TCCON data from Indianapolis (US), Release GGG2014.R1
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T.</span><sup class="font-tiny">1</sup></a> <a class="no-text-decoration" href="" aria-label="Iraci, L. T.'s ORCID profile" title="Iraci, L. T.'s ORCID profile"> <img class="ml-5 inline-id-icon" src="/static/images/orcid.svg" alt="ORCID icon"/> </a> </dd> <dd class="creatibutor-wrap separated"> <a class="ui creatibutor-link" data-tooltip="Atmospheric Science Branch, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA (US)" href="/search?,+J.+R.%22" > <span class="creatibutor-name">Podolske, J. R.</span><sup class="font-tiny">1</sup></a> </dd> <dd class="creatibutor-wrap separated"> <a class="ui creatibutor-link" data-tooltip="Atmospheric Science Branch, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA (US)" href="/search?,+P.+W.%22" > <span class="creatibutor-name">Hillyard, P. W.</span><sup class="font-tiny">1</sup></a> </dd> <dd class="creatibutor-wrap separated"> <a class="ui creatibutor-link" data-tooltip="California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA (US)" href="/search?,+C.%22" > <span class="creatibutor-name">Roehl, C.</span><sup class="font-tiny">2</sup></a> <a class="no-text-decoration" href="" aria-label="Roehl, C.'s ORCID profile" title="Roehl, C.'s ORCID profile"> <img class="ml-5 inline-id-icon" src="/static/images/orcid.svg" alt="ORCID icon"/> </a> </dd> <dd class="creatibutor-wrap separated"> <a class="ui creatibutor-link" data-tooltip="California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA (US)" href="/search?,+P.+O.%22" > <span class="creatibutor-name">Wennberg, P. O.</span><sup class="font-tiny">2</sup></a> <a class="no-text-decoration" href="" aria-label="Wennberg, P. O.'s ORCID profile" title="Wennberg, P. O.'s ORCID profile"> <img class="ml-5 inline-id-icon" src="/static/images/orcid.svg" alt="ORCID icon"/> </a> </dd> <dd class="creatibutor-wrap separated"> <a class="ui creatibutor-link" data-tooltip="Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA (US)" href="/search?,+J.-F.%22" > <span class="creatibutor-name">Blavier, J.-F.</span><sup class="font-tiny">3</sup></a> <a class="no-text-decoration" href="" aria-label="Blavier, J.-F.'s ORCID profile" title="Blavier, J.-F.'s ORCID profile"> <img class="ml-5 inline-id-icon" src="/static/images/orcid.svg" alt="ORCID icon"/> </a> </dd> <dd class="creatibutor-wrap separated"> <a class="ui creatibutor-link" data-tooltip="Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA (US)" href="/search?,+J.%22" > <span class="creatibutor-name">Landeros, J.</span><sup class="font-tiny">3</sup></a> </dd> <dd class="creatibutor-wrap separated"> <a class="ui creatibutor-link" data-tooltip="Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (US)" href="/search?,+N.%22" > <span class="creatibutor-name">Allen, N.</span><sup class="font-tiny">4</sup></a> <a class="no-text-decoration" href="" aria-label="Allen, N.'s ORCID profile" title="Allen, N.'s ORCID profile"> <img class="ml-5 inline-id-icon" src="/static/images/orcid.svg" alt="ORCID icon"/> </a> </dd> <dd class="creatibutor-wrap separated"> <a class="ui creatibutor-link" data-tooltip="University of Toronto, ON (CA)" href="/search?,+D.%22" > <span class="creatibutor-name">Wunch, D.</span><sup class="font-tiny">5</sup></a> <a class="no-text-decoration" href="" aria-label="Wunch, D.'s ORCID profile" title="Wunch, D.'s ORCID profile"> <img class="ml-5 inline-id-icon" src="/static/images/orcid.svg" alt="ORCID icon"/> </a> </dd> <dd class="creatibutor-wrap separated"> <a class="ui creatibutor-link" data-tooltip="NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA (US)" href="/search?,+J.%22" > <span class="creatibutor-name">Zavaleta, J.</span><sup class="font-tiny">6</sup></a> </dd> <dd class="creatibutor-wrap separated"> <a class="ui creatibutor-link" data-tooltip="NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA (US)" href="/search?,+E.%22" > <span class="creatibutor-name">Quigley, E.</span><sup class="font-tiny">6</sup></a> </dd> <dd class="creatibutor-wrap separated"> <a class="ui creatibutor-link" data-tooltip="Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA (US)" href="/search?,+G.+B.%22" > <span class="creatibutor-name">Osterman, G. B.</span><sup class="font-tiny">3</sup></a> </dd> <dd class="creatibutor-wrap separated"> <a class="ui creatibutor-link" data-tooltip="Ivy Tech Community College, Indianapolis, IN (US)" href="/search?,+E.%22" > <span class="creatibutor-name">Barrow, E.</span><sup class="font-tiny">7</sup></a> </dd> <dd class="creatibutor-wrap separated"> <a class="ui creatibutor-link" data-tooltip="Ivy Tech Community College, Indianapolis, IN (US)" href="/search?,+J.%22" > <span class="creatibutor-name">Barney, J.</span><sup class="font-tiny">7</sup></a> </dd> </dl> </div> <div class="ui sixteen wide tablet three wide computer column title right aligned bottom aligned"> <button class="ui affiliations-button trigger button mini mr-0" aria-controls="creators-affiliations" data-open-text="Show affiliations" data-close-text="Hide affiliations" aria-expanded="false" > Show affiliations </button> </div> <section class="ui sixteen wide column content" id="creators-affiliations" aria-label="Affiliations for creators"> <ul> <li> 1. Atmospheric Science Branch, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA (US) </li> <li> 2. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA (US) </li> <li> 3. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA (US) </li> <li> 4. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (US) </li> <li> 5. University of Toronto, ON (CA) </li> <li> 6. NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA (US) </li> <li> 7. Ivy Tech Community College, Indianapolis, IN (US) </li> </ul> </section> </div> <div class="row ui accordion affiliations"> <div class="sixteen wide mobile twelve wide tablet thirteen wide computer column mb-10"> <dl class="creatibutors" aria-label="Contributors list"> <dt class="text-muted">Contact person:</dt> <dd class="creatibutor-wrap separated"> <a class="ui creatibutor-link" href="/search?" > <span class="creatibutor-name">Laura T. Iraci</span></a> <i class="group icon"></i> </dd> </dl> <dl class="creatibutors" aria-label="Contributors list"> <dt class="text-muted">Data curator:</dt> <dd class="creatibutor-wrap separated"> <a class="ui creatibutor-link" data-tooltip="California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA (US)" href="/search?,+C.