { if (event.isEmpty) { // remove by Tong 2021-09-29 googletag.pubads().refresh([event.slot], {changeCorrelator: false}); } if (event.size && event.size[0] == 1 && event.size[1] == 1) { $(event.slot.getHtml()).each(function(index, obj) { }); } }); }); var insertAds = function(event_slot) { time++; if (time && time != null && time < 10) { setTimeout(function() { insertAds(event_slot); }, 400); } if (time == 10) { // remove by Tong 2021-09-29 googletag.pubads().refresh([event_slot], {changeCorrelator: false}); } } var g_obj_bp = { escape_html: function(text) { var map = { '&': '&amp;', '<': '&lt;', '>': '&gt;', '"': '&quot;', "'": '&#039;' }; 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