Technology Partners - Browzwear

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These new features are designed to streamline your design process and elevate your digital garment creation.</span></p> <a href="" class="button"> <span>Learn more</span><span class="btn-icon"></span> </a> </div> </div> <div class="kl-navbar__categories"> <div class="kl-navbar__description"> <a href=""> <img src="" class="kl-navbar__description-icon" width="28" height="28"> <h3>VStitcher</h3> <p>VStitcher is the industry’s leading 3D fashion design and development software.</p> </a> </div> <div class="kl-navbar__description"> <a href=""> <img src="" class="kl-navbar__description-icon" width="28" height="28"> <h3>Fabric Analyzer</h3> <p>Fabric Analyzer is a system that accurately determines all of the physical properties of any fabric.</p> </a> </div> <div class="kl-navbar__description"> <a href=""> <img src="" class="kl-navbar__description-icon" width="28" height="28"> <h3>Lotta</h3> <p>For a workflow based on validated blocks, use Lotta to create new styles with an endless variety of design.</p> </a> </div> <div class="kl-navbar__description"> <a href=""> <img src="" class="kl-navbar__description-icon" width="28" height="28"> <h3>Open Platform</h3> <p>Open Platform enables technology providers to connect to Browzwear products.</p> </a> </div> <div class="kl-navbar__description"> <a href=""> <img src="" class="kl-navbar__description-icon" width="28" height="28"> <h3>Stylezone</h3> <p>Stylezone enables you to build, review, align, and share seasonal collections anytime and anywhere.</p> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="kl-navbar__item"> <a href="#" class="kl-navbar__button kl-navbar__dropdown"> <span>Solutions</span> </a> <div class="kl-navbar__panel"> <div class="kl-navbar__panel-wrapper"> <div class="kl-navbar__description kl-navbar__description--full"> <h2>Diverse Solutions for an Evolving Industry.</h2> <a href="#"> <div class="kl-navbar__description--full-container"> <h6><span>The 5 Pillars from Sketch to Store&nbsp;</span></h6> <p>From strategic planning to innovative design, meticulous fitting, effective selling, and streamlined manufacturing, Browzwear's 3D solutions transform the creative process. Explore the seamless journey from concept to clothing, meticulously crafted and brought to life through the power of 3D.</p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="kl-navbar__categories kl-navbar__categories--two-col"> <div class="kl-navbar__column"> <div class="kl-navbar__description"> <span>Sketch to Store</span> <a href=""> <img src="" class="kl-navbar__description-icon" width="28" height="28"> <h3>Plan</h3> <p>Effective planning is vital for successful apparel production and collections.</p> </a> </div> <div class="kl-navbar__description"> <a href=""> <img src="" class="kl-navbar__description-icon" width="28" height="28"> <h3>Design</h3> <p>Design is core to apparel collections, bringing creativity and innovation to life.</p> </a> </div> <div class="kl-navbar__description"> <a href=""> <img src="" class="kl-navbar__description-icon" width="28" height="28"> <h3>Fit</h3> <p>The fit stage ensures garments meet high standards of comfort and style.</p> </a> </div> <div class="kl-navbar__description"> <a href=""> <img src="" class="kl-navbar__description-icon" width="28" height="28"> <h3>Sell</h3> <p>The way products are sold enhances brand visibility, engages customers, and drives sales.</p> </a> </div> <div class="kl-navbar__description"> <a href=""> <img src="" class="kl-navbar__description-icon" width="28" height="28"> <h3>Manufacture</h3> <p>A seamless manufacturing process is essential in transforming designs into tangible garments.</p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="kl-navbar__column"> <div class="kl-navbar__description"> <span>Solutions for</span> <a href=""> <h3>Apparel brands</h3> <p>Improve decision speed, shorten time-to-market, and validate designs in record time.</p> </a> </div> <div class="kl-navbar__description"> <a href=""> <h3>Manufacturers</h3> <p>Waste fewer materials and make turn-around time your competitive advantage.</p> </a> </div> <div class="kl-navbar__description"> <a href=""> <h3>Universities</h3> <p>Equip students with tools to launch a successful career in 3D fashion design</p> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="kl-navbar__item"> <a href="" class="kl-navbar__button kl-navbar__dropdown"> <span>Resources</span> </a> <div class="kl-navbar__panel"> <div class="kl-navbar__panel-wrapper"> <div class="kl-navbar__description kl-navbar__description--full"> <h2>Enabling Digital Transformation.</h2> <div class="kl-navbar__description--full-container"> <h6><span>Browzwear's 2024 Fashion &amp;<br>Apparel Brands Survey</span></h6> <p><span>Gain actionable insights into how established brands are accelerating time to market, boosting revenue, and streamlining inventory.<br></span></p> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="button"> <span>Download the Report</span><span class="btn-icon"></span> </a> </div> </div> <div class="kl-navbar__categories"> <div class="kl-navbar__description"> <a href=""> <img src="" class="kl-navbar__description-icon" width="28" height="28"> <h3>Blog articles</h3> <p>Thought pieces and Browzwear news</p> </a> </div> <div class="kl-navbar__description"> <a href=""> <img src="" class="kl-navbar__description-icon" width="28" height="28"> <h3>Success stories</h3> <p>Learn how customers and designers have found success with Browzwear</p> </a> </div> <div class="kl-navbar__description"> <a href=""> <img src="" class="kl-navbar__description-icon" width="28" height="28"> <h3>Tutorials</h3> <p>Tips, tricks, and tactical demonstrations of Browzwear applications</p> </a> </div> <div class="kl-navbar__description"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <img src="" class="kl-navbar__description-icon" width="28" height="28"> <h3>Help Center</h3> <p><span>Support resources to ensure a seamless experience with our products and services</span></p> </a> </div> <div class="kl-navbar__description"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <img src="" class="kl-navbar__description-icon" width="28" height="28"> <h3>Browzwear University</h3> <p><span>On-demand learning platform to gain the essential skills to become a Browzwear user.