+M.%22" > <span class="creatibutor-name">Roehl, C. M.</span><sup class="font-tiny">1</sup></a> <a class="no-text-decoration" href="" aria-label="Roehl, C. M.'s ORCID profile" title="Roehl, C. M.'s ORCID profile"> <img class="ml-5 inline-id-icon" src="/static/images/orcid.svg" alt="ORCID icon"/> </a> </dd> </dl> <dl class="creatibutors" aria-label="Contributors list"> <dt class="text-muted">Hosting institution:</dt> <dd class="creatibutor-wrap separated"> <a class="ui creatibutor-link" href="/search?,+Pasadena%22" > <span class="creatibutor-name">California Institute of Techonolgy, Pasadena</span></a> <a href="" aria-label="California Institute of Techonolgy, Pasadena's ROR profile" title="California Institute of Techonolgy, Pasadena's ROR profile"> <img class="ml-5 inline-id-icon" src="/static/images/ror-icon.svg" alt="ROR icon"/> </a> </dd> </dl> <dl class="creatibutors" aria-label="Contributors list"> <dt class="text-muted">Research group:</dt> <dd class="creatibutor-wrap separated"> <a class="ui creatibutor-link" href="/search?" > <span class="creatibutor-name">TCCON</span></a> <i class="group icon"></i> </dd> </dl> </div> <div class="ui sixteen wide tablet three wide computer column title right aligned bottom aligned"> <button class="ui affiliations-button trigger button mini mr-0" aria-controls="contributors-affiliations" data-open-text="Show affiliations" data-close-text="Hide affiliations" aria-expanded="false" > Show affiliations </button> </div> <section class="ui sixteen wide column content" id="contributors-affiliations" aria-label="Affiliations for contributors"> <ul> <li> 1. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA (US) </li> </ul> </section> </div> </div> </section> </section><section id="citation" aria-label="Record citations"> <div id="recordCitation" data-record='{"access": {"embargo": {"active": false, "reason": null}, "files": "public", "record": "public", "status": "open"}, "created": "2022-09-09T15:49:16.211844+00:00", "expanded": {}, "files": {"enabled": true, "order": []}, "id": "afbp4-fy988", "is_draft": false, "is_published": true, "links": {"access_links": "", "doi": "", "draft": "", "files": "", "latest": "", "latest_html": "", "reserve_doi": "", "self": "", "self_doi": "", "self_html": "", "self_iiif_manifest": "", "self_iiif_sequence": "", "versions": ""}, "metadata": {"additional_descriptions": [{"description": "Contact person: Laura T. Iraci", "type": {"id": "other", "title": {"de": "Sonstige", "en": "Other"}}}], "contributors": [{"person_or_org": {"family_name": "California Institute of Techonolgy", "given_name": "Pasadena", "identifiers": [{"identifier": "05dxps055", "scheme": "ror"}], "name": "California Institute of Techonolgy, Pasadena", "type": "personal"}, "role": {"id": "hostinginstitution", "title": {"en": "Hosting institution"}}}, {"affiliations": [{"name": "California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA (US)"}], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Roehl", "given_name": "C. M.", "identifiers": [{"identifier": "0000-0001-5383-8462", "scheme": "orcid"}], "name": "Roehl, C. M.", "type": "personal"}, "role": {"id": "datacurator", "title": {"en": "Data curator"}}}, {"person_or_org": {"name": "Laura T. Iraci", "type": "organizational"}, "role": {"id": "contactperson", "title": {"en": "Contact person"}}}, {"person_or_org": {"name": "TCCON", "type": "organizational"}, "role": {"id": "researchgroup", "title": {"en": "Research group"}}}], "creators": [{"affiliations": [{"name": "Atmospheric Science Branch, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA (US)"}], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Iraci", "given_name": "L. T.", "identifiers": [{"identifier": "0000-0002-2859-5259", "scheme": "orcid"}], "name": "Iraci, L. T.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [{"name": "Atmospheric Science Branch, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA (US)"}], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Podolske", "given_name": "J. R.", "name": "Podolske, J. R.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [{"name": "Atmospheric Science Branch, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA (US)"}], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Hillyard", "given_name": "P. W.", "name": "Hillyard, P. W.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [{"name": "California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA (US)"}], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Roehl", "given_name": "C.", "identifiers": [{"identifier": "0000-0001-5383-8462", "scheme": "orcid"}], "name": "Roehl, C.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [{"name": "California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA (US)"}], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Wennberg", "given_name": "P. O.", "identifiers": [{"identifier": "0000-0002-6126-3854", "scheme": "orcid"}], "name": "Wennberg, P. O.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [{"name": "Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA (US)"}], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Blavier", "given_name": "J.-F.", "identifiers": [{"identifier": "0000-0002-1800-9316", "scheme": "orcid"}], "name": "Blavier, J.-F.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [{"name": "Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA (US)"}], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Landeros", "given_name": "J.", "name": "Landeros, J.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [{"name": "Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (US)"}], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Allen", "given_name": "N.", "identifiers": [{"identifier": "0000-0002-7528-8606", "scheme": "orcid"}], "name": "Allen, N.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [{"name": "University of Toronto, ON (CA)"}], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Wunch", "given_name": "D.", "identifiers": [{"identifier": "0000-0002-4924-0377", "scheme": "orcid"}], "name": "Wunch, D.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [{"name": "NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA (US)"}], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Zavaleta", "given_name": "J.", "name": "Zavaleta, J.