A Marshall Plan for Greece? The European Union and the Financial Crisis in Greece. A Theoretical and Political Analysis in the Global World Against a Background of Regional Integration - Prace i Materia艂y Instytutu Handlu Zagranicznego Uniwersytetu Gda艅skiego - Numer nr 31/1 (2012) - BazEkon - Yadda

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Unia Europejska a kryzys finansowy w Grecji. Analiza teoretyczna i polityczna w globalnym 艣wiecie na tle proces贸w integracji regionalnej</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- jesli podane, resetuje evenOdd na podana wartosc --> <div style="" class=" row row-odd" id="row_6"> <div class="row-label" ><div class="grey_label ">J臋zyki publikacji</div></div> <div class="row-desc"> <div class="grey_desc " style="width: 100%"> <span class="lang-icon" >EN</span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- jesli podane, resetuje evenOdd na podana wartosc --> <div style="" class=" row row-even" id="row_7"> <div class="row-label" ><div class="white_label ">Abstrakty</div></div> <div class="row-desc"> <div class="white_desc " style="width: 100%"> <div class="listing-row new-line-row" > <div class="articleDetails-langCell articleDetails-langCell-first lang-icon" >EN</div> <div class="articleDetails-abstract articleDetails-abstract-first" >Caused by imbalances over decades and enforced by the worldwide financial and economic slump 2008-2009, Greece has hopelessly run into public debt. The joint EC-ECB-IMF safe-guard austerity programmes have even deteriorated the economy of Greece that sucked into a free fall. - In search for solutions, it is discussed to launch growth programmes for the country - like the old Marshall Plan in the post-war period 60 years ago. - However, investigations show that there are lots of doubts if the Marshall Plan really was the reason for the long time growth in West-Europe in the 50s and 60s, nevertheless it was a political presumption for it. - The experience of the German Unification points out that much higher amounts of financial transfers and investments are anything else than a guarantee for growth and competition strengths. - For Greece, there seem to be only bad solutions. - At the same time the development path of European integrations is at a crossroad because the contradiction between the creation of an Internal Market and a Monetary Union on the one hand and the enforcement of &quot;Cohesion&quot; and &quot;Solidarity&quot; on the other hand is demanding fundamental adaptions for a survival of the European Union as such. (original abstract)</div> </div> <div class="listing-row new-line-row" > <div class="articleDetails-langCell lang-icon" ></div> <div class="articleDetails-abstract " >Z powodu wieloletniego okresu zachwiania r贸wnowagi i globalnego za艂amania sytuacji finansowej i gospodarczej w latach 2008-2009 Grecja odnotowuje wysokie wska藕niki d艂ugu publicznego. Negatywnie na stan greckiej gospodarki wp艂yn臋艂y tak偶e wsp贸lne programy oszcz臋dno艣ciowe Komisji Europejskiej, Europejskiego Banku Centralnego i Mi臋dzynarodowego Funduszu Walutowego. W ramach poszukiwania rozwi膮za艅 dla Grecji, wspomina si臋 o wdro偶eniu program贸w sprzyjaj膮cych wzrostowi gospodarczemu podobnych do Planu Marshalla w okresie powojennym, 60 lat temu. Wyniki bada艅 nie s膮 jednak偶e jednoznaczne i istniej膮 w膮tpliwo艣ci co do rzeczywistego wp艂ywu Planu Marshalla na d艂ugookresowy wzrost gospodarczy w Europie Zachodniej w latach 50. i 60 XX w. Do艣wiadczenia p艂yn膮ce z procesu zjednoczenia Niemiec pokazuje, 偶e znacz膮co wysokich transfer贸w finansowych i inwestycji s膮 niczym innym, jak gwarancj膮 wzrostu i konkurencyjno艣ci. W przypadku Grecji ka偶de rozwi膮zanie wydaje si臋 by膰 niekorzystne. W tym samym czasie mo偶na m贸wi膰 o problemach, w obliczu kt贸rych staje integracja europejska. Wynikaj膮 one z jednej strony ze sprzeczno艣ci pomi臋dzy tworzeniem rynku wewn臋trznego i unii monetarnej, a z drugiej z procesu wdra偶ania w 偶ycie zasad sp贸jno艣ci i solidarno艣ci, co og贸艂em wymaga zasadniczych zmian przystosowawczych w celu uratowania Unii Europejskiej. (abstrakt oryginalny)</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- jesli podane, resetuje evenOdd na podana wartosc --> <div style="" class=" row row-odd" id="row_8"> <div class="row-label" ><div class="grey_label ">S艂owa kluczowe</div></div> <div class="desc-new-line row-desc"> <div class="grey_desc " style="width: 100%"> <div style="margin-top:0px" class="listing-row new-line-row"> <div class="articleDetails-langCell articleDetails-langCell-first lang-icon lang-keyword"> EN </div> <div> <a href="search.action?SCHEME=general&EQUALS2_keywords=Economic+crisis" >Economic crisis</a> &nbsp; <a href="search.action?SCHEME=general&EQUALS2_keywords=Marshall+Plan" >Marshall Plan</a> &nbsp; <a