</span></p> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="kl-navbar__item"> <a href="" class="kl-navbar__button kl-navbar__dropdown"> <span>Company</span> </a> <div class="kl-navbar__panel"> <div class="kl-navbar__panel-wrapper"> <div class="kl-navbar__description kl-navbar__description--full"> <h2>Connected by Creation.</h2> <div class="kl-navbar__description--full-container"> <h6><span>Browzwear Appoints Greg Hanson as CEO</span></h6> <p><span data-contrast="auto">This marks a new phase in Browzwear's mission to revolutionize fashion through digital transformation and sustainability.</span><span data-ccp-props="{&quot;201341983&quot;:0,&quot;335559739&quot;:160,&quot;335559740&quot;:278}">&nbsp;</span></p> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="button"> <span>Learn more</span><span class="btn-icon"></span> </a> </div> </div> <div class="kl-navbar__categories 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pointer-events: none; position: absolute"> <label for="category-Material Visualisation">Material Visualisation</label> <input type="checkbox" id="category-Merchandising" name="category-Merchandising" value="Merchandising" style="visibility: hidden; pointer-events: none; position: absolute"> <label for="category-Merchandising">Merchandising</label> <input type="checkbox" id="category-PLM" name="category-PLM" value="PLM" style="visibility: hidden; pointer-events: none; position: absolute"> <label for="category-PLM">PLM</label> <input type="checkbox" id="category-Rendering" name="category-Rendering" value="Rendering" style="visibility: hidden; pointer-events: none; position: absolute"> <label for="category-Rendering">Rendering</label> <input type="checkbox" id="category-Virtual Fitting" name="category-Virtual Fitting" value="Virtual Fitting" style="visibility: hidden; pointer-events: none; position: absolute"> <label for="category-Virtual Fitting">Virtual Fitting</label> </div> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partners-search"> <label for="kl-tech-partners-search__input" class="kl-tech-partners-filter-label">SEARCH</label> <span class="kl-tech-partners-search__input-wrapper"><input type="text" id="kl-tech-partners-search__input" name="kl-tech-partners-search" placeholder="Search"><span> </span></span></div> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partners-list"> <a href="/partners/trapdoor-creative?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>Trapdoor Creative</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>Rendering</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> Trapdoor Creative is an interactive digital agency and the creator of Stage, a real-time product visualization and rendering ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-plugin-available"> <svg width="14" height="14" viewbox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M11.926 6.82139H10.4949V3.95915C10.4949 3.4325 10.0675 3.00507 9.54082 3.00507H6.67857V1.57394C6.67857 0.783965 6.03743 0.142822 5.24745 0.142822C4.45747 0.142822 3.81633 0.783965 3.81633 1.57394V3.00507H0.954082C0.427429 3.00507 0 3.4325 0 3.95915V6.82139H1.43112C2.2211 6.82139 2.86224 7.46254 2.86224 8.25252C2.86224 9.0425 2.2211 9.68364 1.43112 9.68364H0V12.5459C0 13.0725 0.427429 13.5 0.954082 13.5H3.81633V12.0688C3.81633 11.2789 4.45747 10.6377 5.24745 10.6377C6.03743 10.6377 6.67857 11.2789 6.67857 12.0688V13.5H9.54082C10.0675 13.5 10.4949 13.0725 10.4949 12.5459V9.68364H11.926C12.716 9.68364 13.3571 9.0425 13.3571 8.25252C13.3571 7.46254 12.716 6.82139 11.926 6.82139Z" fill="black" /> </svg> PLUGIN AVAILABLE </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">Trapdoor Creative is an interactive digital agency and the creator of Stage, a real-time product visualization and rendering platform built on Unreal Engine 5. The software focuses on streamlining the digital product development pipeline, allowing interactive photo-real reviews, insanely fast render setup and batch rendering, direct connection to design tools including VStitcher, Lotta, and more</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/lalaland?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>Lalaland</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>Avatars</span> <span>Merchandising</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> An AI-powered digital model studio featuring an advanced plugin that effortlessly integrates with VStitcher. Lalaland’s ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-plugin-available"> <svg width="14" height="14" viewbox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M11.926 6.82139H10.4949V3.95915C10.4949 3.4325 10.0675 3.00507 9.54082 3.00507H6.67857V1.57394C6.67857 0.783965 6.03743 0.142822 5.24745 0.142822C4.45747 0.142822 3.81633 0.783965 3.81633 1.57394V3.00507H0.954082C0.427429 3.00507 0 3.4325 0 3.95915V6.82139H1.43112C2.2211 6.82139 2.86224 7.46254 2.86224 8.25252C2.86224 9.0425 2.2211 9.68364 1.43112 9.68364H0V12.5459C0 13.0725 0.427429 13.5 0.954082 13.5H3.81633V12.0688C3.81633 11.2789 4.45747 10.6377 5.24745 10.6377C6.03743 10.6377 6.67857 11.2789 6.67857 12.0688V13.5H9.54082C10.0675 13.5 10.4949 13.0725 10.4949 12.5459V9.68364H11.926C12.716 9.68364 13.3571 9.0425 13.3571 8.25252C13.3571 7.46254 12.716 6.82139 11.926 6.82139Z" fill="black" /> </svg> PLUGIN AVAILABLE </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">An AI-powered digital model studio featuring an advanced plugin that effortlessly integrates with VStitcher. Lalaland’s cutting-edge tool enables brands with a seamless and hassle-free process to display their 3D designs onto hyperreal customizable AI models used throughout the Digital Product creation &amp; Go-To-Market process.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/alvanon?