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [{"name": "NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA (US)"}], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Quigley", "given_name": "E.", "name": "Quigley, E.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [{"name": "Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA (US)"}], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Osterman", "given_name": "G. B.", "name": "Osterman, G. B.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [{"name": "Ivy Tech Community College, Indianapolis, IN (US)"}], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Barrow", "given_name": "E.", "name": "Barrow, E.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [{"name": "Ivy Tech Community College, Indianapolis, IN (US)"}], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Barney", "given_name": "J.", "name": "Barney, J.", "type": "personal"}}], "dates": [{"date": "2016-10-27", "type": {"id": "created", "title": {"de": "Erstellt", "en": "Created"}}}, {"date": "2012-08-23/2012-12-01", "type": {"id": "collected", "title": {"de": "Gesammelt", "en": "Collected"}}}], "description": "The Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) is a network of ground-based Fourier Transform Spectrometers that record direct solar absorption spectra of the atmosphere in the near-infrared. From these spectra, accurate and precise column-averaged abundances of atmospheric constituents including CO2, CH4, N2O, HF, CO, H2O, and HDO, are retrieved. This data set contains observations from the TCCON station at Indianapolis, U.S.A..", "formats": ["application/x-netcdf"], "funding": [{"funder": {"id": "027ka1x80", "name": "National Aeronautics and Space Administration"}}], "identifiers": [{"identifier": "274", "scheme": "cdid"}], "languages": [{"id": "eng", "title": {"en": "English"}}], "publication_date": "2016-10-27", "publisher": "CaltechDATA", "related_identifiers": [{"identifier": "10.14291/tccon.ggg2014.documentation.R0/1221662", "relation_type": {"id": "isdocumentedby", "title": {"de": "Wird dokumentiert von", "en": "Is documented by"}}, "scheme": "doi"}, {"identifier": "10.14291/tccon.ggg2014.indianapolis01.R0/1149164", "relation_type": {"id": "isnewversionof", "title": {"de": "Ist eine neue Version von", "en": "Is new version of"}}, "scheme": "doi"}, {"identifier": "", "relation_type": {"id": "isdocumentedby", "title": {"de": "Wird dokumentiert von", "en": "Is documented by"}}, "scheme": "url"}, {"identifier": "", "relation_type": {"id": "isdocumentedby", "title": {"de": "Wird dokumentiert von", "en": "Is documented by"}}, "scheme": "url"}, {"identifier": "10.14291/TCCON.GGG2014", "relation_type": {"id": "ispartof", "title": {"de": "Ist Teil von", "en": "Is part of"}}, "scheme": "doi"}, {"identifier": "", "relation_type": {"id": "ispartof", "title": {"de": "Ist Teil von", "en": "Is part of"}}, "scheme": "url"}, {"identifier": "10.3390/atmos10070354", "relation_type": {"id": "iscitedby", "title": {"de": "Wird zitiert von", "en": "Is cited by"}}, "scheme": "doi"}, {"identifier": "10.5194/acp-19-7859-2019", "relation_type": {"id": "iscitedby", "title": {"de": "Wird zitiert von", "en": "Is cited by"}}, "scheme": "doi"}, {"identifier": "10.5194/amt-15-3401-2022", "relation_type": {"id": "iscitedby", "title": {"de": "Wird zitiert von", "en": "Is cited by"}}, "scheme": "doi"}, {"identifier": "10.1007/s10666-021-09780-8", "relation_type": {"id": "iscitedby", "title": {"de": "Wird zitiert von", "en": "Is cited by"}}, "scheme": "doi"}, {"identifier": "10.1007/s41651-022-00105-1", "relation_type": {"id": "iscitedby", "title": {"de": "Wird zitiert von", "en": "Is cited by"}}, "scheme": "doi"}], "resource_type": {"id": "dataset", "title": {"en": "Dataset"}}, "rights": [{"title": {"en": "TCCON Data Use Policy"}}], "subjects": [{"subject": "atmospheric trace gases"}, {"subject": "CO2"}, {"subject": "CH4"}, {"subject": "CO"}, {"subject": "N2O"}, {"subject": "column-averaged dry-air mole fractions"}, {"subject": "remote sensing"}, {"subject": "FTIR spectroscopy"}, {"subject": "TCCON"}], "title": "TCCON data from Indianapolis (US), Release GGG2014.R1", "version": "GGG2014.R1"}, "parent": {"communities": {}, "id": "x60rz-16k35"}, "pids": {"doi": {"identifier": "10.14291/tccon.ggg2014.indianapolis01.R1/1330094", "provider": "external"}, "oai": {"identifier": "", "provider": "oai"}}, "revision_id": 7, "status": "published", "ui": {"access_status": {"description_l10n": "The record and files are publicly accessible.", "embargo_date_l10n": null, "icon": "unlock", "id": "open", "message_class": "", "title_l10n": "Open"}, "additional_descriptions": [{"description": "Contact person: Laura T. Iraci", "type": {"id": "other", "title_l10n": "Other"}}], "contributors": {"affiliations": [[1, "California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA (US)", null]], "contributors": [{"person_or_org": {"family_name": "California Institute of Techonolgy", "given_name": "Pasadena", "identifiers": [{"identifier": "05dxps055", "scheme": "ror"}], "name": "California Institute of Techonolgy, Pasadena", "type": "personal"}, "role": {"id": "hostinginstitution", "title": "Hosting institution"}}, {"affiliations": [[1, "California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA (US)"]], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Roehl", "given_name": "C. M.", "identifiers": [{"identifier": "0000-0001-5383-8462", "scheme": "orcid"}], "name": "Roehl, C. M.", "type": "personal"}, "role": {"id": "datacurator", "title": "Data curator"}}, {"person_or_org": {"name": "Laura T. Iraci", "type": "organizational"}, "role": {"id": "contactperson", "title": "Contact person"}}, {"person_or_org": {"name": "TCCON", "type": "organizational"}, "role": {"id": "researchgroup", "title": "Research group"}}]}, "created_date_l10n_long": "September 9, 2022", "creators": {"affiliations": [[1, "Atmospheric Science Branch, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA (US)", null], [2, "California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA (US)", null], [3, "Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA (US)", null], [4, "Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (US)", null], [5, "University of Toronto, ON (CA)", null], [6, "NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA (US)", null], [7, "Ivy Tech Community College, Indianapolis, IN (US)", null]], "creators": [{"affiliations": [[1, "Atmospheric Science Branch, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA (US)"]], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Iraci", "given_name": "L. T.", "identifiers": [{"identifier": "0000-0002-2859-5259", "scheme": "orcid"}], "name": "Iraci, L. T.