Measuring the Structural Similarity of Web-based Documents: A Novel Approach

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In contrast to these we present a new approach to measuring the structural similarity of web-based documents represented by so called generalized trees which are more general than DOM-Trees which represent only directed rooted trees.We will design a new similarity measure for graphs representing web-based hypertext structures. Our similarity measure is mainly based on a novel representation of a graph as strings of linear integers, whose components represent structural properties of the graph. The similarity of two graphs is then defined as the optimal alignment of the underlying property strings. In this paper we apply the well known technique of sequence alignments to solve a novel and challenging problem: Measuring the structural similarity of generalized trees. More precisely, we first transform our graphs considered as high dimensional objects in linear structures. Then we derive similarity values from the alignments of the property strings in order to measure the structural similarity of generalized trees. Hence, we transform a graph similarity problem to a string similarity problem. We demonstrate that our similarity measure captures important structural information by applying it to two different test sets consisting of graphs representing web-based documents." /> <meta name="citation_title" content="Measuring the Structural Similarity of Web-based Documents: A Novel Approach" /> <meta name="citation_author" content="Matthias Dehmer" /> <meta name="citation_author" content="Frank Emmert Streib" /> <meta name="citation_author" content="Alexander Mehler" /> <meta name="citation_author" content="Jürgen Kilian" /> <meta name="citation_doi" content="10.5281/zenodo.1086031" /> <meta name="citation_keywords" content="Graph similarity" /> <meta name="citation_keywords" content="hierarchical and directed graphs" /> <meta name="citation_keywords" content="hypertext" /> <meta name="citation_keywords" content="generalized trees" /> <meta name="citation_keywords" content="web structure mining." /> <meta name="citation_abstract_html_url" content="" /> <meta property="og:title" content="Measuring the Structural Similarity of Web-based Documents: A Novel Approach" /> <meta property="og:description" content="Most known methods for measuring the structural similarity of document structures are based on, e.g., tag measures, path metrics and tree measures in terms of their DOM-Trees. Other methods measures the similarity in the framework of the well known vector space model. In contrast to these we present a new approach to measuring the structural similarity of web-based documents represented by so called generalized trees which are more general than DOM-Trees which represent only directed rooted trees.We will design a new similarity measure for graphs representing web-based hypertext structures. Our similarity measure is mainly based on a novel representation of a graph as strings of linear integers, whose components represent structural properties of the graph. The similarity of two graphs is then defined as the optimal alignment of the underlying property strings. In this paper we apply the well known technique of sequence alignments to solve a novel and challenging problem: Measuring the structural similarity of generalized trees. More precisely, we first transform our graphs considered as high dimensional objects in linear structures. Then we derive similarity values from the alignments of the property strings in order to measure the structural similarity of generalized trees. Hence, we transform a graph similarity problem to a string similarity problem. We demonstrate that our similarity measure captures important structural information by applying it to two different test sets consisting of graphs representing web-based documents." /> <meta property="og:url" content="" /> <meta property="og:site_name" content="Zenodo" /> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary" /> <meta name="twitter:site" content="@zenodo_org" /> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Measuring the Structural Similarity of Web-based Documents: A Novel Approach" /> <meta name="twitter:description" content="Most known methods for measuring the structural similarity of document structures are based on, e.g., tag measures, path metrics and tree measures in terms of their DOM-Trees. Other methods measures the similarity in the framework of the well known vector space model. In contrast to these we present a new approach to measuring the structural similarity of web-based documents represented by so called generalized trees which are more general than DOM-Trees which represent only directed rooted trees.We will design a new similarity measure for graphs representing web-based hypertext structures. Our similarity measure is mainly based on a novel representation of a graph as strings of linear integers, whose components represent structural properties of the graph. The similarity of two graphs is then defined as the optimal alignment of the underlying property strings. In this paper we apply the well known technique of sequence alignments to solve a novel and challenging problem: Measuring the structural similarity of generalized trees. More precisely, we first transform our graphs considered as high dimensional objects in linear structures. Then we derive similarity values