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>Alvanon</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>Avatars</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> We empower brands – helping them make clothes fit better, create efficient and sustainable processes; and train their people ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">We empower brands – helping them make clothes fit better, create efficient and sustainable processes; and train their people more efficiently.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/cotton-incorporated?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>Cotton Incorporated</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>Material Visualisation</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> Cotton Incorporated’s CottonWorks™ program is your go-to resource as a professional in the apparel and textile industry. ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">Cotton Incorporated’s CottonWorks™ program is your go-to resource as a professional in the apparel and textile industry. Develop expertise for every stage of the product development and marketing process and access free digital cotton fabrics ready for download.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/substance-by-adobe?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>Substance by Adobe</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>Material Visualisation</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> Improve your 3D fashion design workflow: download high-end materials from Substance 3D Assets Library. Digitize your ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">Improve your 3D fashion design workflow: download high-end materials from Substance 3D Assets Library. Digitize your materials from pictures, scans, or existing resources and augment them with Substance 3D Sampler, design from scratch with Substance 3D Designer. Export your Browzwear files to Substance 3D Painter to paint in 3D with additional rich details, smart materials, and high-end effects. Send your Browzwear models to Substance 3D Stager to assemble a scene for Virtual Photography workflows.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/vizoo?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>Vizoo</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>Material Visualisation</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> Visual material data captured with xTex can now easily be imported with V-Stitcher and Lotta. Profit from the realism of ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">Visual material data captured with xTex can now easily be imported with V-Stitcher and Lotta. Profit from the realism of measured texture information and a fast and simple workflow to create seamless textures.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/swatchbook?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>Swatchbook</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>PLM</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> Swatchbook Material Lifecycle Management (MLM) is the future of materials. It is a cloud platform that revolutionizes the ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">Swatchbook Material Lifecycle Management (MLM) is the future of materials. It is a cloud platform that revolutionizes the exploration, visualization and sharing of materials.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/vntana?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>VNTANA</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>Merchandising</span> <span>Rendering</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> Automatically create sharable 3D web versions of your Browzwear designs so you can easily share, get feedback and distribute ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-plugin-available"> <svg width="14" height="14" viewbox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M11.926 6.82139H10.4949V3.95915C10.4949 3.4325 10.0675 3.00507 9.54082 3.00507H6.67857V1.57394C6.67857 0.783965 6.03743 0.142822 5.24745 0.142822C4.45747 0.142822 3.81633 0.783965 3.81633 1.57394V3.00507H0.954082C0.427429 3.00507 0 3.4325 0 3.95915V6.82139H1.43112C2.2211 6.82139 2.86224 7.46254 2.86224 8.25252C2.86224 9.0425 2.2211 9.68364 1.43112 9.68364H0V12.5459C0 13.0725 0.427429 13.5 0.954082 13.5H3.81633V12.0688C3.81633 11.2789 4.45747 10.6377 5.24745 10.6377C6.03743 10.6377 6.67857 11.2789 6.67857 12.0688V13.5H9.54082C10.0675 13.5 10.4949 13.0725 10.4949 12.5459V9.68364H11.926C12.716 9.68364 13.3571 9.0425 13.3571 8.25252C13.3571 7.46254 12.716 6.82139 11.926 6.82139Z" fill="black" /> </svg> PLUGIN AVAILABLE </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">Automatically create sharable 3D web versions of your Browzwear designs so you can easily share, get feedback and distribute across all platforms.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/byondxr?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>ByondXR</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>Merchandising</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> Display new collections, inspirations, colorways and assortments. Utilizing existing 2D imagery and any 3D assets created ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">Display new collections, inspirations, colorways and assortments. Utilizing existing 2D imagery and any 3D assets created within Browzwear. Designers, merchants, salespersons can collaborate together to showcase line sheets to buyers and let them complete orders intuitively</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/centric-software?