Jacket 40 - July 2010 - Contents page

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We are very happy to announce that after this issue of <i>Jacket</i> the magazine and the entire archive of thousands of web pages will move intact to servers at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, where it will be available on the internet to everyone, for free, as always. Starting with the first issue in 2011, <b>Jacket</b> and its continuation, <b><span class="rc">Jacket2</span></b>, will be hosted by the Kelly Writers House and PennSound at the University of Pennsylvania. The synergy in this three-way relationship has great potential. Al Filreis will become Publisher and Jessica Lowenthal, Director of the Writers House, will be Associate Publisher. The new Editor will be Michael S. Hennessey (currently Managing Editor of PennSound) and the new Managing Editor will be Julia Bloch. John Tranter will be available as Founding Editor, and Pam Brown will continue as Associate Editor.</p> <div class="floater" style="float : left; background-color : #eee; width: 100%; margin : -10px 10px 1px 1px; padding : 0;"> <div class="floater" style="float : left; width: 154px; margin : 6px 14px 4px 5px; padding : 0;"> <img src="px/scalapino-small.jpg" style="float : left; width : 150px; height : 200px; border : 2px solid #000;" alt="Leslie Scalapino" /> <p class="caption"> Leslie Scalapino </p> </div> <p class="ss-less-wide" style="margin : 1em;"> We are sad to report that after a brief illness <b>Leslie Scalapino</b> died on 28 May 2010. Her most recent books of poetry are: &#8216;It&#8217;s go in horizontal/Selected Poems 1974-2006&#8217;, published by UC Press, Berkeley; and &#8216;Day Ocean State of Stars&#8217; Night&#8217;, published by Green Integer in Los Angeles. Her novel, titled &#8216;Floats Horse-Floats or Horse-Flows&#8217;, was published by <a href=""><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b> Starcherone</a>; and a collaboration of her poetry with Kiki Smith&#8217;s drawings, titled &#8216;The Animal is in the World like Water in Water&#8217;, was published by <a href=";which_product=1134&amp;search=scalapino&amp;category="><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b> Granary Books</a>. Her book of two plays, <i>Flow--Winged Crocodile</i>, and <i>A Pair / Actions Are Erased / Appear</i>, is published by <a href=""><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b> Chax Press</a>.<br /> <br /> In this issue of Jacket: her article <a href="scalapino-essay.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b> Disbelief</a>, and Michael Cross&#8217;s <a href="r-scalapino-rb-cross.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b> review</a> of two recent books. </p></div> <!-- <p class="ch" style="background-color : #eeffdd;"> <span class="r9"> Feature: </span> </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href=" "><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> </p> --> </td> <!--Begin right-side navigation column --> <td rowspan="3" style="width : 32%; padding-left : 1%; vertical-align : top;"> <div id="prepended_header"><a href=""><span>back to</span><img src="" alt="Jacket2" /></a></div> <div class="navleft" style="width : 100%; border : solid 1px #669999; background-color : #f6f7e6;"> <div title="all-jacket-issues" style="text-decoration : none;"> <p style="font-family : Trebuchet, 'Trebuchet MS', Tahoma, Arial, Geneva, Candara, Calibri, Helvetica, 'lucida sans', 'MS Sans Serif', sans-serif; font-size : small; line-height : 1.4; padding : 0; margin : .5em; color : #222;"> &#160;&#160;Jacket Magazine&#8217;s <a href="../00/home.shtml"> [<b>&#187;&#187;</b>] Homepage</a><br /> <br /> &#160;&#160;LINKS to all Jacket issues:<br /> <br /> <span class="make-larger"> <span class="gray"> | <a href="../01/index.shtml"> 01 </a> | <a href="../02/index.shtml"> 02 </a> | <a href="../03/index.shtml"> 03 </a> | <a href="../04/index.shtml"> 04 </a> | <a href="../05/index.shtml"> 05 </a> |&#160;&#160;&#160; <br /> | <a href="../06/index.shtml"> 06 </a> | <a href="../07/index.shtml"> 07 </a> | <a href="../08/index.shtml"> 08 </a> | <a href="../09/index.shtml"> 09 </a> | <a href="../10/index.shtml"> 10 </a> |&#160;&#160;&#160; <br /> | <a href="../11/index.shtml"> 11 </a> | <a href="../12/index.shtml"> 12 </a> | <a href="../13/index.shtml"> 13 </a> | <a href="../14/index.shtml"> 14 </a> | <a href="../15/index.shtml"> 15 </a> |&#160;&#160;&#160; <br /> | <a href="../16/index.shtml"> 16 </a> | <a href="../17/index.shtml"> 17 </a> | <a href="../18/index.shtml"> 18 </a> | <a href="../19/index.shtml"> 19 </a> | <a href="../20/index.shtml"> 20 </a> |&#160;&#160;&#160; <br /> | <a href="../21/index.shtml"> 21 </a> | <a href="../22/index.shtml"> 22 </a> | <a href="../23/index.shtml"> 23 </a> | <a href="../24/index.shtml"> 24 </a> | <a href="../25/index.shtml"> 25 </a> |&#160;&#160;&#160; <br /> | <a href="../26/index.shtml"> 26 </a> | <a href="../27/index.shtml"> 27 </a> | <a href="../28/index.shtml"> 28 </a> | <a href="../29/index.shtml"> 29 </a> | <a href="../30/index.shtml"> 30 </a> |&#160;&#160;&#160; <br /> | <a href="../31/index.shtml"> 31 </a> | <a href="../32/index.shtml"> 32 </a> | <a href="../33/index.shtml"> 33 </a> | <a href="../34/index.shtml"> 34 </a> | <a href="../35/index.shtml"> 35 </a>|&#160;&#160;&#160; <br /> | <a href="../36/index.shtml"> 36 </a> | <a href="../37/index.shtml"> 37 </a> | <a href="../38/index.shtml"> 38 </a> | <a href="../39/index.shtml"> 39 </a> | <a href="../40/index.shtml"> 40 </a> |&#160;&#160;&#160; <br /> </span></span> <br /> Other Jacket links and information below: </p></div> <!-- close all-jacket-issues --> <div style="margin : 8px 2px 0 0;"></div> <div id="nav2009container"><ul id="nav2009list"> <ul id="nav2009list"> <li><a href=""> Search Jacket</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Do not send books to Jacket</a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Email &gt; Jacket / Pam Brown</a> </li> <li> <a href=""> &#8230; Jacket Notes: sorry, temporarily closed</a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Notes on a dozen or so Jacket authors</a> </li> <li> <a href=""> About Jacket</a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Jacket reviewed</a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Catalog of every item</a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Over 600 book reviews</a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Jacket Interviews</a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Jacket editorial style guide</a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Recommended word processors</a> </li> <li> <a href=""> World bookstores</a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Other literary sites</a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Small/ Literary presses</a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Help with site design</a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Free reference sites</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Our copyright policy</a> </li> </ul> </div><!