from the alignments of the property strings in order to measure the structural similarity of generalized trees. Hence, we transform a graph similarity problem to a string similarity problem. We demonstrate that our similarity measure captures important structural information by applying it to two different test sets consisting of graphs representing web-based documents." /> <meta name="citation_pdf_url" content=""/> <link rel="alternate" type="application/pdf" href=""> <link rel="canonical" href=""> <title>Measuring the Structural Similarity of Web-based Documents: A Novel Approach</title> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/static/favicon.ico"/> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="120x120" href="/static/apple-touch-icon-120.png"/> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="152x152" href="/static/apple-touch-icon-152.png"/> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="167x167" href="/static/apple-touch-icon-167.png"/> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="/static/apple-touch-icon-180.png"/> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/dist/css/3526.a23019fbdd46ac0a80c6.css" /> <!-- HTML5 shim and Respond.js for IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries --> <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <![endif]--> </head> <body data-invenio-config='{"isMathJaxEnabled": "//"}' itemscope itemtype="" data-spy="scroll" data-target=".scrollspy-target"> <a id="skip-to-main" class="ui button primary ml-5 mt-5 skip-link" href="#main">Skip to main</a> <!--[if lt IE 8]> <p class="browserupgrade">You are using an <strong>outdated</strong> browser. 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separated"> <a class="ui creatibutor-link" href="/search?" > <span class="creatibutor-name">Alexander Mehler</span></a> <i class="user icon"></i> </li> <li class="creatibutor-wrap separated"> <a class="ui creatibutor-link" href="/search?" > <span class="creatibutor-name">Jürgen Kilian</span></a> <i class="user icon"></i> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> <section id="description" class="rel-mt-2 rich-input-content" aria-label="Record description"> <h2 id="description-heading" class="sr-only">Description</h2> <div style="word-wrap: break-word;"> <p>Most known methods for measuring the structural similarity of document structures are based on, e.g., tag measures, path metrics and tree measures in terms of their DOM-Trees. Other methods measures the similarity in the framework of the well known vector space model. In contrast to these we present a new approach to measuring the structural similarity of web-based documents represented by so called generalized trees which are more general than DOM-Trees which represent only directed rooted trees.We will design a new similarity measure for graphs representing web-based hypertext structures. Our similarity measure is mainly based on a novel representation of a graph as strings of linear integers, whose components represent structural properties of the graph. The similarity of two graphs is then defined as the optimal alignment of the underlying property strings. In this paper we apply the well known technique of sequence alignments to solve a novel and challenging problem: Measuring the structural similarity of generalized trees. More precisely, we first transform our graphs considered as high dimensional objects in linear structures. Then we derive similarity values from the alignments of the property strings in order to measure the structural similarity of generalized trees. Hence, we transform a graph similarity problem to a string similarity problem. We demonstrate that our similarity measure captures important structural information by applying it to two different test sets consisting of graphs representing web-based documents.</p> </div> </section> <section id="record-files" class="rel-mt-2 rel-mb-3" aria-label="Files" ><h2 id="files-heading">Files</h2> <div class="ui accordion panel mb-10 open" href="#files-preview-accordion-panel"> <h3 class="active title panel-heading open m-0"> <div role="button" id="files-preview-accordion-trigger" aria-controls="files-preview-accordion-panel" aria-expanded="true" tabindex="0" class="trigger" aria-label="File preview" > <span id="preview-file-title">15928.pdf</span> <i class="angle right icon" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> </h3> <div role="region" id="files-preview-accordion-panel" aria-labelledby="files-preview-accordion-trigger" class="active content preview-container pt-0 open" > <div> <iframe title="Preview" class="preview-iframe" id="preview-iframe" name="preview-iframe" src="/records/1086031/preview/15928.pdf?include_deleted=0" > </iframe> </div> </div> </div> <div class="ui accordion panel mb-10 open" href="#files-list-accordion-panel"> <h3 class="active title panel-heading open m-0"> <div role="button" id="files-list-accordion-trigger" aria-controls="files-list-accordion-panel" aria-expanded="true" tabindex="0" class="trigger"> Files <small class="text-muted"> (1.9 MB)</small> <i class="angle right icon" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> </h3> <div role="region" id="files-list-accordion-panel" aria-labelledby="files-list-accordion-trigger" class="active content pt-0"> <div> <table class="ui striped table files fluid open"> <thead> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Size</th> <th class> <a role="button" class="ui compact mini button right floated archive-link" href=""> <i class="file archive icon button" aria-hidden="true"></i> Download all </a> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="ten wide"> <div> <a href="/records/1086031/files/15928.pdf?download=1">15928.pdf</a> </div> <small class="ui text-muted font-tiny">md5:ae4213def0553785a81da08353f92265 <div class="ui icon inline-block" data-tooltip="This is the file fingerprint (checksum), which can be used to verify the file integrity."