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font-size: 1rem; text-align: inherit;">(a provider of Equifax Workforce Solutions, Equifax Verification Services, and The Work Number©) (“EWS”) website for EWS information, products and services (“Service(s)”). You can also review our </span><a href="" style="font-family: system-ui, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, &quot;Segoe UI&quot;, Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, &quot;Helvetica Neue&quot;, Arial, sans-serif, &quot;Apple Color Emoji&quot;, &quot;Segoe UI Emoji&quot;, &quot;Segoe UI Symbol&quot;; font-size: 1rem; text-align: inherit;">Privacy Policy</a><span style="font-family: system-ui, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, &quot;Segoe UI&quot;, Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, &quot;Helvetica Neue&quot;, Arial, sans-serif, &quot;Apple Color Emoji&quot;, &quot;Segoe UI Emoji&quot;, &quot;Segoe UI Symbol&quot;; font-size: 1rem; text-align: inherit;">, which provides additional information regarding our handling of personal data that you may provide to us.</span></p> <p dir="ltr"><b id="docs-internal-guid-136004e8-7fff-bc75-1551-64c8a79ee8e2">&nbsp;</b></p> <h4 dir="ltr"><b id="docs-internal-guid-136004e8-7fff-bc75-1551-64c8a79ee8e2">Terms of Use</b></h4> <p dir="ltr"><b id="docs-internal-guid-136004e8-7fff-bc75-1551-64c8a79ee8e2">&nbsp;</b></p> <p dir="ltr" id="docs-internal-guid-136004e8-7fff-bc75-1551-64c8a79ee8e2">Last Revised: April 4, 2022</p> <p dir="ltr" id="docs-internal-guid-136004e8-7fff-bc75-1551-64c8a79ee8e2">THESE TERMS OF USE CONTAIN INFORMATION CONCERNING THE ACCESS TO AND USE OF THE <a href="">WWW.WORKFORCE.EQUIFAX.COM</a>, THEWORKNUMBER.COM, AND RELATED SUBDOMAINS OF THESE WEBSITES (“Site”). BY USING THIS SITE, YOU ARE ACCEPTING THESE TERMS OF USE.&nbsp;</p> <ol> <li aria-level="1" dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr" id="docs-internal-guid-136004e8-7fff-bc75-1551-64c8a79ee8e2" role="presentation">SERVICES. Some of EWS’s Services may be accessed via this Site.&nbsp; These Services may be subject to the Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and/or other forms, agreements or online agreements (collectively, the “Agreement”). We may also work with other companies ("Supplier(s)") to help provide Services to you or sell you a Service provided by a Supplier. EWS and its Suppliers are referred to in this Terms of Use as "We", "Us", and "Our." You, the client, client representative or agent, employee, former employee, prospective employee, consumer, or other users visiting and utilizing this Site, are referred to as "You", "Your" or "User".</p> </li> <li aria-level="1" dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr" id="docs-internal-guid-136004e8-7fff-bc75-1551-64c8a79ee8e2" role="presentation">CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS. EWS reserves the right in its sole discretion to change, modify, add, or remove any terms, conditions, and notices under which the Site is offered at any time without notice. It is Your responsibility to check periodically for any changes We may make to these Terms of Use. Your continued use of this Site following the posting of changes to these Terms of Use or other policies means You accept the changes.</p> </li> <li aria-level="1" dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr" id="docs-internal-guid-136004e8-7fff-bc75-1551-64c8a79ee8e2" role="presentation">INFORMATION; AUTHORIZATION. As needed to provide Services to You, You authorize and instruct Us to obtain information needed to provide the contracted for Service. This might include information that is: (i) "non-public personal information", "personal information", and/or "highly restricted personal information" as defined by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (15 U.S.C. sec 6801 et seq); and (ii) other personal information.&nbsp;</p> </li> <li aria-level="1" dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr" id="docs-internal-guid-136004e8-7fff-bc75-1551-64c8a79ee8e2" role="presentation">SIGN UP; USE OF SERVICES. In order to access and use Services that require a fee, You must enter into an Agreement via an online sign up process and/or contract with Us through an agreement. You will also be required to provide a valid payment source, such as credit card information, or Your invoice information. This information may also be used with other companies to support Your transactions with Us. As mentioned, You may contract with Us to purchase certain Services through this Site, and by signing up and contracting with Us, You further certify that (i) all of the information provided incident to Your sign up process is true, accurate, complete and up to date, (ii) You are empowered and have the authority to bind the User, and (iii) You further agree to abide by all of the terms and conditions concerning Your use of the Services, including any specific terms and conditions relating to particular Services that You purchase.&nbsp;</p> </li> <li aria-level="1" dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr" id="docs-internal-guid-136004e8-7fff-bc75-1551-64c8a79ee8e2" role="presentation">ANY APPLICABLE FEES AND CHARGES; PAYMENT SOURCE. All applicable fees, charges, or payments will be handled in accordance with the terms outlined in Your Agreement.