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>Centric Software</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>PLM</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> Centric’s market-leading PLM solutions are trusted by 700+ companies making products for 12,500+ brands. Centric’s Silicon ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-plugin-available"> <svg width="14" height="14" viewbox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M11.926 6.82139H10.4949V3.95915C10.4949 3.4325 10.0675 3.00507 9.54082 3.00507H6.67857V1.57394C6.67857 0.783965 6.03743 0.142822 5.24745 0.142822C4.45747 0.142822 3.81633 0.783965 3.81633 1.57394V3.00507H0.954082C0.427429 3.00507 0 3.4325 0 3.95915V6.82139H1.43112C2.2211 6.82139 2.86224 7.46254 2.86224 8.25252C2.86224 9.0425 2.2211 9.68364 1.43112 9.68364H0V12.5459C0 13.0725 0.427429 13.5 0.954082 13.5H3.81633V12.0688C3.81633 11.2789 4.45747 10.6377 5.24745 10.6377C6.03743 10.6377 6.67857 11.2789 6.67857 12.0688V13.5H9.54082C10.0675 13.5 10.4949 13.0725 10.4949 12.5459V9.68364H11.926C12.716 9.68364 13.3571 9.0425 13.3571 8.25252C13.3571 7.46254 12.716 6.82139 11.926 6.82139Z" fill="black" /> </svg> PLUGIN AVAILABLE </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">Centric’s market-leading PLM solutions are trusted by 700+ companies making products for 12,500+ brands. Centric’s Silicon Valley-based expertise and 500+ industry experts located across the globe partner with our customers to apply industry-specific best practices to create the #1 PLM solution on the market. This is why 190+ of our customers switched to us from another supplier, why we have the fastest go-live and highest adoption rate in the industry and why we have the happiest customers</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/beproduct?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>BeProduct</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>Merchandising</span> <span>PLM</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> BeProduct is PLM done differently – a new kind of digital fashion platform, made by people who are passionate about product ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-plugin-available"> <svg width="14" height="14" viewbox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M11.926 6.82139H10.4949V3.95915C10.4949 3.4325 10.0675 3.00507 9.54082 3.00507H6.67857V1.57394C6.67857 0.783965 6.03743 0.142822 5.24745 0.142822C4.45747 0.142822 3.81633 0.783965 3.81633 1.57394V3.00507H0.954082C0.427429 3.00507 0 3.4325 0 3.95915V6.82139H1.43112C2.2211 6.82139 2.86224 7.46254 2.86224 8.25252C2.86224 9.0425 2.2211 9.68364 1.43112 9.68364H0V12.5459C0 13.0725 0.427429 13.5 0.954082 13.5H3.81633V12.0688C3.81633 11.2789 4.45747 10.6377 5.24745 10.6377C6.03743 10.6377 6.67857 11.2789 6.67857 12.0688V13.5H9.54082C10.0675 13.5 10.4949 13.0725 10.4949 12.5459V9.68364H11.926C12.716 9.68364 13.3571 9.0425 13.3571 8.25252C13.3571 7.46254 12.716 6.82139 11.926 6.82139Z" fill="black" /> </svg> PLUGIN AVAILABLE </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">BeProduct is PLM done differently – a new kind of digital fashion platform, made by people who are passionate about product design and development. A cornerstone member of the U3M alliance, BeProduct offers comprehensive integration to Browzwear’s 3D ecosystem throughout its solution.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/stylecad?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>StyleCAD</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>CAD</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> StyleCAD offers a high-performance, state-of-the-art pattern design and grading application. Together with Browzwear, ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">StyleCAD offers a high-performance, state-of-the-art pattern design and grading application. Together with Browzwear, StyleCAD provides flexibility and ease, giving pattern makers more time to concentrate on their real business.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/pointcarre?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>Pointcarre</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>Material Visualisation</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> Pointcarre ProDesign software is used for the creation and development of almost any textile design &amp; repeat. Print, knit ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-plugin-available"> <svg width="14" height="14" viewbox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M11.926 6.82139H10.4949V3.95915C10.4949 3.4325 10.0675 3.00507 9.54082 3.00507H6.67857V1.57394C6.67857 0.783965 6.03743 0.142822 5.24745 0.142822C4.45747 0.142822 3.81633 0.783965 3.81633 1.57394V3.00507H0.954082C0.427429 3.00507 0 3.4325 0 3.95915V6.82139H1.43112C2.2211 6.82139 2.86224 7.46254 2.86224 8.25252C2.86224 9.0425 2.2211 9.68364 1.43112 9.68364H0V12.5459C0 13.0725 0.427429 13.5 0.954082 13.5H3.81633V12.0688C3.81633 11.2789 4.45747 10.6377 5.24745 10.6377C6.03743 10.6377 6.67857 11.2789 6.67857 12.0688V13.5H9.54082C10.0675 13.5 10.4949 13.0725 10.4949 12.5459V9.68364H11.926C12.716 9.68364 13.3571 9.0425 13.3571 8.25252C13.3571 7.46254 12.716 6.82139 11.926 6.82139Z" fill="black" /> </svg> PLUGIN AVAILABLE </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">Pointcarre ProDesign software is used for the creation and development of almost any textile design &amp; repeat. Print, knit and woven designs can all be created from your ideas and designs, developed from a scan or other digital image, edit colors, edit the design, work in repeat, work in Layers, easily match colors to Pantone® Textile &amp; CSI color Libraries. Save or export the file as a TIFF, TGA, BMP, PSD, PNG, and JPEG. Production info can also be generated to send to the mill. Pointcarre is native on Mac and PC, so any computer you already have will work fine with it. Currently Pointcarre Pro Design is the chosen software of designers for Tommy Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren, Michael Kors &amp; Martha Stewart Living as well as Volkswagen, Johnson Automotive, Sailrite and more. Many clients are in the apparel, home, automotive and wallpaper industries.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/jeanologia?