> <i class="question circle checksum icon"></i> </div> </small> </td> <td>1.9 MB</td> <td class="right aligned"> <span> <a role="button" class="ui compact mini button preview-link" href="/records/1086031/preview/15928.pdf?include_deleted=0" target="preview-iframe" data-file-key="15928.pdf"> <i class="eye icon" aria-hidden="true"></i>Preview </a> <a role="button" class="ui compact mini button" href="/records/1086031/files/15928.pdf?download=1"> <i class="download icon" aria-hidden="true"></i>Download </a> </span> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="additional-details" class="rel-mt-2" aria-label="Additional record details"> <h2 id="record-details-heading">Additional details</h2> <div class="ui divider"></div> <div class="ui fluid accordion padded grid rel-mb-1"> <div class="active title sixteen wide mobile four wide tablet three wide computer column"> <h3 class="ui header"> <div id="references-accordion-trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="references-panel" class="trigger" > <i class="caret right icon" aria-hidden="true"></i>References </div> </h3> </div> <div id="references-panel" role="region" aria-labelledby="references-accordion-trigger" class="active content sixteen wide mobile twelve wide tablet thirteen wide computer column" > <ul class="ui bulleted list details-list"> <li class="item">R. Bellman, Dynamic Programming. Princeton University Press, 1957</li> <li class="item">R. A. Botafogo, B. Shneiderman: Structural analysis of hypertexts: Identifying hierarchies and useful metrics, ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 10 (2), 1992, 142-180</li> <li class="item">S. Chakrabarti: Mining the Web. Discovering Knowledge from Hypertext Data, Morgen and Kaufmann Publishers, 2003</li> <li class="item">S. Chakrabarti: Integrating the document object model with hyperlinks for enhanced topic distillation and information extraction, Proc. of the 10th International World Wide Web Conference, Hong Kong, 2001, 211- 220</li> <li class="item">I. F. Cruz, S. Borisov, M. A. Marks, T. R. Webb: Measuring Structural Similarity Among Web Documents: Preliminary Results , Lecture Notes In Computer Science, Vol. 1375, 1998</li> <li class="item">M. Dehmer, Strukturelle Analyse web-basierter Dokumente, Ph.D Thesis, Department of Computer Science, Technische Universit┬¿at Darmstadt, 2005, unpublished</li> <li class="item">M. Dehmer, R. Gleim, A. Mehler: Aspekte der Kategorisierung von Webseiten, GI-Edition - Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Proceedings, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft f┬¿ur Informatik, Informatik 2004, Ulm/Germany, 2004, 39-43</li> <li class="item">R. Gleim: HyGraph - Ein Framework zur Extraktion, Repr┬¿asentation und Analyse webbasierter Hypertextstrukturen, Beitr┬¿age zur GLDVTagung 2005, Bonn/Germany, 2005</li> <li class="item">D. Gusfield: Algorithms on Strings, Trees, and Sequences: Computer Science and Computational Biology, Cambridge University Press, 1997 [10] T. Jiang, L. Wang, K. Zhang: Alignment of trees - An alternative to tree edit, Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier, Vol. 143, 1995, 137-148 [11] S. Joshi, N. Agrawal, R. Krishnapuram, S. Negi,: Bag of Paths Model for Measuring Structural Similarity in Web Documents, Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (SIGKDD), 2003, 577-582. [12] Mehler A.: Textbedeutung. Zur prozeduralen Analyse und Repr┬¿asentation struktureller ┬¿Ahnlichkeiten von Texten, Peter Lang, Europ┬¿aischer Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2001 [13] A. Mehler, M. Dehmer, R. Gleim: Towards logical hypertext structure. A graph-theoretic perspective, Proc. of I2CS-04, Guadalajara/Mexico, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Berlin-New York: Springer, 2004 [14] A. Mehler, R. Gleim, M. Dehmer: Towards structure-sensitive hypertext categorization, to appear in: Proceedings of the 29-th Annual Conference of the German Classification Society, 2005 [15] S. M. Selkow: The tree-to-tree editing problem, Information Processing Letters, Vol. 6 (6), 1977, 184-186 [16] T. F. Smith, M. S. Waterman: Identification of common molecular subsequences, Journal of Molecular Biology, Vol. 147 (1), 1981, 195- 197 [17] F. Sobik, Graphmetriken und Klassifikation strukturierter Objekte, ZKIInformationen, Akad. Wiss. DDR, Vol. 2 (82), 1982, 63-122 [18] J. R. Ullman, An algorithm for subgraph isomorphism, J. ACM, Vol. 23 (1), 1976, 31-42 [19] P. H. Winne., L. Gupta, J. C. Nesbit: Exploring individual differences in studying strategies using graph theoretic statistics, The Alberta Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 40, 1994, 177-193 [20] A. Winter: Exchanching Graphs with GXL, <a href="http://www.gupro" rel="noopener">http://www.gupro</a>. de/GXL [21] Y. Yang, S. Slattery, R. Ghani: A study of approaches to hypertext categorization, Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, Vol. 18 (2-3), 2002, 219-241 [22] K. Zhang, D. Shasha: Simple