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [[1, "Atmospheric Science Branch, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA (US)"]], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Podolske", "given_name": "J. R.", "name": "Podolske, J. R.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [[1, "Atmospheric Science Branch, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA (US)"]], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Hillyard", "given_name": "P. W.", "name": "Hillyard, P. W.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [[2, "California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA (US)"]], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Roehl", "given_name": "C.", "identifiers": [{"identifier": "0000-0001-5383-8462", "scheme": "orcid"}], "name": "Roehl, C.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [[2, "California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA (US)"]], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Wennberg", "given_name": "P. O.", "identifiers": [{"identifier": "0000-0002-6126-3854", "scheme": "orcid"}], "name": "Wennberg, P. O.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [[3, "Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA (US)"]], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Blavier", "given_name": "J.-F.", "identifiers": [{"identifier": "0000-0002-1800-9316", "scheme": "orcid"}], "name": "Blavier, J.-F.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [[3, "Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA (US)"]], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Landeros", "given_name": "J.", "name": "Landeros, J.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [[4, "Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (US)"]], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Allen", "given_name": "N.", "identifiers": [{"identifier": "0000-0002-7528-8606", "scheme": "orcid"}], "name": "Allen, N.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [[5, "University of Toronto, ON (CA)"]], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Wunch", "given_name": "D.", "identifiers": [{"identifier": "0000-0002-4924-0377", "scheme": "orcid"}], "name": "Wunch, D.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [[6, "NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA (US)"]], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Zavaleta", "given_name": "J.", "name": "Zavaleta, J.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [[6, "NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA (US)"]], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Quigley", "given_name": "E.", "name": "Quigley, E.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [[3, "Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA (US)"]], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Osterman", "given_name": "G. B.", "name": "Osterman, G. B.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [[7, "Ivy Tech Community College, Indianapolis, IN (US)"]], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Barrow", "given_name": "E.", "name": "Barrow, E.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [[7, "Ivy Tech Community College, Indianapolis, IN (US)"]], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Barney", "given_name": "J.", "name": "Barney, J.", "type": "personal"}}]}, "dates": [{"date": "2016-10-27", "type": {"id": "created", "title_l10n": "Created"}}, {"date": "2012-08-23/2012-12-01", "type": {"id": "collected", "title_l10n": "Collected"}}], "description_stripped": "The Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) is a network of ground-based Fourier Transform Spectrometers that record direct solar absorption spectra of the atmosphere in the near-infrared. From these spectra, accurate and precise column-averaged abundances of atmospheric constituents including CO2, CH4, N2O, HF, CO, H2O, and HDO, are retrieved. This data set contains observations from the TCCON station at Indianapolis, U.S.A..", "funding": [{"funder": {"id": "027ka1x80", "name": "National Aeronautics and Space Administration"}}], "is_draft": false, "languages": [{"id": "eng", "title_l10n": "English"}], "publication_date_l10n_long": "October 27, 2016", "publication_date_l10n_medium": "Oct 27, 2016", "related_identifiers": [{"identifier": "10.14291/tccon.ggg2014.documentation.R0/1221662", "relation_type": {"id": "isdocumentedby", "title_l10n": "Is documented by"}, "scheme": "doi"}, {"identifier": "10.14291/tccon.ggg2014.indianapolis01.R0/1149164", "relation_type": {"id": "isnewversionof", "title_l10n": "Is new version of"}, "scheme": "doi"}, {"identifier": "", "relation_type": {"id": "isdocumentedby", "title_l10n": "Is documented by"}, "scheme": "url"}, {"identifier": "", "relation_type": {"id": "isdocumentedby", "title_l10n": "Is documented by"}, "scheme": "url"}, {"identifier": "10.14291/TCCON.GGG2014", "relation_type": {"id": "ispartof", "title_l10n": "Is part of"}, "scheme": "doi"}, {"identifier": "", "relation_type": {"id": "ispartof", "title_l10n": "Is part of"}, "scheme": "url"}, {"identifier": "10.3390/atmos10070354", "relation_type": {"id": "iscitedby", "title_l10n": "Is cited by"}, "scheme": "doi"}, {"identifier": "10.5194/acp-19-7859-2019", "relation_type": {"id": "iscitedby", "title_l10n": "Is cited by"}, "scheme": "doi"}, {"identifier": "10.5194/amt-15-3401-2022", "relation_type": {"id": "iscitedby", "title_l10n": "Is cited by"}, "scheme": "doi"}, {"identifier": "10.1007/s10666-021-09780-8", "relation_type": {"id": "iscitedby", "title_l10n": "Is cited by"}, "scheme": "doi"}, {"identifier": "10.1007/s41651-022-00105-1", "relation_type": {"id": "iscitedby", "title_l10n": "Is cited by"}, "scheme": "doi"}], "resource_type": {"id": "dataset", "title_l10n": "Dataset"}, "rights": [{"title_l10n": "TCCON Data Use Policy"}], "updated_date_l10n_long": "October 12, 2023", "version": "GGG2014.R1"}, "updated": "2023-10-12T19:29:41.352147+00:00", "versions": {"index": 1, "is_latest": true}}' data-styles='[["apa", "APA"], ["american-chemical-society", "ACS"], ["ieee", "IEEE"], ["chicago-author-date", "Chicago"], ["science", "Science"], ["bibtex", "Bibtex"]]' data-defaultstyle='"apa"'> </div> </section> <section id="description" class="rel-mt-2" aria-label="Record description"> <h2 id="description-heading">Description</h2> <p>The Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) is a network of ground-based Fourier Transform Spectrometers that record direct solar absorption spectra of the atmosphere in the near-infrared. From these spectra, accurate and precise column-averaged abundances of atmospheric constituents including CO2, CH4, N2O, HF, CO, H2O, and HDO, are retrieved. This data set contains observations from the TCCON station at Indianapolis, U.S.A..