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Whether you’re new to our community or visiting us again, we’re glad you’re here. Cozy up, tune in, and start streaming today.","duration":40,"id":"6347948880112","link":null}],"top 5":[{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Operationalizing a model is complex, even moreso when the environment is outside our core data center. In this episode, we will discuss and showcase how to deploy AI-powered applications to Edge environments using Red Hat OpenShift AI. ","tags":["ai","edge_computing","emerging_technology","red_hat_device_edge","red_hat_openshift","efficiency","portability","scalability","cost_savings"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7015Y0000048VaKQAU","pretitle":"AI","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Valentina Rodriguez is a Principal Technical Marketing Manager at Red Hat, focusing on the developer journeys in OpenShift and emerging technologies. Before this role, she worked with high-profile customers, helping them adopt new technologies, and worked closely with developers and platform engineers. Her background is in software engineering. She built software for 15 years, working in diverse roles from Developer to Tech Lead and Architect, from retail, healthcare, financial, e-commerce, telco, and many other industries.","speaker_1_name":"Valentina Rodriguez Sosa","speaker_1_title":"Technical Marketing Manager, Red Hat","speaker_2_bio":"Myriam is Product Manager at Red Hat focusing on features for automation and distributed AI workloads. She has been with Red Hat for 10+ years working with customers to understand the challenges and user experience.","speaker_2_name":"Myriam Fentanes","speaker_2_title":"Principal Product Manager, Red Hat"},"name":"AI at the Edge","reference_id":null,"long_description":"AI is the new competitive advantage, but due to concerns about data security, data privacy or simply to put the AI capabilities closer to the sources of data, MLOps and Data Scientists need to collaborate to rapidly productize models with better performance. It is important to have an MLOps platform that can be deployed on hybrid topologies and that provides all the different personas tools to collaborate and automate processes to reduce the time to value.","duration":452907,"id":"6363132309112","link":{"text":"Get started today!","url":""}},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Learn how to use Red Hat Insights' image builder to build ready-to-deploy RHEL images","tags":["red_hat_enterprise_linux","red_hat_insights","infrastructure"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7015Y0000048VaFQAU","pretitle":"Infrastructure","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Eric \"The IT Guy\" Hendricks is a Technical Marketing Manager for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, as well as the host of \"Red Hat Enterprise Linux Presents,\" a podcaster, and open source advocate. Hendricks started out in 2007 as a Systems Administrator specializing in Linux before moving into technical marketing.","speaker_1_name":"Eric \"The IT Guy\" Hendricks","speaker_1_title":"Technical Marketing Manager, Red Hat"},"name":"Building Red Hat Enterprise Linux images the new way","reference_id":null,"long_description":"It is more important than ever to have standardized images pre-built with the tools, accounts, and compliance requirements when deploying across a hybrid cloud. Red Hat Insights, our SaaS platform, has the capability to build these standardized images and store them in a blueprint file. Join Eric \"the IT Guy\" as he walks through creating an image and a blueprint for deployment anywhere your RHEL infrastructure maybe.","duration":607893,"id":"6363132975112","link":{"text":"Get started","url":""}},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"The InstructLab project is an innovative approach to alignment for Large Language Models (LLM) using synthetic data generation.","tags":["red_hat_enterprise_linux","machine_learning (ml)","edge_computing","ai"],"custom_fields":{"attachment_1_title":"Learn more about InstructLab","attachment_1_url":"","offer_id":"7015Y0000048VYOQA2","pretitle":"AI","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"A 20+ year tech industry veteran, Jeremy is a Distinguished Engineer within the Red Hat AI product group, building Red Hat's AI/ML and Open Source strategy. His role involves working with engineering and product leaders across the company to devise a strategy that will deliver a sustainable open source, enterprise software business around artificial intelligence and machine learning.\n\nHe is a proven technical leader and intrapreneur, having seeded several significant initiatives that have made their way into Red Hat’s products, services and process. Jeremy was the recipient of Red Hat’s Chairman's Award and remains a frequent author and presenter. He previously specialized in software performance analysis (including significant work in CPU and hardware accelerators), managed cloud services, and currently works in the AI/ML space as a corporate strategist, ensuring that Red Hat is positioned appropriately as the AI/ML space consolidates.","speaker_1_name":"Jeremy Eder","speaker_1_title":"Distinguished Engineer","speaker_2_bio":"Grant Shipley is a Sr. Director at Red Hat focused on Gen AI Platforms. He has had numerous roles throughout his career, including management of software development and infrastructure teams, and brings more than 20 years of experience in software development focusing on Linux, Java, and Node.js. Most recently, he was at VMware and worked on several critical areas related to Tanzu including Tanzu Community Edition, Tanzu Advanced, and Tanzu Application Platform.","speaker_2_name":"Grant Shipley","speaker_2_title":"Sr. Director, Gen AI Model Platforms"},"name":"RHEL AI and InstructLab for Employee Productivity","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Learn how to add your own knowledge and skills to a Large Language Model using the InstructLab Project. 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He has worked on operationalizing AI Models on OpenShift for the past 7 years and has a diverse background working for Red Hat, Protolabs, LexisNexis, and the U.S. Army.","speaker_1_name":"Chris Chase","speaker_1_title":"Principal Marketing Manager, Red Hat"},"name":"Red Hat OpenShift AI demo ","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Red Hat's AI platform enables the development and deployment of models across the public cloud data center and edge. It manages cluster resource requests such as scaling up and down GPUs and fosters collaboration between developers and data scientists. All by expanding the DevOps tooling provided within OpenShift providing additional capabilities such as model serving and monitoring from a central location.","duration":426773,"id":"6358994368112","link":{"text":"Try Red Hat OpenShift AI today!","url":""}},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"The flexibility of the Ansible Automation Platform can be leveraged to integrate with existing systems to automate actions on far-flung devices. 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This capability drives the flexibility of the Ansible Automation Platform to ensure that no task is left to manual execution, and that no alert is ignored. ","duration":708544,"id":"6360709107112","link":null}],"trending":[{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Join Red Hat executives, industry leaders, and top enterprise customers and partners as we explore how Red Hat empowers businesses to harness the full potential of hybrid cloud and AI.","tags":["red_hat_summit","summit","events","ai","open_hybrid_cloud"],"custom_fields":{"live_interactivity_event_id":"664610be7ecebd2d11a130cc","offer_id":"7015Y0000045ADjQAM","pretitle":"Red Hat Summit","production_year":"2024"},"name":"Red Hat Summit 2024: Unleashing the Power of Hybrid Cloud and AI","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Join Red Hat executives, industry leaders, and top enterprise customers and partners as we explore how Red Hat empowers businesses to harness the full potential of hybrid cloud and AI. 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Discover how intelligent infrastructure management can unlock AI's full potential in your organization.\n\nYou'll also get a sneak peek into the future of Red Hat technology and AI, from the communities building the next wave of innovation to what you might see in Red Hat products in the coming years. Learn how Red Hat's security solutions can help protect your AI infrastructure and ensure the integrity of your AI-driven systems.\n\nLearn why a robust hybrid cloud infrastructure is critical for successful AI implementations and how it can give your organization a competitive edge. Gain insights into real-world use cases where combining AI and the cloud has driven significant business value and transformed industries.\n\nWhether you're a system admin looking to optimize your infrastructure, an executive aiming to drive digital transformation, or a decision-maker evaluating the latest in artificial intelligence and cloud computing technologies, Red Hat Summit has you covered. 