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>Jeanologia</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>Customization</span> <span>Material Visualisation</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> Developing more efficient and sustainable fabric and garment finishing technologies. </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-plugin-available"> <svg width="14" height="14" viewbox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M11.926 6.82139H10.4949V3.95915C10.4949 3.4325 10.0675 3.00507 9.54082 3.00507H6.67857V1.57394C6.67857 0.783965 6.03743 0.142822 5.24745 0.142822C4.45747 0.142822 3.81633 0.783965 3.81633 1.57394V3.00507H0.954082C0.427429 3.00507 0 3.4325 0 3.95915V6.82139H1.43112C2.2211 6.82139 2.86224 7.46254 2.86224 8.25252C2.86224 9.0425 2.2211 9.68364 1.43112 9.68364H0V12.5459C0 13.0725 0.427429 13.5 0.954082 13.5H3.81633V12.0688C3.81633 11.2789 4.45747 10.6377 5.24745 10.6377C6.03743 10.6377 6.67857 11.2789 6.67857 12.0688V13.5H9.54082C10.0675 13.5 10.4949 13.0725 10.4949 12.5459V9.68364H11.926C12.716 9.68364 13.3571 9.0425 13.3571 8.25252C13.3571 7.46254 12.716 6.82139 11.926 6.82139Z" fill="black" /> </svg> PLUGIN AVAILABLE </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">Developing more efficient and sustainable fabric and garment finishing technologies.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/the-lycra-company?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>The LYCRA Company</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>Material Visualisation</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> The LYCRA® Company innovates and produces fiber and technology solutions for the apparel and personal care industries, ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">The LYCRA® Company innovates and produces fiber and technology solutions for the apparel and personal care industries, recognized worldwide for its innovative products, technical expertise, sustainable solutions, and unmatched marketing support. The LYCRA Company owns leading consumer and trade brands including LYCRA®, COOLMAX®, and THERMOLITE®. For more information, visit</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/blender?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>Blender</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>CAD</span> <span>Rendering</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> Blender is the free and open source 3D creation suite. It supports the entirety of the 3D pipeline—modeling, rigging, ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">Blender is the free and open source 3D creation suite. It supports the entirety of the 3D pipeline—modeling, rigging, animation, simulation, rendering, compositing and motion tracking, even video editing and game creation.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/aptean?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>Aptean</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>PLM</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> Our cloud-based apparel PLM turbocharges your design process from concept to product by automating processes and seamlessly ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-plugin-available"> <svg width="14" height="14" viewbox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M11.926 6.82139H10.4949V3.95915C10.4949 3.4325 10.0675 3.00507 9.54082 3.00507H6.67857V1.57394C6.67857 0.783965 6.03743 0.142822 5.24745 0.142822C4.45747 0.142822 3.81633 0.783965 3.81633 1.57394V3.00507H0.954082C0.427429 3.00507 0 3.4325 0 3.95915V6.82139H1.43112C2.2211 6.82139 2.86224 7.46254 2.86224 8.25252C2.86224 9.0425 2.2211 9.68364 1.43112 9.68364H0V12.5459C0 13.0725 0.427429 13.5 0.954082 13.5H3.81633V12.0688C3.81633 11.2789 4.45747 10.6377 5.24745 10.6377C6.03743 10.6377 6.67857 11.2789 6.67857 12.0688V13.5H9.54082C10.0675 13.5 10.4949 13.0725 10.4949 12.5459V9.68364H11.926C12.716 9.68364 13.3571 9.0425 13.3571 8.25252C13.3571 7.46254 12.716 6.82139 11.926 6.82139Z" fill="black" /> </svg> PLUGIN AVAILABLE </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">Our cloud-based apparel PLM turbocharges your design process from concept to product by automating processes and seamlessly integrating with ERP and design tools – speeding up time-to-market, simplifying global collaboration, and enabling designers to focus their energy on innovation.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/renderstreet?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>RenderStreet</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>Rendering</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> Accelerate your vStitcher and Lotta renders with one click. Optimize your creative pipeline with faster design turnaround ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">Accelerate your vStitcher and Lotta renders with one click. Optimize your creative pipeline with faster design turnaround times – both individual renders and batches/animations.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/crea?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>Crea</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>CAD</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> Create is the most updated and easy-to-learn 2D CAD for pattern design and grading. Providing a wide range of customizable ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">Create is the most updated and easy-to-learn 2D CAD for pattern design and grading. Providing a wide range of customizable and flexible features, this software is one of the most complete pattern making tools available.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/tronog?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>Tronog</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>Consulting</span> <span>Customization</span> <span>Rendering</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> A 3-legged tripod, acting as a supporting visualization studio that allows you and your team to focus on what matters to you ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">A 3-legged tripod, acting as a supporting visualization studio that allows you and your team to focus on what matters to you while giving us the opportunity to take care of your 3D Data-Management solutions. With Visticher and our tools, we can create millions of combinations and mass image production.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/grafis?