fast algorithms for the editing distance between trees and related problems, SIAM Journal of Computing, Vol. 18 (6), 1989, 1245-1262 [23] B. Zelinka, On a certain distance between isomorphism classes of graphs, ╦ç Casopis pro ╦çpest. Mathematiky, Vol. 100, 1975, 371-373</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="ui divider"></div> </section> <section id="citations-search" data-record-pids='{"doi": {"client": "datacite", "identifier": "10.5281/zenodo.1086031", "provider": "datacite"}, "oai": {"identifier": "", "provider": "oai"}}' data-record-parent-pids='{"doi": {"client": "datacite", "identifier": "10.5281/zenodo.1086030", "provider": "datacite"}}' data-citations-endpoint="" aria-label="Record citations" class="rel-mb-1" > </section> </article> <aside class="sixteen wide tablet five wide computer column sidebar" aria-label="Record details"> <section id="metrics" aria-label="Metrics" class="ui segment rdm-sidebar sidebar-container"> <div class="ui tiny two statistics rel-mt-1"> <div class="ui statistic"> <div class="value">76</div> <div class="label"> <i aria-hidden="true" class="eye icon"></i> Views </div> </div> <div class="ui statistic"> <div class="value">31</div> <div class="label"> <i aria-hidden="true" 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{"person_or_org": {"family_name": "Frank Emmert Streib", "name": "Frank Emmert Streib", "type": "personal"}}, {"person_or_org": {"family_name": "Alexander Mehler", "name": "Alexander Mehler", "type": "personal"}}, {"person_or_org": {"family_name": "J\u00fcrgen Kilian", "name": "J\u00fcrgen Kilian", "type": "personal"}}], "description": "\u003cp\u003eMost known methods for measuring the structural similarity of document structures are based on, e.g., tag measures, path metrics and tree measures in terms of their DOM-Trees. Other methods measures the similarity in the framework of the well known vector space model. In contrast to these we present a new approach to measuring the structural similarity of web-based documents represented by so called generalized trees which are more general than DOM-Trees which represent only directed rooted trees.We will design a new similarity measure for graphs representing web-based hypertext structures. Our similarity measure is mainly based on a novel representation of a graph as strings of linear integers, whose components represent structural properties of the graph. The similarity of two graphs is then defined as the optimal alignment of the underlying property strings. In this paper we apply the well known technique of sequence alignments to solve a novel and challenging problem: Measuring the structural similarity of generalized trees. More precisely, we first transform our graphs considered as high dimensional objects in linear structures. Then we derive similarity values from the alignments of the property strings in order to measure the structural similarity of generalized trees. Hence, we transform a graph similarity problem to a string similarity problem. We demonstrate that our similarity measure captures important structural information by applying it to two different test sets consisting of graphs representing web-based documents.\u003c/p\u003e", "languages": [{"id": "eng", "title": {"en": "English"}}], "publication_date": "2007-10-20", "publisher": "Zenodo", "references": [{"reference": "R. Bellman, Dynamic Programming. Princeton University Press, 1957"}, {"reference": "R. A. Botafogo, B. Shneiderman: Structural analysis of hypertexts:\nIdentifying hierarchies and useful metrics, ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 10\n(2), 1992, 142-180"}, {"reference": "S. Chakrabarti: Mining the Web. Discovering Knowledge from Hypertext\nData, Morgen and Kaufmann Publishers, 2003"}, {"reference": "S. Chakrabarti: Integrating the document object model with hyperlinks\nfor enhanced topic distillation and information extraction, Proc. of the\n10th International World Wide Web Conference, Hong Kong, 2001, 211-\n220"}, {"reference": "I. F. Cruz, S. Borisov, M. A. Marks, T. R. Webb: Measuring Structural\nSimilarity Among Web Documents: Preliminary Results , Lecture Notes\nIn Computer Science, Vol. 1375, 1998"}, {"reference": "M. Dehmer, Strukturelle Analyse web-basierter Dokumente, Ph.D Thesis,\nDepartment of Computer Science, Technische Universit\u252c\u00bfat Darmstadt,\n2005, unpublished"}, {"reference": "M. Dehmer, R. Gleim, A. Mehler: Aspekte der Kategorisierung von\nWebseiten, GI-Edition - Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Proceedings,\nJahrestagung der Gesellschaft f\u252c\u00bfur Informatik, Informatik 2004,\nUlm/Germany, 2004, 39-43"}, {"reference": "R. Gleim: HyGraph - Ein Framework zur Extraktion, Repr\u252c\u00bfasentation\nund Analyse webbasierter Hypertextstrukturen, Beitr\u252c\u00bfage zur GLDVTagung\n2005, Bonn/Germany, 2005"}, {"reference": "D. Gusfield: Algorithms on Strings, Trees, and Sequences: Computer\nScience and Computational Biology, Cambridge University Press, 1997\n[10] T. Jiang, L. Wang, K. Zhang: Alignment of trees - An alternative to tree\nedit, Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier, Vol. 143, 1995, 137-148\n[11] S. Joshi, N. Agrawal, R. Krishnapuram, S. Negi,: Bag of Paths Model\nfor Measuring Structural Similarity in Web Documents, Proceedings of\nthe ACM International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data\nMining (SIGKDD), 2003, 577-582.