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In her free time she likes to read, workout and play with her dog, Scout","speaker_1_name":"Angela Andrews","speaker_1_title":"Senior Solution Architect, Red Hat"},"name":"Tips for submitting a proposal for Red Hat Summit and AnsibleFest 2025","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Are you interested in submitting a proposal for Red Hat Summit and AnsibleFest 2025 but not sure where to start? Watch this video to hear from a past speaker and member of the rating committee, Angela Andrews, on what to consider before you begin your proposal. \n\nThe call for proposals (CFP) is open from October 2, 2024 to November 13, 2024. Submit to speak today to lend your voice to a dynamic community of professionals, open source contributors, forward-thinking customers, and partners.","duration":242155,"id":"6362761869112","link":{"text":"Submit a proposal","url":""}},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Modernize your Linux® system administration while automating routine tasks by using RedHat® Ansible® Automation Platform. ","tags":["management","training","red_hat_ansible_automation","automation","application_services","linux_platforms","services"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7015Y000003so9dQAA","pretitle":"Automation","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Jiri Tesar started working with Red Hat as a Technical Support Engineer focusing on Linux system management. In his current role, Jiri teaches technical classes, including Ansible Automation Platform, Red Hat OpenShift® Container Platform, and general Red Hat Enterprise Linux administration classes.","speaker_1_name":"Jiri Tesar","speaker_1_title":"Senior Technical Instructor, Product and Technical Learning, Red Hat"},"name":"Automating Linux system administration tasks and managing workflows at scale","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Stream this episode as we explore the power of Red Hat® Ansible® Automation Platform to modernize Linux® environment management, taking inspiration from our immersive bootcamp (DO710). Participants will carefully examine the core principles of Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform, discovering how its agentless architecture simplifies automation tasksand promotes effortless orchestration. From configuration management to application deployment, attendees will see how Ansible Automation Platform empowers system administrators to automate day-to-day Linux system administration tasks.","duration":3581050,"id":"6350980080112","link":null}],"events":[{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"This episode (1 of 5) covers introduction to edge, key use cases and workloads and provides an overview of Red Hat Edge portfolio.","tags":["edge_computing","red_hat_device_edge","event"],"custom_fields":{"event_end_time":"2024-09-10T13:00:00-04:00","event_start_time":"2024-09-10T12:00:00-04:00","offer_id":"7015Y0000048YXIQA2","pretitle":"Edge computing","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Daniel works as a Principal Product Manager at Red Hat. He is responsible for defining and managing the Red Hat OpenShift edge related aspects. That includes MicroShift, Red Hat Device Edge and Single Node OpenShift products. He considers himself a catalyst to bring together the necessary resources (people, technology, methods) to make projects and products a success. Daniel has more than 25 years of experience in IT. In the past years, Daniel has been focusing on Hybrid Cloud and Container Technologies in the Industrial space. ","speaker_1_name":"Daniel Froehlich","speaker_1_title":"Principal Product Manager, Red Hat"},"name":"Red Hat Device Edge Technical Overview, Part 1 - Introduction","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Red Hat Device Edge provides a modular edge solution with a minimal footprint. Using Red Hat’s open hybrid cloud architecture, Red Hat Device Edge brings operational consistency and flexibility to customers deploying virtual or containerized workloads to resource-constrained edge devices in challenging field locations (e.g., drones, industrial controllers, point of sales terminals). Red Hat Device Edge aggregates an enterprise-ready, supported distribution of the Red Hat-led open source community project MicroShift (a lightweight Kubernetes project built from the edge capabilities of Red Hat OpenShift) along with an edge-optimized OS built from Red Hat Enterprise Linux. With tools for both Day 1 device deployments and ongoing platform and workload operations, Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform helps organizations quickly scale device and application life cycle management. \n\nIn this technical overview series, you will learn more about the components of Red Hat Device Edge and how it is solving customer challenges across multiple industries. You will also see the platform in action through a series of live demonstrations. ","duration":635925,"id":"6361507500112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"This episode (2 of 5) covers components of Red Hat Device Edge, customer challenges, and Edge computing with Red Hat Enterprise Linux and a walkthrough demo.","tags":["edge_computing","red_hat_device_edge","red_hat_enterprise_linux","event"],"custom_fields":{"event_end_time":"2024-09-24T13:00:00-04:00","event_start_time":"2024-09-24T12:00:00-04:00","offer_id":"7015Y0000048YXNQA2","pretitle":"Edge computing","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Daniel works as a Principal Product Manager at Red Hat. He is responsible for defining and managing the Red Hat OpenShift edge related aspects. That includes MicroShift, Red Hat Device Edge and Single Node OpenShift products. He considers himself a catalyst to bring together the necessary resources (people, technology, methods) to make projects and products a success. Daniel has more than 25 years of experience in IT. In the past years, Daniel has been focusing on Hybrid Cloud and Container Technologies in the Industrial space. ","speaker_1_name":"Daniel Froehlich","speaker_1_title":"Principal Product Manager, Red Hat"},"name":"Red Hat Device Edge Technical Overview, Part 2 - RHEL","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Red Hat Device Edge provides a modular edge solution with a minimal footprint. Using Red Hat’s open hybrid cloud architecture, Red Hat Device Edge brings operational consistency and flexibility to customers deploying virtual or containerized workloads to resource-constrained edge devices in challenging field locations (e.g., drones, industrial controllers, point of sales terminals). Red Hat Device Edge aggregates an enterprise-ready, supported distribution of the Red Hat-led open source community project MicroShift (a lightweight Kubernetes project built from the edge capabilities of Red Hat OpenShift) along with an edge-optimized OS built from Red Hat Enterprise Linux. With tools for both Day 1 device deployments and ongoing platform and workload operations, Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform helps organizations quickly scale device and application life cycle management. \n\nIn this technical overview series, you will learn more about the components of Red Hat Device Edge and how it is solving customer challenges across multiple industries. You will also see the platform in action through a series of live demonstrations. ","duration":1328341,"id":"6361552354112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"This episode (3 of 5) introduces the MicroShift component of Red Hat Device Edge, a lightweight kubernetes engine, technical specification and a live demo.","tags":["edge_computing","red_hat_device_edge","red_hat_openshift_kubernetes_engine","event"],"custom_fields":{"event_end_time":"2024-10-08T13:00:00-04:00","event_start_time":"2024-10-08T12:00:00-04:00","offer_id":"7015Y0000048YXSQA2","pretitle":"Edge computing","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Daniel works as a Principal Product Manager at Red Hat. He is responsible for defining and managing the Red Hat OpenShift edge related aspects. That includes MicroShift, Red Hat Device Edge and Single Node OpenShift products. He considers himself a catalyst to bring together the necessary resources (people, technology, methods) to make projects and products a success. Daniel has more than 25 years of experience in IT. In the past years, Daniel has been focusing on Hybrid Cloud and Container Technologies in the Industrial space. ","speaker_1_name":"Daniel Froehlich","speaker_1_title":"Principal Product Manager, Red Hat"},"name":"Red Hat Device Edge Technical Overview, Part 3 - MicroShift","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Red Hat Device Edge provides a modular edge solution with a minimal footprint. Using Red Hat’s open hybrid cloud architecture, Red Hat Device Edge brings operational consistency and flexibility to customers deploying virtual or containerized workloads to resource-constrained edge devices in challenging field locations (e.g., drones, industrial controllers, point of sales terminals). Red Hat Device Edge aggregates an enterprise-ready, supported distribution of the Red Hat-led open source community project MicroShift (a lightweight