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>GRAFIS CAD</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>CAD</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> GRAFIS CAD is a powerful 2D application for professional pattern design, with automatic grading for individual sizes, easy ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-plugin-available"> <svg width="14" height="14" viewbox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M11.926 6.82139H10.4949V3.95915C10.4949 3.4325 10.0675 3.00507 9.54082 3.00507H6.67857V1.57394C6.67857 0.783965 6.03743 0.142822 5.24745 0.142822C4.45747 0.142822 3.81633 0.783965 3.81633 1.57394V3.00507H0.954082C0.427429 3.00507 0 3.4325 0 3.95915V6.82139H1.43112C2.2211 6.82139 2.86224 7.46254 2.86224 8.25252C2.86224 9.0425 2.2211 9.68364 1.43112 9.68364H0V12.5459C0 13.0725 0.427429 13.5 0.954082 13.5H3.81633V12.0688C3.81633 11.2789 4.45747 10.6377 5.24745 10.6377C6.03743 10.6377 6.67857 11.2789 6.67857 12.0688V13.5H9.54082C10.0675 13.5 10.4949 13.0725 10.4949 12.5459V9.68364H11.926C12.716 9.68364 13.3571 9.0425 13.3571 8.25252C13.3571 7.46254 12.716 6.82139 11.926 6.82139Z" fill="black" /> </svg> PLUGIN AVAILABLE </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">GRAFIS CAD is a powerful 2D application for professional pattern design, with automatic grading for individual sizes, easy customisation through interactive constructions and dependencies between patterns. With GRAFIS Plugin and VStitcher from Browzwear you can illustrate and simulate all your styles in 3D in real-time.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/tradebeyond?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>TradeBeyond</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>Merchandising</span> <span>PLM</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> TradeBeyond streamlines product design, development, and sourcing, cutting costs and reducing time to market all while ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">TradeBeyond streamlines product design, development, and sourcing, cutting costs and reducing time to market all while honoring your ESG goals.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/chaos-group?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>Chaos Group</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>Rendering</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> Chaos Group is a worldwide leader in computer graphics. We create the technology that helps artists and designers create ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">Chaos Group is a worldwide leader in computer graphics. We create the technology that helps artists and designers create photoreal imagery and animation for design, television, and feature films. Our physically-based rendering and simulation software is used daily by top design studios, architectural firms, advertising agencies, and visual effects companies around the globe. Our research and development in cloud rendering, material scanning, and virtual reality is shaping the future of creative storytelling and digital design.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/averydennison?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>Avery Dennison</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>Customization</span> <span>Material Visualisation</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> Avery Dennison has created a library of materials and art extensions to help apparel designers visualize their trim and ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">Avery Dennison has created a library of materials and art extensions to help apparel designers visualize their trim and branding concepts. We put our manufacturing knowledge to work when designing these tools so you can be confident that the products you develop in Browzwear can act as a visual brief or visual prototyping. We want to meet designers where and how they work and through this partnership with Browzwear, we're looking to bring branding to the forefront of the design process.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/figure-forms?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>Figure Forms</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>Avatars</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> A leading manufacturer of professional dress forms and anatomically accurate technical fit mannequins. With close to 30 ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">A leading manufacturer of professional dress forms and anatomically accurate technical fit mannequins. With close to 30 years of experience supplying to and consulting for the global apparel industry, we have a wealth of knowledge and understanding of sizing and apparel industry trends.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/ykk?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>YKK</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>Customization</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> Since the company’s founding in Tokyo in 1934, YKK has continuously set industry standards for quality, service, value and ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">Since the company’s founding in Tokyo in 1934, YKK has continuously set industry standards for quality, service, value and innovation in the production of fastening products such as zippers, hook &amp; loop fasteners, plastic buckles and notions, webbing, and snaps &amp; buttons. Based on the CYCLE OF GOODNESS® corporate philosophy – no one prospers without rendering benefit to others – YKK aims to contribute to a sustainable society through its manufacturing operations and constantly seeks new ways to serve the changing needs of its diverse customers.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/sketchfab?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>Sketchfab's 3D Viewer</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>Merchandising</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> Sketchfab’s 3D Viewer makes interactive 3D models viewable anywhere on the web. Our technology is integrated with every ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">Sketchfab’s 3D Viewer makes interactive 3D models viewable anywhere on the web. Our technology is integrated with every major 3D creation tool and publishing platform. It’s compatible with every major web browser, operating system, and device.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/polartec?