-- close nav31container --> <div title="all-jacket-issues" style="text-decoration : none;"> <p style="font-family : Trebuchet, 'Trebuchet MS', Tahoma, Arial, Geneva, Candara, Calibri, Helvetica, 'lucida sans', 'MS Sans Serif', sans-serif; font-size : small; line-height : 1.3; padding : 0; margin : .5em; color : #222;"> Jacket&#8217;s homepage has received over half a million visits since 1997. All issues are available here, featuring thousands of pages of poetry, creative prose, reviews, interviews, author photos, and informative articles. Address:<br /> <br /> Jacket magazine<br /> c/- Australian Literary Management<br /> 2-A Booth Street<br /> Balmain NSW 2041<br /> A U S T R A L I A<br /> <a href=""> [<b>&#187;&#187;</b>]&#160;Electronic mail</a><br /> <br /> ISSN&#160;1440-4737<br /> <br /> The word <span class="bold">Jacket</span> is the registered business name of this magazine (registration number U2708004) under the Business Names Act of 1962, New South Wales Consumer Protection Agency, NSW Department of Fair Trading. The word <span class="bold">Jacket</span> is a registered trademark number 886295 in the Register of Trade Marks, Commonwealth of Australia.<br /> <img src="../graphics/almlogo30h.gif" style="float : left; width : 37px; height : 30px; margin : 20px 20px 0 0" alt="ALM logo" /> <br /> Jacket is sponsored by Australian Literary Management. ALM was founded in 1980 in Melbourne, Australia, and is now based in Balmain, a harbourside suburb ten minutes from the centre of Sydney. ALM looks after the business affairs of more than a hundred authors around the world, negotiating their contracts and managing their careers. You can visit ALM&#8217;s<br /> <a href=""><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b> Internet&#160;site</a>.<br /> <br /> All issues of Jacket magazine are archived in perpetuity by<br /> <a href="">[<b>&#187;&#187;</b>]&#160;Pandora</a>, Australia&#8217;s free Internet Archive at the National Library of Australia.<br /> <br /> <span class="bold">Plaudits:</span> In January 2000 Jacket was selected for an &#8216;Encyclopaedia Britannica Internet Guide Award&#8217;. Jacket has been chosen as a &#8216;recommended site&#8217; on a number of international web sites &#8212; see our<br /> <a href="">[<b>&#187;&#187;</b>]&#160;About&#160;Jacket</a> Page.<br /> <br /> <span class="bold">Note from the Editor:</span> I cannot accept poetry contributions that I don&#8217;t specifically ask for &#8212; I don&#8217;t have the time or the space to handle them yet. If you&#8217;d like to submit a review, article or interview, send a half-page synopsis with your return email address. Because Jacket is free and has no advertising and no source of income, I regret that I cannot offer to pay for contributions.<br /> <br /> <span class="bold">Copyright Notice:</span> Please respect the fact that this material is copyright. It is made available here without charge for personal use only. It may not be stored, displayed, published, reproduced, or used for any other purpose. The material in this issue of Jacket is copyright &#169; the individual contributors and Jacket magazine, as at the date of this issue.<br /> <br /> <span class="bold">Copyright Information</span> (for Jacket authors and copyright owners): Jacket asks for single-use non-exclusive electronic world rights, in order to protect your rights from exploitation by others. You retain all copyright, and you may publish the work anywhere in any form at any time. You don&#8217;t have to ask Jacket&#8217;s permission: just do it. It would be nice if you mentioned previous appearance in Jacket.<br /> <br /> <br /> </p> </div> <!-- close left-column-notices --> </div> <!-- END <div class="navleft"> --> </td> </tr><!-- END right-side nagivation column --> <tr> <td style="width : 32%;"><!-- Contents left, row 2 column 1 --> <p class="ch" style="background-color : #eeffdd;"> <span class="r9"> Articles </span> </p> <p class="ss-less-wide" style="margin-top : -1em; margin-bottom : -1em;"><span class="graydarker"> 360 printed pages </span></p> <div class="floater" style="width: 95%; margin : 5px 5px 15px 5px; padding : 5px; background-color : #eee;"> <span class="deepgray"> <b>Leslie Scalapino</b> </span> <p class="contents40"> <a href="scalapino-essay.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Leslie Scalapino: <span class="r6">Disbelief</span></b> </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-scalapino-rb-cross.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Leslie Scalapino: <span class="r6">Out the Window:</span></b> It&#8217;s go in horizontal: Selected Poems 1974-2006; Leslie Scalapino, Day Ocean State of Stars&#8217; Night: Poems &amp; Writings 1989 &amp; 1999-2006, reviewed by Michael Cross </p> </div> <div class="floater" style="float : left; width: 152px; margin : -5px 15px 1px 1px; padding : 0;"> <img src="px/diego-gerardo-early-150w.jpg" style="float : left; width : 150px; height : 276px; border : 1px solid #999999;" alt="Gerardo Diego" /> <p class="caption"> Gerardo Diego </p> </div> <p class="contents40" style="margin-top : 340px;"> <a href="diego-by-aragon.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Francisco Arag&oacute;n:</b> Contextualizing <b><span class="r6">Gerardo Diego</span></b>&#8217;s &#171;Handbook of Foams&#187;&#160;&#8212; with a selection of ten translated poems </p> <p class="contents40"> <br /><br /> <a href="berridge-myles.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>David Berridge:</b> &#8220;It was running interference&#8221;: Poetry and (Art-) Writing: on Eileen Myles: &#171;The Importance of Being Iceland: Travel Essays in Art&#187; </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="henry-berrigan.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <span class="r6"><b>On Ted Berrigan:</b></span> <b>Timothy Henry:</b> &#8220;Time And Time Again&#8221;: The Strategy of Simultaneity in Ted Berrigan&#8217;s &#171;The Sonnets&#187; </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="cabri-on-bolton-nyschool.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Louis Cabri:</b> Six Takes on Poetic Influence, Ken Bolton, and the New York School </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="saroyan-on-carroll.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>On Jim Carroll:</b> Aram Saroyan:<br /> <b><span class="b9">Blue Galahad:</span></b> Jim Carroll in Bolinas </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="casey-the-human.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Marcia Casey:</b> The Human: A Poetics of Matter </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-daly-vauxhall-rb-cooley.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b><span class="r9">&#171;Vauxhall&#187;</span>, by Catherine Daly:</b> In Search of the Esthetic: A Review by <b>Crisman Cooley</b> </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="debritto-bukowski.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Abel Debritto: <span class="r6">Big Time:</span> Charles Bukowski in &#171;Evergreen Review&#187;</b> </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="fraser-intro.