Kubernetes project built from the edge capabilities of Red Hat OpenShift) along with an edge-optimized OS built from Red Hat Enterprise Linux. With tools for both Day 1 device deployments and ongoing platform and workload operations, Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform helps organizations quickly scale device and application life cycle management. \n\nIn this technical overview series, you will learn more about the components of Red Hat Device Edge and how it is solving customer challenges across multiple industries. You will also see the platform in action through a series of live demonstrations. ","duration":1204096,"id":"6361554249112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"This episode (4 of 5) showcases how Ansible Automation Platform helps you manage and automate Red Hat Device Edge across multiple industries and see a live demo.","tags":["edge_computing","red_hat_ansible_automation_platform","red_hat_device_edge","event"],"custom_fields":{"event_end_time":"2024-10-22T13:00:00-04:00","event_start_time":"2024-10-22T12:00:00-04:00","offer_id":"7015Y0000048YXXQA2","pretitle":"Edge computing","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Dafné Mendoza is the Principal Product Manager for Network automation in the Ansible Business Unit at Red Hat, and former Technical Marketing Manager for network and edge automation. Prior to Red Hat, Dafné worked at Cisco Systems, supporting Service Providers customers across US, Canada and Latin America to design, implement and adopt automation, orchestration and network management solutions. She brings over 15 years of experience in the IT field with specializations in DevNet, ITIL, SCRUM, consulting, networking and automation.","speaker_1_name":"Dafné Mendoza","speaker_1_title":"Principal Product Manager, Ansible Automation Platform, Red Hat"},"name":"Red Hat Device Edge Technical Overview, Part 4 - Ansible Automation Platform","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Red Hat Device Edge provides a modular edge solution with a minimal footprint. Using Red Hat’s open hybrid cloud architecture, Red Hat Device Edge brings operational consistency and flexibility to customers deploying virtual or containerized workloads to resource-constrained edge devices in challenging field locations (e.g., drones, industrial controllers, point of sales terminals). Red Hat Device Edge aggregates an enterprise-ready, supported distribution of the Red Hat-led open source community project MicroShift (a lightweight Kubernetes project built from the edge capabilities of Red Hat OpenShift) along with an edge-optimized OS built from Red Hat Enterprise Linux. With tools for both Day 1 device deployments and ongoing platform and workload operations, Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform helps organizations quickly scale device and application life cycle management. \n\nIn this technical overview series, you will learn more about the components of Red Hat Device Edge and how it is solving customer challenges across multiple industries. You will also see the platform in action through a series of live demonstrations. ","duration":455715,"id":"6361554635112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"This episode (5 of 5) highlights an end-to-end demo, provisioning and managing a fleet of edge devices using Red Hat Device Edge and Ansible Automation Platform.","tags":["edge_computing","red_hat_ansible_automation_platform","red_hat_device_edge","event"],"custom_fields":{"event_end_time":"2024-11-05T13:00:00-04:00","event_start_time":"2024-11-05T12:00:00-04:00","offer_id":"7015Y0000048YXcQAM","pretitle":"Edge computing","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Daniel works as a Principal Product Manager at Red Hat. He is responsible for defining and managing the Red Hat OpenShift edge related aspects. That includes MicroShift, Red Hat Device Edge and Single Node OpenShift products. He considers himself a catalyst to bring together the necessary resources (people, technology, methods) to make projects and products a success. Daniel has more than 25 years of experience in IT. In the past years, Daniel has been focusing on Hybrid Cloud and Container Technologies in the Industrial space.","speaker_1_name":"Daniel Froehlich","speaker_1_title":"Principal Product Manager, Red Hat"},"name":"Red Hat Device Edge Technical Overview, Part 5 - Bringing it all together","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Red Hat Device Edge provides a modular edge solution with a minimal footprint. Using Red Hat’s open hybrid cloud architecture, Red Hat Device Edge brings operational consistency and flexibility to customers deploying virtual or containerized workloads to resource-constrained edge devices in challenging field locations (e.g., drones, industrial controllers, point of sales terminals). Red Hat Device Edge aggregates an enterprise-ready, supported distribution of the Red Hat-led open source community project MicroShift (a lightweight Kubernetes project built from the edge capabilities of Red Hat OpenShift) along with an edge-optimized OS built from Red Hat Enterprise Linux. With tools for both Day 1 device deployments and ongoing platform and workload operations, Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform helps organizations quickly scale device and application life cycle management. \n\nIn this technical overview series, you will learn more about the components of Red Hat Device Edge and how it is solving customer challenges across multiple industries. You will also see the platform in action through a series of live demonstrations. ","duration":1251499,"id":"6361555426112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® on Amazon Web Services (AWS) can deliver more value for your organization, providing a flexible, stable, and reliable foundation for innovation. ","tags":["cloud_services","red_hat_enterprise_linux","red_hat_insights","aws","google","event","hybrid_cloud"],"custom_fields":{"event_end_time":"2024-03-20T13:30:00-04:00","event_start_time":"2024-03-20T12:00:00-04:00","live_interactivity_event_id":"99e43242-6060-4783-814b-e3ca1831fada","offer_id":"7013a000003SmSMAA0","pretitle":"Cloud services","production_year":"2023","speaker_1_bio":"Mayur Shetty is a Principal Solution Architect with Red Hat’s Global Partners and Alliances Organisation (GPA) working closely with AWS. He has been with Red Hat for more than 5 years, where he was previously part of the OpenStack Tiger Team. Prior to Red Hat he worked as a senior solution architect driving solutions with OpenStack Swift, Ceph®, and other object storage software.","speaker_1_name":"Mayur Shetty","speaker_1_title":"Principal Ecosystem Solution Architect, Red Hat","speaker_2_bio":"David Duncan has been an AWS Partner Solution Architect for more than 7 years. He is keenly focused on open source software and upstream contributions, and is responsible for the technical strategy and governance of open source platform partners. David is a key Red Hat advocate at AWS, collaborating with Red Hat and our joint customers to define and manage technical adoption of our solutions on the AWS environment.","speaker_2_name":"David Duncan","speaker_2_title":"Partner Solution Architect, AWS"},"name":"Optimize your IT environment with Red Hat and AWS","reference_id":"","long_description":"Across industries, organizations are moving to a cloud environment as part of their digital strategy. In fact, enterprise organizations run 50% of their workloads and store 48% of their data in a public cloud. Your choice of operating system (OS) and cloud provider are strategic decisions. Your OS forms the foundation for your entire environment. Security, management, portability, and life cycle planning start with the OS.\n\nRed Hat® Enterprise Linux® on Amazon Web Services (AWS) can deliver more value for your organization, providing a flexible, stable, and reliable foundation for innovation. This episode describes how setting a foundation on Red Hat Enterprise Linux for both on-site datacenter and AWS environments can help you improve productivity, security, and operations as you move to the cloud and adapt to an increasingly digital world.","duration":1644000,"id":"6347398270112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"This episode will explore the integration of Red Hat technologies within the Microsoft Azure ecosystem while also delving into the strategic migration path from CentOS Linux to Red Hat Enterprise Linux®. ","tags":["infrastructure","red_hat_enterprise_linux","migration","event"],"custom_fields":{"event_end_time":"2024-04-03T13:00:00-04:00","event_start_time":"2024-04-03T12:00:00-04:00","ingestion_guid":"097229cb6cb08ea350eea1115f3684ea7449b44d5fd44c455b5d14b8b0810675","offer_id":"7013a000003SmUmAAK","pretitle":"Infrastructure","production_year":"2023","speaker_1_bio":"James Read is a Principal Solution Architect, supporting the Microsoft partnership for 8 of the 12 years he has been at Red Hat. James is a Red Hatter with 2 hats—1 technical and 1 commercial.