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>Polartec</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>Material Visualisation</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> Polartec is the premier maker and innovator of performance fabrics. Since inventing the first Polarfleece in the 1980s, ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">Polartec is the premier maker and innovator of performance fabrics. Since inventing the first Polarfleece in the 1980s, Polartec has become the textile industry’s foremost expert in thermoregulating fabrics. We help make the outdoors accessible for more people by keeping them warm, dry, cool, and safe in most any condition. Over 600 brands around the world rely on Polartec fabrics for their quality, performance, durability, and innovation. We are the Science of Fabric.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/crystal-apparel-ltd?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>Crystal Apparel Ltd.</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>Material Visualisation</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> Crystal Denim is a subsidiary of Crystal International Group Limited (CIGL), a global manufacturer that delivers 410 million ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">Crystal Denim is a subsidiary of Crystal International Group Limited (CIGL), a global manufacturer that delivers 410 million pieces of apparel to some of the world’s top brands. Crystal Denim has been leveraging Browzwear as part of its commitment to reducing carbon emissions and lowering the company’s overall environmental impact since 2008.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/meshcapade?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>Meshcapade</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>Avatars</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> With Meshcapade’s digidoppel, you can easily create animation-ready avatars from 3D scans or a set of body measurements ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">With Meshcapade’s digidoppel, you can easily create animation-ready avatars from 3D scans or a set of body measurements through a friendly drag-and-drop interface (more options for avatars from mocap, images &amp; video coming soon!). You can automatically generate a clean, realistic human mesh and animation rig. The 3D bodies created through digidoppel can be directly integrated with Browzwear’s VStitcher software to accurately show how garments look on human bodies.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/modo?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>Modo</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>CAD</span> <span>Rendering</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> Offering modeling, sculpting, painting, effects and animation tools in one cohesive, easy-to-use content creation package. ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-plugin-available"> <svg width="14" height="14" viewbox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M11.926 6.82139H10.4949V3.95915C10.4949 3.4325 10.0675 3.00507 9.54082 3.00507H6.67857V1.57394C6.67857 0.783965 6.03743 0.142822 5.24745 0.142822C4.45747 0.142822 3.81633 0.783965 3.81633 1.57394V3.00507H0.954082C0.427429 3.00507 0 3.4325 0 3.95915V6.82139H1.43112C2.2211 6.82139 2.86224 7.46254 2.86224 8.25252C2.86224 9.0425 2.2211 9.68364 1.43112 9.68364H0V12.5459C0 13.0725 0.427429 13.5 0.954082 13.5H3.81633V12.0688C3.81633 11.2789 4.45747 10.6377 5.24745 10.6377C6.03743 10.6377 6.67857 11.2789 6.67857 12.0688V13.5H9.54082C10.0675 13.5 10.4949 13.0725 10.4949 12.5459V9.68364H11.926C12.716 9.68364 13.3571 9.0425 13.3571 8.25252C13.3571 7.46254 12.716 6.82139 11.926 6.82139Z" fill="black" /> </svg> PLUGIN AVAILABLE </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">Offering modeling, sculpting, painting, effects and animation tools in one cohesive, easy-to-use content creation package. Whether you’re creating addictive real-time experiences, innovative product designs, compelling advertising images, or engaging film and video content, MODO® is your starting point for creative exploration. With Browzwear for MODO, you can easily transfer your designs in Lotta or VStitcher to Modo. This seamless bridge allows you greater flexibility to render photo-realistic images for review or advertising.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/archroma-gmbh?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>Archroma GmbH</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>Customization</span> <span>Material Visualisation</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> Archroma Color Management provides innovative solutions to manage color standards and palettes along the whole textile chain ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">Archroma Color Management provides innovative solutions to manage color standards and palettes along the whole textile chain for retailers, brands, vendors, and textile mills.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/polytropon?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>Polytropon</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>CAD</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> You’ll work efficiently and creatively, taking advantage of knowledge already in the PolyPattern environment. You will ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">You’ll work efficiently and creatively, taking advantage of knowledge already in the PolyPattern environment. You will intuitively prepare your patterns for 3D assembly, keeping them in sync between PolyPattern and vStitcher.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/semaco?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>SEMACO</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>CAD</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> InvenTex VST System is an advanced 3D design application that lets you optimized &amp; accelerate the entire product life-cycle, ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">InvenTex VST System is an advanced 3D design application that lets you optimized &amp; accelerate the entire product life-cycle, from concept to shelf. InvenTex VST System simulates texture, draping and fit of garments by displaying them on a parameterized virtual human body.