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Kathleen Fraser</b> and <b>JoAnn Ugolini</b>: <b><span class="r6">Second Language:</span></b> Constructions in Collaboration, by Kathleen Fraser (text) and JoAnn Ugolini (images). This selection of texts / images from <b><span class="r6">S E C O N D LANGUAGE</span></b> previews a number of spreads from the larger codex-bound, hand-pasted book. </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="glenum-gurlesque.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Lara Glenum: <span class="gb36">Welcome to the Gurlesque:</span></b> The New Grrly, Grotesque, Burlesque Poetics </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="goldberg-photography.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Ariel Goldberg:</b> The Caption Poet and Inquiries into Resizable Monuments </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="harmon-essay.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Jason Harmon:</b> Looking from A to A: &#171;Altazor&#187; and &#171;The Alphabet&#187; </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="jaussen-re-dahlen.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Paul Jaussen: <span class="r6">Beverly Dahlen</span></b> and the Writing of the Real<br /> Also see <a href="iv-dahlen-ivb-jaussen-beall.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Beverly Dahlen</b> in conversation with Paul Jaussen and Emily Beall </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="king-martha-black-mountain.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Martha King:</b> Three Months in 1955: <b>A Memoir of Black Mountain College</b> </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="burns-mayer.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>On Bernadette Mayer: Megan Burns:</b> Bernadette Mayer&#8217;s &#171;Midwinter Day&#187;: Dream of the (&#171;Extra&#187;)Ordinary </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="middleton-long-poem.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Peter Middleton:</b> The Longing of the Long Poem </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="sadlon-woods.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Zenny Sadlon</b>&#8217;s Response to Michelle Woods&#8217; review of <span class="r6"><b>&#171;The Good Soldier &#352;vejk (Book One)&#187;</b></span> </p> <div class="floater" style="width: 132px; margin : -12px 1px 1px 5px; padding : 0;"> <img src="px/sobin-france-2003.jpg" style="float : left; width : 130px; height : 179px; border : 1px solid #999999;" alt="Gustaf Sobin, France, 2003" /> <p class="caption"> Gustaf Sobin<br /> France, 2003 </p> </div> <p class="contents40"> <a href="sobin-intro-by-joron-zawacki.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Gustaf Sobin:</b> &#171;Collected Poems&#187;: Introduction by Andrew Joron and Andrew Zawacki </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="theune-keats.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Michael Theune:</b><br /> <span class="strike">Negative Capability</span> T wang dillo dee </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="toscano-knight-theater.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Rodrigo Toscano</b> and <b>Natalie Knight:</b> from Conditions of Poetic Production and Reception </p> <div class="floater" style="float : left; width: 117px; margin : 20px 25px 1px 5px; padding : 0;"> <img src="px/elrick-color.jpg" style="float : left; width : 115px; height : 141px; border : 1px solid #999999;" alt="Laura Elrick" /> <p class="caption"> Laura Elrick </p> </div> <p class="contents40"> <a href="weaver-duncan-cage.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Andy Weaver:</b> Divining the Derivers: Anarchy and the Practice of Derivative Poetics in Robert Duncan and John Cage </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="wolach-elrick.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>David Wolach:</b> The Ideal Glass: On Laura Elrick&#8217;s &#171;Stalk&#187; and the Poetics of Spatial Practice </p> <p class="ch" style="background-color : #eeffdd;"> <span class="r9"> Interviews: </span> </p> <div class="floater" style="background : 0; border : 0; width: 100px; margin : -53px 1px 1px 1px;"> <img src="../graphics/nibs-2-slant.gif" style="width : 100px; height : 61px; margin-top : -4px; margin-top : -8px;" alt="Two nibs" /> </div> <p class="ss-less-wide" style="margin-top : -1em; margin-bottom : -1em;"><span class="graydarker"> 177 printed pages </span></p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="iv-dahlen-ivb-jaussen-beall.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Beverly Dahlen</b> in conversation with Paul Jaussen and Emily Beall <br /> Also see <a href="jaussen-re-dahlen.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Paul Jaussen: <span class="r6">Beverly Dahlen</span></b> and the Writing of the Real </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="iv-duwell-ivb-poacher.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Martin Duwell</b> in conversation with Jeffrey Poacher, 2010 </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="iv-gizzi-watson-ivb-mir.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Michael Gizzi</b> and <b>Craig Watson</b> in conversation with Stan Mir &#8212; 9 June 2006 </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="iv-hoover-ivb-joritz-nakagawa.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Paul Hoover</b> on &#171;Sonnet 56&#187; (Les Figues Press, 2009): In Conversation With Jane Joritz-Nakagawa </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="iv-kimmelman-ivb-fink.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Burt Kimmelman</b> in conversation with Thomas Fink, 2010 </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="lerner-kunin.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Dialog on Love:</b> Ben Lerner and Aaron Kunin in conversation </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="iv-mullen-ivb-henning.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Harryette Mullen:</b><br /> <span class="r6">From S to Z:</span> Harryette Mullen in conversation with Barbara Henning </p> <div class="floater" style="width: 156px; margin : -5px 21px 1px 15px; padding : 0;"> <img src="../px-writers/notley-and-babies-cropped.jpg" style="float : left; width : 154px; height : 158px; border : 1px solid #999999;" alt="Alice Notley" /> <p class="caption"> Alice Notley </p> </div> <p class="contents40"> <a href="iv-notley-ivb-shamma-2009.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Alice Notley</b>, in conversation with Yasmine Shamma, in Paris: March 18, 2009 </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="iv-wier-ivb-arrieu-king.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Dara Wier</b> in conversation with Cynthia Arrieu-King </p> <div style="clear : both;">&#160;</div> <p class="ch" style="background-color : #eeffdd;"> <a name="berengarten" id="berengarten"></a> <span class="r9"> Feature: <span class="dullteal">Richard Berengarten</span> curated by Catherine E. Byfield </span> </p> <p class="ss-less-wide" style="margin-top : -1em; margin-bottom : -1em;"><span class="graydarker"> 134 printed pages </span></p> <p class="ss-less-wide"> <span class="r6"> Together with Norman Jope and Paul Scott Derrick, Catherine E. Byfield is co-editor of the <a href=""><b>[&#187;&#187;] Salt Companion</b></a> to Richard Berengarten, due from Salt Publishing, Cambridge UK, late 2010. </span></p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="berengarten-poems.