href="search.action?SCHEME=general&EQUALS2_keywords=World+economy" >World economy</a> &nbsp; <a href="search.action?SCHEME=general&EQUALS2_keywords=Public+debt" >Public debt</a> &nbsp; <a href="search.action?SCHEME=general&EQUALS2_keywords=Long-run+economic+growth" >Long-run economic growth</a> &nbsp; </div> </div> <div style="margin-top:0px" class="listing-row new-line-row"> <div class="articleDetails-langCell lang-icon lang-keyword"> PL </div> <div> <a href="search.action?SCHEME=general&EQUALS2_keywords=Kryzys+gospodarczy" >Kryzys gospodarczy</a> &nbsp; <a href="search.action?SCHEME=general&EQUALS2_keywords=Plan+Marshalla" >Plan Marshalla</a> &nbsp; <a href="search.action?SCHEME=general&EQUALS2_keywords=Gospodarka+%C5%9Bwiatowa" >Gospodarka 艣wiatowa</a> &nbsp; <a href="search.action?SCHEME=general&EQUALS2_keywords=D%C5%82ug+publiczny" >D艂ug publiczny</a> &nbsp; <a href="search.action?SCHEME=general&EQUALS2_keywords=D%C5%82ugookresowy+wzrost+gospodarczy" >D艂ugookresowy wzrost gospodarczy</a> &nbsp; </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="cont-source" style="" class="tab-content tab-content-flat cont-info " > <!-- jesli podane, resetuje evenOdd na podana wartosc --> <div style="" class=" row row-even" id="row_9"> <div class="row-label" ><div class="white_label ">Czasopismo</div></div> <div class="row-desc"> <div class="white_desc " style="width: 100%"> <a href="element/bwmeta1.element.ekon-element-issn-2300-6153" class="">Prace i Materia艂y Instytutu Handlu Zagranicznego Uniwersytetu Gda艅skiego</a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- jesli podane, resetuje evenOdd na podana wartosc --> <div style="" class=" row row-odd" id="row_10"> <div class="row-label" ><div class="grey_label ">Rocznik</div></div> <div class="row-desc"> <div class="grey_desc " style="width: 100%"> <a href="element/bwmeta1.element.ekon-element-1d675042-ed79-3e95-bdd6-0e65c9680b47" class="">2012</a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- jesli podane, resetuje evenOdd na podana wartosc --> <div style="" class=" row row-even" id="row_11"> <div class="row-label" ><div class="white_label ">Numer</div></div> <div class="row-desc"> <div class="white_desc " style="width: 100%"> <a href="element/bwmeta1.element.ekon-element-74455e41-49c0-3ab0-8673-54e1079943b0" class="">nr 31/1</a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- jesli podane, resetuje evenOdd na podana wartosc --> <div style="" class=" row row-odd" id="row_12"> <div class="row-label" ><div class="grey_label ">Strony</div></div> <div class="row-desc"> <div class="grey_desc " style="width: 100%"> 63--90 </div> </div> </div> <!-- jesli podane, resetuje evenOdd na podana wartosc --> <div style="" class=" row row-even" id="row_13"> <div class="row-label" ><div class="white_label ">Opis fizyczny</div></div> <div class="row-desc"> <div class="white_desc " style="width: 100%"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="cont-contributors" style="" class="tab-content tab-content-flat cont-info " > <!-- jesli podane, resetuje evenOdd na podana wartosc --> <div style="" class=" row row-odd" id="row_14"> <div class="row-label" ><div class="grey_label ">Tw贸rcy</div></div> <div class="desc-new-line row-desc"> <div class="grey_desc " style="width: 100%"> <div class="contributors"> <div class="contributors-line" > <div class="articleDetails-contributorCell articleDetails-contributorCell-first"> autor </div> <div class="articleDetails-contributorContentCell articleDetails-contentCell-first"> <a href='contributor/10027653d564e5c0c0964f76d32053b9'>Peter Frankenfeld</a> </div> </div> <div class="contributors-line" > <div class="articleDetails-contributorCell"> </div> <div> <ul class="affiliations"> <li class="articleDetails-contributorContentCellMargin"> Bremen University of Applied Sciences </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="cont-lib" style="" class="tab-content tab-content-flat cont-info " > <!-- jesli podane, resetuje evenOdd na podana wartosc --> <div style="" class=" row row-even" id="row_15"> <div class="row-label" ><div class="white_label ">Bibliografia</div></div> <div class="row-desc"> <div class="white_desc " style="width: 100%"> <ul class="plainList"> <li class="odd"> Abelshauser W., 2011, Deutsche Wirtschaftsgeschichte von 1945 bis zur Gegenwart, Munich.</li> <li class="even"> Abelshauser W., 2012, Begriff Marshallplan f眉r Griechen unpassend, [in:] Der Westen 2012-02-25, marshallplan-fuer-griechen-unpassend-id6399481.html. </li> <li class="odd"> Altvater E., Hoffman J., Semmler, W., 1980, Vom Wirtschaftswunder zur Wirtschaftskrise, vol. 1, Berlin. </li> <li class="even"> Berlin-Institut, 2007, Berlin-Institut f眉r Bev枚lkerung und Entwicklung. 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