\n\nUnder his technical hat James has in-depth experience with systems and software engineering, supported by a strong background in public cloud solutions. Under his commercial hat, he supports some of the biggest customers in the public sector and financial services industries adopt Red Hat technology, with a focus on reducing operational cost and delivery risk.","speaker_1_name":"James Read","speaker_1_title":"EMEA Principal Ecosystem Solution Architect, Red Hat","speaker_2_bio":"Campbell has worked in open source for more than 20 years. In that time, he's performed in many roles within the enterprise open source world, from engineering lead to project manager to strategic lead. He is presently Microsoft's CTO for the partnership with Red Hat. In addition to this role, he’s a published author, speaker, and open source developer.","speaker_2_name":"Campbell Vertesi","speaker_2_title":"Microsoft Partner CTO for Red Hat, Microsoft"},"name":"Scale and standardize your infrastructure in Azure, with Red Hat Enterprise Linux","reference_id":"","long_description":"Taking advantage of the combined potential of Red Hat® solutions on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform is becoming a game-changer for businesses seeking scalability, efficiency, and innovation to build artificial intelligence (AI)-ready solutions. This episode will explore the integration of Red Hat technologies within the Microsoft Azure ecosystem while also delving into the strategic migration path from CentOS Linux to Red Hat Enterprise Linux®. \n\nOne key highlight of the episode will be an in-depth walkthrough of the migration journey from CentOS Linux, a popular open-source platform, to Red Hat Enterprise Linux on Azure. Our experts will navigate the challenges, best practices, and tools required for a successful migration, ensuring a smooth transition while safeguarding data integrity and operational continuity.\n\nWhether you're an IT leader, a system administrator, or a business decision-maker, this session promises valuable insights into the convergence of 2 technological giants and the strategic migration that enhances reliability, performance, and security. Join us through a comprehensive exploration of real-world use cases as attendees gain an understanding of the optimized processes, enhanced security, and dynamic scalability that arise from combining Red Hat's open-source prowess with Microsoft's cloud capabilities.","duration":3915750,"id":"6347397672112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Standardizing on Red Hat Enterprise Linux® for both your on-site datacenter and Google Cloud environments can help you improve productivity, security, and operations as you move to the cloud and adapt to a more digital world.","tags":["cloud_services","red_hat_enterprise_linux","event","infrastructure"],"custom_fields":{"event_end_time":"2024-04-17T13:00:00-04:00","event_start_time":"2024-04-17T12:00:00-04:00","ingestion_guid":"d0121f279392fb1b5e1492cae6edd004c7acb6e32ea69f225446a69d7a30b802","live_interactivity_event_id":"e3886e6a-bde3-4bae-bc3f-882ccb08ead4","offer_id":"7013a000003SmUmAAK","pretitle":"Cloud services","production_year":"2023","speaker_1_bio":"Passionate about customer success, Jim helps customers achieve success and accelerate innovation with Red Hat solutions on Google Cloud.","speaker_1_name":"Jim Chang","speaker_1_title":"Staff Solution Architect, Red Hat","speaker_2_bio":"Steven Richardson brings more than 20 years of developing, designing and architecting complex enterprise software to help customers and partners along their digital journey with Google Cloud.","speaker_2_name":"Steven Richardson","speaker_2_title":"Senior Customer Engineer, Google Cloud NorthAM ISV Partner Engineering, Google Cloud"},"name":"Simplify your journey to the cloud with Red Hat and Google Cloud","reference_id":"","long_description":"Across industries, organizations are using cloud infrastructure and technologies to advance their business and gain competitive advantages. Most organizations have adopted hybrid and multicloud strategies to increase flexibility, efficiency, and innovation while reducing risk.\n\nRed Hat® Enterprise Linux® on Google Cloud delivers more value for your organization, providing a flexible, stable, and reliable foundation for hybrid and multicloud environments. Standardizing on Red Hat Enterprise Linux for both your on-site datacenter and Google Cloud environments can help you improve productivity, security, and operations as you move to the cloud and adapt to a more digital world.\n\nIn this episode you’ll learn how Red Hat Enterprise Linux on Google Cloud gives you access to:\n\n- Efficient, reliable infrastructure focused on performance and sustainability.\n- Flexible consumption models and purchasing options.\n- Award-winning support and expertise.\n- Proactive analytics and management tools and services.\n- Security certifications, tools and resources.","duration":1651900,"id":"6347396394112","link":null}],"recently released":[{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Tune in for a high-level overview of the AI portfolio and give an introduction of RHEL AI and OpenShift AI products.","tags":["ai","machine_learning","red_hat_openshift"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7015Y0000048bacQAA ","pretitle":"AI channel","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Alpa Jain has been with Red Hat and the Southeast U.S. team since 2016. She is a Red Hat Certified Specialist in OpenShift AI and is located in the Atlanta, Georgia area. Alpa has worked with a wide array of Red Hat customers and enjoys helping them be successful with Red Hat products.","speaker_1_name":"Alpa Jain","speaker_1_title":"Principal Technical Account Manager, Red Hat","speaker_2_bio":"Grimm Greysson is a seasoned professional with over 20 years of experience in Consulting, Operations, and Support across various industries. Since 2009, he has specialized in Security, applying his expertise to a wide range of projects. For the past five years, Grimm has served as a Technical Account Manager at Red Hat, providing critical support for OpenShift environments. He holds certification in OpenShift AI. In addition to his professional accomplishments, Grimm teaches financial investing on the weekends (which he has done for the last 8 years), and has spent the past year exploring large language models (LLMs) in his home lab, integrating them into his trading processes, home automation and in his other creative efforts.","speaker_2_name":"Grimm Greysson","speaker_2_title":"Technical Account Manager, Red Hat"},"name":"Solving your AI adoption challenges","reference_id":null,"long_description":"In this episode, our speaker will provide a high-level overview of the AI portfolio and give an introduction of RHEL AI and OpenShift AI products. We’ll help you establish an understanding of the various components and highlight the use cases. We’ll touch upon the lifecycle of how to get started with model creation and finally deploy it to production.\n\nOur session will include: \n\n- An introduction to Red Hat AI portfolio \n- RHEL AI and components\n- OpenShift AI and components\n- Managing AI/ML lifecycle","duration":2111200,"id":"6364714753112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Tune in as Red Hat experts break down procurement in the cloud and how you can use committed spend programs to get what you need, when you need it, and save money in the process.","tags":["red_hat_enterprise_linux","open_hybrid_cloud","hybrid_cloud","linux"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7015Y0000048UG4QAM","pretitle":"Cloud services channel","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"For over a decade, Isabelle has focused on channel sales in IT and is currently a leader in Red Hat’s cloud strategy and sales for North America. Her work-passion is centered on the fusion of strategy + technology with a focus on customers and their purchasing experience through cloud marketplaces.","speaker_1_name":"Isabelle Cosgriff","speaker_1_title":"Manager, Cloud Partner Sales, Red Hat"},"name":"Maximize your marketplace spend with AWS","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Understanding consumption models in the cloud can be challenging. There are multiple ways to purchase and deploy in the marketplace, various options for moving from one consumption model to another, and even a path for using existing RHEL subscriptions in the cloud. The choices you make can either save your organization significantly, or cost you dearly. Join us for a short webinar where Red Hatter cloud expert, Isabelle Cosgriff, breaks down procurement in the cloud and how you can use committed spend programs to get what you need, when you need it, and save money in the process.","duration":1376550,"id":"6364715118112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Unlock the promises of generative AI to accelerate your automation goals.","tags":["training_certification","open_source","cloud_automation","automation","management","consulting","it_automation","ai"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7015Y0000048ZH3QAM ","pretitle":"Automation channel","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Andrew Block is a Distinguished Architect at Red Hat that works with organizations to design and implement solutions leveraging cloud native technologies. He specializes in Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery methodologies with a focus on security and automation to reduce overall delivery time. Andrew is the author of several publications on solutions within the Kubernetes ecosystem, a maintainer on the Helm, ORAS and SOPS projects, and a contributor to several Open Source projects.","speaker_1_name":"Andrew Block","speaker_1_title":"Distinguished Architect, Global Services Office of Technology, Red Hat","speaker_2_bio":"Ryan Bontreger is the Lead Consulting Architect for Ansible in Red Hat North America Public Sector Consulting. Ryan has been delivering automation solutions for public sector customers for the last 10 years, specializing in developer experience and automation at scale.","speaker_2_name":"Ryan Bontreger","speaker_2_title":"Senior Architect, North America Public Sector Consulting, Red Hat"},"name":"Successes and struggles of generative AI in automation development","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Generative AI to create code has shown promise, but turn the conversation to your infrastructure-as-code, and there’s significantly more concern. With Ansible Lightspeed providing sourceable generative AI recommendations, and Red Hat Consulting providing guidance to incorporate generative AI into your business and technical processes, the promises of generative AI can be unlocked to accelerate your automation goals.