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Richard Berengarten:</b> extracts from &#8220;Two to the Power of Six&#8221; </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="berengarten-dialectics.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Richard Berengarten:</b> The dialectics of oxygen </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="berengarten-derrick.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Paul Scott Derrick:</b> A Poet for a Time of Need </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="berengarten-jenner.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Simon Jenner:</b> Janus Masks: on the Many Facets of Richard Berengarten&#8217;s Work </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="berengarten-kuhn.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>philip kuhn:</b> &#8216;Tis Death is dead, not he&#8217; or: Reading Richard Reading Richard Reading </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="berengarten-moody.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Neli Moody:</b> A Syntax of Stones: Pre-Text, Edifice, and the Sacred Space in Richard Berengarten&#8217;s &#8216;Avebury&#8217; </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="berengarten-nikolaou.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Paschalis Nikolaou:</b> In Light of Hellas: experiences of Greekness, versions of memory and roles for translation in Richard Berengarten&#8217;s poetry </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="berengarten-pirie.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Mark Pirie:</b> A Reading of &#171;book with no back cover&#187; </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="berengarten-tan.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Chee-Lay Tan:</b> Cross-cultural Numerology and Translingual Poetics: Chinese Influences on the Poetry of Richard Berengarten </p> <a name="low" id="low"></a> <p class="ch" style="background-color : #eeffdd;"> <span class="r9"> Feature: <span class="dullteal">The Low Countries</span><br /> Edited by Joris Lenstra </span> </p> <p class="ss-less-wide" style="margin-top : -1em; margin-bottom : -1em; text-align : right;"><span class="graydarker"> 22 printed pages </span></p> <div class="floater" style="float : left; width: 152px; margin : -7px 12px 1px -2px; padding : 0;"> <img src="../px-writers/lenstra-joris-2010-small.jpg" style="float : left; width : 150px; height : 174px; border : 1px solid #999999;" alt="Joris Lenstra" /> <p class="caption"> Joris Lenstra </p> </div> <p class="contents40"> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <a href="low-countries-lenstra.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Joris Lenstra:</b> Contemporary Poetry in the Netherlands: An introduction </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="low-countries-boog.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Mark Boog:</b> Four poems, translated by Willen Groenewegen: Happiness / Love / Small House / Water, Aspirin, You </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="low-countries-knibbe.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Hester Knibbe:</b> Three poems, translated by John Irons: The House at the Lock / Search Expedition / Antideath </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="low-countries-oosterhoff-tr-kvdb.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Tonnus Oosterhoff:</b> Two Poems, translated by Karlien Van Den Beukel: Ik ben de dwerg / Ik was getuige </p> <p class="ch" style="background-color : #eeffdd;"> <span class="r9"> Poems </span> </p> <p class="ss-less-wide" style="margin-top : -1em; margin-bottom : -1em; text-align : right;"><span class="graydarker"> 89 printed pages </span></p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="alizadeh-brutus.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Ali Alizadeh:</b> Brutus </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="armand-kinsella.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Louis Armand</b> and <b>John Kinsella</b>: Protologistic Poem </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="arnold-eden.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Bob Arnold:</b> Four poems from &#171;A Possible Eden&#187;: Crossing / My Love&#8230; / Adore / Stairway </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="brinkmann2p.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Rolf Dieter Brinkmann</b>: Two poems, translated from the German by Mark Terrill </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="britton.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Iain Britton:</b> Plaster of Paris </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="clark-t-11p.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Tom Clark:</b> Eleven poems: Southeast Wind / Primeval / History / Opus / Some Late Johnsoniana / Moviegoing (1940s) / Mnemonic / Ticky Tacky / The Man of Ouray / Muezzin / Message from the Captain </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="cooke-bloom.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Stuart Cooke:</b> Bloom </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="devaney-thomas-godspeed.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Thomas Devaney:</b> Godspeed </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="diego-by-aragon.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b><span class="r6">Gerardo Diego:</span></b> Ten Poems (in <b>Francisco Arag&oacute;n:</b> Contextualizing <b>Gerardo Diego</b>&#8217;s &#171;Handbook of Foams&#187;) </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="dipalma-obliquium-10.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Ray DiPalma:</b> An Additional 10 Poems from &#171;Obloquium and Committer of Tidings&#187; </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="farrell-poem.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Michael Farrell:</b> black mountain importer </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="fieled-from-apparition.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Adam Fieled:</b> poems from Apparition Poems </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="fischer-3-poems.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Norman Fischer:</b> Three poems: Silliman Pass Song / Surprises / The Contestant </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="freeman4poems.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Barbara Claire Freeman:</b> Four poems: Serial, 9 / Sorbitol for Sugar / Speechless, Unable to Stand, an Infant Gazes into a Huge, Icy Mirror / Ashes, 2 </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="goar4poems.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Jim Goar:</b> Four poems from &#8220;Notes from The Dustbowl&#8221; </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="hennessey-3p.