Eurovision Shocker: Dutch Entry Disqualified!

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hover:underline">Eurovision</a> </p> <h2>Eurovision Shocker: Dutch Entry Disqualified!</h2> <div class="not-prose flex flex-wrap space-x-1 text-sm text-gray-600 hover:text-gray-700"> <span aria-hidden="true">Published </span> <time aria-hidden="true" datetime="05/11/2024 12:53:06" class="whitespace-nowrap">11.05.2024 15:53</time> <span aria-hidden="true">&middot;</span> <span aria-hidden="true" class="whitespace-nowrap">5 minutes to read</span> </div> <p>Joost Klein, representing the Netherlands, was barred from competing in the Eurovision Song Contest finals on Saturday.</p> <figure><img src='' alt=''></img></figure><p>The decision follows a complaint filed by a member of the production team, adding to the challenges facing host country Sweden, which is already grappling with anti-Israel protests.</p> <p>Eurovision contests are no strangers to scandal, but according to a Reuters source, disqualifying a finalist on the eve of the competition is entirely unprecedented.</p> <p>The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) announced on Friday that they are investigating an incident involving Klein. The 26-year-old singer's quirky song, <em>&quot;Europapa,&quot;</em> had positioned him as a frontrunner in the competition.</p> <p><em>&quot;In light of an ongoing legal proceeding,&quot;</em> the EBU said later in a statement, explaining their decision to remove Klein from the competition. They also reiterated their <em>&quot;zero-tolerance policy towards inappropriate behaviour.&quot;</em></p> <p>A representative for Klein did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Reuters.</p> <p>Dutch broadcaster AVROTROS expressed shock in an email, calling the EBU's decision <em>&quot;disproportionate.&quot;</em></p> <p>Eurovision expert Paul Jordan told Reuters that disqualifying an artist on the eve of the final is unheard of. <em>&quot;Obviously, the details of the incident are unclear at this point,&quot;</em> he said. <em>&quot;Klein may yet be found innocent. However, the show must go on,&quot;</em> he commented.</p> <p>Bookmakers currently favour Croatian entrant Marko Puri拧i膰, known by his stage name Baby Lasagna, with the song <em>&quot;Rim Tim Tagi Dim,&quot;</em> to win the competition. Israeli singer Eden Golan, performing <em>&quot;Hurricane,&quot;</em> is another strong contender. France, Italy, Ukraine, and Ireland are also viewed as potential winners.</p> <p>Spotify streaming data also suggests Sweden, the host country, has a chance of taking home the trophy.</p> <p>Following Klein's disqualification, 25 countries will compete in the grand final on Saturday evening.</p> <p>Translation by <strong>Iurie Tataru</strong></p> <div id='viewer' class='fixed inset-0 bg-black bg-opacity-50 hidden flex items-center justify-center' style='z-index: 10000;'><div class='relative'><img id='fullImage' src='' class='object-contain object-center w-full h-auto max-h-full md:max-h-screen'></div><button id='closeBtn' class='fixed top-3 right-3 bg-black text-white w-10 h-10 rounded-full flex items-center justify-center z-10'>X</button></div> </article> <a href="/a/9703175d-c561-4c7d-8598-e1c50f26b221/Carolina Str&#x103;jescu /en"> <div class="mx-auto max-w-7xl mt-12 px-4 text-center sm:px-6 lg:px-8"> <div class="space-y-2"> <img loading="lazy" class="mx-auto h-20 w-20 rounded-full lg:h-24 lg:w-24" src="" alt="Carolina Str&#x103;jescu "></img> <div class="space-y-2"> <div class="text-xs font-medium lg:text-sm"> <h3>Carolina Str&#x103;jescu </h3> <p class="text-indigo-600">Author</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <div class="mx-auto max-w-7xl mt-12 px-4 sm:px-6 lg:px-8 flex flex-row justify-center"> <button class="p-2" id="share" title="Share"> <svg class="w-6 fill-gray-500 hover:fill-gray-900" viewBox="0 0 13 17" xmlns=""> <path d="M2.28497 16.4104H10.1258C10.8413 16.4104 11.3768 16.2327 11.7322 15.8772C12.0923 15.5217 12.2723 14.9931 12.2723 14.2913V7.46899C12.2723 6.76717 12.0923 6.23853 11.7322 5.88306C11.3768 5.52759 10.8413 5.34985 10.1258 5.34985H8.21857V6.45044H10.1053C10.4425 6.45044 10.7046 6.54159 10.8914 6.72388C11.0783 6.90617 11.1717 7.17505 11.1717 7.53052V14.2297C11.1717 14.5852 11.0783 14.8541 10.8914 15.0364C10.7046 15.2187 10.4425 15.3098 10.1053 15.3098H2.29865C1.95685 15.3098 1.6948 15.2187 1.51251 15.0364C1.33022 14.8541 1.23907 14.5852 1.23907 14.2297V7.53052C1.23907 7.17505 1.33022 6.90617 1.51251 6.72388C1.6948 6.54159 1.95685 6.45044 2.29865 6.45044H4.1922V5.34985H2.28497C1.56948 5.34985 1.03172 5.52759 0.671692 5.88306C0.316223 6.23397 0.138489 6.76261 0.138489 7.46899V14.2913C0.138489 14.9976 0.316223 15.5263 0.671692 15.8772C1.03172 16.2327 1.56948 16.4104 2.28497 16.4104ZM6.20197 11.0579C6.35236 11.0579 6.47996 11.0055 6.58478 10.9006C6.69415 10.7958 6.74884 10.6705 6.74884 10.5247V3.50415L6.70782 2.47876L7.16583 2.96411L8.2049 4.07153C8.3006 4.18091 8.42365 4.2356 8.57404 4.2356C8.71531 4.2356 8.8338 4.19002 8.9295 4.09888C9.02521 4.00773 9.07306 3.89152 9.07306 3.75024C9.07306 3.62264 9.01837 3.50415 8.909 3.39478L6.59845 1.16626C6.53009 1.0979 6.46401 1.05005 6.40021 1.02271C6.34096 0.995361 6.27488 0.981689 6.20197 0.981689C6.13361 0.981689 6.06753 0.995361 6.00372 1.02271C5.94448 1.05005 5.8784 1.0979 5.80548 1.16626L3.49493 3.39478C3.39012 3.50415 3.33771 3.62264 3.33771 3.75024C3.33771 3.89152 3.38328 4.00773 3.47443 4.09888C3.56557 4.19002 3.68406 4.2356 3.8299 4.2356C3.98484 4.2356 4.11017 4.18091 4.20587 4.07153L5.2381 2.96411L5.70294 2.47876L5.66193 3.50415V10.5247C5.66193 10.6705 5.71434 10.7958 5.81915 10.9006C5.92853 11.0055 6.05613 11.0579 6.20197 11.0579Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <div id="promo"></div> <div class="mx-auto max-w-7xl mt-12"> <div class="text-center"> <p class="font-light text-gray-700 hover:text-gray-800 text-3xl">Read more</p> </div> </div> <div id="list" class="mx-auto max-w-7xl mb-12 mt-8"> <div class="mx-auto mt-8 grid max-w-lg gap-x-5 gap-y-6 lg:max-w-none lg:grid-cols-3 px-4 sm:px-6 lg:px-8"> <div class="flex flex-col overflow-hidden rounded-lg shadow-lg"> <div class="flex-shrink-0"> <a href="/p/46356/moldova-completes-eu-screening-on-information-society-and-media"> <img loading='eager' class="w-full aspect-[16/9] object-cover" src="" alt="Moldova completes EU screening on information society and media"> </a> </div> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between bg-white p-6"> <div class="flex-1"> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-row justify-between"> <div class="text-sm font-medium text-indigo-600"> <a href="/c/en/26" class="hover:underline">Political</a> </div> <div> </div> </div> <a href="/p/46356/moldova-completes-eu-screening-on-information-society-and-media" class="mt-2 block"> <p class="text-xl font-semibold text-gray-900">Moldova completes EU screening on information society and media</p> <p class="mt-3 text-base text-gray-500">The Republic of Moldova has successfully completed the bilateral screening process with the European Commission on Chapter 10 &#x2013; 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