\n\nIn this session, we will cover:\n\n- The risks of general purpose generative AI for trusted automation\n- Using generative AI responsibly when critical infrastructure depends on it\n- How Red Hat Consulting can help with crafting an integrated automation and AI strategy","duration":2560300,"id":"6364713662112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Tune in to see how Red Hat is maximizing efficiencies for manufacturing. ","tags":["integration","iot","kubernetes","red_hat_enterprise_linux","open_source","security","storage","process_automation","operations","partners","ai","digital_transformation","edge_computing","virtualization","manufacturing"],"custom_fields":{"attachment_1_title":"Containers and microservices—making manufacturing agile","attachment_1_url":"","offer_id":"7015Y0000048mtlQAA","pretitle":"Edge computing channel","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Dr. Arnaud Buisine is the Director of Manufacturing and Industrial Edge in Red Hat Asia Pacific. In his role, Arnaud is responsible for aligning Red Hat’s offerings with the unique needs and challenges of Red Hat’s customers in these industries. He specifically focuses on driving the development of Red Hat in the Industrial markets across APAC, with a particular emphasis on operational technologies (OT).","speaker_1_name":"Dr. Arnaud Buisine","speaker_1_title":"Director of Manufacturing and Industrial Edge, Red Hat Asia Pacific"},"name":"Manufacturing Execution Systems on OpenShift Container Platform","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Manufacturers today must constantly reduce downtime, improve scalability, and maintain security while swiftly adapting to changing demands. In this video, we explain how traditional manufacturing execution systems (MES) often fall short, being rigid and prone to costly delays. To remain competitive, manufacturers require systems that are not only stable and secure but also flexible and scalable, enabling fast time-to-market for updates and new features. Red Hat OpenShift addresses these needs by providing a containerized platform that supports seamless updates without production disruption, ensuring MES systems operate with near-zero downtime.","duration":196203,"id":"6364713656112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Join Red Hat to explore how business transformative technologies are shaping the factories of tomorrow.","tags":["integration","iot","kubernetes","red_hat_enterprise_linux","open_source","security","storage","process_automation","operations","partners","ai","digital_transformation","edge_computing","virtualization","manufacturing"],"custom_fields":{"attachment_1_title":"Machining the future at the industrial edge","attachment_1_url":"","offer_id":"7015Y0000048mtbQAA ","pretitle":"Edge computing channel","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Dr. Arnaud Buisine is the Director of Manufacturing and Industrial Edge in Red Hat Asia Pacific. In his role, Arnaud is responsible for aligning Red Hat’s offerings with the unique needs and challenges of Red Hat’s customers in these industries. He specifically focuses on driving the development of Red Hat in the Industrial markets across APAC, with a particular emphasis on operational technologies (OT).","speaker_1_name":"Dr. Arnaud Buisine","speaker_1_title":"Director of Manufacturing and Industrial Edge, Red Hat Asia Pacific"},"name":"Business Process Transformations in Manufacturing","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Dr. Arnaud Buisine, Director of Manufacturing & Industrial Edge Red Hat Asia-Pacific & Japan, demonstrates Red Hat’s leadership in open-source technology and its transformative impact on the manufacturing sector. Discover how Red Hat is driving IT innovation, particularly through Industrial Edge Computing, directly to the shop floor. By leveraging solutions like OpenShift and Ansible, manufacturers can streamline operations, enhance automation, and make real-time, data-driven decisions.","duration":192704,"id":"6364714605112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"With the recent end of life of CentOS Linux, now is the time to evaluate your Linux distribution choices before facing the inevitable security risks.","tags":["red_hat_enterprise_linux","system_administrator","developer","enterprise_architect","migration","linux","security","infrastructure"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7015Y0000048Qf3QAE","pretitle":"Infrastructure channel","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Eric \"The IT Guy\" Hendricks is a Technical Marketing Manager for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, as well as the host of \"Red Hat Enterprise Linux Presents,\" a podcaster, and open source advocate. Hendricks started out in 2007 as a Systems Administrator specializing in Linux before moving into technical marketing.","speaker_1_name":"Eric \"The IT Guy\" Hendricks","speaker_1_title":"Technical Marketing Manager"},"name":"Enhancing your operational security with Red Hat Enterprise Linux","reference_id":null,"long_description":"One of the most concerning aspects of community Linux distributions is the lack of enterprise support for vulnerabilities. With the recent end of life of CentOS Linux, now is the time to evaluate your Linux distribution choices before facing the inevitable security risks. During this session you will learn about the various tools and processes you can follow with Red Hat Enterprise Linux to better secure and monitor your environments.\n\nIn this episode we’ll cover:\n\n- What are CVEs and how do you evaluate their risk?\n- The importance of live kernel patching (kpatch).\n- Simplified and proactive remediation with Red Hat Insights.","duration":3025000,"id":"6364714706112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"In this episode, we’ll introduce three ways to modernize and standardize your Red Hat® Enterprise Linux environment that leads to streamlined automation and management as well as accelerated application development and deployment.","tags":["migration","linux","security","system_administrator","developer","enterprise_architect","red_hat_enterprise_linux","infrastructure"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7015Y0000048QeFQAU","pretitle":"Infrastructure channel","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Eric \"The IT Guy\" Hendricks is a Technical Marketing Manager for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, as well as the host of \"Red Hat Enterprise Linux Presents,\" a podcaster, and open source advocate. Hendricks started out in 2007 as a Systems Administrator specializing in Linux before moving into technical marketing.","speaker_1_name":"Eric \"The IT Guy\" Hendricks","speaker_1_title":"Technical Marketing Manager"},"name":"Three steps to standardizing your infrastructure on Red Hat Enterprise Linux","reference_id":null,"long_description":"IT environments today are complex, and dealing with multiple Linux OS only adds to the complexity. Standardizing on a single Linux OS can boost operational efficiency by consistently deploying workloads across diverse IT environments, including in the cloud, on-premise, in containers, or at the edge. By standardizing on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, you can amplify business agility, establish a strong security posture, and address skills gaps with resources, tools, and expert access.