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Michael S. Hennessey:</b> Three poems: Entertainments / The Indigo Hours / 1994 </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="hjelmgaard-song.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Lynne Hjelmgaard:</b> Song </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="jones-jill-3p.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Jill Jones:</b> Three poems: This Is Not Dove Cottage / &#8216;La Vida Loca&#8217; / The Sweet Space </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="katz-endless.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Vincent Katz:</b> Endless </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="king-amy-americans.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Amy King:</b> The Ugly Americans </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="latta-5p.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>John Latta:</b> Five poems: <i>Le Neutre</i> / To Stupidity / To a Hack / The Charts / To James Schuyler in Heaven </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="loney-testament.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Alan Loney:</b> Testament : ninth muse </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="mazer-poem.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Ben Mazer:</b> Poem (&#8220;Avion, <i>Gorrion</i>.&#8221;) </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="minter.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Peter Minter:</b> Fugue Moment </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="noon-5-poems.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Alistair Noon:</b> Five poems from &#171;Earth Records&#187; </p> <div class="floater" style="width: 127px; margin : -5px 21px 1px 15px; padding : 0;"> <img src="px/potter-small.jpg" style="float : left; width : 125px; height : 153px; border : 1px solid #999999;" alt="Claire Potter" /> <p class="caption"> Claire Potter </p> </div> <p class="contents40"> <a href="potter-2-poems.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Claire Potter:</b> Two poems: Misreading / Minnie &amp; Tom </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="rubinstein-poem.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Raphael Rubinstein:</b> &#8220;Some Ways of Looking at &#8216;Some Trees&#8217;&#8221; </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="ryan-gig-2.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Gig Ryan:</b> Two poems: Western Isles / That laments </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="side-2-poems.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Jeffrey Side:</b> Two poems: Something That Was Not Fragmented / I Can&#8217;t Make You Wrong No More </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="smither2poems.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Elizabeth Smither:</b> Two poems: Engageantes = detachable sleeves / The underside of the miniature plane </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="stanton-4-poems.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Rob Stanton:</b> Four poems: Ode: On Arrival / Ode: On Sampling (i) / Ode: On Sampling (ii) / Ode: On the Recent Spate of Obituaries </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="toriseva-poem.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>J R Toriseva:</b> Rime </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="white-duncan-2-poems.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Duncan White:</b> Two poems: Animal / Fairytale Princess Head </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="wicks-2-poems.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Les Wicks:</b> Two poems: Understand / Anne </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="wright-tim-poem.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Tim Wright:</b> entourage (bar italia) </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="wroblewski-2poems.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Grzegorz Wr&oacute;blewski:</b> Two poems: According To The Enclosed Brochure / Cindy&#8217;s Cradle: Translated from the Polish by Agnieszka Pokojska </p> <p class="ch" style="background-color : #eeffdd;"></p> <div style="clear : both;">&#160;</div> </td> <td style="width : 33%;"> <!-- Contents right, row 2 column 2 --> <p class="ch" style="background-color : #eeffdd;"> <a id="at" name="at"></a> <span class="r9"> Feature: A Tonalist poetry </span> </p> <p class="ss-less-wide" style="margin-top : -1em; margin-bottom : -1em; text-align : left;"><span class="graydarker"> 105 printed pages </span></p> <div class="floater" style="width: 102px; margin : -23px 11px 1px 5px; padding : 0;"> <img src="4-px-at/at-icon-small.jpg" style="float : left; width : 100px; height : 156px; border : 1px solid #999999;" alt="AT icon small" /> </div> <p class="contents40"> <a href="at-1-intro.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Laura Moriarty:</b> A Tonalist Where (and What) Art Thou? </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="at-brady-taylor.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Taylor Brady:</b> Maps, Jokes and Heavy Armor </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="at-brolaski-julian.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Julian T. Brolaski:</b> Five poems </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="at-cole-norma.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Norma Cole:</b> from &#171;More Facts&#187; </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="at-cunningham-brent.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Brent Cunningham:</b> A Note on the A Tonalist </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="at-daive-jean-5p.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Jean Daive:</b> &#171;A Woman with Several Lives&#187;, Tr. Norma Cole </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="at-dipalma-ray.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Ray DiPalma:</b> Obloquium and Committer of Tidings: Seven poems </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="at-dorantes-d-dear-factory.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Dolores Dorantes:</b> from &#171;Dear Factory&#187; translated by Jen Hofer </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="at-durgin-patrick.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Patrick Durgin:</b> Triptych: A Noir </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="at-grinnell-tracy.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>E. Tracy Grinnell:</b> from &#171;Helen, A Fugue&#187; </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="at-halpern-rob.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Rob Halpern:</b> Literal Hallucination </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="at-hofer-jen.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Jen Hofer:</b> Resolved: 13 Sentences </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="at-johnson-p-f.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Paul Foster Johnson:</b> Seven poems: Bronx Safe Room / Reversible Destiny Panic Room / Palace of Youth / Underground World Home / Folk Education / Lapidary / Palace of Arts </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="at-miller-kathleen.