\n[12] Mehler A.: Textbedeutung. Zur prozeduralen Analyse und\nRepr\u252c\u00bfasentation struktureller \u252c\u00bfAhnlichkeiten von Texten, Peter Lang,\nEurop\u252c\u00bfaischer Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2001\n[13] A. Mehler, M. Dehmer, R. Gleim: Towards logical hypertext structure.\nA graph-theoretic perspective, Proc. of I2CS-04, Guadalajara/Mexico,\nLecture Notes in Computer Science, Berlin-New York: Springer, 2004\n[14] A. Mehler, R. Gleim, M. Dehmer: Towards structure-sensitive hypertext\ncategorization, to appear in: Proceedings of the 29-th Annual Conference\nof the German Classification Society, 2005\n[15] S. M. Selkow: The tree-to-tree editing problem, Information Processing\nLetters, Vol. 6 (6), 1977, 184-186\n[16] T. F. Smith, M. S. Waterman: Identification of common molecular\nsubsequences, Journal of Molecular Biology, Vol. 147 (1), 1981, 195-\n197\n[17] F. Sobik, Graphmetriken und Klassifikation strukturierter Objekte, ZKIInformationen,\nAkad. Wiss. DDR, Vol. 2 (82), 1982, 63-122\n[18] J. R. Ullman, An algorithm for subgraph isomorphism, J. ACM, Vol. 23\n(1), 1976, 31-42\n[19] P. H. Winne., L. Gupta, J. C. Nesbit: Exploring individual differences in\nstudying strategies using graph theoretic statistics, The Alberta Journal\nof Educational Research, Vol. 40, 1994, 177-193\n[20] A. Winter: Exchanching Graphs with GXL, http://www.gupro.\nde/GXL\n[21] Y. Yang, S. Slattery, R. Ghani: A study of approaches to hypertext\ncategorization, Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, Vol. 18 (2-3),\n2002, 219-241\n[22] K. Zhang, D. Shasha: Simple fast algorithms for the editing distance\nbetween trees and related problems, SIAM Journal of Computing, Vol.\n18 (6), 1989, 1245-1262\n[23] B. Zelinka, On a certain distance between isomorphism classes of\ngraphs, \u2566\u00e7 Casopis pro \u2566\u00e7pest. Mathematiky, Vol. 100, 1975, 371-373"}], "resource_type": {"id": "publication-article", "title": {"de": "Zeitschriftenartikel", "en": "Journal article"}}, "rights": [{"description": {"en": "The Creative Commons Attribution license allows re-distribution and re-use of a licensed work on the condition that the creator is appropriately credited."}, "icon": "cc-by-icon", "id": "cc-by-4.0", "props": {"scheme": "spdx", "url": ""}, "title": {"en": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International"}}], "subjects": [{"subject": "Graph similarity"}, {"subject": "hierarchical and directed graphs"}, {"subject": "hypertext"}, {"subject": "generalized trees"}, {"subject": "web structure mining."}], "title": "Measuring the Structural Similarity of Web-based Documents: A Novel Approach", "version": "15928"}, "parent": {"access": {"owned_by": {"user": "32148"}, "settings": {"accept_conditions_text": null, "allow_guest_requests": false, "allow_user_requests": false, "secret_link_expiration": 0}}, "communities": {"default": "a59dd046-9a86-4a47-97ce-b51f1bb8fc3f", "entries": [{"access": {"member_policy": "open", "members_visibility": "public", "record_submission_policy": "open", "review_policy": "open", "visibility": "public"}, "children": {"allow": false}, "created": "2017-05-31T21:24:26.028360+00:00", "custom_fields": {}, "deletion_status": {"is_deleted": false, "status": "P"}, "id": "a59dd046-9a86-4a47-97ce-b51f1bb8fc3f", "links": {}, "metadata": {"curation_policy": "", "page": "", "title": "World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology"}, "revision_id": 0, "slug": "waset", "updated": "2017-11-15T12:37:31.935319+00:00"}], "ids": ["a59dd046-9a86-4a47-97ce-b51f1bb8fc3f"]}, "id": "1086030", "pids": {"doi": {"client": "datacite", "identifier": "10.5281/zenodo.1086030", "provider": "datacite"}}}, "pids": {"doi": {"client": "datacite", "identifier": "10.5281/zenodo.1086031", "provider": "datacite"}, "oai": {"identifier": "", "provider": "oai"}}, "revision_id": 8, "stats": {"all_versions": {"data_volume": 63371055.0, "downloads": 33, "unique_downloads": 31, "unique_views": 76, "views": 77}, "this_version": {"data_volume": 63371055.0, "downloads": 33, "unique_downloads": 31, "unique_views": 76, "views": 77}}, "status": "published", "swh": {}, "ui": {"access_status": {"description_l10n": "The record and files are publicly accessible.", "embargo_date_l10n": null, "icon": "unlock", "id": "open", "message_class": "", "title_l10n": "Open"}, "created_date_l10n_long": "January 17, 2018", "creators": {"affiliations": [], "creators": [{"person_or_org": {"family_name": "Matthias Dehmer", "name": "Matthias Dehmer", "type": "personal"}}, {"person_or_org": {"family_name": "Frank Emmert Streib", "name": "Frank Emmert Streib", "type": "personal"}}, {"person_or_org": {"family_name": "Alexander Mehler", "name": "Alexander Mehler", "type": "personal"}}, {"person_or_org": {"family_name": "J\u00fcrgen Kilian", "name": "J\u00fcrgen Kilian", "type": "personal"}}]}, "custom_fields": {}, "description_stripped": "Most known methods for measuring the structural similarity of document structures are based on, e.g., tag measures, path metrics and tree measures in terms of their DOM-Trees. Other methods measures the similarity in the framework of the well known vector space model. In contrast to these we present a new approach to measuring the structural similarity of web-based documents represented by so called generalized trees which are more general than DOM-Trees which represent only directed rooted trees.We will design a new similarity measure for graphs representing web-based hypertext structures. Our similarity