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in all the countries in which we operate</li> <li>TO DEVELOP and/or maintain within each of our business divisions programmes and internal controls that are proportionate to the risk of bribery and corruption faced by the relevant business</li> <li>TO SUBJECT relevant procedures to ongoing risk assessment, monitoring and updating as appropriate in order to ensure they remain effective and valid in response to changing circumstances</li> <li>TO SUPPORT directors and employees to take decisions that are in line with this policy and to encourage them to seek clarification and guidance in cases of doubt</li> <li>TO INVESTIGATE any reports of suspected violations of law, policies and internal control procedures and subject any non-compliance to appropriate sanctions</li> </ul> <hr /> <h3>Modern Slavery Transparency Statement</h3> <p>Our latest Modern Slavery Transparency Statement can be found&nbsp;<a title="Modern Slavery Transparency Statement" href="/information/anti-slavery-act/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a>.</p> <hr /> <h3><strong>INEOS Ltd&rsquo;s UK Tax Strategy</strong></h3> <p>INEOS regards publication of this tax strategy as fulfilling its obligations under Schedule 19 of the Finance Act 2016 to publish its UK Group Tax Strategy in the year to 31 December 2023.</p> <p>This tax strategy applies to all UK taxes applicable to the UK subsidiary undertakings (the &lsquo;UK Group&rsquo;) of INEOS Ltd, the UK tax resident relevant body heading up the INEOS Group companies.</p> <p><strong>Our approach to risk management and governance arrangements in relation to UK taxation</strong></p> <p>As a large multi-national organisation, with 36 different businesses and operations in 29 countries as well as consumer brands and Sports interests, the UK Group is exposed to a variety of tax risks:</p> <ul> <li>Tax compliance and reporting risks including risks associated with compliance failures such as submission of late or inaccurate returns, the failure to submit claims and elections on time or where systems and processes are not robust enough to support tax compliance and reporting requirements.</li> <li>Transactional risks being those risks associated with undertaking transactions without appropriate consideration of the potential tax consequences or where advice taken is not correctly implemented.</li> <li>Reputational risk looking beyond purely financial risk, to the wider impact tax risk may have on our relationships with tax and other authorities, our customers and the general public.</li> </ul> <p>The UK Group looks to manage these risks in the same way as any other operational risks, with each business taking the lead role in identifying, managing and monitoring risks within their businesses, with support and oversight by Group Tax.</p> <p>The UK Group has a zero tolerance on tax evasion including the activities which facilitate it and is committed to ensuring that its businesses meet the obligations of the UK Corporate Criminal Offence legislation.</p> <p>Responsibility for the tax strategy and governance ultimately sits with the Chief Financial Officer with day to day responsibility sitting with the Group Head of Tax, who reports to the CFO.</p> <p><strong>Attitude of the UK Group towards tax planning (so far as affecting UK taxation)</strong></p> <p>The UK Group recognises that it has a responsibility to pay the tax legally due in any territory.</p> <p>The UK Group may utilise tax incentives or opportunities for tax efficiencies where these are aligned with the intended policy objectives of the governments introducing those incentives and, in particular, where they are aligned with business and operational objectives.</p> <p>Group Tax may seek external advice in relation to tax planning or areas of complexity or uncertainty.</p> <p><strong>Level of risk in relation to UK taxation that the UK Group is prepared to accept</strong></p> <p>The Group&rsquo;s appetite for tax risk is consistent with a desire to achieve certainty in our tax affairs The UK Group does not engage in artificial transactions in order to reduce UK tax.</p> <p>The UK Group will always be transparent with regards to any filing position taken where there may be uncertainty as to the application and interpretation of tax law.</p> <p><strong>Approach of the UK Group towards its dealings with HMRC</strong></p> <p>The UK Group is committed to maintaining openness and transparency in its approach to dealing with the Tax Authorities and complies with all relevant legal disclosure and approval requirements.</p> <p>The UK Group&rsquo;s aim is to avoid unnecessary disputes with HMRC and seeks to achieve this through regular face to face meetings with HMRC in order to seek agreement proactively and collaboratively on areas of uncertainly where appropriate.</p> <p><strong>Date Published: Dec 2023</strong></p> </div> </div> </div> </main> <footer class="c-site-footer"> <div class="c-site-footer-wrapper o-block is-wide"> <div 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