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Kathleen Miller:</b> Codex Dora (a fragment of a Fragment) </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="at-monk-geraldine.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Geraldine Monk:</b> Decade Dance </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="at-saidenberg-jocelyn.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Jocelyn Saidenberg:</b> On Self Sovereignty: </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="at-schaefer-standard.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Standard Schaefer:</b> Feralist Manifesto </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="at-scharf-michael.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Michael Scharf:</b> Two Poems: Sunday / What Did They Use to Cut Paper in Ancient Rome? </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="at-seldess-jess.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Jesse Seldess:</b> from &#171;Which Is Exhibited&#187; </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="at-tejada-roberto.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Roberto Tejada:</b> Lost Continent </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="at-warren-alli.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Alli Warren:</b> Three poems: All Matter of Beans / A Nice Quiet Moment for Mom (remix) / Some Greater Social Sharing </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="at-williams-tyrone.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Tyrone Williams:</b> TB </p> <div class="floater" style="width: 122px; margin : 6px 4px 1px 15px; padding : 0;"> <img src="../px-writers/howe-susan-epc-small.jpg" style="float : left; width : 120px; height : 244px; border : 1px solid #999999;" alt="Susan Howe; courtesy Electronic Poetry Center, SUNY Buffalo" /> <p class="caption"> Susan Howe </p> </div> <p class="ch" style="background-color : #eeffdd;"> <a id="howe" name="howe"></a><span class="r9"> Susan Howe Feature </span> </p> <p class="ss-less-wide" style="margin-top : -1em; margin-bottom : -1em; text-align : right;"><span class="graydarker"> 58 printed pages </span></p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="howe-s-aji.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>H&eacute;l&egrave;ne Aji:</b> &#8220;I [will not] Gather the Limbs of Osiris&#8221; <b><span class="r9">Susan Howe&#8217;s Transcendent History</span></b> </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="howe-s-alfandary.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Isabelle Alfandary:</b> Reading <span class="r9"><b>&#171;My Emily Dickinson&#187;</b></span> by Susan Howe </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="howe-s-caze.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Antoine Caz&eacute;:</b> Susan Howe:TransParencies: <span class="r9"><b>Leafing Through</b></span> </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="howe-s-olsen.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Redell Olsen:</b> Book-Parks and Non-sites: Susan Howe&#8217;s <span class="r9"><b>Scripted Enclosures</b></span> </p> <div class="floater" style="width: 122px; margin : 9px 4px 1px 25px; padding : 0;"> <a id="joris" name="joris"></a> <img src="../px-writers/joris-pierre-2010-120w.jpg" style="float : left; width : 120px; height : 142px; border : 1px solid #999999;" alt="Pierre Joris" /> <p class="caption"> Pierre Joris </p> </div> <p class="ch" style="background-color : #eeffdd;"> <span class="r9"> Marginalalia: On Pierre Joris Justifying </span> </p> <p class="ss-less-wide" style="margin-top : -1em; margin-bottom : -1em; text-align : right;"><span class="graydarker"> 84 printed pages </span></p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="joris-cocklebergh-intro.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Peter Cockelbergh:</b> Introduction </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="joris-cockleburgh-marginalalia.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Peter Cockelbergh: Marginalalia.</b> On Pierre Joris Justifying. </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="joris-cocklebergh-e-for-an-a.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Pierre Joris:</b> &#8216;An &#8220;E&#8221; for an &#8220;A&#8221;&#8217; </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="joris-cocklebergh-made-in-england.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Pierre Joris:</b> &#8216;Made in England&#8217; </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="joris-meridian.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Pierre Joris:</b> Extracts from &#171;The Meridian&#187;, by <b>Paul Celan</b>. Final Version &#8211; Drafts &#8211; Materials (Stanford University Press, 2011) </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="joris-3-poems.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Pierre Joris:</b> &#171;Justifying the Margins&#187; &amp; &#171;poems&#187; </p> <div style="clear : both; margin-top : -22px;">&#160;</div> <div style="float : right; width: 100px; border : 0; margin : 33px -35px 0 10px;" > <img src="../graphics/nib1.gif" style="width : 35px; height : 88px; margin-top : -13px;" alt="1nib" /> </div> <p class="ch" style="background-color : #eeffdd;"> <span class="r9"> Reviews: </span> </p> <p class="ss-less-wide" style="margin-top : -1em; margin-bottom : -1em; text-align : right;"><span class="graydarker"> 320 printed pages </span></p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-addonizio-rb-calbert.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Kim Addonizio:</b> &#171;Ordinary Genius: A Guide for the Poet Within&#187;, reviewed by Cathleen Calbert </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-aitken-rb-cahill.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Adam Aitken:</b> &#171;Eighth Habitation&#187;, reviewed by Michelle Cahill </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-aragon-rb-perez.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Francisco Arag&oacute;n:</b> &#171;Glow of our Sweat&#187;, reviewed by Craig Santos Perez </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-arcade-rb-janaczewska.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Penny Arcade:</b> &#171;Bad Reputation: Performance, Essays, Interviews&#187;, reviewed by No&euml;lle Janaczewska </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-belz-rb-belcher.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Aaron Belz:</b> &#171;Lovely, Raspberry&#187;, reviewed by Douglas J. Belcher </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-benson-rb-eyre.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Cara Benson (ed):</b> &#171;Predictions&#187;, reviewed by Anna Elena Eyre </p> <div class="floater" style="width: 152px; margin : -5px 15px 0px 20px; padding : 0;"> <img src="px/boomtown-small.jpg" style="float : left; width : 150px; height : 254px; border : 1px solid #999999;" alt="Thomas Hart Benton: Boomtown, 1928, detail" /> <p class="caption"> Happy Workers: Thomas Hart Benton: Boomtown, 1928, detail </p> </div> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-berrigan-a-rb-degraff.