</p> </section> <section id="record-files" class="rel-mt-2" aria-label="Files"> <h2 id="files-heading">Files</h2> <div class=""> <div class="ui accordion panel mb-10 open" id="preview" href="#collapsablePreview"> <div class="active title trigger panel-heading open truncated" tabindex="0" aria-label="File preview"> <span id="preview-file-title">LICENSE.txt</span> <i class="ui angle right icon"></i> </div> <div id="collapsablePreview" class="active content pt-0"> <div> <iframe title="Preview" class="preview-iframe" id="preview-iframe" name="preview-iframe" width="100%" height="400" src="/records/afbp4-fy988/preview/LICENSE.txt" > </iframe> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class=""> <div class="ui accordion panel mb-10 open" id="preview" href="#collapsablePreview"> <div class="active title trigger panel-heading open" tabindex="0"> Files <small class="text-muted"> (2.4 MB)</small> <i class="angle right icon"></i> </div> <div class="active content pt-0"> <div id="collapsableFiles"> <table class="ui striped table files fluid"> <thead> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Size</th> <th class="hidden">Actions</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td> <div class="truncated"> <a href="/records/afbp4-fy988/files/LICENSE.txt?download=1">LICENSE.txt</a> </div> <small class="ui text-muted font-tiny">md5:b136011a43222e1b1cba384e3c5439d1 <div class="ui icon inline-block" data-tooltip="This is the file fingerprint (checksum), which can be used to verify the file integrity."> <i class="question circle checksum icon"></i> </div> </small> </td> <td>2.4 kB</td> <td class="right aligned"> <span> <a role="button" class="ui compact mini button preview-link" href="/records/afbp4-fy988/preview/LICENSE.txt" target="preview-iframe" data-file-key="LICENSE.txt"> <i class="eye icon"></i> Preview </a> <a role="button" class="ui compact mini button" href="/records/afbp4-fy988/files/LICENSE.txt?download=1"> <i class="download icon"></i> Download </a> </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <div class="truncated"> <a href="/records/afbp4-fy988/files/README.txt?download=1">README.txt</a> </div> <small class="ui text-muted font-tiny">md5:4e96c17b8352fcdcad3dcefe0317053e <div class="ui icon inline-block" data-tooltip="This is the file fingerprint (checksum), which can be used to verify the file integrity."> <i class="question circle checksum icon"></i> </div> </small> </td> <td>11.7 kB</td> <td class="right aligned"> <span> <a role="button" class="ui compact mini button preview-link" href="/records/afbp4-fy988/preview/README.txt" target="preview-iframe" data-file-key="README.txt"> <i class="eye icon"></i> Preview </a> <a role="button" class="ui compact mini button" href="/records/afbp4-fy988/files/README.txt?download=1"> <i class="download icon"></i> Download </a> </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <div class="truncated"> <a href="/records/afbp4-fy988/files/"></a> </div> <small class="ui text-muted font-tiny">md5:697ae6cf95c33b9025af4de766d23fbc <div class="ui icon inline-block" data-tooltip="This is the file fingerprint (checksum), which can be used to verify the file integrity."> <i class="question circle checksum icon"></i> </div> </small> </td> <td>2.4 MB</td> <td class="right aligned"> <span> <a role="button" class="ui compact mini button" href="/records/afbp4-fy988/files/"> <i class="download icon"></i> Download </a> </span> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="additional-description-1" class="rel-mt-2" aria-label="Other"> <h2>Other <span class="text-muted language"></span></h2> <p>Contact person: Laura T. Iraci</p> </section> <section id="additional-details" class="rel-mt-2" aria-label="Additional record details"> <div class="ui divider"></div> <h2 id="record-details-heading">Additional details</h2> <div class="rdm-tab-container ml-0-mobile mr-0-mobile"> <div role="tablist" class="ui top attached tabs menu rdm-tab-menu"> <a role="tab" aria-selected="True" aria-controls="identifiers-tab-panel" data-tab="identifiers" tabindex="0" class="active item" id="identifiers-tab" > Identifiers </a> <a role="tab" aria-selected="False" aria-controls="related-works-tab-panel" data-tab="related-works" tabindex="0" class=" item" id="related-works-tab" > Related works </a> <a role="tab" aria-selected="False" aria-controls="funding-tab-panel" data-tab="funding" tabindex="0" class=" item" id="funding-tab" > Funding </a> <a role="tab" aria-selected="False" aria-controls="dates-tab-panel" data-tab="dates" tabindex="0" class=" item" id="dates-tab" > Dates </a> </div> <div role="tabpanel" class="ui bottom attached active tab segment" data-tab="identifiers" aria-labelledby="identifiers-tab" id="identifiers-tab-panel" hidden="False" > <dl class="details-list"> <dt class="ui tiny header">CALTECHDATA_ID</dt> <dd> 274 </dd> </dl> </div> <div role="tabpanel" class="ui bottom attached tab segment" data-tab="related-works" aria-labelledby="related-works-tab" id="related-works-tab-panel" hidden="True" > <dl class="details-list"> <dt class="ui tiny header">Is cited by</dt> <dd> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Opens in new tab"> 10.3390/atmos10070354 </a> (DOI) </dd> <dd> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Opens in new tab"> 10.5194/acp-19-7859-2019 </a> (DOI) </dd> <dd> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Opens in new tab"> 10.5194/amt-15-3401-2022 </a> (DOI) </dd> <dd> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Opens in new tab"> 10.1007/s10666-021-09780-8 </a> (DOI) </dd> <dd> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Opens in new tab"> 10.1007/s41651-022-00105-1 </a> (DOI) </dd> <dt class="ui tiny header">Is documented by</dt> <dd> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Opens in new tab"> 10.14291/tccon.ggg2014.documentation.R0/1221662 </a> (DOI) </dd> <dd> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Opens in new tab"> </a> (URL) </dd> <dd> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Opens in new tab"> </a> (URL) </dd> <dt class="ui tiny header">Is new version of</dt> <dd> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Opens in new tab"> 10.14291/tccon.ggg2014.indianapolis01.R0/1149164 </a> (DOI) </dd> <dt class="ui tiny header">Is part of</dt> <dd> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Opens in new tab"> 10.14291/TCCON.GGG2014 </a> (DOI) </dd> <dd> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Opens in new tab"> </a> (URL) </dd> </dl> </div> <div role="tabpanel" class="ui bottom attached tab segment" data-tab="funding" aria-labelledby="funding-tab" id="funding-tab-panel" hidden="True" > <dl class="details-list"> <dt class="ui tiny header">National Aeronautics and Space Administration</dt> </dl> </div> <div role="tabpanel" class="ui bottom attached tab segment" data-tab="dates" aria-labelledby="dates-tab" id="dates-tab-panel" hidden="True" > <dl class="details-list"> <dt class="ui tiny header">Created</dt> <dd> <div>2016-10-27</div> <div class="text-muted"></div> </dd> <dt class="ui tiny header">Collected</dt> <dd> <div>2012-08-23/2012-12-01</div> <div class="text-muted"></div> </dd> </dl> </div> </div> </section> </article> <aside class="sixteen wide tablet five wide computer column sidebar" aria-label="Record details"> <section id="record-versions" aria-label="Record versions" class="ui segment rdm-sidebar"> <h2 class="ui small header">Versions</h2> <div class="versions"> <div id="recordVersions" data-record='{"access": {"embargo": {"active": false, "reason": null}, "files": "public", "record": "public", "status": "open"}, "created": "2022-09-09T15:49:16.211844+00:00", "expanded": {}, "files": {"enabled": true, "order": []}, "id": "afbp4-fy988", "is_draft": false, "is_published": true, "links": {"access_links": "", "doi": "", "draft": "", "files": "", "latest": "", "latest_html": "", "reserve_doi": "", "self": "", "self_doi": "", "self_html": "", "self_iiif_manifest": "", "self_iiif_sequence": "", "versions": ""}, "metadata": {"additional_descriptions": [{"description": "Contact person: Laura T. 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Iraci", "type": "organizational"}, "role": {"id": "contactperson", "title": {"en": "Contact person"}}}, {"person_or_org": {"name": "TCCON", "type": "organizational"}, "role": {"id": "researchgroup", "title": {"en": "Research group"}}}], "creators": [{"affiliations": [{"name": "Atmospheric Science Branch, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA (US)"}], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Iraci", "given_name": "L. T.", "identifiers": [{"identifier": "0000-0002-2859-5259", "scheme": "orcid"}], "name": "Iraci, L. T.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [{"name": "Atmospheric Science Branch, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA (US)"}], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Podolske", "given_name": "J. R.", "name": "Podolske, J. R.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [{"name": "Atmospheric Science Branch, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA (US)"}], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Hillyard", "given_name": "P. W.", "name": "Hillyard, P. W.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [{"name": "California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA (US)"}], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Roehl", "given_name": "C.", "identifiers": [{"identifier": "0000-0001-5383-8462", "scheme": "orcid"}], "name": "Roehl, C.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [{"name": "California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA (US)"}], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Wennberg", "given_name": "P. O.", "identifiers": [{"identifier": "0000-0002-6126-3854", "scheme": "orcid"}], "name": "Wennberg, P. O.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [{"name": "Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA (US)"}], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Blavier", "given_name": "J.-F.", "identifiers": [{"identifier": "0000-0002-1800-9316", "scheme": "orcid"}], "name": "Blavier, J.-F.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [{"name": "Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA (US)"}], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Landeros", "given_name": "J.", "name": "Landeros, J.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [{"name": "Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (US)"}], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Allen", "given_name": "N.", "identifiers": [{"identifier": "0000-0002-7528-8606", "scheme": "orcid"}], "name": "Allen, N.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [{"name": "University of Toronto, ON (CA)"}], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Wunch", "given_name": "D.", "identifiers": [{"identifier": "0000-0002-4924-0377", "scheme": "orcid"}], "name": "Wunch, D.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [{"name": "NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA (US)"}], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Zavaleta", "given_name": "J.", "name": "Zavaleta, J.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [{"name": "NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA (US)"}], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Quigley", "given_name": "E.", "name": "Quigley, E.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [{"name": "Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA (US)"}], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Osterman", "given_name": "G. B.", "name": "Osterman, G. B.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [{"name": "Ivy Tech Community College, Indianapolis, IN (US)"}], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Barrow", "given_name": "E.", "name": "Barrow, E.