measure is mainly based on a novel representation of a graph as strings of linear integers, whose components represent structural properties of the graph. The similarity of two graphs is then defined as the optimal alignment of the underlying property strings. In this paper we apply the well known technique of sequence alignments to solve a novel and challenging problem: Measuring the structural similarity of generalized trees. More precisely, we first transform our graphs considered as high dimensional objects in linear structures. Then we derive similarity values from the alignments of the property strings in order to measure the structural similarity of generalized trees. Hence, we transform a graph similarity problem to a string similarity problem. We demonstrate that our similarity measure captures important structural information by applying it to two different test sets consisting of graphs representing web-based documents.", "is_draft": false, "languages": [{"id": "eng", "title_l10n": "English"}], "publication_date_l10n_long": "October 20, 2007", "publication_date_l10n_medium": "Oct 20, 2007", "resource_type": {"id": "publication-article", "title_l10n": "Journal article"}, "rights": [{"description_l10n": "The Creative Commons Attribution license allows re-distribution and re-use of a licensed work on the condition that the creator is appropriately credited.", "icon": "cc-by-icon", "id": "cc-by-4.0", "props": {"scheme": "spdx", "url": ""}, "title_l10n": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International"}], "updated_date_l10n_long": "August 2, 2024", "version": "15928"}, "updated": "2024-08-02T22:55:33.371537+00:00", "versions": {"index": 1, "is_latest": true}}' data-preview='false'> <div class="rel-p-1"></div> <div class="ui 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{"family_name": "Alexander Mehler", "name": "Alexander Mehler", "type": "personal"}}, {"person_or_org": {"family_name": "J\u00fcrgen Kilian", "name": "J\u00fcrgen Kilian", "type": "personal"}}], "description": "\u003cp\u003eMost known methods for measuring the structural similarity of document structures are based on, e.g., tag measures, path metrics and tree measures in terms of their DOM-Trees. Other methods measures the similarity in the framework of the well known vector space model. In contrast to these we present a new approach to measuring the structural similarity of web-based documents represented by so called generalized trees which are more general than DOM-Trees which represent only directed rooted trees.We will design a new similarity measure for graphs representing web-based hypertext structures. Our similarity measure is mainly based on a novel representation of a graph as strings of linear integers, whose components represent structural properties of the graph. The similarity of two graphs is then defined as the optimal alignment of the underlying property strings. In this paper we apply the well known technique of sequence alignments to solve a novel and challenging problem: Measuring the structural similarity of generalized trees. More precisely, we first transform our graphs considered as high dimensional objects in linear structures. Then we derive similarity values from the alignments of the property strings in order to measure the structural similarity of generalized trees. Hence, we transform a graph similarity problem to a string similarity problem. We demonstrate that our similarity measure captures important structural information by applying it to two different test sets consisting of graphs representing web-based documents.\u003c/p\u003e", "languages": [{"id": "eng", "title": {"en": "English"}}], "publication_date": "2007-10-20", "publisher": "Zenodo", "references": [{"reference": "R. Bellman, Dynamic Programming. Princeton University Press, 1957"}, {"reference": "R. A. Botafogo, B. Shneiderman: Structural analysis of hypertexts:\nIdentifying hierarchies and useful metrics, ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 10\n(2), 1992, 142-180"}, {"reference": "S. Chakrabarti: Mining the Web. Discovering Knowledge from Hypertext\nData, Morgen and Kaufmann Publishers, 2003"}, {"reference": "S. Chakrabarti: Integrating the document object model with hyperlinks\nfor enhanced topic distillation and information extraction, Proc. of the\n10th International World Wide Web Conference, Hong Kong, 2001, 211-\n220"}, {"reference": "I. F. Cruz, S. Borisov, M. A. Marks, T. R. Webb: Measuring Structural\nSimilarity Among Web Documents: Preliminary Results , Lecture Notes\nIn Computer Science, Vol. 1375, 1998"}, {"reference": "M. Dehmer, Strukturelle Analyse web-basierter Dokumente, Ph.D Thesis,\nDepartment of Computer Science, Technische Universit\u252c\u00bfat Darmstadt,\n2005, unpublished"}, {"reference": "M. Dehmer, R. Gleim, A. Mehler: Aspekte der Kategorisierung von\nWebseiten, GI-Edition - Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Proceedings,\nJahrestagung der Gesellschaft f\u252c\u00bfur Informatik, Informatik 2004,\nUlm/Germany, 2004, 39-43"}, {"reference": "R. Gleim: HyGraph - Ein Framework zur Extraktion, Repr\u252c\u00bfasentation\nund Analyse webbasierter Hypertextstrukturen, Beitr\u252c\u00bfage zur GLDVTagung\n2005, Bonn/Germany, 2005"}, {"reference": "D. Gusfield: Algorithms on Strings, Trees, and Sequences: Computer\nScience and Computational Biology, Cambridge University Press, 1997\n[10] T. Jiang, L. Wang, K. Zhang: Alignment of trees - An alternative to tree\nedit, Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier, Vol. 143, 1995, 137-148\n[11] S. Joshi, N. Agrawal, R. Krishnapuram, S. Negi,: Bag of Paths Model\nfor Measuring Structural Similarity in Web Documents, Proceedings of\nthe ACM International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data\nMining (SIGKDD), 2003, 577-582.