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Anselm Berrigan:</b> &#171;Free Cell&#187;, reviewed by Adam DeGraff </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-boyer-rb-kasimor.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Anne Boyer:</b> <span class="r6"><b>&#171;The Romance of Happy Workers&#187;</b></span>, reviewed by Mary Kasimor </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-bozicevic-rb-mauro.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Ana Bo&#382;i&#269;evi&#263;:</b> &#171;Stars of the Night Commute&#187;, reviewed by Nicole Mauro </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-brossard-n-rb-findura.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Nicole Brossard:</b> &#171;Selections&#187;, reviewed by John Findura </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="edgerton-on-the-burning-deck.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Burning Deck Press:</b> Caroline <b>Dubois</b>. &#171;You Are the Business&#187;. Trans. Cole Swensen. Jennifer <b>Martenson</b>. &#171;Unsound&#187;. Reviewed by Michael Tod Edgerton </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-cole-rb-cross.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b><span class="r6">Manifest Thought:</span></b> <b>Norma Cole:</b> Where Shadows Will: Selected Poems 1988&#8211;2008, reviewed by Michael Cross </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-conrad-rb-myles.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>CA Conrad:</b> &#171;The Book of Frank&#187;, reviewed by Eileen Myles </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-crawford-rb-leonido.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Alejandro Crawford:</b> &#171;Morpheu&#187;, reviewed by Timothy Leonido </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-duggan-rb-baker.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Laurie Duggan:</b> &#171;Crab &amp; Winkle&#187;, reviewed by Tony Baker </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-duhamel-rb-fink.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Denise Duhamel:</b> &#171;Ka-Ching!&#187;, reviewed by Thomas Fink </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-edmond-rb-bolden.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Murray Edmond:</b> &#171;Walls to Kick and Hills to Sing From: A comedy with Interruptions&#187;, reviewed by Emma Bolden </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-ecopoetics-rb-birns.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> &#171;<b>Ecopoetics</b>, no 6/7&#187; Reviewed by Nicholas Birns </p> <div class="floater" style="width: 152px; margin : -5px 21px 1px 15px; padding : 0;"> <img src="../px-writers/evenson.jpg" style="float : left; width : 150px; height : 220px; border : 1px solid #999999;" alt="Brian Evenson" /> <p class="caption"> Brian Evenson </p> </div> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-evenson-rb-johnson.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> Laureate of Violence: <b>Brian Evenson:</b> &#171;Fugue State: Stories&#187;, reviewed by Keith Johnson </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-baby-leg-rb-johnson.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> Phantom Limbs: <b>Brian Evenson:</b> &#171;Baby Leg&#187;, reviewed by Keith Leslie Johnson </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-farrell-rb-sweeney.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Michael Farrell:</b> &#171;A raider&#8217;s guide&#187;, reviewed by Chad Sweeney </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-forshaw-rb-bolton.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Cliff Forshaw:</b> &#171;A Ned Kelly Hymnal&#187; reviewed by Ken Bolton </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-foster-rb-olson.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Edward Foster:</b> &#171;The Beginning Of Sorrows&#187;, reviewed by John Olson </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="freind-johnson-day.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>William Freind:</b> In the Conceptual Vacuum: on [<span class="strike">Kenneth Goldsmith&#8217;s</span>] <b><span class="r6">Kent Johnson&#8217;s</span></b> &#171;Day&#187; </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-gardner-rb-giannoukos.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Angela Gardner:</b> &#171;Views of the Hudson &#8212; A New York Book of Psalms&#187;, reviewed by Tina Giannoukos </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-ghaffar-rb-darling.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Asher Ghaffar:</b> &#171;Wasps in a Golden Dream Hum a Strange Music&#187;, reviewed by Kristina Marie Darling </p> <div class="floater" style="width: 152px; margin : -5px 21px 1px 20px; padding : 0;"> <img src="px/glenum-small.jpg" style="float : left; width : 150px; height : 227px; border : 1px solid #999999;" alt="Lara Glenum" /> <p class="caption"> Lara Glenum </p> </div> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-glenum-rb-cordeiro.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b><span class="r6">Gaga A-GoGo: </span>Lara Glenum:</b> &#171;Maximum Gaga&#187;, reviewed by Will Cordeiro </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-goodland-rb-noon.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Giles Goodland:</b> &#171;What the Things Sang&#187;, reviewed by Alistair Noon </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-greenstreet-rb-lurie.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Kate Greenstreet:</b> &#171;The last 4 Things&#187;, reviewed by Bobbi Lurie </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-griffiths-rb-baker.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Bill Griffiths:</b> &#171;Collected Earlier Poems (1966-80)&#187;, reviewed by Tony Baker </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-gudding-rb-gould.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Reading <span class="r6">Gabriel Gudding</span>:</b> Henry Gould reviews &#171;A Defense of Poetry&#187; and &#171;Rhode Island Notebook&#187; </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-hinton-rb-hogue.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Laura Hinton:</b> &#171;Sisyphus My Love (To Record a Dream in a Bathtub)&#187;, reviewed by Cynthia Hogue </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-jarnot-rb-hill.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Lisa Jarnot:</b> &#171;Some Other Kind of Mission&#187;, reviewed by Crag Hill </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-jones-jill-rb-scheel.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b><span class="r6">&#8220;Arrangement of Self&#8221;:</span></b> <b>Jill Jones:</b> &#171;Dark Bright Doors&#187;, reviewed by Chad Scheel </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-kimmelman-rb-schwartz.