&nbsp;</p> </li> <li aria-level="1" dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr" id="docs-internal-guid-136004e8-7fff-bc75-1551-64c8a79ee8e2" role="presentation">ELECTRONIC AND TELEPHONIC COMMUNICATIONS. Unless otherwise noted, some of Our Services are internet-based and in order to access Our Services You must have: an internet browser that supports 128-bit encryption; an email account and appropriate email software; a non-public computer, operating system and connection to the internet, or in the case of Our mobile Service features, a wireless device, software and connection to the internet capable of supporting the foregoing; and sufficient electronic storage capacity on Your computer's hard drive or other data storage unit or a printer that is capable of printing from Your browser and email software. You also expressly consent and agree to be contacted by Us or anyone acting on Our behalf for non-telemarketing purposes at any telephone number You provide to Us or We obtain for You, including wireless telephone numbers. You further agree that We may make this contact by using a predictive dialer or an automatic telephone dialing system, including sending text or mobile messages by such a system, and/or by using an artificial or prerecorded voice. You agree to notify Us promptly if a telephone number You provided to Us is no longer a number at which You may be reached (such as in the event of number reassignment or if You want to revoke Your consent to be contacted by telephone). EWS does not charge for these Communications, but please note that mobile messaging, text, and data rates may apply, and You should consult with Your carrier prior to enabling any mobile feature associated with Your Service. In addition, You authorize your mobile carrier to release the name, address, email address, account and device details, and the call forwarding information (CPNI) on your mobile account to EWS for the purpose of allowing Us to verify your identity, when required.&nbsp; For general employer support, please contact this number at 877-664-8778. For general employee/consumer support, please contact this number at 800-367-2884. For general verifier support, please contact this number 800-367-5690.</p> </li> <li aria-level="1" dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr" id="docs-internal-guid-136004e8-7fff-bc75-1551-64c8a79ee8e2" role="presentation">FEEDBACK OR COMMENTS. Comments, suggestions or materials sent or transmitted to EWS (collectively "Feedback"), shall be deemed to be non-confidential. Subject to the conditions described on the Privacy Policy of this Site, We shall have no obligation of any kind with respect to such Feedback and shall be free to use and distribute the Feedback to others without limitation, including, but not limited to developing and marketing products incorporating such Feedback.</p> </li> <li aria-level="1" dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr" id="docs-internal-guid-136004e8-7fff-bc75-1551-64c8a79ee8e2" role="presentation">NO GUARANTEE OF SITE AVAILABILITY. Because of the nature of the Internet and online communications, this Site may not perform as intended despite Our efforts. We do not guarantee uninterrupted or error free operation of this Site. In addition, Your excessive use of this Site may also result in the Site not performing as intended despite Our efforts. We will use commercially reasonable efforts to maintain operation of the Site. If there is a system error or other problem concerning this Site, You agree to promptly notify Us of the same. EWS will use commercially reasonable efforts to correct the error. You will not be entitled to any money for any system errors.&nbsp;</p> </li> <li aria-level="1" dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr" id="docs-internal-guid-136004e8-7fff-bc75-1551-64c8a79ee8e2" role="presentation">PRIVACY. You acknowledge that Your Site access, use and information provided will be handled by EWS in accordance with Our <a href="">Privacy Policy</a>.</p> </li> <li aria-level="1" dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr" id="docs-internal-guid-136004e8-7fff-bc75-1551-64c8a79ee8e2" role="presentation">INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. This Site contains copyrighted material, and any information that You retrieve is copyrighted by its owner. You may not remove, alter or cover any copyright or other proprietary notices placed on this Site or on Services or related materials acquired through this Site. We, collectively or individually, retain ownership of all intellectual property rights in the Services and this Site or have rights through our licensors, including without limitation any information, trademarks, service marks, names, titles, materials, text, graphics, images, logos, designs, site design, and the selection, assembly, and arrangement of the Site ("Content"). Other products and company names mentioned in the site may be the trademarks of their respective owners. You are granted a limited, non-exclusive right to create a hypertext link to The Work Number website at; provided such link does not portray EWS and/or its affiliates or any of their respective products and services in a false, misleading, derogatory or otherwise defamatory manner. This limited right may be revoked at any time. Except as noted above, the Content may not be copied, distributed, displayed, modified, reproduced, performed, published, or reverse engineered in whole or in part without Our written permission, and you are not conveyed any other right or license by implication, estoppel, or otherwise in or under any patent, trademark, copyright, or proprietary right of EWS, Equifax Inc. and/or any any of its subsidiaries, or any third party.</p> </li> <li aria-level="1" dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr" id="docs-internal-guid-136004e8-7fff-bc75-1551-64c8a79ee8e2" role="presentation">DISCLAIMER. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, THIS SITE AND ANY SERVICES PROVIDED TO ANY RECIPIENT UNDER THESE TERMS OF USE ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” AND “AS AVAILABLE” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. EWS DOES NOT MAKE AND HEREBY SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR ANY WARRANTY, GUARANTEE, OR REPRESENTATION REGARDING THE USE, OR THE RESULTS OF THE USE OF THE SITE OR ANY SERVICES.</p> </li> <li aria-level="1" dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr" id="docs-internal-guid-136004e8-7fff-bc75-1551-64c8a79ee8e2" role="presentation">LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. NEITHER WE NOR ANY OF OUR AFFILIATED PERSONS/COMPANIES WILL BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY LOSS OR INJURY ARISING OUT OF OR CAUSED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, BY ANY NEGLIGENT ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF ANY SUCH PERSON/COMPANY IN PREPARING, REPORTING OR DELIVERING THE SERVICES OR PROVIDING THIS SITE, OR IN DOING ANYTHING RELATED THERETO. 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