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [{"name": "Ivy Tech Community College, Indianapolis, IN (US)"}], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Barney", "given_name": "J.", "name": "Barney, J.", "type": "personal"}}], "dates": [{"date": "2016-10-27", "type": {"id": "created", "title": {"de": "Erstellt", "en": "Created"}}}, {"date": "2012-08-23/2012-12-01", "type": {"id": "collected", "title": {"de": "Gesammelt", "en": "Collected"}}}], "description": "The Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) is a network of ground-based Fourier Transform Spectrometers that record direct solar absorption spectra of the atmosphere in the near-infrared. From these spectra, accurate and precise column-averaged abundances of atmospheric constituents including CO2, CH4, N2O, HF, CO, H2O, and HDO, are retrieved. This data set contains observations from the TCCON station at Indianapolis, U.S.A..", "formats": ["application/x-netcdf"], "funding": [{"funder": {"id": "027ka1x80", "name": "National Aeronautics and Space Administration"}}], "identifiers": [{"identifier": "274", "scheme": "cdid"}], "languages": [{"id": "eng", "title": {"en": "English"}}], "publication_date": "2016-10-27", "publisher": "CaltechDATA", "related_identifiers": [{"identifier": "10.14291/tccon.ggg2014.documentation.R0/1221662", "relation_type": {"id": "isdocumentedby", "title": {"de": "Wird dokumentiert von", "en": "Is documented by"}}, "scheme": "doi"}, {"identifier": "10.14291/tccon.ggg2014.indianapolis01.R0/1149164", "relation_type": {"id": "isnewversionof", "title": {"de": "Ist eine neue Version von", "en": "Is new version of"}}, "scheme": "doi"}, {"identifier": "", "relation_type": {"id": "isdocumentedby", "title": {"de": "Wird dokumentiert von", "en": "Is documented by"}}, "scheme": "url"}, {"identifier": "", "relation_type": {"id": "isdocumentedby", "title": {"de": "Wird dokumentiert von", "en": "Is documented by"}}, "scheme": "url"}, {"identifier": "10.14291/TCCON.GGG2014", "relation_type": {"id": "ispartof", "title": {"de": "Ist Teil von", "en": "Is part of"}}, "scheme": "doi"}, {"identifier": "", "relation_type": {"id": "ispartof", "title": {"de": "Ist Teil von", "en": "Is part of"}}, "scheme": "url"}, {"identifier": "10.3390/atmos10070354", "relation_type": {"id": "iscitedby", "title": {"de": "Wird zitiert von", "en": "Is cited by"}}, "scheme": "doi"}, {"identifier": "10.5194/acp-19-7859-2019", "relation_type": {"id": "iscitedby", "title": {"de": "Wird zitiert von", "en": "Is cited by"}}, "scheme": "doi"}, {"identifier": "10.5194/amt-15-3401-2022", "relation_type": {"id": "iscitedby", "title": {"de": "Wird zitiert von", "en": "Is cited by"}}, "scheme": "doi"}, {"identifier": "10.1007/s10666-021-09780-8", "relation_type": {"id": "iscitedby", "title": {"de": "Wird zitiert von", "en": "Is cited by"}}, "scheme": "doi"}, {"identifier": "10.1007/s41651-022-00105-1", "relation_type": {"id": "iscitedby", "title": {"de": "Wird zitiert von", "en": "Is cited by"}}, "scheme": "doi"}], "resource_type": {"id": "dataset", "title": {"en": "Dataset"}}, "rights": [{"title": {"en": "TCCON Data Use Policy"}}], "subjects": [{"subject": "atmospheric trace gases"}, {"subject": "CO2"}, {"subject": "CH4"}, {"subject": "CO"}, {"subject": "N2O"}, {"subject": "column-averaged dry-air mole fractions"}, {"subject": "remote sensing"}, {"subject": "FTIR spectroscopy"}, {"subject": "TCCON"}], "title": "TCCON data from Indianapolis (US), Release GGG2014.R1", "version": "GGG2014.R1"}, "parent": {"communities": {}, "id": "x60rz-16k35"}, "pids": {"doi": {"identifier": "10.14291/tccon.ggg2014.indianapolis01.R1/1330094", "provider": "external"}, "oai": {"identifier": "", "provider": "oai"}}, "revision_id": 7, "status": "published", "ui": {"access_status": {"description_l10n": "The record and files are publicly accessible.", "embargo_date_l10n": null, "icon": "unlock", "id": "open", "message_class": "", "title_l10n": "Open"}, "additional_descriptions": [{"description": "Contact person: Laura T. Iraci", "type": {"id": "other", "title_l10n": "Other"}}], "contributors": {"affiliations": [[1, "California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA (US)", null]], "contributors": [{"person_or_org": {"family_name": "California Institute of Techonolgy", "given_name": "Pasadena", "identifiers": [{"identifier": "05dxps055", "scheme": "ror"}], "name": "California Institute of Techonolgy, Pasadena", "type": "personal"}, "role": {"id": "hostinginstitution", "title": "Hosting institution"}}, {"affiliations": [[1, "California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA (US)"]], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Roehl", "given_name": "C. M.", "identifiers": [{"identifier": "0000-0001-5383-8462", "scheme": "orcid"}], "name": "Roehl, C. M.", "type": "personal"}, "role": {"id": "datacurator", "title": "Data curator"}}, {"person_or_org": {"name": "Laura T. Iraci", "type": "organizational"}, "role": {"id": "contactperson", "title": "Contact person"}}, {"person_or_org": {"name": "TCCON", "type": "organizational"}, "role": {"id": "researchgroup", "title": "Research group"}}]}, "created_date_l10n_long": "September 9, 2022", "creators": {"affiliations": [[1, "Atmospheric Science Branch, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA (US)", null], [2, "California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA (US)", null], [3, "Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA (US)", null], [4, "Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (US)", null], [5, "University of Toronto, ON (CA)", null], [6, "NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA (US)", null], [7, "Ivy Tech Community College, Indianapolis, IN (US)", null]], "creators": [{"affiliations": [[1, "Atmospheric Science Branch, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA (US)"]], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Iraci", "given_name": "L. T.", "identifiers": [{"identifier": "0000-0002-2859-5259", "scheme": "orcid"}], "name": "Iraci, L. T.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [[1, "Atmospheric Science Branch, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA (US)"]], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Podolske", "given_name": "J. R.", "name": "Podolske, J. R.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [[1, "Atmospheric Science Branch, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA (US)"]], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Hillyard", "given_name": "P. W.", "name": "Hillyard, P. W.