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/sml-group?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>SML Group</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>Customization</span> <span>Material Visualisation</span> <span>Merchandising</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> With a presence in over 20 countries, SML Group is a leading provider of Labeling, Packaging and RFID solutions. As the ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">With a presence in over 20 countries, SML Group is a leading provider of Labeling, Packaging and RFID solutions. As the trusted partner of the world’s most recognized and revered apparel brands, we deliver proven results to brands in the new era of retailing.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/freudenberg?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>Freudenberg</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>Material Visualisation</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel is the world’s leading supplier of interlinings and thermal insulation for the ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel is the world’s leading supplier of interlinings and thermal insulation for the apparel industry. By partnering with Browzwear we are supporting our customers to meet the challenges of digitization in the fashion industry and capture the opportunities of digital end-to-end transformation.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/ptc?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>PTC</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>PLM</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> By shifting to digital tools and methods across the entire product development cycle, retailers and brand owners can shorten ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">By shifting to digital tools and methods across the entire product development cycle, retailers and brand owners can shorten cycle time and identify potential development and cost risks much earlier.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/embodee?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>Embodee</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>Customization</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> Embodee provides the global Apparel Supply chain with digital solutions that increase efficiency and make our future more ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">Embodee provides the global Apparel Supply chain with digital solutions that increase efficiency and make our future more sustainable. The company’s software has been in use for over 10 years by apparel leaders including Nike and Adidas, and brings critical capabilities to the industry’s emerging digital creation pipelines. Orchids by Embodee, the company’s collaborative web platform, improves engagement between supply and demand by coupling existing 3D data with rich capabilities to boost the productivity of interactions between designers, manufacturers and brands across the industry’s ~$1 trillion supply chain.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/jmlapparel?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>JML Apparel </h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>Material Visualisation</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> Headquartered in Shanghai, China, with major operations in North America and Asia, JML is a leading supplier of digital ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">Headquartered in Shanghai, China, with major operations in North America and Asia, JML is a leading supplier of digital materials in sportswear, leisurewear, and lingerie. Our group has manufacturing locations in China, Vietnam, and Cambodia. From labels and hangtags to elastics and tape, JML offers thousands of innovative garment trims to create visually appealing, comfortable, and practical clothing.</div> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/bemisassociates?hsLang=en" class="kl-tech-partner kl-tech-partner--filter-match"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-card"> <div class="kl-tech-partner-header"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>Bemis Associates</h3> <div class="kl-tech-partner-categories"> <span>Merchandising</span> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-description"> Bemis Associates is a gobal leader in adhesives and bonding solutions, partnering with leading apparel, consumer electronics ... </div> <div class="kl-tech-partner-search-text">Bemis Associates is a gobal leader in adhesives and bonding solutions, partnering with leading apparel, consumer electronics and industrial brands to improve product performance and aesthetics. We provide solutions in three categories: Sewfree® adhesives, embellishments and seam tapes. We’ve partnered with Browzwear to launch the Bemis 3D Material Library to better serve your DPC needs. As you integrate 3D solutions, this accurate library will allow you to specify and validate Bemis product earlier in your design process.</div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="kl-tech-partners--no-results"> <h3>Sorry but there are no matching results.</h3> <p>Try searching for something else.</p> </div> </div></div> </div><!--end widget-span --> </div><!--end row--> </div><!--end row-wrapper --> </div><!--end widget-span --> </div><!--end row--> </div><!--end row-wrapper --> <div class="row-fluid-wrapper row-depth-1 row-number-8 dnd-section dnd_area-row-3-padding dnd_area-row-3-force-full-width-section"> <div class="row-fluid "> <div class="span12 widget-span widget-type-cell cell_16911834936734-padding dnd-column" style="" data-widget-type="cell" data-x="0" data-w="12"> <div class="row-fluid-wrapper row-depth-1 row-number-9 dnd-row"> <div class="row-fluid "> <div class="span12 widget-span widget-type-custom_widget dnd-module" style="" data-widget-type="custom_widget" data-x="0" 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