\n[12] Mehler A.: Textbedeutung. Zur prozeduralen Analyse und\nRepr\u252c\u00bfasentation struktureller \u252c\u00bfAhnlichkeiten von Texten, Peter Lang,\nEurop\u252c\u00bfaischer Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2001\n[13] A. Mehler, M. Dehmer, R. Gleim: Towards logical hypertext structure.\nA graph-theoretic perspective, Proc. of I2CS-04, Guadalajara/Mexico,\nLecture Notes in Computer Science, Berlin-New York: Springer, 2004\n[14] A. Mehler, R. Gleim, M. Dehmer: Towards structure-sensitive hypertext\ncategorization, to appear in: Proceedings of the 29-th Annual Conference\nof the German Classification Society, 2005\n[15] S. M. Selkow: The tree-to-tree editing problem, Information Processing\nLetters, Vol. 6 (6), 1977, 184-186\n[16] T. F. Smith, M. S. Waterman: Identification of common molecular\nsubsequences, Journal of Molecular Biology, Vol. 147 (1), 1981, 195-\n197\n[17] F. Sobik, Graphmetriken und Klassifikation strukturierter Objekte, ZKIInformationen,\nAkad. Wiss. DDR, Vol. 2 (82), 1982, 63-122\n[18] J. R. Ullman, An algorithm for subgraph isomorphism, J. ACM, Vol. 23\n(1), 1976, 31-42\n[19] P. H. Winne., L. Gupta, J. C. Nesbit: Exploring individual differences in\nstudying strategies using graph theoretic statistics, The Alberta Journal\nof Educational Research, Vol. 40, 1994, 177-193\n[20] A. Winter: Exchanching Graphs with GXL, http://www.gupro.\nde/GXL\n[21] Y. Yang, S. Slattery, R. Ghani: A study of approaches to hypertext\ncategorization, Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, Vol. 18 (2-3),\n2002, 219-241\n[22] K. Zhang, D. Shasha: Simple fast algorithms for the editing distance\nbetween trees and related problems, SIAM Journal of Computing, Vol.\n18 (6), 1989, 1245-1262\n[23] B. Zelinka, On a certain distance between isomorphism classes of\ngraphs, \u2566\u00e7 Casopis pro \u2566\u00e7pest. Mathematiky, Vol. 100, 1975, 371-373"}], "resource_type": {"id": "publication-article", "title": {"de": "Zeitschriftenartikel", "en": "Journal article"}}, "rights": [{"description": {"en": "The Creative Commons Attribution license allows re-distribution and re-use of a licensed work on the condition that the creator is appropriately credited."}, "icon": "cc-by-icon", "id": "cc-by-4.0", "props": {"scheme": "spdx", "url": ""}, "title": {"en": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International"}}], "subjects": [{"subject": "Graph similarity"}, {"subject": "hierarchical and directed graphs"}, {"subject": "hypertext"}, {"subject": "generalized trees"}, {"subject": "web structure mining."}], "title": "Measuring the Structural Similarity of Web-based Documents: A Novel Approach", "version": "15928"}, "parent": {"access": {"owned_by": {"user": "32148"}, "settings": {"accept_conditions_text": null, "allow_guest_requests": false, "allow_user_requests": false, "secret_link_expiration": 0}}, "communities": {"default": "a59dd046-9a86-4a47-97ce-b51f1bb8fc3f", "entries": [{"access": {"member_policy": "open", "members_visibility": "public", "record_submission_policy": "open", "review_policy": "open", "visibility": "public"}, "children": {"allow": false}, "created": "2017-05-31T21:24:26.028360+00:00", "custom_fields": {}, "deletion_status": {"is_deleted": false, "status": "P"}, "id": "a59dd046-9a86-4a47-97ce-b51f1bb8fc3f", "links": {}, "metadata": {"curation_policy": "", "page": "", "title": "World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology"}, "revision_id": 0, "slug": "waset", "updated": "2017-11-15T12:37:31.935319+00:00"}], "ids": ["a59dd046-9a86-4a47-97ce-b51f1bb8fc3f"]}, "id": "1086030", "pids": {"doi": {"client": "datacite", "identifier": "10.5281/zenodo.1086030", "provider": "datacite"}}}, "pids": {"doi": {"client": "datacite", "identifier": "10.5281/zenodo.1086031", "provider": "datacite"}, "oai": {"identifier": "", "provider": "oai"}}, "revision_id": 8, "stats": {"all_versions": {"data_volume": 63371055.0, "downloads": 33, "unique_downloads": 31, "unique_views": 76, "views": 77}, "this_version": {"data_volume": 63371055.0, "downloads": 33, "unique_downloads": 31, "unique_views": 76, "views": 77}}, "status": "published", "swh": {}, "ui": {"access_status": {"description_l10n": "The record and files are publicly accessible.", "embargo_date_l10n": null, "icon": "unlock", "id": "open", "message_class": "", "title_l10n": "Open"}, "created_date_l10n_long": "January 17, 2018", "creators": {"affiliations": [], "creators": [{"person_or_org": {"family_name": "Matthias Dehmer", "name": "Matthias Dehmer", "type": "personal"}}, {"person_or_org": {"family_name": "Frank Emmert Streib", "name": "Frank Emmert Streib", "type": "personal"}}, {"person_or_org": {"family_name": "Alexander Mehler", "name": "Alexander Mehler", "type": "personal"}}, {"person_or_org": {"family_name": "J\u00fcrgen Kilian", "name": "J\u00fcrgen Kilian", "type": "personal"}}]}, "custom_fields": {}, "description_stripped": "Most known methods for measuring the structural similarity of document structures are based on, e.g., tag measures, path metrics and tree measures in terms of their DOM-Trees. Other methods measures