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Burt Kimmelman:</b> &#171;As If Free&#187;, reviewed by Gerald Schwartz </p> <div class="floater" style="width: 129px; margin : -5px 21px 1px 21px; padding : 0;"> <img src="../px-writers/king-amy-small.jpg" style="float : left; width : 127px; height : 149px; border : 1px solid #999999;" alt="Amy King" /> <p class="caption"> Amy King </p> </div> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-king-rb-lurie.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Amy King:</b> &#171;Slaves to Do These Things&#187; reviewed by Bobbi Lurie </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-kinsella-rb-aitken.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>John Kinsella:</b> &#171;Post-colonial&#187;, reviewed by Adam Aitken </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-kinsella-rb-wintz.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>John Kinsella:</b> &#171;Divine Comedy: Journeys through a Regional Geography&#187;, reviewed by Sara Wintz </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-klane-rb-poe.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Matthew Klane:</b> &#171;B_____ Meditations&#187;, reviewed by Deborah Poe </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-lauterbach-rb-katz.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Ann Lauterbach:</b> &#171;Or To Begin Again&#187;, reviewed by Vincent Katz </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-lerner-rb-gorin.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Ben Lerner</b>, &#171;Mean Free Path&#187;: A review/essay by David Gorin </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-livingstone-rb-perez.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Reb Livingston:</b> &#171;Your Ten Favorite Words&#187;, reviewed by Craig Santos Perez </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-loney-rb-campbell.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Alan Loney:</b> &#171;Day&#8217;s eye&#187;, reviewed by Marion May Campbell </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-mchugh-rb-ross.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b><span class="r6">Webcam the World:</span> Heather McHugh:</b> &#171;Upgraded to Serious&#187;, reviewed by Stephen Ross </p> <div class="floater" style="width: 122px; margin : -12px 9px -1px 25px; padding : 0;"> <img src="px/mazer-small.jpg" style="float : left; width : 120px; height : 200px; border : 1px solid #999999;" alt="Ben Mazer" /> <p class="caption"> Ben Mazer </p> </div> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-mauro-rb-carr.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <span class="gb36"><b>&#8220;Get me a violin&#160;&#8212;.&#8221;</b></span> <b>Nicole Mauro:</b> The Contortions, reviewed by Emily Carr </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-mazer-x2-rb-bock.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Ben Mazer:</b> &#171;Poems&#187;, and &#171;January 2008&#187;, reviewed by Christopher Bock </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-monroe-rb-elliot.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Jonathan Monroe:</b> &#171;Demosthenes&#8217; Legacy&#187;, reviewed by Okla Elliott </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-morrison-rb-robles.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Rusty Morrison:</b> &#171;Whethering&#187;, reviewed by Jaime Robles </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-myles-rb-bolton.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Eileen Myles:</b> &#171;The Importance Of Being Iceland &#8212; travel essays in art&#187;, reviewed by Ken Bolton </p> <div class="floater" style="width: 152px; margin : -5px 21px 1px 15px; padding : 0;"> <img src="px/obrien-sara-small.jpg" style="float : left; width : 150px; height : 192px; border : 1px solid #999999;" alt="Sarah O&#8217;Brien" /> <p class="caption"> Sarah O&#8217;Brien </p> </div> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-obrien-rb-dillhunt.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Sarah O&#8217;Brien:</b> &#171;Catch Light&#187;, reviewed by Drew Dillhunt </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-palmer-rb-katz.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Michael Palmer:</b> &#171;Active Boundaries: Selected Essays and Talks&#187;, reviewed by Vincent Katz </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-presley-rb-reckin.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Frances Presley:</b> &#171;Lines of Sight&#187;, reviewed by Anna Reckin </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-roberson-rb-weinstein.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Ed Roberson:</b> &#171;The New Wing of the Labyrinth&#187;, reviewed by Eric Weinstein </p> <div class="floater" style="width: 152px; margin : -5px 21px 1px 25px; padding : 0;"> <img src="px/rolfe-small.jpg" style="float : left; width : 150px; height : 236px; border : 1px solid #999999;" alt="Rolfe book cover" /> </div> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-rolfe-rb-hibbard.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>&#171;Collected Poems of Edwin Rolfe&#187;</b>, Cary Nelson and Jefferson Hendricks, Eds., reviewed by Tom Hibbard </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-samuels-rb-downey.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Lisa Samuels:</b> &#171;Tomorrowland&#187;, reviewed by Ryan Downey </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-snell-rb-mauro.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Roger Snell:</b> &#171;The Morning&#187; reviewed by Nicole Mauro </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-sweeney-rb-schwartz.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Chad Sweeney:</b> &#171;Arranging The Blaze&#187;, reviewed by Edythe Schwartz </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-wier-rb-snediker.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b><span class="gb36">Twinkling Gravitas:</span> Dara Wier:</b> &#171;Selected Poems&#187;, reviewed by Michael D. Snediker </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-tritica-rb-perez.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>John Tritica:</b> &#171;Sound Remains&#187;, reviewed by Craig Santos Perez </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-wedde-rb-hughes.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Ian Wedde:</b> &#171;Good Business&#187;, reviewed by Peter Hughes </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-weiss-rb-stephens.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Mark Weiss:</b> &#171;As Landscape&#187;, Chax Press, reviewed by Michael Gregory Stephens </p> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-wolach-rb-landis.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>David Wolach:</b> &#171;Occultations&#187;, reviewed by Matthew Landis </p> <div class="floater" style="width: 152px; margin : -5px 21px 1px 15px; padding : 0;"> <img src="px/zurita-150w.jpg" style="float : left; width : 150px; height : 229px; border : 1px solid #999999;" alt="Ra&uacute;l Zurita" /> <p class="caption"> Ra&uacute;l Zurita </p> </div> <p class="contents40"> <a href="r-young-rb-murphy.shtml"><b>[&#187;&#187;]</b></a> <b>Mark Young:</b> Genji Monogatari, reviewed by Sheila E. 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