\n\nIn this session, we’ll introduce three ways to modernize and standardize your Red Hat® Enterprise Linux environment that leads to streamlined automation and management as well as accelerated application development and deployment.","duration":2998300,"id":"6364713616112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"In this episode, we will explain how MLOps aims at harnessing the power of DevOps principles, applied by the software industry with great success, into the AI landscape.","tags":["open_source","ai","machine_learning (ml)","consulting","devops","red_hat_openshift_ai","red_hat_application_services","application_modernization"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7015Y0000048gqJQAQ","pretitle":"AI","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Jaime is a Senior Content Architect at Red Hat, where he works creating developer-focused training on Red Hat products. His work includes courses such as “Developing and Deploying AI/ML Applications on Red Hat OpenShift AI”, and “Red Hat OpenShift Developer II: Building and Deploying Cloud-native Applications”. Jaime is also a seasoned software engineer, who has previously worked in a variety of Node.js and Python projects. Additionally, Jaime is passionate about emerging technologies and is currently pursuing a PhD on applied machine learning.","speaker_1_name":"Jaime Ramírez Castillo","speaker_1_title":"Senior Content Architect, Product and Technical Learning, Red Hat"},"name":"Operationalizing AI with containerized environments, CI pipelines, and model servers","reference_id":null,"long_description":"AI and Machine Learning are becoming ubiquitous nowadays. Whereas these exciting technologies are opening up to the general public, they are complex underneath. Expert data scientists, who excel at building the core of these intelligent models, sometimes struggle with the deployment and integration of models, as well as with the infrastructure required to train and run them.\n\nIn this episode, we will explain how MLOps aims at harnessing the power of DevOps principles, applied by the software industry with great success, into the AI landscape. We will discuss how Red Hat OpenShift AI provides an ideal platform for implementing MLOps practices and managing machine learning projects, with an emphasis on automation, consistency, and agility.\n\nYou will learn how you can train ML models with pre-configured, containerized working environments. Next, we will explore how you can automate the training process by using data science pipelines. Finally, you will discover how easy it is to deploy a model to production.","duration":2843400,"id":"6363134885112","link":{"text":"Get started","url":""}},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"In this episode, we’ll discuss the end of life of CentOS Linux and the new focus of the CentOS Project. ","tags":["linux","security","infrastructure","red_hat_enterprise_linux","migration"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7015Y0000048gqEQAQ","pretitle":"Infrastructure","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Eric \"The IT Guy\" Hendricks is a Technical Marketing Manager for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, as well as the host of \"Red Hat Enterprise Linux Presents,\" a podcaster, and open source advocate. Hendricks started out in 2007 as a Systems Administrator specializing in Linux before moving into technical marketing.","speaker_1_name":"Eric \"The IT Guy\" Hendricks","speaker_1_title":"Technical Marketing Manager, Red Hat"},"name":"CentOS Linux has reached its end of life. Prepare for vulnerabilities","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Today’s IT landscape requires efficient innovation and adaptability, but it can be challenging. IT organizations have to balance existing system maintenance with new innovation and technology modernization efforts—without causing friction between IT teams. And if you’re running CentOS Linux or other community distributions, you may need to implement an unanticipated operating system (OS) migration.\n\nIn this episode, we’ll discuss the end of life of CentOS Linux and the new focus of the CentOS Project. Then we’ll take a look at your conversion methods and additional resources that can make your next project easier.","duration":2515550,"id":"6363133505112","link":{"text":"Learn more","url":""}},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"The ability to efficiently manage and automate virtual infrastructure is crucial for maintaining a competitive advantage and keeping operations running smoothly. ","tags":["red_hat_ansible_automation_platform","automation","virtualization","management"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7015Y0000048gpzQAA","pretitle":"Automation","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Sean is a Principal Technical Marketing Manager, Ansible, where he brings over 10 years of experience building and automating computer networks. Sean previously worked for both Cumulus Networks (acquired by Nvidia) and Cisco Systems where he helped customers deploy, manage and automate their network infrastructure. He resides in Chapel Hill, NC with his wife and children and tweets from @IPvSean.","speaker_1_name":"Sean Cavanaugh","speaker_1_title":"Senior Principal Technical Marketing Manager, Ansible Automation Platform, Red Hat","speaker_2_bio":"Matthew is a Principal Product Marketing Manager for Ansible Automation Platform and is responsible for cloud automation. Prior to joining Red Hat, he worked in product marketing, specializing in retail payment technology at Vontier and product management at Cisco in cloud-based networking. Matthew also worked as a Consultant at Honeywell in the manufacturing and utilities industries with a focus on the Internet of Things (IoT) and predictive analytics space.","speaker_2_name":"Matthew Packer","speaker_2_title":"Principal Product Marketing Manager, Ansible Automation Platform, Red Hat","speaker_3_bio":"Roger is a seasoned Principal Technical Marketing Manager with over a decade of experience in the computer industry. Roger has been instrumental in developing high-value solutions for customer success. As a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE), Roger brings deep expertise in crafting advanced solutions with technologies such as Ansible Automation Platform, OpenShift, and OpenStack.","speaker_3_name":"Roger Lopez","speaker_3_title":"Principal Technical Marketing Manager, Ansible Automation Platform, Red Hat"},"name":"Automating your virtual infrastructure from virtual machines to virtualization platforms","reference_id":null,"long_description":"The ability to efficiently manage and automate virtual infrastructure is crucial for maintaining acompetitive advantage and keeping operations running smoothly. In this episode, we will delve into the world of virtual infrastructure automation, from virtual machines to virtualization platforms, offering insights and practical guidance on three key areas: provisioning, day 2 operations, and migration between virtual platforms. Tune in to unlock the full potential of virtual infrastructure automation and transform your IT operations.","duration":2439600,"id":"6363134077112","link":{"text":"Get started","url":""}},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Operationalizing a model is complex, even moreso when the environment is outside our core data center. In this episode, we will discuss and showcase how to deploy AI-powered applications to Edge environments using Red Hat OpenShift AI. ","tags":["ai","edge_computing","emerging_technology","red_hat_device_edge","red_hat_openshift","efficiency","portability","scalability","cost_savings"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7015Y0000048VaKQAU","pretitle":"AI","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Valentina Rodriguez is a Principal Technical Marketing Manager at Red Hat, focusing on the developer journeys in OpenShift and emerging technologies. Before this role, she worked with high-profile customers, helping them adopt new technologies, and worked closely with developers and platform engineers. Her background is in software engineering. She built software for 15 years, working in diverse roles from Developer to Tech Lead and Architect, from retail, healthcare, financial, e-commerce, telco, and many other industries.","speaker_1_name":"Valentina Rodriguez Sosa","speaker_1_title":"Technical Marketing Manager, Red Hat","speaker_2_bio":"Myriam is Product Manager at Red Hat focusing on features for automation and distributed AI workloads. She has been with Red Hat for 10+ years working with customers to understand the challenges and user experience.","speaker_2_name":"Myriam Fentanes","speaker_2_title":"Principal Product Manager, Red Hat"},"name":"AI at the Edge","reference_id":null,"long_description":"AI is the new competitive advantage, but due to concerns about data security, data privacy or simply to put the AI capabilities closer to the sources of data, MLOps and Data Scientists need to collaborate to rapidly productize models with better performance. It is important to have an MLOps platform that can be deployed on hybrid topologies and that provides all the different personas tools to collaborate and automate processes to reduce the time to value.","duration":452907,"id":"6363132309112","link":{"text":"Get started today!","url":""}},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Create, adopt, and maintain automation content more efficiently using Ansible Lightspeed, the generative AI service part of Ansible Automation Platform.","tags":["ai","red_hat_ansible_automation_platform","efficiency","scalability","automation"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7015Y0000048gpQQAQ","pretitle":"Automation","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Anshul