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [[2, "California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA (US)"]], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Roehl", "given_name": "C.", "identifiers": [{"identifier": "0000-0001-5383-8462", "scheme": "orcid"}], "name": "Roehl, C.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [[2, "California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA (US)"]], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Wennberg", "given_name": "P. O.", "identifiers": [{"identifier": "0000-0002-6126-3854", "scheme": "orcid"}], "name": "Wennberg, P. O.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [[3, "Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA (US)"]], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Blavier", "given_name": "J.-F.", "identifiers": [{"identifier": "0000-0002-1800-9316", "scheme": "orcid"}], "name": "Blavier, J.-F.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [[3, "Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA (US)"]], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Landeros", "given_name": "J.", "name": "Landeros, J.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [[4, "Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (US)"]], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Allen", "given_name": "N.", "identifiers": [{"identifier": "0000-0002-7528-8606", "scheme": "orcid"}], "name": "Allen, N.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [[5, "University of Toronto, ON (CA)"]], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Wunch", "given_name": "D.", "identifiers": [{"identifier": "0000-0002-4924-0377", "scheme": "orcid"}], "name": "Wunch, D.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [[6, "NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA (US)"]], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Zavaleta", "given_name": "J.", "name": "Zavaleta, J.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [[6, "NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA (US)"]], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Quigley", "given_name": "E.", "name": "Quigley, E.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [[3, "Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA (US)"]], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Osterman", "given_name": "G. B.", "name": "Osterman, G. B.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [[7, "Ivy Tech Community College, Indianapolis, IN (US)"]], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Barrow", "given_name": "E.", "name": "Barrow, E.", "type": "personal"}}, {"affiliations": [[7, "Ivy Tech Community College, Indianapolis, IN (US)"]], "person_or_org": {"family_name": "Barney", "given_name": "J.", "name": "Barney, J.", "type": "personal"}}]}, "dates": [{"date": "2016-10-27", "type": {"id": "created", "title_l10n": "Created"}}, {"date": "2012-08-23/2012-12-01", "type": {"id": "collected", "title_l10n": "Collected"}}], "description_stripped": "The Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) is a network of ground-based Fourier Transform Spectrometers that record direct solar absorption spectra of the atmosphere in the near-infrared. From these spectra, accurate and precise column-averaged abundances of atmospheric constituents including CO2, CH4, N2O, HF, CO, H2O, and HDO, are retrieved. This data set contains observations from the TCCON station at Indianapolis, U.S.A..", "funding": [{"funder": {"id": "027ka1x80", "name": "National Aeronautics and Space Administration"}}], "is_draft": false, "languages": [{"id": "eng", "title_l10n": "English"}], "publication_date_l10n_long": "October 27, 2016", "publication_date_l10n_medium": "Oct 27, 2016", "related_identifiers": [{"identifier": "10.14291/tccon.ggg2014.documentation.R0/1221662", "relation_type": {"id": "isdocumentedby", "title_l10n": "Is documented by"}, "scheme": "doi"}, {"identifier": "10.14291/tccon.ggg2014.indianapolis01.R0/1149164", "relation_type": {"id": "isnewversionof", "title_l10n": "Is new version of"}, "scheme": "doi"}, {"identifier": "", "relation_type": {"id": "isdocumentedby", "title_l10n": "Is documented by"}, "scheme": "url"}, {"identifier": "", "relation_type": {"id": "isdocumentedby", "title_l10n": "Is documented by"}, "scheme": "url"}, {"identifier": "10.14291/TCCON.GGG2014", "relation_type": {"id": "ispartof", "title_l10n": "Is part of"}, "scheme": "doi"}, {"identifier": "", "relation_type": {"id": "ispartof", "title_l10n": "Is part of"}, "scheme": "url"}, {"identifier": "10.3390/atmos10070354", "relation_type": {"id": "iscitedby", "title_l10n": "Is cited by"}, "scheme": "doi"}, {"identifier": "10.5194/acp-19-7859-2019", "relation_type": {"id": "iscitedby", "title_l10n": "Is cited by"}, "scheme": "doi"}, {"identifier": "10.5194/amt-15-3401-2022", "relation_type": {"id": "iscitedby", "title_l10n": "Is cited by"}, "scheme": "doi"}, {"identifier": "10.1007/s10666-021-09780-8", "relation_type": {"id": "iscitedby", "title_l10n": "Is cited by"}, "scheme": "doi"}, {"identifier": "10.1007/s41651-022-00105-1", "relation_type": {"id": "iscitedby", "title_l10n": "Is cited by"}, "scheme": "doi"}], "resource_type": {"id": "dataset", "title_l10n": "Dataset"}, "rights": [{"title_l10n": "TCCON Data Use Policy"}], "updated_date_l10n_long": "October 12, 2023", "version": "GGG2014.R1"}, "updated": "2023-10-12T19:29:41.352147+00:00", "versions": {"index": 1, "is_latest": true}}' data-preview='false'></div> </div> </section> <section id="keywords-and-subjects" aria-label="Keywords and subjects" class="ui segment rdm-sidebar"> <h2 class="ui small header">Keywords and subjects</h2> <h3 class="hidden">Keywords</h3> <ul class="ui horizontal list no-bullets subjects"> <li class="item"> <a href='/search?q=metadata.subjects.subject:"atmospheric trace gases"' class="subject" title="Search results for atmospheric trace gases" > atmospheric trace gases </a> </li> <li class="item"> <a href='/search?q=metadata.subjects.subject:"CO2"' class="subject" title="Search results for CO2" > CO2 </a> </li> <li class="item"> <a href='/search?q=metadata.subjects.subject:"CH4"' class="subject" title="Search results for CH4" > CH4 </a> </li> <li class="item"> <a href='/search?q=metadata.subjects.subject:"CO"' class="subject" title="Search results for CO" > CO </a> </li> <li class="item"> <a 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