the similarity in the framework of the well known vector space model. In contrast to these we present a new approach to measuring the structural similarity of web-based documents represented by so called generalized trees which are more general than DOM-Trees which represent only directed rooted trees.We will design a new similarity measure for graphs representing web-based hypertext structures. Our similarity measure is mainly based on a novel representation of a graph as strings of linear integers, whose components represent structural properties of the graph. The similarity of two graphs is then defined as the optimal alignment of the underlying property strings. In this paper we apply the well known technique of sequence alignments to solve a novel and challenging problem: Measuring the structural similarity of generalized trees. More precisely, we first transform our graphs considered as high dimensional objects in linear structures. Then we derive similarity values from the alignments of the property strings in order to measure the structural similarity of generalized trees. Hence, we transform a graph similarity problem to a string similarity problem. We demonstrate that our similarity measure captures important structural information by applying it to two different test sets consisting of graphs representing web-based documents.", "is_draft": false, "languages": [{"id": "eng", "title_l10n": "English"}], "publication_date_l10n_long": "October 20, 2007", "publication_date_l10n_medium": "Oct 20, 2007", "resource_type": {"id": "publication-article", "title_l10n": "Journal article"}, "rights": [{"description_l10n": "The Creative Commons Attribution license allows re-distribution and re-use of a licensed work on the condition that the creator is appropriately credited.", "icon": "cc-by-icon", "id": "cc-by-4.0", "props": {"scheme": "spdx", "url": ""}, "title_l10n": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International"}], "updated_date_l10n_long": "August 2, 2024", "version": "15928"}, "updated": "2024-08-02T22:55:33.371537+00:00", "versions": {"index": 1, "is_latest": true}}' data-styles='[["apa", "APA"], ["harvard-cite-them-right", 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"2018-01-17T09:24:37.141964+00:00", "dateModified": "2024-08-02T22:55:33.371537+00:00", "datePublished": "2007-10-20", "description": "\u003cp\u003eMost known methods for measuring the structural similarity of document structures are based on, e.g., tag measures, path metrics and tree measures in terms of their DOM-Trees. Other methods measures the similarity in the framework of the well known vector space model. In contrast to these we present a new approach to measuring the structural similarity of web-based documents represented by so called generalized trees which are more general than DOM-Trees which represent only directed rooted trees.We will design a new similarity measure for graphs representing web-based hypertext structures. Our similarity measure is mainly based on a novel representation of a graph as strings of linear integers, whose components represent structural properties of the graph. The similarity of two graphs is then defined as the optimal alignment of the underlying property strings. In this paper we apply the well known technique of sequence alignments to solve a novel and challenging problem: Measuring the structural similarity of generalized trees. More precisely, we first transform our graphs considered as high dimensional objects in linear structures. Then we derive similarity values from the alignments of the property strings in order to measure the structural similarity of generalized trees. Hence, we transform a graph similarity problem to a string similarity problem. We demonstrate that our similarity measure captures important structural information by applying it to two different test sets consisting of graphs representing web-based documents.\u003c/p\u003e", "identifier": "", "inLanguage": {"@type": "Language", "alternateName": "eng", "name": "English"}, "keywords": "Graph similarity, hierarchical and directed graphs, hypertext, generalized trees, web structure mining.", "license": "", "name": "Measuring the Structural Similarity of Web-based Documents: A Novel Approach", "publisher": {"@type": "Organization", "name": "Zenodo"}, "size": "1.83 MB", "url": "", "version": "15928"}</script> <script src="/static/dist/js/invenio-app-rdm-landing-page-theme.3b272942835c0a00f70d.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/9945.a92c05fa251cdd46af39.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/1357.6ee8cbca1c30c50f9548.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/1644.e1781edcf51e2dc7f142.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/8962.96d2b28b733c6e09354a.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/9300.3ca5da14db03d2fd0854.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/5680.fe8049296074c5f486f1.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/invenio-app-rdm-landing-page.2a922a49323c9b3bb9a9.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/previewer_theme.a4cb12f2f2d734727d26.js"></script> <script src="/static/dist/js/zenodo-rdm-citations.fec7f37f1c6823bc87e7.js"></script> <div class="ui container info message cookie-banner hidden"> <i class="close icon"></i> <div> <i aria-hidden="true" class="info icon"></i> <p class="inline">This site uses cookies. 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