Behl is a Principal Technical Marketing Manager at Red Hat, where he brings his software development and QE experience to increase Ansible Automation Platform's adoption experience for customers by producing technical content on all aspects of the product.","speaker_1_name":"Anshul Behl","speaker_1_title":"Principal Technical Marketing Manager, Red Hat","speaker_2_bio":"Marty Turner is the Product Manager for Ansible Lightspeed. He is based in the Durham, NC office, and has been at Red Hat since May of 2023. He brings a wealth of product management experience, and is passionate about delivering innovative software solutions. He is excited to bring generative AI into everything Ansible Automation Platform through Ansible Lightspeed!","speaker_2_name":"Marty Turner","speaker_2_title":"Principal Product Manager, Red Hat"},"name":"Bringing AI to automation using Ansible Lightspeed","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Ansible Lightspeed is a cutting-edge generative AI service, seamlessly integrated into the Ansible Automation Platform, designed to empower users to create, adopt, and maintain automation content more efficiently. By leveraging the power of AI, Ansible Lightspeed accelerates the automation journey, helping users write playbooks and implement best practices with greater ease. Whether you’re an experienced automation engineer or a newcomer to automation, Lightspeed provides code generation, code attributions and content explanations, allowing you to streamline the development process and reduce errors. It enables organizations to scale automation efforts, shorten time to value, and improve overall efficiency by offering AI-powered insights at every step of automation creation. Ansible Lightspeed ensures that users can focus on strategic initiatives while automating routine tasks with accuracy and speed.","duration":373611,"id":"6363133287112","link":{"text":"Try it now!","url":""}},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Learn how to use Red Hat Insights' image builder to build ready-to-deploy RHEL images","tags":["red_hat_enterprise_linux","red_hat_insights","infrastructure"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7015Y0000048VaFQAU","pretitle":"Infrastructure","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Eric \"The IT Guy\" Hendricks is a Technical Marketing Manager for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, as well as the host of \"Red Hat Enterprise Linux Presents,\" a podcaster, and open source advocate. Hendricks started out in 2007 as a Systems Administrator specializing in Linux before moving into technical marketing.","speaker_1_name":"Eric \"The IT Guy\" Hendricks","speaker_1_title":"Technical Marketing Manager, Red Hat"},"name":"Building Red Hat Enterprise Linux images the new way","reference_id":null,"long_description":"It is more important than ever to have standardized images pre-built with the tools, accounts, and compliance requirements when deploying across a hybrid cloud. Red Hat Insights, our SaaS platform, has the capability to build these standardized images and store them in a blueprint file. Join Eric \"the IT Guy\" as he walks through creating an image and a blueprint for deployment anywhere your RHEL infrastructure maybe.","duration":607893,"id":"6363132975112","link":{"text":"Get started","url":""}},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Angela Andrews covers the session types and why your abstract is key to submit a proposal to speak at Red Hat Summit and AnsibleFest 2025.","tags":["events","red_hat_summit"],"custom_fields":{"attachment_1_title":"Review the CFP guide","attachment_1_url":"","offer_id":"7015Y0000048eeWQAQ","pretitle":"Red Hat Summit","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Angela Andrews is a senior solution architect as well as co-host for Compiler, a Red Hat podcast where they go beyond the buzzwords and jargon to simplify tech topics. She joined Red Hat in 2020 and before that, she spent the past 15 years working as a systems administrator in higher education supporting Windows, Linux, virtualization, storage and automation. In her free time she likes to read, workout and play with her dog, Scout","speaker_1_name":"Angela Andrews","speaker_1_title":"Senior Solution Architect, Red Hat"},"name":"Tips for submitting a proposal for Red Hat Summit and AnsibleFest 2025","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Are you interested in submitting a proposal for Red Hat Summit and AnsibleFest 2025 but not sure where to start? Watch this video to hear from a past speaker and member of the rating committee, Angela Andrews, on what to consider before you begin your proposal. \n\nThe call for proposals (CFP) is open from October 2, 2024 to November 13, 2024. Submit to speak today to lend your voice to a dynamic community of professionals, open source contributors, forward-thinking customers, and partners.","duration":242155,"id":"6362761869112","link":{"text":"Submit a proposal","url":""}},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Addressing latency-sensitive use cases. Intel and Red Hat propose a new demonstration to show case the low latency capabilities of their joint stack.","tags":["integration","iot","kubernetes","red_hat_enterprise_linux","open_source","security","storage","process_automation","operations","partners","ai","digital_transformation","edge_computing","virtualization","manufacturing"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7015Y0000048MyUQAU","pretitle":"Edge computing","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_name":"Christopher Tan","speaker_1_title":"Global Partner Revenue Acceleration Director, APJ, Intel Corp.","speaker_2_name":"Teh Sue Lynn","speaker_2_title":"Segment Marketing Regional Lead, Intel Corp."},"name":"Software Defined Manufacturing - Use case of AI in Smart Manufacturing","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Intel's Christopher and Sue Lynn showcased their software-defined factory technologies via an XY Table demo. This demo features Intel's TSN technology and RealSense for real-time factory automation. Partnering with, they demonstrated a system using industrial protocols like PROFINET, EtherCAT, and CC-Link IE TSN. The demo involved catching a falling ball by calculating X and Y positions with Intel RealSense, mapped to servo motors. The system uses CC-Link IE TSN protocol and Intel TSN driver in Linux to ensure time-deterministic operations, achieving low latency and precise control. This highlights Intel's capabilities in meeting stringent real-time requirements for factory automation.","duration":186901,"id":"6361806249112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Dan and Ben give a quick recap of some of the latest innovations now available in Red Hat Enterprise Linux","tags":["red_hat_enterprise_linux","containers","linux","infrastructure"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7015Y0000048VaAQAU","pretitle":"Infrastructure","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Dan Pacek is the manager of the Market and Competitive Intelligence for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux business unit. Dan performs on-going real-time research and analysis of customer requirements and vendor offerings in the enterprise server and software markets. Dan's analysis is a key component in the development and deployment decisions that keep Red Hat's platform product and service offerings competitive.","speaker_1_name":"Dan Pacek","speaker_1_title":"Manager, Market and Competitive Intelligence, Red Hat","speaker_2_name":"Ben Breard","speaker_2_title":"Senior Principal Product Manager - RHEL and Edge Offerings, Red Hat"},"name":"The latest Red Hat Enterprise Linux container features and developer offerings","reference_id":null,"long_description":"In this episode, you'll learn about containerizing Red Hat Enterprise Linux with Image Mode and building and running containers on RHEL with Podman. You'll also hear how any developer can download and run RHEL at no cost and experience the Red Hat Insights advantage.","duration":512171,"id":"6361808121112","link":{"text":"Try Red Hat Enterprise Linux today!","url":""}},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Security is the responsibility of all teams, and with ACS it’s easy. Join us to see how your Ops and Dev teams can easily secure Kubernetes clusters using ACS CS.","tags":["cloud_services","security","kubernetes","devops","red_hat_advanced_cluster_security_for_kubernetes"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":" 7015Y0000048Va5QAE","pretitle":"Cloud services","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Michael Foster is the Community Lead for the open source StackRox project and Principal Product Marketing Manager for Red Hat based in Toronto. In addition to his open source project responsibilities, he utilizes his applied Kubernetes and container experience with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security to help organizations secure their Kubernetes environments. With StackRox, Michael hopes organizations can leverage the open source project in their Kubernetes environments and join the open source community through Outside of work, Michael enjoys staying active, skiing, and tinkering with his various mechanical projects at home. He holds a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Northeastern University and CKAD, CKA, and CKS certifications.","speaker_1_name":"Michael Foster","speaker_1_title":"Technical Marketing Manager, Red Hat","speaker_2_bio":"August Simonelli is a Principal Product Manager within the Red Hat Hybrid Platforms business unit. He joined Red Hat as a consultant in 2013 and works with customers around the world to help them adopt, use, improve, and implement Red Hat technologies. He believes that technology has the potential to make a positive impact on the world, and he is committed to helping people use it to make a difference.","speaker_2_name":"August Simonelli","speaker_2_title":"Product Manager, Red Hat"},"name":"DevSecOps in action with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes Cloud Services","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Join Michael and August as they demonstrate how your Ops and Dev teams work together to secure your kubernetes environments easily. They'll take you through launching ACS CS via the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console and then securing a running Red Hat OpenShift on AWS environment with a simple Operator install. They then discuss vulnerability management, CI/CD policy enforcement, and spend some time reviewing the power of network policies for segmentation.","duration":856619,"id":"6361806813112","link":{"text":"Learn more","url":""}},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Sean and Roger showcase how you can manage the lifecycle of your virtual machines that reside within OpenShift virtualization using Ansible Automation Platform.","tags":["red_hat_ansible_automation_platform"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7015Y0000048Va0QAE","pretitle":"Automation","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Sean Cavanaugh is a Senior Principal Technical Marketing Manager for the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform. With over 14 years of experience in building and automating IT infrastructure, Sean is recognized as a cloud and network automation expert. He’s presented at Cisco Live, Ansiblefest, Red Hat Summit, All Things Open, and Ansible Automates. \n\nWith a passion for helping audiences connect with technical concepts, Sean leads numerous content initiatives for Red Hat Ansible, from the development of self-paced labs, to blogs and social media, to video content. If it will help people get more from Ansible, he’s interested in it. \n\n\nSean has previously worked for US Navy, Cumulus Networks (acquired by Nvidia) and Cisco Systems where he obtained CCIE #40514 in routing and switching. Sean resides in Chapel Hill, North Carolina with his wife and children. His handle is @IPvSean, and is always eager to connect with fellow Ansible enthusiasts. ","speaker_1_name":"Sean Cavanaugh","speaker_1_title":"Sr Principal Technical Marketing Manager, Red Hat","speaker_2_bio":"Roger Lopez is a Principal Technical Marketing Manager bringing 10+ years of computer industry experience delivering high-value solutions used by our sales, marketing and engineering teams to develop best practice documentation & methods for internal and external customers. He is a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) with experience building solutions around Ansible, OpenShift and OpenStack.","speaker_2_name":"Roger Lopez","speaker_2_title":"Principal Technical Marketing Manager, Red Hat"},"name":"Automating the VM Lifecycle of your VMs within OpenShift Virtualization with Ansible Automation Platform","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Discover how to streamline your virtual machine lifecycle using OpenShift Virtualization and Ansible Automation Platform in this quick demo.\nWatch as we start from an OpenShift cluster with no VMs and use Ansible Automation Platform to:\n\n- Provision VMs\n- Install a LAMP stack\n- Deploy a live website","duration":601173,"id":"6361803744112","link":{"text":"Try Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform today","url":""}},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"This episode (5 of 5) highlights an end-to-end demo, provisioning and managing a fleet of edge devices using Red Hat Device Edge and Ansible Automation Platform.","tags":["edge_computing","red_hat_ansible_automation_platform","red_hat_device_edge","event"],"custom_fields":{"event_end_time":"2024-11-05T13:00:00-04:00","event_start_time":"2024-11-05T12:00:00-04:00","offer_id":"7015Y0000048YXcQAM","pretitle":"Edge computing","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Daniel works as a Principal Product Manager at Red Hat. He is responsible for defining and managing the Red Hat OpenShift edge related aspects. That includes MicroShift, Red Hat Device Edge and Single Node OpenShift products. He considers himself a catalyst to bring together the necessary resources (people, technology, methods) to make projects and products a success. Daniel has more than 25 years of experience in IT. In the past years, Daniel has been focusing on Hybrid Cloud and Container Technologies in the Industrial space.","speaker_1_name":"Daniel Froehlich","speaker_1_title":"Principal Product Manager, Red Hat"},"name":"Red Hat Device Edge Technical Overview, Part 5 - Bringing it all together","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Red Hat Device Edge provides a modular edge solution with a minimal footprint. Using Red Hat’s open hybrid cloud architecture, Red Hat Device Edge brings operational consistency and flexibility to customers deploying virtual or containerized workloads to resource-constrained edge devices in challenging field locations (e.g., drones, industrial controllers, point of sales terminals). Red Hat Device Edge aggregates an enterprise-ready, supported distribution of the Red Hat-led open source community project MicroShift (a lightweight Kubernetes project built from the edge capabilities of Red Hat OpenShift) along with an edge-optimized OS built from Red Hat Enterprise Linux. With tools for both Day 1 device deployments and ongoing platform and workload operations, Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform helps organizations quickly scale device and application life cycle management. \n\nIn this technical overview series, you will learn more about the components of Red Hat Device Edge and how it is solving customer challenges across multiple industries. You will also see the platform in action through a series of live demonstrations. ","duration":1251499,"id":"6361555426112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"This episode (4 of 5) showcases how Ansible Automation Platform helps you manage and automate Red Hat Device Edge across multiple industries and see a live demo.","tags":["edge_computing","red_hat_ansible_automation_platform","red_hat_device_edge","event"],"custom_fields":{"event_end_time":"2024-10-22T13:00:00-04:00","event_start_time":"2024-10-22T12:00:00-04:00","offer_id":"7015Y0000048YXXQA2","pretitle":"Edge computing","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Dafné Mendoza is the Principal Product Manager for Network automation in the Ansible Business Unit at Red Hat, and former Technical Marketing Manager for network and edge automation. Prior to Red Hat, Dafné worked at Cisco Systems, supporting Service Providers customers across US, Canada and Latin America to design, implement and adopt automation, orchestration and network management solutions. She brings over 15 years of experience in the IT field with specializations in DevNet, ITIL, SCRUM, consulting, networking and automation.","speaker_1_name":"Dafné Mendoza","speaker_1_title":"Principal Product Manager, Ansible Automation Platform, Red Hat"},"name":"Red Hat Device Edge Technical Overview, Part 4 - Ansible Automation Platform","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Red Hat Device Edge provides a modular edge solution with a minimal footprint. Using Red Hat’s open hybrid cloud architecture, Red Hat Device Edge brings operational consistency and flexibility to customers deploying virtual or containerized workloads to resource-constrained edge devices in challenging field locations (e.g., drones, industrial controllers, point of sales terminals). Red Hat Device Edge aggregates an enterprise-ready, supported distribution of the Red Hat-led open source community project MicroShift (a lightweight Kubernetes project built from the edge capabilities of Red Hat OpenShift) along with an edge-optimized OS built from Red Hat Enterprise Linux. With tools for both Day 1 device deployments and ongoing platform and workload operations, Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform helps organizations quickly scale device and application life cycle management. \n\nIn this technical overview series, you will learn more about the components of Red Hat Device Edge and how it is solving customer challenges across multiple industries. You will also see the platform in action through a series of live demonstrations. 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